HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-1-9, Page 1stablishe •_ B.> d 7SG5, Vol 53, No. �8. CLINTON,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY, 9th,1.919. All ew ntx1 Jan. 1921 or $1.8 in C n New Subscribers get N vie ;ovavvvv+dwyvefie oovmuwr vuoyvaavawwvr.took v vvvvWyvvwu IRVIN S. COBB ELECTION RETURNS Always Reliable oN When troubled with only a. rdcent cold, chronic Bronchitis or the dreaded "Flu," you will always find REXALL CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP pronipt in relieving and effective in curing a cough, Sold by W. S. E. LIVX3i3$ Phm. B. BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE • THE REXALL STORE. ArvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVV VVVWWVVVVVVVVVWVVVVWVVV CLINTON Tie Royal Bay OF CANADA e incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 14,000,900 Reserve and Undivided Profits 15,000,000 Total Assets 360,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL • 520 Branches with world-wide connections. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E, MANNING, Manager , Clinton Branch :ifs . .,. 111 T INCORPORATED 1355 � rLS, CAPITAL AND RESERVE 8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT t y (BANK MONEY OR�DERMRST BN� p E 4NPE Aid 7 NT interest Allowed at Hi•heste",trrrnt Rate Cii;aton H. R. Si;AR? Manager --,uzrr, . r A 11*M61.161•700accani.96•241CIITIVErfare,IMIRalettf WOW,' ;3retera,•tit Iteltaty-tooffenr floating Clothing a maeugsagaBramensrmswinesumarsoiganutpazummeavates Cu Wishing One and All A Prosperous and Happy New Year The M,orrish Clothing (79, pit Square, Doul Or Every slam • SALVATION ARMY From "'The: Saturday Evening Post," 1 have yet to sleet any soldier,' whether a brigadier ora private, who, if he spoke at all of the Salvation Army did not speak in terms of. fervent .gra- titude for the aid that the Salvation Army are rendering so unostentatious- ly and yet so very effectively. Let a sizable body of troops move from one .station to another and hard on its heels. IN HURON COUNTY STANLEY TOWNSHIP M. Elliott is Reeve by 33, Keyes, Council -J. L'tat, G. M. Mossop and.J. Hood, 'BAYFIj;LD Reeve -A, Erwin defeats Geo. Lind- ' ind-sav by 34 over J. Hanley, . Councillors ---D,, Dewar, S. Cleave J, Cameron, W. J. Weston, acclamation, School Trustees -J, McLeod, Rey. A. 'MacFarlane and 11, Drehman. GODERICFI TOWNSHIP N. W. Trewartha is elected Reeve by a majority of 105 over 0. Ginn. Reeve -O. Ginn, N, W. Trewartha; Conttcil-H. Cox, G. Vanderburg, 11. L. Salkeld, B. L. Lindsay (acclamation). TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP H. Crich was re-elected Reeve for another year with 195 votes; T. Cole- man had 40; and J. F. McKay 177. Council -J. McNaughton, 303; C. Ril- ey, 252; L Moore, 235; J.B. Crich 183. R. Watson was the defeated 'Councillor getting 171 votes. came a squad •of men and women of the Salvation Army. .An artily truck may bring then, or it may be that they have a battered 'jitney to stove them. and heir scanty outfits. Usually they do not ask. for help from anyone in reaching their destination. They find lodgment in a wrecked shell of a• house or in the corner of a barn. By plain force and awkwardness they set up their equipment, and very soon the word is spread among the troops that at•such-and-such a place the Salvation Army is serving free hot drinks and free doughnuts and free pies. It spec- ializes in doughnuts, the Salvation Army in the field does, the real, old- fashioned, Hosie -made• ones that taste of home to a home -sick soldier boy. I did not see this, but one of my associates did. He saw it last winter in a dismal hole nn the Toul sector. A file of our troops were finishing a long hike through rain and snow, over roads knee-deep in half -thawed, icy slush. Cold and wet and miser- able, they came tramping into a clteeriess, half -empty town within the sound and range of the German guns. They found a reception committee a- waiting them there -in the person of two Salvation Army lasses and one Salvation Army Captain.,, The wo- men had a fire going in the dilapidat- ed oven of a vanished villager's kit- chen. tine of them was rolling out the hatter on a plank with an Old wine bottle for a rolling pin and using the top of a tin can to cut the dough into circular strips. The other woman was cooking the doughnuts, and as fast as they were cooked the num serv- ed then nut, spitting hot, to hungry, wet boys, clamoring about the door, and nobody was asked to pay a cent. i:• 5 * * tt .. .. ,, * •., .. it PATRIOTIC NOTES tt it :. it •s ., it ., .. it .. * ,. The W. P. S. will hold another sew- ing meeting_ Friday afternoon in the Council Chamber, "rhe work for the day .will be aprons, night-gowns and quilts. Come early -Colne all. The Society are in receipt of a ea•ut letter of thanks from the Byron Sanatorium, London, for the Christ- mas gift of a Victrola, cabinet, and records which they presented to the Huron County ward for privates, • in that Institution, Letters of thanks are also arriving from the boys for the gift of two dollars which the Society sent to each Clinton man overseas, v a na n 9 onti I Paper -Hanging rnd quick 16 years Toronto exper- ience, avoid the spring rush by getting work done now. Dont, remove your carpets, covering or pictures, We have plenty of drop sheets. E WOOD 81. Isaac Street 1919 Opens with a big E I S H week for us and fou you. We have hundreds of pounds of Beautiful Government Fish at Government Prices Fresh Haddock at 15c per pound Fresh God at 1 MA. per poundILP Fresh 13.C, Salmon @ 25 per pound Finnon Haddie ;@ .20e' per pound Fresh Oysters. W. N 131L 1-11111 GR(-7Cl411t, Phone 4P anazia. 1b64 Board License N'i,' 5-24195, WINGHAM Mayor W. H. Gurney (elected) 302; L. F. Bhnkley 172. Reeve: W. lsbister (elected) 209; Antos Tipling, 181; W. G. Patterson, 99. Council (acclamat- ion), Thos. Fells, R. A. Currie, Simon Mitchell, A. E. Angus, 13. Elliott and W. H. Willis. The last three are new members. HAY TOWNSHIP Reeve -J, Laporte. Council -'C, Walper, W. E. Turnbull, S. Dietz, J. Campbell. acclamation. SEAFORTII Mayor Dr. Harburn, Reeve, Dr. J. Grieve. Council; -W. Golding, Rich - BELGIAN RELIEF 1'ollowng is the 't'reasurer's state- ment of the receipts and expenditures of the Belgian Relief Fund, which was organized.Isst Summer: - RECEIPTS Girls' Patriotic $25,00 Tag Day, 36.74 Sunday in Park 10,00 Mrs. 1', White 2.00 Mrs. Veitch 1,00 Mrs, Sharp .5.00 Mrs, Gandier 5.00 Miss Doan 1.00 Mrs, G. D, McTaggart 3,00 Woman's Patriotic 50,00 $138.74 EXPENDITURES J. A. Irwin $14,27 Couch & Co. 5,29 W. D. Fair 1.00 Plumsteel Bros. 17,71 Mrs, Axon, (Sept,) 3,70 Mrs. Axon,(Oct.) 3.70 Huron Co. Belgian Relief 50,00 $95.67 Balance In Bank $43.07 JULIA COMBE, Treas. BACK FROM "BLIGHTY, f Tuesday evening Pte. Willian Cook arrived back from overseas, though he had spent nearly a ,week at Toronto with his mother( and sisters. Pte. Cook enlisted with the 510th, Battl. (Perth) and after reaching England; was transferred to the Royal Canadian Highlanders, of Montreal and went over with the signallers. lie was wounded at the big light at Passchen- daele and has been in the hospitals in England for many nmonths. Pte. Cook makes a pretty.good look- ard Parke, J. J, Cluff, C. Barber, 0, Ing Highlander in kilts, etc. -for an Aherhart. J. W. Beattie. Irishman, and his old friends are in- GODERICH The elections • in Goderich were keenly contested. Mayor Wigle was re-elected by acclamation. • For Reeve, T. M. Davis defeated Rev, G. C. 11111; for deputy reeve, W. F. Clarke defeat- ed J. J. .tlosier. The following coun- cillors were elected: T. R. Wallis, L. 0. Parsons, 'T, Mitchell, W. Walker, J. Storey and C. H. Humber. The by- laws, granting exemption from taxes to Ole Jackson Manufacturing Com- pany and the Goderieh Salt Company carried, • HENSALL Reeve, G. '. Petty. Councillors - Gen. Iludsco, Robert A1cArthur, Thos. Hudson and J. Jones. HULLETT TOWNSHIP Reeve -M. Armstrong. Council- J, Watt, C. Howson, T. McMichael, W. Miller, acclamation. EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP 1 Reeve -Newton 'Campbell, Council W. Currie, R. Irwin, R. Buchanan, W. Straughan, all acclamation, USBORNE TOWNSHIP Reeve -Arthur llttchelh Council- lors -Win. Coates, John Hennas, John Morgan and Fred Stewart. MORRIS TOWNSHIP, Reeve -Wm, Elston; Councillors- .). H. Fear, A. Proctor, W. Yuill and R. H. Shortreed, acclamation. TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP *Reeve -James Moffatt elected b v56 over .Arthur Wheeler. Council, J. J. Mines, J. J. Moffat, J. Porter and Jas, Scott. deed glad to welcome him back to Clinton. Despite the snowstorm, the . Kiltie Band, Reception l: onmtittee andd the nig naucemen(5 uu hand good roads• sully citizens were at the station to , patriotic tends, etc., will be able to greet the veteran. i finish up this work. Reeve Ford stands I:tn CxScllent chance to be Warden in W.H. Kerr 84 Son, Editors and Publishers;. a, an,�}+ $2.00 S. A. T. COOPER NEW MAYOR I FORMER LONDESBORO REEVE FORD COMES BACK' TEACHER WINS V. C. A big Vote Polled in Clinton on Monday Mr, A. T, Cooper stakes it one, two, three and in for Mayor of Clinton for 1919, with a majority of 9 over Mr. Cottle, Mayoralty Vote by Words Ward Cooper Cottle St. Andrews 62 57 St. James' 88 ' 51 • St. John's 46 75. St, George's 53 57 249 240 For the Reeveshlp Councillor Miller carne out against Reeve Ford, but was defeated bp 6 votes. The New Era is sorry that Councillor Miller will not be at the Council Board this year. A great many ratepayers are of the same mind, stating that Mr. Miller should have re- CLINTON'S NEW MAYOR MR. A. T. COOPER nailed at the Council Board. Reeve Turd Inas had the ex)erienee an with STEPHEN . TOWNSHIP Reeve- W. D. Sanders; deputy • Reeve -John Hayes; George Penhale ' and David Webb, Councillors. BLYTH Reeve -James Cutt, sr, Councillors H. A. Thomas, James Dodds, Jos. Ta - ratan and Jas. Moody, School Trbst- ees-W. J. Sims, S. A. Poplestone and D. D. Crittenden. i 1''21'. L' N l8t 1_ I E ETI N G I Vote kr Reeve by Ward Ward Ford Miller OF COUNCIL i'.t, Andrew's 59 tin :t, lames' tis 72 -- i St. John's 58 65 St G ' 40 The final meeting of the 1918 Cinti-' cit was held on Monday evening with , Mayor Thnmrsrin in the chair and ' Peeve Ford, and C••ancillr+rs Wiltse, Hiller, McEwen. Cooper. Sheppard and Langford present. Minutes of last regular and meeting on Dec. 16th. read and approved. On motion of Reeve Ford and Councillor Langford, the balance due H. Falls nd be paid, was passed. On motion of Councillors Miller and Langford, SS,00 will be paid to the I 'l'arvia Co„ for demurrage on car of tarvia last summer, Mayor Thntpson brought up • the question of an extra grant to the Kiltie Band for the excellent work done by welcoming he returned h Band intel n t t eg men. He had learned that men had! lost time and stoney. This request had been made by several ratepayers of the town, and he left it in the hands of the Council. Reeve Ford remarked that the band was 'untiring in their efforts and they I deserved an extra grant. He believed it was the debt for this Council: Councillor 'Cooper, said• there was supporter of the i10 more enthusiastic 5 pp Band in town, but if the Council re- I membered he had a motion in the sum -1 mer tar $250 but the Council only .urges u 2.9 243 The '•'ouncil of 1911) will thus be composed of: Clay• r A. T. Cooper Reeve. J. A. Ford Council -W. .1. Paisley. Bert Lang- fr,rd, Murray M -E , .1. E. Johnson, A. ,1, McJlurray and R. B. Carter. The first meeting of the new Coun- cil will be held on Monday next at t1 o'clock a.m. ANOTHER VETERAN HOME l'he citizens •v ere indeed t*ind to shake hands with Pte. Oliver Johnson who was here far a Short visit after an absence of over two Years.He enlist- ed with the 161st Battl. but after they were broken up he was transferred to the 47th Battalion, and went into, the machinegun section. 'Be Was wounded when the Canadian struck the Hinden- burg line emit 'of Arras,'on the second day of September 1918, and was wounded in the left temple, and .got a :shell splinter in the abdomen. He t picture of health,but F e loch the u s p has returned to St. Andrew's hospital Toronto, for further treatment. passed $200. He 'believed that as a dying Council no grants should be i made, but left in the hands of the I new Council of 1919. Councillors Wiltse and Miller were of the same opinion as Councillor Coop er, that the new council should deal with the grant. Reeve Ford and Councillor Langford made a notion that the Band receive a grant of $50 for extra services, but 1 after further discussion withdrew it and the Council of 1919 will deal with ASHF1ELD TOWNSHIP the matter, • Reeve-Jt'iseph Dalton; Deputy I The question of the settlement of Reeve, Joseph Hackett. Councillors- 1 the Connell drain question will be Frank Johnston, John Jamieson, Thos, handed over to the nett' Council, Richardson,Couitillor Miller reported that two of the snowplows were out on stormy BRUSSELS days and he had enquires about the Reeve -S. T, Plum, Councillors- tenders for snowplowing. i S. Wilton, M. Fraser, 1. C. Richards and I Councillor Wiltse made his last Fin - ort to the Council and )tents H. James. The two Inter are new men' nuc al rep School Trustees -J. Logan, M. Black • 018y be read on another mn, Goderich-T. M. Davis On motion of Councillors Cooper Clinton -J. A Ford In HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Ashfield- Josheph Dalton; Deputy Reeve, Joseph Hackett. Colborne -Gorton Young Goderich Township -N. W. Trewar- tha. Stanley -M. Elliott Hay-Jno. Laporte Stephen - W. D. Sanders; Deputy Reeve -J. Hayes. Usborne-A. Mitchell. Tuckersnlith-H. Crich. McKillop -J. M. Govenlock Hstlett-M. Armstrong. Grey -R. Livingston Morris -Win. 0151011 E. Wawanosh-N. Campbell W. Wawanosh-W, Bailey. Turnberry-Jas. Moffatt, Howick-P. Doig; Deputy Dr, J. Armstrong. and John Cuti n ,hath l WROXE'i'ER Reeve-Johli Douglasa, Councillors y y' F, Downey, ID Pope, tCi, Leckie, J. And -1 13th, rews: Mayor Thompsosi thanked the mem- bers of the Ciluncil for their support dbLBt)i2NE TOWNSHIP during the 'past year and wished one 01d UMW' re-elected by acclama_ and all a happy New Year and success • ^ and Miller, the Clerk was instructed to Seaforth-Dr. J. Grieve • Wingham-W. isbtsfer Exeter -B. W. F. Beavers. Brussels -S. T. Plum Bayfield A. E. Erwin y• ' Wroxeter -J. Douglas , Hensall-G, C. Petty, Blyth -Jas. ' titt,, advertise for snowplowing tenders to I be in b 6 o'clock on Monde January Hon, tOrdon Young is Reeve. to the new Council. On notion of Reeve Ford and Coun- EXETER ciilor. Langford Cottitc1l adjourned. Reeve -B. W. F. Beavers. Council -.L. Day, J. 'Elston, W. Penhale and C. 13. Snell, (acclamation.) HOWiCK TOWNSii'IP Reeve -P. Doig; Deputy Reeve --Dr. J. Armstrong; Council -T. Inglis; F, Lynn and .1. Williamson. GREY TOWNSHIP • I ivi R L C 0 eeve-R, ng ston,• outtcil- , Harris, J. Collins:, R. McDonald and G. Brown, WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Reeve --W, Bailey. councillors int- possible to get names this week. McKILLOP TOWNSHIP !i J, M. Govenlock was elected by a'' Majority of 57 over .1. Dodds, .An- other nomination will he necessary as only three ,rentained 'i11 the fiId, S. McQuaid,O. Di 0. darn and Dl Regelc: Huron Boys in Casualty lists KILLED' Pte. G. Snaith, Crediton DIED OF WOUNDS Lieut, Samuel Holley, D. C. IYI„ •V.t.,' ormerly of Londeseboro. WOUNDED Corp. C. L. Inkston, 'Gtlilerfh, PRISONER REPATRIATED.', Pte. 11. M, Zettie, Grand Bend, Pte. ii, M. Good,,Stts'katoott, Sask,, (formerly of Brussels,) Reeve-- Rooni. Closed Pr '771 This week tate roolli taught by 1Vtiss 11. Courtice at the Public School Inas been closed owing to Miss Courtice being sick et her home.' "Over the Top" Manager Manning made +a 'pod hit with the moviefans when he had "Over the Top," Shown here this Week. It was a good picture. Died in the West Last week Mk: .ti. A. Irwin received the sad news that Itis daughter-in-law, wife of Rev, W. H. Irwin,. of Edmon- ton had p'ass'ed 'away, after an illness from influenza, Besides her husband, two small sons are left to mourn the loss of a smother, and aft present Mr. Irwin 'and sobs _ are ill with the in- Lieut. S. L, Honey, D. C. M., Died of Wounds. The following front the 'Toronto Tele gram of January 7th, refers to a former• School teacher at Lotdesboro in 1912- 13, and was well knownto the teach- ing profession in the East Huron In- spectorate. The following is the story of how he won the Victoria Cross: - Lieut. Samuel Honey, born 1894 at Conn, Ontario, enlisted February 1915, Rt Walkerton, died of wounds, By profession a. schoolmaster. Orginally of the 34th Battalion, he gained his sergeant's stripes, and later his coin - mission, Next of kin, father, George Honey, of Lentonville, Ont. Rushed Machine -Gun Neat. Lieut. Samuel Lewis Haney, D.C.M., late of the 78th Batt., Manitoba Regi- ment, for the most conspicuous brav- ery during the Bourton Wood operat- tions from September 27, when his company commander and all other officers of the company were casual- ties, Honey took over the command and skillfully organized 0 under very severe fire. He continued to advance with great dash and gained his ob- jective. 'Then, finding the company was suffering casualties from enfil- ading machine-gun fire, he located the machine-gun nest and rushed it single- handed, capturing the guns and tett. prisoners. Subsequently he repelled four enemy counter-attacks and after dark went out alone and located an enemy post, and led a party that cap- tured this post and three guns. On September 29 he led his company against a strong enemy position witla great shill and daring. He continued on succeeding days of battle •the dis- play of the sane high valor and self- sacrifice. He died of wounds received' during the hast day of the attack by his battalion, MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR OUR FALLEN HEROES Willie Church Crowded on Friday Evening to Pay Tribute to Their Memory, Last Friday evening Willis church was crowded to the doors by the citi- zens of Clinton and the immediate vicinity when a memorial service fur those who made the Supreme Sacrifice in Handers or who had died while in the King's uniform. Rev. J. E. Hogg. pastor of Willis church, took charge of the service and the following was the order: Doxology, invocation. Psalm Selection No, 14 Lord's Prayer (in unison) Scripture Lesson, Rev, W. 13. Moul- ton, Prayer, by Rev, J. A. Agnew Hymn, No, 147 Scripture Lesson, Rev. E. 0. Forde Quartette "Crossing the Bar," Misses Farquhar, Torrance and Messrs. Roberton and Mitchell . Sermon by Rev. A. E. Jones. Prayer Solo, "In Flanders Fields." le ds." Mr. Janes Doherty Flynn No. 474. Benediction. Rev. Mr. Jones took as his subject "They loved not their life even unto death," Rev. XII, II, and spoke of the deed of valor done in the great world struggle; of the messages by General linig.and Currie of the bravery of the Canadian troops; the great victories and successes by the Canadian troops, and their record when called to arms. Lieut, Col. Combe, Lieut. Col. Rance Major Shaw, and many of the returned veterans had seats in the center of the church, it r, it * 5 tt * 4a ;t u tt * THE HONOR ROLL * * Clinton Men who have Given 'r Their. Lives For the Cause * :. * & 41 # it 46 td tt 4 S 3t 5 Major B. McTaggart, ID, S. 0. Adjt, R, McDonald Capt. '0, McPherson Flt. -Lieut W. Hall. Lieut, J, K. Mair Sergt, R, M, Draper, M. Pi. Sergi, G. B. Sewell Corp. H. Miner, V.'0. Pte, D, A. Cantelon, M. M. Drier Newman Cluff Pte, Hooter Cantelon Pte, William Walker Pte. Richard Walton Pte, Arthur Grant Pte, William Grant a Pte. J, Usher. Pte. S, ti, Brown Pte, It 13. Wood Pte, F, Forrester ,w :,v...;1+ Pte, 13, Blacker Pte, Jalnei Lockwood • Pte. W, E, Morgan Pte. E. 13. frill i. Pte A, L. Fisher Pte, F, 0, Greeks Pte, 0, Hnnent Pte. B, Furniss Gr. Frank Pair ' Pte, W. Coding Pte W. Maiming Pte, C. A. N'eidger Pte, W. Seaward Pte, P. Wi4lianis. Pic. Jas. .Tarrant rub! rdi • Installation Next Tuesday The 'newly elected officers of tile' Clinton Lodge I. 0. 0. F, will be install- ed next- Tuesday,eveuing at tine Lodge roan. hallway /Intend)]* Changed Buena, The body was sent to Tor- and G. T. R. timetable has been' onto for burial 'which took place this ;6 ,03 11t�is issuet Iriay be read on page week,