HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-25, Page 9PPS A POOR RUJ.,13 WON"t' WORK Bout WAYS Thies have changed and the change was strikingly emphasised Saturdax. last When a Guelph store avlr'ing. men's clothing had a :queries' page advertisement In„a Toronto paper pointing out the feet that values in Guo/ph were much better than, in Toronto, owing to the fact that the expense of operating their stores was much less in Guelph than in the lar- ger place, Toronto retailers have un- suceessfelly tried for many year's to place advertising in out -of -Toronto papers,. but this is one of the first instances of the smaller tewn mer- chants edvertising in the Toronto papers. And there aro a great many reasons why the statements made by the Guelph merchant are absolutely correct. Take Walkerton, for in- stance, The oyerhead expense here is not one tittle of what the Yonge street merchants have to meet, The purchasing public of Walkerton, or Guelph, undoubtedly get . a great advantage from the lower sales cost. The larger turnover of the city mer- chant does not begin to overcome the rural dealer's advantage at the pres- OneIola News -Record ent time. Many travollors iron the Toronto iirnis now purehaeo their elvtbing in the smaller towns and they would not do this unless they knew they ware gutting better value. here than hi the city, With good roada and autoruobilea, the city finer- chants have almost as much to fear from the eompotition of QUtMide rner, chants in the larger towns and cities es, the merchants of the towns have to worry over. the Unreasonable cone - petition of the mail order bonses. The times are surely changing --Walkerton Telescope, A GENEROUS COUNCIL AND A GENEROUS MAYOP, The town council of Qrillia at its final meeting' voted the mayor. an honorarium of $500 in recognition of his services during the year. Af- ter cordially thanking the council the. mayor asked that he be allowed to devote the money to .the erection in the town hall of ,a memorial tablet to the men from that town who had fallen in the war ancl consent Was given. CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE Christmas ,Tewelery This store is prepared to give you exactly what you want and we will be pleased to show our goods. Watches, Clocks, Rings, . Bracelets, Fobs Chains, Broaches, Pins, Lockets Silverware, Chinaware, Etc., ' in fact, anything found:in an up to-clate•jewelery • store A Beautifter'Art Calendar for Every Customer. R. m JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE” llAITsrmrrNIVI erry bristmas Only two weeks more before Santa Claus arrives and then what! Ask the kiddies! They know what comes every year . and even the grown-ups expect .something nice. Just look at the list below and you will find something ap- propriate and useful as well f or, all the family. Umbrellas Sweaters Fancy Shirts Gloves, Mitts House Slippers Suit eases Handkerchiefs Parasols Caps Ties Driving Gauntlets Shoes Gaiters Silk Camisoles Wool Sets and a hundred and one other things just as suitable. Shop Early and Get First Choice Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 26 CLOTI•IING NEW IDEA PATTERNS. s®� .s® CHRISTMAS Is Coming Nearer - Foot wear is always a Sensible, Valuable, Reasonable and Ideal Christmas Gift! We are now ready and ar e at your service with the best of Footwear that's made! CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS A pair of comfortable Shoes or Slippers for Pa, Ma, Grandpa or Grandma. A. pair of Swell Shoes for Harry or, 'perhaps, a pair of Dancing Pumps. For Sister Mary, a pair of Stylish Street boots, or how about a pair of handsome Dress Slippers, • Bill of course would rather have Snow Paps ,than anything else. Ask hhn and see! Be sure not to forget the Baby's Booties. Remember that our Prices always stand for the Best Values and our Experienced Shoe Serviee is always at your command. FRED JACKSON 000D SHOES Wh j Not Furniture This Christmas Furniture makes a suitable and useful present Our stole is filled with tbe•very best furniture to' bo bad. Our stock is complete and at prices to suit all purses, JAS. DUNJ'OD Undertaker and mineral Director. 2$ "y Phone Sae. 28 1 May you have the health to enjoy, rhe heart to enter iota, And the power, to give to others A. Christmas that is Merry and A New Year that is happy, ie W 1. Fair Co. Osten the Cheapest Always.. the Best." • ununw uimi I un inual: Ih.. J J. Mercier, M. P, was in town on Monday. Rev. 3, E. Ford of Goderich was in town on Friclay. Mr. Ilarry Shaw of 'Varsity is home for the vacation. Rev. E. 0, Porde and family are in Toronto for Christmas. Mr and Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr are spend- ing the holiday in Toronto. Miss Nora Kennedy of Mildmay is hone for the holiday time. Rev. R. 3. Iewin of Toronto is home for the Christmas vacation, Miss. Eleanor Kemp of Faculty is hone for the vacation time, Mr. Harry Bance is hone from 'Vars- ity for the Christmas vacation. Misses Gladys and Minnie Draper are house for the Christmastide. Miss Grace Shepherd`•of Ottawa is hone for the Christmas vacation. Mr. Wilmer Wallis of Kitchener is home for the Christmas vacation. Miss Gertrude Wallis of Toronto Uni- versity is home for the Christmas- tide. Miss Jean Miller is spending, the - holiday period with Hamilton friends. Mr. H. Archibald of Winnipeg is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. W. Ferran. Miss Mary McMurchie of the Toron- to University is hone for the va- cation period. Miss Maude Livermore of Kingston is spending the vacation time with relatives in town. Miss Charlotte Sheeley of Bridgeport is spending the holiday period at her home in town. Miss Isabel Gunn of Toronto and Miss Marion of Guelph are home for the holiday time. Mr. and. Mrs. S. B. Stothers are at the former's hone near Lucknow for the Christmas tide. Mr. W. J. Crooks of Vancouver. B. C., has been in town and vicinity during the past few days. Miss Pearl Foster of Windsor is spending the'vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Kerr, Victoria street. Mr. Wilbur Ford of Peterborough"and Miss Cleta Ford of London are spending_Christmas at home. Mr. and Mrs, Peter McMurray of Mitchell are the guests of their son, Councillor A J. McMurray. Mr,. and Mrs. T. W. I•Iawkins and family are spending the Christmas holidays with Hamilton relatives. Mr. Grant Wylie of Toronto is spend- ing Christmas as the guest of his sister, Mrs, J. E. I•Iogg of the Manse. Mrs. A. W,eatherwax returned to her home in Orillia on Monday after spending a couple of weeks at her home here, that -of Ile, and Mrs. D. Cantelon. Rev: Roy D. Mess, a Huron College student who has been taking the work at Bayfield, since the depart- ure of the rector, is spending Christ- mas at the rectory her with Rev. S. E. and Mrs. McKegney. 'Messrs. W. MoCannts, Ottawa, Law- rence McCamus, London, and Misses Bessie McCanns, London and Marion McCanus, = Toronto, are spending tine Christmastide at, their home, Wesley ,parsonage, Mrs. Robert Marshall, we gret to report, is ,quite ill at the hone of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Jas. Livermore, having been confined to bed for the past few weeks. Old friends hope she may soon begin to amend. Messrs. Cresswell and William And- erson of the Western University and Rev. E. L. And- erson of `Bayfield are spending .the Christmas holidays with their parents; Rev. S. and Mrs. Anderson of Ontario street parsonage, Mr. George Josling o£ Oswald,'fi#an ; ;and hrs'.:ni'opo, ]VIYss"'Lots' JoBT{ng. daughter of Mr, Edward Josling of the sante place, are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs T, J. Man aghan. It is about forty years since Mr. Josling ]eft here and this is the first visit back, Mrs. W, H. Townsend of Souris, Man., is Visiting Ilei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett, Princess St. She expects to remain a couple of months, She was acconpandied by Mrs. R. McBurney ancl son, Frank, of Monteith, Man,, who are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cele of Myth. Mr. :Barak, and Miss Lois Holmes are home from Beainsvdto for the holiday period. Arriving at Strat- ford too late for the Clinton train on Saturday evening and finding the late train off they were obliged to choose between spending the week -orifi in the Classic City os mot- oring up, ".Cher these the latter, arriving shortly after midnight. Introducing Your Friend and his Clinton Headquarters hitob Needed things for the home—a new Rug or curtains, table or other linens, New things to wear are always needed (and appreciated) by every member of the family. The kiddies, of course, expect new ties and ribbons, which don't cost"cinch, if you buy then IIERE, and which help to create the Christmas atmosphere in the home, Useful Gifts i.ire Here n1 A b ala ani - Well displayed—and price tickets everywhere. Prompt, courteous and efficient Service is character- istic of this store, and you'll find that ere F ensure '1st—Because of the tremendous varietj of Lift Goods 2nd —Because Your Gift Moneeu will do Most Here With stocks as big•.ns ours, it is impossible in this space to even suggest their gift possibilities. The goods are all arranged for easy seeing. WILL YOU COME AND SEE? You will not be urged to buy a thing—it's against our rule4, But if we can help you, the PLEASURE is ours and the PROFIT yours. " T1:- E, CHRISTMAS STORE AVOVF'N'S STORD Drg' Goods, House Furnishings • phone 65 Next Royal Bank SHOULD - BE COMMUNITY CENTRES Over in Orillia a ward ratepayers' association asked for the use of a room in the ward school for its regu- lar meetings. The request was refus- ed. In natters of this kind the East Simcoe town is not an exception. All over Ontario, in the towns especially, the schools are looked upon as holies of holies which must not be entered by the unclean, to wit, the ratepay- ers, who own them and supply the money necessary to keep them going. It is a wrong policy, Instead, as The Bulletin has urged again and again, they might, in fact, they should, be made community centres, places where the fathers and mothers and -elder brothers and sisters would be privil- eged to meet from time to time, Were this done, our belief is thbt the parents and others would be- come more interested in edu- cation, with corresponding benefits to the boys and 'girls. —Collingwood Bulletin. Say It With ewers $r$•"lr The Christmas gift that pleases everyone. The choicest Christmas stock yet. CYCLAMEN BEGONIAS CHERRIES FERNS LILLIES • PRIMULAS CUNINGHAME FL'Is ~ liST MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishiinas Opposite Public Library, NOTICE • The frost is here, watch your bat- tery as well as your radiator. If you bring your battery to us for. winter or a re -charge you -will get it back fully charged. We overhaul any make of Storage Battery. STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION Car re -painting or overhauling. CLINTON GARAGE J. H. PAXMAN Phone SO residence 140 Clinton Junk Dealer Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M.. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. Phone 146 Estimates given A. E WOOD OO D WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS, SIGNS, ETC. INTERDIell ANDTING EXTERIO"R - > CORA• - We protect your Doers, furniture, etc.,• by plenty of drop sheets, Ontar•io•Street Before Buying fig Your Christmas Present CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. OP Electric Fixtures; Toasters; Irons Reading Lamps and Heaters; Fiash- lights and Batteries. SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL ELECTRIC COORS THIS WEEK. We carry a full lino Of Alumina in, Granite and Tinware; Liquid Ve- neer Mops and Liquid Veneer Polish, Ranges; Coal Heaters, and Coalifil Heaters. J. Plnrber and Electrician Phone 147 w MrOUR WEEKLY- LIMERICK In staking your choice of wise Christmas presents, We suggest that you favor us with your presence. Conte here to our store, Where you'lI find them galore. Chris u—�rinu,r:n•,,, i mL, a 4� c tr„wn"�eu ��},n lriiomiemnlilbl�IGlimii I& JI iiumiuiihliIII li!h, ROW ii1 UldidiinWiliiilti4 .las Gies Su gg scions The following list will help you to select var llamas ift Rogers, Sets Knives and Forks Rogers, Sets Spoons Community and Old Colony Sets— Spoons, I{nives and Forks, Cold Meat Forks Berry .Spoons : Baby Spoons - Child's' Sets Crumb Trolls. Silver' Trnys . lint Water Bottles Casseroles Nickel plated Tea pots Nickel Plated Coffee Pots Nickel Plated Tea Kettles Alluminum Salts and Peppers " Percolators '" Double Bailers •' Spoons Auto Strap Safely ItAxorO..:, Gillette " • ' ""' Ditrheim " " Strops and Hones Shaving Mirrors •ti Carvers In Cases Pocket Knives 25 cts, to $3.00 Scissors. Pencil Sliakpeners Carpet Sweepers Vacuum Sweepers O'Codar Mops $1.00 'up. Automobile Skates Ankle Supports Sleighs Kiddie Kars Washing Machines Clothes Wringers Mitts and Gloves Brass Jardiniers Rayo (banging Lamps " Table Lamps Gloss Table Lamps Cake Bases; Bread :$rises . Electric Lamps " Toasters • " Heaters `+ • ]ions Perfection Oil heaters Our Stock was never more compelete---Shop Early.. HA LAN hardware, Stoves and Novelties it The store witlra stoek,