HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-5-1, Page 3T1n rsday, May 1st; 1919
We have 70 bags of Lake of
OA Woods Oatmeal Flour left
over'from our Poultry Feeding
Season. This will make a good
dry mash for laying Hens, or a
No. 1 feed for 'Hogs.
We are selling this Feed at be-
low cost to clear.
We are always in the market
for Live Poultry and new laid eggs
at top market prices.
'etch-Lacgisis & Co., LI1
The up-to-date Firm
'Clinton Brandt £hone,196
'N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or Holmesville 4 on 142.
Before purchasing your
new piano or organ let us
show you the newest de-
signs in several well-
known and old establish-
ed makes.
See our stylish cabinet
designs in the best makes.
J. A. Sutter
Plumber and Electrician;
Thane 7.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
You will never be sorry—for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
moat economical,
That has been saki so often that
everybody by this time should
know it—and vet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to alt personal—If yon would
Like to miss that sort altogether—
If you would like to hay where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in—OOME HISRE
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
W. R. counter
Jfowoler and Optician
11 er 01 Marriage Lieenses
FORD d Mc[EO$)
A Carload of
Govt. Standard
Just Arrived,
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cups
Sold only in sealed packages
Canada's fire loss for the year i918 * * * * * * * * c1 *
was „33,000,000. blow many children * OUR SERIAL STORY
would that sum educate? *
" by A. Maynard Barbour
* * * * 4 * * * a: *
(Continued from last Week)
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
, callus off with fingers
Don't suffer! A tiny bottle Of
Freezone costs but a few cents at any
drug store. Apply a few drops on tho
corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bot-
tom of feet, then lift them off.
0 -
When Freezone removes corns from the
toes or calluses from the bottom of feet,
the skin beneath is left pink arid healthy
and never sore, tender or irritated,
W, BRYt.X)Nf9
Notary 1?ubiic, Ounv. yanuer;
Financial and Real l:er..w,
INSURANCE AGENT–Reprooeutiog 14 Wire
mimosa COIDpuiiee.
Dtvision Court. Opine.
Piano tuning
Mr, James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention
Office at. Residence, Victoria Street.
Clinton, — — Ontario
Office at Residence
Cerner Wigil and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
DR. to. R. AXON
(Town 81111 Bridge warp a SDeclaIer.
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. . Masao, and R,O.D,k
Bayaald on Mondays, Slav 181 to 11
®R. 11. FOWLER,
Offices over O'NEIL'e store,
Speaisl care taken to make dental
mast as painless se possible.
a man who had entered unpreceived
from the tower -room, Ile was my own
height and size, with curling black
hair and heavy mustache ,but 1 was un-
able to distinguish his 'features as he
remained standing partly in the shad-
• ow., 'Before 1 could recover from my
surprise, he again spoke, his voice still
vaguely familiar,
"'The master of Fair Oaks' -- the
words were spoken with stinging em-
phasis— 'seems depressed on the. eve
of his festal day, the day on which he
is to name the heir and successor to his
vast estates!'
"I remembered that a stranger had
called the day during my absence, who
my secretary had informed me, had
shown a surprising familiarity with my
private plans.
"'1 think,' I replied, coldly, `that
you favored inc with a call this after-
noon, but whatever your business then
or now, you will have to defer it for a
few days. i do not know how you
gained admittance to these apartments
at this hour, but 1 will see that you are
escorted from them without delay,' and
as I spoke 1 rose to ring for a servant.
"He ;anticipated my intention, how-
ever, and with the agility of a panther
sprang noiselessly across - the room,
intercepting me, at the same time rais-
ing a large, English bull -dog revolver,
at line.
"'Not so fast, not so fast,' he said,
softly, 'you can afford to wait a little; i
have waited for years."
"1 stood as though rooted to the
spot, gazing at him with a sort of fas-
cination. As he emerged into the light
there was something almost familiar in
his features, and yet something horri-
bly incongruous and unreal. 1115 eves
glowed like living lire, his soft, low
tones reminded ane of nothing so much
as the purring of a tiger; while the
smile that played about his lips WAS
more terrible than anything I had ever
seen on human face. It was ten tines
more fearful than the muzile of'the re-
volver confronting me, and seemed to
freeze the very blood in my veins.
"'You take a base advantage; I airs
unarmed,' I sneered,
"'i knew too well with whom 1 had
to deal to come unarmed,' he replied;
'though this,' and he lowered the re-
volver, 'this is not the sort of weapon
you would employ,—a thrust in the
dark, a stab in the back, that is your
style, coward"
" `1 demand an explanation of this,'
1 said,
"He folded his arms, still retaining
his hold upon the weapon, as he an-
swered, 'Explanations will follow in due
time; but surely, on the eve of the fif-
tieth anniversay of such a life as yours
congratulations are first in order. Al-
low me to congratulate you, Hugh Main
waning, upon the success which has
attended and crowned the past twenty -
ave years of your life! upon the rich
harvest you have reaped during ail
tltese years; the amassed wealth, the
gratified ambitions, the almost illimi-
table power, the adulation and hom-
age,—all so precious to your sordid
soul and for which you have bartered
honor, happiness, character, all, in
in short, that life Is worth, Standing,
as you do to -night, at the fiftieth
milestone on life's journey, i congrat-
ulate you upon your rocellections of
the past, and upon your anticipations
for the future, as you descend to an
unhonored and unloved old age!'
fres • "Every word ,was heaped with scorn,
Live stock and general Auction 'e'
D at a, stole sales a special%, 05 Get .i
Niaw ERAoaloe, Clinton, prt,m 1.7 attend
to. Terme reasonable, Marmera ..ale not
G. D. McTaggart M. 1). MoTagga,
McTaggiart Bros.
LL.BER51' ST, cLIbTTt.ir-
lreneret Banking Bu.itrtacl.
Drafts leaned. Interest allowed
• deposits
The Mciciltop itikittmg,
Fire Insurance et a
Parte end isolated Town Pro.et
erty Only Insured.
Uead Office--Seatortli, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas,
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos, B. Hays, Seaferth, Secretary -
Alen. Leitch, No 1 Clinton; Edward
Hlalshley, Soaforth *m. Champy Eg
Reedville; J. W. Y150, Goderich; ft, G
'31irbliatb, Broalhagen
Bl teles
•.,20 Stltq�rtli .14;111.611 1460E11 Ash fit
Two Splendid
One is plenty of open-
air exercise..
If you can't
that you should, it's all
the more important that
you should have the
other tried-and-true rem-
edy for a torpid liver and
bowels that don't act
freely and naturally.
Tarte one pill every night;
more only whenyou're sure it's
alfenatna bears p$r4leirlP
Colorlees teen. oftelt AWN toe
ablennbe of fume In tk.1;1•• ,
Carteis ron,�f10
!ba . alA''
anti, 85 1 looked into the burning eyes
fixed upon arsine and watched the sar-
dome snails hovering about his Ups, I
wondered . whether he were some
Mephisti'oplleles'-sone fiend Wear-
nate—sent to torture me, or whether
he were really flesh and blood,
"The mocking smile now left Ilis,.
face, but his eyes held me speechless
ns he continued,.—
"No wonder' that memories of by-
gone -years haunted your droughts to-
night! Memories, perhaps, of a father
whose dying will you disregarded; of a
brother whom you twice defrauded,—
oice of the honor and sancity of his
home, then, as if that were not enough,
of his birthright, -,---his heritage from
generations of our race—
"Stop!" I cried; stung to anger lay
his accusations and startled by the
strange words, "our race," which
seemed to fall so familiarly from his
lips, "Stopt are you mac? Do sou
know what .you are saying? Once
more 1 demand that you state who Or
what you are, and your busineess
"That is quickly stated Hugh Math -
waning," he 'answered, in tones which
'made nay heart beat with a strange
Whenever you sense aa.. sick
heathen-,, t e fed a be
t« 3 Gk C 12tf31+,1' a fl9 v.-ard it
off iy £".. ac 1~::r.:eT.y use cf
ih'• E d®C II li i'5.
LsraestSate of way Medicine in the World.
Sold everywhere. in buses, 25c.
BA EIS 11e G
PO ,;' D E R
dread; "I kiln Harold Scott Mainwarin 1
I am here to claim no brotherhood or
kinship with you, but to claim and to
have my osvn, the birthright restored
to Inc by the last will and testament of
a dying father, of which you have de-
frauded me for twenty -live years!"
" You are a liar and an tiuposterl" l
cried, enraged at the sound. of my Iaror,
ther's name, and for the instant be-
lieving the man to be some emissary of
ho had used it to work up -
"Drawing himself up to his full
height, his eyes blazing, ' he answered
in low tones, "Bare you apply those
epithets to tate, usurper that you are?
You area liar aInd.a thief, and if you
had your deserts you would be in a fel-
on's cell to -night, or transported to
the wilds of Australia!' I ana impos-
tor? See and Judge for yourselfl' and
with a sudden swift movement the
black curling hair and "mustache were
dashed to the floor, and he stood be-
fore nae the exact counterpart of my-
self. Stunned by the transformation,
1 gazed at hien speechless; it was like
,PAGE .3
looking In a mirror, feature for feature
Identically the sante! For a few sec.
onds taffy brain seemed to reel from the
shock, but his tones 'walled Ina to
myself, • .
"'Ail fia.saict, with .mocking eiupha-
sis, "who is the imposter now?"
"My first tlfought was of self vindi-
cation; and to effect, Ifpossible, a
compromise with him, "1 ani no im-
poster or usurper," I said "because,
believing you dead, I have used that to
which 111 the ,event of your death 1
would be legally entitled even had you
any' claim, and 1 'am willing, not'as an
acknowledgment of any valid claim on
your part, but as a concession on my
own part, to give yoti n liberal. share in
the estate,or-to pay you any reason-
able sung which you may regiiire---"
"Ile stopped me with an intolerant
gesture. "Do not attempt any pallia-
tion of the past with me," he said,
sternly; "!t is worse than useless;. and
do not think that you can make any
conapronaiSes with lie or purchase lily
silence with your ill-gotten wealth.
That naay have served your purpose
in the past with your associate and
coadjutor, Richard Hobson, the man
who holds in'his mercenary grasp the
flimsy reputation which is all that is
left to you, or with the woman—cruel
as the grave and false as hell—who
once wrecked nay Ole, and now with
the son that you dare not acknow-
ledge, rules your home, but you can-
not buy Illy silence. l cane to you as
no beggar! i ane a richer man to -day
than you, but for .the sake of genera-
tions past, as well as of generations yet
to'come 1 will have my own. 'rhe
estate which was once my .forefathers
shall be my son's, and his sons' after
As i listened Illy whole soul rose
against him in bitter hatred, the old
hatred of nay youth. "I defy you," I
cried, hotly, "to produce one atom, of
proof in support of your claim or of
condo NOT STOI
Uotii She Tried "Fruit-a-tiveslb
-Made From Fruit Juices:
112 t'onvitc} ST., ST, TWIN, N.B.
"I feel I must tell you of the great
benefit I have i`oeeivod from your
wonderful anedieine, 'Fruit -a -lives'.'
I have • been a sufferer for many
years from t'ioleul Ifeadrrdzes, and
could get no permanent relief, "
A friend advised mo to take <Pruit,
a -fives' and I did so with great.
success ; and now I am entirely free
of IIeadaohes, thanks to your
splendid medicine"
60e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial slze 25e.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of
price, postpaid, by Fruit.a-tives•
Limited, Ottawa,
your charges against nae! The estate
is nine, and I will uaake you rue tlae
day that you dare dispute Illy right and,
title to.it!"
"His eyes flashed with scorn as he
replied, "You lie, Hugh Mainwaringr
Your life for the p,asl tient;•-rive•
years has been nothing but a lie, and
tlae day just closed has witnessed the
final act in this farce of yours. That
1 have already undone,, and just as.
surely 1 will undo tlae work of the•
past years. And let me assure you I
(Continued next week,)
Help the"Y" Construct the Manhood
that will Re -construct Canada
ALL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the /�' *' r
Y.M.C.A. was the "Sign of•rriendship " to thousands
of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours' ; ,} , ��
boys in the last four, and a half years. Wherever the Can-
adian Soldiers went, the " Good old 'Y' " went too. And
now it is coming back home with them!
1-' or the support which has made possible the war work
of • the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well
expended. We have rendered full account.
We ask now your continued sympathy and support for
Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization,
and for Y.M.C.A, work for Canada generally during the Re-
construction period. The Annual Red Triangle Campaign
will be held throughout Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The
objective is $1,100,000. ,
For Our Ike',: Retuxzrlbg
For the soldiers and their dependents, returning
from Overseas, we have provided as follows
1. A Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves
Great Britain, with a full equipment of games, gramophones
and records, magic lantern, literature and writing materials.
Where possible, also a piano or an organ. Lectures, concerts,
sing songs, instruction re Government repatriation plans, and
Sunday Services.
2, Red Triangle comforts and facilities for the men on ar-
rival at Halifax, St. John, Quebec and Montreal, including cof-
fee stalls, with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, candies, etc.
3. Red Triangle men on every
troop train to provide regularly
free drinks, eatables and cigarettes,
organize games and sing songs, and
furnish information.
4. Red Triangle free canteen
service, information bureau, etc.,
at each of the 22 Dispersal centres
in Canada,
6. Red Triangle Clubs in the
principal cities of Canada in the
shape of large Y.M,C,A. hostels to
furnish bed and board at low rates
and to be a rendezvous for soldiers.
6. Seventy-five Secretaries to superintend Red Triangle
service in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout
7. 'Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y.M.C,A, privileges for
six months at any local Y.M.C.A. furnished.
In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, we have
to maintain the'Red Triangle service to the full for the soldiers
in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries in Northern
Russia, Palestine and Poland,
The Y.M.C.A. winkeep its
dzczina of Service unbroken
till the end.
For Canada's Manho
The Reconstruction program of the I•', M. C. A.
includes the following vitally important develop-
ments;1. An increased service to 300,000 teen-age boys in tlae
Dominion—the development of Canadian Standard Efficiency
training; Bible Study groups; summer camps; conferences;
service for I-Iigh School boys, for working boys, in the towns
and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who
have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, phy'sicaf or social
development. •
2. Inauguration of Y.M.C.A. work in the country, and the
smaller, towns and villages lacking
Association buildings and equip-
ment, on a plan of county organ-
izations. This will include the
establishment of Red Triangle
centres for social, recreational and
educational work among boys and
alien, in co-operation with the
3, The promotion of Y.M.C.A.
work among Canada's army of
workers in industrial plants, both
in Y.M.C.A. buildings and in the
factory buildings, organizing the
social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by
meetings, entertainments, games aadsports.
4. The establishment of the Red 'Triangle in. isolated` dis-
, Wets where lumbermen, miners and other ,workers hold, the
front trenches of industry, .
5. Besides these main fields of increased activity for 1013,
we have to provide for enlarged work, among railway nfcit;,
college students and for our campaign to encourage physirdl
and sex education. Under all Our work we tplacd the furd41+°
l g� amental foundation of manly Christianity.
Red Trial,.�ve ,CararaiK,
S'1,300,000 MA11051o9'
J, . Yi .C.A.
For the wives and children
Overseas, dependent tipoa Can-
adian soldiers, and for Y,W,CA.
work in Canada generally, a sum
of $175,000 from the Red Tri-
angle Fund will be set aside for''
the Dominion Council of the
Y,W,C.A., which is caring for
the soldiers' women folk, and,
their little ones onthe long jour-
ney, from. Liverpool to Canada,
and is also extending its work
for Canadian girls.
Por their sake also be gen-
erous when - you make your
rational Cott
7714 Red 1/4400
Rea. Csi4S aiCO Gb.>sysrl�t
j ors!. ilW, mmAi rt
$'044, <ra..i?t,. 4.4., - ,r:.: y.....•, r
'COP, the sake of our victorious soldiers and;.
their dependents, anaa'the happiness of,. ;
their home -coming; for tlle`'sake of our future,
citizens, our teen-age boys;:. for the sake of"..
rural life 'Iii Granada; for tie sake of the social'`
betterment:of the toilers iniactory}andworit-
'shop; for�'the sake of ;;1onely3ifen anti boys,;,in .
our mines and forest's; for thetsake of Christian
Society and Canadian inarih,' pet—we appeal,
to you. Give us your conti-i'butlon`, little or
big. Be as generous as yot6an. ' '
Hand your contribution to the canvasser when he
calls, or if you live where it is difficult for hit" to call,
send it by check, money order or registered letter to
the Natiortal Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120
Bay $treat, 'Toronto,
Please, Note.
We ark ..&d asking for
<money: to ,carry on our
work "Overseas, with the
Army in Great Britain,
I4tfiuce or Belgium. That
'work will continue at its
uiaximunl for some months,
financiay provided for by
the liquidation of 0'
assets Overseas, and plc
not terminate tail'th' ast
matt ltaa sails ,,for 1' ` f e.
Men's Christian Associatioi
i under the UliisftrsgutshcdCgte: of
da!s 3`foti; C.G.,.0.6 .+ . p;
�!!Cvsktaigs rreasistr-
'ono, IlataM to - y 'I'lrtllt0519rtarOxiil'r'lM ssisi's
I. 4+M,p.►Ht��irate°rr
K. OW. W. 1Ditp!rixtlty. !~.....