The Clinton New Era, 1919-2-20, Page 2RAGE g Every daY I" is Ila yyih Fashion Day 1 " -' `• at PH NE 78 iI ki E • 'Cr ,r l IN '1- O N ^' N E W F earl. l'lulis(tay, February, 2c1'ih, 1t9 j9, trx" m NV ax3 taw moa, ,�*wvww », ra nw wm •.ww ,y..M, wwwvw. -w u �w w � w r� w..4 �, �!p"`.romww�wwwwv«w.w,w.+v,w.ww.w..wa.,.v�.�++w�+ww,u�,�aww,�w..�c«�n'aw+rrwx,"�wrnwow.�•. w!*+r Always ome,thing lgew JANUARY La, Olit4 FURS We give a discount of 251/4 off all Fur Setts al,(1 Sfli to pieces, Fur (:oats, Fur collared coats, and I01tjsl.tat eta i icy. are all this season's styles, BUY FURS NOW, AT A BIG SAVING January Sale ofWinter ; inter Coats V Your choice of any coat in the store at exactly yz price. These are all this season's garments.. Many good styles left to choose front, including chinchie- la, velours, cheviots, plushes, and Tweed. Now is your time to buy a good coat at 1/2 the regular price. January Sale of 'Winter Suits Only seven suits left to clear all new styles, colors, navy, brown, and black. Made of gabardine, .serges and cheviots all satin lined. Your choke of any suit at 1/`a regular price • M • Always Effective—and acts quickly sRelioves lame back, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lamejoints and muscles, toothache, earache, sore throat and other painful complaints—Hirst's Stops the Pain. Get a bottle today. Hove it handy—has a hundred uses. At dealers or write us. HtesT REMEDY CO„ Hamilton, Can. PAYS TO USE Steep's Fur Stretcher Try ane for Prices on Furs and Hides. License Dealer in Raw Furs and H ides. wzatna,caaw.a my'%enc s. tee CLINTON, ONT License No. 578. FOR THE VERY BEST and HIGHEST PRICES bring your Cream to Clinton Creamery We furnish cans and remit daily -=Trice this week; 53c Telephone 145. .. I�r���Y laaA♦. 1t gave,^ ws •WM, c.gas.,,,Y.A.....1R.avac .14q 4x�*f.W�wM: 5tG .04.1.10MIKTPIttlf. I,..., .*.1,104 :l1.1,400,....1lk+n= ro u '.,Wine. BA.'i(FIELD. Lawrie 1',Iw'lie, of` London, is on 'a visit to his hme, 1., ihomson attended a meeting of the Liberal l:xectitive lot South Huron on Wednesday last. Geo, Weston is now in Detroit to undergo an operation at the hospital of Dr .Aletcall, 1). Dewar; who has recently been operated on by Dr. Metcalf, at Detroit, •has returned hone and is doing fine. ,,The fishermen have started their ice lihr\u,pt but without the satisfaction of othtdr'years, STANLEY. Yt ,•, Miss Ida McLennan, of ,Clinton, is 'at present visiting at the hone of Mr: JOlut Moffat, Mr, J. Elgin Tom, of 00110ric11, visit- ed at the home of .Mr. Geo. Hsird on Wednesday of last week, . . Mr. laugh McKeuzje went to' Atwood. nit Saturday to' visit has sister, Mrs. Chapman. Mr. Thos. 13. Baird left on Tuesday for Goderich to attend the jury. Mr. Hugh McGregor, and Mr, John ,l1c'Cowan went to. Toronto, on 'Satur- day with a carload of stock. • CONSTANCE. Miss Elsie Henderson, of Seaforth, spent a few days the guest of her. friend Mrs, Ed, Britton. Mr. Gutnbolby, Sr., of Seaforth, Is; spending a few weeks with his son Robert in the village. ' Mr. A. T, Cooper, of Clinton, spoke on Sunday afternoon Isere on the Tem- perance Question. Airs. Robert Lawson, is spending a couple (.t' creeks with her sister, Mrs. Albert Seeley, of Clinton. Mr. and Airs. John Riley, of near t:hmm�, spent Monday with their sis- ter, Mrs. James Mann. The entertalnnlent on Thursday evening was well attended. Among those taking part were Rev. Mr, Saw- yer and wife, caching giving a solo. Mr. Lorne Dale gave a couple of violin selections. Miss McElroy, of Blyth, gave several recitations which t were well received. The play "The Busy Ladies Aid" was well received. The proceeds amounted to over 440. They luso give it at Londesboro 00 Friday everting. BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. Addison visited relatives at Londeseboro last week. Cecil Simpson, of Wroxeter, spent a few days in aur village last week. A reception was given to Sergt. Jas. Hill on Saturday evening. (Jur villag- ers were out in good force to welcome the hero. The house was decorated with flags by our townsmen. Drew Swann met the party at Seaforth in his auto. Sergt. Hill and wife and child and sister, Miss Jean Hill, who came from Mr. Hills home in Stratford. The parents, Geo. Hill and wife were pre- sent to welcome hone their son from the big war as was also our village and vicinity, The sad intelligence rachd us this week of the death of Jemimo Chapman, of Regina, who died of influenza, she is the second daughter, of John Chap- man; formerly of Stanley, who went west nine years ago. The famity have many relatives and friends in our midst who join in giving much sympathy to the bereaved parents in their great toes. The anual meeting of the subscribers of the Tuckersmith Municipal 'Tele- phone System was held in Walker's Ha on Saturday last, and although not a very large gathering, the districts were fairy well representd. The var- ious reports were reed and adopted and especially interesting was the financial report, which shows the System to, be in a much better ftnacial position than ever before, and for which due credit must be given the commissioners, tttr. T. G. Shtllinglaw and Mr. Peter McKay. Discussions were held on, many sub- jects and an especially lengthy one of the battery business, and a motion put to the meeting that each subscriber buy and pay for his own telephone battery \vas x111105( Unaniimously carried. The System continues to show rapid grow- th having t5 new., subscribers already connected this year, which will give a total of over 7 70 phones. ,McCowan 13ros. shipped a car load of line cattle, and Wm, Taylor a car load of line hogs from our busy station last week. .Ino. B. Mustard, our village coal dealer is this week storing Chestnut Goal, and now claims to have 1111 sizes. at ,attractive prices. Mr. ;Mustard with untiring effort managed to keep the people nut of misery during last years strenous winter, and now deserves the public patronage. . • icw,.a: A9!V.P. �,r irt.As*q.a+,: hWnn m,Hi. esrvaF..'T,n<'Tu u1+F+,:ryunl rwflkYwm at,vatt YMq+Maw,aTAgta m0+441u+,=,A "'-" wmY:0W i ss: u .•='Y51an4�iin'Y�'i.FR.eoPWw :ema,gs.-w.n =0n t AbeA Wv+oti7l.+,i,' •<µ.rz•' eaYa:•*vr 4V+,4'. .Y-.WR'�>'rs. 'CREDITON SEAp OE2I'&k, '_ w Walter, soil of Rev, told bilis: S. On Sunday, 1'01°. '11!) d)ennis e,liov- 1L, 11 i u'h is ill with appendicitis. sins Night, sort of 11r. William Nigh; of I 14, Holtzman of the IL 5, afro)' and f .irkerstuith, passed re.teefully away , 1', ]leaver, of the iJ. 5. nary' 11.0 visit- tater alt illness of one week from pneu-' lilg their homes here. int.ui:t, at the ,early a e of 21 year::, Michael Finkbeiner has 'mov,td into 10 nlunllts :wtl ii,i days. the village.Mrs, W. T. Iltyes, who was a visitor s' nge-lt tl1 t)church service wwhentabout d in 't70 .at the tome of Air. and Mrs. W. P. l' pupils of the S. S. will he presented -Southgate, has returned to Toronto, with diplomas and seals, Mr. 1.1, D, Wilson, jr„ left for 'I'or- • onto. • • WINGtiltAM,Mr, and Airs, J, 11. Dodds, of Loudon spent the week end with friends here, Friends of Mr, Thos. Stacey, former- Mrs, John Me'ravis and hen arc' Iv nt Wittghatn, but now residing in visiting her parents in Ingersoll. Hamilton, will regret to hear that he George E. Jackson, one of the pio- has lost the sight of o00 of his eyes. ' seers of thls district, died Sunday Robert Burgess had four fingers on morning at his residence in Egmond- one of his hands badly cut while work- title after an illness of nearly two, ing on one of. the -machines in the months,' He was''born 111.Dublin, lre- Union factory. • land, in 1534, and •cause to Bayfield, Ptes. Samuel 13. and Robt. S. Maines when Ile was` seven years old. At sons of Mr. Artliur Haines of town, Ithe age •of eighteen he began to teach arrived home from overseas on Monday school in Plymp'ton township, and They were passengers on tit Baltic, after a time • went into business in Messrs. IJitines enlisted in ieoth Battal- 13gnundvilie, where,, le has resided ion from Winnipeg known as the "Lit- ever since,' being postmaster for fifty - tie Black Devils."„ seven year's. 1fe was also police nvtgis- trate and for many years he was a trustee of the public school; During the raid in 1566 he was captain lir the t Practically 90 per cent, of the sol- diers •who are returning to" Military District No. 12 (Saskatchewan)- from• the front belong to the agricultural cltiss. Could Not' or ON ACCOUNT OF SEVERE HIEADACHESa,, PORTER'S HILL Miss Johnson of the 1-huron Road is visiting her aunt Mrs. Fred Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mair and two children who have been • visiting at Airs,` John Cox's returned to their home in London on Monday last, •:.Miss Burke, of Winghani, is'spend- irg a few days at John Blair's. The Box Social held at Fred Elliott's on friday last was ,a (0c410( success. Everybody enjoyed .themselves. Pro- ceeds amounted to 551.0o. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Jean Burke's on' 'Thursday vext February 27th, The C, (1. C. V. meet in the hall Thursday evening February 27th. A good attendance is requested to make aerangenleuts for the oyster supper which is to be held o,1 March t3th. GODERICH TOWNSHIP We are very much pleased to report that Mr, Harry Thompson who under- went an operation last friday for an 'bscess On Ills side is improving nic,:- ly. It is to be hoped that he will not be bothered with this again as he has been under the doctor's care since be- fore Christmas. Mr, Scott, of the Base Line has sold his farm to Mr. Halstead. Their many neighbors will be sorry to lose flair. and Mrs. Scott if they leave that vicin- ity, Air. Robert Holmes on the Huron Road has sold his large farm to 14ir. Sam McMath who is to have possession by the first of April, We understand that Mr. Holmes and his sister will not be leaving the village, Headaches . are generally caused by some disturbance of the stomach, liver or bowels, and although nob a serious complaint, the cause should be removed bdfore they become habitual and make your life miserable. You will find Oaf. Milburn'a Ltxa-, Liver Trills will remove the clause by Moving the bowels gently,, safely and surely, refreshing an etrengtli iinng Stomach, toning up the liver,' undo titerobn, banishing' the headaches.. Mrs, J, Armstrong 7 TIarris 81, 81. John, N,li,, wutes —l'1' take pleasure PA Writing j!ou eontcrniing• Ilttr good 1 Have received from usingMilbtirn's.t,Ctea (�;,aver haft sueh„fsevore ltettdacheh' 1 eioitld,n0tj go my' erk 'blit after using two vials of your p�sillea rf~uoat?,npty do,my • Yrorlt with entifforPitytt, pleasure " Milbutit's LKica atv5 =1'ilira n contain , jfiinraty i+ogetablet m'w�'t'teo aitd'do nglip)e dike jiarsh mineral purgatives d ice 25e, a vial at all dealers, or Imaged irdet do receipt of price by The T. Milburn, Co . -0 1umftell, Toronto, Ont. local militia. Ile contested this riding in the interests of the Conservative party twice against the late .Archibald itishop. When he was 'a Young maul he won the championship of Canada in chess, the games being played by telegraphing the stoves, All his life he was a keen follower of amateur ath- letic sports and encouraged lacrosse and football when these. gasses were at their height in Seaforth. Ile car- ried on a general store and went some- what extensively for a while into the manufacture of leather. In his busi- ness relations and in bis private life he was always upright and honest and anything of a doubtful nature had no nate in itis make-up. His character was unimpeachable, Ile is survived by six sons and one daughter: George A., a road builder, Bastican, Que.; Robert E„ with C. 5. Nyman Co,. Calgary; Henry M. in tate hide brokerage business, 'i otonto; John A„ Judge of the Dis- trict Court at Lethbridge; Lieut, Frank C., M. C„ 'Canadian Railway Troops, in France; Aiiss Jackson and Thomas '1'„ at 'home. KIPPEN The Kipper Patriotic Society held it very successful meeting last Thursday afternoon when a large amount of sew- ing and knitting was brought int by the workers. After the business was over a bountiful luncheon was served which was much enjoyed by the large number present. Afterwards Dr. Ait- kin and Mr. W. H. Johnston spoke • words of commendation of the good and faithful work done by the Society during the last four years. Pte. Bert Morrow who has just returned hore' Was also presentOtby' the invitation of the society. The regular bi-monthly meetings have now ceased but special ones may be held at the call of the President, Mrs, -Phos. Kyle. The Soc- iety wish to express their gratitude to the Methodist people for the use of their church during the last three years. It is alsn asking for fourteen more pairs of men's socks end those wishlog to knit may procure yarn in either of the stores. There is some yarn for sale at :2.00 a pound. The society has a nice flannel quilt which Will he placed on exhibition in Detweil- er's store and tickets sold for it at 3 for 25 cents. The following is a list of the work dune by the Society since the date of the annual meeting, November last, 1915. 65 flannel shirts, 42 suits of pyjamas, 20 towels, 52 pairs of sucks, 55 pairs of child- ren's stockings, 37 children's peat. coats, 26 chiidren'1 coats, e) children's dresses, f2 Buster Brown suits and i:: women's skirls. • �IIIII!Ili!iIIIIIIIIII111UuP1111'llil it ',cIP"`tui"'i'' i;ll j'!i!I I'1 `_ Person t1 and other nt to nt ii rest from " `. New era rt l rese nt ani ea xmt.n,.ev,uz,me�+n.u.•sc,-:�uµwmenrawmva+e Ww,P4MnM1?�.F.'�LnF: usui: N,C,.'"^^`•A" G:sx�1aXIF:uY.6. .u.r.Y).k.bWZ WICK made. w!tla The "fine" granulation of LANTIC, helps the color and texture of Marmalade because it dissolves at once when added to the hot fruit. 17,) ATLANTIIC SUGAR REFINERIES Ltd.,' MONTREAL. imasimatemzigavauuratzrxemetwanummovareanwFonm Haugh, son of Mr, JoltnHijugh,: , Air. Krueger has since purchased tite1if(rnl of Mr, Joseph Gascho and \Vill ge't' possession during March. Mr. Gascho has purchased the residential property in Zurich of Mr, Jacob tlowald and will niov0 to this village )vith lals fancily, to reside, it is rumored that ,Mr, Howald 50(1 faintly inland moving io Kitchener. Mr. Jc,lin Brenner has purchased the ten acres, just .east of. the village, own- ed by the estate of the late F. Hess, sr„ and gets immediate "possession.• The IJnique Farmer's Club of the 1 41 11 Concession, was re -organized on January 30111; the following officers were elected:—President, 0. Kloop Vice -Pres. L. Rader; Secretary Treas. urer, L. Schilhe. The.. Club meets every first and Third Friday of each month. The Zurich Public Library Associa- tion was formed with a Board of Man- agement consisting of nine members, viz; Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Messrs. N. E. Dahnls, J. Preeter, R. T. Dunlop, John Gascho, Rev. 11. Rentbe, Rev, 1'. 13. eMever and A. F. ]less, The fol- lowing officers were then elected for the year; President, Mr, Andrew F. Hess; Secretary Treasurer, ,Mr. R. T. 1, Dunlop, The Lnl rar,an will 1 e appoint- ;cl I h'1 need - e when is or ler services ar: nee - 1 ed. titer is favorable. Councillor James • waS held ill the Township hall (lorrie on li'riday ;11ter11o(,n. The attendance web..large,'and the affairs of the- company, ill good condition. The two 'retiring' directors, Hugh Edgar, llowick 'Township, and James Kirton, Turnberry, were re-elected. A must successful Valentine social under the auspices of the. Youi1g Peo- ples' Constounity Club of the village. was held in the basement of the' Pres- byterlan Church Thursday evening. Mr. James Alarshali and family, who have been residents of Belmore for over twenty''Years, leave this week for London, where they will reside. Pte. Philip liofi'ma n returned front overseas thls week. Ile. enlisted here with the 16)st Battalion , and spent almost two years in the treitiches. Five day's before the signing of the armis- tice he 'Was kicked by a horse and was sent to England to recuperate.. • ;MULLET' The appeal against the Murray -Lamb Extension Drain which had a hearing before the referee at Stratford on Fri - d1 s' was decided in favor of the peti- ti,iner5 for the drain and with a slight alteration in the watercourse the work will be commenced as soon as the wea- Z?JRICH. 1 WROXETER i Watt, Ex -reeve James Leiper and Mr. i A. W. Beacom were among those in at - Mr. henry Krueger hits sold his farm 'I'he,ainugl meeting of policy holders teudanee at the hearing frons the north on the 15th con.,. of Ilay, to Mr. David of the':„iovvick Mutual Fire Insurance part of the township. BRUSSELS :Mrs. George Clark, 79 years of age, '110 lives ht the Bothe of her daughter, Mrs, W. ziegier, Carey 'Township, had the ntisfortinte to break her hip .by a fall on the ice. ' The monthly horse fair last 'week brought a number of good equines to town.:..' Dr. Alex. McKelvey, of Toronto, fair- merly of Brussels, ivhs united i' ;Mar- riage to Miss' Kent,. of .Toronto, They have gone on a trip to California, for,. their honeymoon. . The t00 -acre farm of John Kitig, Concession 9, Grey Township, has been sold to Roy Cunningham, a neighbor, and Mr, and Mi's'. King will retire. This gives Ohc 'ptu'chaser 200 acres. - Another snldier,bo)' arrived hone last week, Ben Snider, 'His wife and itltiily are rcMdents of'I5 ussels. Mrs, D Ross and Mrs. ('Rev.) Lundy represented B ussels•Society at ;the annual provincial horticultural cmt- 'ventlor at Toronto last week.' . A memorial, service vas held:Sunday evening for the .score of gallant lads who gave up 065 lives In Flanders and p•rtnce, from the Presbyterian 1 and'M'ethodist )51iurches. here, The businessmen s Association is planning' a busy season: 'rliey (told their inaugural meeting for this year ndxt•Week ' • . The Presbyterian Church iters has dirtied a record year, and is, undertak- ing now to wipe all' the $9,000 debt' oP the new church and shed, Their - nlentbership is nearly 500. Rev; A,. J.'Maiin is- closing his .sixth year .as pastor. - Union services that have been held - in the Presbyterian Church since De- cember i will be continued in the Methodist Church from next i unddp ul t•1tC c 0s' 'o arc i, le. tnudnt• tle�tt I d f T M 1 t GBPcoftgregalksl1s, •Sdnday sclio.pls 13111' Young People's Societ1es works anasl harmoniously, Make The Returning Soldier Welcome THIS is an . important hour for Canada. The nation is entering on a new era. It is passing from war to peace. Let us start this new era right. There are thousands of soldiers returning from over- seas. The Government is doing all in its power to get these men back to civil life. It is giving a War Service Gratuity—snore than any other nation—to keep the soldier going till he gets a job. It gives him a pension—where his usefulness is impaired by his service. It teaches el roan a new trade when his service unfits him for his former trade. It gives ness recurs, surgical app IC i3 br him free medical treatment when ill - and supplies free artificial limbs and fiances. 1 fl1 bac'.'-to Canaria at the public 37.:C3. -.'s' (J.-pencil:litti nov' ovcrsea3. Etlt lht. “”?11:1(.'lll, bow - ever \v'iiiivp', t mulct pr(lvide tilt' t;Cr.;CI'ul touch needed tit \fork (t' i't`t)ti,irin}itai. r1'l,al1 must lie' given 11y the . penl.k' -I e)nP('lt't's... t The 11"11 Nieto \\'c'!lt from ther-5, ))Intl. to light in Fill'11(1- (''03 tl('Nt'rrc` lin;.:(' fire l i. [t•;e('1113 111 nmo>;t, toil'dia t9 5111ii tees. (lf Citizens have e •',it' ;' liven - (iTd;<tillr,e(.l to met: i tt (s(,l..;i('l'$ •V,nd f[iieir (Icl)c r:ci i:.' 11t 1 e Station, Ito pt )\ i( t. 1 t "( 1r.', s1.12},1} tilt c l,d( Irl: td temporary ace )Sf.tnacktt.i0il whell. necessary.. ' In 84(liLion Man} other towns .are. Oi rllll 7.ing Nor 1111 gatherings to give'1)ublic wel- come 'to returned 1110311. afterthey have 'been home a, few days. ' .,.flet' llc' ifv.t rested, lite sOidit'r tliti1t be provided n i (11 an opportunity ft'r ('nlplctt--. maim. - In 'towns of 10.000 p')pl'auliun, 1'1a,lic I:nirriily- yu(et.1Tit( es hit \ -e Leen. .l 5' tah- 1 '.t'd to h('ikb ,,' rr , 1.; Well '111 • )vtl1'-R'(?1'1C('?;C; S ('ill'e. 1,(1(id • ,joi,Is- iluici•,ly, When' these exist , eiti- "n,l,should eo-uper- - :r l(`. W he1`e-Hl(,3" 510 not cxibt, 1 Itr tit izcn1 t llt'1IIIic'li`(S,4 s'0,:111(1 1(lp l`':a tl.c. tiohl.ier in louell 1':ltll ('fllploymen 1 , rl`l:c'ftgl tingfol) 'is (lone: •it: bas (.(1tit 11)111lS' fl 11(`111'1-17111'11- . issg. 13111 it 111, been well - (lone. r1.`ie lclnl. D'(' ea 11 do is to Shots' our appreciation in no •litle.rtf1111 manner.. Don't' let; the welcome die • away with the cheers. The Repatriation Committee ittee OTTAWA