The Clinton New Era, 1919-2-13, Page 6PARC E.6 BCH CRA t a rta;R,.,A s if EN.:' LALE. M ty' t ck L° 'ts C The mill price to this cloth previous ' e to its going off the market twq years ago was 29 3-4c. If you buy your supply now the Saving is, yours, the turnover ours. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings: Phone 67 Next .Royal Bank MEN'S STORE 0 Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103, Opposite Public Library a Toll~ CLINTON NEW ERA WITH THE CANADIANS and down a clover field. tres bon wash, with us, but it takes some ting after a hall before they can serve a meal. After breakfast was over we attend- ed to our feet. There wasn't enough rain to form water hole;. So• we took off our boots and socks•tnd \stalked up Eczema C1. red Five Year Ag A Treatment Which Has Proven a Wonderful Healer ,of the Slain --Certified Evidence of EaSting Cure. The old notion that eczema is a time disease of the blood is refuted and time again by the cures that are daily being effected by Dr. Chase's Ointment. It natters not what the cause may have been, if you' apply Dr. Chase's Ointment regularly you will obtain relief and cure of eczema. Here 1s the proof: Mrs, Stephen G. Thwaites, Box 200, Jordan, Ont., writes : "My brother had a bad ease of eczema on his legs. IIe was troubled nearly all one fall and winter with it, and could not work for days at a time. Ile tried differ- ent salves and ointments, but none cured him. One day he tried Dr. Chase's Ointment, and it, gave almost instant relief. He continued its use, but had not quite finished the second boxtwhen he was cured. It is now about five years since then, and it has never returned. We certainly can re- commend Dr. Chase's Ointment, and are very grateful fer my brother's cure," Rev. 6. 0'. Coffman, Vineland, Ont., states : "This is to certify that I know IvLrs. Thwaites and the party to whom she refers, and her statements are correct.") Mr. J. E. Jones, 228 University avenue, Kingston, Ont., •writes : "I had eczema in my hand for about five years. I tried a great many remedies but found that while some of them checked it, none cured it permanently. Finally I tried Dr, Chase's Ointment, and in six weeks my hand was com- pletely better. I would not do witho'ht a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment in the house if it cost $2 a box. I sin giving my name to this first so that it will get to those who staffer as I did." Dr. Chase's Ofn,ment, 60 cents a box, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto, Sub- stitutes will only disappoint you, In list on getting what you ask for. K By this time the over exerted muscles were beginning to stiffen and the places where the hardness chafed, to smart, pampiet'was the subject of discus - oluionswimmemOnWlIenimosiononsionnompon0.Uummonvolvalumml Local News ��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'itllllUlitllilNIIIIIuIIUIIIIII��iIIIIIIIIIiICiiIIIIiIIIIIIIpIIIIIIUiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIII1111CIIIi Were Here A Social Evening Owing to some li»sun6erstanding a t A Social under the auspices of the •eoneert troupe were here over Friday ; Ontario St, Methodist League will be evening. The concert engagement held on Monday evening,. February was eancelled.,sotne time ago by the 17. A good programme, Admission Y. L. P. A., and the company stated 15 cents. Conte and bring ,your they never received it. Went to Senforth. Many from . here went to Settfortll ;iottticed last week for Monday even on Tuesday evening to see the hockey sou Rev. s 1wH. ekDyke, of the ay even - match between New hamburg and Sea- ing,Sanitarium delivered his address .on forth in the second round of the Q. siou, wattle the above duties were being carried on. For some days past there had been an undercurrent of excitement among the older The stretcher bearers caste to each troops. There is something big in tent and used their bandages and lint- the snaking, they said. • "Either ment where required. A big sleep Fritz or we will start a big operation was the next thing on the list, I re- soon." member nothing more until about three That evening we moved up a few o'clock when we \vere awakened for kilos. it was all easy march, cum - dinner. It was raining, but not heavily, pared with some of the recent ones. the tents were nen' so we had been In the t\\•dit one could read the dry. A hot dinner looked good fingerboards and road stones. We So we lost no time in stetting out with were 10 kilometers from Amiens, our mess tins and taking our places in when we turned off the main ro.ttt the line.. After dinner orders were and travelled slightly north or east. iooue,t that the battalion would were move 'rile um:mta!!ed road that we took , fr at desk. We t1 o e not disappoint- showed ettdeuoe 014xe8,,si\8 tta:lic, the low lying parts were badly cut up and the recant rain; had tilled the holes v.ith water. 1t was a case of "fire11 and wade through." We 8 lsied one l'1 the main Ant- i$I1 road!, and It w.1+ titan we. under- st,,,,d why our 1111;1 1:,:. not allowed to c -e it ',thea i1 tile too rapt al - nn •s1 1 andllel - he 12 a.hc occupied all the road space at all tunes. There vis L lt1 tr'au 1-1 uotor lo - `r. Libby became muta ,er of the Clin- -Its, motor ambulances, cavalry, ton Knitting Company and during light artillery trains and. infantry roa ts. Uatw'ee 1 18 two 8•.,1111)110 of their sears here Mrs. I-Ibby won tate rile iLtt181 we managed to dodge re rest of everyr . ..About 8 years through and continue our trip.By ago she suffered from a stroke, and dawn we were again comfortably se_ she was not allowed to continue the tied in a straw mow of a 011811 shock. active life. she haat been used too. Be- ad town not far behind the lines. The sides her husband, she is survived by Wing - sun was hot 00 after breakfast the mud two sous, Mr. Frank Libby, of Wing - soaked putties„ boots, etc., were put taut, and Mr. Robert, ..if Springfield, out to dry and incidentally cleaned up. Muss. A service was held here an There was nothing much to do while Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. J. E. Hogg here, but it was most importantto and the body was taken on the after - have as little movement as possible noon train to Lowell, Mass, where in - during the day on account of the odd terment would he made, as other mem- elplane that alight pick up some hers ' of the family are buried there. information and carry it -brick to The pallbearers were: -H, T. Rance, Fritz. F. Jackson, R. Marshall and W. T. At dusk the battalion was formed O'Neil. Heartfelt sympathy is ex - up and addressed by the Commanding tended to Mr. Libby and sons i8) the Officer. It was no surprise to hear that toss of wife and mother. vo were going into action, but what Th ei! a, one day was enough 111 that par- ticular peace. For supper we had tea, boiled rice and jam, 1 remem- : it wa 1, There was plenty of rice lett over so a number of us lined up a¢a:n mid t,,uk some ,•f it for emergen- cy r.t!. us, as, expetienee had taug!ft US to always have something in Ike mess t+ht. clouds • the tl u , 1 , a\'x11 111E During Ih u be- gan to break and alta rain to fall at Intervals, shortly before the "fall in'' it stpped raining altogether. The roads were very muddy and the low lying clouds didn't reflect any extra light* Rumor said it wits a compara- tively short march, perhaps twelve or fifteen miles, We hoped it would be a short one as the old equipment rubbed the sore spots as it \had the previous inght. However, it was Soon over. About twelve (midnight) we timet a member of the advance party who had cone back a couple of miles to show us the shortest route to the new billets. The last of the journey was soon paced off and "oute suite" the were beginning to think that no order that could possibly be given to the unit would be a surprise. We were always packed up ready to stove up or down, so send along any order at all. Well, here is where the army slips one over again. Instead of moving orders it was "fall In for pay" and if that didn't surprise the troops there was a remarkable little pamphlet issued to each that would. It began with "Keep your mouth shut" in black letters across the top and the remaind- er of the page was devoted to the why and wherefor. By talking about military operations, information was given away. information to the enemy endangered the lives of our comrad's, so don't let anybody else talk either. We stayed ill this village all •day Orders were issued to keep out o sight during the daylight so we - spent the day cleaning our Lewis guns and ammunition. The little The Best of RUBBERS This is the rubber season and we offer our trade the Best of Rubbers carefully, avoiding all the worthless "Bargain" "trash!" Our rubbers give the wearer lasting and sat- isfactory service. We've rubbers for men, women, and children formed to fit the present styles of shoe correctly. To insure the best of Rubber Service they should be carefully fitted to the shoe -fitted as we know how to fit them. 1PRE'D. J7l KSON i THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAN A. J. Holloway i friends, Held Meeting Sunday, Instead of holding the meeting an- 11. A. A good game was the report. Seaforth won by a score of 8-6. George E. Dies Dead Word was received here Wednesday that Mr, George E, Dies had died in Toronto, Tuesday at the age of 50 years, He had been a successful piano traveller of the Doherty Piano Co„ and a year ago resigned and established the Dies Sales Co„ in the Kent Building Toronto. lie is survived by his wife and one daughter, Installing Safety Deposit Bozos The Royal Bank is making arrange- ments for the installation inthevault of the Clinton Branch, of a number of Safety Deposit Boxes which will be offered to customers, at a small an- nual rental, for the safe custody of Bonds, securities and other valuables. Huron Old Boys' Euchre and Dance The Huron Old Boy's Association of Toronto will hold a progressive euchre and social reunion at St. George's Hall on Elm street, on Friday evening Feb- ruary 14th (St. Valentines Day) to which all Huronities will be made wel- come, Royal Scarlet Chapter There will be a meeting of the Roy- al Sdarlet Chapter of the District of Hullett held in the Orange l'tall on Fri- day evening next at 7:50 p. 1)t. The adjourned meeting will be held on Monday evening, February 07th at 8 p. 01. when several candidates will be exalted to Royal Scarlet Degree. Minor Locals Friday is Valentine's Day. The Princess Theatre is drawing .good crowds and Manager Manning is putting on excellent shows. The Department of Education an- nounces that dental inspection will become general In the schools of Ont- ario in the near future. "Tuberchtlosis," 'on Sunday evening, There was a good attendance, Adviser to Admiralty Word has reached Toronto that Prof, J. C. McLennan, Ph,D„ 0,5.13., head of the Physics Dept at the University of Toronto, and a former Clinton boy, has been appointed scientific adviser to the British Admiralty. lie will be employed on secret work for some months. He has been overseas since April, 1917, assisting the British Board of Inventors and Research. Mrs. Angus Shaw Deceased The Brussels Post makes the fol- lowing reference •to a sister-in-law of Mr, John Shaw of town: -Thursday. of last week Mrs, Angus Shaw had the misfortune to fall on the sidewalk on Turnberry street and broke one of her hips. She was removed to Wingham hospital where site died Sunday evening She was in her 72nd year. The fun- eral, which has been delayed on ac- count of relatives coming from a dis- tance, will take place from the home of her son, Joe, 3rd line, Morris town- ship, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Service at 1,3 0. Interment in Brus- sels cemetery. Fuller notice next week. Clinton Won 9-4. Monday evening Clinton 'defeated Goderich by a score of 9-4 in the Arena here. The game was close as the first periad ended 4-3; second 5-4; and in the third 'Clinton pulled away with 4 more goals. Draper and Kitty each got 4 and McDonald got his on a Ione rush from defence. Goderich has got tate makings of •8)1 excellent team, if they can be held for another year. The line-up was as follows: Goderich cantonHurd G„al alantCuok Ge .. , . ,Mon fuy!eB1cDonalti ... Defence cDElliott llruce Centre Kiihald' Hath win;; Why Death of Mrs. Libby Ca,tongue •' . ll'!'11' !eatle,raper Atter attending the funeral service McArthur Sul\ 'aiMituchell hell of 111, lata Thomas Irick on Friday Vet' .rae-. ,. Dick, Seal will eveniti)1 Iasi while returning house Mrs, .C. 1 L bbhy sud'ered 1)11 11tar nt,o�rrssivc 310 1 men, all, I.e ; ed . 1 drat i 1):n 1i 8)130 iJ Dominion 01 8)'.d do, I tss8a in' a 'l a,.. .n th wa • Mr ai I,:i,. ,.. e i„ t e- Lite' .` b -.out i r.J:n s. ria M 111:• .11125 ouzo•,, nil rota re- lras 11.11 in no, 1, • 'te•'L. -212(1 • t: w.z:ors'. I4.t•Sawyased nho,e t•,1) v.:lt at: "�,i,.1 1•; .t ,_i t te0 ,t1) int ::.let 1'^and It 'i t'1'I; Sawyer was ,• 'fano,+ L'1'/ Portland •ll ,. 1 S 1 I 1. t II ho• i8) i'ori IJ `+lain.•. and sac i,' , � � 1 l.un�. . years, 10 t 1 nth- : 1)d 11 dArs i, t, a- Pntlt live tt ,s a-, 1 .Mr. and :qrs. Libby .ante h, town frill) Lrn201. Mas•:.. a.' did surprise us was the scale on which . they planned attack. All the Canadian Corps was here. Each battalion coat- ing independently and travelling by night, had reached here unknown to the other. We were told that the blow was to be struck in the early morning, Aug. 80., and that our battalion was to be in close support. We were to stove up to -night and be in position before dawn. Darkness found us trooping along easily toward the Amiens-Roye road, a splendid highway, treed on' either side and having a good width metalled. The traffic tonight was ter- rific, we didn't have far to go and therefore, gave way to more import- ant commands. During these halts we had an opportunity of seeing what Marshall Foch could assemble on a stated point in a single hour. The endless chain of troops and vehicles that passed down the -road was'aston- ishing. The infantry kept to the ex- treme right of the road, motor lorries field artillery, limbers and other vehic- les running two lines abreast required most of the road space. The single line of traffic that endeavored to work its way west had to be satisfied with what was left. Through it all the des- patch riders dodged in and out making remarkable speed under the circum (Continued next Week,) A Coal Bargain We have decided to clear' out the whole stock of Bituminous lump coal at 8:75 per ton at the yards or $9.00 delivered. The coal is of the highest Grade Bituminous lump and is a splendid substitute for anthracite. This special holds good until the 1st of February. SOLE AGENT FOR SCRANTON & D. H, & L. COAL TERMS - Strictly Cash. PHONE 3w ernes Trick Dead • Last Thursday evening Mr. Thomas Trick, a well-known citizen of Clinton, passed away at the age of 84 years. He has been in failing health for the past year and a half, having suffered a stroke, but up to the last was pract- ically able to be about. He was born in Cornwall, L--ngand, and learned the stilling business at the age of 19 years °he came to Canada and tived near Tyrone, east of Toronto working at his trade for over Tyears. There he mar- ried 'Cartharine Clark in 1861 and a family of four boys and t daughter were born to them. One son and the daughter passing away many years ago: The three sons left are: Levi, of Lou - d011, Ont.; Frank and Robert in Goder- ich Township. His wife died in 1885. Some 17 years ago he married again and is survived by his widow. For 4 years Mr, Trick lived at Thamesford, but in 1873 he carie to Goderich Twp. and' conducted Trick's mill up to some 20 years ago since then conducted by his sots. He was a member of the old Bible Christain Methodist Church. A staunch Liberal in politics and he was a member of tate A. 0. U. W. A service was held Friday evening at tite home, conducted, by Rev. J. A. Agnew, and the body Was taken on Saturday morn- ing to ingersoll to the family plot Where his parents, six sisters and two brothers are buried. Mr. Trick Is the Put member of his generation. The pallbearers here were his three sons, and C. J, Wallis, A. Welsh and J, Corn - ENTERTAINMENT 1' 11 3:5,1 n,ll and Thome.. ,i .18. t Istel. Ilu11.•ti. 11r% lac',u l.ti,.. pef..dt a :61 15'. and h.• t 1, 10.0 l to .. ha• 1 d ;' I is Lnotu 8)i , I101„n' as 't bre,.q •r , t ch•a,, ,h'.Iob•e i Stuck. He would just as soot tall. -,h8•el'' as eat his thriller. Mr. .11c - Michael is well known as :1 breeder ,And tlealer in heavy -draught horses, and fre quently figures as :t prize-winner at To•out.1 and London. He knows a lot more about the points of a good stal- lion than appears on the surface. Mr. Snell also takes prominence as a sheep breeder, though he dabbles somewhat in shorthorns. But sheep are his specialty -chiefly Leicesters. He has probably sold more thoro-bred sheep to Americans than any other man in this locality, and his name is as well known in the States as in Canada, be- cause there is hardly a State Fair that he has not attended in the capacity of Judge,+a either for sheep,cattle or heavy horses. The directors of the Canadian National Exhibition gave a complim- entary supper at the King Edward Hotel to the visiting stockmen, about 300 „being present, Messrs Snell and Me- Michaei being among the number (Mr. Macfarlane having gone home), The Lest address of the evening was given by Hon. Mr. 'Crearer, Dominion Min- ister of Agriculture. Thursday, 1„e13ruary lith, 1911;1, ��-gym•-'�,....,..m ,-.-...-:+.:+n.-.�+..,--... •,�•Y+'iwe^M sagaissamassisomnagastatarsataga wow Kirsch Feat Curtain ods' Kirsch Rods Can't Sag --Never Tarnish airy Will not rust in any climate, have the required strength without needless weight, won't bent or twist. They are perr�1aa nent fixtures, beautifully finished, designed as curtain iso should be -to remain in the background, while doing their work well, so that the drapery may be more effective, they bend away from the casing in a graceful curve and give gener- ous room for the movement of the shade. Easy to put up and easy to take down -SINGLE OR DOUBLE CURTAINS. AlneWRIMEIROIN The W. D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest--741ways the Best NEIN ecesresionsen, An entertainment under the auspices of St. Paul's Sunday School will be held in Owen Memorial Hail on Mbnday evening, March the 3rd, Master Sam Munro, the Juvenile Harry Lauder, of London, with his sister, Dorothy, will furnishpart of the programme, Both Sam and Dorothy are juvenile enter- tainers of unusual ability and have .re- ceived unstinted praise wherever they have appeared. Sam was very highly cornniaded for- his work by the great comedian on his recent visit to London. This will be the first time that Clinton people have had the pleasure of hearing uch unique entertainers and we are sure a treat is In store for 'them. Keep this date open. Every number on the programme• will be worth the price of admission -Look out for posters- Admission 25c, - 1 C. C. I. NEWS The Red Flag that was erected on the top'of the '0. C. 1, a week ago by some of the students is stll flying gaily in the breeze. The rifles of the Cadet Corps have been returned but have been fixed so that they will not shoot. Nobody will get injured with these rifles. The second meeting of the C, C. 1. Literary Society was held last Thurs- day night in the Assembly Room with the President in the choir. Miss Mar- ion Gibbings sang a solo in her usual good voice. Russell McKay read S very interesting futurist essay, The program was in charge of the Third Form, Mr, Treleaven spoke to the students on "School Spirit," Next meeting will be under the di- rection of fourth form. A good pro- gramme is being prepared. A complete history of the school will be prepared by Mr. Harry Rance with the assist- ance of the students. Brighten up for Spring Having received my dis- charge from the C. E. F., I am now prepared to take orders on work for paper- hanging and painting, etc. We have the latest sample books of wall papers at var- ious prices to suit any house. Call or Phone No. 54 J� E. COOK Clinton f t Ontario A Tested Lens ---- An Accurate Shutter--. Simple Operation Good Pictures - All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do deareloping and printing and guarantee good results---, _te=,J., ® V --J .31m Despensing Chemist -„ The Features Of Our e 8)r 1)i t '1'o etib e Inver. invite y, 7 l I ,'it i0)1 alk if . 1,0:1111y, i 8 0 11 - l ill, real 114. -f e11o1.0t1nv111 if, 1,1 ti t i 2110 \i,\' Ll- 't I1: `.❑1.61, tv, 41., 1 �' .It'll ,,•1)l 1 1 am 11 1%1 lrt et..'. IIF k'8) Il lit\ -ionil b i d r..• 1 1 uv'••tri ,'f 8),l yo. Vbior 1.1.1,+ 1.,i. eI, 11-l.ity 'i, e1 i [u oily ;uta ',,idiot t 8)u, te,ts.IN,o0 - @'raderta'ltor,• :anal Fa literal Dim' tor., B'dtt5nc ''Srs. Night and Hunan). Calls answered tit• Cteslala'a1Ce. ova's sta)rar ;N, How Do You Enjoy Raisin Pie? For Friday and Saturday we will offer you a chance to secure a good supply of Seedless raisins. Pays to buy in quantities. 16 oz. Pkg. seeded Raisins is what we offer. 16 oz. Pk. Seeded . .. 3 Pkgs. for . , . , 40c t _ tb seedless Raisins I'or .... I5c or 1St Valcennia 2 Ibs for 25c 5 lb. pail syrup ..5Oc 10 Ib. pail syrup 6t,00 1 Gal. tin apples. 5oc 4 tb pail rasp or straw Jam .80 SEE OUR ANNEX for LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP 16 Bars Laundry Soap for $1.00 and SCRUTON'S OLD STAND 6 Cakes Palm Olive soap for 25c 1:, Mogal Tea 32c 1 Large Tin Tomatoes. .20c i Tin Corn 22c McLean Jelly Powder 2 for 258. 9 for 51,00 Any Flavor Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-724a JOHNSON PHONE 111 eo. PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO dor Plumbing Heating and'Metal ork of all kinds try T. Hawkins Phone 53 ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Agent for HECLA Furnaces Shop- ever 11owlaund's hardware Piping And Fif.tingS Always On Hand. - Labrador has an area of 200,000 square miles, but the population is only 4,000. 3sok'ra Cotton Rootpostt0.ii,, A seettf4 ,1e1{ablr repmeiti4 modiolic. Fold ib 6hrco da teas of etrm,gth--No. 1, 611 050. 2, f3; No, 3, t6 per buS Hold by all dreptlets. or sena prepaid on receipt, of prlee, Free pamphlet. Andreae: TNR COOK MEOICIMM CO„ YO1t0Mt0.70: thresrc 1111 004) The Corner Grocery "[IVE AN [ET LIVE" SUG CAR OF SUGAR TO ARRIVE ABOUT FEBRUARY 20th. Don't get uneasy. Our prices are always the lowest.. SPECIAL PRICE FOR CASH While it lasts. Call and get prices And leave your order. • E. E. Hunniford BUTTER and EGOS WANTED Canada Food Control License 8-3124. 1'IION13 45 alentampatagrammratemmenatortida GRAND 'TRUNK TIMETABLE Trains Going North 6.40 p. 11). 11.1•I a. 01. Trains Going South 8.30 a, m" 4,15 p. lit, Trains Going East 6.18 Ss m. 2,52 p, in, ''situ Going West 11,10 a. tn. 5.45 p, tn. 11.18 then.