HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-18, Page 2G, D. MOTAGGAI1
'At P. oierAGGA1VP
McIaggart. Bros.
-- H, T. I ANCE —_ --+
nivrsION COURT of 'ic i,
OIfce Sloan Block -CLINTON
Office cases at his residence, cos.
High and Kirk streets.
Cake Hours: -1.80 to 8.30 p.m., 7.80
to 0.00 p,m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.80
8.m. .
Other hours 1sat. appointment only.
Ofmiee and Residence—Victoria SL
Conveyancerr•Notah7 Public,
Commissioner, Etc. •
Issuer of Marriage Licensee
Licensed Auetioneerer for • the
County of Huron, Sales con
ducted in any part of the county.
Charges moderato and satisfac-
tun guaranteed. Address: Sea-
forth, R. R. No, 2. Phone 18 on
286, Seaforth .Central,
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of. Huron.
Correspondence 'promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Sales Date at The
News -Record, Clinton, or by
calling Phone 13 on 157.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
1 guaranteed.
Box 127, Clinton - Phone 100.
Agent for
The Huron & Erie Mortgage Cor,
potation and The Canada
Trust Company
C0mm'er A. C. of J., Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance,
Notary Public
Also a numbeer of good farms
for sale.
At Bruce/laid on -Wednesday each
ilh�6 r
ABLii1—Trains will arrive at and depart
front Clinton •Station as follows: -.-
Going east, depart 6.38 a.m.
2.52 p.m,
Going West ar. 11.10, dp. 11.16 a.m,
'' ar, 6.08, dp. 6.47 pin.
ar. 11,18 p,m,
Going South, u h, ar. 8.23, dp, .8.23 a.m,
4.15 pan,
Going North depart 6,40 p.m.
" " 11.07, 11.11 a.m.
The IoK.lop Mutual
Pilo Iusurailcf0oinpaily
Heat. office, Seaforth, Ont.
pavement, Janes Connolly, Goderich;
Vice., James Evans, Beechwood;
lice. -Treasurer, Thos, R. Hays, Sea.
Directory George McCartney, Sea -
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieve, Walton; Wm, Rni � Sea.
forth; M. Mcl8weo, Clinton; Robert
Ferries, Iiarioek; John Benneweir,
Brodhagen• Jas, Connolly, Goderich.
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Yeti, Goderieb; Ed. FIinchley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney, 1gmondvilie; R. G. Jar.
meth, Srodhagen.
Any money iso' be pad ;b may he
paid to Moorish Clothier; Co., Clinton,
er at Cutts, Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiri:,g to effect insurance.
or transact other business will be
promptly attendelel to on applicationto
any of the above officers addressed to
their respective post offie`a. Longs
{rspeaited ''ay the director who lira
Leered the teen.
News- Record
)('erens of subscription -31.60 per year;
in advance to Canadian addresses;
0,00 to the U.S, or other foreign
countries, No paper discontinued
Until all arrears. are paid vniess et
the option of the publisher The
slate to which every subscription i*
paid is denoted on the label
Ad'crtising rates --Transient adver.
tisaments, 10 cents per nonpareil
line for 'first insertion and 6 rents
lm' line for each subsequent inser-
tion, Sinai! advertisements not to
eseood one inch, such as "Lost;'
"/prayed,? or "Stolen," etc., inserts
ed once for 06 cents, and each subse,
spent insertion 10 cents.
Cororai2icati0ns.$ntended for publielt,
Hoe nerd, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied by the name 61
the ,enter,
Proprietor, 1r;tliter,
Here la tr yr!1t!ant end unieme Chrlstmas Story from the
pen of the late C. Henry,' now recognized as ono of the
world's preatoet story -tellers, it lea oher:tning tole, full
Of character, sentiment -and surpr(seei
0110 dollar' and. ninety -leer nate', h'e • -I t cit eve/ n 2 • a
Y if 1 t every time i 0 Pawed, ;iu
That was all. And seventy.four cents to see hint pluck at tie beard fee
of It was in coppers saved, one olid envy,
two at a thee by bullriez(ng the grocer „So now Peila's beautiful hair fe
tend the vegetable men and the bait- about bee, rippling and obinittt" li
tiler, until one's cheers burned. with a' monde of brown '/eaters. It noel
the silent imentation o$ parsica
mony ed below her knees
that ouch close dealingimplied. Three r 1 ees and made itse
p almoe-1 a garmalit for 11Pr. And the
times Della counted it. One dollar and -1 dltl it Up ag'atn nervously at
ninet -four' cents, And the next de? quickly, Once dbo faltjel'ed for a m!
Would be Christmas• ute and stood still while a tear
, oxtnv
There was clearly nothing loft to do splashed an the worn, red carpet,
but to flop down on the shabby little On went her old brown acicet;
couch 'and howl, So Della did it, went her old brown hat. With a whi
Which !flatmates the moral reilection of skirts, and with the' brilliant spark/
that life le mado urs of sobs, sniffles, still in her eyes, site fluttered out o
sobs, and smiles, with sniffles pre- the.door and down the stairs to th
dolnlitatltrg: street.
While the mistress of the home is ` Where she stopped the sight. read
gradually subslddzing from the first t'Mme. 1Sofronie. Halt: Goods ofi Al
stage •to the second, take a look at Wade." One fljgllt up Della ran a
the home, A fuinishecl flat at•$7.60 collected hersel•1', panting, Madam
per week, It did not, exactly beggar large, too white, chilly, hardly Tooke
description, but It certainly had that the "Sofronio."
word on the bolt -out for the menti- "Will you , buy my hair?" acke
cancy squad.. Della.
In the vestibule below was a letter. {"I buy hair, said Maclaine, "Tak
box, into which no letter would go, yer hat off, and, 1et'.s tinea e sight a
and eu electric- button, from Which no the looks of it!"
Mortal finger could eons: a ring. Also Down rippled the brown cascade,
appertaining, thereunto was a card "Twenty' dollars!" said Madam
bearing the nlamo of "Mr, Jetties Dil- lifting the mass with a practice
linghetm Young." hand.
Tho "Dillingham" had been flung "Give it to arra quick!" said.Della
to the breeze during a former period
0'h, and the next two hours" ttippe
of prosperity, when its possessor'tvas by ma rosy wings! Forget the hasher
being paid. thirty dollars per week, metaphor. She was •ramsaeking th
Now, when the innate was shrunk to stores for Jim's ,resent.
twenty dollars, the letters of "`billing- She found 9t at last. It surely had
ham' looked blurred,'as though they
were thinking seriously of contracting
to a modest and unassuming "D." But
whenever Mr. James Dillingham
Young came home and reached his
flat above he way called "Jim," and
greatly hugged by Mrs. Dillingham
-Young, already introduced to you as
Della. Which is all very good, �'� eiee-
Della finished her cry and attended : 'f ff
with the 1...,....>.- ,y. ilk 1ia'11P4
She stood byto her Vthe windtfv and looked
out dully eta grey -cat walking a grey
fenoeina` greybackyard. To -morrow
would be Christmas Day, and she had
only, • one dollar and ninety-four cents
with which to buy Jim a present. She
had been •saving every cent she could
for months, with this result. Twenty
dollars a week doesn't go far. • Ex-
penses hacl been greater than she had
calculated; they always are. Only one
dollar -and ninety-four cents to buy
a present for Jim! Her Jim!
Many a happy hour she had , spent
planning for something nice for him,
sometlting fine and rare and sterling,
something just a little bit neat to be-
ing worthy the honor of being owned
by Jim.
There was a pier -glass between the
windows of the room.. Perhaps you fob -chain, simple and chaste in design,
have Bern a pier -glass in a $7.60 flat? properly proclaiming its value by sub -
A very thin and very agile person may, stance alone, and not by meretric'fous
by observing his reflection in a rapid ornamentation, as all good things
sequence of -longitudinal strips, obtain should 1o.
a fairly accurate conception of his It was even worthy of the watch.
looks. Della, being slender, bad mas- As soon as she saw it she knew that
tered the art. it must be Jim's. It was like him.
Suddenly she whirled from the win- 'Quietness and value—the description
dew and stood before the glass. Her applied to both. Eighteen dollars
eyes were shining brilliantly, but her they took from her for it, and she hur-
face had lost its color within twenty' vied Home with. the two dollars. With
seconds. Rapidly she lulled down lar that chain on his watch Jim might
hair, and let if fall to its full length. properly be anxious about the time in
Now, there were two possessions of any company. Grand as the watch
the James Dillingham Youngs in was, he sometimes looked at it on the
which they both 'Wok a mighty pride, sly, on account . of the old leather
One was Jim's gold watch, that had strap that he used in place of a chain.
been his father's and his grand- When Della reached home her in -
father's; the other was Della's hair. toxication gave way a little to pru-
Had the Queen of Sheba hived in the dunce and reason. She get out her
flat acroserthe airshaft, Della would curling, irons and lighted the gags, and
have let her hair hang out of the titin- went to -work repairing the lavages
dow some day to dry, just to depreci- made by generosity added to love.
ate her Majesty's jewels and gifts. Which is always a tremendous task,
Had King Solomon been the janitor, dear friends—a mammoth tack.
withall his treasures easnre piled. lied„
nWithin o
1i the W h forty minutes upty her 'head was
basement, Jim would have pulled out covered with tiny, close -lying curls,
been made for Jlrn and no one else
There was no other like it in any of
the stores, and she had turned all of
them inside out. 1t wasea platinum
Delia looked long- and anxiously In
the mirror,
Which made her look wotulerfulil' like
o truant schoolboy, She looked at Ilei'
reileetion h1 the mirror, long,, cone-
fully, and critically,
, "If Jun doesn't kill me" she said to
lietwelf, "before he takes •d seeond
look at me, he'll say T look like d
Coney Island chorus -girl, $tut what
could 1 dol. 0h, what could fele witli
one dollar and ninety-four mete?"
At seven o'eleek'the coffee wee made
and the frying pan wag on: bite ''back
of the stove, hot and ready to cook the
Jim was never late. Della doubled
the fob -chain in her hand and sat an
the corner of the table near the door
that he always -entered. Then the
heard his step on the stair, ertvay clown
en the first flights and she turned
white for just a moment, She had a
habit of saying little silent prayers'
about the simplest everyday things,
and now she whispered:
"Please, Iletaven, make him think I
am still pretty!"
The door opened, and. Jdm stepped
in and closed it, He looked thin and
.1 very sel;ious. Poor fellow' He was
I only twenty-two—and to be burdened
With a family! He nee8ed a new over-
coat and he was without gloves,
"Dell," he said, "I sold my watch to buy the combs for you!"
Jim stepped inside the door, as im-
movable as a setter at scent of a
quail. His eyes were fixed upon Della,
and there was an expression in them
that she could nob read, and it terni-
fled her. It was not anger, nor sur-
prise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor
any of the sentiments that she had
been prepared for, He simply •stared t
at her fixedly with that peculiar ex11
pression on his face.
Della wriggled off the table and
went for him.
Chtistmas Cakes 1oioe
Plain Feundatlo0 Cake--% eapfu
shortening, '/;, eup£ul sttg#tr, 1, egg, t
cepfel intik or wutee, 7:i tsaspooeful
salt; .3 tttet poouruls baking Powder,teeepoont'ul vanilla, illus cupfuls flour
Cream the butter wed theep ar then
oughle, then aid the well -beaten egg
Birt the flour tend salt and add alto/
netely with the thin 14, keeping the mfx
tore .of an e'ven,auns.iai=ency, i1i1
gulf;lcly, peat: hard end fold in,ljgftly
the baiting powtlee eltted over the tee
and the flavoneµ. Tura into well
greased pall unci bali.e in a ntodot•ate
oven thirty to forty 111h)21000 .11fa130
one layers
Varletlone of {'/din Founclatlen .Calvo..
White Cakei Use throe egg whites.
• in place of the whole egg,
Mold Cake; Dee four egg yolks in
place of the whole egg,
Mochaa Cake: Use cold coffee it
place of the liquid called f01e.
Chocolate Cake: Add two squares
of melted chocolate and a little less
Nut Cake: Add one-half cupful of
chopped nuts, slightly floured.
tiptoe Cake:. eteld one-half teaspoom
fat of cinnamon, one half teaspoonful
of uiited ellaptce, nutmeg and pone,
Variations in Tins and Shapes,
Leaf Cake: Bake tit a small loaf
pan or double the ingredients and bake
Iq a large loaf pan, Loaf calces keep
Layer Cake: icor a small calve cut
the one layer in two and frost, making
a two layer cake half sin or double
site the amount and bake in two
layer pans. •
Cup Cakes: Drop the mixture into
well -greased nithfpn pans, fining. the
pans about two-third3, full and bake
about twenty-ilve minutes, Or use tho
small multln pals and bake fifteen
minutes. These make dainty little
cakes for all purposes:
Fancy Cakes: heat tiny fancy -
shaped pone, thou brush with a good
brush dipped in melted fat. Drop a
teaspoonful of cake mixture into each
pan and bake ton to fifteen minutes.
Or a one -layer cake may bo cut into
fancy shapes with a cutter, but there
Is a waste unless great care is taken
to pian the pieces.
Chrlstmas Plum Pudding.
1 cupful dried bread crumbs, 1 cup.
ful chopped beef suet, 1 cupful brown
sugar, 1 cupful seeded raisins, 1 cupful
currants, r/$ cupful finely cut citron, 3
cupful finely cut figs, 1 tablespoonful
candied lemon peel, 1 tablespnonful
candied orange peel, 1 tablespoonful
salt, t/4 teaspoonful' cinnamon, ?4 tea-
spoonful cloves, .tie teaspoonful ginger,
1 cupful fruit juice, 1 cupful flour.
Mix In the order given and acid enough
cold water• to make a stiff mixture,
Turn into a well -greased pudding mold
or into two smaller molds, filling the
molds only two-thirds full. Cover the
mold tightly. and place in boiling water
and boil six to seven hours. Remove
the pudding from the mold when cold. i
This may he macre two weeks before
Christmas, but must be reheated by
boiling one hour just before serving,I
Plum Pudding With Honey. i
2/3 cupful brown eugar, 1 cupful
chopped suet, % capful extracted
I 3 eggs, I teaspoonful salt, t/
easpoonful c ' loves; teaspoonful cin•'Immo,In, Ise teaspoonful mace, 3 .. tea-;
poonful soda, 1 cupful 'soar milk, 1
1 cupful bhug11si1 salrl'a11ts, 1 copra/ Mire
1218,13 eopfals flour, :Cillo the sugar
slue the suet tor., the/ then heat la 111e
1. honey, Ada filo li e'1 ' .t
s,0n oggli: 51 -ft
the ep?cels, cotta tui; flew',, find add
• ptwivsllly to the leg311102200 aIternat.
tag with the iiillk fleet constantly,
acid the frit, e)! if fy floured and
steam 1a a w'etteS e e„o:t covered mold
three 11(1112, Seevo w1tli v anile ranee.
Venula 1x p•- 'rsn sceet .cupful sug-
er, 0 tablesliodnlui c'ornetarch or 2 of
• Sloe, 1 cupful boilhlg water, 1 tea-
0300nf111 vaulila, 1 tenepe011101 hatter,
llMix.0ugar and co;'ltataz•ch lu n sauce.
van, 00211' 011 belling water, atltying
rapidly, 13011 and stir 112011 (dear, Add
butter and vlu1l11a. Serve, bot o1' oold.
Fruit Cake With Honey,
Iia cupful sugar, i, aep0211 extracted
honey, 4), 012300 sour, cream„f4 cupful
! ehorteniug, 2 eggs, eft teaspoonful
soda, 1 toa8pooilful chntarnan, 1,6 tea.
030011ful cloves, 1 cupful rals111s, 1 cap'
fur currants, 2 cupfuls flour. Cream
filo sugar, simeteuiug and- honey to-
gether, ..,Acrd the well -beaten eggs,
beat bard, then add the sour'erealn,
the flour mixed and sifted with the
soda and fences. Add Oho doused
£.raft, spread in 2 we11•greasee and
paper"lined pan and beimo in 0 moder-
ate oven about ono holt1',
ii2f11.turss.w!th honey require model' -
ate heat.
Filled .Cookies.
"Jim darTiing," she cried, "don't
look at me that way., •I had my hair
cut off and sold it, because I couldn't
have lived througlti .Clutistmas without
giving you a present. It'11 grow again.
You won't mind, will you? I just had
to do it; my hair: grows awfully fast.
Say 'Merry Christmas,' Jim, and let's
be happy! You don't know what a
nice—what a 'beautiful, Lice gift I've
got for you!”
"You've eat off your hair?” asked
Jim laboriously, x s y, as ,if he had not .ar-
rived at that patent fact yet, even
after the hardest mental labor.
2 cupfuls oatmeal, 2/3 eenf21l sol*-ar,
1/3 Cupful corn syrup, rrt' cupful thick
sour 1111111, % tettapean0Ul salt, 2?fa
n18cnl 00, 1/s
teascupfpoonffloul soda, 13oapfat the sugar05lifng' and
shortening together add the sour milk,
the floor sifted with the soda and the
salt;' Roll out thinly 011 n well -floured
board aiatl, out with a cocky cutter.
Bake it1 a hot 0
i Flllinp- .1 cupful0011. sugar:, 1 00
water, :L package of dates or 1 cupful
ehoppecl lige, Stone the dates and put
through a fine chopper. Cook with the
eugar and water until the mixture
`thickens. Place a spoonful of the
mixture between two cookies and.
press firmly together. Store in a dry' place.
1 Venation' to Plain Sugar Cookies.
Vanilla Cookies: Use one teaspoon-
ful vanilla and omit the nutmeg.
Ch000late'Cookies: Add three tale
spoonfuls of grafed chocolate after it
is melted, nee vanilla for flavoring,
Cocoanut Cookies: All one-half cup-
ful of shredded 000.oanut to the dry
Ingredients in plain sugar -cooky rule
and roll one-fourth inch thick.
Nut Cookies: Use half as much
shortening and add one-half cupful ttf
finely chopped nuts to the dry 17121•
torlals in plain sugar -cooky rule and
roll out ogre -fourth of an inch thick.
Finely chopped nuts may be sprinkled
over the top before baking,
Candied Orange and Lemon Peel.
Peel of four oranges or lemons, 2
'quarts water, 2 cupfuls sugar, pulver-
ized sugar. Cools the peels in the
water slowly until tender, Drain for
two hours, remove all the white por-
ortion from the peel and, whit scissors,
cut into fine strips. Boil the eugar
anti ono -half eupfnl water
shins a thread, add the peel, boil for
eve luhmtes, remove with n fm'k and
roll lightly in pulverized sugar. Stere
in glass jars for use. Coached peels
add a variety to the holiday candy
"Gut it off and sold it," said Della.
"Don't you like me just as well, any-
how? I'm me without my hair, aren't
Jim looked about the room curions-
"You say your ,hair is g• one?" he
said, with an air almost of idiocy.
"You needn't look for it," said Della,
"It's sold, I tell you—sold and gone,
tool It's Christmas Eve, -boy. Be
good to me, -for it went for you. May-
be head bo the hairs o f m ad were number-
ed," she went on, with a sudden seri-
ous sweetness, "but nobody could ever
count my love for you, Shall I put
the chops on, Jim?"
Out of his t1'ailee ,him seemed quick-
ly to wake,. He enfolded Della. For
ten seconds let tie regard with dis-
ceeot scrutiny some inconsequential
object in the other direction.
Seven dollars a week 00 it million a
year `what is the difference? A
mathematician or a wit would give
you the wrong answer. The Magi
brought wonderful gifts, but that was
not among
This d
arlc assertion
will be illuminated later on.
Jim drew a• package from his over -
a 10 ,joy of the holiday season
is in gayly decorating the Home. You
can easily make your own Christmas
decorations attd the little ones can
help yotl with your labor of lova Gare
lands and chains festont ed about the
tree may he made of reel end white
peppermint st,)ek•e tied with narrow
scarlet ribbons, Tin foil makes an
effective decoration ereeeents and
stars may Ito etit from oa1'dbotrd and
coveted with tinfoil and suspendeJ by
a silver cord or pietz':omire,
Christmas bells May be lnade from
scarlet or white bristol board, White
eardboe,d gilded or silvered makes
pretty bells, a circle four inches across
will 1na1-e two bells,-
'ti7Iiite crystals are made of rice
lan;ei•. the ve _tat; lrst: •,vay to /noire the
crystals is to'fele a c.rale about 4
i21e1121 in dian2elcr meriting the wee
tern with n lead ] eecil cr. the folded
teretes'and there getting ,!t pelt, 0.e..e
the1tl_;er is enfolded a cry tai r„r^e00s
sehi Yh may lie . ire wits tnreal 1;o
rte tr, feral .1 (.1 (. h' If eves—tail
3lietci 1113 ty1!th (!.meat/ dart. •
Red arel green 11r a the 'Clime, 3•sc 1
principally for d --0-:,t:11[ the t'hri tw
Inas"festal beere,, 'the i:lddies w,111
have a tables with Nanta Claus statuling
011.a snowy cattn1i' :noun(' dressed in
reel crepe impel- with etrimmings of
white 't it to cotton to r,ivttllata white. for.
The flair and i, -1V0 ;ere ;1=.0 'of white
eo'tc n. Secede 1 i ltar 111 07 mound
nra 1:t,.,t lr,; to :.111, el lt.i'i,
, Y, •,arr1,er, ,
civet relt1e^nte is 1 . e'eme, to a king
c're/r 1'11/1011 the 11 71 'nal n to the
alien end vete! 2 'tt, e.t.) 1::a^;, -
Tr) ca 1rlr: 1' en( Is the
1,.11dle sticier t, •.21
:ti: • cls
.111311' 2}rat}e1 ),,:.af•w,,.: t::nn1011d
4030 and e:le}1 c,,1 i' s.° 1, ir , n.:,irele6
teeth a wreath) ,rf .:mall everlasting
The bon hon bones nee little i,1133)
in the shape of snow balls hdovned
with a gay spray of holly and filled
with roil ant, lg!t1te st :t /Meals,
While the 31e-ts ,t mated, Itt1'ts
tele lents nee. 1•e disoriented /shill,.,
ere, !alu eterre'1,,1 cltl^lst.1,.1:1 geoei,i,,:;s.
The (Maes (k (.2' IJh ebereleilt r may
be euvcre:l w2)1 Cheedeees pea :roe'
chit cut end ete ire .:,1 thei.Yset
A table with he elm far ibo 3r ncs-I
pal feature lee 1 leree tear 1'e:1.r•1lnped
box out1 1131' wEch (36122lonl dins. hold=
till the cu, £con':, From the ehendelier!
bl moans ref wire are 'suspendedI
etriege of ;;mfrs.
l no 1=uird>'•ichr:s pray- be cut til star
ela]•r, and the rakes iced with red
I,..11, 210992 •.2', ed 1f•
Thu ,•, t(h grexn randirs,
ht ir.e :item na:iY he ,(:;rv0r_t •i1t sno,v,
ball eiv(p0 0prir'tled with eacoei:nt !
(it. u bit ,i tvt„
can to e i(?1 roil `.
T'o 1c::rn \)',99P)2 2,i (eive
firms iris; the tool.. 1 ,.; .11eh keroc1'
102)Erato en 1,d11'.0 1110, Alite 12n10 f.1t'm�
ill eercles,
Flow Said to 00 a8 Often Acquired
a9 inheritgd,
ltt is g0ilerally and chiefly indicated
by .eruptions anti sores, but in 10an;y
cases 1t enlarges tits glands of GbB
nock, ,affects the internal organs, c
pooially the ',liege, and if ;aepleettl0
may develop into consumption.
It 801169£ 2410 i/
,aggravated by impure air, Me -whole:
some food, bad water, too much hex's
:or cold, and want of proper exotcis,.
Hood's Sav'sapae'illat, the medicine
that has been need with so mu2011
satisfaction by three generations, is
wonderfnll,y successful ar) the treat
meat of serofnia, Give it a trial, •
If a cathartic or laxative is needed;
take Hood's Pills, -there is nothing
better, for biliousness or constipat : ei,
coat pocket and threw it on the tat )ie:
"Dont make all Mistake,.i)ell,i' et
s lel "about an , T do 't ' think there's
a o 8
anything in the way o4 21 haircut or. tl
shave or tr ztampoo that -could mace
Pie like thy girl any lees. Ilut Ai youl11
unwrap that package, yeti may see
Why you had me going a tulle at first,,'
White fingers and nimble tore at the
string •and paper, A.nd then an eeeta=
tie 'ocean of joy, and then, alas! g
galelc feminine change to , hysterieal
tears and walla, necessitating the ism,
mediate' erenloyment of all the come
forting. powers of the lord of the flat
.IY'oe there lay the eoliths—the set of
c0mbsl site and back, that Della had
worshipped in a downtown window.
Beautiful combo, pure tortoiseshell,
with jewelled aims, just the shade be
wear in the bezniti0ui vanished hair.
They were expensive combs, site knew,
and her 11e.,1rt '•ad simply craved and
yearned over the: t tvithoue the least
hope of possession. And now they
were hers; but the tresses that should,
have adorned the coveted ornaments
were gone,
But she hugged them' to her bosom,
and at length she was able to look up
with the dire eyes and a smile, and
say 2
"My hair grows so fast, Jim.” And
then Della lea pt lhp like a little singed
cat and cried, "Oil, ell"
Jim lad not yet' seen his beautiful
present fehe held it out to him
eagerly upon her open palm. The dull,
precious metal seemed to flash with a
reflection of her bright and ardent
"Isn't it a dandy, Jim?.,hunted 011
00111 the ten to find it: •You'll have
to leek at the time a hulidrsd times a
day -now. Give me your watch! I
want to see how it looks on it.”
Inrtead of, obeying, Jim tumbled
clown on the couch, and put 111a hands
under the back of his head and smiled.
"Dell," said he, "let's put our Christ -
ma; presents away and keep them
awhile. They're too nice to use just at
present. I sold the watch to get the
money to 'buy ,your combs. And now
suppose you put the chops onl"
The Magi, as you know, were wise
Hien—wonderfully 10110 men-' who
brought gifts to the Babe in the
manger. They invented the art of giv-
ing Christmas presents. Being wise,
their gilts were n0 doubt wise ones,
possibly bearing the privilege of ex-
change in ease of duplication. And
here I have lamely related to you the
uneventful chronicle of two foolish
children in a flat who most unwisely
sacrificed for each other the greatest
treasures of their homer
But, •in a last word to the wise of
these (Lye, let it be said of all who
give gifts there two were the wisest.
0f' all who give caul receive gifts, such
as they are wisest. Everywhere they
are wisest: They are the Magi.
Christmas, 1919.
Again, the 'clave bring Christmas Day,
The di1y of the holy Story!
And son f
s a leo. c in th
g are pair
And merry bells peal everywhere
For the Holy Child Who came t^• earth
And chose a stable for Ms birth
And stripped Himeelf of 11is glory.
"Peace on earth, good -will to men!"
We hear the angels singing,
And our hearts rebound to the glad-
some sound,
And we–set the bells a -ringing!
Eager, we welcome thoughts of peace,
Balllslt our long -worn sadnses:
Glad that the battle's noise is dila;
Glad for the thoughtof gladness!
Anxious to spread some joy and mirth
Whore hearts were full of sorrow;
Clear, from the star of the Baby King,
Rays of ;he brightness borrow.
Cast away care, ye sons of 1110!
Set aside gloom and sinning;
Into the stable, with the sheep,
Come, with 'Ore shepherds' winning,
.Estee from the pain of yesterday
Strength for 'a bravo to -Morrow!
Purest joy for the King's blrtbdase
And it heart's surcease from sorrow,
"Pence on earth, good -will to men!"
Still, I hear theta singing!
"Pones on earth," Tis come at last!
"Good•wili to unite" as their wings
brash past; -
And hearts have found the Chrletnla0
joy' t
While the Christmas bolls are range
– - h---
"Ever seett Santa 0100" whisper,
"Not I1'evr, you?" whispered six,
"Rather'. 1 saw Wm last year, and
if 1)21(1 had got n.'iwiu brother 1 should
have 1119)13111. it was 110,4'
sal• eye Cin. 1:•1
N fy ry n .s
ripping, tcar(ng helteeeee
�,- et turret. 1)isordor,•d ohrr•
nrh--sluatanhtii ei• tint< it
Chan, t,.
.I here's (ho real
' ' vane– 416 lfamb(4rlain e
11110mnal, and Liver• Tn bio fa.
Tt:ry tint 'Ito atoosub end boiva2s Halri.
Alt druaai 'o, i(a,, roc by mail from J
eiha,1berlein Medicine Co„ Toronto