HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-11-20, Page 1Rlo,'2Q20-40th Year Y • e u `' seri OUINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMSER,20th, 1919 r in Canada will be sent from now until the end of 1920, for the price of one year's sub., THE HOME PAPER Lo-desboiro, A Minister from Toronto will eon- duct the services in the Presbyter., ran church Sunray. - Rev, Geo. Telford of Blyth con- ducted the service in the Presbyterian, ellurc}t on Sunday last. Miss Alice Yungblutt of Iluliott spent Sunday as the guest of her sister, Mrs, J, Nett, Miss Jewel Grainger visited over the week -end at the home of Mr. Ern- est Lee, • Mrs. Tamblyn was the guest of Miss Esther Lyon on Sunday, Mr, Simon McVittie and Miss Jan- et, when motoring to Clinton on Sat- urday by some means ran through the fence and down the bank into the flats at Mr.,Ernest Adams'. For- tunately neither were seriously in- jured. The funeral of the late J. D. Mountain took place on Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr Mountain had only been ill a few days and his death came as a shock to his fiends. Pneu- monia was the cause. Mr. Mount- ain only left the farm a short time ago and had secured a comfortable home in the village. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Mountain and her son and three daughters in their sudden bereavement. The meeting of the Goderich Meth- odist District was held in the Metho- dist church on 'Tuesday, afternoon and evening. The meeting was well attended and besides the usual routine business of the November meeting much time was spent in discussing the Methodist National Campaign. Rev. W. H. Graham of Stratford, president of the London Conference, was present and gave an address and also took part in all the dis- C11SSienS, Hohliiesvilie - It Seas decided in the Sunday School session on Sunday morning that the annual Christmas tree enter- tainment would this year be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 23. The Epworth League net Monday evening. Mr. H. Trewartha had charge of the meeting. Miss B. Osbaldeston read the Scripture les- son and Miss Frances Potter gave a fine topic on "The Story .of the Other Wise Man" by Henry Van Dyke A lively discussion followed, The E. L. Rally program will be carried out at the evening service next Sunday. The many 111011ds of Mrs. D. Gard- ner are pleased to hear that she is improving, Mr. W. Miller Sundayed with his friend, Mr. E. Stoddart of Goderich Tp. 11Irs. A. Townshend of Kitchener is the guest of her- sister, Mrs. Geo. Proctor. London Road The London Road branch of the U. F. W. 0• meets this afternoon at the home of Miss Ethel Lane, The Rev. D N McCanns of Clin- ton will address the League at the home of IIr, and Mrs. G. W. Lay- ton on Tuesday next. The West End Beef Ring held its 12th annual meeting at the hone of 14Ir. G. 13. Hanley on Monday even- ing. All the old officers were re-eI- octed and .a very satisfactory year wound up. Mr. G. W. Layton attendedthe meeting of the Goderich Methodist District at Londesboro on Tuesday afternoon and evening, DEATH OF MRS. ,1. CONNELL Death came very suddenly to Mrs, James Connell of• the iltlt concession of Goderich township on. Thursday hast. She was getting ready to -conte into town when she ., was suddenly seized with It severe pain about' her heart. IIer son, who, ' wag with her, dill all that could be • done and quickly called `his • father 4 and brothers, but she passed away • • in a few minutes. • Mrs. Connell was before her marriage Miss Mary J Dempsay 4I and was born • on the Term across 4 a the road forst the one on which she • died. She is survived by her hus• - band and. a fancily of five daughters 44 and throe 10116;' Mrs. 1, Bryunt,• a Stettler, Alta.; Mrs. J. McCarthy, , Killarney, Man.; Mrs. Ilainy Wil- i son, Stratford; 'Mlrs. J. hands, awe- y gintt, Sask.; Mrs. Norman Kennedy, 1 and Mrs. Wast. Niclde, Clinton, and 1 John, Marry and George at home. Al Two brothers and three sisters al- a so• survive; John Dempsey and Mra; John , Sterling, Clinton; William 4 Dempsey, Blyth; and 11Irs. Orr, Loa- y don, and titre. Geo, Pratt, 13ran11on, 11 Man. ' Another sister, Mrs. 1,m. 4 Jerkins of Mullett, died only a few 1 weeks 03311. The funeral took place ycsterdlyr afternoon, being delayed to allow time for Mrs, Rands- to get here from Regina. Tho services at house end graveside were conducted by the Ilev. D, N. McCainus of Wesley crunch, with which Mars. Connell wilts rolinccted. The pallhcarers were the three sons and three sons-in•law, Mc. sre. 1Vilsot, 1Cenne(ly and Nickde, 111+e}:n100111 1(05 made in Minton m seetr y 4111011 /'> t. those from a distance who were here for the funeral were 1118, hands, Regina;. Mrs, Orr, Lon- don and Mir. mid, Mrs. Ii. Wilson,, Stratford, i TWO ACCIDENTS, ,Mr, T. J,-Managhan-on Friday last while. at .work in 'tate machine Pooch of the Doherty's 'Pianos' Ltd„ gave his shoulder a wrench- which laid him up for • several' days, On ' Monday 'morning Mr. A. V, Quigley, who was "operating the jointer in tato same department, ]tad the misfortune to have the two mid - tills fin, crs of his right hancl,ittjurecl, g' g He will lose the tip of one but it is hoped the other can be saved, Ii; , is only a fore weeks since Mr. Gee, Cools was ]njured while operating the sante machine. A POETICAL PREACHER. The • Christian. Gordian offered several prizes for a. Christmas Carol, and over 200 poems were submitted. The one that was awarded the first prize of $25 was written by Rev, J. S. Gook, now superannuated and living in Toronto, but formerly pastor of Ontario St. church, Clinton. The poem which appears in the Guardian of Nov. 5, and is very favorably commented on by that journal, is as follows: ip "Gentle Marywrapped ed her child,p� - Laid Hint in. a manger; There Ile lay, all undefiled, To the world a stranger. Such a babe in such a lace- Can he be our. Saviour? Ask the saved of all the race • Who have found His favor, Angels sap 'about His birth; g g ` •Wise men sought And found Him; Heaven's star shone brightly forth, all around II m. Shepherds saw the wondrous sight, Heard the angels singing, All the plains were lit that night; .All the hills were ringing. Gentle Mary wrapped her child, Laid Him in a manger. He is still the'undef]led, But no more a stranger." g THE LOCAL MARKET Wheat, 21,93, Oats "ve(:r. - - Bailey 21.30• '. Buckwheat 21,25, Butter, 50c Dried Apples 120: Eggs 55c to 50e. Live Ilo(;e r15,50 IT IIAVE BEEN WORSE. MIGHT On Friday. afternoon' last the ' Darletown Swells" wore Navin choir g. parade Aucl a number of small boys were following up -when Mr, S,' Law- courier on No: 1 mail route drown along and two of the lads, Roy, son of Chief Fitzsimons, and Gillis, son of Mr. G. D. Gilchrist, were knocked down• Both boys were more of less scratched and bruised but, happily, not seriously hurt. The result alight have been much more serious, Street accidents are get- ting too common in Clinton. Mr. Higgins is still -walking. with a limp, the result of being run into by an theg' auto a few weeks ago and Mr. Wln. g Stanley is still suffering from his regrettable accident, which was caused by his trying to alight from an auto g 6 before it had stopped. AMONG THE CHURCHES. e.St. Wesley Church, rihe • League paid a 'visit to the House of Refuge on Monday evening, renderinga program o£ reading and g SOltg and a- short address by the pastor, • -Rev. Mr. McCamus. The members of the Home appreciated thd" program and afterwards the p g Young people distributee] candy and fruit, • MSt. Paul's Church. i at 11 P l ornng Prayer o'clock S S. and Bible class at 2.30, Sven- ing Prayer at 7 o'clock, Preacher at all services,, the pastor. The Ladies' Guild intend having their annual bazaar in the Parish hall next Thursday afternoon. Ont. St. Church. , The Social and Literary coconut tee had charge of the League program to Mondayevenin g. Miss Ethel Was- plan gave an interesting, reading,' Misses Cora and B. Jervis played a pleasing duet and the Bible contest was enjoyed by all. December 2nd Mr. W. G. Martin of Hamilton, a returned chaplain, will present "Dr.'Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" under the auspices of the League. Baptist -Church 1 Services at 11 a. Ifo and 7 p. nt.,enjoyableA The pastor will take for his Evening subject: "The well ,known beuedic_ tion." You are always welcome, Willis Church. will preachonSundar, the C. His�no Hog 9' g A Delightsome subject will bthe Book," and the evening: The Im- prevenient of the soul." •Taylor The The Girls Club had their annual thanlcoffering' meeting. on Monday ev- ening when i4Irs. (Rev.) G. Telford of. Blyth gave an inspiring address. Other features of the Other were a solo by Mrs. Chowen, all instru mental duet by Misses M. Hall and Greig and a reading by Miss E. Ilia}, There was a very good attend- and the offering' for the even- in • amounted to 25. The irls served g 2 g refreshments after thero 'ram. P g GIVE US A HELPING HAND. The News -Record }las been printed for the mast three weeks on its own new linotype. The installing of .a new typesetting machine has meant yp g some work and with a new Machine and a new operator more or less trouble has been experienced and the p Paver does not yet Cottle up to our desire in the matter of Appearance. alwaysstration. The News -Record has• been in getting proper equipment for the carrying on of its work and was the first country newspaper in Western -Ontario to -install 8. typo- setting machine, putting in a mono- line, which served its purpose well for many years, making it possible . to turn out a Clean, well printed paper. The monoline is not"now be- lug manufactured and the difficulty and expense of obtaining parts made necessary the purchase of an up -to- date machine. With it we hope to be able to keep up our reputation for turning out a nice looking' paper, full of news, which will not only pass muster with our readers but which will please the makers. We would like to be able to publish every item l interest between one c Thursday andanother, without miss- ing ono, And to do this we ask the co-operatioli of our friends. Bring in, send in, or phone in any item of news to Our office, It doesn't matter whether you are a subscriber or not, We want the news from every quart- el' of the town and from every corner of the surrounding townships. Wo do our best to' got it but we cannot get it all without assistance. If Your community is not represented in our columns and you would like 10 act as our. correspondent Write its about it and we shall tell you our terms and conditions, Wo have sone first cress ;corespondents who send u. alar budgets, which we appreciate VUry' 1111('11, and some others wha�selld occasional 110Ws. We like it all and Would urge the .. -1 go 10 occasionals to become regulars, /hat you do not need to be a recognized correspondent. If any taking of interest happens in your vie- maty let n6 know about it. Sent news in aarly-•.tint is amost important ingttor-•-0.114 make it explicit, FIUSBAND MET DEATH, , Honer Waffle of Simeoe, superin- tenclant of the Show Stock - Co., who wap caught in the maohinei'y in the mill on Tuesday of last week and instantly killed, was ' the hus- band of a former Clinton girl, His wife was formerly Miss IJtte.I•Tall, daughter of Mrs: E. Hall, who £or several Years resided here with her fatni1y, ' Friends here sympathize with the strielcen wife alt 1te1 bereave- relent. WORK BEING WOUND UP:. The Vi.ct(iry Loan County headgear- ters which has been a hive oli Indus- try for the past eight weeks, will be closed on Saturday. 1!'1;. Toiranee, county organizer, leaves for Toronto, tomorrow and Secretary Littlewooil, Mi Smith and their efficient office assistants will clean asp the last ends of the business by Saturday. It has been a pretty clean sweep as far as Huron is concerned and the commit- tee has reason for gratification at the result. THE BOY SCOUTS. Great interest is bem evinced m g tale Patrol Competition. The fol- lowing are taken_ into accunt in Awarding marks: 1 -Attendance at Scout Meetings. Number who have passed the "Tenderfoot" Test. 3 -Number who have passed such p a » part's of the Second. Glass Scout Test as are possible to be taken in the minter months, 4 -Attendance at Sunday SchoolGlory In order to get the figures for no. "4" the various Sunday Schools will be asked to slake a return pf the at Sunday School 0£ the gotorre Boy Scouts. We might girl that all members of the Troop are required attend .some Sunday School, On - Saturday afternoon last the Troop had n :"Hike" under the charge of Asst-�,00utmaster Fohlds. Th Troop )beets in St, Pauls Schoo -house' . on Tuesday evenings fo.ln seven to 'eight. Anyone intel- ested alt -"~yolk among the keys is invited to visit the meetings. g U. F, 0, SPEND SOCIAL EVENING. The first At-home given by the Clin- ton branch of the United Farmers' and the Stanley and London Road branches of the U.F.W.Ortvas held in the offices of the Agricultural Rep -for resentative Clinton, on ThursdayeV- + ening last and proved to be a very affair. pleasing program was one • g' g through, Mr. Wm. McEwan, presi- dent, acting as chairman. Mr. Geo. Mann contributed violin solos, Missp Bayley accompanying him; a guar tette, consisting of Misses Stewart and Sinclair and Messrs. Moffat and Sinclair, gave several selections; Miss gave .a reacting, Miss Edna Wise a piano solo, Mrs. Bert Irwin a couple Of vocal solos and '•tale Messrs. Lobb sang' a couple of duets. afar. Andrew Hicks, member -elect of the Legislature for South Huron, was also present and gave a very interesting and pleasing Address. At the conclusion of the program .,the ladies 'served coffee, sandwiches and cake and a pleasant hour was spent in rn socia} intercourse. thriidd The gathering was considered a 'most successful one and smile express- gathering eel the wish that such ttiwould might be held monthly. This woulci be too much of a good thing, how- ever, but another such social evening may be arranged before .the winterLEY is oyer. At the regular meeting of the U. F, 0. on Tliuisciay evening next 119 r, Stotheis, Agricultural g'' natural Represents- tive, will give amills-testing• clenlot- ADJOURNED TILL TUESDAY. The public meeting called for Mon- day, evoningeto receive the report of the continittee appointed to forum- late some plan for the erection of a Soldiers' Memorial resulted in the gathering together of the members of the committee but very few rep- resontatives of the public, Two schemes have been consirlereci by tate committee, One is the pro curing of, a public parrs and the erec- troll 01 a granite .monument in it, the other the erection of: a monument of reel ganitc at the dost office square. The former plan Was the one q 1 host favored only the committee found it impossible to procure a suit- able "site for, a park• The erection of at 111011111110111 on the street, just in front of the postoffiee, would mean only the procuring' of the folds nes- eocary and thus is 111e plan easiest of execution. After considerable dis- Cu811011 an adjournment was oracle until Tuesday evening next, when it is hoped there will be a larger atten- (10000 of those interested and the conn- nlittee will put the matter before the people for their endoraatfoi. •The people need leadership Millis 1 iattel• and if the committee id pre- }laxed to give it they will respond. 'Che public will mit reepond with any . enthusiasm to a scheme half -heart- wily.enidorsedby the committee, A Sc11e111e on w}iieh the C0111111itte(: iS agreed and which it heal'tal ramie. y mends to. cane• public is the only one worth p1•eeenting, Any other is fore- doomed to failure, . But it is Kopeck 'iliac Clinton will noi::fall down when it comes to erecting(1 suitable meld- oriel of its lime and honoured dead, TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY; • With the co-operation of the Clergy of all denolninatione and en- doisecl by the Department of Ed- ucation, Sunday the 23rd•, and Mon- day the 24th,; inst„ will • be observed as Tuberculosis Sunday and. 'Tub- erculosis Day in the Schools. W, L MEETING, The regular ]nlolithty meeting o£ 'the Women's Insituto will be held at the Inonte of Mrs. 0. L. Paisley on Thursday afte].•noon• next, There will be a sale of. inexpensive ,Christmas gifts, , All members are requested to be present, COUNTY STANDS WELL: Canada subscribed 2873,199,790 uron County subscribed 21;002,080 of that amount, to the Victory Loan. Hevery district of the. twenty exceed- nig • its objective : winning the prince el Wales nag: Clinton's total was 404;400. Clinton won the Prince "� of Wales flag the first• four days and before the campaign closed had added tela crests. - GAVE GOOD CONCERT. The Maple_ Leaf Quartette Club of Galt gave an entertainment in Andrews church- one evening last week which was high- ly spoken of by those who attended. -0ne 01 the members of the (lab is Mr. L. C. Fleming, a member of the Collegiate staff at Galt, but for- tnerly for two or three years- Y. M. C. A. organizer for Huron County and a resident of Clinton. LITTLE LOCALS. The "Darlctolvn Swells" gave an entertainment in the town hall on Friday evening last. Five weeks from today is Christ- alas, Have you done your Christmas , shopping yet . Room 5 of the Model school has been having a holiday this week owing to illness on the part of Miss Rodaway, the teacher. Miss Evelyn C1utf has taken a po- sition as stenographer on he staff of the Clinton Knitting Co, NO WINTER YET. Mr. A. E. Irwin of Bayfield was in town on Monday and speaking of the wonderful weather we .have' had this fall said; "The roads are the best I've ever seen. They are like pavements all ,the way, and people are plowing all along on almost ev- cry .farm.' There is a general feeling that we need rain, however, and as winter seldom sets in until the swamps are frill of wAte1' the robabllit is th0.t y we shall not have much winter be- fore Christmas. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 1'nkoi o£ Ba Bay - field announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret E., to Mr. R. J. Larson o£ Spalding, Sasl(„ the marriage to take place at Sp4ild- nig the last o£ November. The engagement. is amlohneecl of Mae, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cooper, Goderieh Tp., to Mr. Charles Kerchner, both of Moore Park, Manitoba. The marriage ,will take place at the home of the £ormer's sister, Mrs. D.•W. ITaggerty, Moore Park, Man., the latter part of November. ORANGEMEN'S AT-HOME. The L. 0. L. at-home on Thuxs- day evening' was a very enjoyable af- f. i As it usually proves to hr. 7 he Rev. W. B. Moulton, chaplain of the local lodge, occupied the chair and a very interesting program NV Rs •gong through. Readings were contd.. •btlted by Misses Myrtle Armstrong and Margaret -Sparks and the Rev. E. 0, Fordo; Master Glazier sang;. addresses were given by the, Revs. S. E. McKegney, J, E. Hogg and D. N. McCamus; Messrs, W Mutch and Armstrong contributed violin set- ections and the Pipers' Band enliv- ened the evening with several selec- tions on the pipes. A telegram- writing contest caused a lot of amusement tate Rev, Mr, Porde win=' sin first size fol same, n nice g' prize bi g' juicy orange, Al the coPelus- ion of the io rant an excellent p ' g ' lunch was served by the wives anal daughters of the Orangemen. THE BIBLE SOCIETY• Ai; a committee meeting of the Bible Society (Clinton Branch), it IVal decided to make the Annual Colloetipn during the week begin• Hing;• Monday Nov, 24th, next week, .The:following will collect from each district:- Wesley 11Tethodiat-St. John's y Ward and N, side of Huron. Ontario St, Methodist -St:' And- rev's Ward and W. side of Albert, Baptist C.lturch-•--Remainder of St Gcerge's Ward.serge `Villas Presbyterian ---Part of St, James' Ward, St. Paul's Anglican -Part of St, James' 'heard, Surrounding Country 2nd o:f Stanley---Presbyterian-Miss I( 1'. '1'£lyloi : Base Line and Gravel Road- Messrs T. Lindsay and U• Jervis, 10th 1.011014: ioi.. r n3licans. 21id of Iihllettr--Mr. Lorne Tyn• -dtanl, B'i ('tell Road -Mies ,may ;utIlott, To'ner's ('1'u.elto1sIitith) '-- Mmss Torrybcrry and Mae Grant, 6What's, g@ , �, k 9 9 9 W llO AU( � you had this ex urioico? A half dozer people KeayMIG be sitting around -and one of there asks "What's the time, anyhow? Four of them; possibly, take out thou watches; three of thetas aro somewhat slow in declaring Gmnselves, "One however, with utmost confidence, and with no fear of contradiction, announces 1/he time. c 1. The chances are you'll find it Fake a close look at his wale} kind • i wesell,'rence, A HFLLYAR WATCH -for that's the lc nc of watch Guaranteed, of ednrso, � N r -' tib A 'e t� i� crueler ana Optician - Clintmn r �,. _ ISSUER OF .MARRIAGE LICENSES, ' m _ "` "" • -� �'g'��� `"".�"`��'"a"°�"°""�°"` e------4=-4,-===.---._ _-e-e- .4•••=•••=e•-•---4 The Royal ; e f Canada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL . Collections made, Drafts sold 490 branches throughout Canada and Newfoundland FOREIGN BRANCHES CUBA -Havana (5 Branches) Antilla,Banes, .Bayamo, Callumen, Camaguey, Cardenas Ciogo do Avila, Ceh11'negos, Florida, Gmmiun;nnM Jatibouicn, Manzanillo, Matanzas. Moron, Noevlb s, Patina 'Soriano, Pinar del rtto, Puerto P0010, GegunlaGrande, Sancti writes, Santa Clara and Santiago rig Cuba d'. Poem RICO -San Juan, Mayaguez and Pollee COSTA RSCA. Sar, Tose. npeef m1oAy BeeueL1C-s. Domingo, Puerto Plata. Sanchez, S. Pedro de Macoris and Santiago do los Caballeros M.AILA7NIQ.UL-1,ortdoFranco GUADBLOUl,E-Pointe•a•Pitreand Basso Torr•e VENEZUELA-Caraoas, Ciudad Bolivar, alarucnibo and Pnorto Cabello BRITISH WEST INDIESk Antigua-St.Sohn's Bahamas -Nassau Barbados -Bridgetown and Spoightstow " Dominica -Roseau Grenada -Pt, George's Jamaica -attendance Jamaica -Kingston ston 8 St lle-Bm+ Montserrat -Plymouth Nevis -Charlestown .Tu Tobago—Scarborough Trinidad—Porta Spain and San Fernando British Guitn,a-Goorgutown, Now Amsterdam and loose Ball (Corcinyee) 3010sh.Bondurae-Belizeto MARRIAGE OF HULLETT TOWN - SHIP COUPLE. ,Avery pretty wedding tools place at the home of Mr. Wm. Moon, Rose Grove Farm, at high -noon on Wednes- day of last week, when his only daughter, Flossie Pearl, became the bride of Mr, James W. McCool, son . of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MdCool. The cer- Rev. T. E. Sawyer conducted the cer- emony. The bride entered the par- leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Manor McCool, cousin of the groo-andytook her plane colder an arch of evergreens and ferns. She looked very pretty in a gown of pale pink silk crepe -de - chine and a bridal veil caught up with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of pink and white carnations and ferns. She also wore the groom's' gift, a gold wristwatch. After the signing of the register the to the number o£ about six - tv, repaired to the dining 1100rit Which was prettily decorated in pink and white, and a Bumptious• dinner was served. After the wedding din - ser Mr. and Mrs. McCool left on the three o'clock train from Clinton for a honeymoon trip to Toronto and Smith's Falls. The bride travelled in a navy blue broadcloth suit trim - ntecl with fur, and black hat. After their return they will reside on the groom's fal•1n on the Gravel Road. Their' many friends join in wishing them ]ung life incl s joinein INCORPORATED �®D�i�ED 1 55 a,.....a...x,•... ........a...x.,r. f ��� (, 11 - m _The ;i D a.:' 1e�11 Capital NI ' : tlny'l {�•, Rankin rq; courteously M by the CUT Branches. ' 9 FL 12 .Sharp Manager, 4 - i, '`ti ' N� i (:# �f ���,.V ` and Reser re 28,500,000 • Over 100 Branches. information • needed about g.will begladlyand given On application Q y pp Manager of any one of Clinton Branch. t c' r • •On �,.�.Yti'.A...r :... 1Ru -'• ,,, •. ,._ -... n� READY CLOTHING • ��,��,,,,,�, 4444-44•=4••••••••4 -TO -WEAR • 2 he c�I01'i'tSf7. C(Omtung Co, " ORDt;RED CLOTHING SNAP P YH. 7 r -( 9 e O v e r c ® ,t + ,, o • els • , WEDDED YESTERDAY IN STAN - TOWNSHIP A ver Y pleasant event took place at "Campsie Glen" the home of 1\at Wm. Taylor, Stanley Township, at noon yesterday, when his daughter, Emma J,, was united in marriage to Mr, Dudley H. Bird of Glenavon, Sask. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. J. E. Hogg. The bride entered on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendels- soh11's Wedding March played by Mrs. I-Iarold•Berry of St. Marys, and took her place under en arch of ever- greens. She was dressed in white georgette crepe, trimmed with silver lace anal pearls and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and maiden hair fern, The. loom's g' gift to the bride was a dainty pearl -pendant and to the soloist and pianist earl brooches. 1 pearl ' During the signing of the register, Mrs. John Times sang very sweetly, 6 The Crown," after which over forty guests sat down to a well prepared wedding dinner. The presents were numerous and beautiful, testifying to the high es- teens in which they are held by their many :frluids. - Gu4,v present :f10111 Tor - onto, St. Marys, Walton,. Winghaln and Clinton. d; r. ansa bits, Bird lett on the atf- term on train for Toronto, enroui.o for their home at c1lenav1n, the bride travelling in a suit of beet root with black fiat, They were follow+i•(1 by the best wishes of their friends.' e are all ready for you,' with the latest 20th Len- nary brand.' styles In storm `i Dieters, R1lglanb, Chester- fields and single and doubleforward Styles o breasted staple St lf all - p• y kinds, and when it comes to &> alrt Overcoats Young Fellows ,' We have macre special pro- Vision for the youngmans trade -with many new, ex- / y elusive, perfectlytailored .20th �r°e>ix$En11'li� a�9t3�I1�1 that will appeal to thed good goodjudgment taste 'and d mt of •, the best dreasel's In this c0rYlitttlnit . • - ,. , y • nil,„ t-fM• ik,,',-'�-t1 New Models, TMaro.n` ^f/ ' c New Fabrics yours Nett Style Touches ' room • - y 'Ask to- see ourspecial �-.,rZ - 1( - - 21'1 } 11S1O It's a srla>?• ' S^, `' m(i ` 3'- r 1, ! v u� e55 is p I /, ••• ,P' 1 r � i fin( ��I ,r- i:, Stustle,q.d Rev. ,lames 11 tltlilton of Goderieh Andrew's cecttpic(1 the }ntipit of Vit, Anclr( lv n chulr•.1 0l Sunday Dimming last. Mr. 11411108 1 ergu1 on left last week in. for Detroit to take a /within. Mrs„ Ncthereott of tat- 1tarys is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Parsons, alar& James .1013usolt is spending the week with friends at Belgray& Mbt 1 , 1` D gg ' D " hum ��Q{j a A.t t � _. d� q r ULU I" • .a l Dt ' t� Every P:r --._--__ j(+ ii � •{+�- • . ,01 , • Pfl �. �' ..: ° >) Lo-desboiro, A Minister from Toronto will eon- duct the services in the Presbyter., ran church Sunray. - Rev, Geo. Telford of Blyth con- ducted the service in the Presbyterian, ellurc}t on Sunday last. Miss Alice Yungblutt of Iluliott spent Sunday as the guest of her sister, Mrs, J, Nett, Miss Jewel Grainger visited over the week -end at the home of Mr. Ern- est Lee, • Mrs. Tamblyn was the guest of Miss Esther Lyon on Sunday, Mr, Simon McVittie and Miss Jan- et, when motoring to Clinton on Sat- urday by some means ran through the fence and down the bank into the flats at Mr.,Ernest Adams'. For- tunately neither were seriously in- jured. The funeral of the late J. D. Mountain took place on Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr Mountain had only been ill a few days and his death came as a shock to his fiends. Pneu- monia was the cause. Mr. Mount- ain only left the farm a short time ago and had secured a comfortable home in the village. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Mountain and her son and three daughters in their sudden bereavement. The meeting of the Goderich Meth- odist District was held in the Metho- dist church on 'Tuesday, afternoon and evening. The meeting was well attended and besides the usual routine business of the November meeting much time was spent in discussing the Methodist National Campaign. Rev. W. H. Graham of Stratford, president of the London Conference, was present and gave an address and also took part in all the dis- C11SSienS, Hohliiesvilie - It Seas decided in the Sunday School session on Sunday morning that the annual Christmas tree enter- tainment would this year be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 23. The Epworth League net Monday evening. Mr. H. Trewartha had charge of the meeting. Miss B. Osbaldeston read the Scripture les- son and Miss Frances Potter gave a fine topic on "The Story .of the Other Wise Man" by Henry Van Dyke A lively discussion followed, The E. L. Rally program will be carried out at the evening service next Sunday. The many 111011ds of Mrs. D. Gard- ner are pleased to hear that she is improving, Mr. W. Miller Sundayed with his friend, Mr. E. Stoddart of Goderich Tp. 11Irs. A. Townshend of Kitchener is the guest of her- sister, Mrs. Geo. Proctor. London Road The London Road branch of the U. F. W. 0• meets this afternoon at the home of Miss Ethel Lane, The Rev. D N McCanns of Clin- ton will address the League at the home of IIr, and Mrs. G. W. Lay- ton on Tuesday next. The West End Beef Ring held its 12th annual meeting at the hone of 14Ir. G. 13. Hanley on Monday even- ing. All the old officers were re-eI- octed and .a very satisfactory year wound up. Mr. G. W. Layton attendedthe meeting of the Goderich Methodist District at Londesboro on Tuesday afternoon and evening, DEATH OF MRS. ,1. CONNELL Death came very suddenly to Mrs, James Connell of• the iltlt concession of Goderich township on. Thursday hast. She was getting ready to -conte into town when she ., was suddenly seized with It severe pain about' her heart. IIer son, who, ' wag with her, dill all that could be • done and quickly called `his • father 4 and brothers, but she passed away • • in a few minutes. • Mrs. Connell was before her marriage Miss Mary J Dempsay 4I and was born • on the Term across 4 a the road forst the one on which she • died. She is survived by her hus• - band and. a fancily of five daughters 44 and throe 10116;' Mrs. 1, Bryunt,• a Stettler, Alta.; Mrs. J. McCarthy, , Killarney, Man.; Mrs. Ilainy Wil- i son, Stratford; 'Mlrs. J. hands, awe- y gintt, Sask.; Mrs. Norman Kennedy, 1 and Mrs. Wast. Niclde, Clinton, and 1 John, Marry and George at home. Al Two brothers and three sisters al- a so• survive; John Dempsey and Mra; John , Sterling, Clinton; William 4 Dempsey, Blyth; and 11Irs. Orr, Loa- y don, and titre. Geo, Pratt, 13ran11on, 11 Man. ' Another sister, Mrs. 1,m. 4 Jerkins of Mullett, died only a few 1 weeks 03311. The funeral took place ycsterdlyr afternoon, being delayed to allow time for Mrs, Rands- to get here from Regina. Tho services at house end graveside were conducted by the Ilev. D, N. McCainus of Wesley crunch, with which Mars. Connell wilts rolinccted. The pallhcarers were the three sons and three sons-in•law, Mc. sre. 1Vilsot, 1Cenne(ly and Nickde, 111+e}:n100111 1(05 made in Minton m seetr y 4111011 /'> t. those from a distance who were here for the funeral were 1118, hands, Regina;. Mrs, Orr, Lon- don and Mir. mid, Mrs. Ii. Wilson,, Stratford, i