The Clinton News Record, 1919-11-20, Page 2G.. le Mt:TAGGART
at. eleTAGGART
McTaggart Bros
- H. ''. RANCE-es- •••••‘
e •
Ofeee-- Sloan Block -CLINTON
- Mite coo at lha residence, 'cor.
Iligh and Kirk streets.
°Mee ilours:-1.30 to 3,30 p.m., 7.30
to, 0.00 pan. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30
Cther liours'by appointment only.
Office and Residence -Victoria St.
Conveyancer, Ndtary Public,
Commissioner, Etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
. Licensed Auctioneerer for the
County. of Huron. Sales, con-
ducted in any part of the county.
Charges moderate and satisfae-
den gunranteed. Address: Sea -
forth, E. It. No. 2. Phone 18 on
230, Seaforth Central.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County.
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for • Sales- Date at The
NG:ars-Record, Clinton, or by
calling Phone 13 On 157.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
Box 127, Clinton -, Phone 100,
Agent for
Tlie Euro & Erie Mortgage Coe
poretIon and The Canada
J Trust Company
Comm'er H. C. of 3. Conveyancer,
Piro and Toruado Insurance,
Notary Public
Also a numbeee of good farms
for sale.
At Brucefleld on Wednesday each
Trains will arrive at and depart
' from Clinton Station as follows:
Going east, depart 6.33 a.m.
162 p.m.
Going West ar. 11.10, dp. 11.15 a.m.
" ar. 6.08, dp. 6.47 p.m.
O " ar. 11.18 p.m.
Going South, ar. 8.28, dp. 8.23 a.m.
4.15 p.m.
Going North depart 6.40 p.m.
11.07, 11.11 a.m.
The- IleKillop Mutual
Fire Insuranceaohipany
Head office, Seafotifit, Ont.
President, James Connolly, GoderIch;
Vice., James Evans'Beechwood;
Sec. -Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, So.
forth. '
DirectoranaGeorge McCartney, Sea.
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieve, Waltoia Wm...Elan Sea.
forth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert
Ferries, Harlock; John Benneweir;
Brodhagen; Ja3. ConnoPy, •Goderich.
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Goderich; Ed. Hinehley, Softer*
W. Chesney, Egmondville; R. G. Jar-
uth Brodhagen•
Amy money te be paid Za may he
paid to Moorish Clothite Cc< Clinton.
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goaerieb.
Parties desirieg to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
say of the above officers addressed to
their respective post office. Losses
iespeeted ter the director who Hires
acarest the scene.
News - Record
!Terms of subscriptione41.50 per year,
in advance to •Canadian addresses;
e2.00 to the U.S. or other foreign
countries, No paper discontinued
until all arrears are paid nnless at
the optioh of , the publisher. The
date to whieh ever X subscription is
paid is dehoted on the label.
Advertising ratee-Transient atlyers
tisements, 10 cents pet nonpareil
lino for firet insertion and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent inset.
time Sidall advertisements not to
exceed one incii, such as
"Strayed," Or 'Stolen" eta., inseets
cd once fen 35 cents, and each subsea
quent insertion 10 cents. .
CotrammicatIons latendej for publicae
,Ms must, az a guatahtee of good
: oith, ho adeottpgnied by the name 0/
he welter.
al, E. HALL, 31., ti. CLARK,
PrOerictor, Editete
Address corinnuiticationt to Aeronomlet, 78 Adelaide St, West, Toronto
Perin Management Feetere in the or tge oiler day after he had figured
Cot of Crop Production. I out the yield per acre on his oat crop
'Pho cost ef produotion of Cool for t'llita•Yeile. "We have threshed out
enspa 4s determined by a serene of eillY twenty-eight bushels Per acee
rectos whieb depend 'en the ability end really that won't pay us at much
of the farmer as a manager to organ-
ize in a manner that the eroPS
ere produced with a Minimum of labor
and deepenee. These footsies are:
1. Arrangement of Fields, „ is not
alwaye POSSibie to have the field ar-
0 D.
Thai isritho time of the 'oar when
the tarraer, as W(d1 as the poultryman,
inaTkete le'e eurPlete fewia. The writ'er
has elseerved the Melly eratee of. chick.
ens as they eit upon the trucke at
different railroad Station% over the
Province. What he bas eeen lode him
to write a short ertiele on the Object,
What do Moe chicken. eretee 0011,
tain? Nearly every ene is erewded
with old eocili birds, cockerels, or old
wages as if we bad weeked on *he bens, [Tenafly not a pullet is to , e
rod," He -was right. Tao oat crop seen, o; if any at all, there .are but •
was very light and when he expected feev, Thas in the main es correot. DP
a yield .of eixty'laueliels be got lees not overcrowdthe henhouse In the fall,
13 than half that amount. It seemed winter and spring. Cull out the ones
safe, and 'bessicisi the U. P, Celeate out cut,. and iled epenly.en elcide for sea-
rangement of the farm exactly as one like a loeing 'proposition but he was that 8110010 go to inarket Keep only
thinking m terms of growing oats tbele that well improve the fleet< next
. .
' e°r!le eale hhlrIge''' . bo reduced to a minhemp, but check-
. • 1 , , 2 -bit, enough, Ing will not -be retenied, In no ease
, soiling, Ilia opportunity for deony win
wishes, 'Phere may be Some natio] 2 , „teen, ,,,,,e,„,a,„ '
only. Had he been thinking in berme emea and those tbat will yield an "Yes " repliel Mr Er .
an ars e, la .,,r,..... -I...seen s -T. the etaiole .coine over and above the moot of ; eafe eteiff to fatten on the other stuff.
formation that noce,seitates 1 seems advisable to pasture or yited No ?lee •
ee van long do business on a should the wood he allowed to lie in
rangement far froin the ideal but this 11 foil Consumed. ., .
- • • t . silo o • i 1 th w t .
term ri mos his remark Might We . with the groand. Chaok-
•,-,-,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
,04,0 lensed. ,
I wish 40.3 beecl. ntenen
It Will- not be au sport
It eeiwnys spoils my
lincco°11 ..„
Htr.z..-44- *VTR"'
Is very 000111;0008..S.InOrnan7treiTiitTit'te;°'
deo to Impure bleod, whish eannet
"Well, Dine" eaid Morton Holt, ai, give the digestive organs the aeo-
n% tame into hie father'e office, 'Tye lus neeessary for the proper per-
fermanee of their flinctione.
Thelniande know by experienee.
that :ROWS Sareaperilla restoree,
Appetite and would pastime you to.
give it a trial this season, It origin -
in the encomiast preeeription of
a Anions physielen, Ceti it today.
Take Hood's Pil1s. if yet happen
to need laxative -they don't gripe..
about deckled to take that position
with the bead hoe"
eorry to hear that, my. bei;
said the cadet: man, "Yoe know as
wen as I, that theiheitee Isn't atraighla
It will float 'any steels or hoed it on
107 bold of if it thirike it On gat. rid
of it on the public," „
"Well, hut bus nubile ebould have
its eyeteeth eut,by thia time. If 13
hasn't, it isn't the fault of the bond
house thet seals the stuff. The public
knows iamb Ail stoke and bonds aeon
menthe and may cause enceseave
checking, If the wood is peeled when
condition can often be improved , to
the extent that evorkin.g the farm ift
much more effielent and easier.
An ideal mgangement would'include
the following features: All, fields os-
ily aceessible to the buildings, no
anglet in the lanes or driveways
where turning with heavy loads would is little else foe us to do jut at the
0 0.4 OH ne v eaten, Its the good In, elm
have been, "02 course, oats have been ,anY a. (toe , 1 )4 .. . . ,
- that ahaald be kept to bened ft= ilex • ai h 7- P . , e.t.a that them confidence enough
li <an ' le ma be 'tit in vet thie fall, All . s wine' be reduced somewhat by locat-
ei poor top this year but our corebey, the niles in 0 shaded but dry piece..
croz bat offset thie no that on t year. May a cookerel that would im- oets 02 disease., may follow seet feet. to „fivolealti , the i t oitolni e; likeirnecl, ad' ad.,
I've bean 1 ITtheembsebrekrieenewieeerdneit aenayelolYthiear 31105o2avBra-ge we neyseneneemei yield, we prove the egg tait meat,pro. Olt -idea pow-ti4dalalezae, ttgeo,usrefaiobeeklesewshaengli,etaotnde:agleot:
' •th in old arm fee •ic ea nil it'
' el y eth the oats entirely. er Of the hens fleet yean if so en ) e , 7 a pnze.„.1%iveY about the year but the labor and expense
'llealineyt .seerver als- aw4nood crop to naimen neigl. Morbood, is sent in market. So, a hold. in taloa, , We cannot be tOLII .sw: euesily
careful when .buying sheep or other- ' •
Issues .13 talcO that bonse.3 like the; will proliably be greater,
'. lso there are bens that should he
C. ore simply walking -away from Fall and winter cutting: Timber cut
the rotation and we need both the a , a
grain and atraw aor the stoke .There kept. On the other hand, manY pallets wise acquiring them, to see tso
:h. oiutitlaibuat
aro kept that should be sold for tabie
ethaaYse. No scabay sheep ever
ate free from this tereable dien
T7Tigbet,P.:A.on the band. wagon, net shout at slowly
yg and
1VVirintrhnlehre.11101111711111.rig When .
man has to live. I'm going to in late fall and winter seasons snore
What, then, ate some of the point% brought on the farm, for 13 is eipb to it as it goca by. Money counts. If proper etorage or healing is imprac-
that .should be o'heerved in culling sproad and infecb the onbire
spoils the sheep that it affected by it, matte, who Melte at your method.
• You have ine
. lleY, Yelfre all right, no tic:able, vanter cutting is beat Fungi
down the flock? ,a
Theenll -soon :forget that." and insects do not atta:ck wood nut -of. .
First, the coerc bird. If he is pure- and the wool becomes "tagged" or.
'I've heard that sprt of talk before . doors in cold weather, end by the time.
if his progeny are quicle to mature tact with one of these tags from in-. my bee,
bred and from a good layieg etrain, glued together. Even to eome iu con -I ,
y It's at old as basiness. el . erynattnity sweenastninieced. aanrsiileceesss stubseezrtiohoide Ls,
(that Is, 11 315 c'oelterels feather amen, fected sheep is apt to -convey the clise I suppose Judas argued that way when attack.
ly, grow their combs eaTly, and coin- ease to well sheep. The cli•searee may ' he sold out his Masiler. 13nt you'll find 13 is f or this reason that
I b t• •tt d b h Rh .1 ' winter oUtting is advantageous, and
be necess.ary, and as little lapd as
possahle taken up in lanes arid divi-
sion lines. With this arrangement we
can save time by elorter tripe to ,the
barn, draw largo loads by avoiding
short turns, utilize all the land, for
seeten that we are evorlelng op: the
oats to we are gettidg some returns
for the time when otherwise our te,am
might be idle. The machinery neces-
sary for the crop 48 jot the same as
we 0 -se foe the wheat and barley, so
(rope that is possble, and eliminate the oats help to lower the overhead an
waste place -s that harbor weeds and that. \After all, we 'should not. be (115 -
plant diseates, couragecl because of 11 11001' yield once
2, Size and Shape of Fields. The in a while, the yield this year is the. =nee to crow whon six to eight weeks
; you think. That 4...en't what I want to not on account of a smaller amount of
. , hi the pond has a longer memory than
shape of 'the fields as ref:pally import- lawcist it has been in twelve years and .of age), ia he is vigorous and heelthy, touching poets or treesnagainst when
remind you of, thougb. It's neetileas moihsture orsap in i the weed i,Ini.,winter,
only twice in the last &EV Years has if he crows often during the' day, if he scabby sheep have Tubbed, As a
the average been -so low." is a bit scrappy, if his fe.athere are ef souece of real suffering scab is'a fear-
. ful thing.
ant. Rectangular fields with square
corneas are the cheapest to handle.
Uniform shrine and size of fields per-
mit 'efficient use of large team units
and modern machinery, Large. fickle
do -arose the cost of every operation
and aaso tot very much less to fence.
If po.ssible it is advisable to have the
number of fields the 'same as the num-
ber of years necessary to complete a
cycle of tile rotation. For example, for
O rotation of,. .eorn, oats and barley,
wheat and clover, reoiring four years
for a single field to ennauce all the's°
crops, .an adeal_arrangement would be
to have four uniform fields or, if very
3. Rotation -a. The rotation deter-
mines to a large extent the distribu-
tion of laboe on the trope. If the
peeper crops are chosen there is a
sequence of operation. throughout the
sea -eon. This enables us to eare for the
erop.s wi th a minimum amount of
labor at any one time. Since labor as
from forty to fifty per .eent of the
entire expense of growing a crap,
economy in this respect influenbes
cost of production. A properly plan-
ned rotation will also 'mei) the land in.
the best of condition and larger yields
will be secured from a given amount
of money and energy expended, culling and vigon.
4. Efficient Use of Labor. The effie sold on the market. Such birds are not
clot use of labor is the most import- worth seventy-five per cent'. more than
ant of all' the factors limiting the ecrub stock just because they' are
profits on farm produets. This factor pure-bred,
is dependent ,on .pra.ctically every When buying pure-bred pullets we
other factor involved and is of each figure the value of the alerts by the , .
importance that we will deal with this birds themselves. Some. pullets are a with her. Often .slie- reasons this way:
ei went aatatt se -many penete neat-Inspect:ars were appointed who, them -
phase of faem management in another poor investment at any price. Others nen. selves •singing heartily all the time,
article. might be a bargain at five dollars spring. They are yotings they
watched for people not joining in. It
5. Farm Equipment. The cost of eaeh. .There can be mo set rule for grow, and it will not cost much to keep
to -choose exectlen the
production is alto dependent 011 LI10 purchasang pureabred poulend and no them, for I will let them pick their, was necessary
living." i right people for this. At first many
equipment of the farm. It can be set price that will accurately deter- people moved their lips and merely
decreased if we do not confuse proper mine their value. .A. pure-bred flock Remember, dear reader, this is all
pretended- to sing, but that led them
equipment evith over -equipment. Itis weong. A pullet should he fed heavily:
. a ems on to singing heartily.
not the number of machines nor the for. either fancy points or egg pro- M order properly to develop
By the forth week of the new
money invested in equipment that duction or both, is apt to produce pul- ,stitution that Neill combat the drain!
style the thing was an undoubted sac -
counts, but machines that are .adented let•s of genat breeding value. They upon her heavy egg production. It:
cess. The spirit of the place was
to the..epeeifie needs of the individual are tvosith more money than ordinary costs too much to keep over a poor lot ,
, entirely chan.ged. The old awkward- sty. ,
farm. It is the size of the farm, the stock because of the blood lines. The of undeveloped or constitutionally
I ness that every one had shared before Late spring and sunimer cutting:
shape .of tbe fields, the' number of qualities for which they are noted weak pullets. • gave wax to a sort of t85ri-11 of interest Posts, poles and .other rough oroducts lcept, the number of men work- have been stamped on them by many Pullets that siTe to be good layers
in everything. Perhaps the people cut in late spring and early summer
in.g, and the crops raised, that deter- years -of careful breeding operations should show signs now of maturity
all wondeeing what the next are more likely to be attacked by in -
mine largely the eqpipment needed to and they are able to produce progeny and should be about ready to cons-' were
song would be. Whetever the reason, sects and fungi, because the wood is
produce the erops at a low cost of of like qualities., menu laying, 'or •sleould be laying
early in Noyelteher. they took a keen interest in every- freshly cut and in the most favorable
produetion. In an article of this des- A flock of pwre-bred potilltry might thing. . condition for attack at a time when
miption it is impossible to make be earelessly bred with no effort made They had now dropped the "fines" insects and the spores of fungi are
general ru•les and principles apply in binds for reproduction. At the end a he system, and use another method'. Some most active. .Seasoning als.o proceeds
one -generally the scheolateaeher or more rapidly during the warmer
specific recommendations but these te select the best and most vigorous
practically all instances. a few years the stook might be pure- the minister, but sometimes a real
6. Arrangement and Plan of Build- bred and yet worth no more than the singing teacher -sit on the platform '''''''.1:.--^1___.'-',V,..r..‘.........."....._...........M.."7,1. %
ings. Well arranged and properly market value .of serub stock. For the man vaho keeps a small flock
crone Much cheaper. The crops can large quantities as some poultrfinen Of sheep a .shect nuty already be at- clueing all the singing, and after each.
be stored much more quickly and do.. Usually it it the beginner who
easily. If the buildings have been wishes to purchase a large, number of
located. SO that they are convenient pullets so .that the dream of a large -ter. If one already exasts, one may stroke for wilichaver side of the room
tee:he'd te the barn for providing
be built et comparatively small ex- sang the beet The rivalry' runs very
the highest score, and the room as al -
high ea -ch week and each month for . h Utalllo
.planned buildings make the storing of We do not like to buy pullets in ellen song marks up on the blackboard a
to the fields and the interior so plan- egg production can begin promptly. pense that will be .peraeotly .adequate.
ways divided sharply into the two
nee! that it is easy to get the crops in Frequently the pullets purchased do I have eheltexed twenty-five sheep in'
By L,Tohn. B. Huber; AM,MD
and out, valuable time is saved,. The not come up to exaectations. If pul- , e
a shed sixteen feet by thirty feet in
a particularly merry and good-natur-
.storage Space an the barn should be lets are percha•sed it is better to sac- "-mang reCke.
size, This gives room,..too, fox the Sections. IVIosieover, the rivalry is of
sie__M--------MS-eer,........2....teease-r-ennta re‘ ease rsim
particular crops • of the rotation sO few firat class birde as fotindationa l3ut bad as cold is, wet ground is ed sort. A singing "literary" after
arranged to meet the need.s of the rifice qudntity to quality and buy . Address communications to 70 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
that each crop is stored in its respec- stock' for the larger flocks which are fully as dangereus to the be.alth of this fashion is a -suae-fire success.-
W. W.
------a-- Foreign Bodies. I Rs presence, and which may by its
tive space. 'Granaries should be so to be raieecl at home. the shee,p. Sheep are not an animal
located that putting the grain in and The poultryman or farmer' who for ddmp ground: Itis death to therm
Good walks between the buildings swallowed a needle or a common, PassagA an the latter event teethe -
What would lappen if a person swelling, completely stop up the air
out can be done without' heavy and reties hia own 'pullets can, call them For this reason theisheep been or railed
oil fannt. add greatly to the ens and pin?" is a question asked me in a! otomy opening the wind pipe) may
wearisome laftmg, The roofs thouhl rigidly and keep the best. The others sates nmy be drained by ditches so that comfort with which ferm work can letter,
ought to be buile!on thy ground. Some
i have to be dote, by the doctor, or
horse forks ena.y be used, arid Many of little- value as breeding stock."' It the land evill bd dry. Whoever it be done.
• pins, when seviallowed by
Foreign bodles, even needles and, couree. The X-ray has become an in -
be to constructed that hay slings and con be .sold on the markeCif they are ineente mil valuable meaes. of locating foTeign
the handling of the crops aess bueden- where they will be -used for ,breeders, lunge, except when elioking appeaesi
very young 4 -linden old= onset bodies in serious oases.
other conveniences that go to make clog not pay to eell the cull pullets
eome. An of these things tend to as too often 43 causes disappointment. l'-iPt On the Farmer's Adverfig to bo impeediege Bo suve this accident, questions and Answers.
reduce the cosi of production. A great When buying pull*, ore thould he dolor, Doint give a lieentilve. Giro 1 tion, intelligent and ennbitious, but I
bee °entered. and then send for the I
1 I am a young linty of good educe -
subject that will yield good returns Emmen are adtakening to the need bas any dereive for the neliele and then
, I am handivapped because e self -con -
deal of thought can be given to this taken not to purchase the culls from
another breeder. Examine the pullets 6f better marketing mennede, argil the selling argument wit by Inc , wit M110 at III‘OhY
potnnilis:lanee, mei as ma-
in time saved and s.atisfaction to the carefully. Fied out their age and see It it should be definite 01101 poitive. Gen- meat or 00 11111Will 1110$11, selousnese, particularly in the pees-
„„ .
manager. if their development corresponds to ., e„
nave began to recognize tile valve of
the Mit:tine, $o tient the objeet swat-
eral rambling praitieof an netiele will whieh mile form a t..1 111 is01111 111,185 11 ence of the other -sex. This makes me
ti1,0 statomou a dennito citinulteS laW1 11 may ',twine imbedaed in the my timidity?
I very unhappy. Is there any cure 200
not a factor in production Is Very inn, vele:lei a in marketing' .
l'illis.1 i11111 he earried forward. .
7, Marketing. Marketing, although their age. If possible stady the Jr1"'°'°13e ed -- . 'la I not, have 41117 sellaig value, but poet -
portant since the crop does not oath- were produced.
breeding stock from which the pullets farm prodeets. Much adveetisting is
done without results in proportion to will. i Answer -The cure for any healthy
the cost an many cases, not only by plain emegereettee
farmers but by all of edam.- a dignity inicl roes -eve About
adverLieing with Small foreign bodies 'may beanie
ti, will lodged in some evevem of the mouth, lie entirely within oneself. Young
peeson encli 03 you teem to be most
Such a remark wo.u1c1' have been good lustre, if le mou ea y
evident proof that the young man was . grew his 'new feathers oickly-keep
applying the principles of good man- him.
agement to his hum open:141On, 0On-
eidering each .crop in its proper rela-
tion to the other crepe and the farm
busine.ets as a whole.
• Bnying Pura -Brod Pillets.
A SInging "Literary."
boomerang sooner or later, even as a there seem to be much to the moon
. .
to. .erly that crookedness proves a'
business game. What I want to SHIT .
goes deeper :than ell that.
„Second, what hens ehould be sold? "If you ran tie yourself up in coltIL Dark Spots in Pctatees May
Send to market theta hens that moult- The people in our community had
met regularly in • the schoolhouee bloseel to that sort of proposition, then; Be Due to Freezing,
ed in July or in August. If a hen is
every Feiclay night for "Literary" deer- 7f ctotuirs? I'm
nothing t6 -say, ex- I
earryeng her old feathers at tentimAe
ing several yeas, lkit they seemed to beecevnnie .ran ashamed Of you. But I Internal freezing imam , i *Of;
good laying hell mou"Its late in the wouldnever let you necrois, occurs when ex -
this is being written keep
be igetting into. a mt. The younger eniie.,e.nhe A'lsrt.hettertinin that in you,
-Thies especially were not very excited , .N tril, g 1posed to severe fent., ternicretures
below twenty-eight degtees la The
A poultryinan recently told me that year. She drops .a11 of her feathers
about the meetings. 1 De contented, no /natter how much ,
tubers show dark blotches in the flesh
at a time. If .a, hen leid well laet mbney you mightenake,by sharp pro-
elie figured on pure-bred pullets being Attem ts at bri Iv i ,• p '
p g ten ni, u the when they are out open and allowed
winter, no matter what her appear -
worth at least seventy-five to one hun- tikes', something tis -at
eyou eouldn'e look
partio of the venal uare in 'the f
dred per cent. more for breeding pur- iince is new, keep her. She will lin- program heaped some, and occasional:
"bid-for-e-sup-penWorthless block aeo; 1"11you sold a to stand. a Ebert Wile. The spots are
usually most rearke.d at the stem end,
poses than for market. This may :be prove the flock.: Market the hens that tock, cancelling
are in fun,. feather-thet have tho.se1 that would s. -•
peel your money -made
basket" kind had a good effect, but.but they are scattered irregularly
tru.e. but there is a grea's variation in not fox long. through the outer flesh or in a fine
brilliant yellow"hhanks and beaks.
the value of pure-beed pullets and the I enecess for you If v •
you e on it crook -
Market thq he 'that 'stole her neat The enthuti nem with which the t ed1,,,, ' network or ring. Oerlinarily the injury
birds are not of inneh value as breed- i •
younger people sang nil ther way to; ' Is detected only upon cutting, although
and batched a brood of chicks in "Teore are many peTsons who ewn
,ers because they are eMrsebred. and from the meetings finally sug- the affected tubers wilt more than the
It is fundamental that the birdi be, August, Market her brood with her.
gested an idea, Of course, ' all their soul'. fui i't f D'
they had ' th 'd'" 'are' for
a e'vv normal ones in etorage.
puimabred as a foundation. T&ri their! She is trying to fool you. She, like
always had some singing at the "lit-, =San dollars, and live in an empt Potatoes may actually be frozen.
some people, gets busy al; the eleventh ..• ' chamher. The mone seems =meal tY' .
value is butilt u•p according to . their erare," but it watint of the jovial, .. Y " s hd tl t b • ft a
o noughou , &coming so an
other oharacterietica. . hour. She has fooled away the. spring and the other values far off and
and summer, preening ae.„ .feath„, spontaneous kind that MS needed. At ; musby on thawing. As a result of
Ore reason that some farmers are ephemeral. But they're the le 1
• a . ones
and admiring ber own fitnese and' 1
tie next meeting they succeeded in in the long run. ju.:,_s fond . coming in contact with a cold wall in
paeauthiced against pure-bred, poultry , n , , _getting the idea acceptea that they . ,..t4 it so,
storage, or being left above the ground
its due to -some poor quality pure-beeds e0nnilirtesA• . naleeeine &Meld get hold of the neWpopular.
and hanged himself. I don't imagine
silver after digging, potatoes may freeze
Mire, what about those co , • t he ever thought thirt pieces of 'Iv
Market the ones that eeerea eleve. te could look so small -1l after heel h 71.
they have seen. SOlITO farmers who songs .and also work up seme of the: ., on one side. Tubers injured in this
and kept .only the best will never cull develop. Market the ones -1114., Oa, ' sqld bimself. But it's alto the 11-c way
,h.ave culled their grade .stock for yeaxs old laverites, and that there shon•Id: neinegaselyesetor,tiesd
poorly feathered. Open the islaraande he a after each number on the
the reward of dishonor never le ekasa:O° ducano prolonged
if the primary feathers are long, eueee.:.Prograra, pitifully mean until vou ver moo
the pure-bred -birds but keep themeall. but the big 'point. of it was. „.. it storage at low temperatures, twehty-
A pure-bred flock should receive a that every one must join in, singers . • - ellm- - ' nine to taairty-foux degrees F t to
• • • • row and pointed (the chick feetbees). ., no
and non -singers. . I
market all such cockerels:
FouTth, we come to the tug of
1111111 ttle tnng you nave Y real freezing. Tubers that have never
There's nothing in the world worth
doing evrong for. But you young fel- been frost bitten may allow this injury.
would actually feel like joining in d th t • the
war." The busy housewife wishes to lows eon't believe st till some day you t H
-when the time came, so they got all: room where potatoes are stored and
keep about so many pullets for the find yourselves staring pitifully at the
to agree that every one shonld pay a, keep the temperature above twelfiliye-
year. She clialikes to kill or market
three -Fent, fine for every song not "few pieces of silver -in your palm • i
a pullet. Thas temptation is great
' That's all I've got to say," said eight degrees F.
father, turning to bis deslc. I. When shipping potatoes during old
"It's enough," replied the boy. „./ • weather in a. theatO . car, provide for
stay wibirthe old firm, if I starve!
,, some circulaton of atr from the stove
to prevent blaek heart in the potatoes
near the heat and frosty injury in
those in the outer parts of the car.
The Time to Cut Timber.
The time of cutting has very little
effect upon .ciurebility, if timber is
properly cared for after it is cut. The A Gloaming Call.
method of handling posts, poles and Sometimes at close of day,
Togo of different times of the:Year, As children leave their play
however, does influence their durabil- And dusk dips into dark;
When winds sweet -scented blow
, Up from the past, for voices Clear I
hark; '
Then this comes soft and low:
"Come in, my child; for quenched
Is day's last spark."
Once moro my feet those dewy fields
do roam,
A.nd through the gloaming shines the
light of home!
-Alexander L. Fraser.
ally yield a. profit until disposed of.
Pure-brea pullet:a aa fondation
'Phe cost of marketing is often aneex- stook fur poultry floracs should be
pensive item end depends, to a huge worthat tenet seventy-five to one
degree, on the farmer as a managee hundred per centmere than scrubs.
to co-ordinate this with the other Bert do net stop there. It alsci pays
work SO that the transportation Of to chtesify the pure-breas and not buy
the crops to the market: will not inter- foundation stock just becatee it it
fere -with other farm a'ctivitie's. pure-bred. It must have other points
"Do you think it pays us to raise of value to make it a profitable anvest-
oats?" sesked a thielcing young farm- ment,
The necessary .requirements for pro-
ducing first class nillk are:
1, Strictly cleati dairy utensile,
Bolling hot water or live steam must
be used to keep utensils elem.
2. Cleat ewes,. Uddets and tote
should be eveshed if badly soiled, or
warped with a darrip cloth if slightly
sealed. Flanks .and helbies thould be
brushed to retrieve Soot.° ban% and clirt,
8. Seetillatop milk pane with COver
-over half et the opening.
4. immediate tooling of the milk to
50 degrees
tt follows that clairymenwho car0..
fully observe these Leer Olee win also
seo .that the barn fe clean, that ;the
bedding is renewed often, that manure
heaps are not allowed to accumulate,
and that flies mul vermin will be
guarded against,
Playing With Matches.
During September our 6hildreii
were burned to death, each as a restilt
og playing with matches, Regrets aro
of no avail, Children are fasebuited
by fire, ana finless matches are kept
w10e114 children bannof, get at them,
many mote tingle deaths will occur.
These were other people' ehildrent
yours May be noitt.
Chliek toOps can he Made 0100111g the
bad Weather and stored awaY, eo they reedy to 'set up when the time
basers, and so complex se the acavertis-
ieg game that adve,rtisieg, experts are the adtentisee ned his good.; to ear trate the 11100000 membrane nrat thus
in dernaed and neake their employees a I.
0,,,.,,te,. „th,,,,ntAga than exaggerated resist the patient's cirorts to eject Or, young
. , youeg men 000 move so, at least 'ramie
men ore than young tvomen.
.doscriplioni, and here statemense of swollen them, eS, ti a bone, a sponten nate your secial duty to face the sinus- .
the seller's bonny and Ilene:AY Or Oren 01, 11 frOgnInt Of atalk may cause the tion until you become self -pe
an sittempl, to prove these dlingS by trouble.. In eueh one the doctor It is indeed the duty of any charming
testimonials from people equally as must ad. A morsel of food or tome, and naturaaly arnieble young 1V0111011
unknown ag tho a dpcptipp, peeine harder aubstance may be lodged in, 30 impren her
the guilet ni• nesonhaguo. The 8e11153-' circle, Comfort and fortify youreelf
gifts upon her Social
tome terry ell the way from a alightl ' fl ' b
, with the re • ection the the youtig men
irratatioil and discomfort on ewralown yea mett wre,
most of Ur more ;
narrY cunvich'on of the reliebility of or throat; or, it' Amp, they may pene-1 womee are not thus usually affitoted;
good money if the business es a large
one that "justifies the outlay. Most
farms would 1103 justify tbie, but tbey
will justify a careful Plim adver-
Using worked out,by the :lamer. Too
often advertising looked upon its the look upon ino ordinary totiniceninl as
spreading of a little ink 011 paper or worth less term the ink it took to print
simile or Taint on a board that anyone 13.-- they're too easy to get and carry
who takes the time to examine it may too 1,11 Lic cf. the givern true oeinien
with them in too many =see.
The selection of all advertising
medium should be made in accordance
withe,the kind of article to be sold.
Something that locefdemand will be
likely to be enough to take the lot
Aoki be advertised in the local paper,
het good 10 of seed, coen, poet-
tred aalnial, eggs from a large pure-
bred flock df hens, or 6 Lila things that
the local demand would not be likely
to take anii• amount Wo should ad-
vertiee in the 111015 widely circulated
farm papers or city dailies, and :Coe'
:farm produets the farm papers have
every advantage, 'IYhe man who quotes
prices When possible sells when others
know -what 31 ±8 there fox. Advereising
is a vehole lot more than that. Its
purpose is not only to tarry a. message
but to attract attention tO that mea -
sage, and to give epnfidence the ode
that mile the message and the thing
the meesiege refers to. If it does less
,than all this it, fails ehort of Its duty.
PIrst 100 10501111 to attract the notiee;
of all who want the article or would
be at all interested in it, so some-
thing in the advertismeent must give
this information so plainly that it can-
not be overIobleed, Then one or more
enticing qualities Should be emphasiz-
ed 00 1)01007 tho ettatea win convey
thee) to the nand a the reader. 'Mb
will insure the uttered tyt anyone who with like goods fail,
ing, to complete sevangulation mel
tense pain, depentling on the shape
las' telt-conscious than you, •
and &erecter of the SalbStance and
the particular position which it oc-
cupies. The patient's eft'oubs-cough.
.gagging and vonliting-may ex -
Pel the foreign body; "er it may be
ex:I:toted by the patlenVe linger pats -
ed well down the throsst. If these
sirnplet Meant are not officient, the
doctoe roust extrapt it with 'forceps
aftee meamieing by means of litie
throat mirror, Even when the eymp.
toms are not alarming, ouch tub -
530116e5 as artificial teeth, coins, gol-
f/int of bone e11 of meet, should he
reinovod as promptly as passible, ut
order to 'save the' patient from the
itillanimatien which is ,liketly to foglew
You ohould always keep a
bottlo of Qhamlierlsin'o
Stoznacll and Liver Tablets
on the SEW. no
so often hoed a mild and
nporee ChninberinInia
iszto erartle and they db
inotea of nauseous oils and
inixtureo. roe geonineh
troublonouti constipation, takes one june before
goiriN tobed. 0111 drugglute, 55e, Or tend to
CHAMBERLAIN Male CEI 0060570 10