HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-12-11, Page 7When you get up late A rapidrbrlashing up of the soap, a few turns on ' the strop while the . lather is getting in its work; followed by a once-over with your AutoStrop Razor and the job's done. Three minutes altogether by your watch. You can't beat that! And you have a cool slick shave into the bargain. To clean, you simply put the blade under the tap, wipe it off, .then it's ready for the next shave. No precious minutes lost fumbling with parts. That means more time for breakfast, and a smile for the day's work, Razor - Strop - 12 blades --- 25 in a neat, compact case. tilisApsTYA- ,'.ilti.���a�.✓� AUTOSTROP SAFETY RAZOR CO., Limited AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada dm.orioa'e Pioneer Bog lsomodiem Dock on DOG DISEASES and Eow to Food Mailed Free to any M. dress by the•Authot•. M. Clay Glover Co,, Enc. 11.8 West .31st Street F7 New York, U.S.A. A New Idea. Mrs. Clymer was giving a little din- ner and her honsenlaid ]eft without notice during the morning. In despair the good lady tackled her new cook. "Jane; she asked, tearfully, "what shall I do? Caait von wait at table?" "Not in the dining room," was coolc- ey's firm response. "But I've had some canteen experience, so if you'd line up your guests and send them out here with their ;plates, I'll see that they get all that's comin' to them!" =nerd's Liniment Cures Distamteor. Attractive and sanitary buildings are a business asset to any farm; they suggest healthy liveslieck, protected seed that should grow and machinery that is always ready for use. THE TREASURE. OF GOOD HEALTH Easily Maintained Through the "Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pale. There is not a nook or corner in Ca. nada, iti the cities, the towns, the vil- lages, on the ferias and in,the Minae and lumber camps, where Dr. Williams Pink Pills have not been used, and from one end of the country to the other they have brought baek,to bread- winners, their wives and families, the splendid treasure of new health and strength, You have only to ask your`neigh- bore, and they can tell you of some rbeiunatic or nerve•shattered man, some suffering woman, ailing youth. oft anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dr. Williams' Pink Pitle. For more than a quarter of a century these pills have been known not only in Canada, but throughout all the world, as a reliable tonic, biood•malcing medicine, The wonderful suceess of Dr, Wit - 'llama Pink Pills is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the disease in the blood, and by making the vital fluid rich and red strengthen every organ and every nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, and mak. ing weak, despondent people .bright, active and strong, Mr. W. T. Sehn- son, one of the best known and most highly esteemed amen in Lunenhurg county, N.S., says: -"I am a Provin- cial Land Surveyor, and am exposed for the greater part of the year to very hard work travelling throiigh the forests by day and camping out by night, and I. find the only thing that will keep me up to the mark is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I Ieave home for a trip in the woods I am as interested in haring my supply of pills as provisions, and on such occasions, I take than regularly. The result Is Im always fit. I never take cold,and a can digest all kinds of food s.uoh as we have to put up with hastily cooked in the w.ciods. Having proved the value of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as a tonic and health-but/der, I am never with- out them, and 1 lose no opportunity in recommending, them to weak people whom I meet', Dr. 'Williams' Pinlc-Pills should,be kept in every home, an their„occa- sionat use will keep the blood pure and ward off illness. You can get these pills through any medicine deal- er, or by mail at 50 conts`a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„'Brockville, Ont. Hard on Factory Women. a Investigations made by a woman doctor among 2,600 English women employed 'on men's work in factories during the war showed that 43 per cent. of the women were suffering from overfatigue and 111 -health. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money ()utter for five dollars cosi three cents, Tn Canada there is one mile of rail- way for every 224 persons; in the United;States, one smile for every 390. blinaed's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. {CharmiHgWaistModels 8453 9123 No. 8875 -Ladies' Waist. Price, 20 dente. Two styles of vest. Cut in '7 sires, 84, 36, 88, 40, 42, 44 and 46 latches bust measure. Sine 86 requirce, one material, 1% yds. 86 the. wide, or 114, yds. 46 ins. wide; insertion, 1 yd.; Waist, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide, or l'4 Yds. 45 ins. wide; vest, Y yd. 27 ins. wide. 8794 -Lidice' and Mtgses' Chinese Blouse. Price, 20 cents. To bo slipped on ever the head; closing on shoulder; two styles of sleeve. Out in 3 sixes; glnall, 3e; rtiedium, 84, 86; large, 88; 40 ins, bust measure, Medium alae requires}with'bell^sleeves, 2% yds, 80 dnq wide, or itft• yds, 04 ins. wide! ,with gathered aioeveR 1314 Yds. 80 ino, *Wide, oat 1%• y4e, 54 ins. wide. No. 8828-.Ladioab Sports Blouse. 8794 882s ' Price, 20 cents. Front tucked or plain, Out in 7, sizes, 84, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 ins. bust measure. Site 36, tucked ,blouse, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 2% yds., 40 ins, wide; plain blouse, 2% yds. 36 ins. 'wide, or 2 yds: 40 ins, wide. No. 8453 -Ladies' Cossack Walst. Price, 20 cents. Two styles of front; to be slipped on over the 'head, or opening on shoulder, Cut in 0 sizes, 84 to 44 ins. Wet. Sise 36, one mater - tai, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide; overblouse, 1 yd. 30 ins. wide, or 7/s yd. 54 ins. wide; bands, ins., faring, belt, 1% yds. '86 his. wide. These patterns may be obtained from your local MaCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., '70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept, W. •• ••••elle{Y-eeeaeeogoaoe,,e,.0 oe.Ywu ile s "sorn.ething really f'ascinatiN about the hut- fletvor of ""'•�1 t to spa t t e strerirg,th and nutrition lie ffrott t't i 'wheat. /find .matted barley food /make it a most sensible breakfast cereall, while its low cost adds true A eco11,0110.7, Iiwsna **a 0 • 0 0 0 Production is Urged. It wap Josh Billings, we believe, who warned a waiting.world of the dangers that lurked in the processes of mon- iteYing with the buzz saw, says the Thrift Magazine, Like 'many a word spoken in lost, there was the wladolu of the ageo in this homely gulp, We are doing too much monkeying with the buzz saw to -day, Wo have been monkeying with the laws of sup Ply and demand, We )♦lave endeavored to amend or repeal economic laws that Tit no more be changed than the forces of nature can be altered, Amateur economiiits, visionary politi. cians and rampant reformers cannot, through the formation of board and comnilttees, the adoption of resolu. tions or the assembling of conventions, change the fundamentals of life one iota. ,. We, do not need any more panaceas. All we need do is to get on the lob and work,.eave, speed up production, eliminate waste, quit looking for Utopia and sighing for the snl11enitim. The world w111 grow :better only through the development of education, and the adoption of wholesome habits of life by the people. What we need above all things else is a better development of thrift and a closer application of its principles,' Let us quit monkeying with the buzz saw. Snake From Horse Hair. John Burroughs in Dile of his Notes 011 Nature stated in substance' that a hair from a horse's tail placed in water would not turn to a snakerand that it a snake appeared in the water it bad not developed from the horse's hair. Evidently ilMr. Burroughs, when he was young, missed elle of the common and interesting e,tperimehts of coun- try boys. It's wortk''trying. A white china washbowl is desirable to make the teat with, as the black hair will show plainly against the white background. • Have the one who takes care of a black.tailed horse pull or cut a hair from the tail. Fill the bowl with water. Rainwater, it seems, we were told to use, but water from the city pipes may produce the same result. Place the bowl In an unoccupied room, Put the horse hair in the water. In a few days the hair will wiggle around like a snake, but will not in- crease ih size. ' What causes the hair to move was a puzzle that was not solved. As the hair seemed life -like, the experiment was considered a success and was not prolonged, which was well, as the final result probably would have .been dis- appointing. HAIR SOON TO® SHOAT TO DO UP • A little "Danderine" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small battle of delightful "Dan- derine" at any drag or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it, into the scalp. After several applications the- hall usually stops coaling out and you can't find any dandruff, Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. Flat Thumb Tacks. The heads of flew thumb tacks for draftsmen are so flat that a T square can be slid over them and the tacks are removed with a special tool. To Australia In Seven Days. ' A British syndicate which is plan - fling an aerial passenger service be- tween FJngland and Australia 'expects to cover the distance in seven days. I was cured of painful Goitre by MINAR.D'S LINIMENT, BAYARD McMULLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. - MRS. W. A./JOHNSON, Walsh, Ont, I was cured of Facial Neuralgia lay MINARD'S LINIM30NT. Parkdale, Ont. J. II. BAILEY. Britain Inbokes An Old La*. The Justinian (lode of Laws of the year 628 still carries weight in English lav, says a London despatch,. At any rate, it has been used to decide a knotty point of law for which the re- cords failed to fined a solution. The 9010 for which the Emperor Justlnlan's code has been made to serve was "Doeb the owner of bets which leave tlioir !live and swarm, some dietance away retain property rightsfn them?" Judge Gwynne James-, who found himself obliged to settlethe point at 'the Rath County Court, quoted the law so lnki down by /Emperor Justinian to the effect that a, meta belonged to a Melt US long as they were in Ilia sight and could be easily pursued} othaa- wise they becheio the property of thti f111ii•, 1oi'aoll wlic 1 SOW them. Il'is .milli; 'vee that the eivarni far telostlon had not booir 10 the ewnei"e eight Waith it flow front the Hive. 'T'herefore 110 gave ltidgiueiatetigabiei the Original owner, CIJILDIIOOD CORS II tTION Constipation is ens of the most sem. neon aliments .of babyhood and child- hood and nnloss'it is Promptly eneei rill undoubtedly load to disastrous results, 1,0 pure this trouble nothing can equal Baby's Own 'Papists, ']'hey are a mild laxative' which fuotautly re. guiato the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus banishing constipation, colic, colds, eta. Concerning them Mrs, lilugolie Vailluneonrt, St, Mathieu, Quo„ writes: "When my baby was constipated I gave her Bitby's Own Tablets and am weli'satisfied with the result. I would strongly recoi;tmenii them to all mothers' for thio trouble," The Tablets aro soil by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from Thp Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont, . Russia Has Lost 35,000,000. The Polish Professor, A. A. Oseon- doffsky, chief of the iutolligenoo- de. pertinent of the all•Russian Govern. nlent, estimates that the world war, bolshevism, civil war, starvation and disease has cost Russia a total of 35,- 000,000 lives. He places the cost of bolshevism at 12,280,000 lives. Professor Ossendoffslry says that formerly the Russian population In. creased at the rate of four persons a minute. Today it is decreasing at the rate of twelve to thirteen a minute. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tonguel Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels eltyy Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only -look for the name California en the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give It without fear. Mother! You must say "California," Millions 'of Acres in ,haste. The total land area of the world (excluding the polar regions) is about 30,000,000,000 acres, according to the International Institute of Agriculture. What proportion of this is productive" agriculturally 15 not definitely known, but the institute has collected data for thirty-six countries having a total land area of 15,071,209,000 acres, of which it is calculated, or estimated, that 4,401,691,000 acres, or 00.5 per cent., are productive, and 1,318,832,000 acres, or 8.7 per cent., are cutivated hind- (including fallow land also arti- ficial grasses). The productive land includes, besides cultivated land, nat- ural meadows and pastures, forests, wood lots and land devotdtl to culti- vated trees anti shrubs. 0,-a--,a-o--o-e-o 0 • C.--.044 With the Fingers! e Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain q..o-o • 0 0 0 0 o--o•-e.,.-s Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops ot freeaone, says a Cincinnati authority. It le claimed that et small cost one can got a quarter of an ounce at free - zone at any drug store, which is Burn - clout to rid one's feet of every corn er callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, . and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and doeirnot inflame ot even irritate the surrounding tissue. This announcement will interest many women here, for it Is said that the present high -heel footwear is put- ting corns on practically every woman's feet. A baited custard is a good dem in a wheel lunch; so are table raiains and fresh nuts. Itciear.'s Liniment Cures Garret in Oowa. Loch Lomond, the "Queen of the Scottish Lalces," is twenty-one miles long, and varies in breadth from one to five miles. '1 Potatoes at 36 cents per bushel T1323 cost !terns of Mr. Tos. Loughlin's potatoes, Dundas Co., totalled $88,60 per acre, In- eluding $18.00 for fertilizer4, Fertilised Potatoes yielded 285 but. per sore, • Unfertilized Potatoes yielded 80 but, per acre, .At hie rate of gale, what would YOUR potatoes have yielded? Did you use Ferttlizes's He Did Write for env drop Pointe I3ull'etili Soil and Crop Ian rovemmnt Bureau of the Oanatilttn 1''ri'tiliser Assn. 1111 Tettri10 Sldg., 'Toronto, Ota. w ISSUE No, 80-'10, TONIGHT!• Take"' Cascarets" if sick, Bilious, Constipated, Enioy lifer Straiglltett 111i( toter ayitem is filled with liver lsiid 17O970po eon which keeps your skin sallow your otomach itpeet, your head dui nd achinig, Your meals are turning Into poison and you can net feel right, Don't stay bilious or constipated, reel splendid alwityo by taking Casc8,rete occasionally, They act 'without grip, ing or inconvenience. They never sicken yon like Calomel, Salts, Oil dr nasty, harsh pills, '1'Jsey cost so little too--Oascarets work while you sleep. SiNCE d 1070 4 3 sun s` o Gkis 1 Corastil,paUgn Cure A druggist says s "For nearly thirty years 1 have commended the :tract of R,eato, known aa Mother Selgers Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to -do • the work." 30 drop. thrice daily, Get the• Genuine, at druggists. 2 IL link al FL9FatCNC Id' Danger - Colds , and more serious complaints are contracted In mean weather. { ,• Be protected.Telta from the first sniffle or sneeze. Stop kin • time and do not gamble will. your health. Used over 60 sears in treating coughs, colds and allied complaints. l Evoryb0dy huge aao Large 51ea 01 1 Montreal D. WATSON JL- CO., New York ACl/ES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find loan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Tut it on freely. Don't rub 1t hi. Just let' it Penetrate naturally: What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks" -those ailments can't fight 'oil the relieving qualities of Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical, Made in Canada. 85e, 70e, 81,40. est t"i fele is nothing we lita)' not hope to repair; it never to late to emend," Dickens, aZi1ard'a ihinilpsat Curtis floaaa, sss, 8114 ,st 14"41 RAW *.0414 ..'write •- a prici 1e01 and. 031i.�pr1'3Ic to if YoarO of kletiable Trading Referovoe--*talion $an. of Caaaaa, poo At, 8414.81. 1, 1A•040e4i,0141404.* P, , Alt grades, W41,40 for print*. i' 1UfN'l'O d'Jl F WORM) Q}, its 41t410 • YAitark'ti rvrms,...,.rmn. ra.•w.a,.•o,.�.mmw+,r-mn�.+w+..w•.:. HIRAIVI JOHNSON The oldest established LTD'. RAW FUR DEALERS in Montreal Higtiest Market Prices Paid. Satisfaotlon Guaranteed to Shippers. Send for Our Vrtoo Zt•t. 410 St. Paul St, West . Montreal Classifier] Advertisements, Iran* !reap, atan o� io a p Ortl>, Both silo, rABicA,'JCFII - {,7i WAN farm, aaal ma mine, Plasity wcritee Vary ro table, Bari4ain, von sash or Ontua' a property, owner, ei ],'resoptt T(4011.0. • a(iP17IOs WA$Z't173, rO +l'.lt,A4.' ,pj1,ci�grilNTS Dii:STRCN41i r its, virdehed l'ertraite 0.)101i11Q9, write for Catalogue and Poo*. LissUnited Art Co„ 4 a3run0Wtelr AY8 'fiorato. lafreozezat4I1ous,. ENS ANTED, ALIVE, 17 C1PN'L'E• {�a rid, any able. I pay exQrees' ri n B 'air of 'Loran Sa ueli PwlN, 809 Durtdae West, Tnronta. /�yy/w1yy,can , A'ijMOItB, LUMPS:I::: AITO,. lJInterIlSl g d uadorngttl,,, cured W kthoUt p'' p, intoe la 90(05 , sPeaiiulimnn 8t dt ai t 0,, .hilted, dlI tnLwoo� Ont loragsmagMamItawsimmailasEIMI 5x°2 % Interest PAYABLE HALF YEARLY Allowed on money left with ue ford from three to ten years, Write for Booklet, • The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 29 King et. Waist usgammussmaionameamaziamegammumo Buy Thrift Stamps. Choose the es Instead of •pricing tl,e next fertilizer %1 i 3tt F �C$00 v y1f' you buy -investigate first the quality. � For it is quality, not mere bulk, that / \ gets results. The time to ask the price fi Y F rr n ,\ is when you have made sure of qualiity. �j1 tet R,, Ifry IjI` I'I lieg..11114rcf J ' �Vn�Vhlli�lil\ I fen �,t kd' �i\ We can prove to you -and the. oof 1:9•?' „1 pr /P p\we-furnish• will be borne out by your / . i�J't'fr', 1 , \ own experience later that Harab ✓i'i'i \� 11i11�I�ii�%„I'\ \ Davies Fert er is the best that J t a -Vi , L'I� • n^ Isl+ \money can buy. Ikldft't, : ) �'\-notgueswork.tltcontansNitrogenor 7 •;I,lr,'II �/�1���'' y� ''Iilill are �,�.fn��Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash :/// €\TheAmmonia,whichistheplantgrower \ is derived from materials which dissolve �i uW"` \in the soil -water in proper order as the / 1 �" r l season progresses. This results in a / 1 /crop that is not only larger, but better \in quality -and stronger. fi II Our free booklet, "Fertilizer Results/ by Satisfied Users," gives evidence // that you ought to see. Write for a/ ,4, copy to-day.air eta a /1 ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LIMITED Dept. WT. WEST TORONTO, ONT. 'HORSE Qouic can be speedlly cured by yourca(C right in your own stable by treating with 'DR. A. 0. DANKLY COLIC' DROPS 20 drops le a dame. Mother and Chid find equal delight in the crealinl?+ya ably rdan$p; skin- healing, kinhi paling, flower -fragrant lather of A Symptom of dolfo. Colic is often fatal, but if you give Your conicity horse Dr, A. C. Daniel's Colin Drops in time, you will save Ito life and restore it to condition, With nboetlo of this famous remedy YOU . can avoid sanding miles away for a veterinary, for ticls remedy 18 easily administered by anyone. Why run the risk of losing a valuable annual? 13e proposed -have Dr. A. / 0. Daniel's Collo Drops on hand for an emergency. PRICE $1.25 Big Animal Medical Book Fres. DR. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY Or OitiTADA, LIMzTE1n KNOWLTON - QUEBEC tisre eeIfiiarl'fa i1 's x ail. Culiela is IVIiat Yep Need For Your ilk eltd Scalp J)nndruffItiIi8 the hair.' Cufeura taltdrufi. Try t I:rils his treatment. lidera retiring rub Cttticara Olntmeat into /tart Inas all over (l,e kelp, Next ,ncrtt;nd ebompeo with ddllcui'n Sono cud hat water, T.,:r'lameth 'Wad wale, ).l,arw't::1 usetaly disatelec s, it ur etepe faillurted (meetuea thick ave and basicity, Soap 960, iia meal 25 oad gas, Soil titrotalioi,ithr 7pgntiniott, CanadianDop q-tt .aL,,1400 5101,tbrl, St, Paul Sl„ ham:real, syo .uiieur80aostiahateSe aritlmetnlelI, A The particles of pure, vegetable oil which are rubbed with the lather into the pores, help nature along, assuring a white and healthy skin. Beat far BaGy-Baby's Own Soap is ,Best for you. Sold almost everywhere. ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED, Mfrs„ MONTREAL. 1.6.19 ONLY TABLETS MARKED i1BAYER'f ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" '!'ho .name "Payer,' fllentif?eo tin, coat: ler proper tiireetions tot Coldd, only eat:lino Aspirin, --i1,0 Aspirif E enii',rbe, Too'thaeho, I!laraehe Neu- rhe r' eros e oboe a Mee- i , 11 lbypl,vsrchia;t aur ovarniba ,.,,,v,:, telanba,,a, 141aeumatisnt, Neer'. aeon years and holy mads in Canada. I i .'o!,.1, Patna, nncl rain generally. Always lmylr.',, sobrnkaft package ,'.t'in bowl of 1'w tablets rest ba of 111tyor Tablet; of Ale:Irina whish I a fe'.v ciente. Larger "/layer" imslragcs, usro is only one dlagi.171:.;."De7er",,,4ter mils' 857 "Mayor" Asph4n In the Imes mP 't (res!,(;•red in 011,800 et Ilart,1. Stonutaetere of Meno- neotletteldoea0r of sancypnwia, while it Ir we.,1 1:1,0,,., Shut Aroma 010058 dtsyaa mnnureetttr0, to 8001.11 0 pui•tlo 1,0alnit hrtiil•.ot1a, l',n Tablets yet »nyor Company, ,1,111 Go plamped with 3.4011' gcesrsl hose marls, alto "sas'or cross"