HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-3-27, Page 2PAGE 2 tp`W,1iSt+� PHONE 78 . Always Something New New Crompton Corsets .A5TICURVE-eACt<. SELF-RettutING '!o be comfortable is to be ,pleasant. Corsets; have more to do ,with Women's mental and physical comfort than any other thing she wears, This is why we sell cic. a la Grace Corsets. They fit comfortable, give perfect support and yet permit ,free play to one's movements: The steels are rust proof and most all models are , attractively trimmed with lace and ribbon. Prices range from $1.50 to $5.00 a pr. New w9i2 1N_EURVP A%c SDI VicE Memo Corsets. We announce a special showing of Nemo Corlett for style, fit, comfort and durability. \'V: believe the l )ualitles of Nemo corsets are unexcelled. That is why We offer them to our customers and invite the closest inspection of our stock, Ask to see these at our Corset department. FIRSTSERiES (1919) COST DURING — 1919 JAN4 4.00 FEB. 4:01 MAR.$ 4.02 APR.$ 4.03 MAY $ 4,04 JUNE $4.0 JULY AUG +-pS�Tr•ven-, •w,--�+ra«I-es..ess!..,s.t7_.n Ii14,111 lllp, ,II_ I;Il ilh ui�lu l,l 67� iANADer.,, _I = at •tr NQS°' . .0 I,n.l. •4 y t?!.11l D ( tlfuat . glfkUuGMuJ1117. , ✓urns..+M.+-+lllM ...•,.. pfoat.. `' . °t.Ytilati� tl SE Buy W:55 Where You. See This i4rl Read the F grs Notice how the cost—a.nd the cash value—of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924„ the Dominion of Cana da. isP led e d g to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. .. r�'Ir.S'.7ut"C.,,..x,"''^CS'.:.'�'i.:��"9�ui`.S^aq,@�•1in rrt{, S�t�a�J 6IZE O.^r t tIrefatm 25 vmaymvRWISRe•.stomay.arrammm�avaaammt .,r,.,M.�„.,P,.��„o,.m� !r'a w°`°mr..ume ...., ..- ... .. ..........eavlan.,sarn=-^•..•••9.,masaas mvee,uw., ,ohm IVI u skrats Prices Higher than ever. March Open season from lst to 1st May. Steep J a Canton, Ont. License N Jr' 8 Have Vour ,ds in New Era t.., THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Thursday, March 27th, 1919, LONDON ROAD. Mrs. Janes Nott: returned here this week after spending the winter in Clio-. ton, Airs, Win, Stanbury is visiting rela- tives in Toronto. There was `a big run, of sap last week. Mr. James Tayor is rushing the seg - son, lie sowed his spring. wheat on Wednesday of this week. League meets,next Tuesday night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lay- ton. HOLMESVILLE. Next Sunday. the services will be under the auspices of the Mission Girl cle and the pastor, Rev, Mr, Sinclair ,will preach appropriate sermons for the occasion, A Young People's choir will tend the .singing and will be assisted by Miss; Greene, of Clinton, at both' ser- vices. There was a big crowd at the Gould Bros. auction sale last Friday after- noon and everything , went at good prices. WROXETER Miss Hilliard, Wingham, has opened a- millinery business in the Rasmussen Block. • Pte. Therris Gibson arrived from overseas on Tuesday. He is the eldest son -of John Gibson and enlisted with the 139th Battalion. The banquet arranged by the Wrox- eter Community 'Club for the returned soldiers of this vicinity and held in the basement of the Presbyterian Ch,o'h passed oaf most pleasantly. Tile tastefulness of the menu the ex- cellence of the program and the re- marks made by the speakers on the toast list all combined to make •the function a delightful one. CONSTANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell of Breme- feld spent Monday the guests of the Tatter's mother, Mrs. Anderson. ' Miss Stella Clark is visiting her friend Airs. Dayment of Chislehurst. The Ladies Aid are putting in new lamps in the body of the chinch. Mrs. Jas. 5hann sr., is sick in Sea - forth at her daughter's, Mrs. Mc- Arthur. Mr, Ben Snell attended the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Roht, Snell in Detroit last Friday. CREDITON Corp. W. Sinus, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jonah Simms, returned hone on Friday, evening and was given a most enthusiastic reception at Centralia as he alighted from the train, There was a splendid turnout of neighbors and friends to greet him, The school school children gave several patriotic selections, 1Villian, Anderson acted as chairman in This usual felicitous way. Brief addresses' of welcome were given by Rev. C W. Baker and H. Eilber M. P. P. of Crediton, and William Elliott, ex -Warden of. Huron County Corp. Simms gave a brief reply. KIPPEN During the past winter a very Suc- cessful series of meetings has been held in the homes of the people for the discussion of 'many selections of choice literature. Under the auspices of the Chautauqua Reading Circle, these meetings have been !nerd every two weeks and have been interesting and instructive. The meetings have now been concluded until next fall, Messrs. Boyce and Clifton have bought the last 50 acres of Henry .11ontieth's fat•n, in Tuckersmith, for 52,500. These When will now have a farm of 125 acres each. WINCHA,M- • News has been received here that '1r. Will Galbraith, son of Mr. aud`Alrs John Galbraith, who was reported as v•uunded is now in England. He was pelted in his automobile writing when a -onnpnnnou climbed up on the side and :.cudenty, letting a revolver fall, it went 00 and shot him through the ankle. The sports committee, which has been making preliminary arrangements for an old boys' week in July, held a in,'enue in the town hall whicl, was largely • attended by citizens. As the result .of a r,isagreement among the members, the committee resigned in a body. However, A (i. Smith of the Advance, was prevailed on to accept a position on the committee and three 11ew punt. l a 'S were. added:. A. Tinting, president: W. A. Currie, vice-presiden, and T..1. McLean, manager. The new committee indorsed Ile proposal of the old with regard' to the old home week, and will carry 011 with Preparations to make it a pleasant and enthusiastic oc- casion, LONDESBORO. Londeboro etaoill sludlu cinfwyp vbg Rev. George Honey, of St. 'Catharines was presented en Friday last at the Parliament 13tiildings at Toronto, with the Victoria Cross, won by his son, the late Lieut Samuel Lewis Honey, V. C. D. C. M., M. M., late of the 78th Battalion, of Manitoba, and'a former school teacher here, The presentation was made privately by ills Honour the Lieutenant -Governor Sir John liendrie. Lieutenant 'Honey left 'a great record tor braveryon the battlefield and se- cured the y,, Q. for his wonderful work and durin the desperate fighting' at hourlon Wood, from Sept. 24 to Oct, 2, When all the other officers were kilted or Wounded he organized the men, and led them on to their object- ive,. At another point during heavy machine gun fire, lie left itis men and went 'forward war d atone and captured a machin e. u tan ,and ten prisoners, Thea, he; led his mien on. Again he went alone, slid' located, all enemy post; 'held' i party back and, captured it also and adr'dtteed'his line' to h point which gave them a splendid plhet"'for•the next days attack, Lick, Holley receiv- ed 'Wounds Oil Oet. 211d of which he died. Like many more of Canada's brave then he died for hig.couiftry and dear ones and his, heals Will go down Itistorl HEALTH TALL. SPANISH INFLUENZA OR GRIP BY OB. Lit 11. SMJTH. An old.enenry is with 08 again, and whether we fight a Getman or a germ, we must put up a good light, and not be afraid. The influenza rune a very brief ,,course when the patient is careful, and If we keep the system in good condition and throw off the poisons which tend to accumulate within our bodies, we can escape the disease. Remember these three O'e—a glean niouth,`a clean skin, and clean bowels. To carry off poisons- from oisonsfrom the system and keep. the bowels • loose, daily doses of a pleasant laxative should be taken. Such a one is made of May -apple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap, and called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Hot lemonade should be used freely if attacked by a cold, and the patient should be put to bed after a hot mustard foot -bath. To prevent the attack of bronchitis or pneumonia and to` control the pain, Anuria tablets should be obtained at the drug store; and one given every two hours, with lemonade. The Anurtb tab- lets were first discovered by Dr. Pierce, and, as they flush the bladder 'and cleanse the kidneys, tbey carry away much of the poisons and the uric acid. It is important that broths, milk, but- termilk,ice-cream and simple diet be given regularly to strengthen the sys- tem and' increase the vital resistance. The fever is diminished by the use of the Anuri0tablets, but in addjtion, the fore- head, arms and hands may be bathed with water (tepid) 10 which a table- spoonful of salaratus has been dissolved in a quart. After an attack of grip or pneumonia to build up and strengthen the system, obtain at the drug store a good isort tonic, called " Irontic" Tab- lets, or that well known herbal tonic, Dr. Pierce's Golden Aledic&.. Discovery. EXETER. The town council has purchased..a tine bay team for the. use of the cur - 'oration this summer. Mr. John Piper• has been engaged u1 handle the tetun, ,41r, (Larry F:thuer of Stephen on Monday delivered a monster pig to Messrs, J. Armstrong. & Son for ship- ment. it weighed 745 Ins and the price was $114.75. Air. W. D Clarke on Saturday last received definite word of his promotion to the managership of the Molsons Bank at Richmond, Que, and he leaves for that place about April 1st. Mr. Wood of Dutton is to be manager here. A most successful and interesting ,meeting of the Men's Club, of Trivitt Memorial church, was held -on Wednes- day evening. The subject for discus- sion was "Capital and Labor." The subject was very well handled by W. D. Sanders, reeve of Stephen Township, Dr Routledge and others, and the inh- rortance of comradeship between em- ployers and employees was emphati- cally urged, It was arranged that a social evening should be held in Easter week, when all the. returned soldiers will b5 invited. The subject chosen for discussion on March 27 was "The Tariff." This club, is growing in numbers and popularity, having over 0 members and its nim is to enlighten all Its members on the Important ques- tions of the day. A strongly worded resolution is being sent to Sir Thomas White, condemning race track gamb- ling and asking for its prohibition for all time. This resolution was carried unanimously by the members of the Club. Corp, S. J. V. Cann, recently re- turned from overseas, ie lone of Exeter's modest heroes who wears a decoration for the heroic part he played in one of the engagements he was in in France fgr which he was. a- warded the Military Medal. Corp. 1:ann said nothing about the matter and the first intimation his friends in town had was when they obs :10d t:te colors nn his utriform. lie enlisted with the 151st Balli., and after going to France he was attached to a Highland Batt, in one of the offensives the company to which I., -Corp. Cann was attached were t., take a certain objective and shortly oiler another company were tun go, through them. The second connia;ulv.. failed to turn up and for hu;s- ihC men held the trench until tier K Were, only five of then, left whin they eta''..: cided to abandon it. Only a part of, those live gut out safely. L, -Corp, Cann being one and his gallant action v•on for hien the decoration, Phis is the fourth M. M. to be awarded to boys ' i'setCn 1 of -111e slit. s Digesfion u Ave Many ailments are caused by stomach weakness. Faulty digestion leads to biliousness, sick headacne,. dizziness, sallow skin and eruptions. Maintain a healthy condition of the stomach And your will 'get rid of the chief cause of your sufferings. Do not neglect the laws of health. Keep stomach, liver and bowels in order bytimely sly flee of �, ,rl Nay � •ter I , PILL later.ets ;e of in' Mediian8:W a t6i Worm yet heard at any of the literary meet- $ avastrh#if+ b9ZNia6Ct. digs, Miss Sinclair acted as otltle HENSSALL Rev, J. A, 'Mc'Conaell, the .popular paster of Carmel church, who has been quite 111 during the past two weeks is improving. The making of maple sugar .and molasses is now in full swing In this section and the weather thus far is eroviug very favorable, SEAFORTF1. The Seaforth Golf Country Club held their first annual nmeeting on Friday, and elected officers as follows: Hon, President, Thomas Dodds; president, ROM, M, Jones; -captain, J, C. Greig;; secretary -treasurer, H. L', Stark, The Club which cane into being during last summer, has a rapidly -growing membership list. The death occurred at her residence. on Railway-st of a respected resident of Seaforth in the person, of Bridget Doyle, widow of the fate John Duncan and mother of Mr. W. J. Duncan, The deceased contracted pneumonia about a week ago and passed away of Monday March 24ij ,,, (se is survived)$"ytseveral of a f ri $ , --The remains were in- terred in St Jl4lnes' cemetery on.Wed- nesday. Pte. Geo l`ggon, Joseph Haycock and J. •MacKenzie arrived home from overseas, GODERICH TOWNSHIP . miss Isobel Sinclair spent the week and with her frieud;'Miss Edith Stirl- 1214. The Chosen Friends 'of Porter's 11111 -gathered :tt the 'home of Air, and Mrs. S. McPhail last week and after all had -done justice to the oysters and pie had cake, ;t good program was rendered and a good social evening was spent by all. On MondaY night about 75 friends of Air, and Mrs. .lac, 11. ,Harrison met at their home on the 1st enn., and pre- sented them with two beautiful chairs. Mr. Harrison made a suitable reply after the address was read, thanking the people for their kindness after whicl, they all enjoyed themselves to a good old country dance. F'te, Norman Alillar, eldest son of Mr James Miller arrived hone on Mcmctay night. His many friends are pleased to see him looking so well, George Gould's sale last Friday was quite successful. Everything sold at a good price and there was a good crowd attended. Mrs. Will Pickard was in Blyth over the week -end attending an entertain - Ment at which she acted as It judge in a musical contest. While there she visited at the home of Rev, Mr. and Mrs. McCormick who forerly was stationed at .Holmesville. Mr, .and Mrs. Ratz, of Milverton, have been visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Alike Stock in Holmes - Ernie Townsend was plowing on Fri- day of last week. We think Ise was the first -to get on the land. Last Tuesday evening the League from tiolmesvilie paid a return visit to the people of Ebeneezer church. The program was provided- by the visitors. A very interesting debate on the sub- ject "Resolved that the Englishman'is l• t• et et than the Irishman was given, the debaters being Messrs. N. W. 'Tre wartha and J Burns for the affirmative side and Messrs. Sinclair and J. Schwartz for the negative. As Mr. Schwann was unable to be present Rev. Sinclair ably upheld his side of the argument alone and won the de- bate. 'rhe judges were Messrs, Will Lobb and Alvin Townsend anMrs. Jones, A quartette composed of Alessrs W. Pickard and D. Gliddon and Miss Elvat Proctor and Mrs. Lorne Jer- vis sang, Mr, George Gould pleased everyone with one of his usual humor- ous readings. Several choruses were given by t1' League, After the pro- gramme a dainty` lunch was served by the, ladies. Keppel Disney is the tirst to have bis cattle out over night, he having had his cattle out for about d week. tl„ite a 'number of the farmers are n"1in i; maple syrup this year, The •.,q; b`1s been running' yere well so far but it is likely the run will be short, Mrs 11erb Jenkins was in London on '(Dirsd:iv of this week, 'Tile roads are getting dried up once m le ;.t st week they were pretty Mudd} Mr, •George. and 'Miss Lizzie Gould n1r4Ving' to their new home in Gode- il *this west:. Their many friends a- round Holnnes+'ille'• and vicinity will miss them but hope they will often come hack. .Cir, and Mrs. Pert Trewartha and family who h have beenliving tv1 tg on the 11 th Concession are taking Mr, Gould's farm, • Ed. Trewartha is moving to his brot','rs' farm so there is quite a bit of moving going on. People have been remarking :about the large number of wild geese seen ill's Spring, Most of theta are 11011051 to be hying very low. We ;do not knots what it is a sign of but they do not all seem to be flying to the north AS is usual ,About this time, Miss Fannie Hibbs is visiting at the home 0f Mr. Janes Doherty in'Glint011. C C. I. NEWS Last week the Literary meeting was it the hands of Second Form and they provided a very good program. Misses Beatrice and Cora Jervis gave an in- strumental 'duet and Miss Derotliy Rorke an instrumental solo. Read-• ing were given by Daisy tediger,"Geo. Carter, harry Ball and Cecil Matheson. A boy's quartette composed of siert, Slolnau, J, Rands, Geo. Carter awl B, Libby sang, The form sang several choruses, rendering all of them very well.ill W Muteh gave a couple of selections on the bagpipes. The debate Was on the subject "Resolved that the League of Nations will be a suc-, OCSS The judges who were as 1bCr5 of the staff .unanimously decided in favour of the.tlegative side,•• Thede- baters were Mr. Harry Mance and Miss Ifnutia Higgins On the affirmative- slid Miss Mary McMttrchfe and Louis Me key of the negative side, Miss Mc- hlrtrdhfe6 address Was by far the best aAllt I 4vIrt 1, ?t t ed°ZI E' �InVUluilVgllllVln1ipVVVummi1@1s918illuUlli Personal and other items of interest from New Era representatives, MI11111111111111111t11111111111i11111111V1111112111111111101VVUI11V1111111 „ 55 , "1:1, rat} .4htji a e5tf Ii( firs+ „ Ci '� r Teich es 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has 'been in .use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per - sones supervision sincey•its infancy. ° �° .11llolvno one to doceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ” Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle With and. endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. • slat i n T"ORS Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric; Drops' and Soothing Syrups, Itis pleasant. it contains neither Opi.un, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been it constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrt,oea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by rega'-a!ia the Stomach and Dowels, aids the assirailation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children'u : Ona ca --'ice Liother's Friend. GLPIE C lit iL Gu117AYS 0.2134‘a: -.3L '' 1: A:tt _ to ori e') Us©b � The Kind 1,5' r� to o "° TT r". !m 1:,d V u. -J.'+ tl MW'.j,l ,hptpu"aai74" Aifayf5J"v-u'^4"'7t TI'IE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, �A ': , cu'R`i . s3,ry$ !Lt1V :fi''� },� 'r6"a's ,W�'r s" 21'2 t'"h'9W+srrl N,`m7 , Wait Orientals are good Stokers Orientals seem to be immune to the fierce heat of the lireroonn in ocean steamers, and can endure for great length of time temperatures that would speedily prostrate white men. Auction Sale. Of piano and household effects will be held at the residence of the under- signed, Huron street, on the afternoon of Saturday, April 5th, consisting of flogs the following: Square piano in excellent Butter condition, 3 bedroom suits, dining table dining chairs, sideboard„ 4 rocking I Eggs chairs, parlor table, couch, kitchen tab- Spring wheat Je, kitchen chairs, 2 cupboards, chif- Fall wheat firmer. sewing machine, 10 doz. fruit Oats jars, Imperial Oxford range in good I Barley order, Radiant Home heater, wood Buckwheat heater, eight-day clock, lawn mower, Ha garden tools, bucksaw, children's sled. gran handsleigh, verandah seat. lawn seat, I Shorts and other articles too numerous to l Miltfeea mention, Terms -Cash, J. Mulhol. ' Potatoes land, Proprietor; G. H. Elliott, Auc, , Goobeo Om Root Ge l'.ij3Jdtlik ;! safe, reliable rcpn.a.fi ea anediaane. °1d it three de. revs of etre„gta—No. h, 511 151o. 2, $3; No. 3, 55 per bo>, Sold by all druggists: or sea; lt rorout on receipt of prier, iree pamphlet. Address: 2345 COOK MEr)ncrossE eo,, TORONTO.01ir. ffn,w"i. Wuhan.) CLINTON MARKETS $17.00 43c to 45c 42 to 43c $2,09 $2.i4 55c to 70 90c. to $1.00 $1.25 to $1,30 $16.00 to $18.00 $40.00 $45,00 $50,00 90c to $1.00 a bus. 1 Hlonle in Halifax roofer with :Brantford .Asphalt Sla les A [l Imo}t!; s l,"`pV ' 1, 'tt ; ii e ,1 real a. F 'son � t �tSi :3 Ow3 43,1E) fySt' apps Aar An added touch of beauty to any house is a roof of Brantford Asphalt Slates, which are in soft, harmonious ~ shades of reddish brown and dark green. The colors are permanent and unfadeablc, being the natural shades of the slate just 218 it is taken out of the quarries. It will also prove a very economical roof, because 'Brantford Aspiiall Slatos do not split, get loose, absorb water or rot. They - are strongly fire-resistant and are classified as non-combustible by the lire insurance companies, and allowed to be used in cities where the most rigid fire -prevention By-laws are in force. Brantford Asphalt Slates aro very moderate le cont. The regu-' lar sire of the states and their pliability make them easily and quickly laid, -thus saving time and cost of labor. Being made of high grade felt saturated and coated with asphalt, and with a surface of crushed slate, they make a roof that defies the elements and is a permanent part of the building, just .like the watts and the foundation. are being used more extensively every year for city, country and summer homes, churches, golf clubs, stores, garages, and wherever an artistlo effect is desired on a pitch roof. Tf you are going t0 do duly building this year or have an old roof that needs repiacing it will be to your advantage to investi- gate Brantford As shalt Slates. f 8 i Brantford ord QoiCo ,Lltiiited )Plead Office ands Factory, Brantford, Canada, •.,Bgancihsee lat'To,•onto, Montreal, klall>ax se Vol- Sale by liarla,nd Bros.