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The Clinton New Era, 1919-3-20, Page 1
hossOMOMOIOW THECLINTOIVNLWIRA,CLINTON stablished 1865, VOL 53, Na. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MARC%l, 2Oth, 1919. W. H. Kerr & San, Editors and Publishers,. 600.00 in Prizes for Clinton Central Agricultural Show -Thursday, April 10th, 1919. rwwwwvwery w,~evwvvwvveNwvvvvvw Always Reliable When troubled with only a recent cold, chronic Bronchitis or the dreaded "Flu," you will always find REXALL CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP prompt in relieving and effective in curing a cough. Sold by W. S. IR,. :i ,CCU UN/13336 Phrn. B. BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE THE REXALL STORE. CLINTON uovvvvvvvvvvvvvvkilVVVvvWvkiv wvvvvwvvvvvvvvvveevvvvv vvvv The Royal Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL LONDON, Eng., BARCELONA, Spain, NEW YORK 490 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND FOREIGN BRANCHES , CUBA—Havana (5 Branches), Antilia, Banes, Bayamo, Caibarien, Cama- guey, Cardenas, Ciego de Avila, Cienfuegos, Florida, Guantanamo, Jatibonico, Manzanillo, Matanzas, Moron, Nuevitas, Palma Soriano, Pinar del Rio, Puerto Padre, Sagua la Grande, Sancti Spiritus, Santa Clara and Santiago de Cuba. PORTO RICO -San Juan, Mayaguez and Ponce. COSTA RICA -San Jose DOMINICAN REPUBLIC—S. Domingo, Puerto Plata, Sanchez, S. Pedro -de Macoris and Santiago de los Caballeros. Martinique—Fort de France. GUADELOUPE—Pointe-a-Pitre and Basse Terre. , BRITISHHO VENEZUELA—Caracas, Ciudad Bolivar, Maracaibo and Puerto Cabello. BRITISH WEST INDIES Antigua_St.John's. Bahamas -Nassau. Dominica -..Roseau Barbados -Bridgetown & Speighstown.. British Honduras -Belize Grenada_St. George's Jamaica—Kingston, Montserrat -Plymouth Nevis -Charlestown. St. Kitts -Basseterre. Tobago -Scarborough Trinidad—Port of Spain and San Fernando. British Guiana—George- town, New Amsterdam and Rose Hall (Corentyne), CAPITAL PAiD UP and RESERVE — — $30,000,000 i INCORPORATED 1855 M ITIE. ��MOL ON , L,. CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8;800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP, , , Manager Clinton I it I Ordered Keady-to-Wear Clothing Clothing 11 4 SPECIALS 75 pairs Men's Trousers well made, five pockets, belt straps, just the trouser for shop wear, cheaper than over- alls. While they last . $2.50 9 r f, en's Overcoats rown and Grey. Your choice for . . p . . . . $10.00 15 1 en's Sweater Goats Heavy Cott•ri to clear at 1.25 20 Men's Sweater oats Assorted colors • wool and cotton mixture. I egular $4.50 and $5.00. Your choice f'., r O o p o n e e o $3050 the florrishClothing c;2, A Stitiitrc RANI] for Every ,Mali R r 8 f?k'Lr11 :Ek inra1919 CANADA STILL DRY Prohibition Will End One Year after Peace. -- White Tells "Dry" Leaders. 'Ottawa, March 54.—To validate by legislation the war measure for prohibi- tion to make it efectiya one year after the official declaration of peace is the policy of th uomunton Oovernnsent as announced by Sir Thomas White act- ing 'premier, to a deputation which presented a memorial. from the Domin- ion prohibition committee. The Gov- ernment is also considering the ques- tion of submitting a plebiscite and the deputation was told frankly that there had been representations on the other side, but of rather a moderate char- acter,the labor men, for instance, de- siring more bite in their beer. The speakers for the deputation in - eluded Judge Eugene LaFontaine ° of I Montreal, president of the conmmittee; , George A. Warburton of Toronto, vice president; D. 13. Harkness, Winnipeg, general secretary; Dr. R. H. Grant, sr:cretary of the social commission of Nova Scotia; Mrs. W. E. Sanford, I•lamilton, president of the National Council of Worsen; R. M. Miller, Van- couver; A. A Powers, representing the United Farmers of Ontario; W. L. Best of the train service organization; Mrs. Gordon Wright of the W. C. T. U., and others. The memorial as prepared by the Do- minion prohibition committee defended its policy as follows: "The Dominion prohibition conven- tion declares its policy to be as fol- lows: "5. That the provisions of the order in -council prohibiting importaion man- ufacture and shipment into prohibited areas of intoxicating liquors for bev- erage uses should be continued in effect: "2.That this legislation should not be discontinued without a vote of the electors of Canada being taken on the question of its continuance or discon- tinuance. 3, That in case a referendum is de- cided upon by the Government it should not be taken until. the Canadian soldiers, now overseas, have been re- turned to civil lite in Canada. "4. That the date at which such vote is to be taken should be an- nounced at least six months' prior to the day of voting. "5 That in case a vote of the citi- zens of Canada is to be taken, pro- vision should he made for recording the votes of the women citizens of Canada on the same basis as those of the men citizens, "6 That manufacture of intoxicating liquor for export purposes should not be permitted, "7 The continuance of the defini- tion of 'intoxicating liquor' in the Dominion legislation as 'any liquor or beverage which contains more than 21/2 per cent of proof spirits," • An Enjoyable Dance, '.' h• • The Pastime Club gave an enjoyable dance last Friday evening at their Club rooms and a very enjoyable even- ing was spent. The Blackstone orch- estra, of Goderich, supplied the music. Phone 146 Estimates Given A. E. WOOD Interior and 1 xterior Decorating We protect your floors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Etc. 81 Isaac Street d" -s If you were to ask for the loan of our little hatchet we would be compelled to tell you, 9T IS LENT'. And we have the following Fish Finnan Haddie Fresh White Fish and Codfish W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 Canada rood Board License No. 8.2495. ver a escmps, 1I nOnnaletilerninet41004110010:1140000•1 Mr, W. Tanney wit s down from Blyth Monday, Mrs, J. B Cook is visiting with re- latives and friends in Toronto,' Rev, J. H. Osterhout, B. A., 13, D., i of Goderich, was in town last Thursday. i We are glad to report that Fred Wallis is able to be out a little now after his long and severe illness. Mrs. R.'Mason is visiting at. Toronto and before returning will visit her brother, Mr. Snaith at Bay City, Mich, • Mrs, May Rance McKinnon was the guest last week with Mrs. R. S. Hays at Seaforth. t Mrs. Geo McLennan and Mrs. Geo. Roberton returned home last Saturday I after /a visit with their mother and bro. tiers in Detroit. Mr.matte W Jackson madent sat trip to London' this week. I Mr, Tucker, of the Tucker Plano Co., Winnipeg, was in town over the week end. Mr. IL R. Sharp, was in London this week on business. Miss Zetta Bawden is visiting with relatives and friends in London. Mrs, R..1. Cliff is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Pheonix, in Hamilton, Miss Verna Elliott, of Goderich Twp. is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm, Jervis. Miss Jule Bartilff is visiting with Mrs. Pheonix at Hamilton. Major R. L. Dunsmore and wife, of St. Thomas, but who recently returned from the war front, have been visiting with the former's grandfather, Mr. W. J. Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. C. Conner, of Hamilton have been up here for a few days. We are sorry to hear that Mr. George 1Varrener, is now practically bedfast and his condition is critical, Mr. Edgar Pattison was taken to the hospital late Wedensday evening suffering from appendicitis. Mrs. Watts, Rattenbury street went to the Hospital on Wednesday for treatment. Dr. Axon is now able to get down street these tine days after his long and severe illness. His old friends are glad' to see hint out. a Gnr. Charles McGuire reports in' London for his discharge today. * I* Minor Locals. I * March will soon be over. * Syrup making is back again. 1* 1* Jack Frost got in some fine work last * week. The East wind also helped. 1* The Prize list of Clinton Spring, * Show has been issued from The New 4` Era Office. * SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL (`i 11 NA, //' L4119H "o'/ d '* /4% �� 7'r Ai 1 �H / 1 a o tore,./ o cu��M,R.eEW .6 \` wr+,e oo. '4©,\ x i /. / e ©a..— L �51RATr0��/P x�wnpuFG, a ALT+ •.,fin; aP.ac \ G c,,ecetx �I�,.,p-,x CI."p tuwi.,t ''''Zi MAR'' .-; s . Y.„: i •�< �' o [PI, __.. i .y.,,, Q O GUMERICI! CU TON p pse,S BRANrrORD • HURON BOYS HOME Cadet A. Townshend, Clinton Sergt. J. Edgar, Seaforth Pte Malcolm Fraser, Brucelield. Pte. F. Bowie, Goderich Pte. Odgrift, Brussels. Pte. W. Irwin, Gorrie. Cor'Clark, lteusall � Corp. Pte. Eyre, Seaforth Pte. Mitchell, Corrie Pte. Oakley, Brussels, Pte. Smith, Centralia Pte, Webb, Dashwood Pte. Roy Fahner, Crediton. Cadet James Munn, Exeter Pte, Geo. Fitton, Exeter * * * * * * * * * * MONEY FOR YOU Look around in your attic or store room and you will find long -forgotten articles, use- less to you, but very useful to others. Turn these articles into cash or swap them for something useful. An ad, in The New Era will * tell hundreds about it. • * * * * * * * * • • SFRGT. WELSH STILL HOLDS POSITION Special Meeting of Council Held on Monday Evening to take Action A special meeting of Council was called on Monday evening to appoint a night watchman for 5919. All the members were present with Mayor Cooper in the chair. Clerk McPherson read the following names of the applicants for the position Onslow Crich Robt. Welsh F. G. Bowden , E Graelis Wns. Stanley Jas. Levy. The mayor read the duties of the * Night Watchman as laid down by the i Municipal by-law. Moved by Councillors Johnson and * McEwen, that the application of Edward * Graelis be accented for nightwatchman. On a vote being taken the motion 4. *as lost, it being a tie. * I The duties of Nightwatchman still • remains as before in the hands of Sergt, * Welsh, until his successor is appointed. On motion of Councillor McMurray * • and Reeve Ford, Council adjourned. *1 * Passed Away This Morning aP I This morning Mrs. D. N. Watson s passed suddenly away, death being caused from heart failure. At press * time no arrangements had been made * for the funeral. fighting German ,Fires oilictial'Pl,Olb;*&;6gih i Fighting the fires started by the Germane. r rumen' of teaerai Lipitett near the line.) The cortege pheSing between'menit of )6 hiti,01401 ;+ 1049h &,k, froterrl bxengb#i 1 1,rlimA XXX ., th+i Pr%bol at Virgil; o,Uowod gilt aollWat i . ' ,, .F' r, 1 i, ' 1 F .ill•i'ik) ldlt'$.'lw WESTERN COUNTIES PLAN FINE ROADWAYS System Shows Much Linking Up Among the. Various Municipalit- ies.—Lead to Toronto —.Nuc- leus of Nucleus''of Trunk Lines are Being Planned to Tap Lake Huron (Toronto Star Weekly) ONE of the best illustrations to be found in the Province of the exact meaning of the County -Pro- vincial roadway system is in the west- ern counties, Huron, Bruce, Grey, Perth, and Wellington, which are shown on the accompanying map, Just glance along the roadways, and notice how, in so many cases, the trunk roads lead from county to county without a break, and it will be easy to appreciate how much an improved roadway system scientifically planned, is going t mean to through traffic. At the same time, it will be seen that though these counties are planning a tine link- ing up of roadways between counties; to provide improved trunk lines from one side of the Province to the other, there are a number under the County - Provincial scheme. A casual glance at the map will show that on the north the Toronto Orange- ville road leading through Dufferin, links up with Grey County at Inistioge and runs on to Flesherton. From Flesherton there are three distinct branches. One leads north to Meaford, skirting the shore of Georgian Bay, the second runs directly north-west to Owen Sound, while a third runs al- most directly west through Durham, Hanover and Welkerton to Kincardine. Farther south there is the trunk road leading into 'the north-west :of Old Ontario. This is the Hamilton -Guelph route and from Guelph There are routes provided through Wellington County to all the important centres in the north-western section, Starting with Wellington County, the main roads which have been placed under the 'County -Provincial system are: The route from Hamilton -to Guelph; Guelph to Rockwood, Guelph to Brisbane; Guelph to Gou- lock to link up with Hespeler in Waterloo; Guelph to Elora, with a branch at Marden leading to Fergus; Fergus to Craigsholme; Fergus through Spires to Belwood; 'Fergus through Arthur to Mount Forest; Fergus to Elora; Elora to Parker; Arthur through Gordonvilie and Damascus to Egerton;, and from Arthur south through Parker to a point near the Waterloo border. Other scattered stretches here and. there have also been taken in. Perth Criss -Crossed. Of the five counties mentioned. Perth has made the least advances. there being practically only two road- . 1 ways accepted in the County -Provincial' 1 highway policy. Roughly, these cut the county in half in either direction, with Mitchell as the centre. The routes are: Mitchell, north-east through Monkton. Atwood and Listowel to the Grey border; Mitchell west through Dublin to link up with the Seaforth Goderich road; Mitchell west to Sea- bringville, with a gap to Stratford, then from Stratford east through Shakes- hurgpeare roads to link toup Kitchenerwiththe, WaterlooNewHain- , Preston and Galt. Huron Leads the Way. Huron has shown plenty of progress- iveness. With Clinton as the (rub, there are four main roadways which have been taken into the scheme and which, with their branches, tap` all parts of the county. Directly south of Clinton there is the Exeter road t6 the Aliddlesex border, the aim being to connect with London and St. Thomas. From this Clinton -Exeter road there are five distinct cross lines. At the south there is the Centralia, Devon road to Grand Bend; the Elntville road to Kirkton, the Brewster -Farquhar road and other smaller ones. Frons Clin- ton north there is the Goderich line, which to the east connects with Stratford, and may in time link up with 'Toronto. From Clinton north- east there is the Blyth, Belgrave road to Wingham, From Goderich north there is the lake shore road connect- ing with Bruce 'County, leading even • - tully as far as Southampton along Lake iluron. Frani Seaforth there is the Winthrop, Walton, Brussels. road leading to Wpoxeter, with a di- rect turn 'to the east through Gorrle to l-larriston. There is as well the Lucknow-Goderich line, and the Lucknow townline route to Amberley, 1 in addition to a number of shorter roads which have not yet been pro- perly linked up, l5ruce Maleas Good Start Bruce County has gone in for the County -Provincial roads. i11 asn,exten- sive manner. At the south, there are tour distinct links with. tither counties, three into Huron, and' one into the corner of Huron and Wellington„ while two other systems' reach the border, but have not yet been come-- tinuedl by the adjoining counties. Tiler links with - Huron are at Amberly: - Lochalsh and Lucknow, while tire•: • other is the Southampton, Paisley,” Mildmay road which breaks into Well- ington at Clifford and gets a little past Harriston on the way to Elora. This latter- is probably Bruce's main ' County -Provincial road, as it angles through the centro of the cournty and '. provides connections. and outlets for the whole county for the. lower east. ' ern section of Old' Ontario, The sec. and 11'inin road is that which skirts . Lake 1•lusos front Amberly through ' Kincardine, Tiverton, Underwood, North Bruee and Port Elgin to South. 1- ampton, crossing, from the latter point to •Allenford, and ranting from therd 1 north to Wlarton, and from Wiai•tos almost- to the' head of 'the .peninsuls, , passing through Colpoys; bay Adams s vide, 1folpe Bay 11nd, 13afirosj ,Bay ori, the road to Lion's Heid There ares four distinct crossroads. Starting a tun rdut'e; the north, there 15 the Tara haver may, .j3urgn�yne•Port Elgin rod flier is; the. EdE.n jGrdve,f Glammid ;Jiver WWalkertoii,' Grdlinock Continued on Page 2, ', 1.,1 .mill. ; 'll.`):)i