HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-5-22, Page 8:PAGES i-'x4111.nt21
We Announce
The Following Staples •
FlanneletteFlannel, dMon Flannel, Gahy betaine, Gingham, Nurses Cloth, Print, Silkoline,
Towels,Toweling Cotton, bleached and and unbleached,
l Sheena, g, Cambric,bFlannelette Blank.
Bath Toweling; Pillow Cotton, Duck, Deman, Mil end ni .Table Linen,
ets, Batting. ends of Colored Marquisette, chintz and Factory Cotton. vini1:'g i"dFt.! Am.,F
them et any time here you pay the lowest 'Market price and our sale prices are less
than the wholesale tot mill prices, ..,-"
We urge you to come and i'7 Veitigate the above mentioned facts. Space w111 permit us
only to mention the matchless valueshe tore from greater
ny dart of the story: remains to be
told. It will pay you to make a trip to this
Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the best bargains will be gone to the
early buyers, for this will not be the case. With stocks as big as ours it would require a lothe
t of
selling to reduce them much, in fact it would take our
senexttatsalespeople long
one this sell out Te
before mentioned goods. We do not intend to pect is to give
do so would
each stomerntlhee best increase m chandisethe cost ofat tthehe lowest price.mThe publ`icoods to te pchasing clan helpo s3 greatly (and
incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morning.
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Meets To -Day
The Women's Institute meets at
the Rome of Mrs. Jas, Flynn to -day
(Thursday) at 3 o'clock.
Brighten up
for String
Moving received my dis-
charge from the C. E. F. I
ani now prepared to take
orders on work for paper-
hanging and painting, etc.
We have the latest sample
books of wall papers at var-
ious prices to suit any house.
Call or Phone No. 54
J.E4+CO eK
Clinton . Ontario
A Wise Machine
Linotypes are peculiar contrivanc-
es and have done many peculiar
things, says the Owen Sound Sane
Times. A week ago it made
statement that "Mrs. sang
"Love's 'Coronation" during the "sign-
ing of the Armistice," instead of
"signing the registrar," in an ac-
count of a recent wedding in which
Owen Sounders were particularly may
terested , While the linotyp
not have been right in fact, there are
many who believe that it was not far
wrong in practice. The proof tea
t toth
Custom TrnisFurnishing
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library
1i:111:111111 111 d1111
101011118=2 0210111811
1111 111 I
111 111
11 I Mil 111 110 01
Thursday, May 22nd, 1919,.
Local N ew
�. ;,r * * 9$0.90099000011009000000'000 610
Over the Teacups
The Liberals of Clinton Wit
meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Council Chamber to select dele-
gates to attend the annual meet-
ing of Centre Imran at Seaforth
next Tuesday. Tell your neigh-
bor about the sleeting,
' ar *. * .s * * ci
iMiss 'Marga spent
IFriday with friends in Seaforth,
Mrs' She�jey, iI v_Isit n b. daughter
Minor Loeata ' i' lt{R 11: MissRChv. riot a Diehl, Paiat sley, iY s ' a
Saturday will be Empire Uay.
June brides will soon be here, visitor with Mrs. Mc arvvstlas` Friday.
rid ma
Ju 24th. Capt, M, D, M gg
Get out your flags for the from London for over the week end,.
Big Ford Came Mr, C. D.Bolick and MISS Ione
A big truck load of Goderich people were visitors in London on Saturday,
were here to the Hanley -Fisher meet- Dr, Hunter and Dr, Makin!, of Gode-
ing on Tuesday night. rich, were in town Monday morning.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Morrison and daugh
Attending District Meeting. ter were visitors at Hensall last Friday.
Revs, A. E. Jones, J. A. Agnew and Mrs, D. S. Cluff is visiting with her
Mr. Snowden and Messrs. R. E Manning daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) McBride at Wel-
and J. R. Miller are attending the Gode land.
rich District meeting at Blyth today. moMiss nth wiargaret h t. Holmes
ack is spending
There was also a session on Wednesday. Toronto.
Entertained Returned Men. Dr. Field, School Inspector for East
The Young .Ladies of the Clinton Huron, was in town on Tuesday with
Knitting 'Co„ entertained the Soldiers Hon, Dr. Cody.
on Thursday evening to an excellent Crown Attorney Seager, of Goderich,
supper which was followed by speeches was in town. on the Jenkins -Mason
and songs. A very pleasant evening , case fCapt. ns Blyth, of London, England,
was spent. is visiting his nephew, Mr. William
Coming to Princess Theatre. + Walker, Hight street.
. Manager Manning of the Princess Miss Tighe, of Clinton spent a few
Theatre has booked the following bill i days with
pf, her
Dublint, Mrs. George
ins: are
May 27 and 1-Hea Garden of Humanity,
' Fitzsi tonssisrseriouslybill, but hop
June 20 and Unpardonable Sin, coining s of nlater. ; he will soon be out again.
The Dr. J. C. Gaudier expects to visit
the Mayo Hospital at Rochester, Minn.,
on his holiday trip next week.
Gibbing! were in Goderich on Monday
night to hear Hon. Dr. Cody.
Miss Mary K. Carbert, of Clinton
spent a few days last week with her
Mrs, 11, B. Chant was a visitor at
Goderich on Monday,
Mr. C. F, Libby made a business trip
to Toronto this week,
Barrister yanstone, of Wingham, was
in town on Wednesday,. nt last
ret Cartel 1
Played H Part Wel[ 1
nye Her •
Bri blend Up The daily press last week in report-
ing the evening at the Toronto
E. E. sinned and varnishede up. has vstory of Expression, stated that Miss
been repainted and up. Helene Middleton, daughter of Mr. and
Putting Ina New Floor Mrs. Chas. Middleton, Huron Road,
played the part of Martha in the garden
Mr. J, H, Paxman is putting in a new scene of "Faust" well, We are glad to aunt, tMrs. J,et McGuire 51 left for Strat-
ford on Friday for a visit, If she can
W Bill' h T own with the city students,
Were Billing the
Mayor A. T, Cooper and Mr. B. J.
own get a situation she intends to stay.
Mr. McLean, advertising manager of
Messrs. were Watson and J. Somers
of Blyth, in town on Monday hir! A. R. Smith, of Toronto, is vis- the White Star Line, "Greyhound" gave
morning billing the town for the June iting Mr. R. Rowland High Street. The
nacallAndrews n Wednesday.
3rd celebration in Blyth. Mri Higgins, of Seaforth, has moved Saturday to meet her brother, Pte.
Year 1920 to Clinton to reside. Cliff Andrews who returned from over
der Next Leap
The last time there was a lapse of
caught the error before it go e eight years without a leap year was DROPS DEAD ON STREET t is week to join up with the Princess Pat:,
follows: It s every fourth Year, which Mr. J. R. Sundercock, of Mullett, and home our 'gain
There is an Opportunity
Coming Your Way,
If you are interested in Wall Decoration, it's to see our
splendid line of Wall Paper -A stock that will produce .an.
appearance of dignity, comfort and pleasure in your ho
Nothing adds more to its general air of attractiveness and
Food cheer than tastefully furnished walls.
Our stock corn.'
prises the practical as well as the decorative features.
The W. D. Fair eta.
Often the cheapest-2Iways the Best
Mr.Finierson Libby who left last
will be 1920. The leap year
from 1$96 M 1904. The leap year was unable to pass the Medical Board
rule is as
leaps over a day more than a common dropped dead on the Main street, in
I Sundercock had not
- No Excursion to 0. A. C. sometime and been in itir. Brydone's i
There will be no excursions this year cities and later at fi. Wiltse's store, i 1,td ii1tL of carr real tests lod:ty is the
Bed Cough for Weeks. to the O. C. p t
I and was about to get into his buggy d,,t,lnpnrent nt Cdue t
J 'd Heart failure tins Ldu..a up
year, a day being added to February,
front of W. Brydoue's law office on
except )'ears divisible by 400 are leap Saturday morning about 11:3o. Mr. ,� it A�'i• it
years. o been well for ,�. J ri d
A except a few by motor. a ion.
Dr. Creelntan, lrotvever, lite)oks forward • it s r. . i tion is linked with the war
to the resumpitnn i,f tyearly far- when ha cotlapst e-
- f her de,t11 d teh tt we have learned from the
r mgrs' outings to the college, which t e declared fir, Cady. We have
h immediate rause o
itis wife had passed away only the learned from the tear what great wrong
The cold starts with n little running of I were once very successful.. As soon h war,"
u special rates can be secured from , . , u er
and ignoble
the nose, the bead becomes stuffed p, as .iecr 1
but little attention is paid to it, thinking the railways, he says, the Summer ex- week
tin hof riwo sousIle
:uul survived
daughters cidenibein c �ducatici npr p g
..,-- ----- ••---- --- ^^^^^ - 1 perha sit will o awa y in a da or two.l cursions will start again. >'
p g } Y Mrs. Wm. Hughes, Dauphin, M:ur., Mrs. I "Before the tear we believed for-
a ° You neglect it, and then it gets down I Emminent Coiffure Specialist Coming Wnn. Weymouth, Walkervillei; WlilS"n ' ;nation was better than refornration-
�II���jJ roto the throat and from there m the ` Doreawend's of Toronto, the sari- Sundercock, Walton and Charles at the believed that preventfnn was better
Will � IkB l t3 �� i lungs, and it is a case of cough, cough, trent hair -Specialists twill be at The home lie h is been an active member the❑ cure. Tn-day the lay aur stress
The large Coal 'Companies have al- 1
ways made a reduction of 50c a ton on 1
the 1st of April, but this year have with
-•drawn this practice and there will be
-no reduction to the retail dealers.
As incentive to the public to put
'their coal in early we have decided to
reduce our price that 50c a ton for'
sometime and for all coal we can get
in in the early spring, this reduction
will prevail. •
All who can take their coal early,
kindly give us your name and we.wili
fill order in rotation.
TERMS - Strictly Cash.
morning, noon and night.
However slight a cold you have you
should never neglect it. In all possi-
bility, if you. do not treat it in time, it
will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia,
or some other serious throat ,or lung
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is a
universal remedy for those who suffer
froth any bronchial trouble. It stimu-
lates the: weakened' bronchial• organs,
soothes and heals the irritated parts,
loosens the phlegm and mucous and aids
nature to clear away the morbid accumu-
Mrs. Wm. Kaye, Talmage, Seek.,
writes: - -"Last wfnter'Y'took a se+iere
cold which settled on'my chest. I had
abed cough for weer. "1 got some medi-
cine from our doctor but it did me n*
At last a friend advised me to tr
Ii Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wine
that my cold was trotter. I, have.. rr-•
I did, and after usin. one bottle f found
aommen3ed it to my neighbors, and they
say they would not be without it."
Dr. Wool's Norway Pine Soap is far
iiia Yy all dealers ruse sad 1115.
A. J. it olloiway'•
Hotel Normandie, on Tuesday, June
3rd, with a grand display of the latest
creations in hair -goods including ladies'
transformations, switches, pompadors,
waves,' etc. and toupees and wigs for
men' who are bald, A11 those afflict-
ed ,with loss of hair are invited to
this display' when a free demonstration
will be given.
No Parcels For Winnipeg ,
No second, third, or fourth class
mail, that is newspapers and parcels,
for Winnlpeg or points west of that
city will be accepted by.any , post
offices until the cessation of the. great
strike int)'Winnipeg. instruction,s to,
this effect were received at::the local
post offce'from the postmaster -general.
Owing to the congested conditions at
the railway stations:in, • the western
cities, this Order' was necessary
Detroit Excursion
The White Star Line will, run their:
annual 'excursion frons Vodericbt�tpss
uad bq T �1 •Detrgit and return' on Thursday Jame
ed forWgt'd
1 li 4th, This outing, %s .•lobi
PHONE 3w Qe" idit, Toronto, to each year by many in this neighbor-
hood and this year promises to be
more popular than ever. ' A mbon-
Shoes of
Selected .Leather !
But few People when buying shoes ever give the leather's
of which the shoes are•n1•ade, any consideration.
Leathers of the same name are not always alike by .any
planner of means!
There are good leathers and poor leathers known by the
same name!
On the grade of the leather used depends largely the life
and the satisfaction you get out of you' shoes!
Our shoes are made from the best of stock -not seconds.
The leathers are selected with the greatest care by men
of great experience! That't what makes-
1Vien's Shoes $6.00, $6.50, 17.50 up to $10,00
', Shoes 4!.00 6.00 7.50 up to $10.00
Women's $ , $ s
'' D. Hie '., SON
light excursion will also jteld'' 1Thi
of the Constance Methodist church, of emphasis on the child rather than
The funeral was held on Tuesday atter- f on the adult."
Tracing the development of cont -
I I� f'
.'Lake Huron;.o4r, the' event •of J4he.
16th. •See Ful, particulars int their a t-,,
houncement on -smother page
No More Cut -Out`'
A, law recently passed by, the
Outario Legislature compels the re-
moval of all tut -outs front autos' and
that all motor cyclists must muffle
their machines so that the people
will 'no, longer be tormented by the
unearthly noises. that have made life
miserable for many. All motorists
are warned accordingly to take the
necessary steps to comply with the
law, failing which or the discovery
that cut-outs are being used on autos
or cycles, those who do 5o can expect
to make their bow before the magis-
Bunkers Are Helping
in connection with the School Fairs
to he held in Clinton in September the
Canadian Bankers Assncialtion is offer-
ing the following prizes:-
Calf; Pure Bred or Grade
1st prize
and prize
3rd prize
4111 prize
5th prize
Two Pigs; Pure Bred
1st prize
$ 5.00
or Grade
$ 5.00
pulsory adolescent educations eg s-
' British isles, the United
e e rA o owe m ®. ro sl ri States and Canada, the Minister of
w IU Education declared that ail over the
• ' WITH' T&ra Cl3URCftPS, world there is a renewed interest in
' educational problems. Since the war
0 ▪ o r -a w e si al w m a ®4 0. o e+ a. tr ' began Ontario's interest in education is
• Willis Church on the increase.
Rev. 12. Ross, of Auburn, took charge
He dealt with the changes made {n
of the service to the evening. Rev. the Ontario Education Acts during the
Hogg taking •charge in liensall. Rev. recent session of the legislature and
McConnell of that church being sick, others that would be made.
• We have learned what a nation can
St. Paul's Church do in development of industry and conn -
Next Sunday will be Empire Sun- merce by the application b service.
nay: Germany.. applied ,science to industry
:Services will .commence at i 1 a. m. and increased in wealth enormously.
and, 7 'p m We may learn the value of industrial
The•Pastor,• Rev., S. E. McKegney'science and education.
wit( take 4.0•14" -fits evening•subiject "The In the amidst of the war the imrferial
Bri i h, Rml t' 5?. Parliament voted large sums for educe-
,. a ,(turps' }lural Deanery Will meet tion as it was realized how important
in y{ 'i?pul'S 'Church' on .Tune 10th, a part• education milli play in•the re-
Tlibsetdkiii :. part will include Dr.
Tuckey, Rev, Mr. Lowe And Rev. W. J.
Baptist Church
The tIibv,,lning servjce ,beginning at
xi a. ni;et•he ,Pastor ,will„`take for his
,Subjecti:�"The Congaeeror'sr.: Reward"
,Text -Revelation
t •,.rhe evening service at •7 P. In,
Opening with • shor't'• song service,
•SSfij'ect:-"The Light 'of Life" Text
Psalm 36:-9. plans ail important part.
The Pastor will preach at both ser;,.; "What is needed is to elaborate and
Turner's Church
All services will be withdrawn at
Turner's Church and persons are ask-
ed to cone to Clinton to services.
®0� IStion in the CI
construction period.
' 'At first reconstruction meant gent,
intg everybody back into his old niche
but time drew us together in the bonds
of common sacrifice and common suf-
fering and nations were bound more
In the bonds of brotherhood and the
reconstruction took on a nobler sense
and it means now the bringing of •t
better world, a' nobler era, in which
those who have not had a chance be-
fore will get it and In this, education
Saskatchewan is having a "Go To
Sunday -School Day" on Sunday, May
25th„ by proclamation of his honour,
the Lieuenant Governor of the prow
ince. if the far reaching importance
of Sunday School work were fully
appreciated every province would
give official recognition to its effort.
While In the service of the Evan-
geliset and Social Service department
of the Methodist church as field sec -
rotary, Rev. W. E, MIIISs n, of Listowel
will make his (tome In London,
Thursday Temperance leaders front
all parts of the world will assemble in
Toronto when the World's Prohibition
Conference will hold. its formal sessions
in Massey Hall, About 150 delegates,
representing 5o nations are expected
to be in attendance. The purpose of
the League is to form a world league
against the liquor traffic and take steps 1 Zeit for the Agricultural department as
3rd rize,.4 to make every nation dry. rRev. W. E. Millson, of Listowel, is this should be air important subject in
4th prize 2.00 p
p ze " " T " 3,00 resident of the London Conference Ile Community.
5th, prize 0000 , 1.00 Suntnter School, which convenes this A hearty vote of thanks was passed ` to Dr. Cody by Mr. W. Brydone.
Open to ehildreri under r7 years of year. at Alma college, St. Thomas, The The, odyonal r. Wein done,the
age. Further information ma be dates are July 7th, to :411. A Splen•; gaTh ,ng to a close eo brought the the
obtained frons the Managers of the did missionary ltrogrlln has been pre
local banks,
A Tested Lens ---
An Accurate Shutter
Simple Operation ---
Good Pictures ---
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
--We do developing and printing and guarantee good results --4
Despensing Chemist
�� The Features of Our,
F7 reit
To which we invite special attention.
are its beauty, its assured comfort, ite,
solid construction, andits t•elow the
usuwl prices. Any one of these points
would he sufficient to ecru it your
preference. When they are all com-
bined the feel sure you will reol.ze,
that this is a furniture buying opp',nt,
tunity you cannot afford to ignore
Undertaker and Illuicraal Director. Phone '.'-R-.
'Right and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
t'11 MI+ EARLY To Clinton on Saturday May 2 -nth. Something doing
A, llllti EARLY morning afternoon and evening, Our store will be open
for your convenience at certain hours stated below.
extend our secondary schools and in
vocational training fit boys and girls
as efficient workers in the whole body
economic. There should be industrial
and commercial branches hi pubhl Anil
high schools.
There should be practical training
pertaining to the work they have in
the factory. There could be part time
in school and part in the factory and
the theoretical and practical can be
linked up.
There nay be consolidated sclydrnls
with the community hall and possibly
the library in connection. '
The consolidated school is not be-
ing forced but is optional, it may
salve snare of the trouble. We do not
think it is the only plan or that it is
not without difficulties.
The Legislature, has made a grant
to the Department and this will be us-
ed in grants for teachers salaries in
rural sections provided the section
does the right thing. This is not all
worked out yet,
Dr. Cody advised that when Clinton
built it school or schools that room be
, pared. ( to catch the train for Toronto.
3 -bars laundry soap 25c
16 " ., ,. $1.00
3 bars Gold, P. & G.
or Comfort for 25c
13 bars for $1.00
Mixed Pickles
Bulk 35c per qt.
Catsups per bottle
ISc, 25c, 30c.
Brunswick.. 3 for
Holbrook .. 1 " 25c i Fruit -Bananas, Oranges
Jutland ....2 " 25c parcels with us. Pineapples, Lettuce, etc..
Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 5-7241
Saturday, May 24th .
Being a public . holiday
and as there will be a
Big Celebration under
auspices of Great War
Veterans we will open
until 1 p. m., Saturday
morning and will re-
open at 5 p. in, for
convenience cf farmers
or others leaving their
1 lb. tapocia .. , , $ .15
2 Ib, rice .25
2 cams pumpkin , . .z5
2 pkgs. seeded rais-
ins 2
t lb.Special Blend T .6
1 lb. Japan Green T ,5a.
1 Ib. Peanut butter ,25
1 Ib. Mince meat.25'
2 pkgs. Jelly Pow-
der .25
1 can tomatoes .20'
1 can Corn .22
✓ i
For Plumbing,
Metal' Work
T. Hawkins
`'hone 53
Agent for HECLA Furnaces
Shop- over lilowland's Hardware g tit t
Piping And (Fittings Always On Eo E. t'1u f ifoo ,
Canada Food Control License 5-3123.
...0 , PHHONH', 4,5
The Corner Grocery
Just received irk...! or car 01 Sugar
which will sell at a special price by the
Hundred. Call and get your supply for;
the Summer.
Saturday, May 24th, being •al public
holiday, there will be a big Celebration
in Clinton. We would ask . the Town
People to get their orders in on Friday
as we will not do any delivering on Sat.
urday. We will be open on Satvfi,etag
morning until 1 ,p.m. and Then in the
evening at 5 p.rn, for the convenience
of the farmers who may leave their
parcels with us.
lin FE
l'1te Undersigned is t ow, e tte'itfg
the coal business and asks for 't share
of the public business,
All orders may be left, for the pre-
sent at my residence on Huron St.
Terms ---Strictly Cash -Phone 155.
Trains Going North
1,11 a, m, 6.40 p. nt,
Trains Going South
8.30 a, in. 4, t 5 p. m,
Trains Going East
6.18 5.I». 2.52 p. m.
Trains Going West
a, 1n. 5,45 p. 1n.
A : o A 11.10