HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-5-1, Page 5"1'lnursdityy, May 1St, 4949 1841 ROGER CROS. SiluE11WHE Gln MONY Dig RdE11 PATiMO A full stock of the above pat- terus just received in Knives, Forks, Spoons, Cold Bleat 'Forks, Berry Spoons, and fancy pieces. Also a number of Tea setts in the newest patterns, All the above goods are fully guaranteed, and all Made in Canada, 13UY THE BEST SILVERWARE 1847 ROGERS BROS, A good stock always on hand. BUY AT HOME Prices as lose els any mail order ]louse. to Nl c ilELLVAR JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses CLINTON OLD BUY nimble, Hydrogen is extremely so. Helium can .be heated, and its bouy- aucy so increased, Makes Air Travel Safe For aircraft purposes ,its suit- ability is, evident. Instead of the •enormous bag of dangerous, ex- plosive gas from which are suspend - ,••ed cars, and, which is liable to ex- plode at too much pressure, or in case of engine:trouble, or from an enemy bullet the helium -filled air- ship can he handled with freedom. The engines, instead of being sus- pended from 'the envelope, can be in- side the envelope, Shafts and other parts of machinery can pass through the -gas-filled envelope, where here- tofore the engine constituted a danger no matter how far it was sus- pended: There's no fear of combus- tion with helium from friction or 'pressure. it does not escape through the fabric of the envelope by diffusion as hydrogen does, Bullets can do it no harm. The hole can be patched before an ap- ` preciable amount of gas has escaped. The gas can be electrically heated `in a few minutes and the airship thus can rise or descend with the utmost 1995-1916.,of the Royal Canadian in. stitute, was called to England and wits invited by' the 13ottrd of Liven - tion :old Reserch "to determine the hellion content of the supplies of natural gas within the Empire, to carry mit .8 serles of expetlnwnts on a senll•co;Untercirtl Scale wit 11 the helium uspplles. available, and also out al ecl n l tt tet ' 1 ,to 4vari, c t. 1 l l l c 1 ails •, i t contieclioj With the lart e-scalePro- duction of helium And the Targe -scale purification of, swill' supplies' es might be •delivered of beeome contaminated: with air in service," In short, to do everything but ,dis- cover helium, Large Supplies in Canada, 'Professor McLennan set to work in 1955 at this great task, securing a stair of thirty other Canadian scfeutists to help trim; including Professors J0011 Satterly, E. F. Burton, A, F, Dawes, Capt. McTaggart and Mr, John Patter- son; 1n the course of his investigations, he found .that large supplies of thelium were available in Caanda, which could be produced, not at 86,000 per cubic foot, but about twenty cents per cubic' foot! This brought the precious discov- ery within the realm of practical things. In the summer of 1917, when the United States, decided to enter the war, 511 71 the above undertakings were wholly established and untier- way, the British authorities propos- ed that the United States Navy and Army and National Research Council should' co-operate in the production of helium supplies of which were plentiful in America. Professor Mc- Lenrhan'S discoveries were given to the United States to go on with, This punctures the voluminous re- ports and claims that have so fre- quentnly been made that helium is an American discovery, it was discov- ered by a British scientist and brought into , practical form by a •1Canadiatl SCientisti As Professor Mclennan is still in England concluding iris war services with the Admiralty, a personal malt • erso r 1 ac- count of the romance of this great work of his is not available. But it is stated on excellent authority that the British Government is about to bestow high honors upon this scien- tist who has rendered such valuable service. The facts as presented, however, should be sufficient to arouse at last in Toronto the pride she should feel in her achievemetns in the realm of science and intellect, which equal her valor in arms, and which combine with that virtue to elevate this young and striving city to a dignity she does not yet appreciate. Close to the Un- iversity, and modestly )roused at 1 98 College street, is the Royal Canadian institue, founded in 1849, which shares largely in this fast triumph for Caaadian research. Professor Mc- Lennan was president of the Institute in 1956-19i7, and of the staff of sci- entists who aided trim in his war work, Dr, Dawes, Mr. Patterson and Profes- sor Satterly are members. I1 addi- ease }ion to this distinguished record , the • Institute has brought to Toronto Had the Germans been able to use during the war all the greatest stn- - 'helium in Zeppelins, as Mr. Clark dents of science in America to lett- - points out, the nlenance would have ore on every subject from sociology been exceedingly greater, as the d'e.. to anatomy. With such a period , of sfelces ggainst Zeppelins depended vital service, the Royal Canadian In - upon the fact that the gas used in stitute embarks upon a new err of them was inflammable and explosive. success to take a larger place in Can - in short, 11e1iun1 'renders air cavi- ado's and especially Toronto's life. :ion, Instead of a desperretely clan- Can See Through Fog . ons and `fickle undertaking, an en- Mr, J. Murray Clark, M. A., L. L, D., Can- 1 safe and tractable hatter, K. C. the well-known Toron,to barris- The great British airship, R. 33, ter, is now president of the Institute, .Bch proposes to cross the Atlantic, and has been successful in securing '.`filled with helium,many of the !most distinguished Amer - but, as the London scientific peri- scan and Canadian scientists for the In - ,t dical, "Nature," states it, ",before statute's meetings during the past 'the war a proposal to utilize helium as year :••' a tilling for airships would' have been Ile is authorized to announce that 'viewed, -even by men of science, as a- Professor McLennan has also con - kin to the proposal at the present time tributed to the success of British to pave the Strand with diamonds," arms an invention that has aided in This is zyhere Professor McLen- a large degree in the destruction of lien enters, - At the outbreak of war, •enemy submarines. Tltis instru- the authorities had no recourse to !lent permits the human eye to see science, But it was not long until for it distance of fifteen miles through ''they discovered that guns and ships the densest fog. It seizes ray's of light and soldiers were not all the forces of of a greater frequency 'than those tlhe ' vat, human eye 'is capable of receiving. Not to London, or Edinburgh, or With i1, destroyer commanders, cruis- Paris, not to the laboratories of the ing in heavy North Sen fogs„were en- United-States,but to Toronto did the able to see distinctly the enemy sub- Brftish 'authorities come with their marines that were navigating on the troubled surface.under the assumed protection To Toronto with ' her uuostenta- of the fog. 7"Iitius and unacciai,tled colleges anti ,The uses of this marvelous ins115- 'ber hmhernided Royal Canadian IusIi- hent in peace -tune navigation for protection against icebergs, narrow 'l, ofesstlr :McLennan, of our coures, etc, arelit' ii limitless, But coin- ' ty stall', and president for pletes details of this other vital con- tribution by Professor McLennan to the winning of the war are not avail- able' until international cenditiolrs are !rote stable, -AVOID COUGH P - 'and COUGHERj ! Coughing Spreads Disease 1 gime ''..771 /' h a . L aO DRLiBJ'cdionJ'C10Otri ' I, l aur wit Bolt cratnitrit V :fir.—- - C'LINTOIV —MARKETS Hogs ,S/ 1,50 Butter .,,,,,,.,. , 505 Spring wheat : , ., > $2,09. Pall wheat ..............$2.,t4' Oats . a r,. r. .'68'•. c to 70 barley . .90c to $ p0 8ufckwhdat''.,..,...$1,25 tij'ift 0 Hay ... . , , . ; ... �ttii.Oo to 14;8.00. Bran l ,...... 340.411 Shorts •js434•0o 'i�1t11ldeQ . $50.00 r Ofitatoel K .. l , , 94 to f 1.00 4 butts 4 * t,~ 77 4 +r 4 77 x s• m a> ar as is e n c POPULATION OF THE DOMINION PER 8Q. MILE The population of the Do- minion tier spttare "tile 18 1,5 in Sritieli Columbia; 1.5 in Alberta; '1,9,in.Sasketthewan• 1.8 leo Manitoba 6,1 fn - On- tario; 2.8 in Quebec; 12,5 111 Nett' 131'm -wick; 22.4 in Nova Sdotta; and 42,9 in Prince rid wad laird, acootdieg,10, fig. ores iven' f ' publication g n � . ppu b tcatioti of the Canada Food hoard, •, a sc 4 irr 4 ;0 x it of x. .5 Plain Language X'ou'11 f rad that Common w01'ds, simple explanations and quick action are the rule at the Willard Service Station, It is part o£ Willard policy to. make it easyfor ever user of Y a Willard Flattery to get the most out of it. So our instructions are plain : 1 Add pure water: 2—Take hydrometer test every two weeks. 3—If hydrometer test is less than 1.285 at any two successive readings come straight to the Willard Serv- .ice Station. J5 iiiAIS Ai g Garage is your Willard Service Station, Storage Battery r'ecllarged and Overhauled. Accessories 'for Automobiles and bicycles, Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. &a 0 WIT13 Tait CDLIRCIIRS, e p m m>nor 5rossoceo6Dmrssmos7aoaacso St, Paul's Church The Pastor. Rev S. E. McKegney, will 1:1:e the services on Sunday Next. Holy Communion at 11 a . 111. Evensong 7 p. in. Wesley Church The baster meeting of tate W. AL S., of Wesley Church was an inspiring and helpful one. Mrs. hick, the District Superintendent gave tun Easter address and the Thank -offering laid on the plate amounted to 843.7o, ' Baptist Church The Pastor will preach at both ser- vices. i t 1.nt.—"The Lord's Promise," 'C;ext—Jerenhlah 33:14, 7 p.m.—"Tic Man who For;ot." Text— Gen. 4Oa3. Ontario Street Church The Leagee h � re memtiiu• n Monday P' c 1. da' Ir 1 evening was in charge of the Citizen- ship Committee. 141155es E. Wiltse and E. Lavis rendered a very pretty in- strumental duet Appropriate readings were given by Mrs, McMurray and E. Livermore, A. Leonard addressed the League on the meaning of Citizenship. The members of the League were en- rolled on the different committees for the year. The Pastor will preach in' the morn- ing. There will be. no snlrvice in the church at nigiht as •a big union sheet- ing will be held in Wesley church, Church notes etaoin shrdlu enrfwyp v During the past year the League has been very successful, 16 new Mem- bers having been added. The Forward Movement raised aver 3200. Last Sunday . evening Rev, (Capt.) Raycraft addressed the Union service in this church. The Evangelists will be here 017 Tuesday evening, May 6th to start in Wesley Church. Professor Fisher who has charge of the choir spent several years with Billy Sunday in his work. Dr. Hanley is a splendid and impressive speaker and draws large crowds wherever he goes. The evangelists are two of tate best at pres- ent in Canada. CHURCH NOTES The Methodist District meeting of Goderich District will be held hi Blyth on May 21 and 22. J. J. Behan, grand secretary of the 'Catholic Mutual Benefit Association died in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, after an illness of two weeks following a paralytic stroke. The late Mr. Behan was born in Wales of Irish parents, and crone to Canada at the age of two. He has been for many years actively iden- tified with Catholic affairs in Canada. Rev. C, R. Durrant, pastor of the Methodist church at Teeswater, has ac- cepted a call to Harrow, int Essex Co. The congregation here would like to retain his services, as everything is prospering under his ministry. He has also been foremost in public mat- ters, being the chairman of the Bruce and Huron hydro electric commission, and secretary for the Teeswater Old Boys' reunion, itis removal will not take place till July, but it will be re- gretted by all. • • Pte. Will., the third and hast son of TWO FONTS OLD BABY NAD BAD COL L DR. 'P+IOr'+''&OD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP SAVED HIS LIFE. It takes the life out of a mother to see the child—the idol of her heart—slipping away, succumbing to the cruel cough that all the remedies she has tried wont cure. There is nothing so good for children's Coughs, or golds croup, whooping cough, or bronchitis ne'Dr, Wood's Norway fine Syrup, It is pleasant to, take, and it cures so quickly and thoroughly that the heart of the mother is delighted Mrs. Angus Mdfinnon, Richmond, P L, writes:—"Last winter my baby was just two months old, When he took a bad cold, Ile could not keep anything on his stomach with the cough, I tried doctor's medieine,but it gave no relief, I told my husband S would try I)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and I must say it saved his life. I, just used four bottles and now he is perfectly ouredy and I can't hely but express my thanks to you fdr ounng my baby. Two years ago tweed it for one of my bohad ac coldand u n tough, d tore tneiicine was no goal fot her, op pix bottles of Dr, Wood's. Notway Erne Syrup, and it gave her a perfect eon. I col not praise it heli enough.! The genuine Dr, IFOod'rr N Pine br>feQ an -ilio on t dr. erint� �,: . Dat .. il+iK �Pf . �1ahliitetil rlfiil j tidy** ybar hate lain �1� tut 4be; A►tr' yip *41,, trf 1; i 711t�maeea 044 WO* Tgralit.• , Kcf, ': r 'Y .1".0.44 rrc '-' P. • 010e to /far f,t;4k THE CLINTON NEW ERw hope of British People is th Peace Will Last as Land. as Cnkterence Appears to Last f' London, OnL, April i3, —Capt, With outer : officers, Capt, IlloKeg- ( ; . S. AcKt, e' C., ,chap, ie' tsskt staying It a hotel kept. by Until Monday uithis week of the ;Preach .,And there Cru58117 Btitaiion,whicr lust has .of: two kinds of Belgians," he reminds, home as It unit reached the. Cl1* Thurs. "the other kind Pro-0erniau, The b day evening, acconlpented by. Mrs. Me- •Dhlgiuls are pretty sly and.lnanaged Kegney and their little d4utghter. I',.tr- to give the Germans quite it. bit of markt' In chitrge of St,' 0,tvld'11 Church trouble, and to do a good many in this city, and late rector of 'Trinity things the officials didn't know 'knout, churdt Brantford, he will visit friends "One of the most striking illusth'a- in London for a few days, before ,g'o' lions the - had of the German sense ing on to. Clinton where the bishop of humor was kit- connection with a has appointed. him rector. dug, prized, l+Y •the mademoiselle in "Hose do people over in- England tole hotel, tier brother had taught it feel about the prospects of peace?” to do tt number of tricks, One Was to lie was asked, to which he gav,'. a 'offer the clog 11 hit of bread, s11)111 it characteristically Irish 'answer:-- had been Sent by the kaiser, "They're 11'111 ng per1Ce will last a' "The dug sniffed and refused it, least as lung as the peace conference Then it was stated the bread ' had appears to be going to last," come from King Albert- whereat the Capt, 141cKegaey has had Idrtu10aut dog barked with. joy and swallowed opportunity to learn a good deaf it. After that the dog was told to about ilue tactics in Belgium during show how the Germans would leave the war, and also treatment accorded Brussels, 14e crawled off on his slum - prisoners of war, Ile beet no less :a personage than Rev, Mr. Gallen, the English church clergyman • who attended Edith Ca- vell ,the martyred nurse and attend- ed• service conducted by him the Sun- day before Christmas, ile was to have had a long conversation with Mr, Gahan and heard the details con- cerning the murder of Miss Cavett just the day after the battalion Cas suddenly ordered from Brussels, Heard Much Of Nurse ''We heard a great deal about Miss days." 'rimy didn't dream of shooting C:h'ell, however,"'he said, from the the dee and being done with it," Belgians whom we met, who spoke S„ far as treatment of wounded French, and from numbers of 15 ig- prisoners of war was concerned. lash people who were civil prisoners Capt, Mcl(egnev says: "A brother of during the occupation of the Ger- Mine was captured on the 21x1 of ratans, Among 14hese were several 550- last March, shot through the lune; men, English governesses who, apart and the end of two of his ribs shot from the enormous prices they were ' away, The Germans did bandage hien obliged to 'pay fur everything, :tnd up to begin with, but after that they imprisonments on the slightest pre- left him for t7 days without chang- text, were under a tremendous ncr- fag' his clothes or removing the or- vous strain all the time. Even be- i,ainal bandage. They operated on fore we reached Brussels, just after hint a couple of times, and made the signing of the au'mistice, the pen- such a !MISS of it that he is now in Elm of the clty had erected a atoms- the hospital, and the doctors are try- meat to Edith Cavell," • - Ing to do something for hint," , act. • Imprisoned Dog "Oen 'day in the summer of 1918 the dog was being put through his tricks for the be,elit of 15 or 16 Germans. One of them happened tv be a spy and reported the matter. "One day the clog was arrested for disrespect to the German commander committed to priaen for tin days. On a (Merman list of political prise:hers can be found this insertion: • "One hound, Tong -haired fns terrier, 1517 Rev. Deo, and Mrs. Jewitt, Wyoming, Out., arrived home from overseas, alter i Falling an o opening b to the et long and strenuous period of service for the Empire. He was a probationer bard floor in the Basement below while for the Methodist ministry when he re- sponded to the call and will likely re- sume his work after a brief holiday, The Jewitt family certainly did their part in lighting for democracy, SEAFORTH Births, Marriages & Deaths gathering eggs, Mrs. Eliza Brown, of McKillop Township, near Roxboro, re- ceived injuries Tuesday from which she died some hours later, Airs. Bro•,vn was severely injured internally. The accident occurred at .the home of John Scutt, Mrs. Brown's 'brother, Mrs. Brown was the eldest daughter of the late Robert Scott, one of the pioneer settlers of the Maitland district and • Deaths • had cilatle here home with her brother for some years. She was in her 77th year and was very active for her age. She was widely known and her tragic death is deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends. She is survived by n daughter Mrs, James 3••••eeesese••••eeeeeeeaee McMichael, of Seaforth, three brothers :Local News eseaeeeseooieeeeeeeeemoeaa Buried Fiore Saturday morning the body of Myra .Rye was brought here from Toronto and buried in the family plot in Clinton Cemetery, Rev. lYlr, McKegney officiat- ing. Deceased was born in Clinton and was a daughter of the late Jos. Rye. Tile pail -bearers were:—L, Cree, Harry Cook, J. Crich and Fred Look, COLCLOUGiI:—in Goderich Town- ship, 911 April 23rd, Ella May, daugh- ter of Mrs. Wm, Colclough, aged 25 years and 3 months. Died In Hamilton Mr. 'rhos, Hawkins received word this morning that his sister-in-law, Airs, John Hawkins had passed away In the night from the "flu." Deceased had given birth to a baby last Saturday. The funeral will take place from Mr. Thos, Hawkins's home, Victoria Street on Saturday Morning and will be private, Besides her husband and small baby, she is survived by two other children. One child is also burled in Clinton Cemetery when the faunily resided here for 3 years, The sympathy goes out to the young husband and family. Printer's Ink Did It Newspaper advertising is declar- ed 10 have been. the chief factor in raising 340,000,000 for the Presby- terian church in the United States. The church's publicity director snid: at present in the West John on the homestead, and a sister, Mrs, L. E. Hays, Seaforth. FR. NORTHGRAVES DIES OF INJURIES Oldest Priest in America Victim of Fall Was in His 76th Year— For Several Years Editor of the Catholic Record Injuries sustained some days ago in a fall resulted Friday afternoon in the death at St. Joseph's Hospital, •London, of Rev, Father George Richard North - graves, . the oldest Roman Catholic priest -in America, and 5 cleric who shared with Cardinal Gibbons, the dis- tinction of being the only man in America who in 1369-1870 attended the Vatican council in Rome, at which 111e doctrine of papal .infallibility was defined, Father Northgraves wrote a book, "Mistakes of Modern Infidels," a book written .while he was parish priest of Parkhill, in 1885, in answer to the teachings of Robert Ingersoll. The There Is no agency which can be work commended itself to persons of made quite so effective as the news- all denominations and was known papers in enlisting the interests Of throughout Aurerica. l'alher• North- tltose who do not go to church, It already has an entree into the hones graves also grained distinction in his of the people; it is not looked upon 551111 suspicion; it appears every day; the matter it contains is discussed by- everyone, and worth -while ad- vertisements paid for by the Church- es proclaiming religion will be read as Bytown, on. February 23, 1834, and by ninny millions, who would never, in the first. fnslnnce go to church to five years later, in 1839, he connlenc- hear it discussed." church for having added the Scripture references to Butler's Catechism, Born At Bytown. Ile was born at Ottawa, then know! Some Sane Advice ed his education in a private school in Kingston. He studied afterward in Ston WhigBellevilte and h1 1852 when St. The Kingston passes on some g Michael's 'College, Toronto, was but sane advice to those desiring to stop a subscription to a newspaper. it two -weeks old, he was enrolled as one says ,there is probably 110 man engag- of the students. lie was ordained at ed in the newspaper business in On" Taranto by Bishop Farrell, of Idamil- tarlo who is not acquainted with a man whose excuse for discontinuing toil, in 1857, subsequently, until 1860, his subscription is that he . already being a professor on St. Michael's Col- "itas more papers than he can read." lege stall at 380 a year, Thereafter lie it Is only alt excuse ofl'ered to acne- was rector of St. Michael's, Toronto, ame- liorate the presumed lacerated condi- tion of the editor's feelings. It has aiid whale serving his Church In that 5d such effect for in the first: place capacity his Contributions to the Pre- an editor never worries over the loss confederation discussicin of separate of a subscriber except when he leaves the country without pitying up arrear- schools attracted great attention. Ile ages, But why not be truthful and became known as a vigorious exponent say to the honest newspaper herr of the doctrines of Catholicism end his just what you feet in ,your Heart? Go' into Itis office and ask hint how much abitlty as a. theologian resufted inr itis 110115:4f you rpayankl,y• the delinqyon duoencyn't rind selecticotinciRon for attendance' at the Vatican telltitin waif his disreputable, blackguard sheet any longer, Say to 151711 in a sorrow- ile was appointed' dean et Barrie fn fill tone of voice that you deeply re- 1873 and in 1874 lie'wes removed to ME his inability to publish a news- London Co become rector of St, Peter's pager Worthy rife name en4 advise Cathedral, in hffire perforlflance of which nt to sell his plant to some roan with g thimble full of braille and e' duties he C011tihued for three ears, d seek some Y Occupation whibh does not requite' l�'e'was m;ad'e' rector of Wyoming' ',rich wear and feat o1 Ehe mind, 1)o 11877; later going' Eo Parkhill, Be was this and tact you can go away whit r also aforssistantover2'0 11' years,Seaforth-Bruesets I+ar the comforting ASSitratice that the 111r newspaper Iran respects you for your ( During flue period front 1890 Nit f9t0 ±"401' Father Notingta e , 4114 H cherish ho hard feet✓ B , s Was editor a The 'legs lyeceese• you choose to botraW Catholics l{edord, but he continued his ',his paper iesteg4 of.,buying it assbclatlbns with that Journal as e st sntrJhutor until tib it(4rmlttes; o age' 11 41 i, ql 1'. ,..A 47 i 44, 4" 1115' 51( w'S vfk jeki r� is}� 1•,nay ''`1- a eg( 1n Va i - � lr:. PAGE 5 We have 'thee 1a9s t '11 `[ o■■ymer,p1 j(�7],j1�1,{j %pf) 4. MVW l'Y'Y. � �Y tho mat prem pair and a Get a pair nd t y them. Full Assortment of (di that 1,as best in Rubber Footwear 1 gCona:a3a1ZWAt*•ffi Oil: Baa• r y ynk0=1,l2euT.i7:x.'t=100i.T4zia,^-itS60: Malt¢c,✓:,.n.Vix.•.c•:m fN 771 41�} c3' lr fay1 �n stmatil Profits flout 2,i. 'Moro Business T1IE STORE TIIA'1' SELLS FOR LESS ft O :66.ii...n,3ill2 MM4.t"Sr:S"7'P19MACIiIOEISN:LLRM4.'L'-$"=',VV'..WT"r, ?ti .:.: :r' �']dMSyps • MIV compelled him to cease active work in April 1915. rather Northgraves had also the distinction of halving witnessed the celebration of mass in 1339, by Bishop MacDunnell, of Kingston, the first R0Man Catholic bishop of Upper I L3111ada, i WANTED Board for three respectable young hien, Leave Ward At NEW ERA Office BOARS FOR SERVICE Champion Bred Big 'Type York- shire and Chesterwhite Boars. Al hone everyforenoon, e A. C. LEVY Clinton, Ont, PHONE -5 on 639. Barred: Rock Eggs From Park and Guilds famous lay- ing stratus. Pullets hatched from eggs bought from me last spring were lay- ing when 5 Months old, Eggs ;;1.50 for 15. H. A. Hovey, a• Clinton FOR SALE Batching Eggs from bred -to -lay, single comb white Leghorns. 60 cents per 15, or 34.00 per hundred. Apply to Frank Tyndall, Phone 2-636.—R.R. No. 4,—Base Line VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices. W. BRYDONE. HOUSE FOR SALE On Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, good' garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools. Apply, R. Rowland. FOR SALE Several second hand Heaters for sale, apply to THOS. HAWKiNS, FOR SALE OR RENT 6 roomed story and, half house on Rattenbury Street, West. Town and soft water, garden and fruit, nite loca- atiorl. CHAS. HELYAR WANTED Old false teeth, dont platter if brok- en, I pay 32 to 315 per set, Send by parcel post and receive check by return 7111111, F, TERL, 403 N. Wolfe St„ Baltimore, Md, • Entertainment. An Epworth League Concert of the Hoimesville Methodist church, will he held on Friday, May and. Miss Jewitt of Wyoming, elocutionist and singer, has been secured for the evening. Ad- mission 25c. --- ....Wanted. • Matron or !-louse keeper for Clinton General Hospital. Salary 525.00 per month. Applications !lust be in by May 5th, 1'919. Mrs, Howard Fowler, Secretary.. House for Sale or Rent. Frame house on Mill street, town water and also soft seater, good garden etc, Apply to Harry t oiland. Beans Wanted. We are in the market for a car or two of Canadlan white pea beetle, bring Or Mali Us sample, and We 1ti,reture Will • quote you prices, Cook Bros, Milling Co., 1ien5411, Ont'. VVINTER COWS FOR SATE Fin young, COWS which were fresh cited between, November and February. TBRMS•••.•01x11 or Ilitskable Notes. )4 utile' 4oithl of Stout Trunk Slit, Obit 1106.I4l Lib*, Air1N7 to I32QR013 HO1:Le41fD, P oprtat4f, LIVE POULTRY' WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14.638 W. MATQUIS Clinton. Ontario WANTED LAND i; FOR FLAX { } THE CANADIAN FLAX MILLS Limited, are open to make con- tracts with farmers in this vic- inity of Clinton to grow Flax for the season of 1919. I'or parti- cttiu•s apply to M. McCORMICK, Local 141atna er 4 SEAFORTH, ONT, Phone 202 and 212, 1 BRAN & SHORTS-- " ' Our supply of Bran and Shorts 1s rapidly decreasing. Don't keep putting it off until they are all gone :and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all ,you wanted, TIMOTHY & CLOVER SEED,• -- We have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very hest attention, .-eect SEED CORN: -4 flow about your Seed Corn? In some of the Corn growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore good Seed 'Corn is liable to he scarce. We advise giving us a call and placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD:— Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which sve have just .received (good and fresh). It is the very best and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of flour:—Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and White Seal also Oatmeal sold in large or small quantities. W.Jen rn'&Son FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131. Wholesale License 12-52 Canadian Food Control License 9-2368 TIME TABLE CHANGES A Change Of Time Will Be Made on MAY 4th, 1919 Information now. in Agents' hands. Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping car's on night Trains ane, Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains, Full inforration from any Grand Trunk 'T'icket Agent or C, E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Troonto: John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57., A. 0. Pattison, station agent. GOT UP IN HORDING WITH HEADACHE AND SIC i ETOL'.'iACH, Mr. 1,'. M. Phelps, Stanbridge East, Que., writes:—"I have been taking Mil- burn's Lasa -Liver fills 41711 such good results I thought I would write you. I had stomach and liver trouble, and would get up in the morning with a headache, stomach sick and feel dizzy. After taking two vials I was cured of these troubles, and constipation as well." Carelessness and neglect, and often. - times wilful disregard of nature's laws will put the system all out of sorts, The stomach becomes upset,the bolve r clogged, and rho liver inactive. To ebrf1 system hack to its normal state must e the object f those s who wish to I 4 W s be well.., 'I1hia can quickly be done by using Milburn s Laxt-Liver :Pills. They liven u p the liver, got the bowels hack to •th4eir normal condition and tone it th4' etorttaoL, snaking the entire systems ewl8Y And clean. ktgburn's I.axst--XA er Pills are 254. t4 via sM 41) dotter*, .or ntalted.dlrxlet 1111 'T roatipt of prioi by rise T. Httburo 61