HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-11-27, Page 81 111021151111111NIZOIMMI211111ZONSICEZZIOSIMMUCTWOMBE CL1i TON' poiorionimigargeigimiemo LBADING JJ;WEU1U ' •STOR: • YOU " Nave have been promising yourself a nice gold watch or a piece of ,silver, but put it off during the war. Now i$ the time and this is the place TO BUY R. L1TOIHNSQN Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE Don't wait until you are sick with a cold; Protect your health by keeping your feet dry with a pair of our Daisy brand rub- bers. A pair to fit any shoe Also all lines of heavy rubbers and long rubber boots are now on our shelves, and our prices are the lowest possible. Plums eel POS. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 28 CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS. FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY We have a pair of good Rubbers for every Foot in the Fancily and, at this season of the year, every Foot in .-the Family should be provided with good Rubber's I The Fail Season always has many days of slush, snow and bad walking on its calendar ! BUY YOUR RUBBERS NOW f Men's Rubbers 1.50, 1.60, 1.75 and $2,00 Woman's Rubbers 1,00, 1.15 and -1,50 Children's Bubberc 75e and $1.00. (in black., white and. brown) Rubber Long Boots 5.00 to $7.50. We've Rubbers in all the good styles -heels and toes to fit any style. A pair of good Rubbers saves Doctor's Bills and Shoe Bills FRE JACKSON GOOD SHOES JUST A LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we snake.a specialty of dainty hedroom furniture for dainty people. To know hew attractive are these beds, dressing tables, ateasa .,y,• and other bedroom accessories, Crean c, you must see them. Deserip- a p / �h tion would not de justice t, y�� their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Ptinerai Director, 28 Phone ItX. 28 The ig StrikillPittsburg Is aIrready having a serious affect on the production of matesal aI prices of all kinds of hardware. It will not only he the causeof high -et prices but will cause a great shortage in all kinds of metal and steel goods. BUT YOUR SAWS AND AXES NOW We fortunately have a large stock of cross cut saws and axes of the best stakes in the Dominion, In et ass cut saWs we have the imperial Racer ICoidyke Improved Chem') ion Forest Beauty —No better on the market. Itis ,sites we have the —Samson Ottawa Chief Black prince Boss of the Woods Lumbertnans Special and hulls Charcoal Temper and at /m- et prices than if bought to dam, There will be a big demand for: weed .this and next sensor, owing to the scarcity of coal. GES BITSitaaa 11ARLAND BROS. lIaxttvwure stoires add Neweltietl :Thostore with a erode, Clinton News -Record Looks Like " Before the War Prices PORCELAIN CHINAWARE Good white, single gold band, small its assortment of shapes but big in value. Cup and Saneer`26e each $2,60 doz. Tea Plates 25c each $2.60 doz. Porridge Bye/1s 20e each $2.26 doz. Fruit Nappies 15e eaeh $1.76 doz, Salt and Pepper ibe pais m� .EL Fair Go "Often the Cheapest Always the Hest," illtusut nt mut hurl = "::•u tum In:. Mr. D. Cantelon left on Saturday ori a trip to the west, Miss Zetta Bowden has been in Lon- don the past week. Miss Clete Fowl was up from Lon- don over the week -end. Mrs. J, E. Beattie of Detroit has been visiting Miss M. Johnson. ' Mrs. Sharman has been visiting her brother in Goderich teownship. Mrs. D. N. McCamus was in London for a few days over the week -end. Miss Hicks spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. G. Holland of Hen - salt. Mr. Fred Sloman of Toronto has been visiting at his hone in town for the past few days. Miss Dinsley Left on Tuesday for Detroit, where she will spend sev- eral week`s with .friends. Miss Miller of Exeter and Miss Miller of Staffa visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mahaffy. Mrs. W. Sparks of Bayfield was a week -end guest at the home of her parents,' Mr, and Mrs. J. Mahaffy. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beacom of Har - lock were in town on Monday at- tending the funeral of the late Miss Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case loft yester- day for 'their home at Rose, N. Y. after spending the several weeks in town. Mr. Douglas Shipley of the Maclean Publishing Co., Toronto, spent a short week -end visit at his hone on the Huron Road. Messrs. A. E. and E. W. R. Izzard of Montreal were here over the weekend, having been called home by the death of their mother, Mrs. Joseph Izzard. . Dr. and Mrs. Fowler and Miss Izz- ard of Toronto were in town this week, having cone up to attend the fiiiseral of the latter's smother, Mrs. Joseph Izzard. Mrs. Aiken and babe of 'A]Ienford have been visiting the lady's /ether and brother, Messrs. Win, and Geo. Crooks of the Base Line, and other friends in the vicinity. Mr, A. Rose of Toronto was in town yesterday looking into the coal sit- uation. He came down from God- erich and was visiting the coal plants in the towns along the line. Mrs. N. A. Phoenix and son Ieft for their home in Hamilton _on Satur- day alter a three -weeks' visit at the home of the lady's mother and sisters, Mrs. R. J., and Misses Cluff. Mrs. Wm. Glen leaves tomorrow for Toronto, where she will spend some time with her daughters, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Saunders, Later she will go on to Montreal to,vis- it her daughter, Mrs. How, Mr. Wellington Cook left fey, Ham- ilton yesterday and nia decide ee' tee to locate there: Mrs, Cook will visit her people at Seaforth for a time. Clinton citizens will be sorry to lose IIIc. and Mrs. Cook from town, Mr. Victor 0. French,. editor of the Wetaskiwin Tithes, who is down at- tending the Canadian Press Ass- ociation meeting in Toronto, is ex- pected on Saturday to spend the week -end ea the guest of his nSth- er, Mrs. French of town. Lieut. -Col. Rance was in Stratford on Monday evening attending a com- plimentary banquet tendered by the citizens of the Classic City to Lieut -Col. J. D, McCrimmon, who went overseas as second in corn - timed of the 38rd battalion, and who. is locating in Montreal. Mr. A. 0. Pattison and Mr, anll Mrs. Edgar Pattison Left last week for Wickenburg, Arizona; in the hope that the change in climate will benefit Edgar's ]Health, lyres word received while the partywas enroute he was' standing the trip well and his friends hope the ben- efit 'will enefit'will be permanent,' Master George Jenkins of London is -the guest of his uncle and aunts, Mr. T. R. and the Misses Jenkins of. Woodlands Farm, iluron Road. Friends of the family will regret to hear that Mr. E. J. Jenkins has been ordered by his physician to take 'a couple of months' rest being threatened with a nervous break- down. Mr. Milton Cook, who has been stn- dergoing treatment in the military hospital at London since his re - tun front overseas, has beam vis- iting itis ' ) i`irenda in town, leaving Mon- day fol.' his home at Sarnitl, llil- tori intends taking a business onto' to fit himself :for a business life, Woim:. n wondering About r It is just a little of the whole ,story df this season's fashi enablefurs, but conveys an excellent idea of the great numberof pelts that are fashionable, Black tin's are extremely good style-.- therefore, we have an exceptionally good assortment, et a widerange of prices,; Come in and see our fine stock. BLACK FOX NECK PEICES BLACK FOX MUFFS - SABLE NECK PIECES SABLE MUFFS Also many pretty style A Magnificent S ow O • FINE CANADIAN MINK -NECK PIECES FINE CANADIAN MINK MUFFS PERSIAN LAMB NECK PIECES PERSIAN LAMB MUFFS in the less expensive furs, as well as many smart novelty sets. Select Your Furs Earp j This is strongly advisable, because it assures you of the fi rat Choice of skins --those of the finest, pelt and prettiest markingfa being shown in the new furs. By paying a small deposit, punches es made now will.be reserved until desired. NEW—that's the paint! For it's on just such small acs essories as the right Neckwear, Gloves, etc., that the success of the costume depends. And the newest are right here! V MI ThRngs to be Seem)" the Store DAINTY NECKWEAR—A collar or vest, and sometimes Autultnl gown; and they're here in all desired styles. BEADS—Where is the girl who has not fallen a victim 't dull and bright varieties, long and short strings. ' GLOVES—Our prices make chamoisuecle, lisle, sills and re hands quicldy. ' HOSIERY --We sell Hosiery in cashmere, wool, lisle, silk in to last. the addition of cuffs to match, is the fashionable finish for the dark o their charm? The new„Jeads are particularly fetching—both el French kid with over -sewn seams, extra choice skin, change ixture, and silk that are woven for wear, fashioned to fit and loomed Visit this store Whenever you can. You're almost sure to find something to interest you for Your Wardrobe or Your home RVOMFIN'S STORE Dry, Goods, House Furnishinga phone 69 Next Royal Bank FORST PRIZE ESSAY The following essay won first prize in the contest in the Huron Public schools put on by the Victory Loan committee. It was won by Eileen Atkinson of the Clinton Model school; Why I Should Buy a Victory Bond In the black days of April, 1918, when everybody was anxiously wait- ing for war news and the Germans seemed ready to break into our lines we were very willing to buy bonds. If the need was great then it is ev- en greater now. Although the Allies have gained a victory over the Ger- mans the war is not yet ended. Can- ada's large war debt has to be paid and the people mist lend their mon- ey to enable Canada to pay this debt. The loans of 1917 and 1918 helped to bring about victory for Great Brit- ain and the Victory Loan of 1919 we hope will do as much for Canada and the motherland as the former ones have done. Thousands of soldiers sleep in the shell -torn and blood-stained fields of Flanders and France. I owe a debt to every one of those brave lads who fought and died that I and all, the loyal subjects of Great Britain might be free from the sa brutal tyranny of the Hun. How can I pay this debt? By buying Victory Bonds to the lim- it of my ability, Great Britain, France, Belgium etc., have to have an ii1ense_antount of food to feed their people but they have not the money.to pay cash for the foodstuffs they need and Cana- da will have to give then credit till the motherland and lt'er allies can Pay for these necessities. If Cana- c1a does not give the European na- tions credit other countries will, My native country also needs the stoney to re-establish the returning heroes. 80 per cent. of our boys re- turning are maimed in sante way which prevents their raturns to their former positions. All over the Do- minion Vocational 'training Schools have been established where our sol- diers are taught other occupations. Two hundred and sixty trades are taught in these. schools and to pay for the most efficient teachers Can- ada needs neon'ay. Many of the sol- diers returning are taking farms in the Clay Belt region and the gov- ernment needs money to supply them With stock and implements. Money is also needed to pay the soldiers' war gratuities for six months after being discharged, The devastod area of Halifax has to be rebuilt and for this purpose the government rust have money, Titen again ships must be built end .ntarkets :femur:for the products of out country, I want my fair Can- ada to be the most prosperous country in 'the world and I ant pose hive that every loyal Canadian would re -oche my desire. So let et ms melte u C togotlser and buy Vic'•ory Bonds Whereby we are pay- ing stir. debt to our dead horacs told we alio helping Can:tela on to smelt prosliot' ty as she has never: known berme, !klippen MYIr. FI. George and fancily of Musi- pay. have rented Mrs. Anderson's hose and shoved in last week. They are an Indian family. Dr. Aitken and 14ir. I. Jarrot were in London on Tuesday in the inter- ests of the Forward Movement of the Presyliterian Church. Mrs. J. Crawford left an Satur- day for an extended visit with her daughter and son at Ripley. Mrs. J. B. McLean accompanied her but returned hone on Wednesday of this' week. Mr. George McKay has not been enjoying his usual good' health. It is the wish of his many friends that he may soon recover from his indis- position. Mr•. Holland of Clinton preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday last. Mrs, T. Farquhar, Mrs. Brigham and Miss M. McGregor of Hensall were welcome visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A. McKenzie last week. Rev, Mr. Telford of Blyh will ad- dress the W. 111. S. in the Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday morning. Mr. Thos. Anderson of the Bayfielid ;Road called on friends in Kippen on Monday, HURON COUNTY POULTRYMEN IN .EGG LAYING CONTEST The first World's Egg Laying Con- test operated by the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture opened at the Experimental Farnn, Ottawa, Saturday November let, and will continue for fifty-two weeks.. It is known as the Canadian Egg Lay- ing Contest, and along with it are six other Contests -throughout the Dominion all conducted on the Ex- perimental Faring by the Dominion Experimental Farms. There are now 1700 birds in competition and their records will determine if they are qualified to be registered in the Canadian Record of, Performance which is just being established. Two Huron County poultrymen have en• tend the contest. 'Messrs. J. A. Dun- can and Walter Rose of Brussels. * POLITICAL FREEDOM. DOM. FOR WOM- EN'S INSTITTJTES, Something like a bomb was dropped in .the Women's Instituto Convention this week when Premier •Drury in a rooting that carried r aecl a true ting of sincerity ,stud intereet told the warn - en from henceforth to' foci that they had the freest latitude to discuss Goverement issues if they liked ---that if the Government was not a good Government it was their duty as cit, 1 izons to put it out, And the new Minister of Agrieulturc, Manning W. Doherty, s like manner., said that ifhere t Wa ' s anything wrong in his Department to level ft -.he wanted to know about it. Novor an Instituto histoy had the woven heard an an• nouttcernertt like this, They wat:e fin bee assured that any endeavors `MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring anti (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library that would better conditions in the _ N T1 schools and for the children of Ontar- io would be supported from headquar- ters Ansi some people had won - dared what the new Government's attitude would be toward Women's Institutes! —Farmer's. Advocate, Phone 146 Estimates given _ A.E. WOOD WALL. PAPERS, MOULDINGS, SIGNS, ETC. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your floors, furniture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets, Ontario Street Here it is at Last The mop with the swab that conies oil' with a pull. We carry a full line of Liquid Ven- eer and Liquid Veneer stops. Call and see our line of Ranges and Heaters, granite, Aluminum and tinware. Electric supplies of all ]sisals. Home merle pipes a epecialty. +a J. A, SUTTER The frost is here, watch your bat -- tory as well as your radiator. If you bring your battery to us% for winter or a re -charge you will get it back fully charged. We overhaul any make of Storage Battery. STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION Car re -painting or overhauling. CLINTON GARAGE J. H. PAXMAN Phone 80 residence 140 ..ass•. Clinton Junk Dealer Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Alhdrt St. A Gift Suggestion YOUR PHOTO Most things can be anybody's gift --your portrait is dis- tinctly, exclusively yours. Just tint* one dozen Photos snake twelve Christmas gifts. Your friends can buy anything you can give them. - except your photograph, Photographs taken at night. Make that appointment today.. PHONE 66 BALL PHOTOGRAPHER sawatatratateeeo