HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-4-3, Page 3Thursday, ,April- 3rd,.1.919, POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of ti'" Woods Qatraeal Flour left Over from our Poultry Feeding Season, This will make a good dry mash for laying Hens, or a No, 1 feed for Hogs, "We, are selling this ;Feed at be, low cost to clear. We are always in the market for Live Poultry and new laid eggs at top market prices, Goof -Langlois & Co,, Li i1 t The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone, 190 N. W. Trewartha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 142. PIANOS Before purchasing your new piano or organ let us show you the newest de- signs in several well- known and old establish- ed makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See our stylish cabinet designs in the best makes. Hoare ta5551AthAtrI ostrichst,aasj484.WA1A1A65f1 d0 ad1 e C NHEN YOU ARE IN t NEED OF ANY PLUMBING TINSMITFIING ROOFING OR ELECTRIC WORK CALL OR PHONE A a re,nrn ] Plumber, 7 FOR PRICES g CS f� d cutter s and Electrician; itllone 7. a' �t,n.,{¢pe,itdi'MMmA6 b1MVAA0tFMbNhd1✓,;,M+vAI�� Better Pay The Price t)otfb be teinpted to cl1soee cheap Jewett ry. Far metier to pay 11, fair price and know exactly what von ,ire getting, You will never be sorry --Por as a matter of money, it is ensily the most 000nntuical, That has been said en often that everybody by this time ahonld know it -and '-vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to set personal -If yon would like to miss that sort altogether - COME HERE If yon would like to boy,vvhere nothing but high qualities are dealt in -GONE kIER1• And even atthal, no person ever said Our prices were unfair u 3B ICV. tier 94�Y1F• W '�✓ • Jeweler and Optietan lief 01 liflar •alia(t Licenses P6M11) a97, M e Q, ' 011s A Carload Of Govt Standard FE.. kJustrr°i �ed -� vd �R.D & McLEOD In infusion is worth every cent of its cost, the flavor is IM'elicioallis eked the strength Abundant. All 0591 QGrOflc All The Most Economical • Question... Te Obtainable Anywhere. Oldest Nun in the U. S. . Probably the oldest nun in the Unit- ed States .is Sister Mary of St, Michael, of the Covent of the Good Shepherd. in Newport, Ky., who recently celebrated her hundredth birthday, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'Ss CASTORIA Few Red -Haired Women Insane. According to medical scientist red- haired, women seldom go insane. Laid gp Far 2 Plonths WITH PAINS IN BACK. Pain in the back is one of the first signs showing that the kidneys are not in the condition they should be and it should be gotten rid of immediately, if neglected, serious kidney troubles are likely to • follow. There is a way to "shake off" for ever the constant pain of backache, the annoy- ance of urinary troubles and all dangers. of kidney ills. Go to your druggist or dealer; get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills; take a few doses and see how quickly your backache will disappear. Mr. Hugh Morton, Daysland, Alta , writes: -"I am glad to feel it myduty to let you know what great relief I found by using your Dean's Kidney Pills. I was laid up for two months with pains in my back and I found relief after having taken half a box of 'Doan s. I cannot recommend them too highly to anyone having weak kidneys, as they have been a great help tome." The phenomenal success of Doan's Kidney Pills in all parts of the 'world has brought forth many imitations. See that you get "Doan's" when you ask for them. Out• trade mark "The Maple Leaf" is on every box.- Price 50c. at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. W, 131iA9ib.SL BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETD (01Nm001 H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Oonvi'yaneer, Financial and Real Eet.,t,e INSURANCE Anl7:7T--Roprosenting 14 P. ”e _arouse C1nlnilnlfo. • ID;i151JZI G St'f 6b_li:+:`.• ;•} as .;li-ie A Mr. James Doherty wishes to is form the public that he is pre I public pared to do fine piano tunmg tone regulating, and - repairing ' Orders left at W:"Dahertyi'e phone s 61, will receive prompt tte tion .61f.A.et ,kaJ• IYIFeOVEI) UNIFORM IPITERNATIOlitlf. LESS (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER,D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moody. Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1010, by Weston) Sewbpaper C11100.) LESSON FOR APRIL 6 GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY, LESSON TEXTS -Genesis 1:1, 27; psalmi 103:1-14: Matthew 6:24-34, GOLDEN TEXT -Our Fatherp who art Itnhaheavw682 en, hallowedbe thy nd3me,-at- ArJ tTIONAL MATERIAL-Deuterono- my,:6:4, 5; Psalms. 145:1-21; Isaiah 6:1-6; Matthew 22:36.38; John 4:29; 1 John 4:7-16. PRIMARY TOPIC -The Heavenly Fa- ther's care for his children? Father. 7UNIOR TOPIC -God our Creater and INTERMEDIATE TOPIC -What we owe to our. Father in Heaven. 1 God the Creator (Gen. 1:1, 27). God was before all things. God the uncaused cause is the cense of all things. "Before the nlountain4 were brought forth, or ever thou Midst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everinsting, thou art God." (Psalm 00:2). The uni- verse came into being by the will and net of the personal being called God, In verse one Is enunciated the sub- lime philosophy of every right life. In the beginning of all science mrd philos- ophy -God; in the beginning of every life -God; in the beginning of every year -000; in the beginning of every day -God; in the beginning of every business -God; in the beginning of ev- ery thought, plan and hymen relation- ship -Gail. Conv[etion as to' this sets one free from the Tulse philosophy of the age. ilium himself is a creation of God,,not an evolution. Man was cre- ated in the likeness and image of God This precludes the foolish icieu that man ascended from and through it brute. Iie came into hetes by n •spc- 81111creative art of Goal, having been preOode'd by n special eanpcil nt' the f=odhr,ld (.Gen. °I :20, 27). Those who believe this record 0. ;tonal ' t11e D rt• - W dreary of 31111,1'5 "rii;in ae net oely a linman Va;:ne , but tt vietIme p'rim, alit inspired b1 ;h:• devil. 'When ut' („ bx, fir 11 Ir s /6119 ('rentor'.: tinsels I:e was t.' ;Li' a tv ge..nmr a 1 ' l : 1. � • l 1 ' 1 1'::(s,.,rc ( ln, ,, .� i 1 1 s t t.. mr I - I n matins man. As an. ei,.11l)1l1' or, the m1tiu'ity of ids intelle('t, he dem-(1 rho nniunai5 n they pn,,s"(i before hint., •1 11. God the Preserver (Psalms '103: 1111; DR. J. C. GANDIER I All e entod,thhlgs would p1. }-i-h were 1t not for the pre::erving in mien of God. It embraces the .following grac- ious beneficial acts: 1. Forgives all iniquities (v. 3). Pardon is the prime necessity if moral things are to be preserved. 2. Ilealeth all diseases (v. 3), This refers to the healing of the body end the soul. Renovation of High and Kirk Streets. man's moral nature is necessary. 3, Ontario Redeemeth the life from destruction • Office et Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, - - Ontario • DR. W. G)7NN, Office at Residence Corner Clinton fibs., a'', 01. AXON 61rcw•rInm 41058-n 111,15 1616155M n'4'or15 n eImeielty, Graduate 01 C.O.D.S.. CI:ie,Wa, and 1,0,0.8- Pornnto, 1tay� let il on 7Annd,nr'. 'atav 1st a 88 DENTIST. Guinea over ()'N1'.]L'P store,' SpwiiaM car" yaaeu to MAO dental 6rm.' '+,eat as namlasa ae ooaeih1e. THowl <A •Q .9NDR'Y Live stn.^,k and general Ariel ion *A- GOIDERIGH O T 05131 t,t .1104 a' enea1r.1,. Older t or Vow BIM attlre,"rClinton, 00,0' 5 y 51(8e35u t,,, Terms reasonable, P'arnlavv iieeonnted G. D. M.claggarc M. D. bi'Tagga.i releTII.i1 1x44. ip 13 y'(,v 7,, RANKERS ALBERT ST , (JLINT(^l' (,raostersI Banking BroallTh000l traittenetted 00TE13 DISCOUNTED Dratte issued, Interest allowed e deboslte ' The Pelc4: diol Mum 3'1 Fire 'Insurance gifts ftarm and isolated Tonto Pesolnn ¢arty Only insured. (lead Office- Scalier the OlIt Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, Presidenti',ias. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos, B, Hays, Seaforth, Secretat'y Treasurer, Agents 'Max, Leitch NOClinton• P1 ar i.ffincltisy, Seaforth, Wm;'Cdasbey Eg • Mondville; J. W, Yeo, Goderach; R. Ct' Jarmutlt, Brodhagen. '• Directare WYm, Alen, No, Seaforth; Jahn h..n newels, laroditageJamas Emma, Ear weal; M. MdEW*,,, Ciinti Cannel Nth; D.M I, rt a. (Move,. 14 ,gip.,;t r nl , a loch to am 1 �rltlk (v. 4). Redemption implies the pay- ment of all demands against the debt- or. God in Christ perfprms the part which the individual foiled to perform, and crowns him with the full right of Citizenship in his kingdom, 4. "Sat- tslReth thy mouth" (V. 5). This means that God satisfies all legitimate desires and thus the youth is renefveclr The original capacities are restored to their native vigor. 5. Executeth righteous- ness and judgment (vv. 6-14). The wrongs of lite are righted and thus man is relieved of the burdens which T O SEVERE ©OL SETTLED DM LCHEST. Bad Cough Ifor Weeks. The cold starts with a little running of the nose, the head becomes stuffed up, but little attention is paid to it, thinking perhaps it will go away in a day or two. You neglect it, and then it gets down into the throat and front there to the lungs, and it is a rase of cough, cough, morning,+,noon and night. However slight a ,cold you have you should never neglect it. lu all possi- bility, if you do not treat it in time, it will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, or some other serious throat or lung trouble, Dr. Wood's Norway' Pine Syrup is a universal remedy for those who suffer from any bronchial trouble, It Alaimo laces the. weakened • bronchial organs, soothes and :fatale the irritatedparts, loosens the phlegm and mucou9{'and aids Nature to clear away the morbid accumu- lations. . Mrs Win, I(sye, Talmage, Sask.,writes.-*` Last winter 1 took. a severe" cold;whieh settled on•fhy ellcst, 1 had a ad cn hEarweeks. got somei e di cinefrom our doctor but it did mo no good. At last a friend advised me to try Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which I did, and after using one bottle I found tiat' my cold r was tette . I have re- commended it to my neighbors, and they say they 'would hot be 'tvithottt tt. Dr. WOOIVS'Narrray Pine Syrup is far Halo by ail doaiere. Price 25c. and We. m bottle. Manufaoturt'd only by The T. Whom m Co,,1nrulied, Toroito, Oat. INTON NEW ERA. FAGS :3 ,,sse isee e.ue,es-spwv�kvpryuupq Gley milli rfe extends 1810 pity to 1 f v " ward n9 E f' SOLDIER I�AND SC EIS III Cod Our lather (71fatt 012484) _ Christ come to reveal the leathers The subjectsof the icingdoh1I will love him 110 n child loves Ito father, 1, Undivided affection (v. 24). Tho. e1111d of the heavenly lfl(thet makes the unequivocal choice between Goti, add the world, fdi' unless Gad bee the first place bo has no place. 2. Not anxious about fcod.and cloth- ing (VV, 25-32), (1) It Is useless (v. 27). ,Anl1lety can bring nothing. "Ally God will supply all can needs" (Phil. 4:19). (2) It shows (Hairnet of the Father (vv. 28.30), In the measure that one 19 anxious about these things he shows his lack of faith to the abil- ity and love of God. If we would please' God we must come to him in faith. (Hob. 11 tO). The birds and flow- • HAS BEEN CANADA'S FAVORITE YEAST FOR MORE THAN 3A,'VEARS 'GI n COMPA f iiMlrfU 8(J TEOROtQ1'O Ml (ustl: -1z T1 e-71 Y14,414r._i' .40....1.x......,,.,1.-,.d,-,..®�.., ors shame en In this (vv. 20.28), (3) Orae Cone It is heathenish (v, 32), We do not ty wonder .that those who are ignorant of God should manifest anxiety, but for his children .to do so is to play the heathen. He knows that we have need of temporal things and If he cares for the flowers and birds he will surely net allow his children to suffer. 3. Ele diligently seeks the kingdom of'God (vv. 33, 84). Ile subordinates temporal things to things of the spirit. This shows Hie right relationship that a child 'of God is to sustain to secu- lar affairs. This does not mean. that a child of God does net exercise proper forethought in making a suspert for himself and family. The warning is not against legitimate forethought; b t anxious wow. BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SPRING The Spring is n time of anxiety to mothers who have little ones in the home. Conditions make it necessary to keep the baby indoors. FIe is often confined to overheated badly ventilat- ed rooms and catches colds which rack his whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the the house and an occasional -dose given the baby to keep .his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will prevent colds; constipation or colic and keepbaby b by well. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William's Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Douglas Sparks is dead at his home near Dinsmore, Sask., of pleuro -pneu- monia, after a week's illness. Ile was 3'0, years of age, and was married only one month a%e. lits father and mother and a brother live in Seaforth, and were former residents of Stanley Township'. Burial took place in the West. Urartghtly, pimples .61A EE7-' ang': i 1 A t'!fv'i uea ;2'e .r 1 ° z+t r i. L ,,t";•n-,.s, I �r'd q ,� ,� � ( {Wil d�•. C.Wv'-4: u.�,b *r.,.,:i-Y,ve.u,.4..J.tl'6 aaeset Largest C: i.* !. t,ri Sold ct'•,ywhe-_•. ty or 'district of Ontario, whiolt 0(1811(1 belaced at the disposal of the soldier i ' 1 °• who decides to 10(119 111 (t particular ! U ! 4 district, Phe Buar(l 44111'e4 to pay very strict attention in each case to the relation between the capital investment end 111e estimated productivity of the farm, in Order that the settler should not be overburdened by undue capital debt, Very great care is therefore to be ex- ercised In' 181e selection by soldiers of farms of appropriate cost and product- iveness. The plans for the ascertainment of suitable land in Ontario will be super- vised by the Board with, it 11 hoped, the active participationof district rep- resentatives of the Provincial Agricul- tural Department, else with the patri- otic co-operation of county represent- atives and representative farmers coma Hied to advise the Board and the re- turned soldier as to the merits of each agricultural proposition which is ten- , tiered to the Board. The purchase price will be fixed by tine Board In each case olay after it has been inspected and 'valued by the 13011rd. John Clegg, -who .has been living in j Whrggham for the past year,, has bought 1 the 50 -acre farm of Sydney Frisby, East Wawanollt, t % miles south of Bel- 'Price will .get possession April' 1st, I Price is Said to be 33,300.. • • Mr.' A. Hnviland, wilo has been 1 Principal of the Central Business lege since. since it was opened it Wingham. has accepted a position as office mann- ger with the Stratford Chair Co., at Stratford and will take up his new dut- ies on the ist of April, Mr: Murray Mc Leisch •of Mount Forest, and formerly of Stratford will take the Principalship of the Central Business 'College, Albert Coulter who makes his home with his uncle, John Coulter, at Bel- gra'ee, got badly kicked in the eye by a horse. The doctor fears permanent injuries to the eye. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leaver, 1211s con. of East Wawanosh, •was the scene 011 Wednesday, March .12th, of a pretty wedding when their daughter Annie Alba, was united in holy wedlock to John M. Coultes, son of Mr. John Coultes, of Morris. • Mr:- Chas. Whiteman of the West- field vicinity had quite a curiosity in a Iamb with live legs. Mr. W. T. McSpitddeu of Winthrop purchased a new. 10-z'0 Titan Tractor for driving his hay press and other work, Brussels Knitting Factory and the electric c li ht plant had enforced holi- days li- days owing to the high wetter inter- fering with their machinery. Exeter citizens favor permanent road making. Robert George Reid, of Varna. The, bride is the third daughter of Mr. John Kerslae, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left for their home where a grand rseep:ion was tendered them On their 2 .. v^l. t1,'. henry Francis,.. of the Thames Road has a Clock of hens that gave him l most satisfactory results for the year t'1I8 and the figures will no doubt will he a Surprise to many poultry raisers. Mr Francis kept :100:(unt of the eggs he sold and- the cost of the I fed taunt the high price of last year. I Le did not keep trach 1•f the eggs used in his own 11011:0 by two people. from tee he received ;1171,84 and from , (1l e i a td ,.•29. 5, a trial of 1 os.- o Ihos.-i:,.1 f e c.st •,".5 kav,nl x piort ef 1.1.:i7 or an average profit 52.15 • 1 f '1 1: i;tion per it.':. An 1 .- her 11•X6 (.1 stns that (las paid hand- .some and-n1. returns well pleasing til ihz own -.I o'1• aro I8 Ile.) 'urs!toot. .McDonald.t id seven months s f lr C, P, Ilonper, of 1•:1eter paid '1,''..'•L•U b raid th0 s,*lenddd 1111 o1 fs• .,1 1, The 881•vcic consisted , f 170 stens and the returns inane be-! tse•e the first of Marclt and the first of October, • REX. CLHFE WRITES his wife. She looked very happy and nice; but I don't think she could be called beautiful. I was asked to de- scribe her dress when 1 got back here, but all I saw was a bunch of lacy stuff and a little bunch of flowers at her waist. She had a long train borne by two pretty little people dressed in kilts. The kids were giggling and nearly falling over themselves. Prin css Mary was chief bridesmaid. She is very pretty. We saw some beauti- ful women, one especially, just across the aisle getting most of my attention all the time i was there and could see her. When we got outside 1 discov- ered that the M. 0. had been staring at her too, so 1 believe she must have felt well scrutinized. It was an exper- ience to push past real generals and hear someone talking to "your lady- ship" behind you, It was the swellest bunch 1 ever got mixed up with. We were lucky enough to get' up a side street and catch a bus before the crowd broke, The M. 0. thought I hdayremarkably well. a stood the1 ttw (1 Y 1 had a walk with the M. 0 today conning home and he says I may Ileal ap and get strength enough to carry nn as before, only if I had to live a hard manual working life I might be r.hliged to have my chest raised again. There is a cavity of course, and part C m0 right lung is collapsed but 11e s�Ys it is marvellous the amount of loon; iss.;e that still remains, consider- irg the injury I got, It is still dis- charging a bit and I am C'nteeling 11 little, but this is all decreasing and my strength is ec,ming hack wonderfully. In fact the M. O. advised me to go to a 1 ,11151ion, the 151v one of its kind c.:'•tenc1 for the treatment of chest eases, for the pines Se Of htvine my chest raised I am r.'ing to 1*e examin- ed and if thought advisable will stay ler a fate months. This is honestly all ,.ars: there is to'tell about myself. i e , •-•,.e.10 11'• tunic now anti can go out 011 for walks ani drive!, 1'- akipi .:r anus I went to ;see 8I9, n r in '•:1.0'I., America:' the other +1y it is, 1 think, the h .t Wog' I I e en ot'dl' here, it'; 1 .r, k to c'`17,'Y .i this tit,rt of life, f l . is offrac treats fie- patients, ob '11175,1,ie Is in the hospital 11':re Just had the "lin" but looking fat 111(1 strr ..• Pint Bishop, of Trinity, is i. n .:dh. n:.• • i v,; with a broken Omar. playground In one aspect the visitor will find the amusement or both come bined in the hot sulphur springs, a which gives one the privilege of swimmingout in the open with Um thermometer above, or twenty below zero, in not tepid, but warm water. The bpirit of the Carnival will again have full sway throughout the town, and those who arrive at night will feel the pages of many books hate at last become a part of their (lives; for they are in a veritable tiny miniature fairyland. Colored lights glare to be strung across the streote, ddown the toboggan slide, and on the rinks in thousands, giving the gala nSfeet so desired, The ice palace will as usual be the centre of attraction. The style is one' which will be admired by all labo sen it. Hundreds of lights shining !°through the blue green of enormous ;blocks of ice, produce an effect that Dan readily be imagined to be very lovely; and most harmonious with ;'the dark pines around, the clear blue q'sky and the mountains in the back. ground. Those only in town a few memente will suddenly be attracted by bells, shouting, singing, etc, When their eyed fo110w the sound, another spot of th n te Fairyland ld will. be foveated. Two rows of many colored lights and flaming torches mark tho route of the tobaggan endo, The list of amusements is a long ono, Tthere are the hockey and curl - Jim matehee, toboggan races, snow ahenrmad ski races The ski amniam p ing tfis year Promlatato binat of the big events, for a newlump doat- lar five hundred dollars itiltbeiug bili; ISM i4E trite beat skl*iti tn. iLNFI1' will again be en fete for its Third Whiter Ca'rnlv1l, from February 9th to the 16th. Thoso who were iortunato enough to visit it during the Carnival last year, found a Banff they had never dreamed of; how entad they know of the beauty of this mountain resort ht Wintel't Ask any fesident of Banff which season ho tlrefers, aid ile answer will Ina varial,lybe "Winton" It will atria leo Of m V tow years 11(1 t4Nfiata arrange thefft tape to tests In the' Carinal et baaf1; as ittouidndi vlift lite f Otimine t11,f1isln1l for the Mardi deka, Pasadena for the Rose Tournament, m tlneutal rna eat n citi'ee and towns wof Cohen they aro en Banff,h National o t w ll foto, the Natio 1 Iles r l soon be tItcentre of winter sports 1)1 Canada, as Elristinta ha Norway, and .Stockholm, Sweden. Why? It era perfect winter playground, apart from the woederfsl . ootfery, and many will want tee see tin '..Goth of the Weed" in wintor. 'Tho ri ora on fo the Cara $ml tl a air s l p p . MIA year are flea Writ acale'than redoes )OOrL 1`11e the is be Mike frilaatit°ig *$,A4** *km* 'lia O oproattar. /1fr&. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia. E. Pilaltlaaliifs Vegetable Compound. Oskaloosa, Iowa. -"For years I was simply in oratory from a weakness and awful pains --sand nothing seemed to do mo any good. A friend advised me to take, Lydia E. Pinkhem's Vage- table Compound. 1 did so and got re- lief right away. 1 can certainly re- commend this valu- able medicine to other women who suffer, for it has done such good work for me and I know it will help others if they wi I give it a fair trial." -Mrs. Lima COURTNEY, 108 8th Ave., West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Why will women drag along from day to day, year in and year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such lettersethis are continually being published. Every woman who suffers from distelacements, irrogularitlea, in- flammation, ulceration, backache, ner- vousness, or who is passing through the Change of Life should give this famous root std herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinle- haaab'e Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,, Lynn, Mass. The result firs Its long experience is at your aerviee. r a5-•,YaMrose Gird" l ea6 N t .re' Firs.a Law is order-•'regulria'ity, Obey it ira your Ent711 body. Keep rLp yel.t> li 4 '�''!' active and your a?lLVJ'v^'.ar"-+ rrJ,;ti•' ly lade. and! 1i'M ' Y^ll,:G^.d T health t� zlJ.54 EiJ 'yl��}:•.+-... c,i / is i!a: J otac'C way. One ,T•72i.I i---',, 173resrldar and thea, if :-.. cis; w.cy. .t i iW(,o trien uioe a..... •.•n..£arv0 Co r'. 3 e raven.:n -1 >:r + t :.;'r.:.._....C. 0,1r.i G23 Eta.3E1 1 I'd(. O a w 2C iG I TTM M. L� I.A Canada taking part in the competi- tions. The Pony Ski races are, of course, on the programme, and will no doubt create tee usual excitement. Snow shoe tramps equally as interest- ing as last year have been planned where lunch will be served at Game Warden's Cabin, These tramps are, conducted by men 'who know every Each of the country. Masquerade balls bring the items on the pro. programme to a close, Those who imagine the world hm the mountains to be k dead one in winter, will have a pleasant surprise. Rivers, brooks, cataracts and falle aro all pursuing their merry course, rut be summer, except in perhaps very occa- sional spots, The animals are itot huddled up inside their burrows to seeking shelter away from the world to escape "this awful wintor,•'. but) roam around as In slimmer (except the boars) deur, goats, RookyMountal2 sheep, and coyotes aro to. be seen, also winter birds of several varieties• Banff dead in winter? No, in. deed, and very soon it will be mort alive than ever, f t or ins cad of heir tirade there will be thousands Dorno to see the 'rep 01 the World" in winter. Let those who t0nie this winter on., . joy Nature in all the beauty of here winter garb-'bt' eater lute tiny of thee dempotit(00e for the ninety ,love rizo the restdonts 00 anti aro s 0 p gl big, for the 'true sport and joy; amusement, and these same lt,iieol will again he ..olakugd as guests .fdi eta& (acnt xti cl.: Mph .,a .'