HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-30, Page 5Itf`7s,.. t - Obercto 30th H9{9 Of Interest to You and Me y ' "Whatever mistakes .the l+aznlors make i1 t 1 e t the selection of • a lealiler cr in regard to any other matter Will not be for lack of advice from the daily newspapers. roes": Those farmers •1 " nets do beat all". When 'the Prince of Wales was visiting Stratford th eother day e farmer, who laid gone td see him, offered hint a job on his farm at geed wages, The Prince might have accepted it only he had an engagement to visit ;London the next. day. Women's dresses this winter,, we •arra told, aro to be shorter at the bottom, lower at the top and made of thinnner material If it weren't for those tiresome laws compelling peo- ple to wear 'sole covering the clear creatures might.-dtscerd cloth- ing altogether, mOo ",Are we from the ape?" asics the 'Collingwood Bulletin, Well, now re- ally, we hate to be asked such a str- night, up -end -down question. Butte be perfectly candid, and judging from some of the Bulletin's opinions, polities, .for instance, we do not feel _justified in giving as emphatic a negs ative answer as Ontario did on the referendum. "The Conservatives in Centre IIur- •on should have put up a candidate" observed a young Conservativerilaw , the day after • the election. "A strong Tory would have stood a good chance se in this riding and we might as well lave had our own man to vote fol." Conservatives in, Centre Huron were not unaware of the chance they had .of eleecting a candidate in this el- ection but,- owing to the stand he took in regard to the extension of Parliament and therosec i p ut on of the war, for which his own party de- termined to punish hint' they did not wish to oppose Mr, Proudfoot when he calve out as an Independent. The Farmer's will probably find *hat it is a lot easier to sit at home .and critieise the Government than it is to go down to Toronto and give the Province a government which will be above criticism. The Gocicrieit Signnl is n tn'llle more eheeiful since the election, Tho Liberals didn't gain anything but th- ey feel happier knowing that Hearse is out, The deatillers nay, through their 1•' so lute nMr, Ferguson, that they vo- ted four straight noeson the 1'ofer- oncluan anti advised everybody eine to do the same, Now who would have thought that? The only help the Citizens' Liberty League had in its fight for anything that .could be gained in the wet lino was the Brew- ers' Association. No wonder they lost with everybody against them, ' Up in Winghant they're staving a "hard times ball" tomorrow evening. and the very first thing they did wes to lay hardwood floors in the arena for the occasion. What sort of boors would they have hacl if it hadn't been a "hard times ball?" w•ea: It is curious how persistent Lib- eral newspapers are in suggesting that the U. F. 0. party link up with the Liberal party, accept Dow art as leader and s0 have it majority to form a Government, They should stop to consider that 'if Ontario ad wanted Dewart at the head of the Government he was right at hand and enough supporters, could have been elected to make his leadership assured. Had the farmers been willing to accept the platform of the Liberal party they would not have gone to the trouble of organizing a new party Furthermore do the Liberal newspa- pors suppose that the former Conser- vatives in the U. F. 0. would stand for being taken over by the Liberal Tarty,_ even if former Liberals would? The farmers, unexpected- ly and before they were ready for the responsibility, have been push- ed female] f r into nto the -1 eadin 1 g place in the Province. But if they are independent and; wiII courageously take up their responsibilties they will not lack support either inside or outside the house. It is a new situa- tion in Canada but this is a young country. We do not need to follow precedent. We can afford to strike out and blaze a new trail if we want to. z • Mare ages JOIINS'i'ON-I1A1t13URN—A'1! Hen- sa ] 1 , 0l1 Qct, 22n1, Sarah _Laving , daughter of Ma W, 11'1, Ifarburn,. of Ileneall, to Maurice Ray John- ston, Flint, Miele, son of. Mi'. Chas, E. Johnston, o1 Verna, B-- .1' PND S NCLAI']t—InGOdelle �''1 1 r on Oct, lith, Isabel, daughter. of Mr,.end Mrs, Wm. Sieclair, Stan- ley to Rich, Bond, Goderieh Township. EADIE—McDONALD--. At Biwa - field, on Oct. 11, Mary, oldest (laugh ter of James McDonald of Tuck- ersmith, to Wilfred Eadie of London. BELL—BEIRNES—In Morris, on Oct, leth, Robert J. Bell to Lily M., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Francis. Beirnes, all of Morris township. Sirths ROI:LAND—In. Huilett• township on Oct. 25th, to Mr, and Ma, Noble Holland, a daughter. SLOMAN—At Hazennlore, Sask„ on Oct. 16th, to -Ver. and Mrs, Frank Simian, a son. MUIR—In Gocierfelt,,on Oct, lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Muir, daughter, Eva, Dorothy. McLEAN-In. Goderich, on Oet, 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robertson Young. McLean, of Toronto, ii. son. BUTTON—In Walton at the Metho- dist Parsonage, on. October 18th, to Rev. J. and Mrs. Button, a son. Deaths Ii,INTOUL--In Wing am,•on October 16th, Henry Rintoul, aged 47 ` `years. WOODS—In loving memory of Sa- die 3. 'Woods youngest daughter of My. and Mrs,' Sohn Woods, Goderich township who depart- • ed this life on October '-26th, 1918. "Not dead to those who loved her, Not lost, but gone before. She lives with us in memory still, And will for evermore. - Her parents, brothers and sisters. OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS "The Bridge from War to Peace"—The Prince of Wales. T11E MINISTER Or FINANCE OF THIE DOMIONION OF CANADA offers for Public Subscription the Vietory r s19 $300,000,000. 534% Gold Loads, Beating interest from November 1st, 1019, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber as follows: 5 year Bonds due November 1st, 1924 15 year Bonds due November 1st, 1934 PriOttawa,, rat the Officwithout of he AssistanttReceivverl Officeof Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, of Finance and Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria, Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as hereinafter provided, at any of the above-mentioned offices. Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, May 1st and November let, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, Principal and Interest payable In Gold. . Denominations: $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 Issue Price: 100 and Accrued. Interest, Income ° eturi t 54% per Annum The proceeds of the Loan will be used to pay indebtedness incurred, and to sleet expenditures to be made in connection with demobilization (including the authorized war service gratuity to our soldiers, land settlement loans, and other purposes connected with their re-establishment Into civil -life), for capital outlay upon shipbuilding, and other national undertakings forming part of Canada's industrial reconstruction programme, and for the establishment of -any neces- sary credits for the purchase of Grain, foodstuffs, timber and other products, and will be spent wholly in Canada. Payment to be. made as follows: • 10% on application; 20% December 9th, 1910; 20% January Pth, 1920; 20% February 10th, 1920; 51.21% March 9th, 1920. The last payment of 31.21% covers 30% balance of principal end 1.211 representing accrued interest at 5f •"e from November lit to clue dates of the respective instalments. A full hal y eat s interest will be paid on May lst, 1920, making the cost of the bonds 100 and interest. Subscriptions may 1,a paid in full nt the time of application :,. 100 wit hoot interest, or on any instal- ment due nate thereafter, together with accrued interest at the rate of (11! r per annum. This Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament 01Cat':ula, and Loth principal and interest are a char a upon the C. n ,1. dated Revenue Fund. The r$nuunt of this sue is 5300,000,000, exclusive of the amouret (if any paid for by the surrender of bend:, of previous 1 no :. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the richt to allot the whole' or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of 0300,000,000, •- • i'a° yinc3fgfltg - 01I chk p!en, drafts, -etc., coveting instalments are to be made payable 13 the Credit of tate A'rinister:of Illiermuts l elute to pee any in,taiment when due will render previou payment: entt i ,hle tb forfeiture, and - the:r,t nlent t,1 3" 1 1'. 4,,, 5 bS. ripi:ie' to other1I, , t hi. p lid 111 fa,l o '''hplce t Tia thud ,be ;te1.1n1- 1 t'x:crihc I t i' ' (24111VPS5CTS11111 fa i e. uli,rriptik,ns or any b a . , .a C:':,, or i .t rtes tank will ,.rk p' tube 1, ion3' and issue 1 •- a •• • :feltItny in full at time of n ; +ie ,.t.'.', ICU -Without; it i, or en ala In ..',n:ent due, 11 tl t t t.1. h accrued interest to f n.:: of hi, _,;1n payment i,. full. Undcrthis provision, 1".2,7;11%,11 3,C edsegiegges es7 ae made in: fu1Io'vs t 1 11.1 l'erl3 r 'wveieb,r 15th, 1:100 pnt i;tcr0, or ICO .,, 1611,13,3 , a 1d 0131)03 01h, 11119, l ,.171:%,11101111!)'..1.2 11 1,136 Lhr,,R .,per?100). • 11 1Jen. rt 1 ter,1, 1 ,i14331nit t -(e79.8.1 tet 1r. J). • t 1ee T -•L. 1') .i, + f , titin iritt.,,s1 1 . it 1-j 1-,, i :.;i'3 /). 3F r' t .1 1 .,1 }A.M.:. P111, 1f' 1 it -t•', r, 11 `pod 1nt +::>',P (539 11,,,f; l,,a anent in fell affix1;'411,1010, cm/ nIn-J 1 only via an iastal- 111.1Y-_ rc 13,3 .. Ort ,i-, ' 311 ti of 1 3r cf 'Anti W. of 11 11/31:1' hr 33'.-:< 1. i 4%111!1 f c ,' rl..,,t.; 1;.;,5,0114,),':11,1 1 11 t „ I , r ,,; 1rt: f.",imc:rta. These - . iptr, i t i ;ft ff.1 nr; '1.1 0,6:0 rati, . rIption is g„id in full. /311 rec,1313:, .,ur t. h 4 (11111 1;-r1 n ye:1.t'<,,a' C1 2-S1`: ' d y, a. Vii'. .a,.,1r 1' ,._�'i"'• • Smitten to the ln•1t'n:r1t of err c,a,er feel (:10'11 31' , 1.1,E L1I,,c .r;i•te rcdhwithoutcntlnone ,111 114tie! to .invert irtn :era u.,t` 13011,1's with- oaf h •r t into ie have h'r a 'i :n e, 1t -i3 f. into f dly`u3,i 11 ;1 . c.,,hurli lnailur, ; et ulfy time, 00 amid -cation to tllq Mu stet•tif Femme- of any A 1 inti+ t;.;; at r (13e0r11. Porno1 ul .:1'0111`.1t1011 may be ri L0ine,1 f.iuit any (411 i;tl C it v t •er. leen any Victory Loan Committee, 0r member thereof, 01 front 1rily hrancl,1,3 Cn,l ;da of any Ch,irtered i;cl,l1., i 11 s4`&"A^,'u ii: QD1i7 1.& ;1:1 S 1lll n'z }1 N.Dn'C i•,4J,1 El±'i'gr,,,ry*' gqh''.y7i qf��1ry{�) �.,. _ 4 .Il.o3' �,la1Sg 14>PJl'rY t 1 11.1,1,;:.;;10.,,;- •, ,:1, wall. f "i0;;, 011:.101.1,00r.i, ` f ' 1 ih ° 1 cul e I.,etti and may be ;.3,1,1:0, or ;My 10.43,11:` of tr;rcc3,at: 32 ,f ' 1 1tt'.. 131 10.,,;) do t r :m + r , 1 . , a,t l nn l•G , ^f, . + 1 .rrcrie t •+'ircd,' e:1 i:nll el, :, Ilii l . t ['1 ,1;;11 1,1,1 1,:11 t•.n 1 +',, •..t 1 11111;i of , r -I:' 3'/;'h331': -_i ..;;;),1:,, 1' ! r1 I i r 1 , ,-4 „ 1(i ,3U tai. 111 1.:; 1, :,! , 1,1 1;361, .1:, ,ii„L:;r 1_a1t`^.: t� ,t., rttca11110 DEPAOT51h'•r1 01+ FINANCE, OTiaw,t, Ocioh r'21'th 191e, _ep Canada = Farnts .amtsto r aki. 1Eakitolles : y 1 Clinton Newvs;ternrd n ad. sr 0 M `t,/ u tigOD Your ,Bu ing Canal» is (meeting cm yonr bn . ag Victory Banda ublE gtti0un to 101army aro your obligations Oanluia's need to flnanc0 overssal,• 00401., 1s your need Canada is counting on you. Yon cannot fatal her Cwpada !s gene ootn1117, Buy Victory .Bonds to tine limit Spwee _donated by JOHNSON & COMPANY Flume 1111 HERE'S I BEAR STORY • FOR )013 A remarkable bear story comes to us from Osprey township, Elmer Rind,l the filtem-year-old son of Jas. Rind, who lives a mile and a quar- ter east of McIntyre, went to the woods to look for the cows recently. While going through the woods he spied a waxing bear up a tree. Think- ing to capture the littler fellow elms started to shin up the tree after it. When up quite a distance the bear mother appeared on the scene and started up the, treeafter the boy. At the saute time the cub started down to its mother and when it got to young Rind it struakhim a blow with 'its paw, ltnocking him to filo erouncl, whore he lay, stunned and senseless for lie; doesn't knew .how. long, His -const was broken by the fall. When he came around to sen- sibility again neither bear or cub were anywhere 'to be seen, Without doubt tate fact that the boy had lost consciousness saved bis, life. The mother bear, seeing the ,lull's harm- less condition, was. intent only upon 'getting 11er owe baby out of danger. The Whole thing was a most reanaric- �, abs r cl e t P o t' e n d o. 1 shot en Advance. MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the east day of November, 1919, for the convey- ance of Isis Majesty's Mails, on a pro- posed contract for four years, twenty- four times per week on the route Londesborough Post office and Grand Truck Railway station, from the 1st day of April, 1920. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contractmay be seen and blank forms of Tender may be attained at the Post office of Londes- borough, Blyth and Clinton, and at tate office of the Post Office inspector, London. Chas. E. H. Fisher, Post Office Inspector Post Office inspector's Office, London, 10111, October, 3919. TO TIIE ELECTERS OF SOUTH HURON I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to the electors who so gen- erously and nobly supported me owl Oct. 20th. eTo the great army of men and women who worked unceasingly during the campaign I extend my hearty thanks. The' best service I can render shall be yours during my term of, office. ANDREW HICKS. LOST—ON OCTOBER 22ND, A LA- dy's gold bracelet watch, Find - Mo. and Mrs. G. Burnett of Prin- Mrs. 0, Glew, R, R. No -4, Clinton,_ or leave at W. R. Counter's jewel- 17 store. .1741 WANTED TO RENT OR BUY --A farm -of front 25 to 100 acres. Must have good buildings and be near to Clinton—Thos. Veneer, Clinton, Phone 5-041. 17-41 FOR SALE—PRIVATELY-AT A.. 0. Pattison's small,McCleary heater, oak finished desser and stand, iron bed and springs,, in- fant's high chair. Sacrifice for quick sale. 17-tf FOWL SUPPER—UNION CHURCH Brueeficld, 101813ds holding a fowl supper in connection with the op- ening of the new sheds on Thurs Gley, Nov, lint, Supper served front 5.30 to 8, followed by an entertain- ment 11y the Crediton Orchestra, Miss Mildred Brown of Blyth and others. Admission, adults 75cents, children 3130ents. ' 17-1-p COUPaT OF REVISION—NOTICE 113 hereby given that a court of re- vision 'fon' the Municipality of the Tcirnohip of Stanley will be held In the Towesllip I1o11,. Varna, on pally—day, Nov. 15th, 1919, at 10 o'k lock in the forenoon for the-pur- col.apleittty 03)131est theAl.sessmeut poee of 1, 111 r:, land determining complaint r nn,t the Ay.essttlettt Toil o1' the ,aid f oweehip, for tee- :seer 1.1)1.7, p roans ]twin,, beanie a with ,the sad C1otit•t will 1,+tend' nt the 51+1(1 tenlo and 9)01.0, .1. la. /farewell, 'Cn1vn- ahip Cl».l; 17-3 • A 110ref11'PIai WILL 13E served 11 the I eci,,ry, 311:113 1414, muter 1113 auspices 34 1 rinhv Church Guilds,* on Ballo- we cli higalt, Friday, October 31st, supper from ' 6 to 8, followed by it Social evening. Admission 35 cent. 11(101'4 AND LUT FOR SALE ---i)3 skory louse On Wejlington street, 7 rooms, good cellar, 34 -sere lot. Will be sold on reasonable terms, Apply to ••-» It. 'runny, I1111011 street, FOR SA1,11--13 WELL - TIRED D 1167- cester owes Ind 6:lanlbs. Also w • 3 -year-old Leiceetcr ram. ---("bas. Williams, Sr., It,.. 1. No, -2, Clin- ton.- Phone 4; an 008, 14-4 HOUSE ..110013, ;;AAI:I.—NEW II013510 With all conveniences, corner of Joseph and 'Orange str3Ctsl'1 nine mots ; garden attnohed,—Apply on premises to mrs, '1Vu , Gle1t. 14—tf11 STRAYED From the premises of the undersign- ed, Maitland Concession, Guderleil Township, a red and white heifer, 1 Va years olcl. Intern -mete regarding same will be gratefully received by Louis 11en11oeffer, Londesbero, Phone 10 on 640. '16-a_p FARbI FOR SALE -LOT 25, Bed Con. in the Township of Stanley, property of the late Victor Dale. This farm is well fenced and seed- ed to grass ; on the premises• aro a good well and windmill and twen- ty acrox of mostly hardwood bush. Tim property must be sold to wind up the estate. For further par- ticulars apply to John 10. Dale, Lot 12, Con. 3, Mullett, R.R. No. 4, CI1nt,on. 18-t1' COTTAGE FOR SALE—COSY COT- tage on Princess street, warm, el- ectric light, good cleljiar,, Gown; water, % acre ground, wen drain- ed. Centrally located, Property of A. F. Mann,—Apply Mrs. 1, Dodds, next door. 1'F•--4 HOUSE; FOR SALE -5 -ROOMED" house on the corner of Joseph and Orange streets, ?r acre lot, house in firstelass condition ; electric: light, hard and so ft to John le. Noble, R.R. No. 4, Clinton, phone 7-617. . - 13—tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—TEN- room, two-storey residence on On- tario street, furnace, electriclights town water, good garden and harp.—Apply to—Josh Cook, 390 Davis St., Sarnia. 12—t.f. PROPERTY FOR SALE.—ON RAT- tenbury street, west, just off main street, a good 9 -roomed 2 -story frame house. Electric lights, wat- erworks, furnace and soft water. Garden and small barn in good re- pair. Will be sold cheap.—Apply to J, P. Sheppard. —03—ti HOUSE FOR SALT: -8 -ROOMED house on Ontario street. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, fruit trees and smelt fruits. k acre of land. Apply on premises to Mfrs. Moggridge or to W. Brydone, Clinton. 09—ti STOVES FOR SALE—An Art Souv- enir, .with oven, a Laurel coal beater. All in good condition.— Apply to Miss Rudd 00—tf• FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 35 AND half of lot 36, concession 3, Tuck- ,ersmith, sax miles distant from towns of Seaforth and Clinton ; convenient to school; fifty: acres choice pasture land, ten acres tim- ber, beech and maple ; large apple orchard also orchard of small fruit, remainder under cultivation. Ideal stook farm, well fertilized, fenced and drained. Large bank barn, silo, implement shed, hog pen and other outbuildings. Never -failing water supply. One and a half story brick house, large cellar, cis- tern, telephone and rural mail. Im- mediate possession given. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises or address—A. Elcoat, Seaforth R. R. No. 3. + — 09-8—p PROPERTY FOR SATE -3 acres of garden and orchard on the Loudon Road. 6 roomed house, bank Karn 20x40, driving shed, hen house. Possession given fn autumn. Apply on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- - 00 FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house on Princess ' St., east, half acre of land with, fruit trees and berry bushes, town coat- er.—Apply on premises, Airs.. Akam.—04--tf PARA' FOR SALE.—ONE 101N- dred acres, best of soil ; gond buildings, close to school and church ; 4e miles from ("linter. Will be sold on reasonable terms.— Apply erms—Apply A. I., Matheson, It. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central:' --61 FOR SALE, 3-IIOQMI.D 1101941: on Ilattenbury street, west. Good cellar, la acres garden, with h fruit trees.— nhApply oprcniises to alis. L. Smith. 81 ANY PERSON 010 PER801VS trespassing or de.troymg 910901 ty on' the Premises rif the estate 01 the lute William II. Woods will he prosecuted according to law.— tar, Woods, 13nyfield. 01-24 ANNO[UNCl PENT. Wo desire to 'announce that ITC have enamel up at s,rk;Sroorn at Seas forth ruder the management of Jon- athan Ilugill for the sale of our Int strumpets and 311430ne intending to pnroilate a .pinup - eltould snake it their busim'.ss to ice our goods, and as the name "Hell” enters only on our goods 12)133.10 in 0ti11 own fantory, you have a guarantee of a brim which hag boon in bust/loss fns; over fifty years, We also guarantee ear prlc80 lower than concerns doing~ largo newspaper advertising, Write fox' prices, ]f unable to visit out 51101'- 210020S, tai JONATHAN HU'tilLL 3qx 240 , SHAVORTII FARM von ACIiS Ol+, splendid larm land In good state of OU 9 zti atiou , 4nt i are U a ' 4 m 0 f r. t- able storey and a hall brick 1101180 With 13011/ steel root, a good eolde,r, a barn 40100 and straw sited 22x28 with ]oundation under all, room to Vie up 28 bead 01 cattle and 6 horses besides 8 box •stalls r dot morn, iced room, separator room and harness room, Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house, A stone pig pen 24x24, a ten house '24x10 and a drive shed 20x80, . Thoro Is a never failing spring creek, a good welland cis- tern, about 14 notes of *'orchard. This Is a desirable property '2j allies from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary ` for me to give up farming for the present. Would soil stook, implements and scree, if so desired.—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, I•Iullett, Clinton P. 0. _-40 NEW .AL We aro expecting both at Bruce - field and Clinton, some of the new kind of coal in stove size Briquettes. Try a loadtof this, as tv0 can assure you entire satisfaction, besides com- ing a little cheaper. We also stock the following at Clinton•,: EBONY CUBE -The Cannel de Luxe SOFT COAL -3 in. up Belmont Lump. PEA COAL—$1.00 cheaper than othersfz os. CANADA CEMENT—The standard article. Accounts may be paid,; and orders left.,at Wiltse's' grocery, store. AT BRUCEFIELD :— , ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER in both hard and soft woods. B. C. SI -TING -LES selling at less than today's cost price., FIBRE. ,BOARD cheaper and better than lath and plaster, SMITHING COAL our famous kleanweld. Also Cannel, Soft Coal, and Can- ada Cement. We do not want all the business, but we would like to. have Fours. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74, Phone for Brucefleid 11 on 618. POULTRY WANTED IIIGHI:ST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept.. 20th, every day after that. W. MARQUIS —86 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. THE COMER STORE Live and Let Leve AYear .Ago And Today A year ago we were hopiog and praying for Victory. Now Victory is ours, Canada is safe—and prosperous BUY TO YOUR LI1l[IT Victory B&lids Settee donated by E. E. IIUN 1FOlRD Phone 4 0 11\ Ij ,f• 11. 3 1 'r32I. P1RE41•N"i' DAY MOTHI!IIR MAKES PIES that the older genet Welt couldn't be;;in to equal. For in addition to improved methods and utensils she has the advantage of' Indite able to obtain Purity' itnllr, tate fittest. baking flout known. Make your next, batch :with Purity. Good as your former pies were, these will be infinitely better, W6 JetilkirtS & Sone I+LOI]l7. AND PEED. T'benes : " ltrvzitor 109, Rosidetlec 141 Retail License No, 0--2568 .wholesale. Lieen34 MIs .12.82 Biu . �€+>acvten;e.ssaeiw ;taissvat,nre, roRII N&LL OCTLJFJEH rr �11 illi' ' ' 'JI'.ABraman re Sale of fancy work, aprons, Candy Rummage lione.rnade baking and produce by country societies , Afternoon tete served from 3to5 o'clock Dinner served from 5to7 Anyone having donations of Clothing, Boots, Furniture, Dishes, Eta, for rummage sale, kindly bring to Council Cham- ber, Thursday afternoon, savantyenf - :,eco eemeseste GfNIS . NNTED for knitters and learners ALSO WOMEN for menders Glad inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Ciintbn Knitting Co. LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORID OF ALL KINDS 00T+) THOS. IIAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE O3, Slim) over Rowland's Hardware. Victory Bonds The Bridge from war to peace Space donated by J. A. FORD & SON Live Poifltry Wanted ! 4000 CIIICIENS 2000 HENS 1000 DUCKS - each week from now until the end of December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis delivered wish emptgpay crops. 11'e pay special prices for properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strongly advise all producers' to finish their -poultry as ft viii you well to do so. LANNEL0IS CO. N. W. Trewartha, . Phone 190 Manager or Hohnecvllle 4 ea 1,3P Canada Food Board---licoil:to No. 7.001 CRE,aId WANTED 1 Farmers luaving cream to sell write us for cans and full particu- lars. Dur markets ate the best. Service the most prompt. Firm the must reliable. *' 7 Ave prices t110 highest tP.it with an holiest test which we gee:s- eete . Remember our Creamery Co. 'Is as thoroughly (established and aha ivint; concern and now o _e of the lar,oril. in Canada. ion tatter* make auty. mistake In ride 1111; to its, Patrons 1101,1 101; 01111 1.11115 . arc re. quested not to make use of in seeding; cream to Other cre.,ainerie a or cream bray ere. Write today for earls Pili' SO:31081h Cr3't1"' x1'v, C. A. 11A1R.R1611, MANAGER BOA?S Poet SERVICE C1IaInpierl Bred Bei; Type YOltI SIIIIttil Ai'1D. CIII:STER- WIII'TIv 130eCRS. A. C. LEVEV, bone 0-630 °LINTON', 004 Ott home every, torgnoona ,,