HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-3-20, Page 4PACE 4 i . F �' • Mt a'i A K IS i,",.`IR ONTAINS PWALUM o' MADE IN'i:ANADA1 Gu e WHEN? (Philadelphia Public Ledger.) -* * Ht 3a .t %• When did you inspect your insur take policy last? When did you last inventory? When did you compare the prices marked on your goods in stock with the prices of your competitors? When- did you refresh veer ailed by .comparison of profits made? When do you Make it a point to as- semble your clerks and helpers in a business meeting? When did you lest' enc)ura_ s, your helpers and say "Well delle!" When did you go carefully through Your duplicate stock? When did you last show cases clean and polished? When do you make it a. point to file .letter and bills? When did you last consult your legal adviser in reference to new business laws and law regulations? When did you clean out the odd- ment avhicb are to be found in every store? \Vhen, de you examine the goods on the top shelf, under the last counter and in that obscure bin? When last did you examine fire buckets blankets and fire equipment, so if fare should break out in your store you Will be prepared to fight it? When did you last raise the salary of the deserving clerks? Remember tether merchants have a place for des- irable help at all time, and the under- ,peid helper is a drone. When did you last examine the win- dow curtains, awnings and signs of your store, so they will not deflect on the neatness of your establishment? When do you, recall using paint in- side your store, also cleaning the dec- •cratiots? When did you Mast remove soiled drapery in the windows. and in the show cases? When did you last take a personal inventory, and do you measure up to at full, standard efficiency? When did you compare the sales av- *rages- 01 your clerks, and can you tell. what percentage itcosts to sell your goods? When last didyeti charge off a,cer- aain auto far depreciation? • 'When did you Iasi examine lighting aelephone•,and heating eont.ractp, and are you sure you are getting 'the hest ;prices and rates, on all? , ' When did you last interview sales- men for concerns- outer . than your fa-. 'vorites, and do you know the life of a business consists in looking at all dines and being thoroughly informed. When did .you last read your bus mess journal or trade paper from coV tto cover? When did you last go personally ov- er your books and note the "dead" ac- counts? ' When did you last recall asking a debtorfort none? Y 'When did you exercise se last and do I um an expect the hu non lnachiue to go un fore'* ih forever wl out intention? When last did oucherry say a wordin the beggar on the corner and drop it dine in' his battered hat? My Lambs Would Twitch And Waken Me—Unable to Resi or Sleep, I Walked the Floor in Nervous State — When ,Specialists Failed I Found a Cure, Tit•EE, CLINTON NEW ERA. * 0 14' it M, * 0 5' .AC° I fila.' �t�lS O' WOMEN iF * i1 - ,r •* it * Miss Julia Lathrop chief et the children's bureau lit Washington is rh:Lin ::0 invc.itigaton of the clrlid Libor. employment in :North Cara no. Altlhouisli it did nn# admit women to membership, the Amalgamated Sdeitty of l:ngineess in 'England,. have since the early Clays of the war • Informal alliance with the Na tional federation of Women Work- ers whose _ranks helped to organiae the *mime -who poured ieto,the, va ri- otis branches of the enginecrieg. The ting -honored cnstbn of mem- bers of parliament raising their hats When arising..to speak and whet) be- ing referred to will be changed upon the entrain:* of woolen in the British I'ouSe et Commons. it is recognized that a woman member could scarcely raise a fashlonable "creation" when- ever reference is Made to. her. The National Women's Council meeting held in St. Louis, Mo„ has decided to .have a world peace cele- bration the two days before Good Fri- day, Conductorettes in Hamburg have refused to give up their jobs unless the state guarantees them husbands, Bindery women and telephone ,•perators in Denner have secured an increase in wages after enforcing their deltoids, Over 3,000,000 women were em- ployed in the English transport ser- vice during the wily, Since August, 5914, the number of women trade unionists in Great Britain has increased 50 per cent.• Fou•teeen women are seeking seats in the British Parliament, Since 1901 the tax -paying women in Norway have had the privilege of municipal suffrage. DO YOU WANT PINK CHEEKS? This is the kind of cure that has set Windsor people thinking and talk- ing about Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, The action of this food cure Is so radically different to the usual treat- ments for the nerves that everybody wants to try it. Gradually and cer- tainly it nourishes the starved nerves bank to health and vigor andthe bene- fits obtained are both thorough and lasting. Mrs. 51, Smithson, 27 Arthur street, Windsor, Ont., writes: "I was suffer- ing from nervous breakdown, which was caused by a shock when fire broke out In the adjoining house. MY „nerves were in such a state that, after' going to bed I could not got my nerves quieted down sufficiently to go to sleep. t I .used to get/ up and wail: around the room, or go downstairs, Even when I would be dropping off to sleep my limbs would twitch and waken me. I used to have 0011, rtery- ous, night sweats, sometimes would become unconscious and lie that way for quite a little while. I was always ',cold and.it seemed impossible for me :to get warm or keep warm. When ,o0 the street I would see two or three objects at once, and did not Want any person to speak to me or bother me. Any little noise irritated and annoyed mo very much, I had consulted specialists and tried many remedies during this time, but could not gain relief, At last I tried Dr. Chase's Nerve ,toed, and before long could ado •that this treatment was proving 'of beneflt. 2 am now feeling so much better that l can go out on the street Without any difficulty, can go across the river and go about the same• as usual: 1 sleep wolf at night, and am .feeding more like myself every day. am pleased to he able to write you tell you how much good the Nerve has done me: It has strength- tttid built up my whole system, dem :lending' t to evet:ybody r usneiid of. e Vo 'ring from • m ryeq T od, G11 cents a ht f LI boxes for or 2Ddmansotil, Toronto, Dir They Can be Had by Keeping the Blood Rich, Red and l'ut'e. Every woman _ every girl — wants pink cheeks. They mean not only beauty but good health. When a wo- man's blood is scanty or anaemic, her color fades, she looks debilitated, is short of breath and her heart palpi- tates after slight exertion. Sometimes this trouble is accompanied by severe headaches, or pains in the back or sides. This condition is entirely due to weak, watery blood, and can only be cured by Making the blood rich, red and pure. for this .purpose there is nothing can equal Dr. Williallns' Pink Pil1S, which act directly upon the blood, and in this way bring new health and strength to weak, oiling people. Itirs. Anderson, Hearst, Ont,,: says:—"Beforecoming, to Canada from: England, 1, was a sufferer from anise- mia for upwards of a year. 1 had been gradgaily getting paler and weaker. I: did;7iot realize that I was sick, but felt' constantly tired and .worn out.,, a had no ambition for anything,• and grew - so. White that my brotiiers used. to call'. Jne•"sngwball," At this stage mym,o ther decided that. she, would get Dr,' Williams'. Pink Pills, which ,are, a favorite medicine in England' as well as in Canada, On the day 1 co:lunenc ed -taking thenil fainted on getting put; of .bed ei,d mother. urged.. ale to stay in bed. for a, fety days. t .really felt, so Weak that 1 was glad• to take her ad-' vice, 1 looked more like a corpse than a living person. ;l remaiiled,in bed for; a week, taping .lthe'. rills regularly; and then l felt that 1 was, able to get' up, though.not able to go about. Frons' that on, however,, 1 gained strength ail' an d and in a little.more than u month I was feeling as well as ever 1 did. The color returned to piny cheeks and lips, and my friends were all sur- prised at my rapid recover). i took no medicine but DrWilliams Pink Pills, aot that they deserveall the credit for my restoration to health." You .can , get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine. or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 'from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. PROHIBITION REFERENDUM IN SEPTEMBER Provincial Treasurer Makes Important Announcement at Conservative Meeting in 'Toronto To bold tool Holleve Influenza 135 1010. ya4N1trdN' DUANst• Many people have been frightened by' what they !lave road or heard or 1 all moue. The more you fear the disease the surer >ou are, to of 1t. Go ri�•ht about your business and forget, it, As the dleeaso is spread principally bycontact thrn sneer,- , lig, congltiug or spitting, many stealth. ail- thorlues have advised that If veryolle wear a rum zn which is deny w,slied tin 1 talon Wee wall it ono to 111,0 hotel -rd solntior, of sine sulphate In.w at 7 an:1 then dried before wearing 01,:1'1!) dein and month: You Shahid avoid crow'cs, common drink. Jug, caps and pubilu towels Keep your strength up by taking Iota of exercise IN theopsm air and pimity of nourishing food. 11 you have any o, stair syutplums 5s cltflllnnns, natal obstruct ons, fleshed face, head oath,fevcrishneee.roailessnesi t1, ss, or irritating eonoh give tt)) work at once and go to bed. d'nlr telil save your strength to help overcome the disease. Put yrur feet. In hot, water tor fifteen minutes. 'r'h irooghly loo=sen the bowels with some sats mild and non -irritating physic es 1)r. Tierce's Ploaaant Pellets. Drink princi- pally of hot lemonade and then cover up with plenty of clothes in bed,so as to got a, good sweat. Whim Gwen Eng le free and the fever reduced teaks to dose of two Att- uric Tablets every lour hours, followed by drluking at least a gime or two of hot. wetter. Anxuic Tablets help quickly to relieve the soreness of the muscles and bones from which most patients oonpletn and help the kidneys flush out the polsuus. To relieve nasal obstructions and excessive discharge from the nose, prob- ably nothing is better than such a mild, soothing, antiseptic wash as Dr. SUN'S Catarrh Remedy.. It will give groat relief. Employed as a gargle, in saute strength as made up for use in the nose, 'end as hot as can -be borne, 11 quickly ar- rests soreness and dryness in tete throat. Influenza wealcens the patient's resist- ance to disease, so that there is danger of bronchitis and pneunionfadeveloping. To combat this tendency and fortify the pa- tients's strength Insist that he keep in bid at least two days. Probably nothing will at this stage hasten the recovery and strengthen the patient more than an iron - tonic tablet called t' Irontic" or that well known herbal tonic, Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which has been used by thousands in the past two generations, TORONTO, March S.—Hon, T. W. McGarry, Provincial 'Treasurer, speak- ing at th meeting of Ward Three Con- servatives Association at St. George's Ball last night, said: "A wide open referendum on the Prohibition question will be taken in Ontario, possibly in September next or possibly sooner, for the people to determine what measure they want. I believe the people will h,: able to vote on the question in a very open fashion, When the boys come home, possibly in September or betore; or it may be tt little later, ,the people will decide the question for themselves, and' the reference will be wide oj)en, as is desired by the 'Temper- ance people and the Liquor interests. Whatever tete verdict of the people may be, it will be upheld by the Gov- ertiutent. The people. will be given every opportunity of expressing in the fullest possible manner their duties on. this important quesfiott, Mr. G. A. Warburton annd the Conmitteee of One Ilmtdred were not a facto- in the ma- in' assing of the Ontario Temperance Act, and they will not be a factor, so far Its the Government is concerned, in deter- mining the issue of permanent prohi- bition. We are going to have Pres- sitnist ht Ontario; "the people will rule," - The firm of T*intan & 13digohotfer,, general inet'ehanls ifs op ashwood has been dissolved acid the libshless wilt be eohtilrucd by Reid iidigoltofer 111d Son, Children, Orr f`IlR. THE VETERANS NEWP AND VIEWS OF, FOR AND BY THE RETURNED MEN • BARRY ON COMRADE "For good,example is an unspeak- able benefit to mankind, and hath n great power and influence upon those with whom we converse, to form them into the sante dispositions and man- ners." "It is a living rule that teacheth men without trouble, and lets tltenm see their faults without open reproof and .upbraiding. 11 also adds great weight to a man's counsel and persua- sion when we see he advises nothing but what he does; nor exacts anything from others which he decides to be necessarily excused." * * * Comrades of the' Great War, 10 - day more than ever We have got . to watch ourselves and govern our ac- tions accordingly. if we are worthy of all the nice things being said, w,e appreciate such attentiou, but we Mihust not rue after vain, glory. Let us:be, most careful and, refrain from singing or shouting aloud about whetwe did for civilization,• be.. dig - ..be considerate, put ori the soft pedal, rentenhber it hs titne tittd timne,aloie that .utust.pr.Ove whether these fine scented' bouquets now offered. are artificial or. natural. Public : senttntent . .is .. gradunaly comtiig, onto Way ;'we Mutt cultivate 'public senthni tit.. by ,proving, giir- selves true returned• citizens by main resuming the responsibilities of true citizen even to a fuller degree. We; must be. .geeerous to our in- d'ustrial or •business comrade, we must not attempt to be the judge of what he did during the:ivar, every- body • could' not go over yonder, everYhod) could not stay ho e Il re - we must be wise end govern Il our tsou hts also our feelings. We can. afford to do this. cannot einem er comrades R b 1 1,e• icircumstances. judge dndty dual We Y have no right to judge. Remember ! S it was the fault of our elected sys- tem. So kindly quit the baiting of individuals. Let us remember that we owe much to our comrades, who will. never return.; let us beautify that memory by cultivating a broader vision; let us get together and Pearn to uneterstand one another; remem- ber we shall soon be in the industrial and business arnny once again. Comrades, be wise, heed the salve advice of those who suffered in com- n1011 with you, some who perhaps suffered more. Always remember that any fool can destroy; sane and wise leadership only can construct. All popular movements need tto be chnstantly stirred by judicious and constructive criticism. • Genuine criticism we must have to prevent the deity and stagnation. of the Intellectual life of any popular movement. Let us exercise a greater degree of wise opportunity. We, must pay less attention to theories and get right down to the basis of !'acts founded up - Lir actual experience. Let us vigorously eliminate the non- essential 'end carefully preserve every particle of essential truth in order that the result may be a perfect reprserttt- tion of our ideals, AVOID C: UGHJ and cl'uGIiEI rtr! t mics I, 1570 Coughing BpDIseheef IMPROVED UNiSfOItiN INTESNATiONA$. ISSON" 121y ie1':v, 4.ti. I+'1'i"lWA'J'1•%it, 11 1t. leachur of Jhntrlish 13101e In tt.o 5700(17 Elbis loaf alit of ,Ght rtgo.l (Copyright. 10. n, by Wooteto 'i,'Ws[ut Pal' 1'1lunr" LES$061 FOR MARCH 23 ISRAEL WARN*ID AGAINST 0001 1sROM ISE. (May be -used *1tr, 't'eatpe, tune Appllen- tlane ) L 1SSON 'tI Y'r-Jpt+hutt 2:1-1e, OOI7Uh'N ieNX 1'-l)v11 centta.dnnthtpv corrupt good morals. -•1 Cereal Inns 15:23. A 111iI'I'li)vA 1- ad ATtill 1A L 4umbere 83:50-50; Joshua 9:3-2r; Judges 2;14; J:J-e: Colossians ':s.. PRIMARY' TOPIC -Loving and obeying 'CO. -Joshua 24:10-e8. 101541011 TOPIC -Standing up fm' the right. e&.., 1N'rt ir,tEDIAT17 TOPIC—Dangerous company. Joshua, knowing^ that his life was droving to n close, smuntsncrl the lenders of Israel to nppenr before him. fie know the tendencies which (he nut - tion tuna developing pod the peril which 1'nced it lis his leadership W11.3 Coming to an end, 11 is ,lottluuiy fol" , God and sotcitueli for them prompted him to assemble them fund point out the great dangers which confronted them. 1. A Review of What God Had Doue (311:3, 4). 1. God had fought Israel's battles (1,,•3), lie gave thele victory over the strong nutitus which inhabited Ga- nnon. Striking evidences of this are the capture of Jerlchn and victory at Gibenu When the sun Stood still fit Joshua's' command, This victory had been secured quickly, which indicates that God hail interposed In, their be- half. God by, the hnnrl of Joshua had nliportioned the land among the tribes (v. 4) for on Inheritauce. In chapter 24 Joshua rehearses the wonderful things God had done for the nation extending from Abraham dpwn through the ages. 11. Points Out the Promises as `Yet Unfulfilled (23:5-10). • e* 1. "lie shall expel thein before you" (v. 5). The actual possession which God Lind given was the pledge that he would give them full possession. God's promise was the guarantee of this. In view of God's faithful performance of all his, promises there should be nn. room for doubt, 2l. "One . nom of you shall chase a thousand" (y.10). •The reason of this was beeause.the Lord God would tight for them. To have the Lord fight:for us (s to have the assurance of victory rhgnrdless of how few or how many. 3. The .eondition upon which these promises would be realized. (15 330 very coupagepus" (v. (3),_ At a time }jke this It required,courage to look to God' for r11 ,the nation's, need*....(2) "'Keep eand. do all.- thot is w•ritteet•:iu Cho lawcof Moses (v.,6).. •Fi(lelttyito God's • lain -was essential:, .311rming aside, fn any particular would forfeit their claims' .upon him. (3)' "Keep atria ,from) the Cgdnanites". (1*.. 7), This: separation was to obtain with reference to (a) trinn•iage•slnoag them 55).,Idolnirons customs: • ('1), Clettye whefly_nnto God. (1,,.8): •. , •111. Solemn Warnings Insuedi 133: 1.,Ta'ke gpod heed, that you lot .god sincerely ,(f.,11). Love -ta.Gnd ';fs• the sum total. of duty toward, liitn•, Refrain from intermarriage *Moog ng the 'Ctnnanteq(v. 32). Per Goer,r peo- ple to. intermarry 'amait the heathen i* to set In motion Influences which *fluid 'c'ue in confusion end ()tipster, 3. God will opal:: the heathen snares, traps and scourges instertl' 0f giving victory over them. (t. 1.3),. 4. Evil things will .come upon, them just es good things hod' been Clone for them even to their desh'uction eve 151. 5. The wrath of Good' ltindleda against them (v. 1(3). Peace and Rlghtcousnett:. Righteousness tnernln victory with the help of the Spirit nt' Cod- over 0nr- sotves, over our ineilnetinns. env pas- sions, our tempers, nue whole sinful natures. There Is no pence without .victory in the spi'rlhtnl life, and T am inclined to think tint hotels good• he- hveen men and nnttmns, There is no pence until tfglt1eolsnese is done. The Prophet said: "They have healed oleo the hurt of my people slightly, shying Pence, Pence, when there is nn penal." !There most be right elnesnt'ss t0wnrd God and our fellowmen ii' there Is tai be pence and good wilt on enrlitti. If We Stiffer. • "If we snffni'. a•e uhn11 nl'an reign With him,". snys St. Paul, Whitt n crown is that for [his, el sufferer! "Thy paths and sickness ore all currtl ; thy body slant] no, more hu:lien thee wits Wen kness 11110 wr1u'Insssa thy neh- inlr heed and heart, My hunger find thirst, thy sleep and Inhofe are n11 gone, 011, what 11 mighty Minnie Is this which shines ns Ihr brlghtneass of the lirm,tmt'nt!"—Barter' MOW -STOW' COUGHir MY, rote airmIxEN March Rod and Gun Rod .and Gun f5r Niarc4i contains a photographic reproducl.iolt of 01r. F. V, Williams, Rod and Gun's cover cut artist, and a short sketch of his life, stories by 11, C. iiaddoe, Edward P. Martin, Aubrey Fullerton, l'i,' Mortimer Batten and other well known Writers 0ii outdoor subjects "Tile tow of Casting" is explained by Robert Page Lincoln int the Pissing notes depart- s which 1 * nt•uns a article depart- ment o ter iv also n by O. Warren Snaith while, its Gttlis and Amntuiliition Ashley A, haptics de- 'Scribe,/ "Suitable Rifles for beer Shoot, ing" and Aviateur Canadian" writes i eOperlence of "lighting ill fie red and Gthi Os published at Gotl'3 W'51, 'file kingdom of hen veil is not mote even When God's tt'ill Is nett' jot'. Ti it conte when God's will 5* our will, When Nod's Will is our 'law, We 'tire but ti kind of noble *rot's, "\'hen Itis, will 10 011r Will, we m's's (1.00.ehiltlren. —George Illncdonahch Follow Jesus Only, Let this be thy whole endc'nvet•, tills $sty prayer, this thy dosl'e—thnl hint,. tneyest Ira: stripped or all *tifisimo10, and with egtlre shrtpllnI(y follow Jeans ohiy,--tL3tmnas tj, Reunite. 0'W'o ire ZhoSplioldiaOj The 13reat Itomerlin rinvigorates Lisa -ho Torose i w its olsI Vaintn,makosnawBlood in old Vain/4 .(t'.Eres ei„ec1tN enteit anr1 Bey11.41, WVarrtf, 1)e;9 001' �r trr'44� yy� (/N tri` gµ�p7 3!}'t!' 1`i 8711 tje " 1 lr j f•` e that Old Cps 0 or Skirt t31im.ni of satire 'naafis oat train? It's be - canoe tt:, rear ar .a you have bent using do not pot to the root of the clhaoa e but remain en the surfs"e, Try Ears-13u:t1 It penetrates to the underlying tirat tsa de:Arrive all germs and OUI'eS front the "root" up, Ilence Zetn-ilul; euros' are int'thoe, All dealers, 30e, box, * * * * * * * * KI * t OUR SERIAL STORY ro THAT MAINWARING• M ^� A so by A. Maynard Barbour ar * * * * 4k * * * * * * (Continued from last Weak) For reply, the other drew from his pocket a small case, which he silently handed across the table, Mr. Rosen- baum opened it, disclosing, as he did se, a pair of diamonds of moderate size, but of unusual brilliancy and perfectly matched. He examined then silently, scrutinizing them closely, while his face indicated considerable dissatisfaction, "What does your friend expect for these?" he asked at length. "What will you give for then?" was the counter -question, "I do not care to set a price on them, for I do not want theta," he replied, rather shortly. Thui'sdtty, March 20111, 1919. llmaaww!'7 ,*1es-w lrua,lm+" 4'5 !�.cnv'wwua ,. breatii, T, i 'Pt's* Iloodo i otatitt11 htall't WEririnti LULUAt the, sou* Iltstan# t draught lifted Lelia curtain to- No, 3, revealing to the astonished Mattneribg a view of Mr, ti r�r Johnson's profile in the opposite box, Ills uwli Nee grew white as the table- • 'j; 1. ., Litrij clrilh before him; he reached avidly for the diamond, but bots) gems •were gone, Posenbauiu confronted hit: with a most sinister expression. "My diamond!" he gasped. ,' The diannunds,are safe," replied the caper in at law tone, "and you," address ing Mannering by his true name, "the more quiet Tau are just. now the bet- ter." The elder man's face grew livid with rage :tui .tett', and, rising soddenly to his feet, his tall form towered far above )Rosenbaun1, "Wretch!" he •hissed, with an oath, "you have betrayed ole, curse you! and, stealing the smaller, man a blow which floored him, he rushed frau the box. in'atl instant Rosenbaum staggered to his feet, and, pausing only long enough to make sure' of the safety of the jewels, rushed from the cafe, reach- ing the street just In time to see his elan jump into at cab, which whirled swiftly and started down the street tit a break -neck speed. Two cabman, talking at a short distance ,hurried to the scene, landcalling one of them, Mr. Rosenbaum hastily took a. second cab and started in pursuit of the 'first, b'ut bd at m of Mr,not- Johneforesonhe mahaking activecauglht prepaglipset•a- tions to follow them both. "Hang that fellow!" he muttered, as he. heard wheels behind hies, "This is the third time he hats spoiled the game; but I've got the winning hand, and He'll not beat me out of its" By this time the first cab, having turned a corner a short distance ahead, was out of sight, but Rosenbaum, con- vinced from the direction taken of its destination, and knowing amore direct "I think," said Mr, Mannering, "that my friend would dispose of them at n reasonable figure, as he is at present in need of ready cash with which to consummate an important minks; nego- tiation." After considerable fencing and parry- ing, Mr. Rosenbaum made an offer for the gens, to which Mr. Mannering de- murred. •'Show me a higher class of gems arid 1 will offer you a better price," said Mr. Rosenbaum, finally seeming to grow impatient. "Show me one like this, for instance, and 1 will offer you a small fortune," and opening a case which he had quickly drawn from his Pocket, he took froset it an enormous diamond, beside whose dazzling brilli- ancy the pair of gems under considera- tion seemed suddenly to grow dim and lustreless. •He held it up -and a thou - send rays of prismatic light flashed in as many different directions. "What do you think of that, my dear sir? When 1 can find a match for the magnificent stone, we can fill an order which we have held for more than twelve months from the royal house Ln Germany. But where will 1 find it?'" • Twirling the gem carelessly between his thuanb and finger, he watched the face of. his companion atd• saw it change to deathly pallor. "May L see that for one moment?" he asked, and his, voice sounded un- natural and constrained, while the hand which he extended across the table ,tretnbled visibly., , ."'Most . certainly, sir," Mr. Rosen- baunt replied, and, is compliance with the request, handed to Mr. Manering the getn which the latter had himself . disposed. of less titan three months before in one of the large Westrn cities. Nothing could escape the piercing eyes now fastened upon. that ,face with its strange pallor, its swiftly changing ex- pression.Unconscious of this scrutiny, Mr, hianering regarded the gem silent- ly, then removed his glasses for a clos- er inspection.. Having satisfiedI bis hetoMr. curisolt return* the stone y,returned Rosenbaum, and as he did so, found the eyes of the latter fixed not on a Y P thegent,butu is own face. Some ooh thinin their glance seemed to discon- cert him for an instant, but he quickly recovered himself, and, replacing the colored glasses,. remarked with a forced composure,— "That is ti magnificent stone. May 1 tisk when and where you found it?" "1 picked it up in one of your cities some three, months ago, maybe, more or less." "You bought it in this country, then? Why may you not expect to match It here?" "Simply en the theory, lay dear sir, that the lightning never strikes twice in the same place." "Well, sir," said Mr. N(ttnneeing, calmly, "1 wilt show you a stone so perfect a match fur that, you yourself could not distinguish between the two." "You have such it diamond:" Mr. Rosenbaum 31 exclaimed; "why then are you wasting tinge with these?" and Ile pushed the smaller diamonds from him with a gesture of contempt, "Why did you, not produce it in the first place?" "Because," replied 01r.. neutering, his composure now fully• restored, I do not propose to produce it until 1 know somewhere near what you will gine for it." "My dear sir," Mr. Rosenbaum's tones became eager, " as 1 have already told yeti, if 1 can match this stone," placing it on the table between them, "i will pay you a small fortune; stoney would be no object; you could have 3'601' 005)1 PI'Ic '' ,. Without further words, Mr. Manner - tug drew ford a entail package, which he carefully opened, anti, taking there- from an exact duplicate of the wonder- ful gem, placed it upon the titble beside the latter, With at senile which the other did not see, Mr. Rosenbaum bent his head to extunine the stones; he had recog- nized his man in the brief instant that /,heir eyes had met, and ably, within his grasp, lay, as he well knew from the description which he carried, two of f, the shiest dial7tonds its the famous n- M isu vvariitg collection of jewels, stolen less Mail six months before; his triumph was almost complete, Meatswlrlle, Mr. Johnson, who had overheard much of their conversation, was congratulating hint -sell upon the near Success of his own schemes, when r the oflicigusu\n ess of n waiter overfitrc\v the plena of ail parties and produced the greatest ct)lifttsioh, Catching. sigli't of the gentleman waiting in No, '1, ha ignored the cashier's instruction's and dtttereditiiebox to take his order, ,_IOW ;litd brief tirougt_ Treatmoot For ins Ot9���lt>Y g ! YXr9� iG Gman \i'Ali1Nd, ONT, "I had an attack of Weeping Es':st'turt; so ilad that my clothes w'oui 1 be fret through at times., For four months, I sull'cretitet•rihly. 1 00111,1 get no relief until I tried 'Fruit -a -tines and 'Soothe Salva' The first trt'tttnlent gave' me relief.. Altogether, I havo used three boxes o1 'Soothe Salva' and two of 'Fruit-a-tives', and nm en Woody well" G. W, IIALL. Both these sterling remedies are sold by dealers at Mc. a box, G for $2.50, or sent on receipt of price by 1 rust-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, "Fruit -a -lives" is also put up in a trial size which sells for 255'„ • mean? Who are you?" "I am Dan McCabe, at your service," was the cool reply; then, as the other remained speechless with astonishment, hicCsbe continued: 'I've no time to waste with you, Mr, Merrick; we may have desperate piece of work on hand; but if you'll conte with me, 1 give you my word for it that before this job is over you'll meet the biggest surprise of your life," Pushing open tite door, McCabe noiselessly' climbed the stairs, beckon- ing Merrick to follow. 13y the. Tight of the dark lantern he selected the door leading to the room occupied by Man - route, shouted to the driver what nering, and, after listening a moment, streets to follow, ;and to conte out up- flooded significantly to Merrick on the alley near No. 545 Jefferson ' Is he there?" the latter whispered. Street. "Ile is there," said McCabe, grimly, "'fie old fellow will think i've lost "slt you the man ng for. 111 ut tellnoyou who is thereare,"lookiand he whispered in his ear. Merrick staggered as if from a blow - "Great God!" he exclaimed aloud. There was a sudden sound within as of some one frightened and moving hastily. McCabe again called the man by name, and demanded admittance. There was a moment's silence, and then McCabe, with Merrick's aid, forced in the door, and as it yielded there came As cab No. 2 approached Jefferson from within the ship report of a re - street, Rosenbaum called to the driver t wive', Followed by a heavy groan, to slacken and drive on the dark side (Continued aext week.) of the alley. He jumped out to recon- noitre; a cab was just stopping at No. - 545, a tall figure got out and hastily Mrs, Robt, Guiles, of Exeter, has disappeared up the steps, while the cab last received word that iter nephew, whirled rapidly away, George FL Taylor, of the American Ex - "Turn about, drive back quietly, and peditionary force, was killed in action answer 00 questions," Rosenbaum said, on the 5th! of October last at the bat- sltpping a bill into the driver's hand, tie of Argonne. and then glided swiftly through the George Arvis, an r. employee 0f the shadow to No, 545. His manoeuvres Wingham Fertilizer 'Company met with were seen, however, by Mr, Johnson, a painful accident while working at a who immediately proceeded to follow machine. His right hand was caught, his example. crushing three of the fingers. ' Running quickly up the steps to No. 545, Rosenbaum produced a bunch of skeleton keys, which he proceeded to try. The first was useless, the second ditto; he heard steps approach- ing; the third fitted the•lock, but, as it turned, at hand was . laid upon his shoulder, a dark, lantern flashed in his face, and a voice sold,— . "Your game is up, ratty man; you had better cone with me as peaceably as possible!" For answer, the- other turned quick- ly, and, without a word, lifted the lapel of his coat, ivhe•re- a star , gleamed brightly in• the rays of the (intern: The ha id holding tete- lantern `dropp- - 311 ed suddet 1y, and its owner 'ejaculated, Lamm •af w Med[cioo tmlb wadi. "Heavens and earths+'what does this the trail when he finds he's not follow- ed," he solioquized, amid the jottings of the vehicle, "and maybe it will,throw the hoodoo off the track," But Air. Johnson had no intention of being thrown off. lie had seen cab No, 2 take a different course, and, having lost sight of No. 1, decided that a bird in the hand would be worth two in the bush, and that he would follow up the "pal." To arouse a s>iugg s1a Suver, to reliwve `S9 distressed stomach, 'to..for'afy► yovr- self against disease,—use Sold evay*Lere. L' posry36e, eSure toGet E wax -wrapped sealed package CfAtSSpGnEYS upon I$ is a guar- antee of quality. The largest st 'chewing- £filo factories in the world —the largest selling !UM in the world: that is what WRIGLEY'S 5$ means. ' SEALED TIGHT KEPI' RIGIiiTl Meade In carman "Thr Uhiu fir C;a d7