The Clinton New Era, 1919-1-30, Page 111,
Bstablished 1885, Vol $3, NO. 31 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY, 30th,1919, W. H. Kerr & Sort, Editors and Publishers..
A11 New Sill)scribers get New Era un 11 .Jan. 1920 for $1. 13. in Conolda oind $2.00 in U. -S.
I441P.A014,40.4,41,0"0.41',.00100,""404,41,WW V VOPNANYVVY41.01AVVVVVVVVVVVVYNN
More Clinton
COMING TO CLINTON Boys Home tli(i hips
The business transacted at the reg- REEVE OF EAST WAWANO$F RE-
ular meeting of the Children's Aid Soc- CEA/ES HIGH HONORS IN COUNTY
let), for Heron County on Tuesday of • •
, When troubled with only a recent cold, chronic Bronchitis
or the dreaded "Flu," you will always find hist week, (being the first meeting J. N. Campbell, of East Wawanoeb, WILL DELIVER AN ADDRESS UNDER
. held, since the opening of the new was elected Warden of Huron County AUSPICES OF BOARD OF TRADE
Shelter) included many items of pub- on Tuesday afternoon, There were ' NEXT MONTH.
prOmpt in relieving and effective in curing a coug (fly the benefit of four -11 t-1 : ••
1 I e contest Messrs 'Campbell '
11, Solci by lie interest, and alrea
the new home 1$ very evident Since and M. Arilletrong being in the final '
l'he Clinton Board of Trade have ti-
the opening eight children have been race. The new Warden was escorted ranged with Sir John Willison to speak
received, five girls and three boys; two to ihe chair by ex -warden Elliott and in the Town Hall some evening in
children have been placed in foster the February. Sir Jolle is now president
ortth of office was administered by
homes, and the others are still in the County Judge Dickson. He referred to
8. _Trio Phrn„ B.
several matters that must come before
Shelter. One of these, a bright little
..e.wwweeeeyeevveovvveeweevepeeeveineeheyeeeevyeeeevedeevvvyweeveeveeed • the Council, among which were the ap-
fellow of three years, is all ready for a
pointment of a manager and matron of
IftIe Royal Bark
IncOrporkied 1 869. •
Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 14,000,000
Reserve Funds 15,600,000
Dotal Assets 427,000,000
535 Branches
With World-wide Connections
Intel -est paid on Savings Deposits,
R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch
• V.11.7.1n0•41.515.C11.
• 98 Branches in Canada
A General Banking BuSiness Transacted
orent te1.1avefed at Hieebteret aterere: Rate
H. R. f: HARP, iViara=fftr c271cion
. ' ,C.1. ** ****
. • n + - • ^ .1 !; S.
e!'.^..e!lered . fl eatiy-t ce Vicar
110(1 eing • 'Note:tag
i .
aZt..E=X.MG 7;.1
The Women of Clinton
-itid surrounding country will be held
iiin the Council Chamber at 3 p. m.
11 Friday, Feb. 7th
A strong appeal has come to the
women to open a general hospital and
every person interested should be
present, men not excluded.
All the women from the rural dis-
tricts are especially invited.
The meeting will be addressed
by the doctors and others.
Do Not Miss It.
The MorrishClothing cs2,
A &loam Deal tor Every Mao
Try The New Era
for Job Work in
good home, and will be worth asking
the House of Refuge.
for. Four children have been made A claim will be put in by Mrs. Neil
wards by Magistrates, two boys and Taylor for the death of her husband,
two girls, one of the latter already formerly Reeve of Blyt11.
placed in a foster home. One child The fixing of the salaries of the ofti-
came from Hullett Township, one from cers for the next five years will be
Morris and two from Goderich town. dealt with and petitions will be pre -
The matron of the Shelter, Miss Bent- seined regarding the good road scheme
ley, is making the best of everything, and removal of the provincial war Inc.
as is evident by the comfort and happi-
liess of the children, and any contri-
butions to the home will be well ap-
plied. The following contributions
are gratefully acknowledged since last
meeting: R. Hardick, Howick, $2; Miss The inaugural meeting of the re -
Lottie Bentley, $2; W. T. Pellow, Mrs. organized Literary Society was held
Robert Doak and Mrs. D. Millar, $1 last Thursday evening at 4 p, m. Last
each; Mrs. W111. Coats, $5; Mrs. A. year a society was organized but never
Halliday, basket of apples, jar of fruit got Into working order. The Society
and pickles; Mrs, J. Jenkins, beans; this year, however, has got a good
Mrs. J. Mitchell, peanuts; Mrs, (Dr.) start and with the splendid executive
String, children's night dresses; Mrs, at the head of it should be a great i
13 R Wigle, apples, nuts, candy, tea success.
and sardines; mrs, A, D, McLean and Owing to the absence of Mr. Louis
Airs. Beattie, clothing; Knox Church McKay, the president, the chair was
Pastor's Aid, clothing for a woman;
Mrs. Glover, 8 pounds fresh pork; Dr.
A. J. Irwin, Wingliane 510; !Clinton
town, 510; Exeter, $lo; Hensall, $5;
Hay township, $10. A new sewing ma-
chine has been installed as a necessity
in the work. and a musical instrument,
either piano or organ, would be a
nn '51 acceptable donation, the matron
4-eing able to instruct and entertain
the children. Foster homes are want-
ed for small boys, also for a baby boy
ably filled by Mr. Harry Rance. The
meeting- was opened by the singing of
the National Anthem. Miss Marion
Gibbings sang a very humorous song,
a slight variation of the song entitled
"I inay be Gone a Long Long Time."
Miss Ella Rutledge gave a splendid
reading which was well applauded. i
Misses Vesta and Marie Snider gave an
instrumental duet. Several stump 1
speec.hes on rather 'humorous topics
were given. A In nob of the girl sing-
• and for a healthy baby girl one year res sang a very clever parody set to!
old and one about two months old, It the music of an old time SC/11g but
would NI 1 11 1 p, , sib!, to „.en ,„,,it 14,0 , with a mon' modern significance.
not to go into details, the separate ' Mr. 1-. Livermore and Mr. J. It. 'Fay-.
csses dealt with at this meeting. smile for took part in a 'debate on the
(;'tiearo p;,ei,ald,s,ait,anit ,,no `iRi.eios711-,tIiatIeela?edcShos1
:re: need of tiearit, 112,1s,,I,1 I. icng-f,,f:ive Ili decision in
sning mif. 1 the c..•..,, if,ti.,71, h„,., lavor oil fine adirimitive !,ide. Miis hl.
bean de.dt ia-iill in 1 112 ,,,,,t, ,i,-, ,..,,,,.., ,. .1.71..e .d. fit tila ',tad' a, m-itic, gave
ai me, arisiiig. in ihis comt,:, e, ere °I.' i''''''''''Y iiii!"'' vefI''' 1141 11 r'''''"1'''
slnirle elassitied and tiesci-il,ed, th-,
w,-tild be 1 :iiirpri:e aed a i',-.-cli.tieei to ,
the r,,Mle of linr,a. Proif,m1..7,,.._,„.:'''
1:1•.:7!ci:',ar,.:: in 'th,.! CI ,..:24y 14;4,4 fUrt):::.::.. !':.:' !'ir.':e ' : 1•.''', l''..''e- t!'-•
eel one .-,r 1;i0r0 ,.'; these.
iii,- ot thee ,m's, c.iii dmilliefs con-
tiime. Ent 1f, 1., offset this.- a list of „..
--' • ff-".i,- ti ff fi'iY71;0'" 7, r
ri° -II.
the cleldren and their present condi- 0,,--,.!.•,si.r.;', -; VI ii ,
pro.Teets w,,,re given, the I:if,f f -f. IL.. L if ic,::, r I, -,,LL,',,,: -.J
value and benmits of thii; method of ' ,..i/
dealing with unfortunate and neglected
children would be demonstrated in a , KILLED
delightful manner. if you would like ' i
to help this worthy cause send your Ete. J. Mitchell, ef Wingliam,
contribution to either the Treasurer or , - Pte. W. PockeD:cIkE,DWingliam. i *
County Agent, Goderich, or if wanting i i. *
Elliott, Goderich.
information write the Agent , Geo , Al' , e. ,i., 2, 0 * * 5 0 * 0 4' I '
! *
I * '0*
* *
A hearty welcome awaited Sergt,
Lock Cree on Tuesday night, when he
returned from overseas. Sergi. Cree
was the 8th man to sign up with the
1 65st Battalion and was in France for
10 months with the 151 Machine Gun
Battalion. He returned to England in
December and was sorry in one way, to
by recalled, as Ise was within 10 miles
of Brussels, and the trip up was a
pleasant one. -Ile reports back to
oainin a couple of Weeks for his
The first Clinton boy to sign up with
the 161st Bette Pte, Fred Thompson,
eldest son of ex -Mayor Thompson, ar-
rived home on Tuesday night. Fred
got into France in March 2918, but left
in June having undergone an operation
for appendicitis. He has been in Eng-
land ever since. His brother Pte.
Charles Thompson has been up into
Germany, but is likely on his way back
through 'Belgium with the Canadian
troops. A royal reception was given
the young soldier.
Last Friday's London Advertiser I
made reference to a brother of Mrs.
, Wes. Beacom, of Hullett Township:—
--- -- —
' Mrs. Robert Pearson, wife of Capt.
of the Canadian Reconstruction As -• Robert Pearson, and daughter of Mrs.
sociation, and his address will be
-Ellen Colling, 229 Waterloo street, left
yesterday to join her husband in Tor-
AlciLs,linesecptairotneulawrsithwiltlh beissgpile,ecillalhitsrk
onto, Capt, Pearson, a Methodist min-
; ister, joined the C. E. F. early in the
war es a combatant oiticer, and has
HURON BOYS HOME been elected to the Alberta Legislature
Pointing ad
Paper -Haling
Neat and quick work
16 years Toronto exper-
ience, avoid the spring rush
by getting work done now.
Don't remove your carpets,
covering or pictures, We
have plenty of drop sheets.
81 Isaac Street
We have just succeeded in
buying sugar by the car and
we are able to take orders
now for a limited amount to
be delivered in April at a
small advance of the whole-
sale price. Leave your or-
ders early for a bag or two.
Phone 414
Canada rood,Board License
No, 8.2495.
4, 0
0 * * 5 5 * * * 1* *
The regular meeting of the Patriotic *
Society will meet Friday afternoon in ;*,
the Council Chamber at 2 O'CIOCk•
The Ladies will be quilting for the
1 Syrian Relief.
Pte. Freeth, Goderich
Pte. Smith, Goderich.
Pte. Canfield. flensall
corp. L. Cree, Clinton.
Pee. le 'Cloimpson, i011.
1.1!) -Corp. td-iumie. Brussels, nurse, who had become a victim- to the
Pte. Wcsteott, Seaforih. , dru..• habit an anodyne to 1115 hon.
W. E. Thompson, Wingham rors of, but who had promised to
Pt.'. A. Williams. Wingliam, give it up, In her last letter Nurse
Linee-i.iiort.. J. (2, Quarin, Brussel.; (1 -s -ell told this girl to teee he; pro-
Py,te. , mise. and the foeiing that :Ale would
reinissels do so would heli' her iff.i die turn,.
Ile, Trelle, F11
as one of the soldiers' representatives.
Capt. Pearson tells ,a new story of
the last moments of Edith 'Cavell, as
• told to him by nurses who had worked
with her. One hour before her execu-
Hon she wrote a letter t' another
l'to. •,
l'te. hi. Wei,tlake, Baytield.
P1,' 2. A. Johnston, Blyth.
flte. S. Amen;. Britseele.
* 41 • 44 .2 * 0 5
OrrAWA, Jan. ?J.—Sunday
February 36, has been fixed by
the Government as a national
day of intercession that the- de-
liberations of the Peace Confer
ence may. result "In the estab-
lishment of a world-wide peace
on a just and permanent founda
* * * * 5- *
How The Hun Used His
C -,Ft. fie:futon added that he 55..
14 the 11'7.rS5.3 that the nrst
firing scmod tidd to shoot Miss Cavell
mutinied and mould not do it. An-
other squad NVO.,', 2,4111 obtained how -
Friday's Toronto Globe says:—Capt.
(Rev.) "Bob" Pearson. 01, P. P., in Al-
berta, passed through Toronto yester-
day on his way to his home in lidmon-
ton. When he enlisted with the 89th
Battalion early in the war he was a
:Methodist minister and Secretary of
the Y. M. C. A. Ile was wounded on
the Simme, since when lie lias been
engaged in Y. 52. C. A. work in Eng-
Bring it Back
*1 At the action sale last Saturday at
the home of Mr. Josh Cook, someone-
*, took a fork from the stable and forgot
" to cash in. The party is notified to
" return the fork at once and no ques-
* Lions will be asked.
Red Cross Trains
kr r
A .aaptured German Red Cross train which they had used for, conveying a=unition.
Canudiat signaller mantling i wire ba a, street flooded by the enemy bdowo r.loy 111i; IraltnoisnneS,
OtfotoOseeet zoo ftca oecegflee 0144
Mrs. Geo, Roberton is visiting in
mayor A, T. Cooper was in Goderieh
on Tuesday.
Mr. Will Bezzo was a visitor in Lon-
don last week,
Mr. J. W. Elliott was in London on
business this week.
Mr, Harry Scott, of Seaforth, was In
tu‘vLincennseWleidisephsecCittloY; Torrance was
Goderich on Tuesday.
Pte. Oliver Johnson, of Goderich,
was 111 town this week,
Reeve Ford is attending County
Council at Goderich this week. ,
Miss Florence Fowler, of Seaforth,
was a visitor in town this (week.
Mr. Emmerson Libby left Monday
for Toronto where he Intends taking
a position.
Mrs. George Jackson has gone 011 an
extended visit to friends at London and
St. Thomas,
Mr, H. B. Chant, Superintendent of
the Hydro System here, is in Toronto
this week.
ho2satiteniCittiteletshoenful9acItfrIZ 11=
Mrs, Beacom.
Aon is under the doctor's care
and we are glad to hear Ise was a little
better to -day.
Mrs. de la Penotiere, of Kincardine,
was a visitor in town this week While
9route to London,
Mr, Roy Grahain was it visitor at
Seaforth to witness the Goderich—Sea-
forth hockey match.
Mrs. J. L, Kerr is visiting at the
parental home in Toronto recuperating
after her recent illness.
Blyth Standard;.—Mrs, King, of Clin-
ton, visited her sister, Mrs. J, E. Ben-
nett, divine the week.
Mrs. Wheeler, of London, was in
Union attending the funeral of her
aunt, Mrs, Annie Beacom,
.Mrs. George Sperling, of Brussels,
was here attending. the funeral of her
•Ister. eirs, Annie Beacom.
Mrs. Walters wipe has been visiting,
lier d,mehier, lio'.ton, at Seaforth,
212 ti ned to her home here.,:. McIntyre goes to L(Mtion
5-11121)10 Cs1p t7,-I11,,V(412' to report
ele.•••• r'ttomine faim overseas.
12-1 I 115.5 e Johns, m, of Birth 20110
rec -o 12, retionie 1 from overseas,
felends in town
(Ilia weak.
dlif, Crandall, k 1 Harriston,.a form-
'• v.-itif 84 Co., was kere
.,tteneing tee funeral of the late Mrs.
Pte, Thos. Fremlin, who has been in
London Military Hospital came home
last week. He got his discharge from
the army.
Mr. H. le, Sharp was in Aylmer this
week. We are pleased to report that
cAelrnst. IssSichkairipessimproving from her re -
Mr. Pellow, of Goderich, Special Of-
ficer for the enforcement of the C. T.
A., in Huron Co., was a visitor in
town last week.
Sergt, George Webber, of Military
District No, I, London, was home on
Monday attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Beacom.
. Mrs. A. T. Cooper and Misses Ward
and Stone entertained the members of
the former's Sunday School Class 6n
Tuesday evening last,
Mr. J. Innie, of Toronto, business '
Manager of the Canadian Press Asso-
ciation was here attending the funeral
of the late Mrs. Beacom.
Pte. Jas. Grimes, who recently re-
turned from overseas is visiting in town
again. He has been laid up in London
Hospital but is nosy recuperating.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rathwell, of Luck -
now, and former citizens Of Clinton,
were here attending the funeral of the
foriner's sister, Mrs. Annie Beacom.
Mr, Litman, who is superintendent
at the Doherty Piano Factory, is re-
signing and will leave shortly to as-
sume the same position with the Faw-
cett -Armstrong "Coe at Kitchener. We
are sorry to lose our citizens.
District News.
As Mrs, Jervis and Miss Laura was
on their way to church last Sunday
morning, Mrs. Jervis slipped' and is
under the doctor's care. Her many
friends Will be glad to know she is,
now iMproving.
Mr, ,Amos Cartwright of the eighth
oCrthoisteescSkion held a very successfttl sale
vaMssleftiTn.mAdams purchased his tine
Mrs. Colclough who Was nursing On
lite eighth 'concession was d.alled,to the
home of her daughter's WS. Piekeit'
on account of the death of their little
Births, IViarriages, et, Deaths
jpeat4 '
RAbEY,..-411 ;,$L Loraht, Ohloj
'Dec 13th, 1918, Annie K. Racey, dd."
te daughter of tiie tate RolYert 14.
Racey, Einify 1), Posey, formetly
.of Clinton, Ont,