HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-4-24, Page 2i'AGE 2 T$E. Ct.1NToN NEW ERA.. 'pR.00RAMME OF LONDON CONFERENCE FOR 1919 employ young peen, Appointtllent of Progranttne Com tutee, Programme for Laymen's Associntion, Wednesday, June 4th ("Victoria St. Church), 2,30 p.m. --Devotional exercises, Mr, J, W. Humphrey, President, Chethare, 3 p.m -Address "Permanency of Evangelism,,' Rev. A. A. !Belts, Chat- haat, 4 p.m. -Address, "The Church and World Problems." Mr, Samuel Tufts, Kirkton, 7.45 p,m,--Worship, lit charge Of the President, 8.15 p.m. -Address. "Stewardship of Our Time, 'Talents and Money," Mr, T. 13. Dundas, Wafleeeburg, Thursday, June Sth (North St, Church 7,45 p,no-Worsts ip, le charge of the President of Laymen's Association. 8,15 p.m,--Addresses,-Rev. C. 8, Manning, Secretary Department of }tome Missions; Mr. W. G. Watson, 110n. Treasurer Missionary Board, Friday, June 6th Laymen's Banquet, 5.30 to 7.43 p.m. Address by Mr. Samuel Carter, M. P.P., Guelph, Banquet is open to the ladies and the ministers as well as the laymen. Adnmission 50 cents, Billeting Arrangements. Each delegate will pay a billet fee of six dollars. No hotel billets, The tee may be paid to tbe Financial Secretary at district ,meeting, or to the Treasurer of the Billet Committee. Annual Conference Fund. The Annual Conference Fund will re- imburse each delegate for billet and transportation if the district allot- ments are paid in full. if in any dis- trict the allotment is not paid in full, the delegates from that district will scale down pro rata in their expense claims. Superannuated ted oxen and pro- bationers will pay a billet fee 'of three dollars only. B. SNELL, Secretary. "The thirty-sixth minuet session of. the %'a~hufc ll asselubleonference <f In ?he tile North Sist t. Cllurelr will lytethOdist church, Godericit, Ont., 00 Thursday, June 5th, A919, 31 9.30 3,10, The theme of the mnrtxipg dlvotianx 0 +addresses will be "felt Call of ,the 'Church to Make 'Straight the Way Dof the Lord," Rev. J. W. Aiken, D. , Ottawa will give the morning address. es, Rev. Geo. W, Dewey, will have charge of the singing at the mor'ninng, devotions, Monday, June 2nd, 2 p,0, --Meeting of the Probation- er's Record Committee, consisting of the chairman of districts, secretary of the )xamining Board, and the secretary of Conference, to review the record and standing of each probationer; also the recommendations re candidates for the ministrj', and to bring in a report in answer to the usual disciplinary .questions. The meeting will be held Tim Victoria Street Church. 8 p.m. -Stationing Committee will meet in Victoria Street 'Church. Stat- istical Committee meets in North St., „church. Tuesday, June 3rd. 9 tm,-Stationing Committee, Slat- 'istical Committee, Committee ll.lee on Reli- gious Education. North Street church. 2 p.m. -Stationing Committee. Stat isfical Committee. Religious Education Committee. Conference treasurers will -.meet the financial secretaries. 8 p.un. - Stationing Committee. 'Statistical 'Committee, Religious Com- mittee, Wednesday, June 4th. 8.4 5 a. tee -Morning devotions, by. Rev, J. W. Aiken, Ottawa. 9.30 a.m.-Ministerial seesiou. Roll call (tile Record of Registration will be ,taken). Report of the Transfer,Coni- rnittee. Appointment of (t) Col unit - tee on Conference Relations; (2) Let- ter writers; (3) Guardian correspond- ent; (4) Railway clerk. Disciplinary questions. Report of the Probationer's Record Committee. 2 p.m. -Disciplinary questions. Re port of the Committee on Conference Relations. 8 p.m. -Ministerial session. Disci- plinary questions. Pastoral address. Thursday, June Sth. 8.45 a.m.-Worship, Dr. Aiken. "9,30 a.m.-General session 1Roil vitt (the Record of Registration wit' be taken) Election of Conference ofli- sers. Unveiling the Honor Roll, Com- mittees confirmed. Appointment , f "Business Committee. Reference of re- solutions from the floor of the ('"n- 'Sere0ce to their proper committees, ;First draft of stations, 2 p.m. -General session. Report of -Ehe ministerial session. General busi- ness. 3 p.m. --!Civic welcome. 3.30 min. -Missionary Rally (see ',Laymen's Association prograntme.) Friday, June 6th. RHEUMA'T'ISM CAN BE CURED The Trouble Is Rooted In the Blood and Can Only be Cured Through The Blood. in the days of our grandfathers rheumatism was thought to be the unavoidable penalty of middle life and Old age. Almost every elderly person had rheumatism, as well as many young people. Medical science did not understand the trouble -did not know that it Was rooted in the blood. It was thought that rheuma- tism was the effect of exposure to cold and damp, and it was treated with linaments and hot applications, which sometimes gave temporary re- lief, but did not cure the trouble. In those days there were thousands of rheumatic cripples, Now medical science understands that rheumatism is a disease of the blood and that with good, rich, red blood any man or woman of any age can defy the trou- ble. Rheumatism eon be cured by killing the poison in the blood which causes it, For this purpose the blood making. blood enriching qualities of Dr. , Williams' Pink Pills is becoming every year more widely known, and n it is the more general use of these pills that has robbed rhematism of its terrors, In proof of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to cure this trouble, Miss Jennie Stockdale, Hall's Bridge, Ont., says: "Two winters ago I was taken with a bad attack of rheumatism, and was in bed for over two months, most of which time I could not sleep or en- joy rest day or night. The trouble also affected my nerves, which were very bad. 1 , tried several remedies but did not get any help front them, and then, acting on the advice of a friend, ( decided to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. 1 soon felt that the pills were helping me, and after taking eight boxes I am glad to say I was able to go about again as usual, and am now enjoying the best of health with plenty of good, rich blood which makes me feel like an altogether diff- erent person. i can earnestly advise' those suffering from rheumatism, nervotteeess and kindred troubles not to delay using Dr, Williams' Pink Pill; as, like myself, 1 am sure they i+til lied a cure through their use," You can get Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills through any medicine dealer;. or ,nail at 50 cents a box 02. six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr., Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Otit, . ,.--•-" ..•snits, ayz.vensizeleu.Tt l#< k DO ,t 4 t,," �i q}}+��, q�yq f'o� �' ttr'�� F i ti ® j i'� t� for. Retail Merchants �'�'1HE next few year's will your deliveries and open to you (mark a tremendous expansion. the opportunity for business change in the business of Complete Trucks --'r W o retailing. Standard Bodied Motor Transportation, now reduced to a low-cost Ordinary hauling and delivery basis, gives retailers 0, work can be best adapted to great opportunity for busi- two sty and tl a types-the Stake t ke ness growth because it widens their trading area. These two body types are leept in, steels ready for tmmedt- The Ford Ono -Ton see deliverum . They insure the Truck makes available this Ford Truck. opportunity. It is Moto]' Sint, •Spec boyo Lha Enclosed Cab Transportation at low cost wl.hth¢twn-lvsy windshield which ¢lyes —low ,first cost, low maim- ing flea driver pr° a protection from the weather. tenons cost, low operat- See these complete trucks. Seize the cost. on,,ortunit to enlergo your nett of husinen. Lot us solve y¢er deltvory A small outlay wilt motorize problem. :,.xmounr::::04a Standard Ford nodieo • mice (,.:hoFsie only) p^^.•o-j .,u».f' warn. Got our pries - 4150 f.ub.Zutd.Ont. refs' ;.!�%`'`�`.gv,�,J.i�/ \Clinton Motor Truck &�M hineiHCo. Dealers i Thursday, April 24th, 1919 .,,res v.,,w,.w>,. ..w.,ww.+wu +ewww*^r' r„ „'w.,'pw,w■: ..m:�e■� ■0.4r.r•l�■.�e.K'+r' improvement of the town I roots, '` t"kaF ilK land mobilized for Services overseas -.._0- 1 Return to the two -cent postage rate 124,000 [nen and that of the 100,000 Midland Is re.oirganixulg lis Ilottrd for out-of-town tetiers is ann0uneed who were sent abroad, over 16,000 of Trade, • , in the United States for the, first of laid down their lives. —0— July next, Will Canada fullr.'l suit? At it recent •session the Owen Sruutci I Give the farmer and the mtuofact- k'i" t" pp A9 SIF Board of Trade discussed WV" ❑2•,:r both a 615551 barna market, Can- I t`sd 5 r.w lee PM/ 1 FtitaticalT grounds, the curfew and train time 10 I area needs mare people, greater pro- { j Could l,wet o"iark or W0 1 Any i11318nee. Toronto, � duction and, less polities. ---' 0--- - Reports from Winnipeg 539 inti- `,rho efforts put forth to keep up to the Cobourg Board of Trade IVO 1 00 cations are that the acreage devoted •,'-lent;- coon 11t<.arllum•, m the salrtiugcst W raising grain will be much less than sr te11 elm((M the. stases end omitting 111 r the heart. ']',ostr,utxc,lt,ustness,tt:ncarss members and is aiming to reach 200. 0 fast yea feet under the table with Lord Aberdeen is selling his load,, of home and social tile, 151.0(2 >vl ble Get your those of the man who ora working for reserving Only 13,000 acres (tear ?lad- ' self ate H ri'n cnttt the cyst �u tcauscs pal ». you and you'll solve the problem. dc, house as a klchen garden.lrttiunul'1.het,enrt,faintl101(13cryspr�is, 0.----- The arrival of the first robin was stnuth ring and sicking boas, shortness ri15ke your town worth while for reported some weeks ago. Now, what a oe breath, etc, The reconstructive power of Milburn's your people to live in it and the lite -I about the first mans straw hat?, ,lousrandtloseNerve wfi0Pills hualthlatand01501- tortes will came after then}, The ''Christian Science Monitor says , ard is -.0 that "New Zealand may fairly 'claim blow par, will find a scarce of them will Trenton Board of Trade has twenty- i to have a military record which, taken sosoon recuir peraal te and their health and get back five members on the executive coat 11, ,us awhole, is not equaile[I by that o, (dr, Oscar Tracy, Postmaster, Tracy utittee,uty OF her sisters. She is the most Station, N.B., writes: -"Two years ago —0—remote Dominion, but she mobilized I was 'all in' as I' thought; could not do Barrie Beard of 'Trade is discussing over 31 per cent of her population, to any ork, nor no medicines alk but tried ourlMiill-- Fait Fair masters, and, thanks to the supremacy of the burn's heart and Nerve }'ills, and found __-p-- British and Allied nav',e5, sant more such benefit from the first box•that I The Board of 'Trade of Carleton 1 than nine per cent overseas." 'the continued gfl ,tnablehto work everysday Place is after a technical school, New Zealand Government recently and feel fine now." ._._,_43— issued a paper giving very full details Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ere livery's war x at all ch 1,119foul nae in the conte olvfhich it ise learnedthat out 01 a pop- on receipt ort, from 50e. a of price dor ealers, T mailed M burn Board d o be interested In the Co., Linuted Toronto, Ont. Board and should get behind it in its 1 elation of only t,1 00,000, Neu+ Zea- � various propositions for the better- i meat of the town during the year. The Board is purely a voluntary body, the ' purpose of which is to orgauloe the business interests of the town, for the upbuilding and development of the community and should get the hearif• est support of all citizens who desire to see the town advance. ' ---0—' St. Marys Membership Committee of the Board of Trade, secured 65 mem- bers in a day last week, and them work Win.; Only hall completed. THE l f WARMEMORIALlirnynofsw^stelrecOcmingOfronntnei511 '.1de 'TM"'"- m' -.r R as an emblem of life that was given to What Are lJoing babout peace. The memi What at Other Towns bre about ring eight feet long su1 fiveorial 1ee11wll wide at the base and will contain the Acton is erecting memorial gates names of all the fallen herpes of Exeter with cut stone abutments, bearing the told Ushorne. The total height will be names of the Acton soldiers, at the en - ten feet. It win be composed of Can. trance of the town park. ufi;m granite and the work on It will be --Op-- done 1y Canadian workmen. The cost Owen Sound is still undecided ae to I wilt be shared equally by Ushorne and what form their war memorial should ` Exeterand ittwills be completed by December r. take. j "S,45 a.m,-Worship. Dr, Aiken, 9.30 o for Examine ballot bl a. m. -Fir,s t ing Board. Report of decisions of late rendered by the President during the year. Report of the Conference Spec- ial Committee. Report of the Miss- •Ionary Committee. 02 p.m. -Report No. 1, Examining 'Board. -Report of Finance, Rev. S. W. Dean; Superannuation, Rev, R. J. D. •Simpson. 4 p.m.-MeulOrlal service. 5 p.m. -All committees meet. 8 p.tn,--Reception service, 'The "Secretary of Conference will read the resolution of reception into .full con- nection of candidates for ordination. Address, Rev, 1R. G. Peever, D. D. The President's charge. Saturday, June 7th. '3.45 rem -Worship, Dr. Aiken, 9.30 a.m.-Report of committees. Report No. t, Board of Examiners. Other committees, Pastoral address. General business. 1.30 p.m. -Meeting 211 Stationing !'.Committee to receive deputations, :8 p.nx -Theological Union lecture in 'Victoria Street church, Sunday Services, June 8th. 9 a.m.-Love feast and fellowship service, to he conducted by Rev. J. E. Ford. tt a,m-Ordination sermon by the, ex -President, Rev, J. L'. ifolmes, fol- lowed by the nrditlatiou service, con- elucted by the President, 1 p.m. -Sunday school session, Ad- dresses by Revs. W. E. Donnelly and 1', .6. Ciy'sdale. 7 p.m. -Sermon by Rev, J. W. Aiken 0,1)., Ottawa, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, conducted by. Dr Rutledge, Victoria Street -i 1 5.01., Rev. J, C. T.. }Morris; 3 p.m., Sunday school ad- dresses by Revs. M. Stuart and S. David son; 7 p.m.. Rev. Dr, Daniels. Presbyterian --i 1 a.m., Rev. W. E. Stafford; 7 p,m, Rev, 0, T. Watts. 135(1151 Church -1 1 a.01. Rev. S. Jefferson; 7 min., Rev, J. M. keys, Clinton, ;Ontario Street --1 t a.m., Rev, R. A. Miller; 7 p.231., Rev, S. 3, Aiiln. Monday, June 915 .8.45 3.11l. --Worship, Dr. Aiken. - 9.30 am -}General business, Rd- -port of Laymen's Association, d 0.111, -Jubilee service, (Rev. J. G. ''elland, General business. Fixing date +esf next COM erelide. Ministers 15- ;spOnsilite for naw charges. 'COpte3 of the Year Hook. Miscellaneous platters, g° tome-aRefgio,is idiidlitirni Anf1l- •wersery, Addresses by Rev. Vert„ .Hiles And Res'. Frank Langford, Statlonkug .asrpminittee meets,, • Tta.Yday't Juno loth, 5f e,fls.+ �1fst draft of stattetiS, Sl« esu •hx ..t.str Maio, Perifisslotf tb Picton is committed to a war me- morial, but owing to differences of opinion as to the form it should take have delayed taking definite action, --WS-- Renfrew has under consideration the erection of highway bridges be' testy s, trove Ing suitably e it over them all. meat tive factory is proposed. "A compan) organized on a sound business basis that would do great things for Bownxan- ville." Can you beat that? --•`-- Thursday, May 1, will be a public fora memorial hall, holiday in Galt, and in addition to be- ing observed as Arbor Day will also BI th citizens are canvassing for be Memorial Day, to commemorate Y '•1 hall. 1, ,ata eau n Y funds to erecta t Simeue Reformer: -Many suggestions have been made in the way of war memorials of the "useful" sort. We have heard of hospitals, libraries, parks, play grounds, nurses' homes, com- munity houses, auditoriums, town halls, gymnasiums, railway terminals, drive- s 1521)1 s0 on, But Lite engraved biome tablets. t est, which hails front Bowntanvitle, 1153 --••-- A Oriel co-opera- tive rl t'rkiS i Ct MSA Root cfripJ'aplve -i not, reliable sys,uattM -- maliciflS. (.45 to throe or" grecs 2, $3; No.t3. 45 per bun Sold b ,d1 deaty:tis tel or sent r025Ul ¢n pamphlet- nt {fits^', a.J Fru¢ pn,aphl¢t. Adfrressi Philadelphia, Port Credit and To - onto substantial memorial halls will be erected, Point Edward Council will submit a bylaw for the expenditure of 910,000 the sacrifice made by many Galtoniaos -••-- _ ion the field of battle during the past A vote of the citizens of sarnia. four years, Extensive tree planting on streets, is planned, in addition to the creation of a memorial drive in Jack- son Park, to be lined with trees, in battle. It is proposed to have the names of Galt's filen inscribed on names of l slt's fallen inscribed this large boulders at the entrance to drive which will prove a lasting :me- morial. THE cooK MEDICINE CO, " 30acere, 013. (rorwrlr Motor.), HERE AND THERE be taken to decide what form u25 i diers' memorial shall take, as soon as concrete propositions are ready. The Hanover Post says,-"T11is idea of building some structure that . the The United Fanners of Ontario have ,now a membership of 30,000. Some of the coal dealers say the outlook for them is dark, but what about the poor consumers who may have to pity Ct2 or 9i3 12 ton next Winter? 'rile high cost of keeping waren wilt give many a family the shiv- ers, ill STIP i7, I,Ns TO LIVER C ,IVIPtLAMITs, eS BELli US SPELLS. town needs anyway and naming it. a memorial, is unworthy of our apprsCi- atlun and our patriotism." The erection of a nurses' home for the Barrie (hospital as a mark cf ap- preciation of the noble, ',and heroic service of the nursing profession. 15 suggested as a tilting soldiers ate - uxorial for Barrie. fhe Sarnia 'Canadian says; --"The movement to erect community houses as victory memorials has assumed na- tion wide, and in tact continent wide prlportions." From one of our northern exchanges we learn that Mr, C. M. Bowman, Ni_ P. P. of Southanxpton, i5 acting manager of the Waterloo Mutual Life ins. CO. and is likely to be appointed manager before long. It appears that his fate father held the position for many years. The appointment may necessitate Mr. Bowman's removal from Southampton to Waterloo. Cliile.ren Cry FOR FLETC11ER'F, A *^, -I- CD F tidrv. Peace deferred nxaketh the heart sick. The cry of the daylight-saving ad- vocates is "Forward, turn forward, oft 'Tints, 111 your Bight." Joh printing of all kinds executed at moderate prices at The New Era of- fice, The present one cent coin weighs eighty pennies to tbe pound, while the new ..Olt 1the , Will run too c • 1 2 Ri pound. It will approximate the American bronze cent , which weighs i 45 grains. It will be a little lighter ; ' than the 10 cent silver piece and fig- ' are so that it will be easily distinguish- ed by the touch, That daylight saving commission at 01110512 may he sparring for time until 1 the period arrives to turn the clucks back again. It's time to shut up your hens. , Tender flowering phults are showing up nicely, and the inquisitive her lust !eves to scratch for grubs around the THE BOARD OF TRADE tea_ What Other Town's Are Doing Owen Sound board of Trade brought hones Pearson of Toronto, one of the Ttie Greatest Name in Goody -Land UtGYWR1Gt-E.RU 1 T ` CftEwtTIG GUM- --... ---- Sinlcoe Reformer says: -"Tho hat -1 hest -lemma road builders in '1.anade, tie of memorials continues, and the to address them on roadways, cnntlicting•vieu's'get more ditliculi to 'i'he St. 'Thomas 'Times -Journal ad- hau monize as time goes on." vocattes co-operation between the City In order to commemorate We fallen Cou11511 1ud the Botalyd of Trade. Woodstock soldiers who died in France, steps are being taken there The Post says Lindsay's' Board of 'When your liver becomes sluggish and inactive, the bowels become constipated, the tongue becomes coated the breath bad the etomsch foul andsiekc, and bilious spoils occur on acrow1 t of the liver holding back the bile which is so essential to promote the movement of the bowels and rho bile gets into the blood, intteac� cd_passing through the usual ohaninel. The only proper way to keep the liver aetivu and working properly it to keep ?het boireit regular byuasing Mililt Rau.i:' trey rills. They *Mk Mid gently, And do not gripe,'weaken add ,Oaken as se many laxative pills de, Mr, ,lianas 1', Colter, Itarttosd, ICS.r nribee1--"I hint ti ed Milburn's Lmx* liver Pills for constipation and hew new, t, ,8t tine eine I used Ise hasp a Net epeyl story little 'wh and ones was* nwtsfltd..,t 5M4ele' e PIN, din eteot Lite he s, tial idtpy ore l 4n i t >wt.0 15. 'lrx!,&*i7abeilderllet# oft wailed baro a ted, rtemtt , bit. war..• iiiteteg tent d, Tose * hat treeste a plantedhintthetler local Iparks. leach ch tree will bear a broinee tablet and uta st will be 005(32ved the name of the dead hero told the particulars of his death. The trees, of which there will be 1 50 are to be obtained from? England. The Pembroke Standard says: -- "The movement for the 'Town Council to purchase a suitable building and grounds to be used as a climb -house and meeting place for the war veterans and to be handed over to them [t a nominal rental, is one that should Meet with the approvalof the Council cud the town people," ---•�---' The mass of correspondence in the Picioll Gazette AWNS, A preference for something of bene,At to the living In the ercetlttp'of ,a htentorfal, Trade is . nearly dead for leant of *�— n ,'i'he S 4 Titontmt 1lirilet jmteriiatl • says 'tit*` ltospitatPidea'°is the test conuire- helisi9e proposition that e5n be ads va'[teed, Usherne and Steer' share Stluxlty hr the cost of d tntentortsi, that design ,.1,5p +, Newmarket has sixty members on its Board of 'Trade. —0 --- Believer secured nifty -seven mem- bers :it the first re-urgaulii.ation Meet- ing of its Board of 'Trade, The Strathroy Board of 'Trade has inaugurated a sanitary system for the town, The largest - selling gum in the world nat- uraliy has to have a package worthy of its contents. So look for 721 .Detling together ip ,any walk or circle of life means rubbing off the sharp cor'ner's And making Me more i tvgrth lving Mayor, 'tlprton,'of SI, 1'ho,015 hears that 600 AnleriC,ati arms will come into Canada: int the, next.. 4wo }toile, tdise0perxt'O(• unot fit+ tkt4. tNititei{k Wind tgr, 4te.litQRrttt01 Trade. The presidents of the Owen Souftd and the Colltngwood Boards of Trade have issued invitations to dltiaetls tb We *nit (hitt tuggettlptls, 14 .. tltp in the seated Package that keens all of its goodness in, That's why The Flavour Lasts!,