The Clinton New Era, 1919-2-6, Page 2PA+F 2
Very . day
shion Day 1I
Ve give 'a discount of 25% off all Fur Setts and Single
pieces, Fur Coats, Fur collared coats, and Muskrat coats. They
are all this season's styles.
January Sale.
of Winter Coats
Your choice of any coat in the store
at exactly y price. 'These are all this
season's garments.. Many good styles
left to choose from, including cbinchie-
la, velours, cheviots, plr.islues, and
Tweed. Now is your time to buy a good
coat at 1/2 the regular price.,
Januairay Sale
of Winter Suits
Only seven suits left to clear all
new styles, color's, navy, brown, and
, black: Made of gabardine, serges
.and cheviots all satin lined. YouryiftY
of any snit at 1/2 regular price r.,Ews
Always Effective—and acts quickly
snolieves lame back,' lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lamejoints and muscles,
toothache, earache, sore throat and other painful complaints—Hirst's.
Stops the Poin. Get a bottle today- .Have it handy—bas a .hundred
uses. At dealers or write us. HIRST REMEDY CO,, Hamilton, Cite.
Steep's Fur Stretcher
Try me for Prices on Furs and Hides,
License Dealer in Raw 'Furs and
k'S Stee
L i,:enae No. 578.
sa °°;r a_,m,=. noac,..=a.. Win.
`�„� err ,"r r.. -m ...r =te n.�,.
la. ' O . THE 1t E V ER .ii,
,:zs.49 L�1;an
and HIGHEST IP"'a JCES bring
your Cream t
Clinton Creamery
We , furnish cans and remit
daily—Price this week 53e
Telephone 145,
Mr.:Alex, .1uui Miss Lizzie t3edour,
returned back' to Courtright, after
spending a few !weeks at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bedour,
'rho Canadian Order of. 1'orresters
met Friday evening, Jan, 31st, after
the usual order of business and the
histelli;g of officers two addresses were
given, one by W. H. Lobb, one by.
N, W. Trewartha on "farming," and
"Tile Dairy Crow." After the addresses
an exciting' game of carpet balls were
played, Captains were Pickard and
Trewarthe, the results were a be, Tile
tie will be played off on Feb, 28, the.
losing side to put up refreshments,
,Every forrester come nod have an hour
The following is the report of S. S,,
No 5, Huliett, for January. Examina-
tions • missed are marked (X). The
names are in order of merit. Sr. IV,
Dora Vodden 82%, Percy Gibbings 61,
Arthur Weymouth 53', Wellington Mc-
Cool '49 XX, Rosalie Crawford 32 XXX.
Jr. 1V, 'Margaret Brown 64. Third
Class,—Albert Holloway 70, Evelyn
Gibbings 46 X, Laura Snell 45, X,
Alvin Cartwright 29, Edith Gorbutt 17.
Sr. it, Gerthe Quhuney, Warren Gibb-
inga: Jr, 11, Chas. Weymouth, Harm'
Snell, Charles Brown, Hugh Radford,
Herbert Vodden, First, Norma Snell,
Berta Nott. Primer, sr., Ernest Brown,
Willie Stevens,' Ivan Carter, Eddie Rad-
ford, Fred Vodden, Printer, Jr., Gen.
Radford, Best spellers were:—Dura
Vodden, A. Holloway, W. Gibbings, C.
Waymouth, N. Seel!.
1.' Cornish, Teacher,
At the last regtdar meeting of 'Court
Pride of the West No, 31, C.O. 1'., the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year:—, Ranger, Ernest
H. Adams; Vic Chief Ranger, James
Bill; Rec. Secretary, J. C. Adams; Fin.
Secretary, Dan Geddes; Treasurer,
Moses $rows; Chaplain, James Collin-
son, S. W. William K. Govier; J. W.,
Robert Youngblut; S. 13., Richard Gov-
ier; J, 13. Nelson Hill; 'Conductor, Fred
11, Johnston. Trustees—Charles Way -
mouth, Willis Mountain, Thomas Mil-
ler. Auditors --Ernest Adams, • Wm.
le. Lyon.
Mr. A. Wells now has his chopping
utill in good running order, He is
prepared to grind about Go bags per
hour, so that the farmers will not have
long to wait for their grists:
Londeseboro londeseboro londeseboro'
Mrs. Ben Mason front Blyth visited
friends here on Sunday,
Miss Edith Sampson spent a few
days this week in Wingham,
Mr, Grainger is this week attending
the big stock show in Toronto.
Mr. White spent the past week with
his brother -In-law, ln la
w Mr. Thomas Millar.
We are pleased to say that all the
"flu" cases on ihse 11111 are improving,
The Methodist choir rendered a
splendid song service on Sunday even-
ing last.
Do not forget the pie social given by
the Women's Institute on 14th of Feb,
.4 splendid programme will be given
including a. play to be given by the
young people of Constance.
Mr. Ernest Adams purchased a fine
thoroughbred cow and also a thorough-
bred calf front Mr. Grainger this week.
We believe it is Ernest's intention to
go in for the, thoroughbreds.
The regular meeting of Goderich dis-
trict L. O. L. was held at L. Q. L. No.
189, at Sharon. The following •officers
were elected for the year 1919: 1. P.
W. M. John McClure; D. M., Benson
Clark; D. 0. M„ Ernest Vanderburg;
Hon, D. C., John Woods; D. C„ Robt,
Henry; D. L., J. Fagan; D. R. S., Wal-
ter Emmerson; D. F, S., J. J. Caldwell;
D. F., John Sturdy. At the close
of the district meeting the Royal
Scarlet Chapter opened its session for
the purpose of conferring degrees and
eleetilig •officers. The following were
elected: P. C. C., George Vanderburg;
a:., Robert Caldwell; E. C. C., R. R.
John McClure: treasurer,
r •:. lin chaplain, .1. I LicC'd,iwctl
t u i n., IrntL; i1 at A„ Geo
„setteleet lt.t comluelor, W. t 1hn t -n,
end rm:Motor, John S'.turd•; ; I. il.,
:V !ter 1:I ;:'son; O. i1., liavid
)n Sato i(v tit,: death of Mrs. John
dic•iiillau 1.y•:urged at the N.,me of her
.11:u'ry McCreath, South; st.,
L Bartel. the deceased was in her
thirtieth year, and was highy respected
by alt her friends ,and associates. The
funeral was held from Mr, hlcCreath's
on Monday Rev, Jas, Hamilton ofliciat-
ed and the pallbearers were: Win. Ed-
wards, Oliver Edwards, Reg. Fuller and
Robt. Rogers. Mrs: McMtilan leaves to
mourn 'her loss her, father and mother,
Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Wilson; tvo'sis-
ters, Mrs, elarry McCreath and Mrs. C,
Muir; four brother's, Will of Montana,.
U. S„ Fred, of Goderich; George mid
Joe of this township, besides her lies -
band and a.littie son about three weeks
fie Fariners''Club will hold its next
meeting in the Orange 11x11 •on Feb,
10th when Mr, Stothers, the district
•representative, will be present with nes.
tion pictcu'es from the department of
(Intended for Last Week,)
Miss Marion Hibbs retented !wine
after having spent a week with her
sister Airs, HarveyAlexander,
There have been quite a few auction
sales irecentty. Prices were high for
nearly everything.
Mr. and Mrs, James Barclay and
Miss Jessie, of Guelph spent the week-
end with Mrs. F. Leonard,
The annual meeting of the Goderich;
Township Telephone System was held
in Holmes' Hall last Friday anal was
very well attended. Ali the officers of
the past year were, re-elected with in -
Creased salaries, Mr. George Mair Will
be lineman for the coining year. 1'he
finances are in a very good condition,
Several lines which are slightly over-
crowded•wfll be Changed and new lines
made. .
rx,y: ww..,
` Stanley ..etaoil' MINN cntfwyp vbgkgl
Mr. David Baird of St. Paul, is at
present visiting lit the amine of Mr.
Alex Thomson,
Lee Ilan, a local Chinaman, appear-
ed. In pollee court before Magistrate
Reid on a charge of stealing some cot-,
tars from a young farmer of Asl;freld
by the itsune of McAdams, When Mr.
McAdams came for his laundry the
!Deni Chtnmaq said that they were meetings have been called oa' fur this
'Platt!;:tlay, lis
1'y ' )th,. 1.99,
z tllll!il(IilVli i6'III{�iuli.l!gYGiCCltill�hu�llll!111�,'1ll1�'U9fU�iGl�',
l t Pers an al and other
S Itemso! fiitnxest m
44 :New Gra representatives,
•fi x „ EAMISIIIiiill Ill!(O111111Billiaii111i1111�1111111111Ii11111 lllll4 '
'.v4W.pA.NttAM,.F4N�w++iWaYt K'/kr�+Fryvn.ggxvWaFkwkw�,w,rn,Fr.numvwrai !+*+.,+^Piwic.
Among the town bows who. have
arrlva;t f;.,,; overseas mace the follow-
fngr 1 ncc' orp,. Scott Ameut, Pte,.
R. M Slnehdr, Cadet Jack 13211a11tyne
and Lance -Corp, Leslie Lowery,
McKay Ime moved d lris't(ruccr
stock to the store recently occupied by
W. F. SG'etton a, a jewelry shire. The
latter will mune into what is new the
Bank of Nova Scotia building as soon
as the bank occupies its own new o11i-'
cos, wild: are now about completed,
East Huron Board of Agriculture
not to his possession, The young loan year on account at the long continued
l,u(1 ant u;forn at t t
still maintained that tate collars were
nut left at his laundry On the evi-
tort cent n; court Lee ban sin public gatherings,
dente of few witnesses the magistrate
Imposed it fine on Lee Hatt for $2 and
costs, amounting to $15.
Our Council has again returned all
of last years 'nen back to their re-
spective offices, namely:—R. Elliott,
Constable; J, Reid, treasurer; IJ. Er -
w901 Clerk and Thomas Cameron, the
health inspector.
The fishermen are building some
hopes an the present cold wave to pro.
duce their annual ice harvest, which
for the first winter In several years ap-
peared serious.
A very social entertainment was
spent in the basement of St, Andrew's
Church ou a recent evening when a
lengthy programme and excellent re,
freshnieets were greatly enjoyed by
tate gathering,
Miss Mona Johnson returned home
on Wednesday last after spending a
week with her sister, Mrs, Mupre, at
Mrs. Wm. Maar aim twu children, of
London, are visiting her mother, Mrs.
John Cox.
Mrs, Wm, Williams and young son
returned dome from Goderich Hospital
on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan, of Port
Stanley, are visiting in the neighbor-
Mrs. George Vanderburg!; returned
home on Friday last from Goderich
after spending, a week with her son,
Wesley Vanderburgh,
Mrs. O. W, Potter returned home
from Woodstock on Wednesday of
test week.
Owing to the Quarterly service be-
ing held in Bayfield on Sunday morn-
ing next, February 9th, there will be
no service at Bethel Sunday evening.
On Tuesday the auction sate of the
estate of the late Victor Date who died
of influenza, was held. The attend-
ance was large. The farm was sold
privately to Geo. Hill, of Bricefeld,
for, it is said $4,800. Other chattels
brought full value.
The home of Mrs, John Dayman was
the scene of a pretty wedding last
evening, when her youngest daughter,
Ethel, and Mr. George Squires, of Elm-
ville, were united in marriage by the
bride's pastor, Rev. R. 1., Wilson, of
Varna circuit, in ,the presence of quite
a large wedding party. The presents
were numerous and valuable. The
happy couple w+i11 reside on the
groom's fine farm in Usborne.
Royal McClymont, who suffered a
stroke on the trail route, is resting
quietly and is nicely recovering his
old health.
William A. Ross is home from Buf-
falo, where he found a good market
for his carload of feeding steers. While
returning he met about 70 carloads
of cattle at the bridge going to Buf-
falo from the Canadian side of the
river. He reports that prices are dul-
ler in Buffalo now.
The dance given by the Cresent
Club on Friday evening in Case's hail
was very successful. There was a-
bout six;', 510!'!•0 in attet'du,ce, 1'le
hall wag; ni,.•i: deav'ar,•d with red,
alae :ofd bine streamerstr'a;i ;whirl
hinv ,a ia::!drn., carr; :,:c';'eixfrt, 115
t' , ll :it
nn t:u ni i c h•• h, '
uu 1, n ILt,; ,a. :di that utd be
r:z..u..d. finest, were present from
New 'York, Buffalo, 'Toronto, Lionville
n;l „!her place::,
11u1Iglas Witsnn, .d New West -
minister, st
tx, Ei, (;., is visiting his brother
Mr, .1. A, Wilson. Air. Wilson cone
east with his family a mount!;
'tc:epled :t position in Toronto ;h.,e
he will in future reside.
Mr. 15. hl, Junes, manager of the Do-
minion Bank, has gone to St, Thome:
Igor a month; to relieve Mr, A, E. Col-
son, who with his wife is spending
some time in California.
Miss Ageits Sproat,of Rippe'', was a
visitor at the home of Mr. and ,Ms,
Robert Bell.
Mis Mary Saline, of Stratford Nor-
mal school, is a week -end visitor,
'Miss Dorothy Morson has returned
to Toronto.
..rhe special services held on Sunday
in the lgmondville Presbyterian church
111 conneotiin, with the fortieth ann1-
versary of the opening of the present
edifice were of an impressive and in-
spiring nature, The sermons Preached
by the Rev. R. H, McKay, D. D, of Tor-
onto, contained rich spiritual messages,
e ank of
Commerce. e here tilr in tans been Ittransfet'red
to 81, Catharines. Al T. Abrahan, of
Wiarton, comes in his place.
Mrs, A, McGann has returned from a
visit to relatives in Gdderlcit
Mr. C. A. Barber wits in Ottawa this
Mr. W. Jathes has secured a position
in Kitchener and inten65 moving itis
family there in the near future,
Miss Violet, Parkes, of Dunnville, 15
a guest at the home of Colonel and
Mrs, Wilson,
Mr. 11,. M, Brown, hof • Toronto, is
visiting his father, Ark', T. E, Jackson,
who is seriously ill.
Miss •Hilda Goldbank, entertained e
few young friends at her home Wed'
nesday evening,
The Loudon Road League met this
week at the hone of Robert Hunter,
Mr. and Mrs, P*ed 'Tyndall are mak-
Ing improvements to their home, `
A Good Pig: --.Mr, N. Lebeau killed
a pig that dressed over 700 pounds
of meat.
Next Tuesday the London Road
League will Bold their Literary' meet-
ing at the home •of Mr. and Mrs,
George Hanley.
Mr. J. G. Crich has purchased the
25 -acres from Miss Margaret Holmes
and will take possession right away. '
quarterly Meeting was held in this
Church on Sunder. The Board meet-
ing will be Reid at Londeshoro on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gs,,. Riley spent Sun-
day Its the guest of their daughter,
Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels,
.Miss kiina Love, of Walton, spent
a few days with iter :aster, Mrs, L';1.
Quite a nne,l',r attended the Annual 1
Telephone 0t_etin,g held in the For-
rester's hall lest week.
Quite a number :wound here attend- t
ed the party hard at Charles Riley's in
Tuekersntith lied week,
Al r. Jr,h'f H. Andrew, oaten recently
'.e,1,1 his 'farm in Usbornee, will move
to t ..cher 5hurlly,
• Lieu 1. Thompson, of Seaford,
;•instructor to the Royal Flying Corns,
and who is now awaiting his discharge,
has been eng[gedon the lixeter ilir.lh
School staff, and. assumed his dutie+
int 1 riday last.•
Master Dudly Rogers, son of lir.
Rogers had an operation for apl'endict-
tis pet'ft,rinell ora Tuesday of las[ week.
iirs. Gunn and handler performed the
Memorial service for the` heroes of
the war from this place wilt he held On
Sunday next,
Miss Jean 11111 is visiting at the ltume
of her brother, Sergt. James Hili, of
Stratford, who is expected to be home
soon from France.
George Watt and f wife, of Clinton,
visited relatives in our villa,*e last week
The family of Mr, Frank Bennett
moved to town and are now making
prepartiuns for their residence: , over
the. store leased from Mr. Stothers by
Mr, Bennett, who will open out a bak-
ery and confectionery husines,
Messrs. Stubb Bros„ of Cedarville,
Pave purchased 11r. Wm. Juhnston's
;Ivery and bus business and will take
p'•ruession in about three weeks,
"r, V/:n. C. Laidlaw, administrator
of the, estate of the Late Neil A. 'Taylor
has disposed of the garage to Messrs,
ken, Duck, cif Milton, and J. I1. Ste-.
phenson, of bait. r''sr scion to be Lek -
en. early 1n Ft +r .are•
. i a 'reeling of the Lireefors of
beth , ;,:colt r l Sostioty, Messrs. W.
8, \4, d.s:n, Jas. (;:mist and 11,a,t,
\'✓ightinim were appointed a Coftunit-
°e to confer with the Red Cross Cir-
cle in respect to holding Jointly, the
"timed celebration on Uaminem Day,
Mr. Chas. Wa aper has soil his fine
150 -acre farm 'situated a few miles
south of Zurich, lo his neighbor, Mr,
John Reeler, son of :Mr. Jos. Reeler,
for „112,500,,
Messrs. W. Lamont and R. T. Dunlop
recent5' visited Pineltatrst Stack Farn,
near Buffsdo and brought back with
them Direct tial, jr. This choice horse
has been purchased by Mr. Dunlop.
' Rev. F B
, Aleyer performed the
ceremony at the Evangelical parson-
age, Zurich, on Tuesday evening, when
Miss Minnie E., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Russ Johnston, Blake. became the
bride of Mr. Earl E. Waldo, of this
Another deal of importance took
place on Saturday when Messrs. Hart-
lieb & Faust sold their stock and busi-
ness to Mr. Alfred' Melick, . of near
Crediton and Mr. Wm. F. Brown, of
this village. Messrs. Melick and Brown
get possession on March 15th next.
Mr. Melick, who has disposed of his
farm, will move to Zurich some time
in March, he having also purchased the
residence of Mr. C. Hartlenb,
Mr. Alex. Vosiin has sold the 100 -
acre farm he purchased from Mr,
Sam GIngerteh to Mr. Gen. Brisson, of
Tilbury, formerly of St, Joseph, Pos-
session is given in 'March,
Stanley ;mull, of London, who was
found dead in one 11' the hotels in
Toronto a few days ago. with a bottle
of wood alcohol In his possession, was
Wingham boy, burn here and lived
in, this town until rlanhood. Ile 151(0 a
son of the late Robert Small, of town.
Wingham and vicinity are enjoying
the most beautiful winter in many
years, the xweather being almost
spring-like all the time, with scarcely
any snow. Willettan, has never seen
such a large quantity of wood as has
come into town, large loads continu-
ing to stand on the market for sale,
both green and dry maple •and' beech,
Green wood is Repine for $5 and dry
for $6 and ;6.50.
The horse of David Finley milkman, i
this morning upon arriving at Jose-
phine street, near W. Bough's restaur- n
ant, suddenly took fright and bolted 1
down towards Victoria street. While 1
no damage in particular was done, yet'
the pavement on Josephine street re- s
:eived an additional lot of broken glass I
and bottles, leaving the road in a very
dangerous condition until cleared away, b
hlessrs. A. H. Musgrove and A. Hayl- A
'and cnmpieted the audit of the books r
of the town of Wingham, and report K
as follows: Total receipts, general de- ft
partment, $78,695.63; total expends- n
'urea general department, 578,976,59; t
overdraft, $380.06. • The flutists end
tiabilitles of Year's uperatlons are
iota! assets $6$;0,80, total
I thirties, •$5,01 L4£ , bsdane /(46.34.
The :M(4n lsxasts of the town are
19766.i•;,i, The total receipt; for
IL, year from the waterwerl.,; depart-,
meet are e u ;0.89, aud the total e:"
i ceeelere +7,1 ,,;r1 leaving a balance
01 4'4 (,71, The [,hd,teselhts for the
seer front the electric light department
:ire d23,3'15 i, and the tcitel.expendi-
tnrc 52:1,727.70; leaving an overdraft
i f 5141.112, but this deparline'it has
on hand coal amounting to 52,250,
AbnerMr, .0osens has purchased the
Ede John P;tchie's interest in the incur
mote business and will 'in (:cure con -
duet [he insurance and real 551515 in
.his own name,
Mr, J. J. Cunningham, president of
the Western Foundry Co., Ltd., accom—
panied by his niece, Miss Mary Maddl
gan, and Mr. W. 1:7. Vary have gone
to California to spend the rentsdode"
of the winter, We trust the change
of climate will be the means of restor-
ing Miss ,Ms;ldiga,; to .her usual health
,and virnr, •
While skating on the river with a
number of friends on Monday evening,
Miss Agues Mitchell fell and broke flet
1:".,12�1, OnCo
Crediton Band has been re -organized,
t::a'te5 is trying to re -organize a'i'urf
Club one,: a n�e. heeler had minty a
coed! rase :;•0 �t years aro,
tewart r f' act tri. p, has been
',eyelet! r rc riffs -ith u - 2 rices attack of
1 c d,:., tt n: in e tt his kits,
Air. Thos. Rit:hit, f the 17lbpcon,
of it„4s•i ., has sine! b;; 2u0:b:re farm
to ;Jr, Wi;lis:n 5,vde of the 151h.
Those who essiete.t in the Fegistra-
tiun l;:st ,lune ie North Huron have
donated 8 417,5,1 to - the lied Cross
At a meeting of the Directors of the
Turnberry' Agricultural Solety it was
decided that spring lair ba not held
this year,
in cnunsetion will Town .Council
of Waterloo that A. 11. Cochrane, form-
erly of Aturri;• township, has been re-
appointed Chairtnan of the Finance
Pte. August Heinbecker, brother of
Mrs. John Taylor, of Howick, who went
oresseas with the 560th Battl„ was
married in Englund on Dec, 12th, 19i8,
to ,Voss Winnifred Kelksy, 'The cere-
mony was conducted by Rev, Mr. Nash
a Methodist minister,
Another one of the pioneers of
Zurich section passed away last Friday
t c person 0
P n f141r
C r s ai
n Sch; •
zentruber, at the age of 75 war
nonths and 22 g rses. ds, 10
teen in poor health afor softie yens and
tis death was not unexpected, lie
Mets born in Waterloo county, and whet'
till quite young settled in Hay, and
las lived there ever since.
After serving the township of Turn-
erry for thirty-nine ,years as treasurer,
1r, Peter McLaren has handed in his
esignation. His successor is Mr. J. W.
Ing of Bluevale. We are informed that
1 the thirty-nine year's time he has not
lade a mistake on his books according
o the auditor's statements,
British troops taking back the civil population• to their original homes.
P!,ticr .ta(.Wom ..k:!!^.ti!itiNk,.