HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-11-27, Page 7The Winter Wardrobe,.
t3QFl•:sr4Wat' tmweameirov" *'n'e,i•; :' ski
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For Chrletmas Cheer
Throu out the Year
liq ,�
WId17N.you give a Brunswick Phonograph you give_
a gift of lasting worth—ono that is not forgotten
with the passing holiday. '
The Brunswick is an instrument of Tone, Grace and
Beanty, appreciated and enjoyed by ell throughout the
It is the truly universal phonograph because -it plays
ALL/ records CORRECTLY with the wonderful three-
' .in -one intone, which gives the exact weight, correct
diaphragm and precise needle for ALL records. Its
ALL -WOOD OVAL HORN—built like a violin—gives
pule, natural tones, .free from' all metallic harshness.
Regarded bothl as a musical instrument and a dignified
r aan
bonze furnishing, the Brunswick makesidealift for
et your family. Why not satisfy their hearts' desire? See
your nearest dealer—you can't afford to make a mis-
take—Just You ITear the Brunswick—then decide.
PRICES FROM $77 TO $395.
Easy Payments Can Be Arranged. ,
The... Musical Merchandise "Sales Company
Sole Canadian Distributors
et 11111 milli Ills111191)1111 1)1)911191111 811 91911191
mews itemise lel 111911119111111 re
How to Keep the Body in
Condition to Ward Off
an Attack.
Influenza is clearly a germ -causes
It cannot originate in the human
body unless the natural defences of
the latter are in a condition so weak
as to•porneit of the easy invasion of
the blood by the influenza germ, or•
germs -for it is probable that two or
three differentspeciesof our micro-
scopic enemies have a hand in pro-
ducing the various symptoms which
are known collectively as the 'flu.
There is no reason why anyone who
is in a perfect stake of health should
be attacked at all by this comparative-
ly new white plague. I9ach one of us
is endowed by natflre with a more per.
-feet' antiseptic and germicide • than
could ever.be devised by the -wit of
man. Healthy blood will fight to a
ilnis1i the most virulent and persistent
microbe ever evolved by the come
blued powers -of dirt and darkness,
Were it not so, nobody Could escape
the inluenz'ic peril 'during an opidemla
ou a grand scale, such' as we experi-
eneed last year, 'Thousands fail vic-
tims, but many more thousands come
through unscathed, The tatal germs
encompass the latter in Monde, but
they take no harm. In other words,
the attacking germs are slain by those
they are seeking to devour,
How then aro we to keep our health
up to such a pitch of perfection that
we can laugh at these 'flu germs?
Easily enough, if we but take a little
In the midst of an epidemic, the
first thing to do is to -be as cheerful as
ale; .�tlte most fatuous optimists can ever
hope to be. This habit _of mind has
a far-reaching effect on the various
ea secreting and excreting glands of the
body, whose working is so intimately
connected with and delicately reapon
Mee to the varying emotions of the
mind. On the quality and quantity of
the secretions which these mysterious
little glands pour or fail to pour into
the blood or other tissuesdepends the
high vitality .or the low -resisting
power of our blood: In this way ex-
hilaration of spirit or mental depres-
sion makes cr mars the germicide
potency of the circulating fluid; Dur-
ing a -severe epidemic fear is almost
as fatal as 'flu.
Do Not Resort to, Drugs.
The next best thing to de is to avoid
all self -drugging, which is so widely
resorted to with a view to warding off
the firstfsymptorhs of the disease.
There is no known mepielee that will
prevent you getting influenza, but
there is an almost unlimited number
f - -
that will render you more liable to at-
tack than you would be in the natural
course of events,
Whatever happens during an epi.
delnic, don't, if you get a rise of tem-
perature of one or two degrees, have
immediate recourse to those powerful
heart depressors which will bring your
temperature down with a run—Lind
perhaps- leave you.. at a very much
lower level than you bargained 'for,
As weakeners of the heart and. de-
pressor's of vitality (when taken with-
out reasoneblo cause) there is nothing
to equal the average anti -pyretic
(fever) tablet.
Your high-grade germicidal bleed
must do the rust. -Unfortunately many
people pay soIittle heed to the quality
of their blood that instead of being
germicidal it is positively suicidal;
the result being that when attacked
by 'flu they are poisoned with the ill -
conditioned fluid, that should have
saved them. '
To keep your blood up to the markt
feed'it sparingly, ventilate It unspar-
ingly, and keep It reasonably clean.
But how are you to do these three es-
sential things?
Do not starve yourself, but at Bee
mine time do not eat merely, for the
pleasure of the process, since by doing
so you introduce Into your blood mar
teria] that is not wanted and only in-
terferes with its proper functions.
Make your blood clean by keeping
the purifying organs, skinr••kldneys,
bowels, active by means of baths, the
Meof fruit and green vegetables, offs
--anything save Mellitus] aperients and
purgatives. • '
Ventilate your !eternal organs`and
oxygenate your multitudinous . red
corpuscles by getting into the fresh
air whenever possible. Do not sleep
in a - draught, but see that there is a
current of air passing through your
room`Stagnant air is about as healthy
as stagnant. water,
Lover's Wedding Cake.
Pour pounds, et flour of love, one and
one-half pounds of buttered youth, one
and one-half pounds of good looks, one
and one-half pounds of sweet temper,
one and one -halt pounds of self -for
getfulness, one and one-half pounds
of powdered wits, one and ono -halt
ounces of dry humor, two tablespoon-
fuls of sweet argument, one and ono -
halt pints of rippling laughter, one and
one-half wineglasafuls of common
sense, Put the flour of love, good
looks and sweet temper into a well -
.furnished betide, Beat the butter of.
Youth to a cream, Mix together
blhndlless 'of: faulte, self-forgetfulneos,
ptfevdered'wite, dry limner roto Sweet
argument, then add them to the above.
Pour in gently rippling laughter and
common seiise. Wbrk it together un-
til all is well mixed, then bake gently
forerer, ..
"Well, George, are yen perfectly
satisfied?" asked his uncle after the
Christmas party was over; "No, mlele,
I. ain't," was the plaintive reply.
"Bless my soul, how's that?" "Why,"
replied George, "auntie told me to eat
as much as I wanted, and I couldn't."
91814163 8941-917e
No. 8941—Ladies' Waist. Price, 20
cents. Body and sleeves in one; under -
sleeves attached to lining. Out in 6
sizes,.84, 86, 38, A0, 42 and 44 ins. bust
measure. Size 36 requires, body and
sleeves, 1i%s yds, 36 or 45 ins. wide;
collar, ,cuffs, 3'h yd. 36 ins. wide;
one materiel, long sleeves, 1% yds. 36
ins. wide, or 1% yds. 45 ins, Wide."
No. 9176—Ladies' dour -Piece Skirt.
Price, 25 cents. With side yokes;
with "or without circular flounces;
high waistline; 39. or 37 -inch length.
Cut in 8.` eizes, 24 to 38 ins. whist.
Size 20, with flounces, 89 -inch length,
3% yds. 40 ,ins. wide, or 2% yds. 54
ins. wide; without flounces, 37 -inch
length, 291i yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2%
yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 1)/ yds.
No. 9181—Ladies' Mannish Shirt-
waist. Price, 20 cents. Pleated front.
Cut in '7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and
46 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires
2% yds. 36 tins, wide, or 1% yds. 45
dins. wide.
No. 9162 --Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt.
Price, 20 cents. With side -pocket sec-
tions, 39 or 37 -inch length. Cut in 9
sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and
40 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re-
quires, 39 -inch length, with side -
pocket sections, 2% yds, 86 ins. wide,
or 2% yds. 48 ins, wide; without side -
pocket sections, 39 -inch length, 21
yds, •36 or 48 its. wide. Width around
bottom, 1% yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from 'your local McCall dealer, or
fro'zn flte McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Department W.
The School of the Future,
She conducted her school on the
strictest and most approved hygieuto
principles, and before deciding to
take little Willie as a scholar she
asked him the usual questions.
"Rave you had your vermiform
appendix removed?" she inquired.
"Yes, ma'am," said Willie.
"Have you your own sanitary slate -
sponge, a disinfected drluldug-cup,
certificate for ,inoculation for the
croup, chicken -pox, and measles?"
"Yee, ma'am" t
Do you possess a patent antiseptic
dinner -box, and do you wear a col-
lapsible life belt, a camphor -bag round
your throat, and insulated rubber
heels for crossing electric car lines?
And have you taken out a life insur-
ance pollee against; all the encroach-
ments of old age?"
"I eats truthfully say 'Yes,' ma'am,"
"Then hang your cap on the insu-
lated peg, and proceed to learn on
sanitary linea."
Look at tongue, Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of..Eplgs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are euro your
child is having the best and moat
harinlese'laxathie or physio for the
Ilttle st0maeh; lh'er and bewels.igli11d-
Yen love its delicious fruity theta, Pull
direetions for child's dose on each
bottle, Give it without tear,
Mother! You must say "California."
Breakingthe Set,
The lady district visitor was trying
to:get friendly with little Johnny,
"Do yea think your mammy would
let 010 buy you, Johnny?" she asked,
"Buy me what? An ah'gun?" asked-
skedJohnny quickly.
"No! No!" laughed the district vise
to1'. "Would she let 010 buy you from
iter and take you'away with me?"
"She might," replied Totality, "hlut
I'm afraid you haven't got enough
money "
Weil about how )molt do you think
she would ask tot you?"
-f'A thousand dollars," 350211141y an-
4wered j'ohnny; "
"Oh, but that seems an awftll lot of.
Meneyj" expostulated the lady. "Are
you ciliate sure you're worth as much
941111 i«t't
"Weil; 11'51098 not," admitted Johnny,
hue you , see, there's six of 11s, and
if mummy sold nee It'd break the set,"
"Build thee more stately mansions,
0 x11 soul
y ,
A.8 the esWift se;msnns rooill
t e4vo thy low vauljled pest
Tell thou at length era fide,
I ea.ving thine putgrown shell 011
life's unt'esisting Ma."
1—Oliver W4>edell )lettleee
Dry. Williams' Pink Pills Aet
ecily On the Bland and
1530th is ns lipeoeta,nt to the sick
Dineen as 1)1edietne,; moire Lie In meet
emits, A badir oilmen diet 11103' re-
tard ro0Ovvl'y. Tit health the natural
appetite '124 the hest guide to follow;
ip sicknee8 the appetite le often ilokio
and depraved.
Proper food and a good Unite w111
keep most people, in good health. D.
Williams' Pink 711114 are the most pope.
lar tonic nto3iei11e in the world, harm-
loes 0113 certain in their action, which
Is to build up the blood and reetol'e
the .vitality to the run-down system,
1,01' g1o35ing girls who become thin
-cud pale, for pale, tired women, and
for old people who fail. 1d strength,
Ar. Williams' Pink Mills are an ideal
tonic. Thousands. of people have
testified to the health -giving qualities
Of Dr, Williams' Pink 'Pills, and in
many homes they are the only nledi-
cies used, Among the homes• in which
t11e benefit of this medicine has been
Proved is that of Mr. E. A, Under-
wood, IOIa)getou, Ont„ who says:—"9
have used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
with the most 'beneficial i'esulte. As
the result of hard work I was very
much run down, and my appetite was
very poor.. I got a supply of the pills
which I used regularly for some weeks
with the 509011 that they restored me
to my old time strength. They also
proved a blessing to my daughter, who
was in a very anaemic condition, tend
who seemed •not to get more then
temporary relief from any medicine
until she took Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. She took the pills for about
three months, and is now enjoying the
best of health. Por these reasons I
can strongly recommend. Dr. 'Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
At the first sign that -.the blood is
out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink
Piles, and note the speedy improve-
ment they make in the appetite,
]health and spirits. You can getthese
pills through' any dealer in medicine
or by mail et 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
It Made No Difference.
•Tip and down the railway platform
Scurried . the nervous old lady, evi-
dently searching in vain for some one.
Then she tackled a porter.
"What time does the last trail go?"
she demanded anxiously,
"Nine -fifteen; ma'am," replied the
Por another live minutes she rushed
about, looking wildly round Then elle
met the porter again.
"What time.did you say?" she asked.
"Nine -fifteen," said the porter, a
trifle curtly.
The lady stood wringing her hands
by the entrance, her eyes searching
the darkness -wildly, vainly,. for her
luggage. Then, for the 'third time, she
sought the porter,
'I saY, MY good man," she wailed. -
I've got a ttn chest, and you said—"
The porter cast courtesy aside like
a worn-out garment.
"I don't care if you have a brass
neck," he yelled. "The last train goes
at nine -fifteen!"
t-o...e.,....n...-v.-*.-5010 o 1515015„00.....,w..-•
Don't blast your Liver and
Bowels, but take
�.w.u., .,. ,o.,. „ . ,• ...� �. ,11,11.... .....
You men and women who can't ge
feeling right—who have 'headache
coated tongue, bad taste and fou
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bill,
ons, nervous and+'upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach and
Are you keeping your livor and,
bowels clean with Cascarets, or shook -
Mg your Insides every few,daye with
Calomel, Salts, Oil and violent pills?
Casoarets work while you sleep;
they 9101/1180 the stomach, remove the
sour, undigested, fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry out of the system
all the constipated waste matter and
poison in the bowels. Cason.rets never
gripe, sicken or cause inconvenience
and Caecarets cost so.itttle too,
r 91
'la,ttoo ,artists in London have been
busy since the 85niestice, One soldier'
ho had the names of all the battles in
vehicle he participated Indelibly writ-
ten on his erne It 05(11 a rather long
job, for he had been theougleethe war
from the craft In 1914, In Thames
Court i'ecemtly a man uppearcd wi9h
hie head quite berme of hair, -.Covered
w;lh tabooed butterflies, eters, etc.
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited,
Gentlemen,•—Last winter I received
great benefit front the use of MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT in a Severe attack
of L1Grippe, anti I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in cases
of Inflanlntation.
4 =km' nest to made be the tailor
nd of Indic, ##cc tiny yellow creature,
e enema snakes .3113 Inlolitteye,
tnd eekee. aadet_yd'eAf, jiies tui into a
ree, and veldt a feted for *reed and
its bill :for a tieecller 8ow8 the leaf to
a 31eeylt11 One banging :Ppm the tree.
The 81401 (ire gown up, (in .4011111g to
the nest tllus formed being left tit
the top. The leaf, apparlu tiv tl0114ing
from a twig, Would never be 'taken foe
a nest.
Found by the Plulnhei.
A. plumber hag a lilt' of luck Penne
tim0'sllleo W11)01t Ito was called to a big
hat01*'t0 41000581' filo aauae far the
stoppage in a eertate Wade -pipe, He
fpuud in the bend of the pipe a dia.
mond rine, Willett, keirlute 4rodwilly
eajleeted and emoted all 00199 ale
odds stud enols, 1900 offeetually 1)10019
e3 t1t0 99.809140 of the o9ator,
The 9109011)01^, bp!lig ut ltoneat man,
gave the ring into the ceetotly of the
proprietor, and he, bang also honest,
anti 1'enlelllberi114 that one of Ilia
guests had complained of the loss of
o, valuable ring throe mouths befor0,
wired to that gentlemen ..to.• come at
once, On 1)10 arrival be identified .the
ring as his property, Enid bestowed 'a
oriel) ton -pound note on the Member,
for the ring was worth twenty times
that sum,
Oue of the dii'eotora of the Bank of
England a good many -70x1'8 040
bought an estate, and drew et single
note 1o("tjlil'ty tllou9anci pounds to pay,
fpr it. On reaching home, he put -the
note On the mantlepleea was called
from the room, ancl, on his return,
missed the note. Whore could it
be? Theft seemed out et the question,
fpr nobody had been in the room. A
sudden draught and the flaming fire
seemed the true Solution, and another
note was issued to ropl9.0e tho,loet one.
Thirty years later the 'first note was
presented et the Bank, and, being nee'
able to "bearer," was honored. In-
quiry showed that the banker's house
had been bought 'by a builder, and
one of his workmen, as the house was
being demolished, had discovered the
old note, quite uninjured, though much
soiled, in a crevice, In the chimney.
What are the rights and wrongs of
that transaction? h
_ 0 .
Some Speed!
Two stenographers Were boasting'to
each other of the speed of their sltoi't-
hand writing.
"Whenever I am reporting at a meet-
ing on a warm evening, all the people
try to get near to my table," said one.
"Wily?" asked the other.
"Because," said the first, "my Band
goes so fast that it creates 91 current.
of air like a fan."
_"That's nothing," said the second
man. "I always, heave to report on wet
paper, or else the current of air caused
by the movement of my hand would
blow it away. Besides, the paper has
to be wetted every few minutes be-
came the friction caused by the rapid
movements of my arms would set fire
to it in no time."
e.—o--o--0--0—o-- 0 ---0-0.--29-0--29••-0
p�.a-•o--o--o--o— 0 0 0 0 0 c.—•
Yon recklose mon and women who
are pestered with corns end who have
at least once a week invited an awful
death teem lockjaw or blood poison are
now told by a Cincinnati authority to
use a drug called freezone, which the
moment .a few deeps are appiled to
any corn, the soreness is relieved and
soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts
out with the fingers.
It is a sticky ether compound which
dries the moment it is applied and
simply shrivels the corn without in-
flaming or even irritating the surround.
lug time or skin. It is claimed that
a quarter of an ounce of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet
of every hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cutting
at a corn is a suicidal habit.
Throwing grain ,,on the ground for
the hens -to prick up rs net economy.
Cn•st it among litter mo that :Nle fowls
will be compelled to work for it, and
they will not only be •benefitted.but
will giveyou an extra reward,
Buy Thrift Stamps.
M'inard's Liniment Cares Distemper.
Changing breeds may be all right,
but before it is done one should be
sure to give the present breed a fair
chance to do well. Many a flock hum
been 'condemned as unprofitable be-
cause it''was hover properlyycnred for.
soo Dollars
of invested at 3% will amount to 007.78
If invested at 4%, interest corm
pounded qual t,0r1y, will
amount to 8744,23
But if invested In our 8e -e04
Debentures will amount to5300.23
Write for Booklet,
The •Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronito Office
A 20 lime 3t, West
Meet :rl' '''•�+w4".,Cctted'1',iee.I •'•�•' ... IL1tEA
Dre A. Ce DAEL'S
ii � • y9
Hoof Dressing
is without an
equal for prevent-
ing. and Curing
Cracks, Crattkod
Hoofs brittle,
tender, dry 9r
0011t,aeled feet.
's 1t is non -min-
on mhreral but pinely
vegetable, it is 14I
tbsolutell, barfu- 1
less, , Wby )'9
mpalrling )
value of you
l)ot•s88 through
(fraaked or 00n-
traot'd !mete when, by 011)lyln his
05819.1t own Standard rummy y u can
]cot) them In the best of Dell hien?
Toe15 remedy is May to apply an
100 per cent, offlolout
PRICE 600. and 85e.
Big Anireal Medical Book Sent Kite.
et. teAt9ADA, entiea[TED
1KNOWLTON ' ouoaeo,
tdluard's 8,Wh0ent Dnre5.ttelds, 80,
ja3UE No, 40•--'1%
CMnadian frill 9Ycath02' 10 extl'enlely
hard on little ones. One clay la want
(1113 bright and the next wet and ebld,
These sudden elieugos bring on oolds,
cramps and collo tench weenie the baby's
little Stomach !a icopt right the result
May be serious. There is rutting to
0qu01 )laby's Own Tebiets in /cooping
the little ones well. They sweeten
the 8totna01), regulate 1110 1)015014,
treat( up coals and' snake baby thrive,
The Tablets aro sold by tnediciue
dealers or by snail at -25 cents a box
91'090 The D1', 'Willlanls'Medicine Go„
9lrookvllle, Out,
In one region of government forest
hand in Argentina it is estimated that
there are at least 1,000,000 pine trees
large enough far profitable lumber-
zetifard'a ielaiment Duma 3)lphthoria,
Your thousand pgetences for not
getting along better are all nonsense;
they deceive nobody but yourself,—
Abraham Lincoln.
The safe way to send honey by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Older.
To remove inkstaine from a carpet
or tablecloth, sprinkle• immediately
with salt; allow this to soak the ink
up, then brush off and apply more
Minar::'e Li121m011t Cures Oarget 111 Don).
"A man needs philosophy more for
the commonplaces of this world than
he does for its miseries, ennui being a
steadier foe than pain."
C� y .-;
Vegetable fats and natural flower
extracts give BABY'S OWN
SOAP its wonderfully softening and
aromatic lather. Sold everywhere.
Albert Soap, Limited, Mee., Montreal
10(25 to suit your
onetime. Fined
with slam, Safe de-
livery cu,rantoed.
Wife(et cut dtent
" Write for Print ire!
114.,,.5 lie.
Insure elutes
Tho HALLIDAV COaaPA9IV, Litnitod
58015T80 Fume 11arneerona Were
cl Advertiseme
von gaze.
J. Adria tW ntY 911)09 9) hra g d Bro$,
Bothwell, (mimeo,
1]I A4v 1'Ulig, WHAT UAVl7 Y01,1114U what price? Saeid, Bros., 'Bothwell,.
i 351sT CLAbS 04 wage 10,.24.
gtato oxper!once and lvagea wanted.
told pros„ 10oihwell, Ont.
19)45 WANT791) ALI'V4, 30 C17NTki
a p00nd, arty slza, 7 pay .80(95889
15(911in +00 miles 0f .'0901190, No 298089-
than for sln'lnkage. Mamma- Lewls, 001)
Dundee West, Toronto.
t,NCL it, TUMORS, LUMP1, AWL:.lnternai and external, nod without;
Or -our home treatment. Write 110
before tee late, Tar, • 'Beeman Medical
(lo., ic,hmited, Coliingwood. Ont.
rao tact S:rlaoq Y,pia 8q _
Write for price lista
and shipping toga.
?y3 Years of Reliable Trading
Reference -Union Bank of Canoga,
aao et, Puma so W„ rMOntroal, P.Q,
11151'102Ms Pioneer Dog 1Leaa0dies
11300)1 on
and now to .seed
Mailed Pres to any Ad-
dress by the -Author.
U. Clay Glover Co., Eno.
118 West 31st 5t1'eet
Now 50x19.
eeoa aaViraeaawe'peeeaee•
i spe s L Cure
• M. D. advices t "Pomona who
onffar fesua oFmoro itldigeetion e)
e and constipation can cure thorn- ®)
a `
• selves by Wong fifteen to
thirty drops of Extract of Roots e
a after each meal and at bedtime. n
Tide remedy is known es Mother
(m' Seige1e Curative Syrup inthe drug
o, trade." riot the genuine. 50c. o
and $1.00 Bottles. 1 m
.9..a eve•e'1'oaeeeoeaoseB/A
Slean's Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pain
A little, applied without rubbing,
will penetrate immediately and rest
and soothe the nerves.
Sloan's Liniment is very effective
in allaying ekternal pains, strains,
bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus-
cles, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu-
matic twinges.
Keep a big bottle always on hand
for family use, 09fade in Canada.
Druggists everywhere.
85c, 70e, $1.40,
All grades. Write for mecca.
swcz is 1870
Mother's Coughs and
Colds Co Quickly
She cannot afford to be sick
and neglect her household
duties. At the first sympe
toms she prepares the way
•;t for quick recovery by the
Immediate use of Gray's
01 Syrup—a household
preparation of sixty
ears standing.
ro gra. y
,F 0Flier
'•n✓' 11
Ladies Perfume Your Skin
With Cation Talcum
Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodoriz-
ing, fragrant and refreshing, Cnti-
cure Talcum is an Ideal face, akin,
baby and dusting powder. Conve-
nient and economical, takes the place
of other perfumes for the person. A
few grains sullicicnt. One of the In-
diepensable'Cutcura Toilet Trio for
keeping the skin pure and sweet.
Cute 4v, Soap 2Se., Ointment 75 end 60e. TM -
rum 25e.plan Canadian duties, Sold eveuvrher,.
Naa'itoneIIaacherce edemas: Oaneura, Dept.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
-° The rigor and, changes of winter weather reduce your
' horse's vitality, In such condition he ie susceptible to
) • contagious disease. Hie efficleney is lowered if hiseqys-
0 - tentta not able to withstand expesure t0 disease, SPO;i14'tt
Willkeepyour horse in Oondltlon and. free Prom diaeaso.)
Prevents and relieves Diatempor, Influenza, Slag syedl
Coughs and 0005. Buy from your druggist.
SPOR17 7rEA8CA1t 00111PAI719, (1•OZ15185,. INDIA/VA, 97.8,,.'
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross",
p'or Colds, rain, Rilottmattem, Aeh- pec age which contains eco i 1p1e 4
lutg Joints, Lumbago, elehatica, Nett -(feat ons, Thep, 'a tt aro gellfillg
xitis, and for' I•Ioatlnelle, ;Nournleire Aspirin -f19 pebn]no Aelti1i3 prem
Toothache, 1teette 10, take .19ep)riu eerfbed byy Pbry�ilejans f'r ,P113,1' 11010?
marked with •C 5 name "Bayer" or icon ya9t'8, 7015 ;pada {11 nano/
you are not Lakin Ael)irin at tali, ' Haiti " 9th twice 4031 �felt 12 }i t
Accept only 'Bay; aver Tabiote of lQ is was but a f tv Oen9p0, bggl8 is
..,, ' 1 _"
;Aspirnt la ell tttrbralce)t"Beyer"Glop 0a1� lar r iiia or �agbs,
There es 0011y OSlo.A9pirl"eleyer'e-•' 'on,, wince One "MVO"
Aspirin la the trade marl; (registered In Canada) 09 P5y0ren)itseture a g�{stnp
teetttpgaldeater et ea110yit080le, 'whin it is Well Inter0 that
411111 a1OABrtfi� 13a7N
n)atniraeture, to testae Ota 31,1,110 against elm/monkthe, T 1110(1) o Bayer a9mpa8
Will be stamped . n'ilh 91(019't;iuc,ul wade Sae% filo "0059 Cross,'
.A Health -B hidan Food
y. is a
G��-fy4 T � �5ryryy� � : qy� ` -� Mft���,��']1 �
AAbleritcLof wheat and
�` ;barley prepared to,• !-
r "esl; eaSi1nd- make
4nd keep. People strong. .
Th re.l f 0. ea4so»
91814163 8941-917e
No. 8941—Ladies' Waist. Price, 20
cents. Body and sleeves in one; under -
sleeves attached to lining. Out in 6
sizes,.84, 86, 38, A0, 42 and 44 ins. bust
measure. Size 36 requires, body and
sleeves, 1i%s yds, 36 or 45 ins. wide;
collar, ,cuffs, 3'h yd. 36 ins. wide;
one materiel, long sleeves, 1% yds. 36
ins. wide, or 1% yds. 45 ins, Wide."
No. 9176—Ladies' dour -Piece Skirt.
Price, 25 cents. With side yokes;
with "or without circular flounces;
high waistline; 39. or 37 -inch length.
Cut in 8.` eizes, 24 to 38 ins. whist.
Size 20, with flounces, 89 -inch length,
3% yds. 40 ,ins. wide, or 2% yds. 54
ins. wide; without flounces, 37 -inch
length, 291i yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2%
yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 1)/ yds.
No. 9181—Ladies' Mannish Shirt-
waist. Price, 20 cents. Pleated front.
Cut in '7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and
46 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires
2% yds. 36 tins, wide, or 1% yds. 45
dins. wide.
No. 9162 --Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt.
Price, 20 cents. With side -pocket sec-
tions, 39 or 37 -inch length. Cut in 9
sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and
40 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re-
quires, 39 -inch length, with side -
pocket sections, 2% yds, 86 ins. wide,
or 2% yds. 48 ins, wide; without side -
pocket sections, 39 -inch length, 21
yds, •36 or 48 its. wide. Width around
bottom, 1% yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from 'your local McCall dealer, or
fro'zn flte McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Department W.
The School of the Future,
She conducted her school on the
strictest and most approved hygieuto
principles, and before deciding to
take little Willie as a scholar she
asked him the usual questions.
"Rave you had your vermiform
appendix removed?" she inquired.
"Yes, ma'am," said Willie.
"Have you your own sanitary slate -
sponge, a disinfected drluldug-cup,
certificate for ,inoculation for the
croup, chicken -pox, and measles?"
"Yee, ma'am" t
Do you possess a patent antiseptic
dinner -box, and do you wear a col-
lapsible life belt, a camphor -bag round
your throat, and insulated rubber
heels for crossing electric car lines?
And have you taken out a life insur-
ance pollee against; all the encroach-
ments of old age?"
"I eats truthfully say 'Yes,' ma'am,"
"Then hang your cap on the insu-
lated peg, and proceed to learn on
sanitary linea."
Look at tongue, Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of..Eplgs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are euro your
child is having the best and moat
harinlese'laxathie or physio for the
Ilttle st0maeh; lh'er and bewels.igli11d-
Yen love its delicious fruity theta, Pull
direetions for child's dose on each
bottle, Give it without tear,
Mother! You must say "California."
Breakingthe Set,
The lady district visitor was trying
to:get friendly with little Johnny,
"Do yea think your mammy would
let 010 buy you, Johnny?" she asked,
"Buy me what? An ah'gun?" asked-
skedJohnny quickly.
"No! No!" laughed the district vise
to1'. "Would she let 010 buy you from
iter and take you'away with me?"
"She might," replied Totality, "hlut
I'm afraid you haven't got enough
money "
Weil about how )molt do you think
she would ask tot you?"
-f'A thousand dollars," 350211141y an-
4wered j'ohnny; "
"Oh, but that seems an awftll lot of.
Meneyj" expostulated the lady. "Are
you ciliate sure you're worth as much
941111 i«t't
"Weil; 11'51098 not," admitted Johnny,
hue you , see, there's six of 11s, and
if mummy sold nee It'd break the set,"
"Build thee more stately mansions,
0 x11 soul
y ,
A.8 the esWift se;msnns rooill
t e4vo thy low vauljled pest
Tell thou at length era fide,
I ea.ving thine putgrown shell 011
life's unt'esisting Ma."
1—Oliver W4>edell )lettleee
Dry. Williams' Pink Pills Aet
ecily On the Bland and
1530th is ns lipeoeta,nt to the sick
Dineen as 1)1edietne,; moire Lie In meet
emits, A badir oilmen diet 11103' re-
tard ro0Ovvl'y. Tit health the natural
appetite '124 the hest guide to follow;
ip sicknee8 the appetite le often ilokio
and depraved.
Proper food and a good Unite w111
keep most people, in good health. D.
Williams' Pink 711114 are the most pope.
lar tonic nto3iei11e in the world, harm-
loes 0113 certain in their action, which
Is to build up the blood and reetol'e
the .vitality to the run-down system,
1,01' g1o35ing girls who become thin
-cud pale, for pale, tired women, and
for old people who fail. 1d strength,
Ar. Williams' Pink Mills are an ideal
tonic. Thousands. of people have
testified to the health -giving qualities
Of Dr, Williams' Pink 'Pills, and in
many homes they are the only nledi-
cies used, Among the homes• in which
t11e benefit of this medicine has been
Proved is that of Mr. E. A, Under-
wood, IOIa)getou, Ont„ who says:—"9
have used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
with the most 'beneficial i'esulte. As
the result of hard work I was very
much run down, and my appetite was
very poor.. I got a supply of the pills
which I used regularly for some weeks
with the 509011 that they restored me
to my old time strength. They also
proved a blessing to my daughter, who
was in a very anaemic condition, tend
who seemed •not to get more then
temporary relief from any medicine
until she took Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. She took the pills for about
three months, and is now enjoying the
best of health. Por these reasons I
can strongly recommend. Dr. 'Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
At the first sign that -.the blood is
out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink
Piles, and note the speedy improve-
ment they make in the appetite,
]health and spirits. You can getthese
pills through' any dealer in medicine
or by mail et 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
It Made No Difference.
•Tip and down the railway platform
Scurried . the nervous old lady, evi-
dently searching in vain for some one.
Then she tackled a porter.
"What time does the last trail go?"
she demanded anxiously,
"Nine -fifteen; ma'am," replied the
Por another live minutes she rushed
about, looking wildly round Then elle
met the porter again.
"What time.did you say?" she asked.
"Nine -fifteen," said the porter, a
trifle curtly.
The lady stood wringing her hands
by the entrance, her eyes searching
the darkness -wildly, vainly,. for her
luggage. Then, for the 'third time, she
sought the porter,
'I saY, MY good man," she wailed. -
I've got a ttn chest, and you said—"
The porter cast courtesy aside like
a worn-out garment.
"I don't care if you have a brass
neck," he yelled. "The last train goes
at nine -fifteen!"
t-o...e.,....n...-v.-*.-5010 o 1515015„00.....,w..-•
Don't blast your Liver and
Bowels, but take
�.w.u., .,. ,o.,. „ . ,• ...� �. ,11,11.... .....
You men and women who can't ge
feeling right—who have 'headache
coated tongue, bad taste and fou
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bill,
ons, nervous and+'upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach and
Are you keeping your livor and,
bowels clean with Cascarets, or shook -
Mg your Insides every few,daye with
Calomel, Salts, Oil and violent pills?
Casoarets work while you sleep;
they 9101/1180 the stomach, remove the
sour, undigested, fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry out of the system
all the constipated waste matter and
poison in the bowels. Cason.rets never
gripe, sicken or cause inconvenience
and Caecarets cost so.itttle too,
r 91
'la,ttoo ,artists in London have been
busy since the 85niestice, One soldier'
ho had the names of all the battles in
vehicle he participated Indelibly writ-
ten on his erne It 05(11 a rather long
job, for he had been theougleethe war
from the craft In 1914, In Thames
Court i'ecemtly a man uppearcd wi9h
hie head quite berme of hair, -.Covered
w;lh tabooed butterflies, eters, etc.
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited,
Gentlemen,•—Last winter I received
great benefit front the use of MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT in a Severe attack
of L1Grippe, anti I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in cases
of Inflanlntation.
4 =km' nest to made be the tailor
nd of Indic, ##cc tiny yellow creature,
e enema snakes .3113 Inlolitteye,
tnd eekee. aadet_yd'eAf, jiies tui into a
ree, and veldt a feted for *reed and
its bill :for a tieecller 8ow8 the leaf to
a 31eeylt11 One banging :Ppm the tree.
The 81401 (ire gown up, (in .4011111g to
the nest tllus formed being left tit
the top. The leaf, apparlu tiv tl0114ing
from a twig, Would never be 'taken foe
a nest.
Found by the Plulnhei.
A. plumber hag a lilt' of luck Penne
tim0'sllleo W11)01t Ito was called to a big
hat01*'t0 41000581' filo aauae far the
stoppage in a eertate Wade -pipe, He
fpuud in the bend of the pipe a dia.
mond rine, Willett, keirlute 4rodwilly
eajleeted and emoted all 00199 ale
odds stud enols, 1900 offeetually 1)10019
e3 t1t0 99.809140 of the o9ator,
The 9109011)01^, bp!lig ut ltoneat man,
gave the ring into the ceetotly of the
proprietor, and he, bang also honest,
anti 1'enlelllberi114 that one of Ilia
guests had complained of the loss of
o, valuable ring throe mouths befor0,
wired to that gentlemen ..to.• come at
once, On 1)10 arrival be identified .the
ring as his property, Enid bestowed 'a
oriel) ton -pound note on the Member,
for the ring was worth twenty times
that sum,
Oue of the dii'eotora of the Bank of
England a good many -70x1'8 040
bought an estate, and drew et single
note 1o("tjlil'ty tllou9anci pounds to pay,
fpr it. On reaching home, he put -the
note On the mantlepleea was called
from the room, ancl, on his return,
missed the note. Whore could it
be? Theft seemed out et the question,
fpr nobody had been in the room. A
sudden draught and the flaming fire
seemed the true Solution, and another
note was issued to ropl9.0e tho,loet one.
Thirty years later the 'first note was
presented et the Bank, and, being nee'
able to "bearer," was honored. In-
quiry showed that the banker's house
had been bought 'by a builder, and
one of his workmen, as the house was
being demolished, had discovered the
old note, quite uninjured, though much
soiled, in a crevice, In the chimney.
What are the rights and wrongs of
that transaction? h
_ 0 .
Some Speed!
Two stenographers Were boasting'to
each other of the speed of their sltoi't-
hand writing.
"Whenever I am reporting at a meet-
ing on a warm evening, all the people
try to get near to my table," said one.
"Wily?" asked the other.
"Because," said the first, "my Band
goes so fast that it creates 91 current.
of air like a fan."
_"That's nothing," said the second
man. "I always, heave to report on wet
paper, or else the current of air caused
by the movement of my hand would
blow it away. Besides, the paper has
to be wetted every few minutes be-
came the friction caused by the rapid
movements of my arms would set fire
to it in no time."
e.—o--o--0--0—o-- 0 ---0-0.--29-0--29••-0
p�.a-•o--o--o--o— 0 0 0 0 0 c.—•
Yon recklose mon and women who
are pestered with corns end who have
at least once a week invited an awful
death teem lockjaw or blood poison are
now told by a Cincinnati authority to
use a drug called freezone, which the
moment .a few deeps are appiled to
any corn, the soreness is relieved and
soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts
out with the fingers.
It is a sticky ether compound which
dries the moment it is applied and
simply shrivels the corn without in-
flaming or even irritating the surround.
lug time or skin. It is claimed that
a quarter of an ounce of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet
of every hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cutting
at a corn is a suicidal habit.
Throwing grain ,,on the ground for
the hens -to prick up rs net economy.
Cn•st it among litter mo that :Nle fowls
will be compelled to work for it, and
they will not only be •benefitted.but
will giveyou an extra reward,
Buy Thrift Stamps.
M'inard's Liniment Cares Distemper.
Changing breeds may be all right,
but before it is done one should be
sure to give the present breed a fair
chance to do well. Many a flock hum
been 'condemned as unprofitable be-
cause it''was hover properlyycnred for.
soo Dollars
of invested at 3% will amount to 007.78
If invested at 4%, interest corm
pounded qual t,0r1y, will
amount to 8744,23
But if invested In our 8e -e04
Debentures will amount to5300.23
Write for Booklet,
The •Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronito Office
A 20 lime 3t, West
Meet :rl' '''•�+w4".,Cctted'1',iee.I •'•�•' ... IL1tEA
Dre A. Ce DAEL'S
ii � • y9
Hoof Dressing
is without an
equal for prevent-
ing. and Curing
Cracks, Crattkod
Hoofs brittle,
tender, dry 9r
0011t,aeled feet.
's 1t is non -min-
on mhreral but pinely
vegetable, it is 14I
tbsolutell, barfu- 1
less, , Wby )'9
mpalrling )
value of you
l)ot•s88 through
(fraaked or 00n-
traot'd !mete when, by 011)lyln his
05819.1t own Standard rummy y u can
]cot) them In the best of Dell hien?
Toe15 remedy is May to apply an
100 per cent, offlolout
PRICE 600. and 85e.
Big Anireal Medical Book Sent Kite.
et. teAt9ADA, entiea[TED
1KNOWLTON ' ouoaeo,
tdluard's 8,Wh0ent Dnre5.ttelds, 80,
ja3UE No, 40•--'1%
CMnadian frill 9Ycath02' 10 extl'enlely
hard on little ones. One clay la want
(1113 bright and the next wet and ebld,
These sudden elieugos bring on oolds,
cramps and collo tench weenie the baby's
little Stomach !a icopt right the result
May be serious. There is rutting to
0qu01 )laby's Own Tebiets in /cooping
the little ones well. They sweeten
the 8totna01), regulate 1110 1)015014,
treat( up coals and' snake baby thrive,
The Tablets aro sold by tnediciue
dealers or by snail at -25 cents a box
91'090 The D1', 'Willlanls'Medicine Go„
9lrookvllle, Out,
In one region of government forest
hand in Argentina it is estimated that
there are at least 1,000,000 pine trees
large enough far profitable lumber-
zetifard'a ielaiment Duma 3)lphthoria,
Your thousand pgetences for not
getting along better are all nonsense;
they deceive nobody but yourself,—
Abraham Lincoln.
The safe way to send honey by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Older.
To remove inkstaine from a carpet
or tablecloth, sprinkle• immediately
with salt; allow this to soak the ink
up, then brush off and apply more
Minar::'e Li121m011t Cures Oarget 111 Don).
"A man needs philosophy more for
the commonplaces of this world than
he does for its miseries, ennui being a
steadier foe than pain."
C� y .-;
Vegetable fats and natural flower
extracts give BABY'S OWN
SOAP its wonderfully softening and
aromatic lather. Sold everywhere.
Albert Soap, Limited, Mee., Montreal
10(25 to suit your
onetime. Fined
with slam, Safe de-
livery cu,rantoed.
Wife(et cut dtent
" Write for Print ire!
114.,,.5 lie.
Insure elutes
Tho HALLIDAV COaaPA9IV, Litnitod
58015T80 Fume 11arneerona Were
cl Advertiseme
von gaze.
J. Adria tW ntY 911)09 9) hra g d Bro$,
Bothwell, (mimeo,
1]I A4v 1'Ulig, WHAT UAVl7 Y01,1114U what price? Saeid, Bros., 'Bothwell,.
i 351sT CLAbS 04 wage 10,.24.
gtato oxper!once and lvagea wanted.
told pros„ 10oihwell, Ont.
19)45 WANT791) ALI'V4, 30 C17NTki
a p00nd, arty slza, 7 pay .80(95889
15(911in +00 miles 0f .'0901190, No 298089-
than for sln'lnkage. Mamma- Lewls, 001)
Dundee West, Toronto.
t,NCL it, TUMORS, LUMP1, AWL:.lnternai and external, nod without;
Or -our home treatment. Write 110
before tee late, Tar, • 'Beeman Medical
(lo., ic,hmited, Coliingwood. Ont.
rao tact S:rlaoq Y,pia 8q _
Write for price lista
and shipping toga.
?y3 Years of Reliable Trading
Reference -Union Bank of Canoga,
aao et, Puma so W„ rMOntroal, P.Q,
11151'102Ms Pioneer Dog 1Leaa0dies
11300)1 on
and now to .seed
Mailed Pres to any Ad-
dress by the -Author.
U. Clay Glover Co., Eno.
118 West 31st 5t1'eet
Now 50x19.
eeoa aaViraeaawe'peeeaee•
i spe s L Cure
• M. D. advices t "Pomona who
onffar fesua oFmoro itldigeetion e)
e and constipation can cure thorn- ®)
a `
• selves by Wong fifteen to
thirty drops of Extract of Roots e
a after each meal and at bedtime. n
Tide remedy is known es Mother
(m' Seige1e Curative Syrup inthe drug
o, trade." riot the genuine. 50c. o
and $1.00 Bottles. 1 m
.9..a eve•e'1'oaeeeoeaoseB/A
Slean's Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pain
A little, applied without rubbing,
will penetrate immediately and rest
and soothe the nerves.
Sloan's Liniment is very effective
in allaying ekternal pains, strains,
bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus-
cles, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu-
matic twinges.
Keep a big bottle always on hand
for family use, 09fade in Canada.
Druggists everywhere.
85c, 70e, $1.40,
All grades. Write for mecca.
swcz is 1870
Mother's Coughs and
Colds Co Quickly
She cannot afford to be sick
and neglect her household
duties. At the first sympe
toms she prepares the way
•;t for quick recovery by the
Immediate use of Gray's
01 Syrup—a household
preparation of sixty
ears standing.
ro gra. y
,F 0Flier
'•n✓' 11
Ladies Perfume Your Skin
With Cation Talcum
Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodoriz-
ing, fragrant and refreshing, Cnti-
cure Talcum is an Ideal face, akin,
baby and dusting powder. Conve-
nient and economical, takes the place
of other perfumes for the person. A
few grains sullicicnt. One of the In-
diepensable'Cutcura Toilet Trio for
keeping the skin pure and sweet.
Cute 4v, Soap 2Se., Ointment 75 end 60e. TM -
rum 25e.plan Canadian duties, Sold eveuvrher,.
Naa'itoneIIaacherce edemas: Oaneura, Dept.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
-° The rigor and, changes of winter weather reduce your
' horse's vitality, In such condition he ie susceptible to
) • contagious disease. Hie efficleney is lowered if hiseqys-
0 - tentta not able to withstand expesure t0 disease, SPO;i14'tt
Willkeepyour horse in Oondltlon and. free Prom diaeaso.)
Prevents and relieves Diatempor, Influenza, Slag syedl
Coughs and 0005. Buy from your druggist.
SPOR17 7rEA8CA1t 00111PAI719, (1•OZ15185,. INDIA/VA, 97.8,,.'
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross",
p'or Colds, rain, Rilottmattem, Aeh- pec age which contains eco i 1p1e 4
lutg Joints, Lumbago, elehatica, Nett -(feat ons, Thep, 'a tt aro gellfillg
xitis, and for' I•Ioatlnelle, ;Nournleire Aspirin -f19 pebn]no Aelti1i3 prem
Toothache, 1teette 10, take .19ep)riu eerfbed byy Pbry�ilejans f'r ,P113,1' 11010?
marked with •C 5 name "Bayer" or icon ya9t'8, 7015 ;pada {11 nano/
you are not Lakin Ael)irin at tali, ' Haiti " 9th twice 4031 �felt 12 }i t
Accept only 'Bay; aver Tabiote of lQ is was but a f tv Oen9p0, bggl8 is
..,, ' 1 _"
;Aspirnt la ell tttrbralce)t"Beyer"Glop 0a1� lar r iiia or �agbs,
There es 0011y OSlo.A9pirl"eleyer'e-•' 'on,, wince One "MVO"
Aspirin la the trade marl; (registered In Canada) 09 P5y0ren)itseture a g�{stnp
teetttpgaldeater et ea110yit080le, 'whin it is Well Inter0 that
411111 a1OABrtfi� 13a7N
n)atniraeture, to testae Ota 31,1,110 against elm/monkthe, T 1110(1) o Bayer a9mpa8
Will be stamped . n'ilh 91(019't;iuc,ul wade Sae% filo "0059 Cross,'