HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-3-13, Page 6PAGE 6 THE CLINTON N WHAT'S•THAT? We just want to find out if the people in and around Clinton want the best flannelette blan- kets made -- viz. Ibex -- at one dollar less than the mill price. On Saturday morning, March 15th, from ten to eleven, we offer for sale the following: 12-4 Ibex Blankets, white or grey, blue or pink borders, $2.15 Pr. 11-4 Ibex Blankets, white or grey, blue or pink borders, $2.25 Pr. One pair only to a customer and none to the trade. No phone or mail orders taken. Note the hour, from 10 to II only. Neither before or after at these prices. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings, Phone 67 Next Royal Bank owN,s MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103, Opposite Public Library 1K x A 0 X ,11 x PhAfAdInh Sale 1 or of 1 x X a 25c off on every dollar A x Come now and get a Bargain. 11 1 K 0 A Up-to-date Styles and Nobby Folders A A x ;10+111111h III i hill11111111 II 11111111119111111 111 11 1111111'1111111 W ERA 111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111ifithI11pIIIl111tlI111111111111111tl111111111111 Local News III 111 1111 At his old tricks 1 L O% lnatalmonts, Mjtebell Recorder:—Dr, Burrltt won q'1te last instalment on the Victory the championship in Scotch doubles its Loan of last November was last week Florida, i and the local banks report that there Asked for Terms. I have been practically no defaults in , The Clinton Kittle 13tutd has 'been the firmestnt. interestTheDwonnithneaoloanntoatreasuryMaypays 1, asked for their terns for to play at Brussels in June at the Old Boys Re- I Smaller Coppers. r union, Smaller one cent Canadian coins are Choir Reorganised. T conning to take the place of the heavy I copper cents now in circulation. In x Y SALE ONLY LASTS A SHORT TIME Prices ranging from $3. per .dozen to $24. x • Remember 25 cents off on every dollar x ROY B11 LL 1� 1K 11 1K PHONE 66 PHOTOGRAPHER ***XX**xX*XXX*, xxxAxx•.*x•x•Xx..*....1I• L. H. &, B. Mail Clerk Married Wingham Times:—W. E, Murphy, mail clerk on the London train sur- prised many of his friends here by bringing hone with hint ona.Teesday night, a bride. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy will reside for the present at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Copeland on Leopold Street. Congratulations "Mur- phy." Have Settled in New Home Mr. Ed. Morrison and family of Stan- ley, are now settled in their new home purchased from Mr. Rathwell on Huron Street. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOROA Shoes of Selected Leather ! But few People when buying shoes ever give the leathers of which the shoes are made, any consideration! Leathers of the sante name are not always alike by any manner of means! There are good leathers and 'poor leathers known by the same name! On the grade of the leather u, and the satisfaction you get o TIE BEST OF Our shoes are made from the 1 The leathers are selected wit) of great experience! That't OUR SHOES Men's Shoes $6.00, $6. Women's Shoes $4.00, $6: FRED. J Brighten up for Spring Having received my dis- charge from the C. E. F., I am . now prepared to take orders on work for paper- hanging and painting, etc. We have the latest sample books of wall papers at var- ious prices to suit :Any house. Call or Phont. No. 54 J. E. COOK 1 Clinton . : . . Ontario THE PRACTICA Coat Bargan We have decided to clear out e whole stock of Bituminous mp coal at 8.75 per ton at the ards or $3.00 delivered. rhe coal is of the highest Grade ituminous lump and is a splendid ebstitute for anthracite. This special holds good until the 1st February.' SOLE AGENT FOR CRANTON &D, 1H. & L. COAL TERMS --- Strictly Cash. . J. Holloway PHONE 3w London /+dvertiser. Reorganization ; of Christ church choir took place Fri- day prior to regular practice. Miss Helen Gonne having been appointed to the post of organist. "The Better 'ole" Coming Manager Manning of the Princess Theatre informs The New Era that• he has secured "The Better 'ole" to be shown here on April 23rd, Fuller particulars will be given later, Buys Business John C. Reid of Varna, has pur- chased the grocery business from David Watson, Dave's mailing countenance will be greatly missed. Mr. Reid gets possession immediately and will move his family here this week. Arrived in Canada. Pte. Newton Davis who went over- seas with the 161st Huron Battl arrived in Toronto on Saturday and expects to stay their with his sister and "cousin" until he gets his discharge. His old friends will be glad to see him when he arrives in town. Coming Back to this Section Exeter Times:—Mr. W, G. Medd has taken over the management of the. Winchelsea and Exeter creameries and will conduct the business of both mak- ing his home in Exeter. He has pur- chased the handsome brick residence of Mr. H. Rowe on Andrew street and will move to town in the near future. The price paid was $3,500. Mr. F. Bruce Medd, who hat been conducting the creamery business in town will move back to a farm near Clinton, Dur- ing their stay here they made many friends who will regret their departure. Funeral of Dr. McBride. Welland Telegraph The funeral of the late Dr. J, C. McBride took place from his old home at Cookstown at 2 o'clock Thursday. The remains left Welland by the early G.T.R. train on Wednesday and were accompanied by Harry Moore, Dr. Godwin, Charles Col- lins and C. J. Page, as well as relatives. Services were held at his late home, East Main street at 7.30 on Tuesday evening, A. F. & A. M., of which he was a member, Rev. 11 W. Avison and R•,v. James Thompson participating. Over thirty Knights Templar of Jac- ques de Molai Preceptory, Niagara Falls were present. The city council attend- ed in a body, and there was a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Over fifty floral pieces, many of them very beautiful, were placed about his casket. Pasaed Away At Brandon, Manitoba. the Federal Parliament the Minister of Finance gave notice of a resolution Pro- viding for weight, fineness, etc„ of a bronze cent. This is necessary in order to make provision for the coinage of a smaller cent piece. Minor Locals The man must be a born pessimist who has not a good word to say for the weather Ontario is enjoying, , St. Patrick's day is Monday, March 17th. The military authorities at London request that in view of demobilization all correspondence addressed to troops overseas shall be endorsed'on the outer cover with the name and address of the sender its order that the communication may be returned in the event of it be- ing undelivered. The Brussel's Post refers to the death of a former resident of Clinton, when her husband was head clerk with Tozer & Brown's, 1.0 years ago, this summer After an illness of about 10 days which developed into Spanish in- fluenza, Lily, beloved wife of R. E. Stinson, manager of the house fur- nishing department of Nation & Shew- an's, Brandon, passed away at the Brandon hospital, on Thursday Feb. 20th. The Brandon Daily Sun says:— "Deceased came to Brandon with her husband from Carnduff, Sask., about 414 years ago and during her resi- dence in the city made many friends, who will regret her death, The late Mrs. Stinson was a Worthy Matron of the order of the Eastern Star, and was willing to help in all that pertained to the good of the community. Besides her husband, 2 daughters, Miss Alma, who has been teaching school in Riding Mountain, and Miss Edith, both now at horse, are left to mourn her loss, her father and brother, in Winnipeg, anoth- er brother, Win Gordon, of Lauder, and 2 sisters, Mrs. T. T. Smith and Mrs. T. F. Fletcher, Toronto, also survive her. The funeral took place from 'Campbell & Campbell's undertaking parlors Saturday afternoon at 2.30.Rev, A, E. Smith and Rev. C. R. Hammond officiating, Interment was made in Brandon Cemetery." Mrs. Stinson was formerly well known in Brussels where domestic demand. she frequently visited with her snele and aunt, the late Thos. and Mrs. Fletcher. `ler childhood hone was at Lucknow she being a daughter of John Gordon. She was full of vivacity and made friends wherever site went. Mr. Stinson and daughters will share in the sympathy of old friends in Brussels. W. HURON TEACHERS WANT PROHIBITION Executive Asks Government To Enact Permanent Legislation. Exeter, March 9.—The Executive Committee of West Huron 'teachers' Association, which met here yester- day, decided to hold the next con- vention in Exeter on the Thursday and Friday immediately preceding Thanksgiving Day. A resolsltion was forwarded 10 the Dominion Govern- ment urging them to make •t'he pro- hibitory law permanent. It was also decided to circularize the +trustees and teachers of the inspectorate of- fering a reward of $10 to the section that makes the greatest improve- ment in lev.eliug and seeding the roadsides planting shade trees, im- proving buildings, orchards, 'Fences and in any other way increasing the beauty of the inspectorate, as well as the value of the property. The following members of the committee were present: R. R, Red- mond, President, Belgrave; W. H. Johnston, Secretary, Kipper; George Mawson and Miss Jean Murray, Exe- ter, and G. S. Howard, Dashwood. * -s .. .x. x * * .x SCIENCE NOTES * * •5.. * k Thursday, March 13th, 1919.,. There is an -Opportonity Coming Your Way. if you are interested in Wall Decoration, it's to see our splendid line of Wall Paper—A stock that will produce an; appearance of dignity, comfort and pleasure in your home, Nothing adds more to its general air of attractiveness and good cheer than tastefully furnished wails. Our 'stock ..com- prises the practical as well as the decorative features. The W. D. Fair eoo Often the cheapest'--2uways the Best A Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation— Good Pictures --- All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We. have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results—, Despensmg Chemist A thin paste of wood ashes and lem- on juice will renew tarnished brass. The government of India has pro- hibited the importation of sulpher matches in a town in the heart of Russia's salt fields many houses are built of salt. A novel accessory for medicine cabinets is a combined measuring glass and cork. Waterproof knapsacks . made of Worse hair have been invented by a Japanese army officer. Three steel spheres set in ball bearings are used instead of rollers in a new roller ,hate. Efforts are being made in Australia to utilize vast deposits of brown coal for power ,purposes. A charcoal burner has been invented that can be inserted in an opening in the top of a coal stove, The government of Japan will es- tablish a lafboratory to study the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Non-skid chains to be attached to the tips of crutches to prevent them slipping have been patented. By exploding a powder made of cordite and carbon, an English sci- eutist has produced minute diamonds. A recently invented window screen can be tightly rolled at the bottom so that windows can be washed. Mines in the United States are ex petted to double last year's produc- tion of manganese ores this year and to meet about about ,onl.•tllird of the • Plants have been established ii Scotland and Sweden that stake steels said to be equal to file best crucible steel by an open hearth pfo0e55' FOR To aid in teaching pelihianisltlp, n plate to be fastened to a penholder NOT and fit the palm of the hand in the correct position has been patented The Features of Our - Furniture. To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its assured comfort, iter solid cor,etruction, and its below the usual prices. Any one of these pointe would be sufficient to earn it your preference. When they are.all eons. biped we feel sore you will- realize that this is a furniture buying oppor• tunny you cannot afford to ignocae, JAS. nUNFH'R'D Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store 1111MOMIN.M.aaau• YOUR CHANCES are good to purchase at our store any or all of these Lines of Seasonable: Goods. We offer you at Reasonable Prices. Come early as supplies limited. Canned Pumpkin .10c Sun Kist Prunes, 40-50 per Ib 18c Seeded Raisins 16 oz, 15c per pkg. 3 pkgs. for 40c 5 l pail Corn Syrup 50 4 l pail Jam 80 Peanut Butter per lb 30 SEE OUR ANNEX SPECIALS 1uundry 00 6bars for$1 ¶13 Bars of Gold, Comfort, P. & G. Sunny Monday! Snap for $1.00 CALL AT MAIN STORE 6 cakes Palmolvie T -let soap 1 Can Peas f1 'Can Tomatoes 1 can Corn 3 boxes Matches 5 ¶Send or Bring a jar Pail and we will fall w our Bulk CORN SYR at per Ib Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7245r JOHNSON & Butter and Eggs Wanted —Highest P rices. PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED T Are You Ready ? BIG GAME TONIGHT Saturday afternoon a game of hoc- key was pla,yed in the rink. between the small boys pf Miss Stoddart's room and Miss Wiltse's room. The score WAS 5-3 in favor of Miss Stod- clart's room, George Elliott refereed the game, The Chamber maids of EIliott's Liv- t ery challenged the Chamber maids oil Bub Warrener's livery to a death strug gle hockey match for the Allen Cup 1 In the arena to,night at 7 o'clock sharp. "Mike" Kitty will referee the, match. —O— GIRLS WON AT MOUNT FOREST Last Thursday evening the Clinton girls won at Mount Forest by a score of 10-3. Miss Margaret Schoenhals scored 7 and Miss Stoddart got the other three. A return game was sup- posed to ,be played this week but Mount Forest is not corning diL I ' SEAFORTH WON 9-5 I Friday evening Seaforth came up to play Clinton tensa in hockey for the championship of the County. The game was fast and clean, hardly any- one deserving 'the penalty' box. Elli- ott was 'laid out" in the first period by a nasty out in the eye. Draper sad Kiley were the stars for Clinton and between them scored most of the goals. Following is the score by per. t was:— tet period 4.=4 c STODDART'S WON —0 --- • THE SPRING SEASON. IF GET YOUR SAP PANS OVER- HAULED AT ONCE AND BUCKETS SAP PANS & BUCKETS —• mode to' order on short notice — T. Hawkins Phone tit ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Agent for HECLA Furnaces shop -over I.swland's iia rilwa re Pitting And Fittings Always Oti )land. The Corner Grocer) "LIVE AND LET12,2! A REAL FOOD' Good for all ages from Baby to Gran mother. VERY NOURISHING! CHEAPER THAN FRU 1" YOUNG'S IMPROVED JELLY POWDER is flavored with the Juice of the Ir 1, FLAVORS, STRAWBERRY, RASPBER N• }iF ORANGE LEMON, PISTOCIiIO and CALFSFO unllavored. SPECIALS:—Oranges, Leptons, B, ;Inas, Grapefruit and Lettuce. E. E. thmniford, BUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canada FoodControlLicense 8-3123. PlIO1011.1 2nd period 3rd period 3-1 ( GRAND TRUNK TIMETABLE —1 9 5 Following is the IncIup:— Stewart Bays Hulley Hothant Dick goal Cook r defence Elliott I defence .. , Mitchell r wing Wheatley I wing Draper R. Reid centre Kitty R. Pickering. , Sub Murphy Ray Notifies Sub Cooper Referee:—D. Reid, Seaforth Trains Going North 11.11 a. in. 6.40 p, ,s, Trains Going South 8.30 a. nt. 4.15 p. nt. Trains Going East 6,18 It. M. 2.52 p. n1, Trains Going West 11,10 a, m. 61.45 p.21, 11,18 p. nl.