The Clinton New Era, 1919-1-2, Page 4'llursday, January 2111, 1919, LIVE POULTRY WANTED lo00 HI Ns [ 10011 CHICKENS 000 DUCKS Each week at our Poultry Feeding Plant for the balance ¢ of 1918. Prices paid according to quality and fancy prices paid t for large properly fattened milk fed chickens, ' NEW LAID EGGS Meatless days are making very high prices for eggs. M - though grain prices are high it will pay you to take special care of your stock of hens and pullets, Gunll-Langlois & Co,, LiMited The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 Ni'. W. Trewartha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 142: AAAAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 PfflO$ 3 S tf iSf VS,,1,4.tit!S ICs AI( •• }''<tiur;; and organs rent e:i. � •nCticr.. new Edison p iu110 raphs, Music Sr moiety goods. 4 • ht33id' fiht )o1`C1tit1 . A4 .? 4 L tq r D 4 Wd-� u A F pr�-1 k t�. 4 • 4 SfCPQ:iv`eY"" ,z r'a'2•5,t: •nro•rrLs'v>rwrgrve8 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianlus and entaAreest f'belerefshe"eree.ttee":'":'earee reeej4 1 1 A • I-Iappy • New Year to all our '4 Customers Byam & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Plutonic 7. 3 VatvretwvYwMvtiee PalW,/VatVwwwV Better Pay The Price Don'tiite tempted to chonse cheap .jewelery, Far better I.o pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, You will never be sorry—fur as a matter of money, it is easily the moat economical. That has been said sat often that everybody by this time ehoeld know it—and set there ie no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to zee parsenal—If no would like to miss ehnt sort altogether— COME HERE If you would like to hey where nothing hut high qualitiea are dealt in --COME MERE RE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W. .eount r .teweler and optician tier 61 itilarrilure thF4919PS FORD it iicL 4H) 'tater':ati., 111.11 ,6!,Mrvk,4 The J n,d you :lave 44.1ways Bought, and Which has been in use for over thirty Yearly has borne the signature of memee and has beeza Made under his per at!,,s, f/7 ,�f anal supervision since its infancy'. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Cotinterfeitsy Iniitattons and " Just -as -good" aro but E.sperimeutu that trine with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—E�ASTORA erience. against Experiment. 3 11{ ha Is Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It IN pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor gtheranarc^otic substance. Its age is its guarantee, For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom', and by regulating the Stomach and Jewels, aids the assimilation of rood; giving healthy and nctttual. sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's 'Friend. GENUINE CAS' 6 0 ALWAYS ,. 'i'Bears thel Sign TO of �4re1 In Use fix Over 30 Years The e Y•ofs Nave Always Bought �,µ�L,,�yry�,, yp,,pp1�rr...jj� TNG CCCrNTAUR CC,M PANY, N,1•W ! r, < ,TY a'•.rs�.+.i1'34 ;tele.+` 3IMel •.es! to eeteaaieigeleultea..+,lee Heart Beats Effect Handwriting According to an English scientist there is an individuality in heart- beats affecting the handwriting to such a degree that it can be indenti- fied when writing is magnified. Cactus Ropes Are Stout Across a river in Peru is a bridge more than 200 feet longthat is sus- pended by 32 ropes made of cactus fibres. Vermin Killed on Game Farm In one year gamekeepers at the Michigan State game farm killed 279 vermin, including hawk cat, weasel, dog, rat, crow, skunk, mink, snake, woodchuck, horned owl, barred owl, and snapping turtle. Eiffel Tower In War The Eiffel tower has proven of great value during the war as a wireless station. It is about to re- ceive a new coat of paint, consisting of about 40,000 pounds, W. fattYleleNE • 4A1lLItf3TS11 BOTACITOR . OTP.RY E•lEA p� T G f 411„t, , i' E PUr3LI0, BITO ,mi:,l'roN H. T. RANO E N.,ta.ry Ptlhllc, Calnr,'yaneer, , • Financial and Real Ettatu INSURANOE A01SNT-RenrsneiitAng 14 Fite Tr surname commies, Division Con, t Office.. A Carload of Go Vt. Standard HOG FEED Just Arrived R"ltnB) Thlinlg James Doherty wishes to in- form the 'public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. Medk,al. DR. J. C. GAND1iER Office at Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, — — Ontario DR. W. GUNN Office at Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton • Ontario DR. P. 2I. AXON DENTIST • Prawn arae Bridge wort: n Specialty. Graduate of C.O.D.S... C131011.ao, and 15,0,0,1. Toronto, Bayseld air Mondays. Say 1st to D DIL 11. POW L AL, Offices over O'r1EIL'S store, epeeist care taken to ass•ke tiovial Ayer mast 55 painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Give stank and general Auction 'e GODERIOH ONT stout sales a speuinnl. Olden 11 r Naw ENA otnce, CAtnton panni i:r attenn ha, Tenn' rcaeonsi11c.. Faralcrs sale .rot 3ianounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggas MeTagclart Bros, Tr nNICURS ALBERT ST , (ILI TI,:ih deetadar.at 8atakf.tay ttnassintss transacted ,'i17T1.S Disoorng TED Drafts ;sailed, interest snowed deposits a The .MciCillois Mutual Fire Insurance 0e. Perm and Isolated Town Peefte erty Only Insured. FAF"'tr AND 11:Z7ef SPELLS, Vie!rll.D FALL ::C'•Yee' i"•IMrrr. Palpitation of t; c 1 tart is very often ace:mean 1 faint sad dicey spat.+,n.d is p,ca.L .a t,,t...l Ly cote.: car den tege,t, cr I !1 coed: teens of Li nervousb. ; ! 11, h:a what- ever the tau.', it 1.1 oftnl- pore,eatt tiatlthei r cu'dlestrengtlt- ened, and 1 meal t t 1' to its regular !Leat. ' •'�'t hli1h no's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy to do this for you. 1r. HenryFawcett,ce tt, Iillam's Mills, N.B., writes:—"I have used Milburn's Ileart and Nerve Pills for heart trouble, I was very weak and run down, my heart would palpitate, i lvopld take feint alld 40s,eeile, ani aVr,-,ttTh f ;.\`.,_,71:1fail -46W11 in a faint. I started to take your pills and I must say they have done wonders forme. I will alevays speak a good word for your Heart and Nerve Pills." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e, a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Head Odice—Seadorth, Out Officers J. Connolly, Goderlch, President; Jas. Evans, Eeechvpod, Vice Preslenti Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary. Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, Ho, 1, Clinton; Ed'w'ard flinchley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesitey, ig mondvilie; J. W. Yeo, Goderioh; R. G Jarinuth, Brodhagen. • Got a White Crow Arthur Weitz (las returned front -, hunting trip to the town of Scott, Shehoygan 'County, Wisconsin, with' a white crow as a trophy of the hunt. The bird is touch smaller than the black crow and under its feathers are black spots. Norway's Shipping Loaset Norway lost during the war 831 vessels, aggregating close on to 1,250,- 000 tons, according to official statis- tics. in addition, 33 vessels of appro- ximately 69,000 tons were damaged by German submarines. One thousand one hundred and twenty lives were lost, .Directors Ring, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- deweis, Iltodhagen; James,Evans, Beech-' wood Mr McEwan, ,Clletori; James' Connelli , Goderich; b. 11McGregor, No, 3, Seaforth; •J, Gr Grieve, No. 4, Watton; Robert 1'errls, tlarlock; Clect MCCartne, Not 3. Seafortll WHY Does Your Head Ache? Headaches, side or other kinds, don't happen to people whose livers are busy and whose bowels are as regular as a clock. Thousands offolks who used to have headaches say this is the way they removed. the cause: One pill at bedtime, regu- larly. Largerdose if there's a suspicion of biliousness or constipation. CARTES' !TILE PILLS Eenalne hearrss ''Sigrsaluro Colorless Tacosoften show the absence of Iron in the blood. , CARTER'S IRON PILLS will help Kitts condition. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. BRIEF STORY OF THE YEAR events diming the Inlet political year wan the eb licatioii of Ilia :Kaiser, Emperor Charles of Austria, Xing Irordinand .ot Bulgaria and about a dozen petty German tilonar'ells. Theca thrones .were absolute piety yesterday; and now they aro gone, There le a text fel' some student of history to examine and preach upon, It is evidently a first step, but whither? The year 1918 will be remembered in Canada on account of the coming of the Spanish influenza, science has not been able to explain the moan- ing of this terrible epidemic, and doc- tors will not endeavor to say whether it has come to stay as a'perananent scourge. Itis undoubtedly partly due to the mal -nutrition that has result- ed from the food shortage, together with four years of norvous tension and other unnatural war conditions. The terrible disease 00100041,013S from battle -scarred Europe, The figures indicate that it has become almost a world-wide plague. An English auth- ority estimated recently that six mil- lion persons had died of the •"flu" in the past twelve mouths. The fig- ures are appalling, greater than the • number killed in battle in the war, and indicates why 1918, the year of the coming of the "Eu" to Canada will not soon be forgotten. JANUARY. 1. Turks made attempt to retake Jerusalem, and were defeated. Wilfred Campbell, Canadian poet, died. 2, First draftees under Military Service Act reported for service. 3, Jewish battalion sailed from London to tight in Palestine. Mr. William Proudfoot, K.C., was selected to lead the Ontario Liberals in the Legislature. 4. Hon. Andrew Broder, ex-M.P. for Dundas County, died sudden- ly at Morrisburg, The French Government recog- nized the new Republic of Fin- land, 6. An Empire -wide day• of prayer was held in response to call made by Ring George. 8. President . ;`Wilson announced fourteen peace terms of Allies. 9. Duke and Duchess of Devonshire were guests of President and Mrs. Wilson in Washington, Katharine Sehratt, notorious actress and former mistress of Emperor Francis Joseph, died in Austria, 13. The Burgomaster, aldermenand councillors of pions were heavily tined for refusing to have the bells rung to celebrate the Gor- man victory at Caporetto on the Isonzo front. 14. Former Premier Joseph Ca.11- laux of France placed under 1ir- rest charged with dealing with the enemy, 15, King George created Miss Kath- leen Burke, a commander of the British Empire in recogniiion of her war services, Miss Burke raised over $11000,000 for the Red Cross, and toured Canada on behalf of the Scottish Woolen's Hospitals. 16. An attempt was made in Petro- grad to assassinate Nilt;olai Le - nine, the Bolshevik Premier. of Russia. 18. The Boisheviki ordered the• ar- rest of King Ferdinand of Rou- mania, who sought refuge with .tiiepresentatives of the Allied i ewers. ` The Bolshevik Government an-. nounced that Russia would repu- diate all foreign debts, • 19. Gen. Sir Beauchamp Duff, mander-in-ehi•;f of the Bcom- mander-In-011W forces in India from 1913 to 1016, died sttd+_lenly at his club in London, . .SY,: „7. ': 20. Allied `ytirships bombarded Ostend, 21% Sri:inward Carson resigned from British War Cabinet, 24. Hon. W. J. Hanna resigned tate office of Food Controller of Can- iiplace was taken Can- ada. His by II. 13, Thompson, Victoria, B.C. 2S. Lt. -Col, John McCrae, of Guelph, the Canadian poet and author of "Flanders' Fields,” died in France, 31. Boldlteviki troops captured Kiev from the Russian Constitutiou- alists. 5, 11. FEBRUARY, a. The Lovaine, a small British warship, war torpedoed and sunk ' by the Germans; 224 lives were lost. 4. Heatless days were ordered in •• Canada to ]yelp fuel shortage. 0. The Tuseana, an American trans- port, was sunk by German. sub- marines anti. over 1,900 Amer- ican soldiers perished. 7. Sir Wm. Hearst., 'Conservative loader, and Wm .Proudfoot, 11.C., Liberal leader, agreed to defer Ontario Provincial election until after the war. 9. Ukraine signed separate peace with Central Powers, 3,1. Abdul Hamid, former Sultan of 'Turkey, died in Constants le. 14. Bolo Pasha, the notorio>s°er man agent,- was sentenced to death after being convicted of high treason • against French nation. 16. Gen. Sir Wm. Robertson, Chief of British imperial Army Staff, resigned his office, and Sir. H, H. Wilson succeeded him., 18. Gen, Xeledines, one of the fam- ous leaders of the Don Cossacks, committed suicide. 19. Roumania opened negotiations 1s$ peace with Central Powers. 29. British captured Jericho from the Turks. 23. Earl Bressey, a well-known auth- ority on British naval matte,•s and former Civil Lord of the Admiralty, died, 24. The Iced Cr08s liner Fine .l, from St. John's to New 'Voter, lr, ` was sunk near Cape .Race N71101 the loss of 102 persons; a:,:4 14 were sated, 116. Japanese decide 10 !Mee amine in Siberia againtl ,i i:ni;n.a mai holshcviki. 28. Capt. G. '1'. Bailey, k ti t:' , arrested in Co orto 1 lanet ° n epeean at the 7ir,;L Convrul.on i+1 ! t'1 mite Canadian sole,icri: , 3 ,,' ,l. meg M. an mem at the Meet tin mas,'Dr y ,a`W`oai's Thoaphoalarsa The (treat1rylieheRemedly, Tahoe and invigorates 111h 'Whole norvous sputa in, mn)tee now 131004 in .pld Veins, 01rree Neveone L)ati!ili;,.11lchltnt a31i5I3t5tin Wart% Deepon• 141115 J,e.ns of 2!ncrtiF, P0•i,itatiosi Of 4114 Near!, Failing Dlrniery. Price 51 nor bot, An for sem One will please nix win name" Sold 155,011 druggists or mortal 1n plain pkg.,a0 rassldt 01 r,.leo. New pamphlet mailed tree, TUE Wenn . Mgtttcltea eo..ttseeino.0ltt tenteemeilitror" 9 III 11111111 11 11111111 III I lmmlllultluall Oatine 1 Cr°,.:. ckers Once you have tasted the goodness of Teifer's Oatmeal Crackers, you will do as thousands of other families do, keep them on hand for daily use. Packed in air tight packages. Sold by all grocers. Telfers II "The Buy Word for Biscuits" 1, 3, 6 lI!!I1ill11011ullIRMII i IDIIflhihliumolem1it1mti11111ia1l1j0l1Si111i111116L11 Hon. W, J. Bryan, the American politician and pacifist, was hoot- ed by a Toronto crowd when he endeavored to deliver an address ,at Massey Hall, MARCH. Hon. H. C. Brewstee, Pretuier of British Columbia, died suddenly at Calgary while on his way home , trent Ottawa. Most Rev. Cosmo Gorden Lang, • Archbishop of 'cork arrived in New York to pay his first vinit to Canada anal the United Stales. Germans forced Boi.ihcvik dele- gates to .sign Treaty of Brest - Litovsk, accepting the Teutonic peace torus In full. John ID. Redmond. the Irish Na- tionallst leader. died in London. Hon. John Oliver selected as Premier of British Columbia. 7. New Republic of Finland signed treaty of pears with Germany. 12. Mrs. Lena C ullbert Ford, who wrote the p011111 war, song, "Keep the Horse Firer, Burning," was killed. in London. during a German air raid; her home was completely wrurked. President Carrnez_ti of Mexleo an- nounced himself an nppor:ed to ptar.n of Gorinon warlords. 14. All-lt:nJi:m Coni;res:, of Soviets re.U11 r.-e.;e treaty with Cen- tral Pereare, 17, Baron Pi:rie+,,-;r omeretl the new post in the British Cabinet. Min- ister of Meechauts';Shipbuilding, to look utter moreautilc navy. John Dillon wrs appointed load - c1 of Irish Nationalists. 20, Pill was introduced into nom- inee') Parliament giving Coto to !'<,itadian women. 11. Ominous leu.0 ahrtl the erre great blow in tapir raring nit'rmetve on the Somme. The Firth 'British Arany wag crushc't before this at- tack ceased to ranee pro5r2!'.s and the 101 ahnini reached Amiens. 28, Paris was bosuited by Monster can.non wltf.h threw misr:llcs 70 miles—it was the first time that tete Germans a:cd this new in- v'otition, It wait rlritnstr1t 1'nnnunced rft'sr a- week of :taxi IV tem. the flet' - man driv= for illi,clams �t' p, rt^ F• t .. t .^Lr 1...., ... if 29. Gen. Poch the Froarit 01.301 of Staff. wan c.P1h41 t to t •foe command of the Rlllad forces in France --the ert't on of the r.er. eraliasn to 1 113 :1 ys be rr[y.;rd- Pl' U. the tl 1 3111 in the 31, reit. 1?. 1,. r, ...:u., " :Ira •ad Military Governor of Qaeboc 00 account of riots. Rev. Nathaniel Bnrwush, former - Chancellor of Victoria Univer- sity, died in Toronto, 2I'HIL. 1. goldie's were shot by mob dur- ing rioting in Quebec. 4, W. 11'. O'Connor, Cosl. of Living Commissioner, who made many enemies by his endeavors to stop the food profiteers, resigned on account of lack of proper support in his work. 8. Debate in House of Commons showed strong opposition to titled aristocracy being permit- ter) in Canada 11, 19. 27. Had Piles For Ten Years And Tried Nearly Everything Es. dept a Surgical Operation With- out Obtaining Relief — Tell>1 How Complete Cure Was Effected, There are reported hero three ouree of chronio cases of piles. In all three oases many treatments were tried be- fore 11 was discoyered that ]Dr. Cbae'e Ointnsent is about the only real pure for this distressing ailment, Mrs, A. Oates, 22 Gilkinson street, Brantford, Ont., .writes : 'I have used Dr. Chase's Ointment aa a household remedy for ever eo long, and am par- tioularly indebted to it for a cure from Piles, I had suffered from this an- noying trouble for ten years, and tried nearly everything I hoard of. Atter 'awing Dr. Cheee'a Ointment a abort while 1 was completely cured." Mrs, Wm. Shantz, 165 .Albert street, Kitchener, Ont,, writes : 'For ecveral Means I was troubled with bleeding piles. I tried different remed1es for relief without success. I read in Dr, Chase's Almanao of the benefits other people ware receiving from Dr, Chase's Ointment, so I sent to your aloe for a sample box. 1 found it gave me such vellef that I 'went to a drug store and purchased a full-sized box. I have used several brume since, and have derived more benefit from its use than any remedy I have ever used," ria street, In- ons into Mrs, i'. C uss V gersoll, Ont„ writes: "About two from years Pile a 31 had ago many suffering remedies for thea distressing trouble, but nothing helped me. Fin- ally t got a box of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, and after using it found that 1 was completely cured and hitye not been bothered in 'this way since. I can cheerfully roeommend Dr, Chases Ointment to anyone suffering as 1 dile' Pr, Chase's Ointment, 6.0 cents a (1)0x, at all dealers or IOdmanaoit, plates & Co., Limited, Toronto, There aro ne rivals to Dr, 'Chase's ointment as a treatment for files, ,_ .. I I I III 111111 11111111 II e. ctormaus laancnea sereno trig or- fensive against British and Por- tuguese on the Lys, F, C. Sise, organizer of Bell Telephone Co. o1 Canada and president for many years, died in Montreal. 14. Daylight saving was introduced into Canada for the first time. 16. Germans captured part of Mes- sines Ridge. Manpower Bill passed in British House of Commons to secure re- inforcements, Bolo Pasha was executed at Vin- sennas. 18. Viscount Milner succeeded Lord Derby as Secretary of War in the Imperial Cabinet. 23. The world was thrilled by the exploit of British seamen who sank concrete -laden ships in the entrance to Zeebrugge Harbor to seal up destroyers and U-boats. 24. The greater portion of the har- bor of Ostend was blocked by sunken cruisers—another Brit- ish exploit, 26. Germans captured Mount Rom- mel from the Allies, 30. Germans launched fresh drive for the channel ports, MAY. 1 2, German forces occupied Sebasto- pol, the great Russian fortress in the Crimea. 5. 'note Marshal Viscount French was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. 6. Peace treaty between Roumania and the Central Powers was signed at Bucharest, Gen. Sir William R. Robertson, who retired from the post of British Chief of Staff owing to disagreement with the Govern- ment regarding the unification of command of the war, was ap- pointed commander of the Home Forces. 9, Attempt to defeat. Premier Lloyd George and British War Ministry by snaking use of charges made by Gen. Maurice was defeated. Lloyd George was upheld by large majority. 13. Mutiny broke out on board skips of Austrian fleet at Pole., but was suppressed. 14. Raiser William made proclama- tion recognizing independence of Lithuania. Je.tries Gordon Dunnett, the fant- pusP ubITshbr of the New York Herald, died in France. 15. Sir Robert Borden announced in the House of Commons the Can- adian policy of stale control of all the big railways with tine =- confirm of the C.P.R. 16. Ring George received a delega- tion of American Labor men at Buekinghtini Istt1aco• 17. s5'erniaby announced a new pact with her allies, made for the pur- pose of strengthening the alli- ance and lengthening the war. 13. First signs of revolution seen In Bohemian capital when citizens of. Prague cheered names of Allied leaders, 20. Premier Borden took firm stand against bill to do.away with titles in Dominion and saved the day for titled Canadians. Gen. Korniloff, formerly Russian commander -In -chief, was shot. 23. Rev. Dr. Cody accepted seat in Ontario Cabinet as Minister of Education. 26. German division at Dvinsk, Rus- sia, when ordered from the east- ern to the western front, mutinied and refused to go. Fifty men were executed and 1,000 Im- prisoned. 26, Halifax mob defied police in trouble over arrest of two Brit- ish sailors. 27. Germans recaptured Ladies' Walk from the French. Teutonic offensivelaunched against French op the Aisne, 28. The Parliament of Denmark as- sembled for the first time under its new Liberal constitution. Women sat as members of the House for the first time in the history of Denmark, 31. Germans once nioi•e reach Marne in drive for Parts. John Ross Robertson, owner of the Evening Telegram and well- known philanthropist, died in Toronto, JUNitl. 4, 013 German offensive definitely halt.ed. German submarines attack Unit- ed States shipping 'off Jersey Coast. 6. Peas,Lnts of Ukraine started an uprising against the Germans , who were carrying away all the grain and foodstuffs belonging to the ctotlntry, 0. The ship i:hat conveyed the Brit- ish delegates to the conference held at the Hague between the British and. the Germans regard- ing prisoners of war was torpe- doed by the Teutons. This was a deliberate attempt at mttrdei', following a safe conduct granted by the Berlet Government, Prot, Thomas Trotter, D.D., ono of the leading Baptist divines in Canada, died in "Toronto. He was the father of Lieut. Freeman Trotter, the Canadian poet who was killed in Franco. 10. A serious mutiny developed among the Austrian troops on 1110 eastern front.. Aid in sup- pressing it had to be secured from Germany. 11, The French defeated Abe Bril- garians in a 1)31110! iin tvrdaedon.iri . Yaitttirinl! actcevonerai 7,