HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-3-27, Page 5Thursday, Murch 27th, 1919, l$41 ROGER BROS. SILVEiV4iUU. OLD COLONY and' CRDMWEII PATTERNS A full stock of the above pat- terns just received In Knives, Forks, Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Berry Spoons, and fancy pieces. Also a number of Ten setts in the newest patterns. All the above goods are fully guaranteed, and all Made in Canada, BUY THE BEST SILVERWARE 1847 ROGERS BROS. A good stock always on hand, BUY' AT HOME Prices as low as any hail order house. - W. IL.,Va JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses Caddies Call for More. Mitcham Common golf caddies are asking 6d, per round beyond the au- thorized 1s. charge. c;0,1lci,ren Cry' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA• WEST HURON TEACHERS START A CRUSADE TO BEAUTIFY COUNTY The following` cirel.11nr has been sent to all teachers• and school boards in .West Huron It Is hoped that every Property owC• ' the Countyty will help, to carry ,out these suggestions. The Committee will be grateful if other papers will copy; ' To the Teachers; add Trustees; In order t improve the appearance of the Inspectorate of West Huron the ]executive Committee in session at Exeter, March )S, 1919, decided tet offer •t Reward of ten dollars to the School Section whose Teacher and Trustees give a written report of the greatest amount of improvement'done in their School Section in the way of levelling and seeding tate sides of the roads; planting .of shade trees; improving orchards, farm buildings, fences and in other way that will add, to the beauty of this fair county, in general and to the value of the homestead in particul- ar. These reports must be in the hands of the Secretary, Mr, V. H. Johnston, Kippen, not later than -.October, ist, 1919, in order to be Judged and awards WAS WEAK ALL. RUN DOWN FROM HEART and NERVES, Mrs. Percy G. McLaughlin, Lawrence Station, N.B. writes:—"1am writing to tell you that I+have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and find since I com- menced to use them that I feel altogether a different woman. I was weak and sun down from nay heart and nerves, and was recommended to try your pills by Mr. James IT. Scott who hes taken them, and says if it were not for them he could not live. When I finish the box 1 am now taking 1 will be completely cured. 1 wish to thank•ou for putting up such a wonderful medicine, and I will gladly recommend it to one and all." To all those who suffer in any way from their heart or nerves, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will come as a great »oon. They strengthen and stimulate the weak heart to pump pure "rich, red blood to - a#1 parts of the body, strengthen -the shattered nerves, and bring a feeling of contentment over the whole body. Price 50e. a box at all dealers or nailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. yg a d Girls ust Have P , is DOGS, PIGEONS, RTIBB1TS, eATS eh eHNARIES Among 250,000 boys and girls in Western On- tario are thousands of prospective purchasers at good prices, of dogs, birds, fine cats, pigeons, fish ferrets, guinea pigs, white mice, Belgian hares, can- aries, rabbits. Most of these boys and girls, their parents, big brothers or friends, read the For Sale Classified Ads. in the Free Press. Most rugged, red-blooded boys have some pets and a lot of trad- ing, buying and selling takes place early in the spring. Why don't you let others know what pets you want to sell or buy. Thousands of eager eyes are scanning the classified ads. in The Free Press For Sale and Wanted to Purchase columns every day. Just -write down a careful description of the, r pet you want to buy or sell, figure the cost of ad. at two cents a word. each insertion, • Groups of figures of,four or less count as one word. Send ad., together with payment, and say how many times you want your ad. to appear. Better run it three days. kearyOtt ti* WESTERN 0N•rnfi0•5 FoaIMo5'r N F,WSPAPEa rto Thu N ILUET We have just received a shipment of Cleveland Bicycles bought when price was down and will sell at the down price while they last. Also a few second hand bicycles. Price and terms to suit tires from $2. up; tubes SL25 and up. A full line of repairs and assessories for bicycles and -automobiles. Storage batteries recharged and over- hauled. Dry Batteries Spark Plugs Plash Lights and Batteries Pratte and Lambert Auto Paint and Painting and top dressing Overhauling Oars ePhone $0 . Residence ce 140 'idveinnieiit examiner fo Lritrenst: Drivers TJII,E CLINTON. NEW ERA; given nt the next meeting oftile Asso- Curd of Thanks, , elation. ln order 0) render an impatrtiall de- cision ,thes. reports 'shall be Jgdged by Ctjnabde Canmltice of non -interested parties:.' • Send the other circult(r' id the Secre- tarY of the School Board. Immediately upon the t of h receipt I these circulars, teachersandtrustees are strongly urged to ,hold n public meeting of the ratepayers and others to consider this whole matter. Cont- mittees of enthttsltistic:.old and young people should be appointed who will tike the subject t has and dothings. I. L 1 n hand Igs Ploughing of roadsides could be done its soon as the frust Is out of the ground, and Township Councils army be Persuaded to lend their graders for levelling the ploughed land, or per- haps they would offer a similar prize for the township, Let everybody work and there will be great satisfaction felt in the com- ing years. Mrs, Helen 'Trick, finding it impos- 11 i'N aOn ll to t very ab toIae le I., 1 er. kind expressions of sympathy, which she received from the ladles'of Clinton during her recent•sdrrow; would take so•-- nd,s o doinga 't this.opportunityf. Y • e e`» nnuchshe values. hose x how very v u pressions, Also to the ladthe Ontario Street church for theie• preseoftnt Ota beautiful club bag, and how yery much she appreciates their expression. of kindness and love. As she will be letiving Clinton in a few days to stake her borne with her daughter in St. Louis, Mo., she would say farewell to all her friends. Mrs. Helen Trick. Red Cow and Her Friends, Peter McArthur, welt -known to near- ly everyone in this part of Ontario as •a sort of rural humorous philosopher has just published a book, "The Red 'Cow. and Her Friends." J, M, Dent & Sons, Toronto, Price $1.50, Mr. Mc- Arthur -wields a prolific pen in a num- ber of influential journals and has made himself famous through the length and breadth of Canada by telling people in a humorous -serious strain of the simple charms of rural life. This is the theme in Itis present volume, "The Red Cow" which with appropriate and attractive decorative Illustrations will appeal to all lovers of farm country life. The Literary position to which this author has attained in the eyes of his country- men is seen in the- following eulogy front a recent issue of the Montreal Journal of Commerce:—"Canada has never produced a Carlyle, an Emerson, n Thoreau, or 'a Bret Harte, but in Peter McArthur she has produced all four with a few additions thrown in." Marketing of Bad Eggs Forbidden. Yours for progress in West Huron, R. R. REDMOND, Belgrave, Pres, W. H. JOHNSTON, Kippen, Sec.! • P S.—All teachers in West Huron are requested to send to the Secretary be- fore April 10th, a list of books suit- able for the West Huron Teachers' Library. f lai-Q Local News /lU It `; V13W1 IWWI deli ,' Gl iT Another Change The weather man decided to let the furnace go out and this morning a small snow storm was on the program which followed the raiq, of Wednesday evening. Will Not Move Family Yet. The Lucknow Sentinel:—,Mr, A. E. Durnin has bought a fine and well equipped farm near Clinton. We un- derstand however it is mit the present intention of the family to move to the farm. Goderich Summer School. The only summer school in the Synod of iiantilton and London to be held this year will be at Goderich, with the ex- eeption of a school for 'teen-age girls at Grimsby, The Goderich summer school will be along the lines of the I Forward Movement. Will Have Easter Holidays, it will be pleasing news to most school children to know that they will be able to enjoy their usual ten I days vacation at Easter. It was first thought that owing to such havoc be- ing wrought in the school year by the influenza that the pupils would be asked to utilize certain of the holidays to make up for lost time, but the De- puty Minister of Educaion of Ontario say's the law would have to be changed in order to cut out the usual holiday season, A poultry conference was recently held in Ottawa with the object of stim- ulating and extending the poultry in- dustry. One of.the chief resolutions put through was for the payment of eggs on quality basis and that no person, firm, corporation or association shall receive or demand payment for bad eggs, Do You Look at It This Way? The publisher of ,a gaper must live as well as the clothier, the dry golds man or the grocer, To get the wherewithal to live he has one Heng to sell and another to rent. Ile sells his paper and he rents the ::pace in his columns: these are his principal sources of income, and can anyone inform us why he is expected to give either away? Ile can, of course, do so if he chooses and as it matter of fact he does furnish a good deal of his space rent-free But it does not follow that he ought to be expected to du so as a matter of course, and further, when once . he does it ought to be recognized as a coutribut_ ion just aS nnrch as tate sugar or coffee given by the grocer. But it is not generally looked at in that light, yet everybody knows that the very exis- tence of a newspaper depends upon the selling of the paper and the rent of the Space as much as a merchant's Success depends on the sale of his goods. There is just as much reason for the merchant giving his goods away free as there is for the publisher. THE SPRING TONIC FOR PALE, THIN PEOPLE If You Want to Gain in Weight and Recover Your Appetite, Energy and Ambition, Try This Well Known Remedy With the passing of winter many people feel weak, depressed and easily tired. The body lacks that vital force and. energy which pure blood alone can give. In a word, while not exactly sick, the in- door life of winter has left its mark upon them, and a blood -building, nerve -restoring tonic is needed to give renewed health and energy Dr. Williams' fink Pills are an all -year-round blood builder and nerve tonic, but they are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood, and with this new blood returning strength, cheerfulness and good health quickly follows. 1f you are pale and sallow, easily tired, or breathless at the least exertion; if your complexion is poor, or if• you are troubled with pimples or eruptions, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are just what you need to put you right. If you have twinges of rheumatism, are subject to headaches or backaches, if you are irritable or nervous, if your sleep does not refresh you, or your appetite is poor, you need the treatment which Dr, Williams' Pink Pills alone can give—you need the new blood, new health and new energy this medicine always brings. A COMPLETE WRECK Mrs. C, Forsythe, R, R, No. 2, Fish- ervilie, Ont„ says: "At the age of fourteen my daughter Viola was feel; ing very much run down in the spring, Then she was attacked with whoop- ing cough which left her a complete wreck. She had no appetite, could not sleep well nights and was subject to chills which sometimes kept her in bed for the day. Site was doctoring steadily. hurt not apparently getting the least benefit, and I naturally grew very anxious. One of my neighbors suggested giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 1 got a box. When she began using the pills site weighted only 87 pounds. Before the box was all gone 1 sent and got she more boxes, and under their use she , constantly grew stronger, Her appetite improv- ed, the color came back to her cheeks, she could sleep well, and feels and looks like a different person, and with all this while using the pills she gain- ed 20 pounds in weight," A SALLOW COMPLEXION. 'Miss Gladys Marshall, Chatham, Ont., says: "i sttifered from nervous- ness and my blood was in a very poor condition, My face broke out in pim- ples and any complexion was very sallow. I took doctor's medicine but without beneficial results, I was feel- ing much discouraged when a friend recommended br. W!iliatis' Pink NHS. I used in all six boxes, and was ovet'- joyed to find that hay complexion itad become quite clear, pimples had dis- appeared, nay, nerves were strengthen- ed and my otd,ttime health and anibi. tion returned. ' 1 shall always have #0 a pbokd ward to say for De, yWilliatna' #11 GAINED IN WEIGHT Mrs, M. 13. Rickert, Kitchener, Ont„ says:"I was weak,' run down, and los- ing weight when I began using Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills. 1 took the pills I steadily for a month, and the differ- ence they made in my condition was most gratifying. I gained both in strength and weight, and feel since 1 used tate pills like n new person, 1 also recommended the Use of the pills to my daughter -!n -law who was pale thin and weak. When she began /using the pills she weighed only 103 pounds and when she discontinued their use she weighed 137 pounds, For all weak people I think there is no medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," A SPRING COLD Mrs, Chas. Winegarden, Delhi, Ont., says: "Last spring tiny daughter Ruby was taken with a ball cold. She seem- ed weak, had a constant ilais in her side, grew pale, and as the remedies usually used in cases of this kind did not hell her tv feared she as g o#n i e s 1v g g into a decline, 1 decided to give her Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and got six Boxes, Before sit,; had used them all, She was again well and strong, The cough had loft her, and she had a good appetite, the paint in her side disap- peared, and a trice rosy color had re- turned to her elt;eeks, t have therefore mush to sneak warml. y in praise raise of Dn Williams'Pink Pius,' Notwithstanding the increased cost of all drugs, there has been no change i33 the price of our Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills. They can be unci through any medicine dealer at 50 cents a box, or six boires for $2.50 or will be sent on receipt of price byTiid Dr, Williams.' Medicine ,Co., 13rbckvi11e1 Otit,, uurf..:,:a,nlal.,.uzaard;Ltldl"^osfd..464... PAGE 5 When Guaoline wag Cheap. In 1893 gasoline sold for 6 cents a gallon. '. Wes Not Represented, Clinton Lodge A, 0, U, W. was not represented at Grand Lodge at Toronto last week, , Here Buying•Beans, This week Mr. George T, Mickel , of Ridgetown, is here with Mi', David Ciutlelpp, .buying beaus. Spring is Here for— The children are.. skates. .,Phe marbles are being played bythe boys. Robin -red -breast is planning his new house. Chief Fitzsimons is seeing that the autoes have their new numbers on. The Spring Millinery has appeared The dust is flying on the macadam roads. The baseball, glove and bat halve made their appearance on the school grounds Arrived Back in Canada. Walter Arhnstrotig, eldest son of Mr. Alex Armstrong, of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, who spent nearly four years overseas, returned a few days since in tine health, notwithstanding the very hard experience he went through. He says Canada is plenty good enough for him, out with roller Leaves Estate to Wife. The late Dr. Will, J. 0. Malloch, (a native of Clinton) who died a couple of weeks ago, left an estate valued at $55,1$8. tris will had been made in November, 1913, and left; the whole of his property to his wife, Olive Char- lotte Edith Malloch. They had no children. Nephew Killed on Railway in France. The Calgary Alhertain makes the fol- lowing reference to a nephew of Mr: R. Marshall of town:—One of the hard. dest of the war tragedies that have been brought home to Calg:trians, is that which involves the death the other day in France of Arthur Cunningham Marshall, of this city, who has been ,,versus fur two years with the Army Service 'Corps, After being rejected almost half a dozen times times because of defective . eyesight, Pte. Marshall memorized the tests and got by. In England the deficiency was discovered by the optical experts, hut on account of his gameness they let hint go to I'rance, where a few days later he was so injured in a railway accident that his legs had to be amputated and he did not recover from the shock and loss of blood. Pte, Marshall came west twelve years ago from Kingston, Ont., where he was born, and for a time lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Marslull, at Langdon. Before enlist- ing he was connected with the Alberta Pacific company. He was twenty- seven years of age, and unmarried, was an adherent of Wesley ' Methodist church, and a member of the Calgary Tennis club and of the 1, 0. O. F. Mrs, Frank Pegler, 1221 Fifth street north- west, is a sister. Another sister, Helen is with Mrs. Pegler and another, Edna at home. tie was one of the crowd of which Russell Morrison, Miley Mc- Spadden and Fred Cousens, all dead, were members. CANADA ENLISTED 584'323 MEN, AND SENT400,000 OVERSEAS Total War Outlay to End of 1918 Was $900,000,000—Canada's Total. War Gifts Amount to $11 Per Head of Population. Speakers can speak about Canada's war effort, attd writers can write; but so much has been said and written that cold lingers have, for a change, an in- vigorating quality. The following 'hard facts speak for themselves. Canada enlisted 534,323 sten. Four hundred thousand of them went over- seas, 184,323 stayed at ]tome Canada's total outlay for the war to the end of 1918 was $900,000,000. The national debt before the war was $336,000,000, It is now $1,200,000,000, or one billion, two hundred million dollars. The Canadian airy discharged, up to September 20th last, 70,500, offi- cers and men, for reasons ranging front battle wounds and ineompatability of ti'ntpernament. Medically unfit, 1,957 officers and 38,800 .other ranks were discharged. Canada sent .1,053 of her soldiers Io the British army as officers, 3,985 of whom enlisted in the ranks in Canada, War loans in Canada have totalled 8756,000,000, or $100 per head of population, Canada has borrowed $307,000,000 in the United States. Credits on behalf. of the imperial Government for $650,000,000 have been established by Canada. Canadian banks have loaned Britain 5200,000,000 for munitions and wheat. But the savings in Canadian banks have increased since 1914 by 5275,- 000,000, Canada Inas given 540,000,000 to the Patriotic Fund,- $18,000,000 to the Canadian Red Cross, $6,000,000 to the British Red Cross, $1,500,040 to the Y, M,.23. A., 53,000,000 to the Belgian Relief Fund, The grand total of Canada's war gifts totals 511 per head of population Canada produced 55% of the 18 pounder shrapnel shell„ used by the, British army in the last six months in 1917; which, to anyone who was pre- sent at Bill 70 or Passchendaele, for instance, is saying something, DONATIONS TO MUSKOICA HOSPITAL ' The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge the follow. ng contributions received in Clinton by the Field Secretary of the National Satti- tariunt Association: Collection ... , .. , ... $5.•60 Tate New Br•1 2,00 The' News . '/V4i ... . 2.00 D. L. Matt liersou .' 2.00 J. W 'Treleaveni ... . , 2:00 T. S `Graham I.... 2,00 Miss 1, J, MacDougall .. 2.00 MISS 143, Sinclair • .. . , 2;00 Ptunsteel Bros .... , ... , 2,00 S, 13 Stothers ...a . .. 2.00 Fred Jackson , ..:•, .........: 2.00 latt,as Scott .. - , 44.6 2,00 A, T. Cooper ,.........,, 1.00 Cl#Iitolt Crealhery, .r,.,....,.. 1.00 e have them "Pilgrim" t b $511Q A o }^nuf Best ruarket at the price Get a pair and try them® Full Assortment of all that is best in Rubber'Footwear Pltimsteel Bros. it mall Profits Phone 25. More Business THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS T McKenzie 1.00 C. D. Bouck t.00 Miss M. Wiltse 1.00 bliss I. Draper 1,00 W. E.Thontpson 1.00 Miss H. B. Courtice 1,00 Miss E. L. Ford 1.00 Miss R, Stoddard 1.00 Miss L. Stevens 1,00 Rev, J. E. Hogg, 1.00 A. W. Seeley, 1.00 J• Scboenhals 1.00 W. Ilellyar 1,00 J• ilolmes 1,00 R: Rowland 1.0o R, E, 11appiug 1,00 J. E. Hovey 1.00 W. D. Fair 1.00 A. J. Morrish 1.00 $-I 9.110 India Refining ft. Gold. About 600,000 ounces of gold are produced yearly in India, 90 per cent. coming from Mysore. Ail of this has hitherto been refined in Europe, but now India is to have refineries of its own, FOR SALE Hatching Eggs from bred -to -lay, single comb white Leghorns. 60 cents per 15, or $4.00 per hundred. Apply to Frank Tyndall, Phare 2-636.—R.R. No. 4,—Buse Line VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices, W. BRYDONE. HOUSE FOR SALE On Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near Schools, . Apply, R. Rowland. WANTED A caretaker for Willis Presbyterian church. Apply to Geo. McLennan Chairman of Board of Trustees Spring Muskrat Skins Wanted. Will pay high prices for properly stretched skins. 1f you haven't proper stretchers, will supply patterns free of charge. H. A. Hovey, License No. 42.4. Clinton FOR SAL 8 -roosted house, farnace and outer comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apple to W. Brydone, Clinton, For Sale A small frame building suitable for garage or stable. Apply to Mrs, Argent WINTER COWS FOR SALE Ten young cows which were fresh- ened between November and February. TERMS—Cash or Bankable Notes. utile south of Grand 'l'runk Stat - tion, Bayfield Line. Apply to GEORGE HOLLAND, Proprietor, FOR SALE Several second hand Planters for sale, apply to THOS. HAWKINS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Thomas Trick, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all per. sots having claims .against the estate of Thomas 'i'rick, late of the Town of 'Clinton in the County of 11urot, yeo- man, deceased, who died on or about the 6th of February 1918, are required to deliver 10 William Henry "Prick, William.), Paisley or James Cornish ex- ecutors of the said estate or their sal- icitor on or before tate z5th day of March 1919 a ft1 statement ot of their claims together with particularsthereof and the nature of tate securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affi- davit." AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date tate said ex- ecutOrs will proceed 50 distribute the esti 'e of the said deceased amongst lite persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have 24 unfired due notice and in accordance therewith, 13ATI;D at Clinton, tads 5tlt day of March, A. 0, 1914. wr+ W. ;rydone, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Executors, LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14.638 W. MARQUIS Clinton, Ontario WANTED LAND , FOR FLAX THE CANADIAN FLAX MILLS Limited, are open to make con- tracts with farmers in this vic- inity of Clinton to grow Flax for the season of 1919. For parti- culars apply to M. McCORMICK, Local Mal ager SEAFORTII, ONT. Phone 202 and 213. BRAN & SHORTS— Our supply of Bran and .Shorts is rapidly decreasing, Don't keep putting it off until they are all gone and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIMOTHY & CLOVER SEED:—.... We EED-- We have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very best attention, SEED CORN:— How about your Seed Corn? In some of the Corn growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore good Seed 'Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giving us a call,anel- placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD:— Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have just received (good and fresh). It is tate very best and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of flour:—Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and White Seal also Oatmeal sold in large or small quantities, l.Jenkrns Son FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence. 131. Wholesale License 12-32 Canadian Food Control License 9••2368 a Flt '• A THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day 'Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. horning, District Passenger Agent, Troonto. John Ransfot•d & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A. 0. Pattison, station agent. NEVER °1' `f'ItU LE) WITH TIPATIoN SINCE TAKING MILi3UFI LAX.-LII(ER PILLS. Too often ono is liable to dismiss eon. otipation as a trifle. It is not. Whin you allow your bowels to become clogged up, there pours a stream of polluted waste into the blood #nstead,of'it being carried off by nature's channel; tlsr bowels, and when this waste matter gots •i to the blood it causes headaches, ' aurn doopiles, Ryer complaint, sour stomac s andmany other troubles. )3y taking Ivlilburn s taxa -Liver Pihs you will find that tllo bowels will be kept regular in their action, the poisoning qt' the blood mid general weakening of rho system is rectified, and tiro entire body #d restored to normal condition. Miss Piste iimmertnttt1l'liedford On writcst-•-"I have used your Milburn's l.aka-Livdt trills for oonatipat#cet, and have never found myself troubled since. I Atli Very glad to have found something to cure rhe, and will always tell evon''ono about them whois troubled in the flame a w Brice 26C, vial at all dealers or trailed direct on teceipt of rice by The T. M114 bunt Lb itelokonto, Ont, cs