The Clinton New Era, 1919-2-6, Page 5Thursday, February Oh
'A balky horse, a stat led
unotot', a stttbbora husband,
to fractious child, and a way-
ward watch, and the worst
,• happen to be pres-
ent you generally know
when any of the first four
have arrived --You'll know
it is there.
yei' is so deceptive that
you 'may look at it straight
in the face and .yet it will be
lying to 'you. AU the time
it "fools" without you know-
ing it until it is too late.
are "well made" and are
also "well regulated" and if
well used will pr6ve them-
selves faithful, reliable time-
keepers fully guaranteed of
'w 4 _EL AR
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
County Ennis i$ L9UM
with a movement to have a Provincial
Highway constructed through Strat-
ford,with a possible extension to
Go erich and Owen Sound, In this
e. iection Mr, 'C. L. Moore and Mayor
W.tdie, from the Goderich Board of
Trade, waited on the council and in-
tinnated their willingness to assist in
making a large representation at the
t.Straford meeting.
'• The Red Cross grants made at the
$5. #or $4.00
And Every Dollar
Worth More.
nsn sons
December session have not been dis-
tllbutedl as the Red Cross Societies
h•. Crosswork
have conisecl Red work and goo".
into � 1 relief.council, )t Belgian The uhcil ow
� b n,
ever; .passed 1 emotion that the grants
be paid, considering the work' of 13e1-
giait relief as worthy an object as the
other, '
Motions for the following • grants
were referred to the esecuttve com-
2221ktee: $25 to eaeh Agricultural • So-
city holding a fall fair; the ustuti
grant to continuation and Fifth class
schools; $t,000 each to the Goderiela
and Wingham 'hospitals; $25 to each
public library in the county. $25 to
each l3onrd of Agriculture and 1310 to
each Women's Institute; $25 to the
spring seed and live stock shows at
Seaforth, Clinton and F1ensall; ,$25 to
each school fair; $500 to the Children's
Aid Society, and $20, to the Salva-
tion Army to be expended for the
benefit of the Canadian soldiers over-
seas and at !dine.
A .notion by Messrs. Sanders and
Davis is to the effect that the Govdrn-
n1e11t be asked to legislate so that the
tax on drugs be imposed on the',mauu-
facturers of same. Referred to com-
mittee, '
Dr. Clark and Mr. Ford movedtlhat
the executive committee take up the
clatter of adjusntent of all salaries and
report at this meeting,
The appointment of keeper, matron
and assistant matron for the House' of
Refuge came up, Dr. Clark, R. Liv-
inigstou and G, Young with the House
of Refuge committee were empowered
to consider the question of the appoint-
ments and' report, ;an amendment to
leave the matter over to the June ses-
sion being defeated.
The Co. Council concluded its ses-
sion by voting $22,000 to the Salva-
tion Army and $1,000 to the Children's
Aid work.
The salaries for County officials are
as follows: -
Warden, $100; treasurer, $1,500;
clerk, $1,200; superintendent of roads,
$1,900, including county roads and ex-
penses; crown attorney, $1,100;. care-
taker of county buildings, $700,
James Reynolds was appointed man-
lger of the house of refuge. • The mat-
ter of the county hospital, which was
up fordiscussion, was left over for the
June session,
One day last week'some of the lads
playing in the playgrounds of .No. 5,
Usborne, found two live snakes bask-
ing id the sun. They were put in a
• box, one of them had been ,injured in
some way and died, The other soon
became very lively and was let go
' again. This is the earliest we ever
heard of snakes being seen in this part
of Ontario, that is real live snakes we
Small savings now
share in the high.
interest on Govern-
ment Securities.
War -Savings Stamps
Cost $4.00 this month
Redeemedin 1924 for
zsHAn, $5.00. SoldatMoney.
WAR?AM AS -1'S Order Post Offices,
s 3 Banks, and wherever
the Triangle and
Beaver sign' is dis-
ly ed.
111 1111, 11 NECEME
2ya tt*?>'� eal.•raaar,s
_t ft, "k
- with
StiLl day Echri
eatiR Pad
Fully guaranteed and recommended by
the doctors. •
No heating'br sppilling of water;
turn on
the heat when required; an even
heat at all tines.
file in and let us demonstrate . t to
Dry Batteries • 'Sark Plugs
Flash Lights and Batteries
Pratte and Lambert 2
Auto Paint aid Painting . and
top dressing , Overhauling
Garage Phone 80 Residence
g 1 40
Government Examiner fa't' Lieettge Drivers
January, )1G
1 being t, the
lu attached o
Y, , .1 1 15 t
23rd.11owiluer battery, 5111 Artillery
Brigade, of the 2n1 'Canadian divSSio,
With )his, unit ha engaged in the bat.
Ile of SI. 11101 and all the engagements
for twenty-eight months, being out -of'
sat `the Unca only mice as a casualty, stif.
Tering from a1i attack al trench fever,
During his time 01 service in France itli Mr, Tom received his .corporal's
stripes andinMay 1918, lie was seat
10 Ragland to train .for a commission
in the artillery. With the rank of ea --
(let. he was attending the artillery
school at Camp Borden, near .Alder-
shot, when hostilities ceased,
ever the Teacup
coons gissriaii000 }t 00'0000
Nurse Bartliff has retuned 'home
Miss Nettle Mitssey is visiting by
Mrs. Clifford. Keys, of Varna. '
Miss Jessie a'laguire IS spending the
W'int'er in i3u11'alo with relatives.
Miss 13, 1.. Paxlnan, of Parkhill, was
'a visitor with her brother hast week,
Pte. and Mrs, Eraser lima daughter
were visitors at Goderich this week,
Mr, James Dunford attended the Co.
L. 0,1„, meeting at Exeter on' Tuesday,
Miss Chidley attended the Crescent
Club dance at Seaforth Inst Friday night
Dr, F. A, Axon is pl'ogressing favor-
ably and will soon be about once more,
Mr. W. J. Cook is attending the
Ontario Horticultural meeting at ;To-
Mrs. Gepge Bunach; of Seaforth,
was a 'visitor 'with Mr, and Mrs, B.
Mr. J. P. Sheppard, was in Exeter
021 Tuesday attending the L. 0, L. Go.
We are pleased to learn that Mr, H.
Plumsteel Is able to be about the house
Once ,more,
Mr. W. '1i. kellyar was in Exeter on
Tuesday attending the Co. Lodge meet-
ing of the L. O, L.
R'ev, S. J. AIILh, of Merton, was a
welcome visitor in town on Tuesday
between afternoon trains.
Mr. T1,os, Trick has not been as
wen a5 his old friends would like to
See during the past week,
Rev. W. 13, Moulton, Co. Chaplain
of the L. 0. L„ attended the 4:o, meet-
ing at Exeter on Tuesday.
Mrs. D. H. Gillies, of London, was a
visitor over the week end with her
brother, Mr, J. H. Paxlmmn.
Mr. 53. R. Sharp, secretary of the
Clinton Horticultural Society, is attend-
ing the Ontario meeting at Toronto
this week.,
Mr, Peter Cnntelon was in Exeter
on Tuesday attending the County L. 0.
L., Meeting. Mr. Cnntelon is the Re-
cording Secretary.
Mr. Janes Reynolds was in town on
Saturday to make arangements at the
House of Refuge for his taking over
the position of Beeper,
Dr. McGill, of Mitchell, at a second
municipal nomination qualified as.
Councillor, The Dr. is a brother of
Mrs. (Dr, ) Axon, of town,
Mrs. Witham Mason and children
left Monday afternoon for Toronto,
where they will make their new hone,
Mr. Masgn has been employed there
all winter.
Arthur Ford topped the poll in his
district in elections for aldermen in
Ottawa. Mr. Ford is the son of Rev.
J. E. Ford, of Goderich, and formerly
of Clinton.
Mrs, f-lerb, Jenkins, of 'Goderich
Township, entertained a number of her
young lady friends last Tuesday even-
ing. Needless to say a good time was
spent by everyone.
Mr. Will Harland, of Guelph, was in
in town last week. In speaking to the
New Era, he expects that Russel tnay
be home anytime. He has been in
the Flying Corps, The other son
is with the Canadians in Germany.
Mr. Guy T. Pettigreen, who was
formerly District Freight Agent, of this
district, but for some years has been
in Montreal, in the same capacity, is
coming back to Stratford to be Sales
Manager of the Canadian Cereal and
Flour Mills Company.
Mr. R J. S. Weatherstone, the pop-
ular G. T. R. Divisor Freight Agent
for Stratford divison,' has received a
substantial promotion and goes to Ot-
tawa as divisonal agent there. Mr.
agenthe nNovetnber,
tos 19 11, In
moat frn eight
seven years and two months he has
not only proven himself an efficient and
courteous official but has shade a host
of friends in this division who etre sorry
to see him leave.
Cadet J. A. Tont, Soh of P. S., In-
spector J. E. Tom, returned last week
after nearly four years' service with
the Canadian Army, He enlisted as a
bombardier in the 27th Battery of the
Canadian artilery in March, 1915, at
Toronto. In the following July he
landed in England and after a period
of training prmceeded to France in
!Witte!' 43c"to 45c
r^''s 505 to Stc
Spring wheat $2,09
Fall wheat $2.14
655 to$1 70
y 90t to C00
Buckwheat: $1.25 to $1,30
Hay , „
Brim $40.00
Shorts $45, 00
Millfeed- $50.00
Potatoes 90c to $1,00 a bus.
• • $16.00 t0 $18,00
Laid 14,For 2 'koaths
Pain in the back is one of the first signs
showing that the kidneys are not in the
condition they should ba and it should
be gotteu rid of immediately, if neglected,
serious kidney troubles ars likely to
There is a wsy to "shake off" for ever
the constant pain of backache, the annoy:
once of urinary troubles and all dangcre
of kidney isle, Go to your druggist or
deader; got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills;
take a few doses and see how gaickly
your baekaehe wilt disappear.
Mr. Thigh Morton, Daysland,,Alta.,
Writes, 1 21.02 glad to feel at my duty
to let you know what great relief 1 found
by using your Doan's Kidney Pills, X
was laid up for two months with pains in
thy back and' T found relief after having
taken half a box of "Doan's?' X cannot
recommend them tee 'highly to anyone
having weak kidneys, ae tlhey.hare been
a great help tofae. -
Tho phenomenal success of Doane
Kidney all parte of the world has
brought fortif many imitations. See that
you get "Doan's" when you-sek for them.
Our trade mark "The Maple leset. 51
on every box. Ptioe Jilts. IA 'ail d l%
Or Matted oc �y y.of bllbe Obi
. 11et11»1i4:`iimif�d, Tglystii �•
There were 36 spectators at the
Council meeting on Monday evening.
The Paysheet for January for street
work was $4,73,
W. J. Elliott was paid .$6.32 for
snowplowing 544d cleaning street.
W. T. O'Neil was paid $1.20 for
salt; and ,$3.35 for brooms, etc.
Street lighting cost $138.54 and
$5.05 for lighting hall and lamps.
-0- •
R. Rowland had an account of $8.05
for glass, etc., for town hall.
W. T. Hawkins was paid $2.85 for
repairing furnace,
Mrs, Belt was paid $2.00 for clean-
ing -hail.
For repairs at Library W, Elliott was
paid $9.62.
fl. Carrick's salary of $54.17 was
J. W. Shobbrook's salary of $41.66
wits paid. .
' -0-
$47.28 was paid for wi)rk on cutting
- 0-----
T. T. Murphy was paid $31.25 for
cutting Wood. .
- 0-
R. Rowland' was paid $5.02 for oil,
D. L. Macpherson had a bill charged
up to him of $5.20 for oil and gaso-
line and $1.00 for livery to woods.
Charity cost $4.39 for. groceries.
Beli Telephone Co. had an account
of 55c.
Niagara Falls Co. had a bill of $4.02
for dog taxes.
hliss 'Chown for typewriting audi-
tor's statements was paid $4.00,
D, L. Macpherson, salary and making
statement of ,$135.00.
Chief Wheatley, 3 months, $125.00
Robt. Welsh, 3 months, $112.50,
The auditors, P, Cantelon and John
Wiseman, were paid $12.50 eaeh,
Chief Bartllff was paid $25 for fire
company and $150 for fifteen firemen.
For Postage $3.00 was paid.
New Era had an account of $4.50
for printing.
J. W. Shobbrook, reported that $54.
was collected for sale of lots; $ 1 10,
care of lots in perpetuity; work ,$83.00
J. Wheatley reported market scales
$7.30 and $30.00 for hall rent.
Clinton Motor Truck Co„ engine
sold for $400,
The Fi,ianee Committee' rCconllneltd-
ed that $1,000 debentures unsold be
taken up by Sinking funds.
0---They also recommend that the
82000 asked for by Collegiate Insti-
tute hoard be paid (in grant for 1')19,
The llensall Council is being peti-
tioned n n
i ta. t hale a grant for the erec-
tion of a suitable memorial for Hensel!
soldiers who gave their lives for King
and Country. In addition to the grant
subscriptions will be taken up from re-
sidents of the rural districts near Hen-
Farmers are cordially invited to join
Clinton Horticultural Society, 1919.
Each member is entitled to . free pre -
mimes of the value of ,$1, to be select-
ed; from the following:
Gladioli America, Pride of Goshen,
Gretchen Zang, War, Pease,
Lily Lehman, Pink Perfec-
tion, Myrtle" .50c
Gladioli 6 Dieners Mixture 50
Gladioli 10 •Kslndreds Mixture 50
Gladioli 12 1-hIntingdons Mixture 50
Iris roots 10 Named varieties 50'
hose t Hybrid. Tea, Gorgeous 50
Hybrid Ten, Hoosier Beauty 50
Vegetable Seeds 1 Packet
Assorted (our choice) 50
Plante, etc. John Cunniingahnn 50
Thomas Cottle 50
Tulips Particulars later
Hyacinthe " 1450
Narcissi " " 50
Members 11' ;Iso purchase any of
the above, at tile prices given. Any of
these premiums if purchased, retail
would cash at feast 75c. SPE'CIAL-
Free to every member, 1 packet poppy
5eeds from Flanders Fields,
Membtrektp Fee $1.4)0
3l9 H. R. Sharp Secretary
Gloves Frown Whale's Intestines
Crews of the Norwegians Skate whal-
ing stations have been ordered to salt
down intestines of x111 whales taken, Is intended to use tllenl far inak•
lug gloves, , The anaterial• Is said to
be soft, pliable and exceptionally
Rabbits Varaus Sheep,
It has been computed that elgrht or
ten rabbits cal or destroy as such
grass as one Sheep,
500 Woman Doctors In Mazsachusetts
According tai recenT statistics, up-
ward of 500 women are engaged in
the practice of medicine in M.lssa-
Pursuant to'a Judgment of The Su-
preme Court of Ontario made in the
Cause of Armstrong vs. Wheatley, .the
creditors of William George Wheatley,
late' of the Town of Clinton In the
County of !Huron, farmer who 'died in
or about the month of August, 1916,
and all other persons having claims a
gahfst the Estate of the deceased, whe-
ther contracted before or since his
death, are , on or before the first, day
of March, 1919, to send by post pre-
paid or deliver to W. Brydone, of Clin-
tan,.the Solicitor for the Achninistra-
trix of the deceased, their 'Christian'
names and surnames, addresses and de-
Scilptious, the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of Meir securities,
and the nature of the securities (if
any) held by them; or in default there,
of they will 134 peremptorily excluded
from the benefit of the said Judgment,
Every Creditor holding any security is
to produce the same before me at my
Chambers at the 'C?urt House in the
Town of Goderich on the 1st day of
March, 1919,' at 11.30 o'clock in the
forenoon, being the time appointed for
adjustitication on the claims.
DATED this 3rd day of February,
Local Master at Goderich
Pursuant to a Judgement grill
herein dated tihe 30th day of Jim
1919, there will be sold with the
probation of Lewis Henry Dick
Esquire, Local Master of this Gour
Goderich by Thomas Gundry, A
ioneer, at the Council Chamber, C
ton, at the hour of three o'clock p. m.
on Saturday the 15th day of Febru
1919, the following lands and prem
ill four parcels, viz:
Parcel 1. -Part of Original To
ship Lot Number 24, Concession 1,
the Township of Hullett in the Cou
of Huron, (80 acres 1 rood more
less) now in the Town of Clinton and
the South 'Half of Lot Number 23, 'Con-
cession 2, in the said Township of
Hullett (50 acres more or less) and
Part of Lot Number 24, Concession 2,
in the Township of Hullett (80 acres
more or less), and Part of Lot Num-
ber 25, Concession 2 00 acres more
or less) in all 220 acres more or less
in one block.
This is an excellent farm adjoining
the Town of Clinton and widely known
as the James Fah' Farm. There are on
the premises a bank barn 60x70 feet
with stone stabling underneath, a
straw shed 35x50 feet with stone stab-
ling underneath, a grain barn 60x106
Ou stone foundation, a hog pen and
poultry house 20x70, a drive shed
14x20 and' a small dwelling House.
The farm is web fenced; there are 8
acres of fall wheat sown, 45 acres of
fall ploughing done, 74 acres of hay
land, and the rest in pasture.
Parcel 2 -One acre Lot on Beech
Street, Clinton, suitable for pasturage
or a garden.
Parcel 3 -Part of Original Lot Num-
ber One, Huron Road Cotecesslon in
the Township of Goderich, now in
Clinton, and Part of Lot Number 35,
Concession 16, in the Township • of
Goderich, d rich
containing together 1054
acres more or less. This is good pas-
ture land and suitable for cropping.
Upon it is a building which is leased at
a profitable rental.
Parcel 4 -West Half of lot 185 on
Hie North side of Huron Street in the
']'own of Clinton. On this parcel
there is a rough cast double house
each part having,st'x rooms anti water-
works connection.
Percel 5. -Lot Number 27 on the
South side of Huron Street In the
Town of Clinton. On this .parcel is a
frame double house, one part having
G rooms, the other 5 rooms; a barn
and sloths 125.4(; 1551 and a drive shed
-10:.15 fa•et, •
Parcel 6. -East Half of Lot 28 on
the S n54thi side of Huron Street, Clin-
ton, nn which there is erected a very
desirable and web preserved frame
!muse with i rooms and summer kit-
chen, electric light, waterworks con-
nection, etc.
Parcel 7 -Part of Lot 2.1, 'Conces-
sion 1, ilullett Township, 21(229 in 01111-
t0n, containing 3:;-.l acres, all of this
Parcel is planted in orchard of stand-
ard fruits, This parcel i5 sulject t
Clearing up. all'ar()lion lines before starting on aontber year's Itusi..
With every prospect for continued high prices ever
ed is a sura bargain. So don't fail to got your share,
Men's fine shoos in bon calf or patent leather, regular price is
line mention -
$5,50 and $6,00 linos
To clear at 4.50
Ladies High top Dengola Kid, good classy shoes U
Regular $6.00, for 4.50
Ladies white lawn' bib aprons trimmed with embroidery Mtn
yoke ands shoulder straps at 3a price eJ t l7 C
Carpenters aprons of striped cottoned() less than
)z price of the material C
A few dozen• Huck towels good large size and, heavy weight cheap
enough at 75c a !
a real snap at pet: pair 448 c
enpar but
n►all Profits Phone 25, :More Business
' R6 '2:CIIM
8 -roomed house, farnace and other
comfortable conveniences. Corner of
Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W
Brydone, Clinton.
High ,prices paid for properly .hand-
led prince furs,
iced All accounts not paid by October
dry, 30th, will be placed 121 other Bands
ap,, for coliectio•• with added costs.
Son, E. Scruton.
t at -�
life estate. which has beep. commuted
to an annual rental of $80,00.
.The several 'parcels will be offered
for sale subject to a reserved bid which
.has been fixed by the said Master.
TERMS: -Ten per cent of the pur-
chase money to be paid at the time of
sale .and the balance on the 15th day
of ,March, 1919, •
In all other respects the terms and
conditions of sale will be the Standing
Conditions of the Supreme Court of
Further particulars may be had front
W. Bryrlone, Barrister Clinton, the
Auctioneer, or the undersigned.' Dated
Goderich t115'31'd clay of February,
A, D,, 1919.
Local Master At Goderich
Barristers, Etc., Goderich,
Tenders will be received for the con-
struction and repair ,work of the Mr,-
Kiilop Telephone 'System for the year,
1919. 'Tenders will be received by the
undersigned for Chilton end, and the
Seaforth end or the whole, by the year,
by the ()month or by the lottr, Tenders
will be received .up' to pdbruary loth,
M. Tlovenloak
Highest market price paid.
Phone 14.638
Clinton, Ontario
Ten young cows which were fresh-
ened between November and'February.
TERMS -Cash or Bankable Notes.
Y mile south of Grand Trunk Sta-
tion, Bayfield Line. Apply to
Call at Mr. Watson's Grocery
store and get- a can 6 8, or 10
gal, .:ans partly or fill diem, 1 will
test and pay for each San sep-
erately, every week and give
you the price for the following
week, highest prices and , a'
square deal guaranteed. Cream
received at Summerhill store
any day, -•tw
Phone S on 166,
'C. F. 0. License No. 8-10532.
-Cream 56 cents this week -
Our Five Rose Flour is one of the best,
We ask you ladies to give it a test.
Try a cwt. of our "White Seal,"
Also a sack of our "Victor Oat -Meal."
Our Listowel Flour, the "Golden City"
if you have not tried it, what a pityl
The 'Jewel' is another very good brand
All of these Flours we have on hand,
House and lot on Huron st., now
occupied by Mrs. John Scruton, for Since the Kaiser and the Crown Prince
sale, cheap for cash. Stable and shed fled
on property. Apply to You meed buy no substitutes for your
WILLIAM COATS, Goderich, bread.
1 Gunn's ."Easifirst Shortening" is•A Nott
Sold by the firm of Jenkins & Son.
The anual meeting of the Huron Co.
Spring Stock Show will be held at the
District Representatives' office, 'Clinton
on Saturday, Feb. 1st, at 2 o'clock.
Everyone that is interested in the
Show kindly be present.
Bought and Sold at Market Prices
Delivered free of charge to the pur-
chaser or at his Bank,
VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 %
W. BRYDONE, 'Clinton
For Sale
A goon frame barn 28x40, Apply to
C. J. Wallis,
Several second hand heaters for sale,
apply to 'PHOS. IIAWKiNS,
Woman for general housework.
Libby, Ratlenbury St, E.
The annual meeting of the members
of floe McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance
Company 1vi11 be held in the Town
1I illi Seaforth, on. Friday, February 7511
1919, at two p.m,- the business of the
meeting will be to receive the annual
Stiatement and auditors sreport, ',the
electing of three Directors, and two
audltors and other business which may
be considered fa• the benefit of the
Company, 'rhe retiring Directors are
John 0, Grieve, James Evans and John
Benniwies who are eligeble for re-
James Comlolly, Thos, E, Hays
President Secretary.
The executors of the Estate of Jo-
seph Izzard, deceased, offer for sale
10 acres In Goderlcls Township com-
prising lot 37, Con., xiv, and South
half, Lot 37, Con, xili• On the pre-'
nlisesare a 'good frame house, -a bank
barn, pig house, driving .shed, 3 good
good wells, and a 9priug-creek and 2
acres of orchard. There is an excel-
lent and very valuable bush on each
parcel consisting of 12 acres of hard-
wood on one parcel and 15 acres of
cedar toe the other, The soil is clay
lam on the parcel first irentioned and
there are about 68 acres fit for eirlti-I
vatIon on ore lialf of which is seeded•
down; bn the second parcel the soil is
black learn and is excellent grazing
land.' The proprety is located on a
goodi'gravel road'3 miles froth Clinton.
For . particulars apply to Michael FlickS'lacterokry, 54, R., 2, Clinton or W, Rrydone, Giin-
W. Jenkins &$on
Phone 199 Residence 9 on 142
Canadian Food Control License 9.2368
Wholesale License 12-52
Unexcelled Dining Car Service
Sleeping cars on night Trains ant.
Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains.
Full information n Froin any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. llerning,
District Passenger Agent, Troonto.
John Ransford & Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket .Agents, phone 57.
A. 0. Pattison, station agent,
Ootddd Not Work or'Walk Any Distance.
The efforts put forth to keep up to the
modern "high pressure" mode of hie in
this age soon wears out the strongest
sy stem, shatters the nerves and weakens
tlirhoart, l'hestrainofbusiness, the ears
of home Wild serial life cause terrible
suffering from,hea rt, end nerve troubles,
The strain on the systema causes palpi-
tation of the heart, faint and dizzy sliclls
.smothering and sinking spells, shortness
of breath, ete,.
The reeonstruetive power nf.iblilburn's
Heart and Nervo fills is simply mewl -
ions, andthose whose health standard in
below par, will find a course of,them will
soon recuperate their health and get back
their mental and bodily vigor,
Mr. Osear_'lracy, Postmaster, Tracy
Station, N,B., writes: -"Two years. ago
1 was 'all in' as X thought; could net do
any work, nor walk any distance. 1 had •
taken no medicine,but tried your NWl.:
burn's //earl; and erve ?ills and found
such benefit from the first boa that I
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