HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-11, Page 8Clinton Junk Dealer Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices NI. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. I whaMsT.,i. --.- • OLINTO V'b LEADING JEWELER? STORE Christmas :Jewellery This store is prepared to give you exactly What you want and we will be pleased' to show our goods. Watches, Clocks. Rings,Bracelets, lobs Chains, Brooches, Pins, Lockets • Silverware, Chinaware, ;Etc.; in fact, anything found in an up to-dltte,jewelery .store R. R0 J O tl Air, ivn S v, N Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT PIOVEY'S DRUG STORE wrmaa:V.cl'Y4v.`.YiIPA;Cu.. 4112 is 1thi aasM@aniuusl_ , I'1C!l7 CPO S Only tam weeks • more before Santa Claus arrives and then what! Ask the kaddies1 They know Whitt 'comes every year and even the grown-ups expect something nice. Just Iook at the List below and you will find something ap- propriate and useful as well for all the family. Umbrellas Parasols: • Sweaters . . Caps Fancy Shirts Ties Gloves, Mitts Diving Gauntlets House Slippers . Shoes • Suit eases Gaiters - Handkerchiefs Silk Camisoles Wool Sets and a hundred -and one other things just as suitable. Shop Early and Get First Choice P1ur • CLOTHING r>s1ac THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 23 , NEW IDEA PATTERNS, 1 1 FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY We have a pair of good Rubbers for every Foot in the Fancily and, at this season f of the year, every Foot in the Family should be provided with good Rubbers The Fall Season always has many days of slush, snow and bad walking on its -calendar ! BUY YOUR RUBBERS' NOW ! Men's Rubbers 1.50, 1.60, 1.75 and $2,00 Women's Rubbers 1,00, 1.15 and $1,50 Children's Lubbers 75e. and $1,00, (in black, white and brown) Dubber Long Boots 5.00 to $7.50, We've Rubbers in all the good styles—heels and toes to fit any style A pair of good Rubbers saves Doctor's Bills and Shoe Bills FRED. JACKSON GOOD SHOES A Gift Suggestion .YOUR PHOTO Most things can be anybody's gift --your portrait is dis- tinctly, exclusively yours. Just think one dozen Photos make twelve Christmas gifts. Your friends can buy anything you can give them--, except your photograph. Photographs taken at night. Make that appointment to -day. ROY BALL PHONE 66 PHOTOGRAPHER paniiMalezactraryWhenNot FurnituretureThis c istmas niture makes a suitable and useful 13 resent Our store is filled with the very best furniture to be had, Our stock is complete and at prices to suit all purses. JAS, DUNFORD Undertaker orid Funeral Director, 28 Phone tige. 28 inotaztaivvegraharemoor 6.mstionastgatravaminowithalimeiftemitasigrata*dealip .1•446t666.666° Loo Like ♦C 1lefore the War Prices PORCI01,t1IN CIITNAWAR> Good white, *Ingle geld band, small assortment of shapes but -big its value" Cup and Saucer 26e each $2,00 dole, Tea Plates 254 each :$2,80 doz. Porridge Bowls 20c each $2.251 don. Fruit Nappies 15e each 31,75 doz, Salt, aaicl Pepper 15c pair MeW .'ill Co.. 'Often the Cheapest Always the Best", Mr. C. F. Libby is in Toronto this week,.. Rev. J. H. Colclough, of Dutton, is in town this week. y Mr. 111prleyCounter ]lits taken a posi- tion at Windsor. Mrs: T. Jackson is visiting relatives in Toronto this week, Miss Jean Scott, of Toronto, is home until after Ciu'istmas, Miss Bonnie Holmes is visiting friends at Waterdown. Mr. McFau1 of Exeter, has entered the 1tlolsons Bank as junior, Mr. Fred Lawrence is home from Toronto :Cor a few weeks' vacation. Mr. W. E. O'Neil, who has been taking a course of study at Toron- to, is hone. Mi's. M. D. Jackson and little lough - ter have been visiting with Mr. F. T. Jackson during the past week. Mr. Israel Taylor:', of Loddon, was up over the week -end. His sister-in- law, Miss Stevens, continues .very ilh Mrs. I. Rattenbury, of Peterboro, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Hollo. way. Mr. and Mrs, S, 13, Stothers are in Guelph this week, Mr. Stothers be- ing in attendance at the Winter Pair. Mrs. J. McKinnon and Master Billie left last week for Toronto and will join Mr. McKinnon at Moncton, N. B., after the holiday period. Mr. Walter Jackson, of Brantford, Was in town the end of the week, having come to attend the funeral of his nephew, Murray D. Jackson. Mrs. Joseph Cook and little grand- daughter, Doris Johnston, of -CoI- borne, spent a few days last week ae the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potter. Miss Brown of Tiverton, whp is missionary of the Presbyteria Church home on furlough frog China, is the guest of her cousin Mrs. Arthur Cantelon, Rev. E. 0. Fordo of the Baptis church wee in Winghani yesterda attending a meeting of the Walker ton Association in connection wit the,Forwarci Movement. Mrs, Weatherwax of Orillia is here this week, 'having come clown to attend the funeral of her brother Lieut. Harry Ray Cantelon, whirl takes place tomorrow afternoon. Mr, W. McDonald of Leamington was in town over the week -end and on his return on Mangey was accom- panied by Mrs. McDonald, former- ly Miss Ila Bawden. They will make their home in Leamington, Rev. S. E, McKegney was unable to attend to his duties on Sunday ow- ing to illness. Mr. McKegney was not, at all well ort Tuesday, being obliged to disappoint an audience at Varna on that evening, and he .caught more cold •�vhile officiating at a, funeral on Wednesday. Mr. W. C. Bayly of Toronto, repre- senting the Workmens' gempensa- tion Board, was in town on Monday inspecting the payrolls of the dif- ferent employers and companies, whose businesses conte under the provisions of. the Workcnens' Com- pensation Act. This inspection takes place about every three years Mr. James H, O'Neil, a former Clin- ton boy, son of Mr. F. O'Neil, and well known young newspaperman, who for two years was managing editor of the Sarnia Canadian Ob- server and who left the editorial staff of The London Advertiser to go to The Flint (Michigan) Even- ing Journal as feature writer, has been elected to state and sporting editor of that paper in that thriv- ing automobile city, which 'rose front ten to 'a hundred and ten thousand population in five years. Mr. G. S. Robertson of Lueknow was in town on Saturday. Mr. Robert - sen is a former Stanley township boy, his family settling there in 1880, and his wife was formerly Miss McAllister of the Huron Roadjust west of town. They have never Ceased to be interested in Chiltonand vicinity although it i5 a good many years since they left here, and like to rett1 n occasionally to shake hands with old friends. "Tho old friends are becoming fewer, however, on each succeeding visit," remarked Mr, Robertson on Satur- day 1(irs Robertson, we regret to say, bas boon in very poor health sines March Iasi but is now im- proving. somewhat, Mr. Robertson Was on a inissfen on Saturday, his errand being to promn•e .lamps for the Presbyterian church of hie own village, Lpekmow is at present without. an electric lightingsystem and the busilioss amen, ehugchee, etc., aro endeavoring to title over the time until Ifydr'a reaches glomin, they hope, the not far distant future, a n n t y h Clinton Nowa- rd Dere n..er l th, 1910 ntrodueing. Your Friend and his Clinton Hea iquar ors Needed things for the home --a new Prig or curtains, table or other linens. New things to wear are always needed (and appreciated) by every member of the family. The kiddies, of course, expect now ties and ribbons, which•don't cost much, if you buy thein HIRE, and which help to create the Christmas atmosphere in the hone. Useful! Eiffel re Here in AE S d. a(3 el Well displayed—and price tickets everywhere. • Prompt, courteous and efficient Service is character- istic of this store, and you'll find that 1, Ih) t,Jal" E Rye 1st—Because of the treMQa,tdMIS var let j of Gift Goods 2nd— eeat se YOLIIC Gift Monet]) will do Most Here With stocks as big as ours, it is impossible in this space to even suggest their gift possibilities. The goods are all arranged for easy seeing. WILL YOU COME AND SEE? You will not be urged to buy a thing—it's against our rules. But if we can help you, the PLEAS URE is ours and the PROFIT yours. " THE WOMEN'S STORE Drj Goods< House Furnishings phone 6? Neat Royal Bank CHRIST..' AS Si RE" Varna. The Presbyterian S.S. will hold the annual Christmas entertainment on the 19th. At a special meeting,.of the Presby- tery of Stratford, held at St. An- drews church, a call from Lucan and Fraser churches in favor of Rev. D. Johnston, of Varna, was sustained and forwarded to the Presbytery o Huron for action. ' Rev. M. Bel Avonton, was selected to support th call before the Huron Presbyter which was held in Clinton on Tues day. The call was sustained and M Johnston's pastorate here terminate with the year and his induction a Pastor at Lucan will take place earl in the new year. A mmnber of mem hers from Blake and Varna attend° the Presbytery meeting to urge th continuance of Mr. Johnston's pastor- ate. Mr. Johnston has been in Varna nine years and during that trine has, owing to Iris many sterling qualities, endeared himself to all. He is als held in high esteem by his brothel presbyters. e Y, r. y CLINTON GARAGE TICE The frost is here, watch your bat- tery as well as your radiator. If you bring your battery to us for winter or a re -charge yogi will get it brick fully charged. We overhaul any make. of Storage Battery. STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION Car re -painting or overhauling. Bruoeield Messrs. R. Fitzsimons & San, of Clinton shipped a car of tattle and hogs to Toronto for the Christmas trade on Friday last. William McQueen, who was born. and raised in Stanley township, Hur- on comity, died at the home of his son, W, A. McQueen, near Snover, Michigan, on December 2n1, follow- ing a stroke. Deceased celebrated his 80th birth- day anniversary on October 29111 last and was well and hearty until ten days previous to his death when 11e was stricken early Sunday morning. Like the saint of old, his• -eye was not dial nor his natural force abated, Ho leaves his son and one daughter, Mrs, Will McLaughlin also of Snover, John McQueen, formerly of Bruce - field, now residing with his nephew, James It O'Neil, state and sporting editor of The Flint Evening Journal, was at his bedside at the time of death. The late Mr. McQueen leaves many relatives in the Brucefieid dis- trict, J. H. PAX AM Phone 80 residence. 140 Phone 148 Estimates given A. E WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS, SIGtNS, ETC. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your doors, furh'iture. ode., by plenty of drop sheets. Ontario Street ere it is a The plop with the swab that conies cif with a pull, We carry a full line of Liquid Von ter and Liquid Veneer slops. Call and see our line of Ranges and Heaters, granite, -Alt Aluminum and tinware, Electric- supplies of all kinds, d Plumber and Electrician Home blade pipes specialty, Phone 147 w - MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishizga Opposite Public Library ErrOUR WEEKLY- LIMERICil In making your choice of wise Christmas presents, We suggest that you favor us with your presence. Conte here to our store, Where you'll find them gal ore: M I«" "T�i , II 1111 i .I j%€iA.'R.$DWA3tEJ 1 ulnlni i. ��� 666 Christmas gift Snggstiolls The following list will help you to select r C:hrist Rogers, Sets Inives and Forks Rogers, Sets Spoons Community and Old Colony Sets— Spoons, Knives and Forks, Cold Meat Forks Berry Spoons Baby Spoons Child's Sets Crumb Trays Silver Trays Hot Water Bottles Casseroles Nickel plated Tea pots Nickel Plated Coffee Pots Nickel Plated Tea Kettles Alluminttm Salts and Poppers " Percolators Double Boilers „ Spoons Auto Strap Safety Razors Gillette "• " Durham] Strops anti Hones Shaving Mirrors - Our Stock was ne'vt•rl Carvers In Cases Pocket Knives 25 cts. to $3.00 Scissors, Pencil Sharpeners Carpet Sweepers Vacuum •Sweepers O'Cedar Mops $1.00 up - Automobile Skates Ankle Supports Sleighs Kiddie Liars Washing Machines Clothes Wringers Mitts and Gloves Brass Jardiniere Rayo Hanging Lamps " Table Lamps Glass Table .Lamps • Cake Bases Bread Bases Electric Lamps " Toasters . " Beaters " Irons Perfection Oil Heaters ere compelete---Shop Early. HA N Hart vete, Stoves Wird Novelties B I Q The store with a Stook, -5 -