HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-30, Page 7So.,-., -•-- 4 'IONIC FOR THE NERNES The Onl.r•r�'Real Nerve Tozde is a Good Supply of Rich, Red Mood.. e c their t 1 t If popple would ol1 Y attu l t o bloods, instead et worrying themselves RI," old 00 eminent nerve specialist,. "we doctors would not see our eon silting rooms erowdodd with norv0U0 wrecks. More people suffer from worry than anything else," The sort of ding which the special, ist spoke of is tiie nervous ran -dawn condition paused by overwork and the many anxieties of today. Sufferers Sind themselves tired, moroao, low• spirited null• unable til lteoli their minds on anything; Any sudden nolle hurts lute. a blow. They are full of groundless fears, feud do not sloop well at night, gleaclaches, neuritis and other ,nerve plains are part of the misery, and it all pines frolic starved nerves. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake, The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich, r'ecr`'blood. Therefore to euro nervousness and run-elown health Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills actually make new, rich blood, which strengthens the nervus, improves the appotitey'" gives now strength and spir tte and makes hither- to despondent people bright and cheer - fel. If you are at ail "out of sorts" you sltoulcl begin curing yourself to- daY by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills -through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. WilIiculs' AModi`cino Co, Brookville, Ont. The Tank in Peace Time. It is satisfactory to learn that the tank, upon which so much ingenuity and skill was' expended ' in Its con- stluotiou, isnot to be confined merely to military purposes. It has had mapped out for it another career; pit is to become a mountaineer. In the Haute Savoie, there is to be a rase for tanks in order to test their practice- 'bllity for traction nee on mountain routes, says an English newspaper. A number' of war tanks have been en- teredrfor this dompetition of storming the Alps, organized by the Touring Club of France and the. Atitoinobilo Club. It will be a moment of no small excitement to the little people in the villages through'which they pass when the first groat monsters come ambling up„ the mountain side, But that, of course, Will apply only to the places, If they still exist, where the cinemato- graph has not yet found its way., Mfnard'O .Liniment Cures Dandruff. -There is no man so ignorant that you cannot learn something from him. Dickeringand Fair Prices. W/411'Wlhais fi 1lir pilon? it, is not Winit you want to lsity or the pries you -are citarliod, but lies somewhere between the two, I9emenuists say that prices aro fixed • n i)ot.vee n what by sort of ooltlpl al iso collets! ask and bas \viii pay. This assumes exertion on the pert of buyot•a to '!Keep metes (levee It aseum0s also that they lutow what in Justice th6y algid: to nay. Neither of these asautnptioes is jeeti• fled ihl octeal practice. Sellers learn to count upon the inertia of buyers and their igti0ranee of ',via!; prices,, taking into conelderetloe current conditions, In tate Orient especially, and also' to a certain extent in Europe, petite are ..disposed to dicker *that prices;; that Is,; tlioy stand on their rights and re- thee to pay'aey price asked. Ameri- cans, however, . seem 'to think it be- littitug to tluestiou prices. They just clip clown in their jeans ana pay up, A veritable revolution could be eif- teotecl if people would exercise . their right to object to prices, refuse out- right to.pay when they believe prices too high or take a little trouble to find out the places whore prices aro lower, The people, a prominent economic writer says, are more responsible for excess costs than all the senors put to- gc-thelt That may be an oversight, but it is undoubtedly true that ,the people by their own care and thrift could ala more to bring down prices than any amount of legislation.; : SILL -JOYS” 4 Constipatiode Headache, i. Colds, Biliousness ended with "Cascarets" . # Nothing takes the joy out of life quicker than a disordered liver or waste -clogged bowels. Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Re- move the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy,- yolu' tongue coaled, your breath badeand etolnach' sour, - Why not `spend a few, cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy' the nicest, gentlest laxative°cathartie you ever experienced? Cascarets -never gripe, sicken or inconvenience one like Salts, 011, Calomel or harsh pills. They work while you sleep. Of 90 varieties of enagar cane grown in Porto Rio, only one, es native of Japan, seems• to be in3lnune to et dis- ease that threatens to ruin the indus- try. ' Ask Your Druggist For Dr. Miles' Cale; F dar For 1920 1 T is FREE and the best large -figure Calendar published. It gives the wea- ther forecast for each day- in the year, also time of Sunrise and Sunset and phases of the Moon. "An exceptionally complete and useful Calendar!" That's what everybody says. The edition is limited. It is there- fore very important that, you call early so that you will be sure to get this splendid free Calendar at the beginning of the year. Just go to your -druggist, tell him your ,name andaddress, and that you want Dr. Miles 1920 Calendar. He will do the rest — FREE. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" . ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at A-11 without the "i}ayer Cross", The Int:tee "Bayer" ids tffieg the oont,in s pitied' di detiAr ie fir Cola, ibm1y gon no AA irin,—,Ie Asp in £!eataehes Toothache, Earache,e prescribedphysiciansby for over fi• rafgia, Lumbago, lte>imatfsm, Ner- pee years and now matte in Ca, ode, tie,Jtdnt Pales, nn ,'ale goneriJly, Always buy,' aft tulbrokeli "tie�iffeTin boxes of 12 t Mete ebs; t biYt Of f A,y'er 'iybiets gt Aspiripo wll1411 a Rowdits, Largee "Bayer" paakagefe oxo le billy duo Illirtni`t asor"uou must soy rrliiiagot'f Aetifrin itiLhe, Lralo Meek ((lroslet4red lit &Sltiia) of Bayo, :u°nuiacluro of Mono•' eostlsioldodt6l oi' etintylleaotl, White It le wen known that Akplrin moanq Bayer linanef aeLare, td' Mesita the pulmhs, o against lmitatlo tee 5'gblote of Bayer dbmroiiig tall he ofeetpsl With thole eonorai trade matte the1say01 Croke," From News Boy to. Hereford Breeder. v)..aahic �Colllent, iii• the X•?roamed et Alberta, rose from 0 110)15boy to be Canada's farenhoet iloroford,,breetlete I',Ila boyhood daye Wel'e spent In an at-. trxosphorC- commonto all other ei ) boys who have to make a living' in cities, His ambition to notice money had to be gratified 113' soiling newspapers on the street eorosrs. When the not nowebeen. route, was established in Calgary he got it, and hie ability as a newspaper palesman .became generally. l'ocagn!zed, He applied for the poei• tion of iteweage)lt When. the Canadian. Pacific Railway was being: completed from' Calgary to, Edmonton, ' and he Bald papers, magazines and bolts on the first passenger train over that railroad, This environment' brought him In touch' with many ranchers .and fi417n• ere in ,Alberta, . Ile was ambitious, and big men took a pommel interest in him. Among these •was "Par Burns, a packer aunt rancher, who has been Due of Alberta's most prominent citizens since the cowboys .owned the ilutges, Mr. Burgs wathted young ,Collicut to herd cattle for Jilin, anti the monetary inducements and future prospects appealed to him sufficiently to take him from newspapel' salesman. ship. He began the cattle business then, and the day ho first sprang into ,the saddle }narked a period of pro- grass. Collicut savor; his, earnings and invested in grade. cattle; Ole later.be- came a buyer for Mr. Borns, and in these two enterprises, buying and in- vesting, he was singularly successful. After several years et experience in handling a grade herfl and feeding steers in thousands, Mr. Collicut had an ambition to own pure-breds. His opportunity • came when the pure•brec! Hereford stook of the Bax- ter -Reed Ranching Co„ in Alberta, was offered for sale in 1908. This herd had been "tulported direct from. hero- fordshire, England, alter- having heen selected by one of Britain's most eom- peteut-HerefOr•d' breeders, . In 1905 pure-bred cattle were not so expen- alvs• as they are to -day, and Itis invest- ment for the 100 cows and young stair. was not so`formidable a consideration as it would be nota In the' follo-irinW .year IVIr, Content bought the herd poi. • Simoit Downie & Sous jof Alberta, in-. chiding the cow, Sally, and tiio bull, Beau Perfection llth, both imported froth. the herd of Warren T. McCray in Indiana. Like the Baxter -Reed people Ile dill not fully .appreciate the merit of im- ported English cows,- and was back- ward in paying the price necessary to 'purchase a bull that would give best results on such high-class females. Importations woreemade from time to time from Mr. Mcl!ray's herd. Fair fax Perfection and Governor Hadley .produced the best results in his herd up to the spring of 1916, when Mr. Col- licut bought Gay Lad 40th, by Gay Lad 6th, from 0, Harris & Sons, for $11,900. This bull was only a yearling when brought to 'Canada, but he had been a junior champion in the United States the previous season, To -day he has justified his purchase price many times over through hid progeny, which now ramble about in large numbers at Willow Springs -Manch, Mr. Collieut's chief ranch, 30 miles north of Calgary. Gay Lad blood has proved such a hap- py nick with imported cows that Mr. Collicut readily bought, another Gay Lad, also by Gay Lad 6th, from the Glengarry Ranch, in Alberta,, in 1918. The Glengarry Ranch purchased 30 Herefords at the 1917 sale of 0, Har- ris & Sons and among these was Gay Lad 16th, which sold for $20,000,• 1Ie was sold In 1918 to Mr. Collicut, to- gether with 30 females, and their in- crease at the same price, $20,000. Not only -has ' Gay Lad 16th got a lot of beautiful calves for Mr. Collicut, but he was champion of Canada in 1918, and stood third in a strong class at the 1918 International, in Chicago. The 1919 Canadian show circuit will see group after group of Gay Lad calves from. Willow Springs Ranch, Anyone who is inclined to question the ad- visability' of buying a bull of acknow- ledged superiority wouhl no longer doubt if he were to see these calves, Their character, smoothness and uni- formity -are unusual, , A visit to this herd. at Willow. Springs Ranch reveals one of the most inspiring undertakings in Alber- ta's livestock industry.' One would think that in locating a ranch Mr.. Col- licut had sought in all Alberta for the ideal location, and had found it.' Nest- led in a great coulee are found the most modern barns and practical house imaginable, Up and down this coulee the breeding herd rambles in comfort, winter and summer, night and; day, with nothing but blue sky for a roof, and the wooded batiks of the ravine for walls. In summer they wade; in luxuriant grasses and drink at will from a stream of spring water that originates in the banks of the d.ouiee, In winter they pick, at hay and oat sheaves. The bulls and young things, together with the matrons suckliug their babies, end shelter in the well -bedded boxstalls in the barns Al! others welcome the freedom and unconventionalities. of tale ,outdoors. There is' satisfaction in the uniformi- ty of. Herefords properly bred and cared for,—Canadian, in; Breeders' Gazette. Prevention of Forest Fires. Forest regions, in a new country, always present serious problems front the standpoint of fire prevention. The physical condition of the virgiit forest with years of accumulated debris creates a serious tiro hazard. Add to this natural conclition tile slash caused by Umbel', tie and plop operators, and we find a .fire hazard in some to lone which Is uiisurpatited in ptagnitudc, Within the last decade enormolte areas in northern Ontario have been opened up by new railway IMO. Theo railways helve passed through virgln forest regions, openingening them to aet- tiers, promectols, and timber men, earryhtg in their wake Serious prole loins of forest fire l.lroventleit,, • The protection of foi'oot areas pias -made considerable advance in Calfa• ala during the past decade. Ontario now'employs 1,090 rangers or patrol risen (hiring the inaxlltxuln dry period. lmprisonnaent For Causing Fires, Cooler weather demands the light. leg of heaters and furnaces, Bofors, this Jo dopa, however', chimneys, 11t�es and stovo•plpes should be tharaugllly claftpod out and made saPe Th is is nota difficult mutter, and 1e lnuelh pre, terabits to bolitg turned out of the house .on a 00ld night by a fire caused by dirty pipes Or chimneys, Seine sut'pripe might be caused ,to the owner of a 'mailing damaged by fire from such a causoelf the lnsw•anco company dealieed to pay the loss, This the cowpony has a 'lleV eeefe right to do, its it is lllstinetly stated on all fire insurance polldlbs that the com- pany 1s not responsible tot' Oros caused by negligence on the part of the assured. The "Apt to Amend the Criminal Code Respecting Prevention of Flo," passed at the last session of. Parlia- ment, distinctly states: "Every one is guilty 01 an indict- able 01Ie11e0 and liable to two years' imprieoement who iy negligence causes any fire which occasions loss of life, or. loss of property." . With the possible Voss of, insurance and two years' lmprieoement as a penalty, it la not wisp for the house- holder to neglect itis stove -pipes and chimneys. et "SYRUD 6 +.010 CHILD'S L1 N11 ii, ,. 1 Remove Look at tongue! i.- gu R OV po sot,, prom little stomach, ' liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are surd your child is having the best and 'most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions (or child's close on each bot- tle. Give it without fear, , Mother! You must say "California." Nowadays. After a courtship of some months the young man had mustered sufficient courage to tell the adored one of his great love. "To -night," said be, "I am going to your father and ask for your hand fu marriage." "That is very fine, Harry," the pret- ty one: replied, "but don't be old- feshioned." "Old-fashioned?" returned the lover thoughtfully. "I don't quite under- stand." "Don't ask him," was the prompt ex- planation 0f the girl, "Tell him!" We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best: Mathias Foley, Oil City, Ont, Joseph Snow, Norway, Me, Charles Wheaten, Mtilgrave, N.S. Rev. R. 0. Arinstrong, Mulgrave, N.S. Pierre Landers, Sen„ Pokemouche, N.B. A Word of Caution. "Lest we forget" were the Words of caution which went far and wide about a year ago when the epidemic of in- fluenza out a swath through Canada and brought suffering and distress and carried away tens of thousands of our' loved ones, A timely word. or two may not be out of place to health authori- ties and the public generally. The benefits of fresh air, healthy living and the early medical attention to colds and catarrhs should not be forgotten as some of the preventive measures which should claim our per- sonal attention. Let each, one of tis, like a good scout, "De prepared" against what may happen and theworstmay never materialize, +e .—o-o—Oo—o—o o e o- c It Works! Try It 1 Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so It lifts out without pain. o Good noes Spreads rapidly olid drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out the fingers. _ . 5, Ask at any, pharmacy for. a quarter ounce of freezono, which will cost very little, but is said to be sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply just a few drops on the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness le Oilseed, and seen the corn Is so shriveled that it lifts out with•, out pale, It i's' a sticky substance Which. dries when, applied and never Inilamea or even irritates the adjoin. ing tisane, This discovery will prevent thou - sande of deaths annually from lock- jaw and infection heretofore resulting frothe suicidal habit of nutting cornsm. When pure, marl its of white elayliko ,,. g gin substance Contalntn fragments ofi smsmil shells. Its color depends Upon his purity, varying front 'white to 'brolvm, Whelp:ffou nd fat tale night state of dryness, fit eau be applied to land with lithe labor, wither by shovel, manure spreader or 1am1..,siii',41der,. tSihavd'e Eininteat al1stes ltettralgls. THE FALL WEATHER HARD ,ON LiT it ONES canadbtfl fall weather is extremely bard on little onus. 011e day 1s Wal'nt r e xfid cold. Miff U 1g11C anti the next wet axe l Theo slidctee phonies brim on golds, oh'amps anti cone and union Wiley's little stonlacih Is kopt right; the result may bo 8erlous, There In nothing to equal' Baby's Own Tabiete 1n keeping the little ones well, They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive The Tablets' are sold by mbieleine deniers J at25 n o s or by mail l cents; a• box front The Dr, Willlame''Medicine Co., l3t'ockvllle, Ont. "Iso stem.ake it fit— The worlc of our hands, that eo we may Lafit up our eyes and dare to pray, The work ofe out itaies--establish Thou 01.":.,. Althorn's Liniment Cures annul, oto,. MONEY O1If)GF1E, Pay your out•of-town accounts by Dominion IOxpv'oss Money Order. • Me Dollars oasts thee dents, If. 'somo of the men thathe whittle 'sticks at the village stores would get busy, the farm labor problem wouldd be just 01)0111 solved. Bunard's liniment ler sale everywhere, No house in London is more 111110 200 ,yawls from a mail hex ora branch of the general post offioo, IN T EN .11I EA 5 3o Dollars 1f invested at 3% will amount to 9697.76 If ,invested at 4%, interest com- pounded civarterly, will 01110113)1 to 9744,26 But if invested in our 61/5% Debelituros will amount to, , $060.20 . Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent I'I MO WAOTTIIu 171 Altai OP' eUok•trdaGnbuiigo , goto car 5101.1o, W. J, Shears, 020 high Perk Me„ Toronto, wen r, -e �Tliw'SFAinitee, 'i _;7b,Y, IN liBIJ017 1\ a4C.'ou.."1Y '1 opscr lu nit , Wri te Publishing CoiImptod 10 Adele de Lr Toronto, ILNri DLL, ltQUIX'PEID N0f1VSPAletel:. Y 1' and Job printing leant in I'Jastere Octane, Inni'ane° carried 51,000, Will FFo� for 55.1.'200 on quint sale, ' Box 09. Wilson Publishing .Co., Ltd.; Toronto. - , 1 ANTIOD—Pn.OJtATIONIletie voIn Applications to. 111150 0011h1S. Kincardine General Rosin toe.,- UHINIOSHES, TORONTO PROPIPIL; A) TIJJS, Ontario atld Western farms 1 fpr sale or exchange, Davie, 120. Vlotoria Ht., Toronto, NITTIHRs—T1110 1 0SPI A.L 14'OIL IN G t h , 'UI AB 11,9 in affiliation with ilallevue and Anted, IIcspitale, New' York. oftllrs 11 00urse of training 10. Young WO - mon desiring to become nurses; this hos- pltpl has now adopted the eight hour: 01510m. For Lodary and other lnfaf•nta- Oen apply to Superintendent, 180 Dunn Avenue, Tol'onto. Loan Company.ANCI]R, TUjvIORS, LUMPS, . wro.. internal. and fa -Sternal, aired without Toronto Office 20 King St, West path by ou'r home treatment. Write ao Co.. iforemited,aCollingw Hellman Medical Herbs should be .pried' qu,lcicly and immedmiely after gathezillg on open - trays in it loot iidtclten. As soon as '1 z ! f Hayti " :: +`•', crisp rob them down .and store in corked Mottles. �! Torod "h`G JA 5ET the highest market prices 00 wallas some of the big prize noon ;y ;' by entering ,your, good, well finished stock in our�' Tenth Annual Show UP,€ -0f' -i SACK YARDS December lith and 12th Write for Preinitun List and Entry Blank to -day. wSecretary: BOX 636 WEST, TORONTO 'i 11, tl4ft. €1L"r� t ja rrt3xt-:, s,-.ltrt:.vc A' 9mlied quantity of High -Grade Mill Ends for sale cheap. Samples Free Antorica'e Pioneer Dog Eemodics . nook ou Dot DISEASES and rn031 t0 Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. E, Clay Glove- Co., 2210. 118 West. 91st Street New ).'Ork, 'C'.S.A. SINCE 1870 rn erruae tines VACANT,. - A 1110 '81011 LOOKING Ii'OR AN-01'lON- a/) t1�p{,� p, '� An ING to, 0105° your ability'? 0r, are YY `1,C s`+� S yen Just drifting along on the 01'10011)15 that "everything comes to him who waits"—without much thought o1 your. Ii (' :' efficiency? 91 you are. in the latter ;.. �' , I.ela,rs,•be up' endidotng-„train ,your mind i• are a very frequent cause of many serious ille, The worspa will be destroyed and the ills prevented , ' if you use Dr. A. C. Daniel's Worm Killer If your horse ';,'1i' • has rough, star- ing coat, low spirits, poor ap- p e ti t e though somethnes eating ravenously, does not digest its -foo1l, often scours, ' looks back at sides un- easily, gnaws at 'i anything, rubs j tall against any- thing ny- thing conven- ient—it's a pretty sure indication that he 1s badly In.nesd..of Dr. A...C. Danlel's Worm Biller,- This remedy—tried-.and found- . efficient through the years—will des troy • worms In horses and cattle as nothing also, will. PRICE 60c. Big Animal Medial:'seek._Free, DR. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY OP CAI0ADA, LIMITED KNOWLTON - QUEBEC anti' memory so as to lie lead "for OP - portunity when It comps your way. In other words, I'ollnalllse! .I1 you know ' you have ability, why not use the Ing momenta to improve your effieienoy and incidentally acquire that Peremltlty which means so much in seeking 'Sue- ' cess? 010011 town or big city, or on the township side line, it matters not—tilts i'olman $ys4em is conducted by math 'Mind and omorv' tells you all about it, It is a book that's free and lays no obligation upon you to enroll, though you'll be surprised to find how moderate is the fee required. lWVrite for the book and particulars to -day to the I'eiman Institute, 100 Temple Building, Toronto, Canticle. STORM WINDOWS &DOORS Cizasm suit your J openings, Fitted Wills gloss. Salo de- livery guaranteed, s ?, dieter Price List I Cut down fuel , !manwinter Igg omfort, s TV five HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited 11, 010003 r011950 010rn19urpne . CANADA All grades, Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS Q..1. CLIFF TORONTO No Matter Whether MARE—COLT-JACK IS as .effective in the treatment of one as. of the'other 101'1 Distemper, .Pink Eye, Influenza; Cough or Cold. The stalllonj In the stud, the horse in the field or on the roa.d, and the: ' baby colt are allprotectedfrom disease by an occasional;; dose. )3uy from your druggist. SPOEN MEDICAL COMPANY, 40SFrEN, INDIANA, 'U.S.A.! 4 1 1e t 0D�iROr:?CO1>'O'yt:lS Danger— Colds anger— Colds ancomplaintd mores seriousae \contractedr in mean protected weather. frmn the first sniffle or sneeze. Stop it in time and do not gamble with your 'walth. Used over 60 years in treating coughs, colds and allied complaints. Everybody buys the Lama Size 01 Montreal D.,WATSONC CO., Mu, York SATJSFYI C RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth -giving, congestion - scattering circulation -stimulating rem- edy Penetrates tc'itko-al rubbing right to the aching spot and brings quick relief, surely, Cleanly. A. wonderful helpfor external pains,. sprains, strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today—costs little, means much, Ask your druggist for it by name, Keep it handy for the whole family, Made in Canada. The big bottle 15 economy, 85c, 70c, $1.40, The Kiddies Enjoy Cuticura Soap This ipure, fragrant emollient le just suited; Sa the tonde4' siting of 1pfants and children, Millions Have {$mown no other since Mirth. The daily use with T Omtrri tt n f it,v [ouches b el new o, and then to little' skin and scalp troubles, tends to insure a healthy sitMi, a clean scalp and good hair through life, Soap, Ointment and Talcum sold everywhere, y56t""Oo kite to toot dub fascinating fro.. greed of Cudcaea Talcum en Your skin. lSSIJ1 No, 44--'19, The clothes you ;were so proud of when new—can be made to appear new again. Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted will be restorcl to their former beauty by ” sending them to Parker's. ..•Cleaniner and Dyeinb is properly done at PARkER'S Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article will be prorriptly given upon request._ PARKER'S DYE WORK Liim t Cleaners and foyers, 791 Yolage St. ' Toronto The S3T100' I7 .for Pang +.:gig, A golden stream of Crown Brand Corn Syrup is the most. delicious touch you can give to Pancakes! In the Kitchen, there is a constant call for Crown Brand Corn Syrup for making puddings, caddies, cakes, etc. Sad the day when you are too big to enjoy a slice of bread spread thick with Crown Brand I Could that day ever come? Ward it off! Grace your !able daily with a generous ug of Crown Brand Corn yrup, eeady for the dozen e��g1i;; s ' #s fid dishes u ill E end . f w rtz 190 11 C" Sold by Grocers everywhere -»•!n 2, 5, 10, mod 20 pound tins. '1i. 1l0.,'�