HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-25, Page 6Para, T.r.�..!n.+•..w*..n•...r.,,...., .....,.,...-.+T .. ,
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The Gaye of Nations
CHAP. IV.—(Coletkl,)
Tn the :ob1y, after an indifferent
meal, he found James -reeler(' awaite
ing him. IVliee Pegg'Y's brother prove
ed to he a •blond muscular giant, the
only reeeinblence to his sister lying in
his edrl, amber colored • eyes, which
combined with bees -yellow hair and
brows gave to his face an indeacribab-
4y negative appearance, But let it
not be deduced that James Herford
was a negative persons; Far from it!
He took charge of Trevanion'ki affairs
vtith a swing and dash for which the
other man was inwardly grateful.
You're to come right to the ranch,"
he exclaimed breezily. "Plain quar-
ters—plain grub ---hat an improvement
on our westernhotels at any rate,"
�•7}he accompanying grin was,cheerfully
Siltly re
Tvanion fel'i.in with Hers neat, the , cocomfortablebebestdressed
inuffim�mxa.1�+�'•1picw,wlxc:xwu n��u�wwueaimwu
room find feesod%p tL bit more than
the rest, I thought, perhaps, you'd
feel more at home there," Openlntt, a
deer to the left of a rambling corridor,
he ushered Trevanion in. "Who]
you're freshened up," he said genially,
lccome down Asad get some grub. Len-
nox and I eat An the quartette with the
men. There area few queer fishes
Fog selected who dot measure up to
standard." He chuckled with evident
amusement, "She felt sorry for 'em.
Peg has at taste for philanthropy
which she indulges at my expense.
Don't ever let her play on your sym-
pathy, Trevanion. If you do, you're a
gone goose!"
Left alone, Trevanion gazed curi-
ously a'bou'thim. The little room wee
lord's plans. The roomy sleigh, drale n daintily in blue Red white and azure
by a'sleek well -kept team, was waiting, blue eurrtadns were befeih the windows.
It had'been years since the city bred A rag carpet covered the floor; two
man had listened to the pleasei;t slide lazy -looking chairs lounged on either
of runne1as crisping zeroes' the snow. side of a white washstand and on the
The sun.•struek with grateful warmth old-fashioned bureau was a filmy scat!
against the rush of their progress and embroidered by girlish hands.
a sudden feeling of bodily comfort I Trevanion had hardly thought of his
enveloped him. stenographer ass a cliistinet and separ-
Leavang the town behind, they pas -ate' individual. He 'had no time to be
sell through a bare, unintereating re -1 interested in women and to him Peggy
•• gion, each mile appearing more bar- had been merely a eag in the business
rear and desolate than the least. Not a wheel. But now, through the medium
house, net a living creature was to be of this blue -and -white room, the girl's
seen. - Personality was thrust upon hire. He
"It gets you first, the silence and eou1d pictuere her 'drawing aside the
the loneliness," said Herford, "but curtains to 'greet the rising sun, or,
After a While one learns to love it; at night, before the mirror, shaking
the desert holds a'soui, the soul of the down the masses of her heavy dark
great Northwest." hair,. her tawny eyes flickering like the
Trevanion looked 'quickie at hes yellow flame of her candle.
companion. The blond giant was gaz- Impatiently he thrust the pictures
ing straight ahead into the white dis- from him and malting a hurried toilet
tance and his eyes held an unconscious from the ice-cold pitcher on the stand,
reverence. What queer combination descended to the living room where he
of energy and idealism had he run foundloishost awaiting 'him.
across? He wondered, also, whether "The boys are celebrating in your
the little stenographer back in New honer;' announced Herford dryly. "I
York shared her brother's enthusiasm. left Lennox out there to keep them in
If she did, why did she continue to hand. Winter surd idleness oorne hard
click the key's for a mere living pit- to men of that breed; they welcome
tance? any kind of excitement"
"Miss Herford does not care for e The dozen or more cowboys who
Canada," he ventured to.remaric• assisted Herford lived in rough -and -
"Peg? Oh, Peg's crazy about the ready quarters a short distance from
• ranch :and: the Rockies. But ,you see, house and corrals. Their cook, a young
lies tone dropped to confidential, "she French-Canadian, had imbibed ether -
had a -little tiff with my foreman, Len- ally of the spirit of the occasion. He
nox—don't know what over—some slapped the smoking meal on the table
lover's quarrel I f ancy—and like a with joyous abandon that made Tre-
whirlvvind she beat it for the States vanion shudder.
and her own kiiving. That's Peg all Lennox, more. familiarly known as
over—sweet and serene as a daisy Dave, waived _inspection to meet Her..
one minute, and a raging termagant fords guest. The man was superbly
the next. Gad! I don't know how to built, and tough as a pine knot. IIis
handle her myself. Guess Lennox rough clothing was tidy; his grammar
wasn't to 'blain.. I'd have fared him faultless. So this vias- Peggy IIer-
long ago Al I thought so, but ire's my gord'•s lover! Trevanion scrutinized
right-hand man and as Peg was gone him closely during the 'boisterous
I coneludacl to overlook the whole af- meal which followed. He thought he
fair. By the way, 1 imagine from detected a certain 'hardness' in the
• yam. telegram it was my sister who man's blue eyes—a weak twist at the
sent you un here? It's none of my
business, of course, but if it's invest-
ments•'you're after, Pei advise you to
take six months or a year to look oyer
the ground. A man can't afford to
be in too much of a hurry, especially
when he stops to think of the millions
of things he has to choose from—beef;
mutton, pork, wheat, oats, vegetables,
all the actual necessities of life—abun-
dant :eater power—ample timber—a
district big as hall of Eurore, and
coal underlying the whole country— man has clone his duty. Beverly Is Have three sots et lettere easily but upon failure to,r,,,duce but -:-seem to be about l'.000,8 0,000.
gad!—" he paused fol an expressive a eard—the slickest chap ,in the ser- up in a heap, tl otter side dorm' ter the cream should again be diluted •
whistle—"it's 'e wonder to me the vice. There isn't u. crook that. lives Then have a list aunt as this: 1. VEge-t ami re -separated. / Systematic Destruction.
ground isn't siva,inped with marches- wh t anything past him."
table. "Fish P, :Kitchell utensils• Equally 1
ers! And ,if the war continues—who
--,-„,.,_ _,a, -.r• ,.. c+'_ .+- .-^* , 5'.o te e;”
A r ..
amuErns.1Pzatuun atoo+* waSace• .. "Krg1!"d,rl tial=.,%
{fi➢ yl ry . i�
OU are sure to be right if you. give him a Gillette Safety Razor. Let him know what
>« comfortable shaving really is. With the 24 factory -sharpened edges that go with
every Gillette set you realize the importance of NO STROPPING -t I CJ HONING -7 -
there is no need for either.
It is a happy day that any man gets acquainted with Gillette shaving, and you do a
friend a right good turn when you select for his Christmas present one of the handsome
Gillette Safety Razor sets. Sold by the 1st dealers everywhere at $5.00 the sea.
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Saving Wasted Energy
f r I4
Not in your day or aline, and it
seems a long way off, but eventually
L53a?" f1 t2.�.;iet•�t.iY-a.+v� �. „
all the wood and.Coal and oil in the
world suitable for fuel, will have been
A Hodge-Podge Party.
Vast Areas of Belgium and
France May Forever
Remain Waste.
preaches there is usually a larger exhausted. It is unthinkable that the
Send out invitations for a Ilodge- number of stripper cows. When a people living here will have to perish
Podge Party on odd scraps •of Paper cow becomes nearly dry the butter- from cold, or eat uncooked foods
and tminatched envelopes, with part fat globules in the tni1k become very They will not, for inventive genius will
of wording written ,in inlc acrd part small and collect with great aliffieulty have anticipated the crisis and gather -
in pencil, or with two coffers of ink• on being agitated in the churn. Dur- ha light and edlwarmth from the air hod
For a party of twenty have fie ing the winter the feed is •suc-h that the el rum covered 12,000 square miles, eon. the abundance the air
tables, four at each table, Select part- fat 'globular become very much,harder a d B with its rped 12,00n of 7 e miles, 50nearness Nothing 'Coal and ell ed
ners by matching pictures cut across and this likewise interferes with ease w•as thel most densely inhabited coon, gel the working lot d 011 has e prevent-
different shapes and numbered for in chaining.. The"•cream also becomes try in Europe. practically }he whole fore this time,
the different 'couples and tables. These more viscous as the animals again
area save a strip along the west coast The heatless day's dune.; the war,
are to be used as score carols, the in their lactation period and this again was invaded; crops were taken sac- and the recent coal stripe, will sureiy
winning couple/getting g a gold star snakes churning more difficult. . tones denude:l 'of macl'ainery s mines direct attention to the problem, aril in
abtime, and Progressing c- c the next Whenever butter granules fail to worked and in retreat destrayed; cot- all probability there are those living
partners each tine, appear in about 110 ho ,10 o rei'es ton spindles confiscated or destroyed, to -day who will witness its solution.
Prize can be given those one for churning, the cream should be raised • and pillage or wanton destruction sys- nature has been prodigal in providing
ol g
the -most star:, if do _fired—one for ill temperature. Itis well to raise the Lemetieelly marled out, Dewing the forests, and these are almost gone;
s. and one for the girls, temperature on"Ie a few degrees at ,: German Occupation heavy levtes.were
the 'boy v for time for)�if too warm the cream will
tea should 'be slat ed nw
Five nlinu t
p each game, and five mi mites between give butter witl, a very soft salvy
corners of his suit lie s. and 1U addition L0 these hues and
„ texture, I£ on raising the temper- seizures were imposed, in all amount -
Beverly dropped m this morning, games, to allow for chane of seats afore a few degrees the hatter rcfnsrs
said Lennox during a, 1901 in the fes- 1n ; tO nbaut ;'•2,000 000,000. The total
e "bo s:' "I si •ned the and checking up scores. It is best to gnthcr a further raise of temper- v loss inflicted upon Belgium
tivities of t}t y g to start and stop with a bell e�;ipital r+ piopett,
papers for ybu—told him things had store is neceeteaty, Whenever a rai.ee
been •so alar we were liable to break At the first table Ylave the old- 11 tcr!peertLttre does not give sates-' °aa been anti 7 600 000 000 tes11thE rbill
b q
hose and commit murder ourselves." fashioned game of jaelk stanch which factory results, add eclair pure water, 000,000 land $ ,
"Beverly belongs to the Northwest rehires . sldlle;l roach, At the sec lentil the cream t; diluted rlowsi, toI presented by Belgium to the peace
Mounted Police," Herford informed q conference con,000,ee on reparations
"Every oral' table an al'ilhtr'tet ga rte 'rs 1 0°rl• about the thickness of milia, re-.<epar-� was between 4,,800,000,000 and $5,000, -
his Barest. district is visited CaL.inch squares of cardbcarcl, and alto the mixtare n 1d disearcl the skim-1pie-
at certain intervals, e file complaints a letter of the alphabet 011 each. Oc'r v t. A. fair .climate of the fore
n paintmilk. The c:cam sl0ould then chnln' city loss to Belgium won d therefore
and sign a voucher testifying that the all rnit:ed p
6 ers
do upon the towns and cait1111m-1es,
o can pn an a .
Lennox yawrfed audibly behind ono 4, leepular songs. 6. Books. 0. Names'
Washing s •stentatie was the destruc-
tion in the invaded districts of France,
which comprised eleven of the most
prosperous departments. Therey fell
into the Rands of the Germane 64
knows?" shapely brown hantl• of towns. 7. 1\'eat mg apparel. S. A a Lina c\ Dolene.
"Calgary has certainly been boom- «In my opinion, Beverly is losing Animals. I To wash woolen goods successfully
ing lately,' real .rlked Trevanion. his grip. The murderer of old man
"Calgary was planned into exist- Schneider is still at large. It's been
ence. A few years ago men camped two weeks now—" he paused signifi-
on the streets, in tents. Tlie railroad cantly. ,
companies are responsible; they lay "Chive him time," retorted Herford
their tracks through the desert, so to almost irritably. "He'll get him in the
speak, meaning the province of Al- end. Schneider was a thieving beggar
berta. What's the next logical step? anyway. He probably deserved all he
Fill up Alberta, of course—boom the got. nasally Getananespy;to. my way
country—attract trade! They're situp- of thinking!"
ly going at the thing baeletvards, that
ts all, because they can't afford to wait "Of' do his hobby!" grinned;Lennox,
for the public to get wise. The Pgblic's °"IlimcYinyou affably
Moon tee arpeaceful
too all -fired near-sighted to sat 'em." little ettlement just acrbss the Bow
For several hours the horses con- from Calgary? More home—loving,
tinned to whir} the sleigh through the law-abiding citizens you never saw,
gparkling drift's. Harford had relapsed bort Herford will have it that it's a
Into silence, and Trevanior, unused to hotbed of intrigue and mischief."
prolonged journeying in the open air, „
a Put a bunch of Germans together
felt the insidious seep of the clear cold anywhere," argued Herford, "they'll
and the slow cramping of inactive start something, bglievu me!"
limbs. When the :tense finally came Punctuated by he ribald laughter vvtth snlgges for -s
into view, he straightened himself of the cot"ivoys, the ciiscu!leion waxed the girls put on the hats and parade r of. rho wool fabn:c. Its outer or ye-
pi- bridges, power plants and other public
with relief• fast and furious. Trevanion rose pros- dermal layer is made up of, tninute fish utilities wore systematically put out of
The ranch house was rather pre- eptly, Itis nerves tingling from the around the room tq g'et votes as to: serrations which arc arranged in some utilities
possessing than otherwise. its low, unholy din and ecti...- trerford's which hat ,is the more stunning. 1
such i manner ch m scales d " some
The loss to agriculture was very
Each player, in turn, draws a letter; the water should be soft and warm,
and turns it right aside up. The first not lint, and of uniform temperature communes with a pilpulatton of nearly
ono•tvho calls out the name of a vege-j throughout the operation. Only the 4,000,000. About 8,000 square mileseet
table beginning with that letter scores; milder soaps should be used and these the agricultural lands were laid waste,
one for himself and partner. The not applied directly to the 111 -ole. If and 600;000 buildings damaged, of
to scoring the highest number' much dirt is present, a volatile alkali ich 250,000 were completely cies-
wine. The next hand around the sub -1 such as ammonium carbonate may be
ject changes to fish, 3,911 so on untilt added to the wash water,
the list is -exhausted or time is up.The scrubbing to which fabric is
the thireh•table have a game oil subjected should be gentle, and the
biddiedy winks, and at the fourth have, wringing through' loosely -set wring -
two sets of picture puzzles, the part- ers,
1 letin the picture being! Once washed, the goads should not
mens first completing g 1 be allowed to lie about wet, but should
the -winners.
The fifth table should
provirlc the be immediately hung up to dry, prefer'- ons, Bar -le -Doc, Tout and Ne)nuy•
fun. Have a lot: of old hats and: ably out of doors if the air is dry and is reported that nearly 1,0Neentyools,
most the temperature aver. freezing, 1,200 churches, '377 public buildings,
millinery rem e with plenty of big; The reason for the careful treat- and over 1.000 tnaustrial plants were
pins. Here the boys trim the hats; latent is found in the peculiar nature
t' ft•onl0 the girls. Then: completely destroyed. Railroads,
frayed: In over 000 of these .com-
munes the rains will have to be razed
to the ground Lo permit of reconstruc-
tion; this is true of Arras, Albert,
Compiegne, Rheims, Hazebrouclk and
liethune, The devastation is anly a
little less complete in Amiens, -Cler-
mont, Beauvais, Senlis, rem, ray, Chal-
wooden framelworlk'and. steep roof offer to accompany flim, plodded back
giving it a quaint, old-fashioned air, to the house through the snv. He
At each end of the besides(' was a found the door of Peggy's room closed,
huge chimney from which smoke though he.•distinctly remembered leav-
ascended in wavering 'spirals; a wind-
ing, outside staircase gave a rakirsbly
foreign touch to the whole, and across
half the front extended a broach ver-
andah to which bare, snow -weighted
vibes still clung. Trevanion breathed:
,.a prayer of thankfulness as he stiffly
descended and for a fleeting second
wished he had not dispensedswith the
services of Wilkes. That faithful Race
• would Look almighty picasant just now
and Wilkes' trained lingers would soon
erase the nervous kinks from every
chilled muscle. -
Sighing r'egret'fully, Trevanion fol-
lowed his Bost ihrou,gh a comfortable
living room and up a pair of uncarpet-
"I'm giving 5,011 Peggy's roorn," his
host was explaining. 'It's a nice little
tattoo '
The great ,a key
froodf'that makes
other foods snore
Aow ishif9„l,u
Itoil,11L4 Mug
rawer of
Bovril loiter'
1 1' ,n,,,t eianf li exairiamr ha,,
r.n nrr,dihmt�>e illo1i'4iil i
Pow, f ISH r 3 fro 10 foy 20 !
314 ,moan al Boor?! rase,
ing it ajar. With the tale of old man
'Schneider still pinging in his ears, he
cautiously pushed it open a crack and
A youth was cringing and cowering
at tete foot of the blue -and -white bed,
pistol clutched in a trembling Stand.
`" 'Ands _up!" he whispered hoarsely,
"Move a step an' I croaks yer!"
Trevanion surveyed the pitiful ob-
ject in silence. Evidently the boy was
ready to drop from hunger and
•fatigue. His clothing hong in tatters;
his bare toes, bleeding and frost- bit-
ten, protruded from gaping shoes; a
]calf -healed scar showed angrily red
across his -'forehead; his eyes glared
wildly above a scraggy growth 'of
heard. •
(To be continued.) r
Physiological Effect Found
in Earth s Magnetism.
For refreshments have a"]todge_i Nov these scales are 'softened and great, It is impossible to determine
image salad" made of sphagetti, can opened up by hot water and by such the extent to which the productive The property damage throughout
red tuna fish, pimentos,'celery, and, alkalies as are foetid in the Emily
properties of the sail have been des- t1p British Empire may be placed nt
about $1,750,000,000:
"The property destruction to Ger-
many as a result mostly of air raids
eau scarcely have been loss thein in
Great Britain, and may be set down
at $7,750,000,000.
The total loss is_thereforo $29,060,-
also coal and oil and both are being.
used up at a rapjd and Neer -increasing mines. The savl:rg would be stagger -
rate. But she has yet in reserve forces
far greater, which ages will not ex-
haust—tides and solar Beat. Tlie pos-
sibilities of heating, which include
light and power, in these two elements
are so vast that all the coal' in the
world is but a handful of kindling
wood td a great conflagration.
Harnessing the tides has thus far
597 '
doubtless be different from any WO
have tried buss far.
And the millions of horsepower Mat
ing dawn upon desert and plain, and
in the tropics, only to rebound into
the air, like a bird ealliug to 1115 mate
but receiving no answer, some day
will be caged and released es needed,
to servo humanity.
However, the use to any extent o1
solar and tide power le conditioned
upon other inventions, which can ale
tribute the power thus Horde. This in.
valves storage and transmission, the
latter a dlstunce of. a thousand miles
where it is new a hundred. Fame and
wealth deservedly await those who
she'll work out these inventions, or
discoveries, in a practical wry.
In the meentince the wonder is that
cities within, say, 300 utiles of coal
mines 9.1.0 -nut already sappil01 with
gas far lr•tctims and electricity for
lighting, from plants tented at the
ing, doing away with railroad ship-
inent of the coal, unloading and haul-
ing at destination, shoveling into boll•
ers and furnaces, and finally the re
moval and disposal of the ashes. In•
cidentally, the yearly saving in tate
material things which cure harmed or
rained b; Smoke from soft coal.v:"ulti
011100190 to hundreds of m:llln,ts of dol
been tried with a little success here lass, awl the health of 011".,' comment
and there, but the practical, universal ties would be greatly ]n11,r:;vcd,
Ude motor is yet to emerge from some Power 19:,de at tae 1,,.,uti1 of the
inventor's mind. It Luny not come for mine would be the last word in its
10, 20, or even 60 years, but some day economical production with steam en -
we shall find it, and when eve do it will gines and turbines.
tomatic and thorough. Public build-
ings, libraries, schools, churches,
dwellings, railroads, all went down be- Many a lather is ulnae cnntp"trot to
fore the approaching vandals. The loolk after a baby than the mother.
property damage in Serbia, Albania He simply looks at it and the baby
and Montenegro has been estimated smiles,
at $2,000,000,000. First aid is often necessary tit the
Property destruction in East Prns- case of babies. They do a silly thing
sia, Austria and the Ukraine may be and their kick up a row because they
placed at $1,000,000,000, did it. Suppose baby has sw Ilowed
Italy was invaded lc -the uorth—her a thimble? Mettler is i!iete:Larn, Sec
most vulnerable spot. In Northern rushes about, shrieking and saying
Italy lies her best agricultural land, she knows the baby will die. What
which in 1013 produced' half of all her does father do? He remains ,quite
products, and which supports 44 per calm. With his strong richt hand he
cent, of her total population and 04 seizes the ba'ry's (beet and holds it up-
per cent, of all her industrial workers, side -clown, "New, clear,' he says to
The 1917 invasion covered the terra his wife, "watch what comes un," He
tory up to the Piave.and Brenta rivers. ought to Have said "conies down; • but
This damage has been estimated at let that pass. She dues, and then sud•
$2,710,000,000. 'flenly she disdo'ers the' thimble—on
The invasion and .seizure in Ru- her finger, It was the only place she
mania of the vast wheat stores and hadn't searched!
MI fields, the property destruction and Mothers are not to be trusted. They
other devastation caused losses esti- mead well, but they Etre far ton
mated at $1,000,000,000. imaginative, They watch tate ball; loo
closely. Nobody likes being watched.
They watch its little gums so hard
that the first tooth gets 1 0t•veus and is
If tieto toototlene doesn't re a trn•ough
exactly when they expect it. inay take
baby to the doctor.
Then there Is the question of lance
Sago. The words some babies pick up
from their mothers tiro truly terrible.
Those stupid words mothers will coin
when talking to baby-a'Iddurus
didihun5--taadly oodly—googliooklico-
googoo!" That sort of thing is be}d
fur baby. IIe does not grow up with a
proper respect for words.
Fathers never offend in that way
They talk to the baby as ratan to men
instead of as idiot to idiot. Certainly
your baby Mae talo out to bo an idiot
later on, 13ut why advertise the fact
to the world so early?
ripe olives, all chopped together and soaps, In this softened condition the
mixed with mayonnaise. Place a neat pressure due to hard scrubbing is suf-
mowlcl of this mixture an lettuce. to cause the eerrdted edges of
leaves, with a sluice of.red tomato o11; the fibres to interlc'lc•or felt. Felted.
top of that. A bit of mayonnaise with; fibres a s usually Bard anal brittle,
a ripe 'olive gives it an appetizing i This is. because the alkali which has
finish. Serve with cheese crackers, or beeped in fettering :process hes saltines, nicely crisped in the oven.) re-
moved from the cells certain fatty
Hot chocolate with a marshmallow substances whieh serve to make the
in each cup is nice tensed with itei ' fibre soft and pliable:
T'abrice which have become hard
Difficult Churning. and felted, have not only lest their
Failure come" li
attractiveness, but also most of their
I ailure to get buttes to o y usefuh,ess as Et protection ficin the
churning .is not an uncommon .recall cold, This latter quality is duo to the
e11Ce during the hinter sero0on, The 1 Aries, bretfJrles, wdClLile chops, fours•
g "air 'bl ole t" hrrh forms in the d ! ; and other industrial plants were,
troyed, but the loss of agricultural im-
plements alone is estimated at $2,000,-
000,000. 1n addition to this, cattle:and
stocks of material and crops were
taken or destroyed, Fruit trees were
cut down and the forests utilized. The
destruction of France's coal 9111105 in,
the Valenciennes basin during tie re-
treat of the Germans is well knewu.
The same procedure was follOwe•t in
the iron industrial sections of 130103t
and Longwy and Mourths-et-Mc ,elle,
The textile industries wltioh lay 11 the
path of the invader, the sugar refin-
trouible most often occurs 011 those a e w res
farms where only a few cows are Milk- spaces between, the fibres', for quiet: stripped of their mtachimere and sups
•1 air is, as •we lknow, n very poor con- plies, CA' C7 1,00,000 acres of valuable gtieence egainet,
"That's Lucky!"
We meet all have noticed flow many
unluckyolnees there are, and how -few
signs that foretell good fortune It
has been well explein011 that we need
to bo prepared for bad leek, but teat
good fortune does not require to be
ed. If the milk of one of Lao at 'mra s (lumber of hedit and eobd.: ' When the forests aero laid arcate.
is responsible for the difficult churn fibres have I)er 41110 'Pelted, these nix
ing, other milk when mixed with it spnros oro leant and consequently the A Many Countries Suffered,
'rho fatal dost ua
onoo. , i
r •Lion in France was
aid the hely to retain its heat plsurr.11 at $11,000,000,000 by M. lli(hois,• look to ns if we have reason to hope
'emceeing the 1)1 t410 0113 eroar any f two 01391ea• an
will overcome 1)10 tannin., 'Usually 1nbrli, is nn 1)11151' tiblo to mnicllally
when Iho 110111)10 occurs'tit is dna to
All the saute, It would certainly acyl
to the choorfttlness of life in general
if looney omens were more widely
known, llowv mucin brighter things
I,,,,„0 •ri churn-
'itaLemcet That one slenpl, 1)01150 or_ of the Counuitloo 011 Ili 1..30 in the that something a good 100 coming to use
ins; iem.pi:ral.nre, 00 inieauso of thea f" "" Chei the.r of IJeplltios In ilecontber, t Everybody, of aot:rsc, ]Wows that it
worse, with the head toward moue liar- prruhar a0lnpnsitiun_af tscrmn mi;lc and; f :11113. 00 the other hand:Franz Sigel,' is lucky to pick ep a bit of :ran. or
LfculElr •point of the compiles. Yet ct'o 101. I �brevo & f3 1dd.lil"uYIG �337ies. t coni. 00 it Is Lo lt.et
x0010 11019 1111)9010(1 superstili(1n may Durinll111011(11(1 m0n111,3 or the year, ` trhs111ut of the' brlonds of Germanwee. up a pill if Its
founded an s:clotstafl't fart tor' ise 'c nt L1 51)01' Aurid. the 'vitae of noni.ltwestern Ore. tlrntn'crey, 0,ittmited ttt
two head is towards yeas sign notlet
0011 for -
:be f to dei creels, shaultl br. aha .nr l n F,
11Te11011 physician Iintbl 11OW that rnr•
temperature than during the :summer' lien, elmonl•'10111 1 lo the world at 0110,. ]Perhaps -ho n f, It is, of coulee, „
refln..a5 in the human body, anal. r i t n a cared rl r'r^'- purge, Is nil;101.0a „a crines of u9tlor- copes:ng ri tim t6o, in round numbers : nu o Le rut on some garm0nt inside
i thin monthr.,1. of this retao r( alma $10,((00,((0• t: 00 taut l;:ve tis
`•tiara.- of the ham elairrc to r.' •h^,• grninld 3rhtrsuhorsl unit passages.,(re.111 i 0111 lint only if. 1t is dime by accident,
the r.0'ecta of percussion on ncin,n or- Illation. p d ol,},I iecu .t L rL1: tenth f's • and the Fuuae.nL is 01,1,, .,1 ,,, t..e.:a
114111, are n,,arlc :lay etr,,n;;er wine the allay fir. f iv0 the proper ease in ],inn_ mal itibhr I'o1• theft size Mill ter rLl^o 1y••in,riv to h" 1•0eucod at thn nrusmik!
I patient slices went. has ale and weir and r , • t . regireversed during ]he dry \\riiltnn) the
! ing, IC tee tempelntinrc e: v 1 11) cull n Conque1l0r pmt. on his ,mall.sltirt back
r.cc"0rcili101 0 been
1111 1r sada time.
! m n•ns is e e 1igh Buse b th was year. luny limy. been made e nattonnl , While Itus,cla is nn agricultural to Trent on the moven; of the Battle
Ston s GatheredFrom nraavills, the cream muse be churned a monument, and ere now known et, the rounisy and did not hiller the same of /lineings, turd w, oil l:not what
f Bottorff)
ea•hlo raves of Cte(•on fns es as flume to wbix+h Belgium and luck t':n had an t1r ,•rct;'IJ•r.
Ocean's o oTn longer `one to form butte:', one may
Clinl'n at so low a•.telnperature that .t •7'he CLLVOS consist. of throe mites and 11,•:1;1 wore 0r11t5' 01 i1 Lho property 11 you find your ,:,,y s or ot10r c -f,•"1
(Operating off 1110 coasts 0f Hen" batter will not form with a reason- n half of marble passngos aniTl relines duungc was s:0r:curl and may be esti• art;des rnitirlg, do 1 . 1 ho rannnyed
mark and Sweden is a trntgtto fleet of ranging from One story 10 fear of five 1 mn 11 ct e1.,::a0,0(30Jj00. nbeut it; it coli ..how; that some, ere
aur' l'or sailing vessels, wilieli g
! S stories ngin in height:,' In places fe Hie con. 0 1,t1 /e t, ,--' mt in Poland, where body. 1.n l ntU rt; too: c; I, for yea.
I are the bottom
for gathering .stones netting corridors aro so low that one i rich mine shaft:, wore dc•st.0yr,1, It Is iathy to Leo hewed neve 1r a
1 the: 1110 1)01,01(1 of 11s0 000051 t.o supply exp ne g
must Drawl on all fours for n couaidot•- crape barnal. hri;lsfes latinn.l, rail- t,tlny dose 1'11 hat"ce it is if 11 v'tsut •e.
!the ulltleamnad conn1ry with .seen) Ll Trt th s 1 1 tt f )le distance. Elsewhere the .ham- roads cut. f)ncls111;"..z 111 •1(1, ma011i:rar3 diel eninead!a slay It the l3 it . 13.031:-
for building harbor works• ;;woent•1y becatlsE rite rte,nn camlol, be suffi al 1tu'go Chat rho It ( bro't0,1 or conrlscalc 1, v:it11 'Kovno, hag of cats 1 ess'11110ts, of course,; 00»
11 boats 110511 been l'orcptl in work 111
Beep water ata eblISiderable distance
1r03rt 51101'0, because the supp13 of
1 stones 111 shallower 9101.0)' llas been
J '
able 8111011111 of churning,
Sometimes when cold cream ,10 agi-
tated in the churn it will whip and
and until the churn is nearly full,
.1 condition Matto', willnot form
riently agitated. Whop a low tomliet_ wars tae 50
walls and callings are scnrc0ly visllil0 ; Gotnlnnd, Vilna and (Under' lusted 1f sect that when tam roar Lila furultn'nr
situ e'0f the cream is the cause of def; t• The largest' sunt destroyee, has been Ideeed at $1,•. with their claws, it is a s115n of rale;
g trouble may 'bei Li 1'h can111Eliih
fiault Owning' the t h v
Queen Elizabeth of Belgium spends
much of her spare time loaning the
art of navigation.
- is both re-
fresh ing
e-freshing and
Ready 111 a min-
suo—tile minute
you want it.
n ,o cu
't measures more thin 600 fact' 600,000;000, hot others hold that she t^r "sciatrh• p;
0110117 corrected 'by raising fire tern- oar t
high. •'I11 Serbia the dactruCtioll was 5 'S- ing lurk to loot masters.
As t110 winter sumo,ap- -
71U lo"',
(0 ,1 .
n, : No, a5c„ S1.1u, 03;15. C,�