HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-11-20, Page 8Chilton News -Record NoveMber 200, 1919' ci,TivroNts LEA.DING JEWELERY STOIW yo LI are invited here to examine my stock of Clocks Watches, Brooches, Rihgs, Safety Razors, •Ther. mos Bottles, Shaving brushes, combs, Safety •Razor Blades, Frem,11 "White Ivory, Cut Glass, Obina. Pogers silver knives and forks $0 doz, up, spoons $4 up 13;yee tested free and glasses fitted Satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for Phonolas and records, the only machine playing alFkmds or records perfectly 11. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE COSZ1120.12=111016MalWate=4;i6tailf= ERS IMSIESINOC.0,3141,11.2mi • Don't wait until you are sick with a cold. Protect your health by keeping your feet dry with a pair of our Daisy brand rub- bers. A pair to fit any shoe • Also all lines of heavy rubbers and long rubber boots are now on our shelves, and our prices are the lowest possible. • L ME STORE THAT S-EILLS .FORPLESS, PHONE. 28 CLOTHING NEW IDEA: PATTERNS, LooksLie Before the War Prices pORCIJLAIN VIIINAWARE Geed white, single gold band, smell in assortment of shapes but big iu value. • Cap and Saucer 25e each $2.110'4ors, Tea Plates 254 Mob $2,50 dozi Porridge Bowls 20e each $2.25 doz. Fruit Nappies 15c cads $1.75 doz. Salt: and Pepper 15c s'iair' Tile W. D. Fair Ga. Often the Cheapest Always the Best." radzazamostrassinatioassztoessma=====.1: FOR THE ENTIliE FAMILY We have a pair of good Rubbers for every Foot in the Family and, at this season of the year, every Foot in the Family should be provided with good Rubbers! The Fall beason always has many days of slush, snow and bad walking on its calendar! BUY YOUR RUBBER NOW! Men's Rubbers 1.50, 1,60, 1.75 and $2.00 Woman's Rubbers 1.00, 1.15 and $1,50 • Children's Rubbers 75e and $1,00. (in black, white and brown) - Rubber Long Boots 5.00 to $7.50. We've Rubbers in all the good styles —heels and toes to fit any style pair of good Rubbers saves Doctor's Bills and Shoe Bills FRED.- JACKSON GOOD SHOES 1 MI2=ZET1Z=m591=0/LfSMUMIEUZRZIr,1115:=SOSIMMillik DTE to advise you that we. make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty people. To know how attractive are these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them. Descrip- tion would not do justice to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28• —7-dxgr Phone tdl 28 MilatMEMOtpitilln112,==csortnirom9111401111.54,BZWoitta OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK A Man by the name of Van Meter, .; Could no longer get along with biz heater, ' So he canto to our store where we ecu 'heaters galore, And bought one, which he finds a • world beater - We have a very large assorted Eltock of the right up to'claterangee and heaters. If in want Of a range or heater it will pay you to call arid see thorn and get prices ' --FOR THIS MONTH ONLY— We will' give a covered roasting pan with every range and a coal scuttle with every heater . 'Prepare for winter by repairing windows and roofs. We have a good stock at window glass. Brantf and roofing and roofing paint. SPECIAL—A regular good $3.50 car pot sweeper for $2.50 this month OD., 1Sr. Try our Eke trie Clothes Stick. . • HA AND stoves Hard ware and Novelties 1 mit 11114, 11 g 11hi, IVI'ss Folk of Gadshill is the guest of Niro. Alcorn. Ails. Walter King returned from De-. trait on Saturday. Mrs. C. H. BartliE has been visiting friends in Seaforth. Mr. D. Cantelon leaves the end of the week on a trip to the west. - Mr. Nealans of the C. C. L staff was in Stratford over the week -end, Miss Charlotte Sheeley spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss Helmkey of the Collegiate staff spent the week -end with Teeswater friends. Mr. E. C. Pratt, of Montreal, Gener- al manager of the IVIelsons Bank,' is in town today. Airs. W. IL Kerr of Brussels slipped on the sidewalk the other day and sprained her ankle. Mrs. E. B. Hill has gone to Collings wood, where she will spend the win- ter with her mother. Miss Mabel Kerr returned on Tilers - day last after a visit of a fortnight with Chicago friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Shaw and Miss Alice Rance have been visiting in Tor- • onto during the past week. Miss Lizzie Richardson and her sis- ter, Mrs. Hart Hicks, are spend- ing a few clays with relatives at Ethel. Mrs. Emma Kennedy left on Satur- day morning for Detroit, having received word that Airs. J. 13. Ken- nedy was" very ill. Dr. IL Fowler has returned froin his hunting trip to the northern woods, having secured his allot- ted number of 'deer. Mrs. John Rands of Regina, Sask., is home, having come down to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. James Connell. Mrs. F. Hovey of Burlington is in town this week. Mrs. Hovey may take up her residence in :town if she can secure a house to suit her. Mrs. Harry Wilson, Stratford, has been here this week, haviug come up on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Jellies Connell. Mr. Clarence Paisley of the :Head Office of the Royal Bank, Montreal, is at his home this week. He vis- ited his sisters in Michigan before coning home. Mr. J. W. Stevenson left Saturday for Stratford and from there went on to Northern Ontario, where he will spend some time looking after - various business interests. Mr. and Mrs. T. Latta and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shoals and Masters Keith and Junor of Chlselhurst mo- torcd up on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Cantelon of Huron street.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colclough re - teamed on Monday evening from their wedding trip and are get- ting settled• now in their new home on the seventh of Goder- ich township. Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Noble of Adanac, Sask,, are expected home short- ly to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. 3. Laxton of town, and with other friends, They will probably vis- it relatives on the way east. Miss Mary Walker left on Tuesday for • Winnipeg and on Tuesday next will be married at the home • of her aunt in that city to Mr. Fred Plewis,, son of Mr. Joseph Plow% of Moosemin, Sask., and nephew of Mrs. J. K. Wise mid Mrs. L. Stongoftown, Good wish- es for future happiness and pros- perity go with her. Mr, D. 2l. Watson, who has been in the west during the summer, was in town for, a (maple of days last week. His son Frank has taken a position ip Port Huron and they intend locating there, Their Clin- ton friends hoped that they might return• here when they got tired of the west and regret that they have decided otherwise. Mr John Irwin of Calgary, Alta., son of the late Itiehard Irwin, a• fors mei. esteemed citizen oi Clinton was in town for a few days over theweek-ond, week -end, Mr. Irwin left Clinton about thirty-seven years ago and for many years now has been in the west as Superintendent of the Can- adian Northern, now the Canadian, National Railways. It is ten years or more since Mr. Irwin visited Clinton but being 011 a holiday visit to the east he ran up from Toren - to to look ovor the old town- in which he spent his boyhood. A year ago Thomas Harris of Rip- ley purchased two loads of cattle at Echo Bay and shipped them to Toron- to over the C. P, IL By mistake they were delivered to the Herris-Abbas toil: and slaughtered by them and Mr. Harris brought action against the railway, After -many months of fighting the case the C. P. IL has agreed to Pay $9,000 and costs, It is just a little of the whole story of this season's feehi onable furs, but conveys an excellent idea of the great number of pelts that are fashionable. , Black furs are extremely good style— therefore, we have an exceptionally good assortment, at a wide range 01 prices. Come in and see our fine stock, - • A Magnificent Showing of BLACK FOX NECK PRICES BLACK FOX MUFFS SABLE NECK PIECES SABLE MUFFS Also many pretty styles in the less expensive fur PINE CANADIAN MINK NECK PIECES FINE CANADIAN MINK MUFFS PERSIAN LAMB NECK PIECES PERSIAN LAMB MUFFS ell as many smart novelty sets. Select Yo r Furs Emig This is strongly advisable, because it assures you of the fn rst choice of skins—those of the finest pelt and prettiest markings being shown in the new furs. By paying a small deposit, purchas es made now will be reserved until desired. NEW—that's the point! For it's on just such small accessories as therightNeckwear, Gloves, etc,, that the success of the costume depends. And the newest are right here: New hings to be Sten the Store N w DAINTY NECKWEAR—A collar or vest, and sometimes the addition of cuffs to match, is the fashionable finish for the dark Autumn gown; and they're here in all desired styles. . BEADS—Where is the girl who has not fallen a victim t o their charm? The now beads are particularly fetching—both dull and bright varieties, long and short strings. GLOVES—Our prices make chamoisuede, lialeassilk and re al French kid with over -sewn seams, extra choice skin, change hands quickly. • HOSIERY—We sell Hosiery in cashmere, woo], lisle, silk mbiture,'and silk that are woven for wear, fashioned to fit and loomed to last, _ Visit this store whenever you can. You're almost sure to find something to interest you for Your Wardrobe or Your Horne WOMEN'S STORE Drj Goods, House Furnishings phone 67 Next Royal Bank Klippen Miss C. E. McKenzie, who has been on an extended visit to her brother, Mr. Alex. McKenzie, and family left for her home in Goderich township on Taesday. Mr. Wm. Ivison has men laying new floors in the house he recent- ly purchased. A new furnace has been installed which will ifild greatly to the comfort of Mr. Ivison'enew home. We had a light'dowrifall of snow on Tuesday just a slight reminder of 'what we may expect later. The concert held in the Presbyter- ian church last week by the Maple Leaf Quartette of Galt brouglit out a crowded house. They are certainly artists in their profession as enter- tainers. The Methodist anniversary last Sunday was a great success. The church was crowded both afternoon and evening the day being fine. Capt. Edwards of Seaforh was the speaker and gave two excellent sermons and was listened to with the, closest at- tention. The choir also fully sus- tained its reputistion and rendered splendid anthems at both services Miss Mitchell of Clinton sang a so- lo at the evening service and was listened to with much pleasure and appreciation. • Mrs.' W H, Johnston, who has been recuperaitng hor healh amongst her many fiends and relatives, since her serious hospital illness returned home on Thursday of this week. Her neighbors and friends are pleased to welcome her home again. Word has been received of tile re- cent drowning by accident, of Mr, Louis Aikenhead of Detroit, so Wall known here where be spent his boy- hood. His brother, Mr. Jas. Aiken - head left for Detroit on receipt of the sad news. Miss Louisa lifeClymont of London arrived home Saturday night to at- tend the anniversary and assist in the choir. Miss Anita Graham of Hensall vis- ited in Kippen over Sunday. Miss Gretta Ivison has returned home from Muncey, having resigned her school there. . Varna. Miss Florence Davis , nurse, of Mitchell spent a few days the past week as the guest of Miss Florence Clarice and -,'her mother. Mrs, Wellington Johnstone, who has been quite ill the past two v.eolts, we are glad to say is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson MeAsh and Miss Florence Clarke spent the af- ternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richardson on Tuesday last. Zurich is to have an open air rink this svintor. No exceve.ise is much more healthfill than Open dr skat- ing'. MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Stanlep, Township - On Friday evening a number of tho friends of Miss Emma Taylor met at the home of Mrs. Edward Glen and, in view of her approaching marriage, presented her with a mis- cellaneous shower of articles useful for housekeeping. After a pleasant social afternoon the lady of the house served lunch, which the young ladies thoroughly enjoyed. There were three school teachers among the guests. Mr. Stanley 'Jackson has gone down to Canfield, to their other farm. The following is the report of S, S. No. 3, for October: Jr. 5th—Clifford Clarke, 74per cent. Arthur Peck, 05.. Jr 4th—Ardell Grainger, 844, Al- ma Bathwell, 731, Harold Taylor, 043. Jr. 3rd—Blanche Taylor, 907, Sara Reid, 880. Jr. and—Murray Grainger, 919, Marie Grainger, 704, Louis Taylor, 092, Russell Hohner, 522. Pt. and—Lillian Marks, 397. Primer—John Marks, 230, Harvey Taylor, 120. —Margaret Peck Teach or. Codericla TeavittushIrr An interesting event happened at the home of Me. R. Y. Cox Of the I sixth concession on Wednesday when the brethren 01 L. 0. L, No. 143 decided to spend the day with him, Mr. Cox has been maned to his room since Thanksgiving owing to having figured in an auto accident on that .evening, and the "Boys" did not go just to gossip and twiddle their thumbs all day. They took along their teams and Maws and, led. by the genial 13. I): M, went to the fields and plowed all days "It is won- derful, too," remarkd Mr. Cox, "what the boys can do when they make up their minds to help a brother. When they do it they do it right". When the day's work was finished and the evening meal partaken of all departed for their }mines with beet wishes for the speedy recovery ofsMr. Cox. The following is the report of S. 5, No. 4 for Friday, November 7, 1919. (Total Mark -100) Subject for tub Classes-Arithinitic Fifth Class—Carman Tebbritt 100 Frank Jones 95. Sr. 4th—Grace Churchill 43, Elsie ' Snyder (Absent). ( Sr. 31%11—Willie Lee, (Absent) Jr. Srd—Both Smith, 85, •Acia I3igg- • ina, 77, Erma Bueger, 73 Jessie Rue- • ger, 07. Sr. ands -Margaret Williams,88, Thompson, 82, Charlie Williams, fitment. Jr 2nd—Goldwin Smith, 95, Laurie Biggins, 80. Sr. 1st—Tom Churchill, 84. Primer—Pearl . Easom, 08, Annie Williams, 90, walla nuezer.06. Total on Roll 18. —V. VI. Teacher, • ale -2. • ... The frost is here, watch your bat- tery as well- as your radiator. If you bring your battery to us for winter or a rescharge you will get it back fully charged. - We overhaul any make of Storaa- Battery. STORAGE BATTERY . SERVICE STATION Car re -painting or overhauling. CLINTON GARAGE J. H. PAXMAN Phone 80 residence 140 CEM=MtIONira=1M2M9..V Clira1on Junk Dealer Buying all kin& of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS Phone 157 Albert St. ...s7S.SS.SaSiars' • Rapt101.514603[14.1:Lsiamt•J•916.....,..1M•10.11iM2•11,2.111N.n. The. marriage of Miss Pearle Vi- ola Goode and Mr. James Alexander - Straiten of Goderich took place at. the home of the bride's parents in that town on Tuesday of Iast week. Phone 146_ - Estimates given, A. E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, 'MOULDINGS, SIGNS, ETC. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your floors, furniture,. etc., by plenty of drop sheets, Ontario Street NOW IS THE TIME :s to have your furnace overhauled or a new one installed. . Stoves moved and pipes put good Omit'. Call and see our lines of electric. fixtures and lamps. Aluminum, tinware and' granite. Home-macie pipes our specialty. J. A, SUTTER Phone 147 w Be ween Frieids A Photogr ph How many people can you think of right now who would like to have your photo- graph, and how long since that last ono was made, We are not as busy now as we will be in December, Make an appointmant, to -day. We make enlargements any size from Kodak Films ROY HALL PHONE 66 PHOTOGRAPHER