HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-18, Page 7CROP ANIS TRADE CONDITIONS "t' I .O JG .IQUT U DQVIINION Malik %Id MUSItreS1 �llillilll )i�4'etlllit. of the i covin asb Complete Reportp Submitted on Gorlditionti in the VaroNs P�. a t Mt/areal I 11 a of Of f 1 ti the Gann of Ma tea Will C a n 1 nl My g4 paminian at Ant u Spectral Interest to Mercantile and Fcirmin0 Cammunitleat of the Batik Both these situations are improving At the Annual Co plMeeting of Montreal cautitlote reports were and larger hroiluption 1133 tak4n plan submitted by the :Superintendents Or at the geld mines. t'e- retailers the hank, dealing with trade and faille; Both wholesalers ant its conditions is the YalleaS provinces port it easy to Cell goods, Credits 3rd' of the Dominion, Those reports novel shortened end bed debts" negligible, the particular operations carried out Larger expenditures were generally In the various aeetions of the country made by � mun)oipalitiee title ytar in an and on this enema become or very •effort to overtake works postponed. special interest to the mercantile and during the war, generalincrease, f 1 1101 a iu 1e ulaton5 vs d 'ou o Po farming Communities exit s 1 p keeping in touch. with the itepoh'tant with a tendency t0 drift to urban and developments that are onourr'ing manufacturing centres, throughout Canada. Our Superin• There has been a continued el(ten- tenclent reports ne follows: sion in hydro -electric power during the Qntario, past year, and worn at Nipigon and Chippewa, aa well as at other places Manufacturing in Ontario has been lora important, lvi1.1 •within the noxa limited only by,ahortage of supplies two Years add very largely to the and disturbances in labor. Govern- available power' for manufacturing tend assn credits foe- goods sold to Europe t g 310(1 other purpeses throughaut Ontario, have :stimulated manufacturing, Generally speaking, the year has domestic demands Have been insistent, bOen one of great activity throughout New- industries have been started, the 1>rovhtce, and a number of successful Innen.prairie Provinces.. turing concerns in the United States have been making enquiries .with the During part' of the past season ex - intention or locating in Ontario, teneive areas in Saskatchewan. and Al Ontario farmers have been steadily berta experienced, in common with the bettering., their position in recent North-Western) Status, severe drought years, installing modern equipment and loss of crops, but owing to good and improving their modes :of living, yields 'in ether areas andtohigh The pest year has been ono of fair Prices, the value of grains raised ex - noes and, high priees. A wetspring. ceeclod that of the year 1915; when the was folOwod by an exceptionally dry largest crops in the history of the summer, and grain crops, with the ex- West was produced. caption offallwheat, fell .below the Failure of pasture end hay in cel•- average. Root crops were good; corn tain dist/riots caused anxiety to ranch - wee -tomatoes Were a record yield: the ere, and while autumn rains brought season was poor. for all fruit exeopt relief, the scarcity and high price of grapes. .Cheese production showeda toed for winter use forced the sale of Yaliiug on. There is a shortage of •some unfinished cattle at prices ad - hogs; sheep raising is on the increase. versely attacked by worse Conditions The cattle situation is somewhat nu• in the United States. / ' settled, owing to the limited amount The West on the whole ]las had a of feed available for carryingthrough PresPerous year, exceptions being the the winter. districts in whichcrops were lost The production of lumber has been through drought. seriously reduced owing to shortage British Columbia, were below t of labor.. 1919 has beets an exeolient Great Grain crops were affected by drought Gting year, with heavy sales to ati the average. Fruit and reat Britain and the United States,n and a steady domestic demand for ail classes of lumber. Prices have been unusually high, there is no accumula- tion of stooks on hand, and notwith- standing the scarcity of -labor and 1it- _.. creased' costs of operating, the year has been a successful one. Pulp and paper have been in large and increas- ing demand, with soaring prices for the latter. Mining production during the year belle-' was exempt, " Women joined has been curtailed. The demand for been for some years, and Prospects with the men in playing it on Shreve nickel fell off after the Armistice; appear good for continued business strikes lessened the silver output. activity into the new year. Tuesdays. Dream Carne True. The relatione that ea;ietcd between General Washington and his younger friend, "Light -Hero hails" L00, the rather of General l:abert L1, Lop; were execetiingly 31030'aud tender. It was an suuthentic tradition til the Lee fend - 1Y ,that Wallhington,.regarded the brit- in i e' 11. t slant you ig cavalry oliie 1 a l los the light of a 8411, Lee was inollhed to be a spiendtlu'ift, and —his lavish nye of money often brought upon him the paternal repr'odi 4R his olior and more (Unmet rr1011(1 —and the reproof }vee often followed by ai1'eotianateaeelstance i13 ear!. eating hint from 111e enlba31'aesnletlte, Mre, v'Vashingtonwas alnloet equal- ly f. nd oR the'ytng officer, who often m e long visite, at Melia Vernon. During one of his sojourns thele, Harry Lee remarked to. hie host at the breakfast table: . • "General, I had a singular drea)n ,last night, which I mast tell you, I actually dreamed that. you nettle Saea present of, your WOetnlOrelaud place," The next day, at t11e dinner table, harry Leo found under his plate a (loeulnent--nothing less: Allan: a deed' to .hint of the Westuroreland.• estate, '201' some moments, dazed with as- tonishment, he stared at his friend. "Now, Harry," ' said Washington, calmly, take good care not to dretun Mount Vernon away from mei Football Was Ii ugh Once. The. style of football In this genera- tion is a mild and tante exercise as compared to tb'o'original forms of the sport, according to a bulletin of the National Goograpleic Society. In old England football was rougher than most 'sports of those hardy tikes, Janes I. thought it was "meeter lame- ing than making ablo the users there- of.," Henry VIII. ant I711zabeth ruled against it. King Edward II. frowned upon the sport for its interference :with arch- ery, and also because of the commo- tion it aroused, for in those tinges it was played in the city streets. A vegetables have been geed crops with writer of the 16t11 century called it a prices ruling high. More attention is "devilish pastime," and charged it being given to agriculture, and farmers with inciting envy and sometimes and growers. generally have hada brawling, matelot and homicide. profitable season. Wholesale trade has been good and 13y the time of Charles IT., however, retail trade active. football had become firmly established The population has increased, and further Jnimlgration is expected dur- ing the coining year. - •"Conditions throughout the 'province on the whole aro better than they have SCHOOL CHILD Melees, Rich, Red Blood to Regain .. and �- ti � le 1-�l Many children start sollopl 111. e7K• eellent hoi11,t11, but a?twr a short time 110k10 worse, examinations, 'harried meals and crowded 50001 roem9 nun i thou b14od .to become 1303]( and thin, t110ir 11e1'ye8 4Y01• wrought and their color and spirits Gnat, 1't le Il groat. Mistake to let smatters aria when nye and girls show symptoms or nervous-. 11095 or weal( blood,' 'Tiley are al•, moat sere to Rall viettrns of St, Vitus dance, or drift into debility that lends to other troubles, Regular ..seals, out. door exeroiee and plenty of sleep' are necessary' to combat the nervous weal' of school life. But 16 is !RIO 'More in}. portent that parents should pay strict attention to the Bobo) child's blood supply, Keep' this rich and rod. by giving Dr, William.' Pink Pills a0 - cording to directions and the boy or girl will he sturdy and 111 for sclieoi, The vain of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in eases of this hind is shown by the statement of Mrs, Pearl G. Harrington, Kingsville, Ont., wlio says: --"I have often felt that I should write you and: let you know what Dr, Wiitiams' Pink Pills diel for 1.11e, At the ago of thir- teen - I was afflicted with St. Vitus dance. Trio trouble became so severe that I had to be taken from school, 1 was given medical treatment but it did not help me, in fact I was steadily growing worse. Then a friend ad- visecl my mother to give me Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which she dill, with rho happiest result?, ns 111e pills com- pletely ornpletely cured ale and 1ilvas again able to take zip my studios and attend -school. Again about three years ago I was attacked with nervous prostra-i tion and once more tools Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and after tieing five boxes was fully restored, I Cannot praise these pills ton highly ars I believe they will cure any case of St. Vitus dance, or restore anyone wino is weals, ner- vous dr run down. Von can sa211ly 'give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to the most delicate child, or take them yourself with equally at Caulbiidge. It was even held '111' good results when you need a blood high esteem in Irelaucl, There, when tonic. :these pills are sold by all all other sports were prohibited for (sealers in medicite,ele will be sent by archery's sane,• "on ely the great foot- mail, post pall, et 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Modicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.. Few See Froi ion $eail Treaty.. When the great noel of the 11'reneh:' 1.'0111( 30 t0304 treaty111)110, tliot13'eby8 Y111X0(11411dathtlg' 111he 0 s3igma tu1'4e o? President P4hlmare and M, /Antis Nail, Inluistor of justice and 1',e830r of the great and, only a few. ,privileged high ofilciele attended, says �+ n 1 a 1 ails rlasllatrh, it}a coal, sol olv 1at larger In BIRO 1111111 it silver dollar, 5110139 011 One tilde the mated llgure of the republic, with the ineeri311on '7 1'enc11 R•epabllc, Donroct'atl%, Ono t1 0'le Q rp I) s G1 tl rsi.ea an 1 divi ibis, 1 l o d. the words: - "In the Name of tile' French Peepia,' surrounded by a wreath of oalt lea9es encircled by the republican device ''Liberty, Equality, Ft'atoruity," The seal is imprinted by. moans of a 11a11ti-Worke(1 5tautping )iia- Ch1ne, resembling' a letter 00pedng 2)1.055, �' boy has been able to do on a farm, City to Farm. : Not only has he become the owner of We are con'nually hearing about .a large area of laud, but on this land i• DON'T WHIP! the farm boy who goes tb the city, but he is producing crops Of the highest 1 we Bear little about the City boy who quality and a maximum gnantity.4 i goes to the farm. Yet, just as many 1 Practically theme whole of the crop farm boys have become successful grown by stint he sells as seed at a: i 5 business men in our cities, so there' higher price than that obtained by the I are undoubtedly many city boys who average farmer, and the demand for have become successful farmers. This' 1what he produces is greater than ice t Is snore especially true in the eoun'can supply, �s ---'f tries that are being nowly.opened up, Such as Western Canada. Among the winners at the International Soil -Pro- ducts Exposition held at 1i'ansas City reeointly at least one, if ?tot more, of the successful exhibitors wife born and He is also a great believer in live- stock. A man who leas studied farm- ing as he has clone naturally would be. Cattle, hogs and horses are raised on his farm and the same painstaking care in the selection of typos and Hospitaller Suk Children 3 TORONTO Upkeep of Big Charity Requlros Fifty Stop Lashing Your Bowels ' cents a Minute.. with Harsh Cathartics but take "Cascarets." Everyone must occasionally give to the bowels some regular help or else suffer from constipation, bilious at- tacks, stomach disorders, and sick headache. But do not whip the bowels bred in a city and only became a farm-' },reeding is paid to livestock as he into activity with harsh cathartics, er after he had reached mauhoocl. 1 pays to the selection of grain, with What the liver and bowels need is JoIn1_Vir. Lucas, who won prizes for results equally as satisfactory. a gentle and natural tonic, one that white oats, bronle grass send, barley The success of John W. Lucas can constantly be used without harm, a11(1 rye, had never heen.0 farmer un- should be inspiring to many a city The gentlest liver and bowel tonic is til he settled on his homestead in Cay- I boy, "Any boy can do what I have "Cascarets." They put the liver to ley, Alberta, sixteen years ago. holy -clone in this country;'•' he says. "All work and cleanse the colon' and ever, he has set to work to learn all , it needs is persistence," To this may bowels of all waste, toxins and pois- he could about this noble profession! be added patienge and a desire to ex- ons, without griping, —they "taever and nobody can say that.he has macre a bad job of it. Mr. Lucas was born in one of the cities of Eastern Canada. Like many. other 'boys whose parents are .in moderate - circumstances he earned money after school hours delivering newspapers and in various other odd jobs. Leaving school, he says, he got a real job at six dollars a week and later came West and wollee 2 in Win- niPeg for a'year. He had always felt aedesire to become a farmer, however, and it is not surprising that the call of the Canadian Government .for set- tlers: for free homesteads at once ap- pealed to him. -. Ile came to Alberta in 1903 and located on his homestead in Cayley, in the southern part of the province, the sable' year, He is now the owner of eight hun- dred acres of land in a block, and is interested, besides, in six and a half sections` of laud -4,160. On his farm he has produced as much as. 139 bush- els of oats to the acre and 66 bushels of wheat to the acre. The quality of his oats may be judged from the fact that for five yeare he won the premier ltonois for this crop at the Alberta Provincial Seed Fair, Ile las also been a regular exhibitor and prize winner at the International Soil Pro- ducts Expoeition and other exhibitions held in the United States. It has been Mr.` Lucas' ambition to become a good farmer and he has ' spared no efforts to learn all he could about his profession. He spent the winters of 1912 and 1913 in Iowa as peat of his itgricnitural education. Here he visited some of the best farms in the State, asked Iota of ques- tions, saw a good deal and came away with as much knowledge as he could gather, • He considers these two win- ters spent in Iowa among the best in- vestments he ever made. He learned much about 'toren, cattle and hogs, and also how good farmers select the ears of eon, how in this way they in- crease the yield, producing ears true to type and uniform in eizo. He figured thlat ifcorn could be so much unproved by selection the same thing could be done with the heads of wheat, oats, barley and 111113 of potatoes. Ile came back, to Alberta and began to use this knowledge, Not only has lie increased the yield of these crepe, but has im proved the quality and typo no well. Instead of f)clas of oats, barley and other crops with heads of all eine he has now Heide of these grains with heads Yearly all alike, By hand selec- tion of potatoes, saving only the fere- Me 11111s true to type, 11.e Inas been able to 'produce eh high as thirty-seven 110ri;e1.11b10 potatoes front one hill, and from ono potato planted a yield of seventy-three pounds of 30tat006, This is a .scores difficult to beat any- Vrllei'c. 111838 are nine of the things a city cel, qualities possessed by most sue- sicken or inconvenience you like Calo- cessful men, whether in city or coun- mel, Salts, Oil, or Purgatives, try. - • Twenty-five million boxes of desert - rets are sold each year, They work while you sleep. descants cost so little too. "DANDERINE" PUTS BEAUTY IN HIAIl Girls! A mass of ion&g thick, gleamy,, tresses . ' Let "Danderine" save yolrr hair and double its beauty. You can have lots of 1011g, thick, -strong, lustrous hair, Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 35 -cent bottle of 'delightful "Danderine" at any chug or, toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic: then ire life, color, bright)less and abundance will return—Hurryl Tornadoes "Come Back:" I1 it be admitted that lightning does not s£rike'twice in the same place, the same cannot trhtilfully be said of tornadoes. The little"town of Codell, In western Kansas, Was hit throe years 111 succession by "cyclone twisters," and each time on May 26. The tornado is of •alt natural phe- nomena (save perhaps a volcanic ex- plosion) the most appalling. Ievolving at a rate estimated at 600 miles a minute, the "funnel cloud" destroys everything in itspath, which new not be more than 200 or 300 feet wide, lecidental to a friglitfill devastation, it Indulges ^fn all sorts of freak per- ferniahlces, plu01(111g chickens, strip- ping people )laked, carrying babies for miles unhurt, driving straws 'through inch planks, and (by (:Heating a Vacuum 'outside) causing houses to explode, Hollgnd has begun to p'rechice east from wells' drilled experimentally hi two .ln'ovihces, and may be able to Obtaiin enough for ell of its needs. 71lfntiydie riniiueiit flares ivies, SO, A Taxi Detective. Some time ago Sir Arthur Conan Doyle arrived in Paris from the Rlvier- 1a, and, having hailed a taxi at the Station, drove to liis hotel, As he paid his fare lie wire' rather sfrpl'ised whelythe chauffeur said, "Thank you, leIensieur Conan Doyle!" "How did you know any name?" asleed Sir ecrthur, "Quite simply," the chauffeur re- plied, "I read in the newspapers that you were coaling from .Nice. At the station I examined you and saw that you were English. Your hair seemed to me to have been cut by a southern barber, and on the heel of your shoe were tones of Marseilles mud." Sir Arthur stared at bim in astonish- ment, "Are those the only signs by which you recognized. me?" "Oh, no," said the driver, "There was one other, I saw your name painted on your trunk." p.--o—o—o—�- 0 • Laugh When People • Step On Your Feet • o . o Try this yourself then past It along to g4hers. 1 1t works! �-0-�—o— Ouch 1 ? ! ? 1 ! This kind of rough alk will be heard less here in town if people troubled with corneewiii follow the simple advice of thio Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called froezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreness at cnce, and 00011 the corn dries up and lifts right out without pain. He says Preezoue to an ether com• pound which dries immediately arid never inflames or -even irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter Of an 0111100 ot freozone will cost very little at any drug store, but is sun dent to remove evedll' laird or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Mffliens of American women will welcome this announcement eince tile inauguration of the nigh heels. The .orange was originally a pear- shaped fr'ui't about the site air the common wild cherry. Its evolution' is be1ievocl by 1latur31iSts to be due to 1,200 years of cultivation. SYilnar :'s Linlmout uilrrO0 elarea (11 Cows: The overage weigh reef a man's 1rai11 is three pou11(ls eight' ounce, end of 'a woman's i1)1'ain tWo pounds 'eleven) ounces:. Dear Mr. Editor; The 44th annual report of the Hospitalfor Sick Cli.iilIren, Toronto, shows a notable advance in every department of its service to the euf- fering_and crippled youngsters of this province. The ward accommo- dation has been taxed to its capacity, and the summer annex, the Lake. side Home, was opened for the first time since the outbreak of war. The daily average of cot patients has increased during the year from 132 to 223, Including children from •practically every- county in Ontario. Even had tlo cost of sup plies and labor remained stationary, the. substantial increase In the num- ber of patients world alone account for the addition to the charity's debt, which at the close of the fiscal year '-Was $100,000, This debt has become an embarrassing burden. Further increase must threaten impairment of an enviable efficiency, The Hospital is 111 the forefront of all institutions upon this continent devotgd to'the care of sick children. It cost $335,39.9 to maintain last year. This great mune not only puts at the service of the children of Ontario all the resources of medical science, but, in addition, provides for a training echooletor 120 nurses and for .unsurpassed clinical facilities for the University students who are preparing to engage in their pro- fession throughout the province, The income which must be forth- coming to finance this absolutely essential work figures out at seven hundred dollars a day; 'and, as there le no endowment fluid, all but a fraction of that amount has to bo derived from individual benevolence. Phorefore the Trustees are making 1 Christmas appeal to every lover of 111i1dren to foot the bills for' Sone, period of time, no matter how short it may he. A minute of mercy cows fifty cents. For churches, societies, lodges, 3to„ who have more ample funds wherewith to assist the youngsters to a fair start in life, the naming of ants is suggested.' A number of memorial cots have beep thus dedi- sated in honor of the overseas ser- vice of fellowmembers. This pe vilege is extended in recognition of gifts of $2,000 to the Main hospital or $600 to the Lakeside Heine, which can be paid in annual instalments if so desired, Literature, illustrative 02 all branches of the past year's work, to gether with any other information i 11 desired, will be gladly fan shed o application to the Secretary, the Hospital for Sick Children, College "street, Toronto. Contributions should !also be addressed to the secretary,:•. IAVING H, ROBERTSON, Chairman of Appeal Committee. • Free cinema show's for school chil- dren and 'adults are to be given this winter in the rural districts of Sweden to relieve the tedium of the long nights and the hardships which will follow' the •coal shortage, In Norway the municipalities aro in provid'c ed- ucation films in the villages of 1t110 north, and it is' hoped that these will effectively replace the crude, sena- Venal dramas. • "SYRUP OF FIGS" 9 CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative o1' physic for th'e little stomach,' liver and heweis, Children love its delicious fruity 1 taste. Full directions for child's close on each bottle, Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." The man who fails to take advan- tage of his ]wife's beet judgment and opinion concerning his important Mee - nes. ('1030s is loving the strength and help of one -who may be far shrewder {lien he suspect?. Anyway, there will be no doubt about her interest and c inCeeity. t g O°�,i .�t�, � JAS pTABLETS BART S OWN Mrs. Alfred bleed, N0tligall ] 'vel', Glad,, r11'itost-•••"5.-"1. dq net think ere is any gthol' Inediehto to octan sabre Un r own. Tablets, in tic t6, fol i itis ones, I have used, trent for my baby and 130111(1 use nothing elso,il W)10. Krty, Need nye thousands of other mothers say, They have founts by trial tihat the Tablets allvay5 do ;1031 what Is claimed tor them, The Tablets are a )mild but thorough laxative which regulate the ilow910 and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion, constipation, collocolds, etc, They aro sOid by ' medicine dealers o 1 by mail at 25 °mite - e box from The Dr, Wilhelm' Medicate Co., Brockville, out, I M11105a'o Liniment t Duren Diphtheria. I was clued of Rheumatic Gout by MINARO'S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by IIINARD'S LINIMENT. LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ. Sussex, I was cured of Acute .Rheumatism by 1IIINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. G S. BILLING. LakelIeld, Que., Oct, 9, 1907. ji• tvq 5'ifat sl44 .:lf 117 1x{n"n{9 f Aoses6nlent Syatom • Whole Family Insurance, The Order furnishes Insurance to Its members at Ontario Government Stand- ard rates. Hick and Funeral Benefits are also given If desired, The Juvenile Department furnishes the hest possible insurance benefits to Ulu children of our adult members. The Orderhas already paid over 0(00,- 000,00 1n Sick end Funeral Benefits, and nearly Seven Millions of D011010 In In- surance. 600 Connells in Canada. If there is not one in your locality there should be. For full information write to any of the following Officers: 3, L. Davidson, W. 1' Mon Nngue, Grand Councillor Grams 1,'•onrder W. F. Campbell, J, H, Bell, M.D. Grand Organizer. (band Moil. 17x, . SIAM L'1.ON - ` 0N11.1, 10 Alncrieten Pioneer Dog Alen sales :Boole. on ! OG o!s ,H$SES and 30011, to Peed Mailed Free to any Ad- elman by the Aut ior. 1:3. Clay Choses Co., so. lid West 31st Stroac New York, U.S.A. A Frenchman has invented a mow- ing machine to he fasteners to the stern of a -launch to clear vegetation ,from waterways. MONRY OR0CR8. When ordering gonds by mail send a Donilion ldxp) esti 16/31107 Order, e�,.i'five'�e..e1.�:s,a•:c.•:w..mazaasv,ux !So1110 people's idea of maki•eg life env Seam( to lie 111 i%d1Ung it hartle3 for 'the : reze of n5 . Weevil? 1110101013, (fuzee D-s1enroar; Imvcst Your Money In 51•2% DEBCNT'URES- interest payable half yearly, The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St. West marc In a aaS -- ;m nsa tattarsa;Eeas 'te�a�ta:�l,�ar.•c\r,,.,,s-'-F"A1,a- T3HEY do not 1\" e"al fear coughs,+ 1. colds and allied ' ;,1r4,_,t complaints. For 'e+y " over G0 years they e have relied on , :' ti Yf• i for prompt results. With time lowered strength and vitality of age they realize more than ever before rhe importance , of having Gray's Syrup on hand for i( immediate use.. 0s • ItThey always boy the ],arse alae Montreal 0. WATSON deo., New Yorke it'A?b°'; :'srp"isgarmatzw7 1.11 grades. Write for prices. TORONTO BALI W0Fr(9 re. J CLIFF TORONTO Ili slust Prices Paid Per .•...- RAW FURS & (GINSENG Write for primo hats and shipping tags. ?y$ Years of .Reliable Trndiug Reference—Union Dank of Canaan.. .N. SILVER 220 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, P.Q.- Classified A.()vertlsernent>9. 4.%21317411 Weerfa:1339, l OIi1"1,,1LAIT A61wN le Dit011i1I14i Prints, ]Finished 3030032(6 tend ]Frames, write for C1ltalogeo and 1''riori b.Mattelimt. itud Art Ce„ 4 tinieswlolt Aro;T oronte, Artusa7L] mtwoita �t C...r...a.. , TU f CS. L 6113,..3i. V�n r aL a d Cured without R Pain Y ode Io .Rt treatment,t, Write 59 inn sato. .t.tellmen drudtpal Vc,. Litnttad, io111ngwood, Ont. HIR ,, APHNISON Tho oldest ea llahod IeTq. ipb RS- t$,Aa�V FUR I)IrAIE In Montreal Hl boat Market Prim/ Pa id. Satis'raetlon Guaranteed to Shippers, Sona for our Priem List, 410 -St. ale St. West • Montreal �. DARTING., v RC}I 1D 'Y SCIATIC PAINS 4 SINCE 11870 SO5snFSCOUGHS Give way before the 1)ene- tratin; efffctti of Sloan's Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve - inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment snake it universally preferred. Made in Canada, 850, .70c, $1.40. - PIMPLES ` AND BURIED FaceWas Bad iy Disflgureda Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. "Small red pimples and black- heads began on my face rind my facewasbadly diefmgured. Some of the pimples fes- tered while others scaled (_1 i over andtherewercpiaces where tin pimples were ee in b' cher. They used to itch. and burn terr1hly. "1 saw an sdvertioe- ment for Cuticsm and I, trial them. They sopped the itching and burn- ing and I used four cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment which healed me." (Signed) Miss V. A. Hayne, Stormont, N. S., Dec. 26,'16. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 end SO.. Sold throughout theDominioa. CanadianDepot: L,,mane, Limited, St. Paul St„ Montreal. Cutieure. Soap ahavet without mug. You want him good and healthy, You want him big and strong, Then give hlm a pure wool jersey, Made by his friend, Bob Long: ti • Let him romp with all his vigor He's thebest hey el the land, And he'31 always be bright and 13 ire wears a Bob Lone Brand, —bob LO g, rA • Adds New Pleasure a The clean -bursting gaslitics of Imperial Royalite add a new feature of satisfaction to oil heating and lighting conveniences. For the oil Heater or cools -stave Imperial P.oyelito is t11, source of abundant clean, (310114, econontia l heat, And for the oil lamp, too, you'll mealy eco its superior quality dJightfnAy eu1311..azo1 by the clearer, brighter li;;ltt. You can't buy better coal oil than Imperial Royalite, so why pay higher prices? For sale by Deniers everywhere r near BOYS' PURE WOOL WORSTED JERSEYS 10040n Srtatit "Cowie to S°rotasfit' 0011 SARI) WEAR, COMPORT AND SMART APPEARANCE 1.014Ca & CO, Lain so TORONTO . . CANADA Loos; foe the i';, tifsl 14:1 Tt1. ,a P•e syr' "a,ye reele7 ISSUE No, 61.--10, ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross's Tina ,memo '7.jayrr. '3 -it Eke 14 karat on roll. 7 ldontiilee 1.14only pcnuin the Aelerin ere crib, l 1 for ov<t' ),i•:. tcru cis 101011,1 111 Catifi 6. lhSys,_, 'L.:a ' 6 1' r'33. .e Rrhi, { 1 _ . Yna"Ufi'nit't Aepirin 111 of "Beyer Tieblos of ,1 eoilitr' a lrieii i•,1 itirei3 i conte1!:', tiro, ,er Airrct'n^s for D eadatl:o, 'food hau ilr, eleeerita, 31>11' Y Llnl, al. Phone, Li••a!,'am!ri- ,,.. 1 1:013 ti . ,Tetnt Pala ., ., rl 1'.13,1 Ifnnnrelly. hoes , f 1', i irte eort 'tett le 11 ;e .:. foe, .citta. 3.. tys p eel: o'' ' .1., t ... '' iSseer1'' 1011 menet edge t tte.yerr' V rt endo 1 re lin oev li unnte.''0re of 6(0,10. , r • 1 ],Sunni , 1,1r 1 01' MORu1. )trreC loon, Ino Tnhlr,e et 13a;•m' Commit3 n.1',ti 1 i•,,. ),•fir•., the "Bayer Oruea."