HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-2-27, Page 4Thursday, i'ebriinry 27th, 1919, FIVE AGGINVATIll116 A balky horse, a stal led motor, a stubborn husband, a fractious child, and a way- ward watch, and the worst is a WAYWARD WATCH, ..11 you happen to be pres- ent: you generally know when any of the first four have arrived --You'll know it is there. ' A "WAYWARD WATCH" however is so deceptive that you may look at it straight in the face and yet it will be lying to you. All the time it "fools" without you know- ing it until k is too late, "HELLYAR WATCHES" are "well made" and are also "well regulated" and if well used will prove them- selves faithful, reliable time- keepers fully guaranteed of course. WE CAN SEND . YOU ONE BY MAIL. W. L. '''61. Q 11('i, P, JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses CLINTON MARKET Hogs $17,00 Butter 43c to 45c Eggs 42 to 43c Spring wheat $2.09 Fall wheat $2.14 Oats 65c to 70 .Barley 90c to $1.00 Buckwheat $1.25 to $1.30 .Hay $16.00 to $18.00 .Bran $40.00 Shorts $45.00 Militeed $50.00 Potatoes 90c to $1.00 a bus. ."l THE CLINTON NEW ERPt PAGE 5 .41.040 SIX WESTERN ONTARIO• .BOYS WON VICTORIA. CROSS All Ranks and All Branches of Service Represented In Annals of Heroic Deeds. In the cool,.officinl language of the London Gazette," His Majesty the King has been graciously. pleased to approve the award of the Victoria Cross" to some 57, officers, noncotst- inissiaoed officers and teen of the Ca- nadian Expeditionary Force 'for valor and devotion to duty durilig the pres- ent war. From time to time the tales of the heroic deeds which were deem- ed worthy of such recognition have come to the public notice, but is is difficult in cold print to describe the gallantry and, in many cases, the spirit of sacratice which characterized these deeds of courage. Melt from the Loudon Military Dis- trict, who volunteered their services. conte in for their full proportion of Victoria. Crosses. Six of the coveted medals have come back to Western Ontario, though only ,two of the six winners lived to receiye the decoration from the hands of the King. Half a dozen of different ranks and as many branches of the service are rep- resented in the little list of Western Ontario men. There is a private who, at the age of 19, performed the heroic act which won for him the highest,pos- sihle honor, and there is a lieutenant - Colonel from the •saute Ontario city who, though of higher rank, could win no higher distinction. Corporal and captain ;tppear side by side in the list. The number of Military Crosses, Military Medals and Distinguished Con- duct Medals awarded to men of this district must be calculated in hun- dreds. . The winners of many of these, no doubt, were recommended for the higher award of the V. 'C. and the deeds ascribed to them are worthy of the homage of those whose bravery in battle exceeded all records is ac- corded the highest honor of all , and in the roll of the bravest they are the outstanding ones. HOW. TO WIN IT. There is no method "laid down" for Buy , C55Ir Where Set JOG, itlYiie .:S.hai r C . y ' c'. _ %MkN Alt L'",ra*Il' t t. F, WAIF!"~' • r,,* ; rrvtr.:ats I Vise's; Att,tt>F C'!:. :. . 1.4. u.eaaat 116ittet.1:1t01,..•.:IV. !.,• r ``ly ..=-7.--"....=-7.--"..P F. I NT t. G 1 HE Is girt to ;.::: earn .t t tt FINDOL S ' ` 1, 25 Read the Figures Notice how the cost -and the cash value -of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the a.st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. ria ul .t ,rnna ,gY Yi iii iIng i r ifs IflStt1ite Areas king the Ladies of Clin- ton and vicinity for a shower of fruit and pickles for the Clinton Hospital. The House Committee will be at the hos-. ital to receive donations . , 'O s ® n Friday, Feb. 28th Space Donated By J. H. PAXMA _ t .., -1 „ X•. •e , is W -* et Aa •a WINNERS OF THE V. C. 51 e oe * Oflicers and other ranks from '' London District who have been m alvarded the Victoria Cross in s * the present war:- ' Pte. T. W. Holmes, 147th t' * Battalton, L.-Sergt, 1'. Welwood-Sifton, w * 18t11 Battalion, sP Corp. H, G, 13. Miner, C. 0. R. " * Lieut. S. L. Honey, D, 'C. M„ ▪ M, M., 34th Battalion. • Capt, F. W. Campbell, 1st * Battalion, w Lieut. -Col. W. A. Bishop, D. . ea * S. O., R. A. F. 11 ar N 5 W * * tb yr et 9e * * * winning the V. C„ as witness the variety of achievements for which it was granted in the few cases in this military district. To charge an enemy machine gun single-handed, kill till the crew, and hold off the opposing forces, though wounded and greatly outnumbered, won it in one case, the successful delivery of an important message through an intense barrage at the cost of his life resulted in the award in another. But in all of them there was devotion to duty in the high- est possible degree, outstanding gal- lantry, personal courage or determined leadership. Take the case of Pte. Thomas Wil- liam Holmes, the 19 -year-old V.. C. whose original unit was the 147th Bat- talion, and whose home is in Owen Sound. itis bravery was of a most resourceful character. it was during an attack that putthree he u machine guns out of action and captured 19 prisoners -all single-handed. The Gazette describes it:, "Our attack was held up' by heavy machine gun and rifle ere from a "pill- box" strong poifst. Heavy casualties were producing a critical situation, when Pie. Hohnes, on his own initia- tive, and single-hauded, ran forward and threw two bombs, killing and wounding the crews of two machine guns. He then returned to his com- rades, secured another bomb, and again rushed forward, under heavy fire and threw the bomb into the entrance of the "pill -box," causing the 19 occu- pants to surrender. "By this act of valor at a very criti- cal moment, Pte. Holmes undoubtedly cleared the way for the advance of our troops and saved the lives of many of his comrades." "Tommy" Holmes had the horror of a special audience with the King at Buckinghann Palace to receive his med- al. WAS HERE WITH 18TH. Londoners saw a few years ago, in the ranks of the 18th Battalion. which trained here, a man who was destined later to win the most coveted of medals -Lance-Sergeant Ellis Welwopd Sifton, of Wallacetown. Lance-Sergt. Sifton was killed in carrying out the deed for which he won distinction, but the medal carte to Canada and was pre- sented to his parents at the Canadian National Exhibition last year. " it was a most gallant deed which won Sifton the cross. During an at- tack in enemy trenches his company was held up by machine gun fire, which was inflicting many casualties. The souse of helplessness under the strain made way in Sergt. Sifton's mind for a determination to help himself and his comrades. Having located the enemy gun, he charged it single -land- ed and killed all the crew, A small enemy party advanced down the trench, but Sergi, Sifton succeeded int keeping them off till his men had gained the position. In carrying out this act he was killed, list his conspic- uous valor undoubtedly saved many lives and ' contributed largely to the success of the operation. WHO GETS THE GUN? Just at the moment there is a con- troversy es to whether Chatham or Clinton shall obtain possession of the machine gun captured by Corp. Harry Garent Belford Miner at the time he won the V, C. Corp. Miner, who was mortally wounded during the opera- tion, trained with the 161st Battalion, of Huron County, but Isis parents live at Chatham He won the medal for "most con- spicuous bravery and devotion to duty in attack, when despite severe wounds he refused to withdraw." He rushed an enemy machine gun post single - Minded, killed elle entire crew and turned tine ,gun on the enemy, • Later, with two others, be attacked another enemy machine gun and sec. deeded ih putting it also out of action. 'Corp, Miner theft rushed an enemy, bombing post, bayonetted two of the garrison and put the remainder to flight, it Was 111 this last operation lie received the wmmd from which he died •later. • Corp, Miner is one of tate few imen lit the Canadian Expeditionary Force who won the French decoration, the Croix de Guerre, whielt the Ilst of Fremelt •medals tenths •very high. A nubile p'resentatioty of fhe':' teen medals, the Victoria Gross alid the 0rolk de duercei is b`e1q arranged dt .Ilathaut, The recipients, will, be the parents of Corp, Miner, Mr, 'and' Mrs.. John Miner, of Park street, of thst elty. The date for the event is not yet settled, but it is likely to be some time In the near future, A SCHOQLt44ASTER V„ C, Melt. Samuel Lewis honey, D. C. M., M. M'.„ V. 0., enlisted in Feb'ruar'y, 1915, at' Walkerton, Bruce 'County, In tiie ranks he won the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the Milltury Medal, Theft after receiving his commission he took part in the Bourton Wood opera- tions front 27th of September to 2nd of October, 1418, and 31., was there he won this highest of all his decorations and incidentally was fatally wounded, Lieut. Honey was by profession a school -master and befdre enlisting in the 0, E. P. had no connection with military natters. The stony of Ills heroism is told in The Gazette as fol- lows: "On 'the 27th of September, when itis company commander and all other officers o7 his company had become casualties, Lieut, Honey took command and skillfully reorganized under very severe fire. ile continued the offen- sive with great dash and won the ob- jectil'e. Then finding tlat his com- pany was suffering casualties front en- filade machine gun fire, he located the machine gun nest and rushed it single- handed, capturing the guns and 10 prisoners. "Subsequently he repelled four enemy counterattacks and after dark tt- t;ain went out alone and hieing located an enemy post led a party which cap- tured the post and three guns, "On the 29t11 of September be led his company against a strong enemy position with great skill and daring and continued in the succeeding phase of the battle to displsy the same higi, ex- ample of valor and self-sacrifice." AN "ORIGINAL FIRST." Early in the war an officer of the original 1st Battalion. Capt. Frederick William Campbell of Mount Forest won the Victoria Cross for gallantry at the German first line with one gun and maintained Itis position there under very heavy rifle, machine gun and bomb fire, notwithstanding the fact that almost the''whole of his detach- ment had been killed or wounded. When the supply of bombs among his men had becorlte exlitii.tsted, he led his party to a still more advanced position end by firing about 1,000 rounds suc- ceeded in holding back the enemy counterattacks. Capt. Campbell him- self acted as a support for the machine gun which the few remaining ntetnbers of his crew continued to operate. This very gallant officer was subsequently wounded and has since died. THE "ACE OF ACES" in the realm of the airmen there have been almost superhuman deeds performed in the course of the war,' but none of then have surpassed in valor and reckless achievement the record of Lieut. -Col. William Avery Bis- hop, D. S. 0., M. C., the Owen Sound "ace of aces," This youug flier has some four -score Hun machines to his credit and qualified for V. 'C., Many times over. But the perticglar in- cident which won him the honor was performed when he was out alone "looking for trouble" well back out of the Hun lines. Capt. Bishop, as he was then, had been sent out to work independently and flew first of all to an enemy aero- drome; finding no machines about he flew to another areodrome, at Least 12 utiles back of the German lines. Seven machines, some with their en- gines runing, were on' the ' ground. He attacked these from a height of a- bout 50 feet and' a mechanic who was starting one of the machines was seen to fall. One of the ntachinss got off the ground, but ata height of 60 feet Capt. Bishop fired about 15 rounds in- to it at very close range and It "crash- ed." A second machine got off the ground into which he tired 30 rounds at 150. yards range and it fell into a tree. Two more machines then rose from the aerodrome. One of these he en- gaged at the height of 1,000 feet, emptying the rest of his drum of ammunition. This machine crashed 300 yards front the aerodrome, after which the dauntless aviator. emptied a whole drum into tate fourth hostile plane and flew back to Isis station, Four hostile scouts were about 1,000 feet above him for a mile of the return rjour'ney, but they would not attack. t,ty,. y<; s ° °gr q; t.. lits machine was very badly shot about by machine gun fire front the ground. e 9®4®®RdeJGt®®•®ga®6aeaaia®rePtE Oi Over tha Teacups a,R,,aaskssotsstramsonete+eDOMa Kst®masoe0 Miss Jessie Thompson returned from Toronto last week, Mr, and Mrs, G. E, McTaggart were in Toronto this weak, Miss Ida Willem, of iDetroit, was home for over the week end Miss Lantra Wflken, of Detroit, is visiting et the parental home. , Mr. Albert Tzeerd, of 'Toronto, was a visitor for a fete days in town. License lirspector Mitchell, of Wing. ham, was in town toelay. Mr, Fred Jackson rade a business trip to Toronto this week. Miss Jean Ross returned to her mil- linery positions at Markdale, Mr. Pletcher Young, of New Toronto was visiting in town over the week end. Miss Puddlfolobey of Ayr, fg t1ie guest of her friend, Mrs, G, Wehrle. Mr, ,l. 0. Velteh, of the Molsott Bank 'Miffs was h'i' London last Week oil busi- mes$. (.5 .,y.,:.a,e.,dvuu,ci.asads1orS.A.N Coo- per,lceelwasint o vii last weeT. k. Pollee Magistrate Andrews was in Wingllam .on Cottrt business On Tues- I;Seaforth News], --Miss C.' i nnford, of Clinton. was a guest of. Mrs•, Allan Mrs, Wise tvho ;las been spending, the winter at Seafortlt returned to town last week, Air. S. 13. Stotiters wes at Ethel Iasi Thursday making arrangements for the School Fair Mrs. G, 13, McTaggart, of Biytlt, was the guest of her sister, Miss Jessie Thompson, Mr, .Win, Maxwell, of Leamington, spent a few dtiys visiting his Sister, Mrs, Hugh Ross, Mrs, C. 13. Rowell will receive the 1st Thursday of every month at bar house 011 '1"owneeni Street. lSeaforth Newel -Mr, J. J. Mercier leaves this week for Ottawa where Par liament will meet today, Mrs. 'Chas. Twitchell returned to her Koine in Windsor after an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. A. Forbes, (13russels Past): -Mrs. II J, Mann ing and daughter, Miss Grace. are spending a holiday with relatives in Clinton, Mr, John Hartley, who was former- ly Principal of Clinton Model School 1. one of the Councillor's at Vaitkleek 11111 this year. Sergt, Sutter, who is the goal tender of the Landon hockey team, was the guest of his brother, A11' J. A. Atter while in town. Miss Tenni° Margnis, who has been teaching school at Craiahursr, who has been laid up with' the flu is sufficiently improved to attend to her duties. 11.3iytlt Slandard,j-Miss l.va Maines and her friend, Jliss t.; latter, of Clinton, visited at the house rat the tonaer's par- ents, Mr. and etre. J. Plaines, ever Sun day. 1 Formica Starr -Mrs. J. C Copp, for. emelt}' ismima 11oldruyu, will rrcerre for the lira time since her 1144164,e. with her mother, Mrs. 11. 11 ,1 lr'oyd u (radian Trial, on Friday, the 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Key,, Varna, announce the coca',.',unient or their (laugh ter, Emma Hera, to Mr. 'Purnell Austin. Sh;rdy, only sun ml Mr, and Airs. rico. U. Sturdy. (,uderich, the marriage to take place in Marcie. Mr. and Mrs J. Cooke, of Myth, announces the marriage of their dough ter, Alma, to blr. L. i.. 1'Iumnter, son of Alr. and Ylrs. W. 11. Plummer, tit Lon- don on 'Tuesday, February 1Sth, Rev, Mr, Nletlregory, St- Andrew's church, Queen Avenue, officiated. Dr. Gaps. E. C. Wilford, of Chentu, West China, and who ltas been overseas tor two years has returned home and is visiting with his mother In Blyth. Ur. Willord is well-known to many of our readers who will be pleased to hear al his sate return. Dr. Willord is a•lormer C. C. 1. Student. The enemy !raving signed the ar- mistice is now behaving much as at the beginning of the war, They are inclined to treat it as a scrap of paper, Purse Lost On Monday afternoon between Ont- ario st„ and Raglan street, a purse con- taining money. Will Finder kindly leave at the New Etre Office, Aeolian. Sale. Of farm stock 'and implements. The undersigned' has received instructions to sell by public auction at Base Line, 1 mile North of Clinton on Tuesday, Mar. 4th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: 2 horses, good workers and drivers; 1 cow to freshen Marcit 17; 1 cow to freshen April 11; 1 cow to -freshen in September; t steer calf six months old; t deering mower; t deering rake 11 ft, 1 farm wagon and new box; 1 buggy as good as new; 1 old buggy; t cutter; 1 cutting box, 1 grindstone; 1 fluery plow nearly new; 1 scuPier; 1 set iron harrows; t fanning mill; 1 set double harness; 2 set single harness; 1 scoop shovel; t daisy churn; 1 Saskatchewan robe nearly new; 1 goat robe; 1 exten- sions ladder 1 ntassey harris creast sep- arator; 1 step ladder; 1 sap kettle; i water barrel; i wagon rack; 2 logging chains; 1 hanging lamp; about 40 young rock hens; titorobred rock roos- ter bred -to -lay strain; quantity of good hay; pair light sleighs, and other artic- les. Terms -All suets of $10 and un- der cash; over that amount, 8 months credit on approved joint notes, or 3% off for cash on credit amounts. ilay and hens, cash. Accommodation for horses at W. Stevens' should the day be stormy. ADAM SCOTT, Geo. H. Elliott proprietor Auctioneer. WANTED LAND. FOR FLAX THE CANADIAN FLAX MILLS Limited, are open to make con- tracts with farmers in this, vic- inity of Clinton to grow Flax for the season of 1919. For parti- culars apply to M. McCORMICK, Local Manager SEAFORTH, ONT, Phone 202 surd 212. PIANO POLISHERS FLY FINISHERS CASE MAKERS We want the Above Apply Superintendent MARTIN:ORME PiANO FACTORY OTTAWA, ONT. For Sala Stock Taking Sale Clearing up all broken lines before starting on aonther year's busi- ness, - With awry .prospect for continued f high prices every line mention- ed is a sure bargain, So don't fail to got your share. Men's aim shoes in bon calf or patent leather, regular price is $5,50 and $6,00 lines / To clear at `-V s0,) Ladies High top Dongola Kid good1 h Regular $6.00, for c array shoes - 4.50 Ladies white lawn bib aprons trimmed with embroidery 5o yoke and shoulder straps at 3 price VN Carpenters aprons of striped cottoned° less than 34 price of the material 19c A few dozen Huck towels good large size and heavy weight cheap enough at ,75c a pair but a real snap at per pair OTHER CLEARING LINES AT SPECIAL PRICES 48c arsonvawnumranrrXe,rsrrmr415SREE*2 mo+s ,Tr Pi steel Br- ti ; rt nstell Profits Phone 25. More tBusbiesa THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS 5=2,ar.,^ar_[C.?;L"Fi55V5.::zct=2271=4=154L$;,m*aniLeerWc4M'aur.*F„SRR,-cra,,.t_„11„1 ;Y.==„"` "11=1.725ay VICTORY BONDS Bought and s.-.1.1 at Market prices, W. BRYDONE. AF'i iisdrrOON TEA The Woman's Association of .Willis church purpose serving a fifteen cent tea at the home of Mrs. W. T, O'Neil can Tuesday, March 4th, from 3 to 7. i:verybody welcome. SOUTH HURON LIBERALS A convention of the Liberals of South Huron as consitituted for Provincial purposes will be held in tate TOWN HALL, HENSALL on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th, 1919 at 1 o'clock p. in. for the purpose of selecting a candi- date to contest the riding in the Lib- eral interests at the next Provincial election, .. -, el. • e • r .1 Mr. J. C. Elliott, M. P. P., of East Middlessex, a lady speaker and others will address tate 'convention. John Essery, T. G. Shilinglaw President. Secretary, WANTED Two probationers for Clinton Hos• vital at once. Apply to Mrs, (Dr.) Fowler. 500 MEMBERS WANTED Farmers are cordially invited to join Clinton Horticultural Society, 1919. Each member is entitled to free pre- miums of the value of $1. to be select- ed from the following: Gladioli America, Pride of Goshen, Gretchen Zang, War, Peace, Lily Lehman, Pink Perfec- tion, Myrtle .50c Gladioli 6 Dieners Mixture 50 Gladioli 10 Kundreds Mixture 50 Gladioli 12 Hunti» gdons Mixture 50 iris roots 10 Named varieties 50 Rose 1 Hybrid Tea, Gorgeous 50 Hybrid Tea, Hoosier Beauty 50 Vegetable Seeds 1 Packet Assorted (our choice) 50 Plants, etc. Joint Cunningahtn 50 Thomas Cottle 50 Tulips Particulars later 50 Hyacinths " ' 50 Narcissi " 50 Members may also purchase any of the above, at the prices given. Any of these premiums if purchased retail would cash at least 75c, SPE'CIAL- Free to every member, 1 packet poppy seeds from Flanders Fields, Membership Fee $1.00 H. R. Sharp, Secretary. FOR SAID "-*".".v„, 8 -roosted house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W, Brydoue, Clinton. -, - w RAW FURS WANTED High prices paid for properly hand- led prime furs. H. A. HOVEY. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14-638 W. MARQUIS Clinton. Ontario WINTER COWS FOR SALE 'fen young cows which were fresh- elted between November and February. TERMS -Cash or Bankable Notes, Ye toile south of Granit 'Trunk Sta- Hon, Bayfield Line. Apply to GEORGE HOLLAND, Proprietor. FOR. SALE House and lot on Huron se, now , oceupted by Mrs, John Scruton, for sale, cheap for cash, Stable and shed on property, Apply to WILLIAM COATS, Godertcis, FOR SALE Several second hand Heaters for sale 1pp'ly to THOS. HAWKiNS. Ft EA m Wanted Call at Air. Watson's Grocery shire and get a can 6, 8, or 10 gal. .:fns partly or Lill them. I will test and pay for each can sep- erately, every week and give you the price for the following tveck. Highest prices and a square deal guaranteed. Creast received at Suntnterhill store any day. . E. MANu Phone S on 166, 'C. F. B. License No. 8-10532. -Creast 56 cents this week- BRAN & SHORTS- ' Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing. Don't keep putting it off until they are all gone and then lay the blame on us because you Ord net get ail you wanted, ,,e. ,.egti';"; TIMOTHY .84 CLOVER SEED: - We have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover seeds on hand this - season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soots and we assure you it will receive our very best attention, .,,. SEED CORN: - How about your Seed Corn? Iu some of the Corn growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore good Seed 'Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giving us a call and placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have just received (good and fresh). it is the very best and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of flour: -Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and White Seal also Oatmeal sold in large or small quantities. W.Jenkrns Moo FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131. Wholesale License 12-52 Canadian Food Control License 9-2368 te•t jalp i8 v FAY Illy THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT s:FflR'.1.. & .':.' ; .. t;HICAGO-`"."e(5.i444, Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on night Trains ane Parlor Cars on principal Day 'Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Troonto, John Ransford & Son, city passer• ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A. O Pattison station agent. NEVET J,>, LE WITH CONSTIPi SINCE TAKING MILIIIIRffS LfAUtl,-LINER PILLS. Too often one is liable to dismiss con- stipation as a trifle. It is not. When you allow your bowels to become clogged up, there pours a stream of polluted waste into the blood instead of it being carried off bynature's channel, the bowels, and whn this waste matter gets into the blood it causes headaches, jaun- dice, piles, liver complaint, sour stomach and many other troubles. By taking Milburn's Taxa -Liver Pills you will find that the bowels will 17e kept regular in their action,•tho poisoning of the blood and geneentweekening or the system is rectified, and the entire body fs restored to normal condition. Miee Elsie Zimmerman, 'Medford, Out„ writos:--"I have itsocl your Milburn's L xa-Livor Pills for constipation, and have never found myself troubled sinter I am very glad to have found something to cure me, and gill always tell everyone Al est them who le 'troubled int the sante w tine 2Se, WANTED Jar at Y 'Goa." kx viol et all dealers or mailed Glass clipboard for sale Maxa of for general housework tUitlot:1m receipt of price byThe T 1; butifi E.04 j ra tai, Torono, Onti. 1151. seen at Got ierrjt $toihfi : tom' aumtct .•.,s ..,M liUYt ti'4ttet}1 ltt'Y Sit , tl ,.„,,,..w ..' ,>awat 1