The Clinton News Record, 1919-12-4, Page 5Deceinher qth I9i91 Clinton News--Recs*rst 'Of Interest to You and IVIe Ori llitt has invested over three million dollars in Government bonds •during the last :four yeaors. • • • The 131yth Standard editor boasts of a fine roast of venison presenter to him by a luejcy hunter. We nev-, •et' caredmuch for venison. anyway. "That matinfaeterer who predicted that the price of shoes is going to •-come down April 1," says The Wing - ham Advance. "might have been be- lieved if he had named any other date." • • • A pian in New York City was backed into his owe doorway one day last week and robbed of. :`1400,000. Nothing like that will - 'happen to us, though, We •stover -carry that Welch on us' all at one time. H. H: "Dewart doesn't seem to be very well pleased with the Drury -Cabinet. It -would be pretty hard to :please Hartley H. in regard to a cab- inet, however, unless hedid the -choosing, and then he couldn't fill. .all the offices himself. is • • • Premier Drury has set an exam- -pie to public servants by lopping three thousand dollars ,off his salary. No doubt 89.000 looks like a nice .salary to a man who is just coming in from the farm. By the time he pays Toronto prices for everything for a while he may wish he'd left that salary just as it was. • • • "Saving money," Says the Hanover Post, "isn't the glorious thing many would have, us_ believe. Nineteen years :ago we •took out a twenty-year en- -downtent policy.. When it matures next year the face of the policy will :buy ns a pair 4- of ' shoes, ten gallons of gasoline, a cord tire' .and a pair of theatre tickets. And twenty years ago we thought it would :buy us a house, a new bicycle, a .rneersehaum pipe, a.. corduroy waist- coat and a trip around the world." • • *. "Lindsay Crawford, editor of the -Statestftan, talking to the Hamilton 'Women's Liberal Club last week, told them that Liberalism is a living -creed worthy to be embraced by all Canadians who cherish high and pure ,political ideas.' Very true, Now, would Mr; Crawford further enlight- en us. We would be glad to know 'where, in Canada, the sort of Lib- •eralism he speaks of may be -found, :and who are the leaders that both ,preach and practise it?"---Simcoe Reformer. • • • "What's the matter with the Jenk- :inses"?" asks The Toronto Daily ' .Star. "Uncle Sam niay get into war • -with Mexico over a man named Jenkins, and last century Great Britain made war because a man. named Jenkins had his ears cut off." Alli the Jenkinses around here are quiet, peaceable folk. They don't run around getting their ears cut off .and getting themselves kidnapped by bandits and thus making trouble .for the Government, These trouble- some Jenkinses must be another .branch of the family. St. Helens • • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Philllpps, who spent the summer in the west,. :have returned home and are staying with the latter's father, Mr. John Campbell, Ashfield. Mr. Roy Aitchesan arrived home from the West The other any looking hale and hearty. Mr and Mrp, W. Ms:Donald moved into the village last week and Horace 7Woodley andfamily moved into Mr. -J.oynt's house on the farts. Mr. Frank Lacld has purchased' a Gerhard Heintznian piano. Miss- May Cameron of iVIitehell was home for the meek -end, Mr, John MoPherson of Pasque, .Sask; is visiting his brother. Mr, Wet, McPherson. ' Mr, .lames Cra•nt has purchased Mr. Win. Bels farm and gets pos- s.' :session in thespring. Miss Beatrice McQuillian was suc- eessful in the Victory Loan. Essay Contest iri Huron County, Congrattn- lotions. A. terrible rain and wind stores passed over this section on 'Saturday ".and Sunday doing a considerable .amount of damage. Tho following hacl their barns partially unroofed: Wm. and John McQuillian, Joe An- •derson, Lewis Weatherhead and 117, .J. Foran, Ned Thorns' windmill Wont down, Wallace Miller's new hen house which he had Just comple- tad, was blown down and a number of heirs lost, • Marriages BUTLER. — CRLIICKSHANI{S - At Winghani, on Nov, 24th, by the Rev,Mr, Armstrong, Lizzie Cruik- shanks of. Wingham to John R. Butler. of Clinton. feathas HAYES--hn Clinton, on Dec. 1st, Geo, Hayes, in his 77th year. HALL -In Clinton, on Dee: 1st, Alin R. Hall, late of the C. E, F., aged 24 years, MACDONALD—In Clinton, on Doe. 3rd, Donald Macdonald, aged 76 Years and 10 months, ,JACKSON—At Port Colborne, on Dec, 2nd, Murray Depew Jackson, only son of Mr. ?red Jackson, of 'Clinton, aged 98 years, The funeral, which will be private, will take place from the resideneo Of Mr, W, Jackson on Friday . ifter'ltdon, 00111Si 1rnce lavanglistic services continued this Wee]; bxoept Monday evening, Master Leo Stephenson returned from the west ort Saturday evening. Mrs., Geo. Wright and son of McConnell, Man„ spent a few days as the guests of her sister, Mrs, D. sudor, The wind on Saturday night and Sunday diel, a lot of damage around here. The churolt sheds Were almost half unroofed, The church had a few shingles blown off, Mr. 0, Steph, meson's and Mr,. Adam's` barns were rather badly wreaked and several straty stacks blown over besides sev- eral windmills turned Iver, The damage throughout the township' will run into many hundreds of dollars, Mrs. Thottll, Sr., and Robt, of Brussels and James T1•ettil of'Walton attended the funeral of the late H. CoIclough, • , Mr. ,Toe Colelough, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Colelough and daughter, Tillie, of Goderich t». intended the Amoral pf the late II Colclough. MONEY WELL SPENT • In these days of expensive living theest on u i with h mostp a e 0 1 is to p get the best value for one's money. In the case of newspapers or nmag- azines there can be no doubt about The Family Herald 'and Weekly Star of Montreal giving the greatest value for the money on the.contin- ent. The Family Herald and Week- ly Star is a wonderful combination of newspaper, magazine, and Agri- cultural paper. It costs only $1.25 a year and each subscriber receives a handsome souvenir portrait of the Prince of Wales, 16x22 inches. We learn that the subscription price will be $1.60 after December 31st. No better value can be had than a year's trial aal of the big Montreal Weekly. It consists of 64 pages each week and every page interesting and instructive. A GREAT EVENT An event of gthe greatest: import- ance to every man and woman in- terested in Agriculture in this Prov- ince, is the approaching Convention of the TJ. F. 0., to be -held in Tor- onto on December 16, 17and 18. This gathering will be of great sig- nificance to the farming community. You should keep in touch with every move made. You aunt- do this by reading the farmer's own paper, The Farmer's Sun, which will give most exhaustive reports of 'every natter discussed at the great Con- vention. During 1920 there will be tiffany improvements in the Sun. Every department will be enlarged, re -mod- eled and strengthened. Although the 'cost of the improvements to be made will be great, and An increase in the subscription price necessary, the price has not been raised yet and $1,00, if remitted at once, will secure for you, without doubt, the greatest Win newspaper for 1920. ' Send in your subscriptfen at once and get your neighbor to take ad- vantage of the present subscription price. - There is no other paper just like The Sun, and none in the same posi- tion to help you. Over 30,000 On- tario farmers subscribed for the Sun. Why not you? Send your order di - met to THE FARMERS' SUN, TO- RONTO, ONTARIO. - News of 'Happenings h the Conan and District Lucknow has arrived at a settle - tient regarding the electric light plant, the village to pay 1VIr. Stew- art, the owner of the plant who claimed the council had purchased. St from him, the sum of $1050, Stew- art to retain the plant. The village has been without a lighting, system since the beginning of October. Ripley voted 121 to 3 in favor of Hydro last week, Early in the year a bylaw will be submitted to the people to raise the money necessary to bring the power from the trunk • line on the x)prhatn Road, Mulvey Savenge of Soai'ortli found an Indian arrowhead in the gairden :at his home the ether day. These relicts of a former day are not so common as they wore a' fety years, ,ago, Mrs. , W. Shouldiep who an her marriage removed from A 3 •t s +1 g t r Bz tsL s to Walton, was presented before leav- in gti e former place byt the Ladies' Gpilcl of St, John's church with a complimentary address and some pieces of out glass. Boys hi Brussels have been amus- ing themselves by breaking the street ]rimes, Mr. Galvin 'Wilson itis been re- appointed fuel controller for ,the township of Turnberry. Lueknow Is contemplating build- ing a large shed for the accommo- dation of visitors to the town and may also have a rest, room itttaehod for the use of ladies from the count- ry when in town: Over two hundred dollars was realized at the Methodist annivers- ary fowl supper at Ethel recently. Robert W. Sheen of Hibbert; while hauling in turnips recently, fell from the wagon, and the wheel passed • over his chest, injur- ing. him •so severely that be died shortly after. A debating bat g gociaty has been or- ganized in connection with the Pres- byterian Sunday school at Ilensall. Mr. Earl Parhner, who recently returned from overseas, has one to Windsor to take a position in the Royal Bank branch there. Mr. Pari - mar was connected with the Royal Bank at Clinton prior to going over- seas. The new arena at Wingham was pretty badly damaged by the storm, Revision of Voters' List Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant i t to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honour, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber in the Town of Clinton on Friday, the 26th. day of December, 1919, at 8.30 o'clock A. M„ to .hear and determine coniplaintt of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town of Clin- ton, for 1919. Dated at Clinton this 4th. day of December, 1919, —D. L. Macpherson, Town Clerk. —22-2 Auction Sale of Household Effects The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction at Frederick Street., Clinton (next door to Mrs. Bean) Saturday, Dec. 6th, at 2p. m. the following: 96 -piece Set of Dishes, Beds, Springs, Mat- resses, Cupboards, Tables, Chairs, Organ, Chatham Incubator, Imper- ial Oxford Range, new, Coal Heat- er, nearly new, And other articles. Terns: Cash. —G. H: Elliott, Auct- ioneer. =22-1 t For .sale Men's Buffalo coat. Extra Iarge size, Otter trimmed. Best coat in Huron County. Can lib seen at Mor- rish Clothing Store, —Ed. Johnston, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 8on 636 —22-1 , Stray Heifer Strayed to the premises of the un- dersigned a 2 -year old black heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, W. J. Yeo, R, R No. 3, Clinton, Phone 14 on 611. —22-4 Stray Heifer • Strayed to the premises of.the un- dersigned about the middle of Sent. dark red heifer about 18 months, head marked with black, white spot in .front of udder. Owner can have same by proving property and pay- ing' expenses—Samuel Merrill, R. R. No. 2 Clinton, Phone 10 on 602-22-3 Lumber for Sale About 6000 ft, good lumber, suit- able for sheeting, Apply W. G. Pope, Lot 19, Con. 2, Hulled:, R,R. No. 4, Clinton. Barn for Sale Frame barn 35x:30, in good condi- tion. Apply to Frank Reynolds, R. R. No. I; Clinton. Phone 11 on 537. —22-tf Christgaaas Is Just A. few weeks away, Do yon not think it time you Were pn hasiur p c t g your supplies for that cake, Pudding', Mincemeat ete, you •have been thinking about, See Pur new fruits they're fine, Speeiul in Raisins While 1 1 e titoy last, 2pkgs to each customer with your or- der 2 . pkgs. seedocl Raisins 45e New seedless Raisins New Currants - New Peels,Figs, Dates etc. New everything for that cake you're thinking about. We carry open etoek of the gold band Chinaware, JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone 111 Retail •Grocer License No, 8-7241 Phone orders promptly eared for. For the Kiddies We ,have received notice fr n a iSa .eta Claus saying Be would be at Johnson and Co's Grocery soon. Watch for Flint Our 1920 Calendars are here aucl we will present flee to our Patrons Christmas Week, Full weight of tea in every package TE`is good te-a Sold only in sealed packages 121 Windstorm Insurance Why run the risk of damage by wind when you can insure at the rates of 40eper $100 it •'n $ 0 tsuta ce for 3 years. No- premium note to sign. Policy written in the office. Automobile Insurance Insure your car against fire from any cause anywhere in Canada. The rates are moderate. Live Stock Insurance I can now write policies covering death from accident or disease on all horses, cows or other ani- mals on the farts or elsewl ei e. Call and See Me. C. B. HALE FOR SALE` Barred Rock Cockerels, Park and Guild strain. My pullets averaged 104 eggs each in the first 6 months of the laying season this year. Cock- : erels are bred from the same pen as pullets were raised from. Prices reasonable,—H. A. Hovey, Clinton. —22-tf Barn for,Sale A good frame Main, 50x30 for fur- ther paticulars. Apply tao Wilfred Colclough, 11th concession Goderich Tp.—R. R. No. 3, Clinton. —22-tf Raw furs Wanted. At higher prices than last season. Bring your furs in now before the prices drop—H. A. Hovey, Clinton. License No, 666 —20-21 Cream Separators• - I have a number of second hand separators of different stakes small and largo for sale cheap and easy terms. All in good order and guar- anteed to do good work. Also new separators of different makes and sizes. Shop in office of the old skating rink at Commercial Hotel,— R, Baker Clinton Ont. —21-8 Stock For Sale For sale—Team of heavy draft fil- lies rising 3 and 4 years; thorobrecl Durham bull, 3 years old in October. Apply to F. H, Powell, 1Gth Con. Goderich township, R, .R No. 3, Clin- ton, Phone 9 on -607. 20-21! Bull For Salo For sale---Thorobred shorthorn - Durham Bull, 20 months old. Price right, Apply to R. and J. Reicl, Var- na P. 0. Phone 4 on 623, Clinton cen- tral. —20-3 Paper For Sale The News -Record has a numbei: of bundles of old palters which will be sold at the old price of 5c. per bundle, while they last. . Lecture at Londesboro Rev, 3. I. Snyder of Brantford will deliver a Lecture, "The Fun of Being an Irishman" in Knox Church on the evening of Dee. 2nd, Admission 15c and 25e, Concert and Lecture will commence at eight o'clock sharp, —•21-1 FOR SALE—THOEOBRED 4 -YEAR - old cow, calved Saturday Oct, 31st, Bred from Kepple Disney's stock, Also Yorkshire sow with 7 pigs. Apply to R, A. Roberton, Bayfield Road, or phone 16 on 607. 18-tf CLINTON TAX NOTICE—RATE- payers are reminded that the second instalment of taxes for the current year are payable at The Molsons Bank on or before Dec. 13th. next, No notice other than this adver- tisement will be given. The tax statement must be presented at the Bank when staking payment. —R.. 13Fitssimons, Tax Collector -19.5 WANTE'li TO RENT •O.R BUY—A Win of from 25 to 100 acres, Mutt 'nave good buildings and be near to Clinton—.Thos, Veinier, Clint* Phone 5-641 17.22 NOTICE TO,. CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Beacom, Deceased Notice - is `hereby given that all persons sou having s av n claims i a a eat the g g estate of Elizabeth Beacom late of the Town of Clinton' in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of October, A. D. 1919 are required to deliver to John T. Harland the Administrator of the said estate or her solicitor on or before the 15th day of December A. 1), 1919 a full statement of their • claims, together with particulars thereof and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the -said Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled there= to having regard only to such claims as he shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, this 25th day of Novem- ber A. D. 1919 W. Brydone, Clin- ton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Ad- ministrator. —21-4 Strayed Heifer Strayed on Nov. 1st, one red heif- er Calf, 10 months old, spot ring- worm over one eye. Any informa- tion will be gladly received: Ran- son Fields, Bayfield Ont —21-4 FARM FOR SALE—LOT 25, 2nd Con. in the Township of Stanley, property of the late Victor Dale. This farm is well fenced and seed- ed to grass ; on the premises are a good well and windmill and twen- ty acres of mostly hardwood hush. The property must be sold to wind up the estate. For further par- ' lieictllarinstolpply to John F. Dale, ot 12, n. 3, Hutlett, 18—tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—TEN- room, ENT.—TEN room, two-storey residence on On - toxic street, furnace, electric lights town water, good garden and barn.—Apply to -Josh Cook, 390 Davis St., Sarnia, 12-2.1. PROPERTY FOR SALE. -ON RAT- tenbury street, west, just off main street, a good 9 -roomed 2 -story frame house, Electric lights, wet- erworks, furnace and soft water. Garden and small barn in good re- pair. Will be sold cheap. Apply to J. P,- Sheppard, —03—tf HOUSE FOR SALE -8 -ROOMED house on Ontario street. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, fruit trees and small fruits.- n acre of land. Apply on premises to Mrs, lloggridge or to W. Brydone, Clinton, 00-21 ANY 'PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of, the estate of the late William Il. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.— I.M. Woods, Bayfield. 01-24 A PIANO OR PHONOGRAPH. Select for home a piano or phon- ograph providing such 'tonal effects as' to satisfy even the master mus- ician. I ani pleased to state that I am in a. Position to give you the goods that satisfy. '' Don't be drawn into a hurried decision by soma travelling' sales - pian or agent pretending he has a bettor proposition '}for you. I -f he tells you our goods won't stand etc. look out for hint, Deal with the one in whom you can place confidence. • As I depend entirely on _your con- fidence for the foundation of my. business I can aisstiie you that no tn,ueie store in Canada tate give you a more honest deal in Pianos, Phon- ographs, Violins, Autographs, .Ree- orris, sheet' music and supplies, I liaise the sole Agency for Hell Pianos and when you want the above goods be more and call here' and you will got theme, There is nothing on the markets to day Akan can surpass or even equal the quick repeating action used in the Boll "gill and have a demonstratioii. JONATHAN HUGILL Opposite Bank of Coininerce Bo# 229. Seal'orth, Ontario, FA3214 FOR SALli1-02* AOIZF4 OF splendid farce land la good state ot- eultivutioa. On it are a comfort, able storey and a halt brlpk house with new steel root, a geed cellar, a bare 4000 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head "of cattle and 9 horses besides 8 box stalls, root fioeo , feed room, s 0parat 0 r room and harness room, Cement floors throughout .except 8 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 211x10 and a drive shed 20x80, There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 11 sores of orchard. This is„„a desirable property 2t Miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it nee/parr for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stool`, implements and orop if so desired.—Apply. Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett,- Clinton P. 0. _49 NEW -COAL We are expecting both at Bruce - field and Clinton, some of the now kind of coal in stove size Briquettes. Try load� a f this, s as we 'e a n assure you entire satisfaction, besides com- ing a little cheaper. We also stock the following at Clinton ,EBONY CUBE—Tho Cannel de Luxe SOFT COAL -8 in. up Belmont Lump. PEA COAL—$1.00 cheaper than other sizes. CANADA CEMENT—The standard article,_ Accounts may be paid, and orders left at 1Viltse's grocery store. AT BRUCEFIELD :— ROUGH DRESSED LUMBUS, in both hard'and soft woods. B. C. SIHNGLES selling at less than today's cost price„ FIlIRE ,'BOARD cheaper and hotter than lath and plaster. SMITHING COAL our famous kleanweld. Also Cannel, Soft Coal, and Can- ada Cement. We do not want all the business, but we would like to have yours. J. B. MUSTARD OLINTON and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefieid 11 on 618. POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Every .Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept,. 20th, every day after that. W. IVIARQUIS —86 R.R. No: 1, Clinton. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live There is A PLACE A SEASON and A REASON FOR EVERTHING This is the place for every season- able thing in the grocery line; and there's a reason why we sell thenm- TFIE QUALITY Try these : . : They'll please New Seedless raisins, New seeded raisins. New currents. Walnuts, Almonds and. Filberts. New dates, figs. Orange, lemon and citon peel. SPECIALS—Oranges, lemons, grape- fruit, 'bananas, sweet potatoes,, cranberries and celery. E. E, IIUNNIFORD Phone 4 f! THE PRES.IIN!P DAY MOTHER MAKES PIES that the older generation couldn't begin to equal. For in addition to improved methods and utensils she has the advantage of being able to obtain Purity flour, the finest halting flour known. Ptah your next batch with Purity. Geed as 'your former pies were OW will be lnfitnitely better. a. - W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR ANS 1Ei215. Plaines Elevator 190, Residence 141 Retail License No, 92368 l Wlydlt2ale Lleense Not 12--83 U . -t 0 Da to with our New Dates (IN BULK) New Valencia Raisins. ,New Seedless Raisins. New Seeded Raisins, @ 20 cts. per lb. New Currants. New ,l+'igs,. New Peels. New Nuts. We are all ready for Christmas. HOW ABOUT YOU? O'Nell W. T. The iiub Grocery GIRLS liliiiNTED for knitters and learners ALSO WOMEN for menders arld inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORE OF ALL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for iiecla Furnaces PHONE 63. S61op over Rowland's Hardware. CLINTON PEED STORE WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF FLOUR AND FEED. JUST ARRIVED A CAR OF HOG AND CATTLE FEED. HIGFIEST PRICES PAID FOR GRAIN. J. A. FORD & SON Live Pse ultry Wanted ! 4000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS 1000 DUCKS, each week from now until the end of December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis deli2.ered inch empty crops. 1Ve pay special prices for properly milk -fed poultry, and wo would strongly advise all producers to finish their poultry as it will pay you well to do so, GUNN, LANOLOIS CO. N, ,W. Trewartha, Phone 196 Manager or Hointesvllle 4 on 149 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CRi3ANI WANTED ! The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. Wo pay all express charges, furn- ish, cream urn-ish•creann cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans or farther informa- tion to the Pea Seafortll Creamery Co. C. A. 'BARBER, MANAGER BOARS FOR SERVICIE Champion Bred Big • Type 'YOIti1SI4a,iltl AND OIIF.STLR, WHITE BOARS, A, Cw LEVEY, ,P116116 2234 CLINTON, Oils t home overt forenoon;