HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-25, Page 5December 25tb 1919 Clinton News -Record and Me, A Morrie Christmas • i "Peace on earth, Good will to :men." ,r u r "Olt, hash the poise, yo men of -•strife, and hear the angels sing," We talky havo a • dry Christmas but them all accounts it would appear -that we shall have a "wet" New Year's, iq ih .P Mrs. G, A. 13rodie, president of 'the U. F, W. 0., which met in con,. vontion in Toronto last week, says .that women are too prone co complain of man-made laws instead of using their ballots to correct these laws. 'She is probably right. But why con- fine the charge to women? "fret us have a new coin," says the Simeoe Reformer, "Let. it be of Can radian nick]e, stamped two and a half .cents on' one side and on the other carrying the head of the, Prince of Wales," Now, wouldn't you have• thought that the popularity won by :the Prince during his Canadian visit was worth store than two and a half ,cents ? ee* December 25th, 1919. This is Elm "" -second Christmas since the cessation .of war, although peace has 'not yet :been formally declared,and ought to, .be the happiest imr• gis years. Is it? Yes, we believe it is. In spite of the unreset in many quarters and social .upheavals in almost all countries we believe the world is nearer its ideal than ever before. What this troubled old world needs today is not so muchte laborbteilaws,though t mon • ,. _they would be the natural outcome, :nor a juster distribution of wealth, • .though- that would also follow, but what isLneeded, amongst all classes of ,peopleis ,just the practical applica- •.tion of the teachings of the "Man of Galilee,".whose advent into the world -we celebrate today. It seems a .simple way to make the world bet- ter and it is the only. 'way. The start may be made by anyone of us .and this is a good time to start. Let us "eat the fat and drink the sweet" mot forgeting to "send portions to themfor whom nothing is prepared" .and make this not -only the."merriest" •Christmas we have ever known, but the best and truest, - ,.r m Speaking of the sending of "por- ',tions to them for . whom nothing is prepared," the Christian Men's Broth .,erhood Federation of Canada, which aiiiliated• with the International :Brotherhood Movement is making a .strong appeal just now for fund's' for the relief of those, in Serbia, especially, who suffered the loss of .everything save life itself as a result .of the Great War. Many of these are .children, parentless homeless and des- titute. If they were at our doors we 'Would not hesitate to assist them, .but the world has grown so small that .everyone who needs help must .be considered "our neighbor." The i\ien's :Brotherhood is an inter -de. mominational federation, of which Dr, .Albert Moore, Toronto, is .president, and Mr. Thos. Howell, Toronto, is general .Secretary. A subscription Lent to 'the latter at 405 Kent Build- ing, Toronto, avill be thankfully • re- ,ceived and will be used for the dest- itute in Serbia. No better way of 'celebrating the birthday of the "Holy •Child" could be imagined than ihelping little children. During his career Charles Dick - ,.ens said many wise, sane, droll and witty things, and his wisdom and his sanity, aye, and his kindness, too, .are shown in the following quotation.. Let us this Christmas heed him -:and make it a "Merry" one for some- body: • Christmas time ! That man must be a misanthrope indeed in whose breast something like a jovial f•:'sling is not roused, in whose mind some pleasant also- •ciations are not awakened by/the recurrence of Christmas There .are people who }vial tell you that -Christmas is not to theta what it used to be: that each succeeding Christmas has found some cher- ished hope or happy prospect of the year before dinned or passed .away; that the present only serves to remind then of reduced ,circumstances and straitened in- •conies -of the feasts they once bestowed on hollow friends any •of the cold looks that meet ,them now in adversity and misfortune. Never heed such dismal reminis- •cences. There are few men who have lived long enough in the world who cannot call up such thoughts. any day in the year. Then do not select the merriest of :the 865 for your doleful recollec- tions, -Charles Dickens. Constance Mr, and Mrs. Eph, Clark and fam- ily spent a few days with friends Sts Toronto, Mr, George Clark of Toronto is ;spending his -vacation at his parents, Mr, and Mrs; Roht, Clark. Mrs. Jos', Cook of Yorkton spent a week or so with her brother and With other friends around here. Mrs. Jas. Mann, Mr. and Mrs, Ad. etre Nickelson, Wm, Moore attended the funeral of Miss Cressa Moot° of 'Toronto who was buried in Clinton Comdex" en Saturday afternteon. School closed on Friday evening till Jan, 5tH,.• • Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Macre and soros, Milton and Jack of Toronto are visit= ing Mrs. Moore's parents, Mt'. aid Mrs. Jas, Minn, News 01' Happenings' in the Counitj sand District Mr, T. 51. Leith, who condeeted a tinsmithing- and plumbing business in conn'e'ction with Messrs. Moore end Son's hardware business at Blyth; until burned cut a few weeks ago, has sold his business and good will to Mr, J. G. MaLaeghlin, Mrs, Geo. Colo of Aletneda, Sash, is spending the winter with her moth- er, Mrs. Gibson of .Blyth, Miss Ru- by Gibson went to Toronto to meet her sister last week,' Mr. Hugh Hill of Colborne is in; stalling a Northern • Electric Light plant for his property, Mr. Ferdinand Hess of Zurich„not having a grmiclfatber's clock (a few of us aro thus handicapped in life), , set to work to remedy • the omission and has succecled in turning out a very fine piece of furniture. It is made of walnut, highly polished and complete with a handsome finish. Mr. Hess' grandson should be all tight as to an heirloom, Rev. M, P. Craig has resigned the charge of the Presbyterian churches at Dungannon and Port Albert and 'intends going to England .about the end of January, Several big freight boats had a severe struggle with the ice before �nialcing Goderich harbor last week. There, will be nine boats in harbor during the winter, some coming ,into Goderich because it was the nearest one when the winter set in. A Kincardine township farmer was brought tip•in court a few weeks ago and punished for theft. Since that time, says The Kincardine s Y Review, a number of articles which had dis- appeared from their rightful places are being restored, in the night, to their owners. These things include harness, horse blankets, and in one case this was in town,' a n number tuber of Storm windows. . The reason is sup- posed to be fear of detection and punishment. They are importing New Brunswick potatoes into Wingliam, although there is'"no scarcity of potatoes in the section it is said they are being held up for a higher price. Mr. Sidney Gemmell. of Tucker - smith was driving along the street in Seaforth one day recently when his machine -caught fire and before -it could be extinguished the car was badly damaged and Mr. Gemmel. was also somewhat burned. Seaforth is submitting a bylaw for the raising of $6000 for the erect- ing of a soldiers' memorial. Miss Kinsman of the Exeter Pub- lic school staff slipped on a step one day last week and fell sprainnig her wrist and otherwise injuring herself. Her room had to be closed until af- ter the Christmas vacation. - Mr. R. E. Pickford of Exeter has returned frons, a trip to the west. He went out to see his son, who re- cently underwent an operation at the hospital at Winnipeg but who is now recovering. W. H. Reynolds, one of Hensall's prominent citizens, died last week after a somewhat prolonged illness. He leaves a widow and a family of four sons and five daughters. Unity Class of Westfield Methodist Church stet at the home of their teach- er, Mrs. James Woods, and packed, a bale of clothing .valued at $14. Ship- ment was made to Deaconess Carr, Toronto, for the Italian Mission. A PRETTY DECEMBER WEDDING. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart, Varna, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Decem- ber 3rd, when their youngest slaugh- ter, Margaret Rebecca, was united in Marriage to Mr. Nelson Ferris Reid of Stanley township. The ceremony was perforated in' the presence of the immediate rela- tives by the Rev. Mr. Johnston, pas- tor of the Presbyterian Church, ass- isted by Rev. Mr. Wilson, 'pastor of 'the Methodist church. The bride entered •the • parlor • leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Eunice Reid, sister of the groom. The bride's dress was white silk crepe -ole -chine with satin and pearl trimmings • and she wore a veil and orange blossoms. After the cere- mony and congratulations ally repaired to the dining goon where a sunptious repast was served. The presents were both ninnerous and costly, showing thh high esteem in which the young couple are held; The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful gold brooch, He also gave a brooch to the pianist. The young couple took the evening train for Wingham and Kincardine and on their return have taken up their residence on thegroom's farm Bayfield Road, Stanley. HERE'S TO THE DOG; MAN'S FAITHFUL .FRIEND. ' The dog which swum ashore with a life -line from a wrecked vessel off the Newfoundland coast and saved the lives of 92 people knew perfectly well, in that dog's head of his, what ho was do- ing end why he was doing it. To swinn in,sueh a sea was hard enough, to .climb ashorewas difficult• and to carry a tugging rope made both these tasks larder, but the dog knew his job and did it! Is sect mankind's affocion for the dog often given, as in this case, ample • justifteatigit? Toronto Star, iiiAYDE A PITCHFORK. "How do you like that cigar I gave yoti, old man? For two lililidred hands off that brand they give you a gra inophOtte ," "You don't sdyl If I smoked two Hundred of those cigars I wotildn't want as gramophone; I'd went a harp” -London Tit -nits, A BOOMING PAPER The Family XIeralcl. 'and Woolly Star of Montreal is more than bonne- ing this season. 'With the big fent- ily weekly is included a souvenir per trait of the Prince WI! Wales, size 16x 22 inches, It is bringing the Fant- ily Herald new feathers by the thou - sends, It' is the, best portrait of the Prince ever taken and will be a vel- ued souvenir of his visit to Canada, The linntily Ilerald and Weekly Star ''costs only $1.25, if remitted before 1st of January, including the Prince's portrait. It is the best value' ever offered. GO TO -IT, SOMEBODY THE POST'S SCARED. We are searching for a David to meet a Goliath, as the following will explain;- "Bishop McLaglen, of Claremont, South Africa, has sent to the "All Sports Weekly" an offer to box any bishop 5 rounds for a fund for disabled soldiers, and adds that, to aid in making the,natch, he will extend the oiler to any editor of any paper ofhis own age. The biehop is 68" Would if:bepossible for the'ed- -itor of the Seaforth News, who fills the dual . offices of clergyman and Editor, to oblige Bro. McLagen, who appears to be spoiling for a fight 7 If the News man has not time per_ haps Bro. J, Mitchell, Gederich, might_ spare half a day from his archives to tread on the tail of the coat" of this clerical pug. I£ impossible it is up to Blake Elliott, of The Wingham Times, if he can tarin down to the necessary weight. It's no use for the brethren mentioned to..xeply to The Post ?uid-sity "take the job yourself." If we had been able to take time to bun P the Bishop we nev- er would have asked other quill driv- ers to run any risk. Failing all others we urge ge H. F. Gadsby to step into the breech and sustain the honor of the press or else arrange with the Press Association to select a man. The matter should not be delayed. -Brussels Post. • Marriages COX-LOBB-At "The Maples," the home of the bride's parents, the • Bayfield Road, on Dee. 20th, by the Rev. J. Johnston of Holmes - vile, Luella Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb, to Charles Douglas Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cox of Goderich township. • HUNNIFORD-LACEY-In Clinton, at at the home of Mr. and 14Irs..E. E. Huniford, oct Dec. lith, by the . Rev. A. E. Doan, Hensel', Agnes W. Lacey to Frank Hunniford, both of. Thedford. Births JOHNS -In Toronto, on Dec. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Johns, a SOIL PLANT -In Seaforth, on Dec. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Plant, a daughter. DUNSI4IORE-At the Sarnia Gener- al Hospital, on December 11th, to Major and Mrs. R. L. Duns more,.. 137 Euphemia street, a son. Hartle -In Stephen, on Dec. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Homy Hartle, twin girls. Deaths M.QORE-At Orillia, on Dec. 18th, , Cress. A, daughter of Mr, and ' Mrs. -Wm. Moore of Toronto; formerly of Clinton, in her 21st year. HYDRO POWER SHORTAGE The capacity of the generating plants at Niagara Falls, available to the Commission for supplying the power and lighting demands in the Niagara district, has reached its lim- it, which has necessitated the Com- mission limiting the amounts of pow- er that can be supplied to the Munici- palities on the Niagara district. The power shortage during the -win- ter menthe is greatly increased by the overlapping of lighting and pow- er loads, by the extensive use of elec- tric heaters, and also at times on ac- count of the bloekini by ice of the Water supply to the generating plants. The Commission are asking the 'co-operation of every Hydro Haar, whether domestic or industrial, to assist them in -'conserving power and light in every possible way in order that uninterrupted service may be maintained until a further supply of power is obtained for the system. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER. COM- MISSION '0F ONTARIO The Value of the Pore' Bred Sire. During recent years live stock rais- ers have realized as never before the great value' of the pure bred sire. The benefits to be derived from the use of such animals are apparent to the majdirity and this knowledge is be - conning more widely spread each year. In order, toassist those desirous of obtaining pure bred sires a directory of -breeders of pure bred sheep and goats in Canada, which is Pamphlet No,'17 of the Shoop and Goat Divis- ion of the Live Stock Branch, has been issued 'by the Department of Agriculture and may bo had free en application to the Publication Branch, Ottawa Inre p paring this edition sIl the names ;of, breeders of sheep and goats registering their animals in the Canadian ' National Live Stock iRe- eords were obtained "and compiled by provinces, int order that (my intending purchaser ,nay know those near his home who are breeding the class of fifiimal he requires. THE LAST CALL Fez' Christmas and are you ready for it? If not you had better hurry, We hope every one will have -a Jolly B1g Merry Christmas. New Seeded Raisins SANTA CLAUS 2 Pkgs 45o Will be in our window with Seedless Per Ib .25e a choice range of Candies New currants Peels Nuts, Sweet juicy oranges, Nuts. Dates Everything Christmas stockings etc. now to make that cake Watch hien go down the at popular prices, chimney. We :will give` you 'fine of our 1920 calendars with your order this ,week, A piece of our gold band chinaware stakes as splendid Gift, Wecarryopen stock of the gold •band Chinaware. Get the Habit of Dealing .nj JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone HAI Retail Grocer License No, 8-7211 Phone orders promptly oared for. Clanton Candy Kitchen A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR • TO ALL M. McNEIL, PROPRIETOR • Flax Land Wanted Having decided to build a flax still in Clinton we are open to rent good old sod land,..must be clean. Report at News -Record office - Merner Bos, Christmas Travel Temporary Restoration of trains "`To assist in moving Christmas Travel in districts where, ;due td coal shortage, temporary reduction has been made in passenger train service, the following Grand Trunk trains will be operated on the dates shown. The times and stops at in- termecliate stations will unless otherwise noted be the sante as in effect when trains were withdrawn on November 30th, 1919. Stratford - Goderich Line: - Train No. 219 will leave -Stratford at 10.15 P. M. arriving at Goderich at 11.45 P. M. This train will be op- erated on Dec. 24 and 26. Train No. 220 will leave Goderich at 2.20 P. M. arriving at Stratford at4.15 P. M. This train willbe op- erated Dee. 24 and 26. London Wingham Line Train No 163 will leave London at 9.05 P. M. arriving at Wingham at 12.07 P. M. This train will be op- erated Dec. 24 and 26. Train No. 164 will leave Wingham at 3.25 P. M. arriving at London at 6.15 "P. M. This train will be oper- erated Dec. 24 and 26. Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at.lot 27, Con. 10, Hallett on Thursday, Jan. 8 commencing at lo'clock ' sharp the following: Horses -Driving snare, llyears old work either single or double and not afraid of autos, Heavy horse, llyears old, aged mare. •Cattle -All high grade Durhams- Cow llyears old, freshened Dec. 1, Cow 4 years old,' freshened Dec. 16, Cow 4 years old/to freshen Jan, 21, Heifer rising 3 to freshen Feb. 17, Heifer 3 years old to freshen Feb. 22, Cow 5, years old to freshen June 27, 2 farrow cows, 2 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, 5 spring calves 2 young calves. Implennents-Horse rake ,Massey- IIarris binder, 7 foot cut Massey - Harris Mower, Massey -Harris culti- vator, Massey -Mathis 13 -hoe seed drill, new, Massey -Harris manure spreader, New. Century double plough, 2 walking ploughs, 4 -section harrows Soulier, Good low wagon, Set bob sleighs with flat wood rack,'Ilay rack, Gravel box, Land Roller, Grindstone, Fanning mill, Top buggy, nearly new, Old buggy, Good family cutter, Ank- er Holth 600 -Ib Cream separator, new, very easy running, 2 sets of single. harness, old and new, set of double ]farness, Good meal box, 30 rods of even space of 8 wire fence 40 inches high, 2 set of doubletrees, neck yoke, Set of slings, Scythe, 72 feet of 1c/i, inch galvanized piping, Good cattle dog, .About 700 bushels of nixed grain, About 60 hens, Quantity of hay, Chatham incubator, Brooder, Butter mixer, refrigerator Extension table 2 rocking chairs, Bedstead with springs and mattress, hammock •frame Bird cage, Milk can, Cream can, Pails, Good heavy rope, Forks and , chains, other articles to mnimeroue to Men,' Hon.—TERMS; $10 and under,•cash; over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent for cash on credit amounts. Fowl, hay and grain cash. All must.be sold as proprietor Inas sold his farm. -Moses Brown, Proprietor, Thos, Gundry, Auctioneer. -25-2 Patriotic At-home The Bayfield Patriotic Society will give an At-Iionie in the town hall on the evening of Tuesday, Dec, 80th, The evening will be spent in progress- ive gasses, music, etc. The ladies are asked to bring lunch. Admission 25c. Proeeed(for Soldiers' Memorial Fund; -28-1 Notice As we have sold our stock, of General Merchandise, and are quitt- ing business, we request that any- one Bolding duo bills, will present them before January lst, 1920.-1`Ior- nor & Ings, Varna, Windmill Iteihasiring Call tip 13 on 602 or drop a 'card to J. B, Miller, Holreesville, who is prepared: to do all kinds of repairing to windnnills and pumps. Work Gnarbtnteed, , r28 -WA Windstorm Insurance Why run the risk of damage by wind when you can insure at the rate of 40e per $100 insurance for 3 years. No premium/note one to sign. Policy written in the office. • Automobile Insurance Insurecar our against a st fire Y g from any cause anywhere in Canada, The rates aro moderate, Live Stock Insurance I can now write policies covering death from accident or disease on all horses, cows or other an- neals on the farm or elsewhere, Call and See Me. C. B. HALE House For Sale House and two lots, on Huron street, Clinton. Apply to W. C. Brown, P. 0. Box 51, Clinton.-23-tf Municipal Fuel Yard In case the polls are opened on Jan. 5th, 1920, for the election of any members of the Municipal Coun- cil the following question will be sub- mitted to the electors by ballot: - "Are you in favor of the establish- ing of a municipal coal and wood yard by the Corporation of the Town of Clinton." All municipal electors are entitled to vote on the question. D. L. Mac- pherson, Town Clerk. -23-3 Barn for Sale. Frame barn 35x50, in good condi- tion. Apply to Frank Reynolds, R. R. No..1, Clinton. Phone 11 on 637. -22-tf Barn for Sale A good frame barn, 50x30 for fur- ther paticulars. Apply tao Wilfred Colclough, 11th concession Goderich Tp E, R. No. 3, Clinton. -•22-1:1 FOR SALE Barred Rock Cockerels. Park and Guild strain, My pullets averaged 104 eggs each in the first 6 months of the laying season this year. Cock- : erels are bred from the sante pen as pullets were raised from. Prices reasonable. -H. A. Hovey, Clinton. -22-11 Cream Separators I have a number of second handl separators of different makes small and large for sale cheap and easy terms, All in good order and guar- antee, to-do good work. Also new separators of different makes and sixes, Shop 01 office of the old skating rink at Commercial Hotel;--- R. otel,-R. Baker Clinton Ont. -21-8 Raw Furs Wanted. At higher prices than last season. Bring your furs in now before the prices drop -H. A. Hovey, Clinton. License No. 666 -20-11 HOUSE FOR SALE-8-R001VIBD house on Ontario street. Goon cellar, electric 'lights, town water, fruit trees and small fruits. x acre of land. Apply on premises. to Mrs. Moggridge or to W, Brydono, Clinton, 00-tf WARNING As train service and strikes, and scarcity of material and soaring of prices makes deliveries uncertain - and expensive, it is advisable to order MOW- N you cannot make it convenient to call on us, drop a line to -day ask- ing for prices and it will "surprise you what we can do for you. We can save you $25 on phono- graphs and vie -tholes and $75 on piano's over concerns doing ]heavy advertising and employing high sal- aried salesmen, which acids nothing wlnatever to the quality. It means something to you. Remember, I will put my goods up against ally - thing you have before thought best regardless of price, end will leave yea to be the judge, I also move pianos and tont fn. struments at moderato rates, GIVE US A CALL. JONATI1AN i1U1:IT y, Opposite. Bank of Ceniinorce flox 220, ,-..,...,..-.. Sea1arth, Out. FARM FOR SALE -.924 ACRES 07' splendid farin 'land In good state at cultivation, Oa it are a eornfort- able ,storey and a half brick ]louse With now steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 4000 awl straw sited 2248, with foundatlou under all, room 'to tie up 28 head of cattle and $ horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. Astone pig pen 14x24, a hon house 24x10 and a drive sited 20x30. There is. a never failing spring creek, a good' well and cis- tern, about 14 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 24 miles from Clinton, • good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and Drop ifso desired. -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Mullett, Clinton P, 0. -40 NEW COAL We' are expecting both at Bruce - field and Clinton, sonic of the new kind of coal in stove size Briquettes. Try a Toad lot this, as we can assure you entire satisfaction, besides com- ing a little cheaper. We also stock the following at Clinton EBONY CUBE -'Phe Cannel de Luxe SOFT COAL -3 in. up Belmont Lump. PEA. COAL -$1.00 cheaper than other sizes. CANADA CEMENT -The standard, article. Accounts may be paid,, and orders left at Wiltso's grocery store. AT BRUCEI'IELD :- ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER in both hard and soft woods. B. C, SHINGLES selling at less than today's cost price., FIBREBOARD cheaper and better than lath and plaster. SMITI•IING COAL our famous kleanweld. Also Cannel, Soft Coal, and Can- ada Cement. We do not want all the business, but we would like to havo yours. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefleid 11 on 618. POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS .011' POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thuriiday of each week till Sept. 20th, every day after that. W. MARtUIS -86 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. THE COBB STORE Live and Let Live Wishing All Our Patrons A IV[ erry Chi istmas- E, HUNNIIF RI➢ Phone 4 0 TIIE PRESENT DAY MOTHER MAICES PIES that the older generation couldn't begin to equal. For in addition to improved mothetl5 and utensils she has the advantage of being able to obtain Purity flour, tato finest baling flour known. Make your 0111 batch with Purity. Good as your former pits were these will he infinitely batter. W. �et�l�ins & SotIli FLOUR AND PEED. Phones : Elevator 199; Residence 141 Retail License No, 6-2308 Wholesale Lleense• No4 42-8* WeellealealialletatailMatlialletreer4SAWeseweliti Of Interest to. YousSagttealessageassemawasawazeizaweimiageowset is coming to 0 R NEIL'S Tuesday and Wednesday after. moons, 23rd and 24th He wants to meet all the little girls and boys in Clinton and surrounding country, all their grandparents, and all their aunts and uncles, so be sure and welcome hint. SPECIAL 5'resh ,Oysters Fresh Tenderloin Fresh Spare Ribs Fresh Sausage %W5i1'Neil T. The Nub Grocery GIRLS for knitters and learners ALSO WOMEN for menders asld inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED A. Merry Christmas to one and all THOS. HAWKINS Agent for Necla Furnaces "PHONE 83. Shop over Rowland'■ Hardware. FLOUR and FEED Highest Prices Paid for Barley, Oats and Buckwheat. LOGS A quantity of Elm, Maple, Bass- wood, Beech, Hemlock and White Ash Logs wanted. Inquire at store about prices. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Live Poultry Wanted ! 4000 CI-IICIK'ENS 2000 HENS 1000 DUCKS each week from now until the end of December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis delivered nigh empty crops. 11'o pay special prices for properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strongly advise all producers to finish their poultry as it will pay, you well to do so. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO, N. W. Trewartha, Phone 199 Manager or 'Holmeavillo 4 on 149 Canada Food Board -License No, 7-001 CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand wo require more cream. We request you to ship us your creaui. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices. accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend, We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice each month. Write fox cans or further informa- tion to the T"5Seaforth Creamery Co. 0. A. BARBER, MANAGER BOARS FOR SERVICE Champion Bred Big Type p YORKSHIRE AND WESTER, WtIITE BOARS. A. C, i.,I V I . , Phone 5•-089 MANTON, Gulag tat home overt torenodn,; ,