HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-11-20, Page 5Novemberxa th 1919 Of Interest •te YOlt and e "Have you pith) :Par the paper you ore reading t" isthe pertinent ques- tion put to its readers by The lien - =over Post,. • • Iry tI1o;Yroviicial elections held .last month 1'Ignrst candidates received .280,796 votes, while U, P. 0. condi-,. ,dates received. 683,970. . * • A Kingston clergyman has given up p'adeching to b`.ecome an editor, because he needs e. rest. All we've _got to say is he'll be in . much 'greater need of one later on. • • . it is• a curious coincidence that the Sinlcoe Methodist church and the Sinlcoe etreetgetllodist Church,' •Qshawa;' have Doth, been destroyed :by fire durng•the past few weeksi..;i,.. • • • "Mr. DART must have been a, very .good child." remarked a 'lady last week as she thoughtfully studied the :picture of Ontario's new X'r'iine j1lin aster, 1viiieh is already becoming fam- iliar., ."Ile looks as if he:.might have been '`ciiuelced' tinder the chin a great .many times.? she gilded, in answer to a look of interrogation. • • • Ow: 10041 contemporary y is a r- •clently feeling the -stress of the h. e. 0. L, as witness the following which appeared m 'last week's issue under the caption: "Two Lunches Tonight'a- "Those' who can attend the U F. 0, 4t -Home and the L. 0. L. At -Home will be lucky as both organizations are serving lunchta'• ' • • Kincardine has evidently not. yet 'outgrown its hobbledehoy stage. The. -other day a veterinary of that. town was called up by p"hbne, the message •stating that he. was wanted at the 'town hall -where a "horse had brok- -en its leg." IIe. hurried to the civ- ic centre to find that the corpora- tion saw horse had shed ono of its .legs. Its great. to be young enough •to enjoy jokes' like that, of course. IL F. Gadsby iii"a recent article .quotes a disgruntled Tory as saying that the defeat of the party in Ontar- io was the result of Methodist rule, .Sir William Hearst being a Methodist. But it doesn't seen to matter which -way one turns, a Methodist is likely to meet one. The new leader of the Farmers' Party is a Methodist. And you'll find 'm in every party, as of- ten as not leading. • 1, • Hugh Buchanan, of the firm of Buchanan and Wickwire, publishers of the Hensall Observer; died in St. .Joseph's hospital, London, on Wednes- day morning of last week, follow- ing an operation some days prey- iously. Mr. Buchanan had not been in good health for some time but ,pluckily kept to his post tintil he was obliged to g� to the hospital: `The funeral took place from the home .of his mother in Hensall on Friday. "Has Mr. Drury a solution for the :rural trek to the cities ?"—London Free Press. "To the ordinary trek into the cit- ies has now been added a trek into the .-Legislature, to he followed by one into Parliament. . However, it is ex- pected that the Senators will be sent .back to the laud." —Toronto .Star. Not at once; purely! Just as Mr. ..Prouctfoot is getting his seat nicely 'warmed and his footstool adjuated. That would be too cruel. _The Christian Guardian Inst week completed the nintieth year of ';s • publication and in celebration of the •event -published a special reminiscent number. The Guardian is she organ • of the Methodist Church of Canada and as such is of course a class journal. But during its long career The Guardian thinks it has establish - •ed some claim to be regarded as some- • thing moierthan• a close journal, to • being—elinlething of a national =we - paper. It has stood always for relig ious and political liberty and in the early days of its existence these ques- tions needed ded more strenuous champ- ionship Alan at present. It has stood also for -loyalty to'the Crown.' 'In the troublous days preceding the re-, .bellion of 1837, because,of his unbend- ing advocacy of peaceful methods of obtaining the adoring which he sta. • ongly favored, the editor of The 'Guardian was threatened With per- sonal violence by William Lyon Me - 'amnia. The Guardia':h is the oldest weekly paper in. the Dominion end the oldest ,paper of anykind in the Province. It has had a long and hon- ,, *hirable career and is still "going strong," We wish it continued sag .0055,. 'ONTARIO'S' 1435W CABINET. • Premiez'E. C, Drury completed the formation of his cabinet last week and they wore sworn in by the 'Aut.- Governor on Friday morning as fol lows: President of the Council and • Prem- xw,r-- E, 0, Drury, Minister al Agriculture-- Manning W. Doherty, B. S. A. Minister Of Education—R, H. Grant Minister of lannds'and Forests— Senitth Bowman. alinister of Public Works—F. C. iiiggs Minister of Labor and Health—Wal- ter Rollo, Attorney -General --W. 13. Raney,. Rrovincial Secretary --1i, 0.,Nixon, S. A. Provincial 'Treasurer --•Peter Smith, Minister of Mines Tlarry Mills. Without portfolio—Lt,-Col, D. Car•- inicheel, M. C., 1). S, 0, George McDonald of • Grey town ship, lvhila roshingling his barn, fell to the ground noel fractured his ankle in the fall., Marriages l3 um—TAYLOR—In at anlaY, on No- vember vember 19th, by the Rev. J, E, Hogg, 13i nu Janet', daughter of Mr, Wm, Taylor of Stanley, to Dtdley Nell)s Bird of Glenavon, Sesie, son of Mr, Arthur 13i1•d of DudbyEngland, FERGUSON—MQItNIGHT--At An• btbn, on Nov, 10t11, by the Rev. E, 0, Fordo,,,1 ureatha, daughter of Mr lied, Mr's. Jelin McKnight, to Oran Lloyd Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John. Ferguson. DEVI;REUK—MURPHY: Tn St. Co- lunban church on November 11tH, Mary daughter o1 Mr, and Mrs. Francis Murphy, to John L, Des, ereua CLARKS BOWL Y—At the' Trivitt Memorial• church :Exeter, on No- veniber, 11th, P antis Lotiise Bow- ey, to Kenneth George Clarke, of London, • t+ SPEIR-R0E--At Brussels, on No- vember 4111, John G. Speir, of Morris township, to Florence Amy, only daughter of Fletcher Roe, Grey township. Births McGREGOR—At Hensall Private Hospital, 'on Nov. 8th; to Mr, and Mrs.ohn McGregor cG • or of Hay, Y twins, son and daughter, WAMSLEY—In Seaforh on Nov. 7th to Mr. and Mrs. James Wamsley, a son. If9ES—In Goderich on Nov. Gtli, to Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Kees a daigh. ter. Deaths M0U TAI — N N At Londesboro, on No- vember-, 16th. o- vember ,16th, John David Moun-a tain aged 65 years. CONNELL—In Goderich tp., on Nov, 1.3th, Mrs. Jaynes Connell, aged 76 years. IN MEMORIANT COX—In loving memory of John Cox who departed this life one year • ago yesterday Nov. 19th 1918. "One year has passed since 'that sacl day • God called the one we loved away, The Golden Gates were opened, A gentle Voice said "Come," And, with farewell unspoken, He calmly entered Home;'• —Wife, son and daughters YEO—In loving memory of Clifford Yeo, who departed this life on October 22nd, 1918. "One year has passed since that sad day. God called the one we loved away; Forget him -no, we never will, As years roll on we'll love him still, It was hard to lose you, Clifford dear. But God, Who Knoweth best, Held 'vide his loving arms and said, Conte unto me and rest." Father-nlother and sister. REID-In lovng memory of Mrs. Jas. Reid, dearly beloved wife of Mr. Jas. Reid, Stanley, who died on November 22, 1918. "One year has passed since that day, God called the one we loved away. Forget her, no, we never will, As time rolls on we love her still:" —Deeply mourned by husband and family. There is no charge for notices of - births, marriages or deaths and no charge for a memorial notice but oar charge for memorial verse is ten cents per line. Auburn At noon yesterday the marriage took place at the home of the bride of Miss Lursatha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight, and Mr Oran L. Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson. The ceremony was performed by the Bev. E. O. Forcle of the Baptist church and was witnessed by intimate friends incl relatives. The bride wore a pretty frock of tou,pe silk with trimmings of pink satin' and• car'r'ied a bouquet of white and pink carnations. After the cere- mony the bridal party and guests enjoyed a well -served wedding feast and later Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson left 'en a motor 'trip to visit friends up north. On their return they will reside in Auburn. Good wishes ail congratulations :follow then, Raw Puts Wanted. At higher. prices than last season. Bring your furs' in now before the prices drop—II, A. Bovey, Clinton. License No. 666 —20-tf Steck Por Sale • For sale—Team of heavy draft trl- ifes` rising 3 and 4 years; thorobred Derbem bull, 3 years old in October, Apply to F, H. Powell, 16th Con, Goderich township. R. .R No. 3, Olin• ton. Phone 9 on 607. 20-t1 Chickens. For Sale For sale -A number of bred-- lay' toBarred Rock cockerels, Apply to Howard Johns, R. R. No. 3, Sea - forth, Phone 6 on 614. • —20-1 Buil Per Sole For sale—Thorobred shorthorn - Durham hull, 20 menthe old. P'ricc right. Apply to R. and J. Reid, Var- na P. 0. Phone 4 on 623, Clinton eon - nett —20-3 Farm Wanted A farm of about 80 acres, good buildings, etc,, Give full particulars,. price, and time when possession can be given, Address communications to tate News -Record, ,m —20.2 Notice Mr. D. Cantclon, Buyer, will be ab- sent from home :for the next fort- night or so but if.'those having busi- ness with him will, call phone 105 ail inattcrrc will receive prompt' aini efficient attention, -20.2 Meeting of Tluron County Council, The Council of the Corporation of t. County unt a of I�Iur 1 x ony '1 will •meet .n the Council 0har111)ee Goderich an Tuesday the and day of December, 1919, et 3 Weenie in the afternoon• All accounts should be in the hands of the Clerk on.01 Wore that date,. Dae 1 Goderich oc : G 1 1 Novombea' the 15th 1919—Geo, W. Hainan, de, Clerk. —20-2 'Wood For Salo 1009 fence rails in good solid aon- dition, Apply—F, W. Andrews.-20-tf Auirtion Sale At Lot 54, B(tyiielc"f" Road, (The Wigginton Farm) on Thursday, Nov. 27th, at 2. o'clock p. .m. 16 head of steers and heifers and 500 bushels of oats,—Terms: 10 months - credit on approved joint notes -or 4 .per gent. straight for cash on credit amounts. -Joseph Maes; proprietor. G, 1l• Elliott, auctioneer. —20-1 Horses For Sale For sale 1 bay driving horse, 3 years old, and one general purpose horse, 3 years old, will be sold cheap. Call' at store, J. 10. Hugill, sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth, Ont. —20-1 Drop Head Sewing Machine A lovely drop head sewing mach- ine used only a.few, months, for sale cheap. Guarantee with it, • Call at Jonathan E. IlugiIl's Music Store, Sole agent for the Bell Piano, Sea - forth, Ont, - —20-1 Clinton N ws-Reoord Another year has r a big • a ke a Youare going time for you to get your 3 Bar's Wash asap. 2Oc TIME F1aIES , oiled around and you .are talking about thatnie e to make, Ne w fruite are arriving and now's the supply, We offer, the usual week .end speed ifs, NEW FRUITS al. TEAS • per 11), P0R THAT CAII1, Seeded Raisins Seedless Raisins Dates Walnuts Almands feels Shortonin5 icing sugar etc, Be sure and get in line to receive one of oua 1.020 Calenders. COMPANY 3 Bars Sunny Nlondny soap for. . 25e 13 Bare Sunny Monday soar, forv$1.00 11 Bars Gold, soap ]1.00 Pilchards per ego Zie Salmon No. 1 size 22c Park and Beans 1.5,20,25e JOHNSON & Special Blend 50e Royal Blend • 00c Quality Blend .70e special prices do 5 or lolb lots black or )affixed, Jolly Powders any flavor 12c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 Plfg•s. Por 25e P]wue Hi Retail Crcooera License No, 8•.-7241. Pphone orders. xolnptty dared for. A Piano Bargain • A Bell Piano, upright, rosewood ease, 771-3 octave, sweet tone and: worth $250 will sell at 3165 for quick sale Out•4oli town prospects write for particulars to Bell Sales rooms, Seaforth,' Ont: Box 229—Jonathan E, Hugill, Manager. —20-3 FOR SALE—THOROBRED 4 -YEAR - old cow, calved Saturday Oct. 31st; Bred from Kepple Disney's stock. Also Yorkshire sow with 7 pigs. Apply to R. A. Roberton, Bayfield .Road, or phone 16 on 607. 18—t1 THE JUDGE WILL HOLD A Court of Revision on the Voters' Lists for the Township of Stanley• in the Township 'Hall, Varna, on Saturday, Nov. 22nd at 10 o'clock a. in. —3, E. Harnwell Clerk of Stanley. —19-2 31, SUNLIGHT IN THE NIGHT HOURS EFFICIENT factory lighting is of greater importance now than ever before. The high price of material and the pay of factory workers are such that spoilage and wasted effort must be reduced to a minimum. Every factory manager knows that daylight is the best light to work by. But there are working hours in the day when artificial light is necessary, even in the most modern plant. An artificial light approximating daylight simplifies the pro- blem of maintaining a high standard of produc- tion. HYDRO Gas Fired Lamps flood your factory with an easy -to -work -by light. Furthermore, they are economical. HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps have greater brilliancy' and long life. The Hydro -Electric Power Commission' of Ontario recommends HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps for factory lighting. We will gladly demonstrate their great brilliancy and low current consumption at the Hydro Shop, Call at your convenience. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR SALE 11Y PUIif,iO UI'TGPPIF.S COMMISSION HYDRO SHOP ASK MR HYDRO MAN MEN `1J Good. Health Knows No Aches or Pains! ii6sry organ in the body must bo strohg, healthy and full cat of life if you each to enjoy perfect health. Every organ in the body depends upon a healthy condi- kaiteY tion of the Nerves. The 11001E and Nerves form a combina- tion that can either :make the whole body healthy and vigorous or can destroy the fabrio of the body thi'u dieorders of the Nervous System. The Nerves aro the telegraph maenad the body, 11 they are in a healthy condition the Hent will respond quickly and naturally, Hackin 's Heart and Nerve Remedy le raoomnrea,1,, t and ano.riu,ua,1 for Anaemia, Neurasthenia, ilial ,,, Aloud )`rossnre Nervous 11;:;:cusla, Mood 14,:nrde,a, Neuritis, Perelysis, Stomach and jlowel0m aa, )lystr.riral Affections, Nervous 1)icordcrs, Heart Troubles, Nervous headache, ,.C•erite ssncss, andel( Id:cases of the Heart 0¢rvl0, Broin and roily. 31 ig 0, greet 'Tonle ,,n11 (,;,110-,' nnrt 'y011f,ilnn dnotbedisenrr : dlicen;rrn001(1Mediaannxlimo NIlea (0 1,e11s vnu,, Ilu su o yon gob ) (kcnf1Nct'8, an no nid,nr kind will On, Y6111,1111Y6111 gait:oat rami):, from 310,olaag'n heart a❑A Verve nemedy if yell 'vet no atvo it a trial Triad.0e0 a bes or 0for 80.10. Maul take "Efutiablring lust es geed" on will cam, be )lisaaeolntad, lariat on 13aekius'e. 3x111 by all Sordoni or by mailbetanafd, , HACKING'S LIMITED Listowel 21 If you era tronble0 with Canaiipatioa taka FAG1tIN rti 1tt.DNi1Y AlO):UPV`Idn,PILLS, Prim u, or 5 boxes tot 41.00. They do not ' Gripe, l'nrgo or Irritate, Thous twif rram:Winne fneho an ideal '�•-�1 1 ✓ 00011010(101) forell h near, gand1 Swath. 6A, FOR SALE <, A first class pasture Iot in the township of Stanley. West half of Lot 5, Con. 4, containing 50 acres. Being part of estate 01,13, B. Logan. For further particulars apply to —B. R. Higgins, Clinton, Phone 100, or London & Western Trust Co., Loa - don, Ontario, 18—.4. TINDER THE AUSPICES OF ST. Paol'achurch Ladies' Guild ' ld a baz,. aar and rummage sale will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, 27th November; for the sale of fancy work, useful articles, home made cookery, etc. Sale to com- mence at 2 p. m. afternoon tea served 15e , 19-2-p CLINTON TAX NOTICE--RATE- payers are reminded p ec that the second instalment of taxes for the current year are payable at ,Tae Molsons Bank on or before Dec. 13th. next. No notice other than this adver- tisement will be given. The tax statement must ba presented at the Bank when making' payment, —R. B. Fitzshnons, Tax Collector -19-5 WANTED TO RENT OR BUY= -A farm of from 25 to 100 acres. Must have good buildings and be near to Clinton—Thos. Venner," Clinton, Phone 5-64117-tf FARM FOR ,SALE—LOT 25, 2nd Con. in the Township of Stanley, property of the late Victor Dale. This farm is well fenced and 'seed- ed to grass; on the premises . aro a good well and windmill and twen- ty acres• of• mostly hardwood bush. The property mustbe sold to wind up the 'estate. For further par- ticulars apply to • John F. Dale, Lot 111, C"on, 3, Hullett, R.R. No. 4, Clinton. • 13—tf 1500 SALE OR TO RENT.—TEN- room, two-storey residence on On- tario street, furnace, electric lights town water, good garden and barn.—Apply to—Josh Cook, 390 Davis St., Sarnia.: 12=t.1, PROPERTY FOR SALE.—ON RAT- tenbury street, west, just off main street, a good 0 -roomed 2 -story. frame house. Electric lights, wat- erworks, furnace and soft water. Garden and small barn in good re- pair. Will be sold cheap.—Apply to J. P. Sheppard, —03—tf tIOUSE FOR SALE -8 -ROOMED house on Ontario street. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, fruit trees and 'small fruits. 11 acre of land. Apply on premises to Mrs. Moggridge or to W. Brydone, Clinton. - 09—tf PROPERTY FOR SALE -3 acres of garden and orchard on the London Road. 6 roomed house, bank barn 20x40, driving shed, hen house, Possession given in autumn. Apply on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- cliflo, —00 FARM. FOR SALE.—ONE IIUN- dred acres, best of soil; good buildings, close to school and church ; 4i miles from .Clinton, Ft'11 be sold on reasonable terms. -- a ,apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 FOR SALE.--8-ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good collar, 1i acres garden, with fruit trees.—Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. ' —84 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the' estate of the late William II. Woods will be prosecuted according to law,— I,111, Woods, Bayfield. 01-24 A PIANO OR PHONOGRAPH. Select for home a piano or phon- ograph providing such tonal ,effects as to satisfy even the master ntue- lelan, - .. .. I am pleased tq state that Tso,OI a position to give you the goods' that satisfy':"- Don't atisfy"Don't be drawn into a hurried decision by some travelling sales- man or agent pretending he has a better proposition for you. If he tells ,yon our goods won't;, stand ole. look out for him. Deal with the one in whom you call place confidence. As I depend entirely on your con- fidence for the foundation .of lay bueinesa I can assure you that no music store in (Wanda eau give you a more honest deal in Pianos,Phon- ographs, Violins. Autographs, Rec- ords, sheet mask and supplies. I hitve the sole Agency for hell Pianos and when . you wart -tire above goods be sure and call here and you will got theta, Tiler'e is nothing on the rnorket to day that 'can surpass or even equal the quick repeating action used in the T3e11 only, y Call and have a demonstration. JONATHAN' H(UCHLL Opposite Bank of CoMmereo Boz 220: $01140011 1ntlxrio, PA TIvi FOR SALE --02* ACRES 01' splendid d1 d fa urn n1a dIn good s ntA of cultivation,. Qn1t aro c mturi" able storey an'd .a kala brick ltouso with new steel root, a"good cellar, a barn 40x00 and straw shed22r<2S with 1oSntdation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and. 5 horses besides 8 box stalls; root room, feed room, separator. ' them and harness room, Cement fieers throughout. except 2 box stalls and root house, A stone pig peri 24x34, a hen house a4x10 and a drive'shed 20x30. There is a never tailing iipring oreek, a good well and Pla- teau, about 1•t• acres of orchard, 'Phis is a' desirable property .4 niiles_ from Clinton, ;good gravel road. I want to eon at once as health makes it necessary 'for sic to give up farming for the present, Would sell stock, implements and crop it so desired,—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0, —40 NEW COAL We are •expeetdag both at Bruce - field and Clinton, some of the new kind of coal is stove size Briquettes., a Try ' load this, as o can , W a assure you entire satisfaction, besides con= ing a little cheaper. We also stock the following at Clinton : EBONY CUBE -The Cannel do Luxe SOFT COAL -3 in. up Belmont Lump. PEA COAL -51.00 cheaper than other sizes. i s. CANADA CEMENT -The standard article. Accounts may be paid,, and orders left at Wiltse's grocery store. AT BRUCEFIELD :— ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER in both hard and soft woods. B. C. SHINGLES selling at less than today's cost price., PIBRE,BOARD cheaper and better than lath and plaster. SMITHING COAL our famous klcanweld. ,Also Cannel, Soft Coal, and Can- ada Cement, We do not *ant all the ` business, but we would like to have yours. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept- 20th,every day after that. W. MARQUIS —81 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. THE CQHNEH STORE Live and Let Live There is A PLACE A SEASON and- 1 A REASON FOR EVERTHING . This is the place for every season- able thing in the grocery line; and there's a reason why we sell them - THE QUALITY Try these They'll please New Seedless raisins. • New seeded' raisins. New currents. Walnuts, Almonds and Filberts. New dates, figs. •Orange, 1001011 and citon peel. SPECIALS—Oranges, lemons, grape- fruit,' bananas; sweet potatoes, cranberries and celery. E. E. R .NR NNlFORD P h o❑ e 4 0 , • THE PRESEN?P DAY ' MOTHER MAKES PIES that the older generation couldn't begin to equal. For in addition to improved methods and utensils she has the advantage at being able to Obtain Purity dour, the finest batting flour l(newn. Make your next batch with Purity. Good as yells former pies were these will bo infinitely better. We Jenkins i S & Son. PLO= AND PIED, Phones 1 p levator 109, Ihesldence 11:1 Retail License No, 6--2368 ,holosale LiebnSd4 , Big In Although thein is a'•very ac- ate shortness in the, raisin supe. ply we have been able to se- cure a quantity of seeded radse ins at 20ete. per lb, (Not more than Gibe, to a eustomer) They Will not last.loilg and you will be fortunate if you soctin some. Also New Currants, Peels, Dates and Figs. O'Noll Che Hub Grocery CIE WANTED for knitters and learners ALSQ WOMEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LICGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORM OF ALL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 63, Shop over Rowland's Hardware. CLINTON FEED STORE WE HAVE ALWAYS 1)N HAND •A FULL STOCK' OF FLOUR AND FEED. JUST ARRIVED A CAR OF HOG AND CATTLE FEED. IIIGHEST PRICES PAID FOIR, GRAIN,• J. A. FORD & SON Live Poultry Wanted 4000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS 1000 DUCKS each week from now until the. end of December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis delivered olth empty crops. We pay special prices fon properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strongly advise' all producers. to finish their poultry as it will pay, you well to do so. • DUNN, LANDLOIS CO.. N. W. Trewarthe, Phone 199 Manager or ilolmesvllle 4 on 149 Canada Food Board—License ' No, 7-001 CREAM WANTED Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full particle, tars. • Our markets are the best. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable, And prices the highest .cotrsistene with an honest test welch we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery Co. is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of the largess in . Canada. You cannot make any, mistake la shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans are re- quested not to make use of in sending cream to other ereaimerles or cream buyers. Write today for cans. Trnl Seaforth Creamery Co.. C. A. IBARBEII•, MANAGER BOARS FOR SERVICE Champion Bred B Ig Type 'YORKSHIRE AND CIIIrnS'TEI- WHITE IIOAIRS. A. C. LEVEY. oho 5--630 ' CLINTON, Ont lit hello 0511 1(105itoon0