HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-1-16, Page 5'1`inirsc1ay, Jtlfluary':lfitll; 1919,.; I 116GBIVII[N A balky horse, a stat led motor, a stubborn husband, a fractious child, and a way+ ward watch, and the worst is a WAYWARD WATCH. . , If you happen to, be pres- ent you generally know when any of the first four have arrived—You'11, know it is there. A "WAYWARD WATCH" however is so deceptive that you may took at it straight in the face and yet it will be lying to you. All the time it "fools" without you know- ing it until it is too late. "HELLYAR WATCHES" are "well made" and are also "well regulated" and if well used will prove them- selvesfaithful, a thful, reliable time- keepers fully guaranteed of course. WE CAN SEND YOU ONE BY MAIL. IL R[ . ,VAI JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses $25.00 FOR A LETTER CAN YOU WRITE ONE? Thirteen Prizes to be Awarded in a Letter Writing Competition. Some years ago the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., of- fered a series of prizes' to residents of Ontario for the best Letters describ- ing cures wrought by the use of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Hundreds of letters were submitted in this competition, and yet there must "have been housands of other users of the pills who did not avail themselves col ,the opportunity to win a prize, To all these another letter writing com- petition is offered. Thousands of • cures through the use of Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills have never been reported. These will furnish the material for -the letter to be written in this contest. There is no demand upon the imagin- ation; every letter must deal with 'facts and facts only. THE PRIZES: The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockvit[e, Ont, will award a prize of $25.00 for the best letter received on mr before the 20th day of February, 7919, from residents of Ontario, on the subject: "Why 1 Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills," .A prize of •$10.00 will be awarded for the second 'best letter received; a prize of $5.00 for the third best letter, and ten prizes rot $2.0o each for the next best 'ten letters. ' THE CONDITIONS. l he cure or benefit from the use of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pill's described in the letter may be in the writer's own case, or one that h'as come under his or her personal observation. More than one cure may be describ- -ed •in the letter, but every statement must be literally and absolutely true. Spring wheat the name and. date 01 tatepaper in which he or she saw this announce- ment. Fine writing will not win tlse prize unless you have e goad ease to de- scribe. The strength of the reeani- mendation and not the style of the letter will be the basis of the award. It la understood that The 11r. Wil- liams' Medicine Co„ shall have the right to pnbilsh any letter entered In this contest If, they desire to do so Whether it wins a- prize or not, The contest w Ill CIU" an February 2Oth, 1919, and the prizes wall be awarded as soon as possible there- after, Do nill delay, If yon know of a cure write your leiter NOW. Ob- serve the above conditions carefully or yonor lettej• may be thrown out, , Address all letters. as foliov s: The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department, Births, Marriages & Deaths Births BAILEY—in I•lullet't, on Sunday, January 12th to Mr, stud Mrs, George Bailey, a daughter, (still -born.) Marriages STODDART-DOLAN-•At the Sacred Heart 'Church,' Edinburugh, Scotland by the Rev. F. Greene, Pte. Herbert Stoddart, of Goderich Township, to Robina Dolan, youngest daughter of the late Mrs. Dolan, 111 Dundee St. lleaths DALE -1n Stanley Township, on Friday, January 10th, Victor E. Dale, aged 35 years and 3 months. ' ROSS—In 'Tuekersmith, on Sunday, January 12th, William J.- Ross. aged 48 years and 5 months, McCOOL—la Ilutlett Township on Sunday, January 12th, William Mc- Cool, aged 63 years. FORRESTER—In Clinton, on Friday, January 10th, David A, Forrester, aged 69 years and 10 months, MiLLER-1n Hamilton, on Friday January 10th, James Saunders Miller, 1aged 53 years and 7 months, .. WALLIS-1n Niagara Falls, N. Y., on January 4111, Mr. A. C. Wallis, husband of a former Clinton lady (Miss Arae Biggart,) aged 35 years. ROUTLEDGE.-1n New Liskeard, on Sunday, January 12t11, Mrs, Rutledge, wife of the late E. G. Routledge, aged 76 years, 9 months and 9 days, BRUCEFIELD. The funeral of Victor Dale passed through our village on Monday. He died at his hone in Stanley on Friday. He was ill of influenza, and was ill but a short time. I•lis parents, Mr. and Mrs: Dale, of Hullett, were with him during his illness. He was buried at Cliiiton cemetery, Much regret was 'felt here in /earning of his death. The sad death -of Wiliam Ross,' South of our village, in Tuckersmith, took place on Sunday, Jan. 12th, after a short illness of pneumonia, which fol- lowed influenza, Everything that skill and kinds hands could do, was done. He was ill over a week, often unconsc- ious. He leaves to mourn his loss, a mother, wife and three children, Miss- es Mable and Margaret and son, Seldon all at home. He was buried on Tues- day from his home to Baird's cemetery. There was a large funeral, a number from a distance being present. Rev. Mr. McIntosh conducted the services. ,Huron Boys in =Ca city _Lists KILLED IN ACTION Corp. J. J. Purcell, Seaforth, ILL Pte. Win. 'Carter, Auburn CLINTON MARKETS�V Hogs $16,25 Butter 43c to 45c Eggs 6oe $2.09 $2.14 65c to 70 90c to $1,00 $1,25 to $1,30 ,$16.00 to $18.00 $40,00 $45.00 $50.00 90c to $1.00 a bus. Every letter must be signed by the Fall wheat 'felt name and correct address of the Oats person sending it. If it describes the Barley cure of $ome person other than the Buckwheat writer of the letter, it must also he Hay signed by the person whose cure is Bran described as a guarantee of the truth Shorts of the statement made. Millfeed The writer of each letter must state Potatoes N ICE to owners of storage batteries if the Specific gravity reading is L140 the Battery is completely discharged and will freeze at 20 degrees above zero Reading 1.180 will freeze at zero Reading 1.215 will freeze 20 below zero Reading 1.275 it will not freeze. We are installing Stahl Commutator Rectifier, the best known machine for recharging and careing for storage bat- teries. Bring • your battery to us for winter care. Dry Batteries Spark Plugs Flash Lights and Batteries Pratte and Lambert. Auto and Paint i Painting and top dressing ' Overhauling Garage Phone hone $0 Residence 140 • o•9 t Celret'll... . intent l ksf � fblr t l � #� Alf • . . l.+ lt�• the s ' THE 'CLINTON NEW ERA, SALVATION ARMY IN WAR 1 FOR SALE ACTIVITIES Right good dark reel bull, 10 months old, 'Tliis 1s a low set, but thickset,young bull with a good Coat of hair. Come and see hint, ar write, R. kI. Wise' Phone ' 12.615. It, R. No, 3, Clinton But Has Never Made an App for Help --.Operating 197 H and , 96 Hostels. W_ Many War Widows and 47 phans are 1 3eing Cared for, Among the orgsilzations operat- ing among the troops, both at borne and abroad, to improve their social condition and ameliorate the hard- ships of war, the Salvation Army was the first in the field, and it is the last to make an appeal for public donations. Phis organization, which operates in sixty-three countries and speaks forty languages, Is launching a cam- paign to raise throughout the Do- minion ene million dollars to carry on the work among the troops and o help to get them back into civil employment. 1t has adopted the logan "First to Aid—Last to Ap- peal," referring pt f l fat U the C[ that the alvation Army had its 'officers and oldiers in Belgium on the heels of Lord French's army, that is, on the Sth day of August, 1914, just 18 ays after the declaration of war, nd has stayed with the game till he last without asking the public to lake a special donation for the ex - eases of the campaign. The Canadian public, which is t e asked to give a million dollars fo he Salvation Army's war and recon truction work, la entitled to kno 'hat claim the Salvation Army 11 or monetary assistande, In the fir lac the he Army has scant $2,000 00 in war activities. Here is a sun nary of the operation of the Arm irectly connected with the war: Forty rest roans, equipped wit apers, magazines, writing material tc, These are fur the use of so iers. Forty-five motor ambulances in ranee, manned by Salvationists. Ninety-six hostels for use of sol- ers and sailors. These are located France, England, ;and Canada, The rtny plans a wide extension of its ring of hostels in Canada. One hundred and ninety-seven uts at soldiers' camps. These are ed for religious and social gather- gs, and at these huts the fighting en are able to buy what extras ey require in the nature of "eats" the very lowest rates, Two hundred' and ninety-eight war phans cared for. Seven hundred and sixty-one Sal - tion Army officers and members 'vote their whole time to work at e front. Twenty-one hundred war widows the care of the Army. Five thousand, three hundred and venteen beds in hostels close to lway stations and port landings for e soldiers and sailors going to and urning from the front. Fifty 'thousand Salvation Artily of- ers and melhbers 'fighting with Ai- d armies. One hundered thousand parcels of d and clothing distributed among diers and sailors.. One hundred thousand wounded dlers taken` froth battle-felds in FOR SALE a e Sa t Cordwood, best all - body rock. e1m, Maple, and Beech, no limbs, Building -timber, used lumber, eal various sizes JOHN RANSFORD uts -- — AUCTION. SALE - -T toile x- of Cows and Youtlg ,Cattle. The undersigned has been instructed to Sell by 951111c auction at Lot, 17, Malt. hind 'Concession, Goderich Township, OD 'Thursday, Jan, 23rd., at 1 o'clock sharp, the followinget Cow with calf , at foot; 2 cows due to freshen in Jan- uary; 4 cows due to freshen in Feb.; .2 cows due to freshen In March; 4 COWS clue to freshen in April; 2 cows due to freshen in May; 1 cow due to freshen in Sept., milking well now; 4 heifers rising 3 due to freshen in Feb, and March; Registered Stock: 1 heifer rising 4 years "Fairveinti Flossie" No. 112378U, due to freshen Feb. 1011), 1 cow rising 7 years old, "Princess May" No. 107773, due to freshen Mar. 10th. YoungCattle: 5 steers � rising years, old, Polled Angus grades; 2 Aryshire heifer, rising 2 years old. Sale will be conducted ado le d in doors, n s, Good acs hn - o q dation for horses. Terms: Cash, or approved joint notes for 3, 6 or 9 months bearing interest at 6 percent. Guarantee, Any cow sold to be in calf not proving to be in one month from time of sale 10 percent of purchase money will be refunded, W. th LOBB, T. GUNDRY Proprietor, Auctioneer, S d a 11 p b 1 p 0 0d 1' F di in A st h us It in th at or va d th in se rai th ret re lie foo sot sot Salvation Army ambulances, Three hundred thousand soldiers and sailors daily attend Salvation Army huts, These are but a few of the things that are seen and recorded. There are many other activities wihich count for tate. Salvation Army, but which cannot be put down in statisti- cal form. For instance, many sol- diers can tell us of some favor, some blessing, some advice that they have received at the hands of the sailors enlisted under the Blood -and -Fire Banner of the Army. it is a won- derful story of sacrifice and heroism. The boys have told us about it in their tetters home. The deeds of the Salvation Army are well known and appreciated. 1n getting the boys back to civil life the Salvation Arany has much work to do. It will help many a dis- couraged man onward and Upward in the struggle for existence, but to do the work that will be open to do, a vast amount of nosey will be re- quired. One. million dollars will not he too much, 0 r AUCTION SALE w of farm stock and innplenhents. Mr. as Amos T. Cartwright has instructed Mr. st 1'. Gundry to sell by public auction at Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Hullett, on 1- Wednesday, ,Ian. 29th, at 1 o'clock y sharp, the following: Horses -1 gray mare rising 1 years old in foal to Bal- li merino, 1 12 -year old mare in foal to s, Biltnerino, 1 driving horse 4 years old WANTED —~�y Woman for general housework, Libby, Rattenbury St. E. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Sealorth, on Friday, February 7111 1919, at two 9.51. the business of the sleeting Will be to receive the annual baittenent and auditors •report, 'tate electing of three Directors, and two auditors and other business which may be considered for the benefit of the Company. 'rhe retiring Directors are John G. Grieve, Jellies Evans and,.John Benfhiwies who are eligable for re- election, James, Connolly, Thos. C, Hays President Secretary, School Trustee Election, St. John's Ward Notice is hereby given that a meet- ing of the electors will be held in the Council 'Chamber on Friday, January 2411t, 1919 between the hours of 7,30 and 8,30 in the evening for the nomi- nation of Candidates for the position of School Trustee for St, John's Ward, and if necessary the election to fill the above named position will be held on Friday, January 31st at J. B, Levis' alike, Isaac St,, commencing et nide o'clock a,i1. and continuing until,. 5 o'clock p,tn, by 13 G, Courtce, 13e- puty Returning OfiCer, and the resglt Wilt, he publicly declared at the Towit Hsl� on Saturday, ,Feb. 151 at 12 o'cloclt 110011D. L.Meophereon ,i „ 1 i'' R UrulligiOtlieer, SPAN1S11 IN1 LUE1\1l Do Not Fear When Fighting a German or a Germ ! nv DR, M. 00011. The cool fighter always wins and so there is no need to beootrte panic- Etrielten, Avoid fear and crowds. );x-. erciso is the fresh alr and, practice the three 1'e: A Olean Mouth, is Olean Skin and Clean Bowels. To carry off tato poisons, that accumulate within the body and to ward off an attack of the influenza baoillos, take a good liver regulator to move the bowels. Such a one is made up of May -apple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap„ and 'is to be had at any drug store, and called ''Pleasant Purgative Pellets." 11 a bad cold develops, go to bed,wrap up well, drink freely of hot lemonade and take a hot mustard foot -bath. Have the bedroom waren but well ven- tilated. Obtain at the nearest drug store "Anuric Tablets" to flush the kidneys and control the pains and aches. Take an "Anuric" tablet every two hours, together with copious drinks of lemonade. If a true case of influ- enza, the food should be simple, such ae broths, mills, buttermilk and ice-cream; but it is important that food, be given regularly in order to keep up patient's etrength and vitality. After the acute attack has passed,' which is generally from three i ee to seven days, the system should be built up by the use of a good iron tonin, such es "Irontio" tablets, to be obtained at some drug stores, or that well known blood -maker and herbal tonic made from roots and barks of forest trees—sold everywhere as Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical Discovery.. MEETING OF HURON CO. COUNCIL The 'Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday the 28th day of January, 1919. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of tate 'Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council good driver, not afraid of cars; 1 aged G ac seers ns mg _ 3 years old, 18 steers and heifers tis- FARM FOR SALE 2 mare Cattle -20 stock t Mg years old, 7 steers and heifers rising t year old, t heifer due at time of sale, t cow due at time of sale, 1 cow due Feb. 10th, 1 cow due in April, 1 cow due in May, 2 farrow cows, Pigs —1 sow with litter; 1 sow due March 15th; 6 shoats 8 weeks old. Sheep - 12 Leichester ewes; 6 Leichester ewe lambs. Implements -1 Deering hin- der; 1 Deering mower; 1 Deering rake; 1 wagon; 1 set sleighs; 1 rubber tire buggy; 1 Oliver walking plow; 1 twin plow; about 10 bags potatoes; 10 cords green wood; 250 sap pails with link an spites, also a large storage tank; t 'Chatham incubator and brooder; 1 set scales 24o lits. capacity. All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. 9'ernhs—All sults of $10 and under, cash; or over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved Joint notes or 3 % off for cash on credit amounts,— Amos Cartwright, Proprietor; Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer. Geo. W. Holman, Co. Clerk oderich, January 10th, 1919. The executors of the Estate of Jo- seph Ward, deceased, offer for sale t0 acres in Goderich Township com- prising Lot 37, Con. xiv, and South half. Lot 37, Con, xiii, On the pre- mises are a good frame house, a bank barn, pig house, driving shed, 3 good good wells, and a spring -creek and 2 acres of orchard. There is an excel- lent and very valuable busts on each parcel consisting of 12 acres of hard- wood on one parcel and 15 acres of cedar on the other. The soil is clay loam on the parcel first mentioned and there are about 68 acres fit for culti- vation on one half of which is seeded down; on the second parcel, tile soil is black loans and is excellent grazing land. The proprety is located on a good gravel road 3 miles from Clinton, For particulars apply to Michael Flick, R. R., 2. Clinton or W. Brydone, Clin- ton. .'ICON SAL. OF FARM STOCK AND IJIMINNYS The undersigned has'received'hut eizetierii to se1l:by Public Auction on farm HALF MILE EAST OF CLINTON ON HURON ROAD (on Torrance Farm.) on Tuesday, January 21 st at 12.30 o'clock, the following: HORSES • '1 span draft mares, well matched rising six .years 1 general purpose gelding, rising six years 1 1 -horse scufer, new 1 2 -bottom plow, new 1 riding plow, single furrow 1 Oliver walking plow, single fu 1 Fluery,walking plow, single fu • • CATTLE 1 cow due February 8th i cow due Feb. 18th 1 cow due about Feb, 18th, 1 cow due April 7th,' 1 cow due April 18th, 1 cow due April 27th, 1 cow due April 29th, t Heifer, '3 years old due May 14, 1 farrow cow 3 Heifers, rising 2 year's 7 heifers, one year old 1 steer, one year old 7 heifers rising one year 3 steers, rising one year 1 registered Guernsey Bull, 2 yrs. old. This Bull's dam has an official record of 10581.90 tbs of milk and 569.60 tb s of Butter fat in 365 days. HOGS & POULTRY 1 Yorkshire sow due April 20th, 2 Yorkshire sows due in March, 5 pigs three months old About 25 young white Leghorn hens, IMFILEMENTS a, Deering binder, 6 ft, cut in good shape in good condition, 1 Massey, Harris Mower, 6 ft, cut, ' nearly new. 1 1 steel Hay rake 1 1 Massey -Harris hay loader, good as new. 1 Masse Harris Manure reader latestlowfiaw down �atternp (new) 1 Prost and Wood cultivatr r. r- 1. Corn market' i Deering grain and fertilizer drill 13 disk, nearly new i Turnip seeder, good as new 2 sets iron harrows 1 Sharples Milker, 2 -unit, nearly new, 1 2 y h.p. Gould, Shapley Sc Muir gas engine, nearly new. t 15 h.p, Olds gas engine on truck good as new (Terms of 1/2 in 12 months and 1/2 in 2 years will be given on this engine; 5% off for cash). 1 Stewart Horse Clipping Mack- ine (new). 1 10 inch grinder, new 1 1 0 inch silo filler, with blower pipe and disbributor for 36 ft. silo. 1 No. 4, Massey Harris saw rig with 30 in, saw, new. 2 sets sloop sleighs, new "Bain" 2 inch runners. 1 set old sleighs 1 wagon with gravel box 1 Clinton Fanning, mill i set double back pad harness 1 set double breeching harness. 1 set double driving harness 1 bike tired buggy 1 1 hay fork and car for steel track with 16o ft rope Whiftletrecs, neck yokes, everters, hoes,shovels,. forks, and other things too numerous to mention Quantity of oats also oats anti' wheat, Terms Cash. No reserve as the Proprietor has said his farm George Layton and Lorne Stephenson are Clerks For Duty TERMS ----All sums of 10 and under! cash; ,.over that credit 5 ... 1 at amount, l,. motit11$. credit will be given an ap proved Ronin notes 4%, off for Ca86t:.. „ ERNEST L OZE 'ret>taw 'X'14 ,414,5 auxg Y' p,„,f Asstilsoosior i j P PAC TO ONE AND ALL A Merry Christmas and A Happy iro,sperous New Year Suitable Christmas gifts at most reasonable prices—Ties, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Parsols, Braces, Shirty, Sweaters, Shoes and House Slippers, other linesPP rs, and many of really useful gifts. Only four days left then hen Christmas so get busy and shop here for best val- ues. fee l2EMLWaao'omrsraana.os , „Yy, .1 1.?hut Stell Bros. Small Prulita Phone 25. ;lore Business THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The Firm of Byam & Sutter, hereto- fore carrying on business at Clinton as plumbers and iron and tin workers, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Al: accounts owing to the partnership are to beai p d to MrSutter forthwith. All persons having claims against the partnership firm are notified to hand the same to Mr. Sutter on or before 11th, January, 1919, after which time the partnership assets will be distribut- ed without further notice. The business heretofore carried on by the partnership will be continued by Air. John A. Sutter. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20- th day of December, 1918. R. S: BYAM, J. A. SUTTER. FOR' SALE 8 -roomed house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. RAW FURS WANTED High prices paid for properly hand- led prune furs. H. A. HOVEY. Notice, 30 hat will accounts splacedpa1n other0ctober hands for collectlo•- with added costs. E. Sermon. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14438 W. MARQUIS Clinton, Ontario WiNTER COWS FOR SALE Ten young cows which were fresh- ened between November and February, TERMS --Cash ,or Bankable Notes. IA mite south of Grand Trunk Sta- tion, Bayfield Line. Apply to GEORGE. HOLLAND, Proprietor. FOR SALE House and lot on Iiuron st„ now occupied by Mrs. John Scruton, for sale, cheap for cash. Stable and shed on property, Apply to WILLIAM COATS, Goderich. A Desirable Property For Sale A two storey brick resideence on Fluron street, Just West of the Baptist church. Good cellar and furnace; also the one storey cottage for sale or to rent on Rattenbury street, west of the English Church, For particulars ap- ply to Mrs, D, McCorvie, at the Huron St,, residence. DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank, , VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % W. BRYDONE, Clinton For Sale A good frame barn 28x40, Apply to C, J, Wallis, FOR SALE Several second Band Heaters for sale, pply to THOS, HAWKINS. FOR SALE Coal stove, base burner, in perfect condition, Used one Winter only. Ap- PIY lo_ A. T GRIGG. SECURITIES FOR SALE The Administrator of the Estate of Alice M. Fowler deceased; offers for sale the following securities at lowest market prices: War r Savi ng Certificate $ 25,00 3 War, Savings Certificates each 100,00 Town of Welland Debentures 1000,00 Totyn of Hespler,Debentures 500,00 William Davies Ltd, Debentures 500,00 Western Canada Flour MIlis, Ltd. Debentures S00,00 Oomisten of Canada, Wit Loan 300.04 ,.The;ebave will be,kild it rites Jetta the parcheter frota-:414 to • 7,% her ,ihuhum,,, Apttty d },- R; btnA144.16404101,0 Adaulu ptttt•or • MWanted Call at Mr. Watson's Grocery store and get a can 6 8, or 10 gal, sans partly or fill t11em. I will test and pay for each can sep- arately, every week and give you the price for the following week. Highest prices and a square received deal Summerhill -Cream ill More any day. ASO Phone 8 on 166 '0. 1'. B. License No. 8-10532. —Cream 56 cents this week— Our Five Rose Flour is one of the beat, We ask you ladles to give it a test. Try a cwt. of our "White Seal." Also a sack of our "Victor Oat -Meal." Our Listowel Flour, the "Golden City" If you have not tried it, what a pityt The 'Jewel' Is another very good brand All of these Flours we have on hand. Since the Kaiser and the Crown Prince • fled . You need buy no substitutes for your bread: Gunn's "Easifirst Shortening" is A No.1 Sold by the firm of Jenkins & Son. W. Jenkrns &lion FLOUR ANA FEED Phone 199 Residence 9 on 142 Canadian Food Control License 9-2368 Wholesale License 12-52 GRAND TRUNK-sY THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO, DETROIT CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk 'Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Troolto, John Ransford St Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A. 0, Pattison, station agent. Troubled With ilidneys For Over Three Years. WAS CONFINED TO BED, Mrs, George Gray Hopewell Hill,N.B., writes: --"I had kidney, trouble for over three years, and was so bad 1 was confined to my bed. First I contracted a bad cold and it went to my kidneys, and I suffered dreadfully. I got the doctor, but he did me very little good. I tried all kinds of kidney pills, but got very little help. One of my neighbors came in to see mo and told mo to got Doan's Kidney Pills and give them a gc* cl trial. X used five boxes and the. have cured me soth t. a Ian sleep Hees all q lnight i pwithout being disturbed, and 1 feel better in every way, I cannot say too much in favor of Ooan'ti Kidney Pine," Dorm's Kidney Pills ere just what their time implies; a pill for the kidneys and the kidneys only. When you ask for °Diem's" see Hitt yoif get then] put ftp In sat oblong greyy,, bog ,with our trade tom'"0'The M*ple Lesf" Price 'see, tit ait Osiers ,er,mailed direct Mil receipt el he* b» 1w (A Milburn Co, Liautedt. /.uu•4MiJ,c.)d,ll.Y♦Wn+'N[ 3dJ.,b,u'-Y r/