HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-25, Page 7• ', ,k' -..w..
71114;;; Years
500' Dollar +
d`speettedctta% will amount to $697,75
Itinveated at,4%, interest eons-
pQanded guar teo'lY.. will
amount to , , $74426
But it invested in oar OK%o
Debeutlree will amount to. , $860.4
Write for Booklet,
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Officio 20 King St. West
t'&X mEtwila sirth1L1�'• '�".''
yeti can ovcroomo any harness 1.or
saddle Bled in a Pow days wd th
Dr. {A. C. Da nn i el s'
UAFlyL=Via/g/U A
Contains no poison. You can work
the horse or pot while"tiie remedy Is
doing its work, Largest box and
best cure for all sores. Cures
scratches on horses. Stops itching
on swine. Sheep ointment for sore
heads, Wlll retain its goodness for
years, and remember this: your
money will be refunded 1t it fails.
I{cop a box to your stable always -
it costs little and may be necessary
any day....•
PRICE 35c. and 60c.
Big Animal Medical Book Sent Free.
AmerlCa'a Pioneer Dog aomedioa
Book on
and Row to Peed . A
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
N. Clay Glover Co„ Zas.
118 West Siet Street
New York, U.S.A..
A11 grades. Write for prices.
Nlghost Prices Paid Por
Write for price lista \
and shipping tags
$a Years of Reliable Trading
Reference -Union Bank of Canada.
220 B0. Pati Bt. 'W., Montreal, P.Q.
SINC0. t 1.70
. 30 sT6TtCOUGHS
Sxi��E�'�$��i$�4�� Ot`•�,2fi�$a+•.R�i
Blow N Cure
Doctors warn against remedies
containing powerful drugs and t,
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, has no dope or
strong ingredients; it curds
indigestion, biliousness and
constipation. Can be had at any
drug store," Get the genuine.
50c. and $1.00 Bottles. s
F4i4-g v WOgr 155 4s .. 44
Sloan's Liniment has the
punch that relieves
rheumatic twinges
This warmth -giving, congestion -
scattering circulation-shmulatipg rem-
edy penetrates without rubbing right
fo the aching spot and brings quick
relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful
help for external pains, sprains,
strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago,
Get your bottle today --costs little;
'means much. Ask your druggist fol
It by nuts. Keep it handy for the
whole family, Made in Canada. The
big bottle is economy.
ASc, 70c, ;L40.
Care of Heine and Children Of-
ten Causes ix I3reaktlewa,
The wonta0 tit 11an10, deep in house.
110111 duties mid the eaves of soother-
hooci, needs occasional help to keep her
in geed ltelalth, The demands upon a
mother's health are many and severe,
Her own health trials mid her c11l1-
dren'g welfare exact hoary toile, while
1101Ti001 tackle, lorektn rest and much
indoor living tend to weaken her eon-
stitution. Nb wonder that the woman
at home 10 often indisposed through
weakness, headaches, baelcaehos and
nervousness, Too many womenhave
grown to accept these visitations all
a part of the lot of motherhood: But
many and varied as her health troubles
are, the cause i0 simple and the eerieab hand. When well, it is the woman's
geed blood that keeps her well; when
ill she must make her blood rich to
renew her health, The nursing mother
more than any other Wolman in the
world steeds rich blood and plenty of
it, There is one .always unfailing way
to get this good blood so necessary to
perfect health, and that is through the
USG of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. These
pills intake new blood abundantly, and
through their use thousands of weak,
ailing wives and mothers have been
made bright, cheerful and strong. If
you are ailing, easily tired, or depress-
ed, it Is a duty you owe yourself and
your family to give Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills a fair trial. What this
'medicine has done for others it will
surely do for you.
Te Deum.
All thanks, 0 Lord of Hosts,
Whose arm has made us free! -a.
Forgive our random 'Arleta,
Conium our trust in Thee,
Whose way is in the sea
That wards pin: coasts.
Give us prophetic eyes,
To watch the dawn .unfold,
As out of dubious skins
peace, with her wings of gold,
Oast in celestial mold,
Brings honor's prize.
Ili cue triumpn}anti line
Thy'"hoste with our parade;
The battle, Lord, was thine, .
.Wo but. Thy words obeyed;
(rant us, who lent war's aid,
Thy peace divine.
Dominion Express Money Orders ate
on sate in five thousand offices
throughout C•1inada,
Rubbish N144 4108,
One 01 the Moot relnu 'lrabl0 1na-
011h103 in the world has been invented
by en,lenIfllshnntn, Mr. W, 1;1.. Hoyle,
It converts duet into ottslt,---or, more
correctly spealcing, 11 extl'aets what ie
worth Saving trent_rubbish, and pro-
pares it 101 redietr1ntlon.
Cinders are washed, duet is con-
vented hito_feltilfGol; tis are Cleaned,
and paper and rage sorted, Another
bit of Machinery seed in tite refuse
recovery plant (teals with clinkers,
Welling theta into 1)100315031 concrete
building,blooks. About $105 can be
saved out et every hundred tons of
waste, which ie thq, amount or 2llbblslr
accounted for daily by a town 'et 85,-
000 inhabitants. 111 the whole of the
United Kingdom it le estimated that
nine million tons of waste are thrown
OWay'07017 Year, so one can work.. out
the princely income this represents.
Mr,. Il'oylo's rubbish -machine should
help England to realize that income,
but meanwhile litany individu11 towns
are doing valiant things on their own;
Aberdeen In one day aollecte(1 $2,885
worth of bottles, a week's jam -11.2 col-
lection in Sheffield realized 56;000, sold
for $600, while Glasgow la saving rub-
bish to ,the extent of nellrly $100,00
per annum.
The Work of Coughing.
if you ''cough every fifteen minutes
forien hours you expend energy
equivalent to twa bewndred and fifty
units of heat, which is equivalent to
the nourishment contained in three
'ages or two glasses of milk.. So says
a physician who lies specialized on the
waste of energy in coughing.
At a normal rate we expel air from
tie deal; at the rate or four feet per
second, but in violent coughing we ex-
pel it at the rate of three hundred feet
a second. Thus .a persistent cough
not only weaiceus the constitution, but
it is a direct cause of emaciation ac-
cording to the sante authority. Such
weighty etatisties lead to 'a reitera-
tion -.Sit the oft -repeated injunction,
"never neglect a cough," •
Idle Pity Giving Way to Frac-
tical Effort on Their Behalf.
rrou have doubtless been interested
in what you have read or heard re-
garding the progress of a national
effort on behalf of the blind of Canada.
Do you realize just what this effort
PIere are some of the things that
are being done:•
Industrial training and employment
ds being provided for the blind in
The germ theory of the transmission i centres established in Halifax, To:
of disease was entertained as long ronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver.
Useful handicrafts and the reading
and writing of embossed characters
are taught in the homes of those blind
people who for various, reasons are
Unable to take training at one of the
regular centres.
The product of the home -workers is
bought and sold.
Personal contact is established with
tecentlyeblinded persons, and with
cases which are sometimes so old that
they become new in a very reni.sense.
This work is done by an experienced
Field. Agent.
Book!, magazines, and music in
embossed types are circulated free to
the blind of Canada. The monthly
average circulation of books, etc., is
close to eight hundred. The Institute
also arranges for the transcription of
music for any of its members at cost
An active publicity propaganda
dealing With various dangers to which
the eye is subject is carried on, arid
this is followed up with personal work,
looking to the larger co-operation of
medical men and nurses, employers of
labor, Boards of Education, eta, in the
vital matter of preventing blindness.
A residence and training -centre,
"Pearson .Hall," has been provided
where blind soldiers may find con-
geaial conditions while taking voca-
tional instruction. In this connection
it may be interesting to know that
the Institute has entered into tan
agreement with the Department of
Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment,
under which the Institute has estab-
lished an after-care department for
Canadian -Soldiers ,blinded in the war.
There are other things, but -they
may all be summed up by saying that
the Institute endeavors in every prac-
tical wIiy to advance the interests of
the blind and to ameliorate the con-
ditions under which they live.
Will you aid in supplying the most
vital need of this work?
Then mail your cheque oto the
St, 'East, Toronto, Ont.
The old idea that periodical change
o'f seed was essential has been aban-
doned by scientific investigators and
"by the most progressive farmer, If
pro1rer methods are followed to 'keep
up the fertility of the soil; if the
land is thoroughly cultivated; and if
clean plump seed is sown every year,
deterioration of the grain^'will not
ago as 1657, when Rome was ravaged
by the plague. '
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
.S•o that a watch will be as accessible
as i1 worn on a wrist an inventor has
patented a pouch to be Suspended from
a holt,
Classified Advertisements.
good prints and knishes-lowoet
prices on frames -ask for catalogue.
United Art Co., 4 Brunswtek • Ave., To-
internal and external. cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write us
before ton late. Dr, Reitman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwooil, Ont
33..1 County Splendid opportunity, 'Write
BoxT, Wilson .Publishing Co.. Limited.
73 Adelaide St IV., Toronto,
Ontario Insurance carried 3Y 500 Eastern
go for 31,200, on quick. sale. Box 62.
'Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto.
You want him good and healthy,
You want him big and strong,
Then give him a pure wool )etsey,
Made by his friend, Bob Long,
Let him romp with all his vigor
He's the best boy In the land, '
And he Ii always be bright and
smiling, •
1f he.vtears a Bob Long Brand,
`-Bob Long.
Irritated Ice,ilog SI�i
Soothed i Ith Euticura
Bathe With
Dry and
Apply the
Thesesuper.ereamy emollients usti-
allyystopitching, clearawaypimples,
redness and roughness, remove
dandruff and scalp irritation and
heal red, rough and sore hands. If
used for every -day toilet .purposes
they do much to prevent such dis-
tressing ho )i
t s g hi }( „s. Nothing better,
Surer or more economical at any
Seep 20c, Ointment 25 and aria Seal
throurrhouttlfeDom,nton CenadienDepot
Itymans, MtnIled, St. Pool St., Montreal,
,•�j1i'TT'�'Cutist(rs Sean ohevee tvl out mug,
B� Lona
Known ;from "Corot' to Cociatse
144 ,Lona for the Lebet
ughs and Rolds,..Mean-
Restfess Nights d
which sip the vitality.
Dander lurks in.every
'work cold Is allowed
Id run. • Assktastute
tobilnsgeur chidren
quickly back to health
andsirength andivold
serious compllcations
bribe prompt use of
Cray's Syrup -- over
60 years In use;
omens bur the
Wray at ..
RED Alum �.foefr (' wArt `f YCO;IJed%Ya 1111
Monsieur: ;.
For 10 days Wine math of January
X was suffering with paindrrheulMatlsm
1n the foot,. It tried all:klnds.o2 rem-
edies but nothing did me any good. One
person told me about MINARP'S LYNI-
MENT; ns Soon es I trieditthe Satur-
day night, the next morning I was toot-
ing very good; X tell you this remedy 15
Very good; I could give you a,good
certificate any time that you would like
to have one, if any time I ocme to hear
aboyt env person sick qt rheumatism, I
coultl.teli •th'bm"about thin remedy.'
Tours truly
2II'ehu e 1 O flg East, Montreal,
;Mothers o11. the Shelf! ;
One of the .me,st frequent 01.0508 of
trouble between ;harried people Le
1001(07. it le the dange1'gpa rook ell to
which many a matted barque of ltappt-
n080 clashes .and then founders.
ivory girl 5110nld have a 00r1alu
mon allotted to her for lloneekeopiug,
dreas; and petty personal expenses.
Trois 011ou101 be arranged, if possible,
and 1115 suite passible in these meal -
cal and commallrsenee days, before
100'Pbero aro still men In the world
like the laborer who, eat being' asked
what money he gave his wife for Her-
self, said: '(Why, nothin' of come;
Why should I pay a woman, to whom
I already give her victuals, just for
cooking mise?"'.
`Women of every Blass should keep
a wise measure of Independence, This
can only be clone if she has something,
however email, to spend 1.t her awn.
Another source of disagreement, he -
sic el s money matters, is the children
question, "Mother" dons nob always
agree with "father" in leis viewo on.
"Not to call attentive to crowded
work or petty fatigues or\trivial ex-
periences. To heal wounds which in
times past arty crap; and eareles-% hands
have matte. To seek no favor, no
eomposaion; ,to. deserve, not mat for
tenderness. Not to feel any 11110a81 -
nese when my advice or opirJ1a11 is not
asked or is set aeride."-nrcltbisltop
I'on301141 Principles.
Iluard'e i',inlifiort Cnrou Aiontti arta,
ISSUE No. 62-'19.
girls; she hardly ever agrees ilia ills
vlswa on boys,
she 1311(08 the uoy's part, tither
favors the gill, anti euarl'018 often
312;80 'trent nothing,, veritable Inoun,.
tains gr'owing out of nioleltills,
Another source at tnal'ried 1nis0)')'
lies In the fact that es 00011 as children
begin to„arrly0 father relegates ]Moth,
or to the shelf. TMs, of 000180, is net
01371078 the ca e, A anan 'often keeps
all the grumbles alta worries for
"mother," and never thinks that, even
if101slo io nearly ten and angle is fours
teen, she le 81111 a camparat1V0lY Young
and gcod•loolang woman, and 31110
would - sometimes !lice a little fuss
(112(10 cf her.
A woman will put up with a good
deal if only a loan 1te01ie a few of hie
entwining courtship ways, IP -hs keeps
all his cherin for other women, and all
his grumbles for the home, he is a had
husband, even if he pours out mon?
on his wife,
The num who sanies 'bellied his news-
paper, and 'only utters a gratrlm, mono.
syllable now end again to his wife,
emit% remember these words, and
.share her tt little enamel ip praise and
attention, •
Remarkable New Cost Range.
al the present coal s110(11ion a eoolc-
111g range 'tbat slows it fuel slaving of
something like 80 per cent, 32111 at.
tract extraordinary attention. When,
1i1r ttdditi01,,11 (30315U31185 ail its smoke
and soot, and moat of 11e ash, ellen-
tion 020W85,11110 3701180;', Yot 10 X oewe
range clops just 11101. Tile 6801'01 ilea
in tine nae of superheated air ler 1110
draft, Air enters at the bottom. Pass-
es nitdeir the 070118'an31 up through the
hollow fire -box 1t111ng, It Is 80 hot
wheat ft Imes from holes at file top
that 111e 00181 gas is instantly ignited,
and *eat et('eanlera of flame, reach-
ing eft, in length, burst from the air
holes and run entirely around the
ovens to 111e nue, passing the incolil-
!ng air channels, Ti11s explains the
Preheating of the air, The residue is
actually less than the amount lads«
sated 105 11811 in chemical analysis of
the peal.
1Yllnar: u lotnlmpnt Coxes Gavget fn Cows.
y � �.�.nn D .: .. T {f
;Mrs, A. Bernard, La i'resentatianf
Quo., writes: --"I have used Baby'sl
Own Tablets for,my 'baby and are
well satisfied with thelh, T have
recommended them to several of my
friends who have Also used them with
benefieilal molts," ' The Tablets are u
Mild but thorough laxative which
regulate the s10ana011 and bowels and
thus grove of. 'benefit in eases of
indigestion, constipation, colic, golds,
etc. They are sold •by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 emits a box from
The Dr. VSiIiiams' Medicine ` Co„
Brockville, Ont,
The mould of a man's fortune is in
his own lianas.
Manard's xlnlawent Cures Colds, Do.
Much has been achieved by attempt.
-ing the .impossible,
General Offices: Sterling Trust Building, Toronto, Canada
Capital Authorized, $5,000,000.
Divided into 5,000,000 Shares of par value, $1.00 each.
of Denton, Mitchell & Duncan,
Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto
importers &'Manufacturers' Agent,
Wilson & Cohen
Importers anti Manufacturers
President, John Hallam, Ltd.
• Furs, Hides and Wool, Toronto
of A. Bradshaw & Son, Ltd.
Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto'
Vlce•President, Anglo-American
Lumber' Company, Toronto
of Wagner, Brasier & Co,
Wholesale Fur Merchants,
General Manager, Reo Sales, Ltd.
President Quincy Adams Lumber
Go„ Ltd., Longford Mills, Ontario
SOLICITORS -Starr, Spence, Cooper & Fraser, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada: Cormaok & Mackie, Edmonton, Alberta.
BANKERS -Canadian Bank of Commerce, Head Office, Toronto, Canli a - Branches throughout Canada.
-TRANSFER AGENTS -The Trusts 8: Guarantee Co., Ltd., Bay Street, Toronto, Canada.
FINANCIAL AGENTS -W. C. Goffhtt & Co., 10-12 King Street East, Toronto.
The Charter of Incorporation gives this Company power to control oil lands and operate oil wells -build pipe linos -erect and oper-
ate refineries -own and operate tank cars, railways and steamboats -to produce natural gas -operate and supply municipalities with light,
heat and power, also to manufacture gasoline from natural gas. - ,
(Gasoline manufactured from the wet gas that comes from the wells at Peace River should become an enormous revenue-producing
asset to Peace River Petroleums, Limited), •
The Company also has power to operate and develop coal, iron,and other valuable mineral deposits.
The Company controls over 48,000 acres of what are considered to be the choicest and richest oil lands in the Peace River district.
The companies whose lands have been taken over and the amount of land they controlled are as follows:
The Consolidated 0U -fields of Peace .River, Ltat
The Smoky River 011 Company, Ltd.
The Peace River Syndicate - -
These lands have been paid for in the capital stock of Peace River Petroleums Limited. One share of stock in the new company
has been paid for each share or its equivalent in the former organizations, no cash whatever being paid.
'Pito purpose of the present offering Is to, raise the funde necessary for development of the company's immense holdings, It is esti-
mated that the proceeds of this issue win he sumcient to carry on development work for over two years.
The names of the directors, listed above, are alone a guarantee that development work will he aggressively carried on and that the
funds will he wisely spent.
13,000 acres
10,000 "
25,000 "
An Opportupity for the Small Investor
The Oil Fields of Texas and Okla-
homa have possibly enriched more people
than any other discovery of modern
times. Opportunities were offered the
public who were not in a position to hake
large investments , but many of whom
have since become independently rich
from the \profits of their original small
investments. - 0.
To the Canadian Public
The fabulous wealth returned -from small investments in other oil tlolds
reads like a fairy talo,
$100 Invested in Pinar Oil Co. paid $ 10,800.00
100 " " Lucile 011 Co. paid 16,000.00
100 " " Home 011 Co. paid 40,000.00
100 " Paraffin 011 Co. on 10 years) paid 492,000,00
176 " " Celine 011 Co, paid 80,000.00
while each $100 invested in the Fortuna Ott Co., Texas, returned a quarter
of a million ($250,000.00).
During the four years I spent in the Peace River country I watched the oil development In all its stages.
Eight wells have already been drilled in and near Peace River Town. Every well itis brought fusee -not one well has been
drilled dry. -
Pay oil has been discovered in at least live of the wells drilled, a record seldom attained in any new oil nettle= this continent.
That oil would be discovered in Peace River was'•predtcted by George Dawson, Canada's most eminent geologist, over
thirty years ago. During the past live years a score of the World's beat known geologists and oil experts have visited Peace River,
and in every'instahce thee° (nen of science endorsed the prophecy of Sir George Dawson of long ago,
A valuable by-product of the oil fields of Peace River is wet gas, from which, by simple process, gasoline is extracted,
From three to ave million feet of wet gas belches from the wells already drilled into the gas stratum,,
Every ratan who has visited the wells 1.3 Peace River knows that o11 is there, becattee he has seen it; but the wealth of the
earth, be it gold, silver or oil, is of no value melees money is efficiently spent for its development.
1 -believed the geologists and oil exports of this continent when they said that by drilling deeper into the oil sands at Peace
River the BIG. OIL POOL would be discovered. es
Becanse of this belief and my personal knowledge of the actual discovery of oil in 'the wells drilled at Peace River I feel h
am acting itt the best interests of Canada when I recommend the Canadian people to join with'Peace River Petroleums, Limited,
and help to secure the big production of 011 for our industries.
No Bonus or Promotion 'Shares
There have been and will be no bonus or promotion shares issued by the Peace River Petroleums, Ltd. A11 the dlrectore have paid cash
for „their ,aha•es; every dollar,received for shares by the company goes into the treasury and will be used for drilling and development
work and legitimate expenses.
IWe: own,and offer shame In -Peace River Petroleums, Limited, at the low price of thirty-five cents (860.) per share, fully paid up
aud non -assessable -par value $1.120 each.
We reserve the right to.withdraw this Ieatte or iltise 111* Brice of charms without notice,
7111 in and mail this appllcaticn form togday.
35e. 1.
a Shire
This 1s afgenuine optima
tunity `Which bolts 1.6 10 it 1
could not fall to return big
profite in the near future.
$ 06.00 Buys 100 Shares
70,00 Buys 200 Shares
$ 175.00 Buys 000 Shares
$ 350,00 0uys 1600 £hares
51,750,00 Buys 5000 Shares
To. -W. C. GOFFA'I'T & CO,
10.12 Icing Street East, Toronto.
Please enter 1nyapplication for , . , , .....
. , .eliares of the Capital Sleek of Peace River Pe ,ro-
ieums, Limited,.at Thirty-five cents a share (OSc), fully paid up and non -assessable. Herewith 1 send
.,.,,','''., being the amount in full.
spit $...,...,,..• ,.., .,.
Ntyme ....... ............ ...Addrttsa
Dave 34110100 issued for:
WAV, Make cheques, drafts, trolley order, eta lleryrll:s is W. C. tlof7att & Co,
v;.�..s1`�"a°°'��a°`A't�a•-1.o+"�Q�e�e�ar°?2"-a!",fam�'x�'��atm;tM'.+;fb f4...e
eblises, safer
°!'S" 1. -t