HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-23, Page 81$ CEIN`TON'IS ,LEADING. J.DWEGERY STORE you are invited here to examine my stock of Cloaks Watches, Brooches, Bugs, Safety Razors, Ther- mos Bottles, Shaving brushes, Combs, Safety Razor Blades, Erenl,h White Ivory, Cut Glass, China, Rogers silver knives and forks $6 doz, up, spoons $4 up Eyes tested free and glasses fitted Satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for Phonolas and records, the only machine playing all kinds or records perfectly R. . JOHNSON aeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVI>1Y'S DRUG STORE en's Clothing Speeial Order The new clothes are now here and are a beautiful assortment of Suitings and Overcoatings It will pay you well to look them o'var and get our prices Some very special values in Men's and Boys Work Shoes Plumsteel Bros. TFIE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 91I NEW, IDEA PATTERNS, CLOTHING measiamereawaamememmeramemma Shoe Caution Make your shoe purchase these days with special care.) If you are not an 'Expert at Shoe Buying you will do well to.make your] purchases where you know you are safe and taking ro risks We offer you protection against Inflated Prices for Inferior Shoes and Uncertain Shoe Values We Are At Your Service Our name behind your Shoes will be your best Insurance It means what it always has meant --the utmost in Quality at the price and this means the utmost in Shoe Economy. Shoe Economy must be judged by the coat per pair -net by the price per pair. FRE JACKSON j aiosattaalawaarammatemmainsaisaawascsamaramematatenawask JUST A LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom • furniture for dainty people, To know how attractive aro ▪ these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, a-aaa_aFaraaia7saa you must see them. Descrip- - tion would not do justice to -¢%e,a--> their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their quality, JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 rmieramismsmmie 111 u There was a man by the name of LaGrange Whose wife badly need- ed a range So they came to out stere. And that they hadn't collie before, They now think eft- ceedingly sstange Try one of our new modern Ranges and you will wonder bow you got along with that old stove so long; We have the latest up-to-date kinds, The Doherty high oven, The Novelty high oven, and The Composite high oven at a range of prices suitable to all pocketbooks. Call land see the new kind, Watch our Little South Window for Continuous Bargains :ALND 13ROS i1 Clinton News-Reeort'l October 23rd, WW I l] Clinton It's Tisa W. B. Fair Co. For School Books and Supplies t'Often the Cheapest Always the Best.'e J1!M4L f► q' YG JaJIIIIIIauaunuewnRillliw . Miss Lucile Grant is visiting in London Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore were down from Goderich on Monday, having come to cast their votes Miss Mary Matheson of Goperich has been visiting Mrea R. E. Manning dur- ing the past week Mrs. J. S. Armstrong, who has been visi- ting hoer mother, Mrs. W. Cooper o town, for some weeks, left on Monday for her home in Ontario, California. . She stopped at London and Chicago to visit friends enroute Mrs. M. J. Thayer of Port Huron, Mich', has been spending a few days during the past wrek at the home of her brother, Mr, A. O. Pattison Mrs. A. T. Cooper left Tuesday morning for Chicago to visit relatives for a few weeks Mr. A. F. Collyer and Miss Mary of Lon- don visited Mr, and Mrs. James Steep over the week -end Mrs. W. D. Fair left this week to visit friends in Belleville Mr, J. W. Vanatter of the' Goderich Star and Mr. McCreath, who has been inter- ested in trying to get the big Steel Plant established in Goderich, were callers in town on Tuesday Miss Gladys Cantelon has been in Lon- don this week for a day or so Mrs. Worthington, who has been spend- ing the past six weeks or so in town, left on Monday afternoon on her return to Canmore, Alberta. Her daughter, who had been visiting in New York, met her in Toronto Mrs. Ruddolph of Toronto, who had spent a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Worthington, left on Monday for Sea - forth, where she visited friends before returning to Toronto Miss Cele Beacom was in town over the week -end, having come up to attend the funeral of her grandmother, the late Mrs. T. Beacom. Her brother Elmer was unable to come as he is still in the hospital where he underwent another operation to his leg a taw weeks ago Dr. and Mrs. Kay, their daughters, Miss Elaine and Mrs. Ralph White, and her husband and little son Bill, motored over from Lapeer, Mich„ last week to visit at Mrs. Kay's home. On their`re- tuon on Monday Mr. John Gibbings and Mrs. Treleaven accompanied them Mrs. H. Penn'ebaker returned on Satur- day from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. T. Watts of Oshawa Miss Ruth Walkinshaw spent the week- end at Brussels as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clegg Mr. J. Jago was in town this week getting his household effects shipped to Toron- to, where he intends residing Mr. Jecob Taylor of Toronto was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Chant and Mrs. J. A, Sutter leave next week for Toronto, to attend the marriage of Miss Chant, the youngest sister of Prof. Chant, which will take place in Bathurst St. Metho- dist Church. Mrs,,Chant and Mrs. Sutter will remain in the city for a short visit Mr, R. E. Manning, the popular manager of the Royal Bank, spent a few days m Toronto last week Mrs. Vantassel's old friends in Clinton will regret to learn that she is quite ill al the home of her son-in-law, Mr, R. Mitchell, Canadian Express agent, To- ronto. Mar advanced years makes her recovery doubtful Rev. W.J, Jolliffe, Toronto, formerly pas- tor of Wes* Church, Clinton, with Mrs. Jolliffe and Miss Edith, have gone to California, where they expect to 'spend the winter, Miss Jolliffe, who was overseas as a nurse, is not in the best of health, and the trip Is taken mainly on her account. Mr, Ernest Jol- liffe, who was married a few days ago, will occupy his father's house in the meantime C. C. L FIELD DAY SPORTS The following are the results of the .Annual Field Day Events held at Clin- ton Collegiate Institute, on Friday, Oct- ober loth, Open Events Throwing baseball for distance --1, Macdonald, 2 Cooper, 3, Elliott. Relay Race , . 1 Form II, 2 Form I, 3 Form III Three Legged Race -1 Rothwell and Pollock, 2 Jackson and McGregor. 3 Emden and Carter. Wheelbarow Race -1 McGregor and Jackson 2 Itorsley and Carter, 3, book and Matheson, Slow Bicycle Race -1 Shipley, 2, Higgins, 3 Rothwell, Past Bieyele Race -f Elliott, 2 Me Taggart, 3 Horsley, Seater Championship Running Hon Siap and Jurnp-Coo- per 31, 5, 2 C. Middleton, 3 Wallis, Running Broad .lutnp-G, Middleton 15, Macdonald 2, Wallis 3, 100 Vault bag -Cooper I1 -A,, G. Middleton 'Jo Elliott 3, Ruiniibg High /17111))..-.00070t:5, 1 1 S ATERIALS Lovely New Fabrics and Plenty of them. That You will Like to See and that we are Anxious to Show You. COME IN AND SEE OUR New Dress Goods milks Coatings Suitings winter Coats !WOMEN'S STO43D Dry Gtzodsx House Furnishings phone 64' Next Royal, Bank MEN'S STORE . 8 Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, Elliott 2, Macdonald 3. 120 Yards Hurdle Race -Cooper 1, G. Middleton 2, Macdonald 3. Half Mile Run-Pollick 1, Horsley 2, Elliott 3. Junior Championship Events Running Hop, Step and Jump-. 1 Grant 29, 8, z Mulch, 3 McTaggart. Shot Part -t Mutch 36' 4", McTag• gart 2, S. Middleton 3. Running Broad. Jump -1 Mutch 13, 2, McTaggart, 3 Grant, 10o Yards Dash -i Mutch, 2 S. Middleton, 3 Me Taggart, Running High Jump -1 McTaggart and Grant tie. 3 -Shipley and Matheson tie. 120 Yards Hurdle Race -Grant 1, 2 Rorke, S. Middleton 3. Half Mile Run -1, S. Middleton, 2, liiggins,.3 Dale. Senior Champion -W. Cooper 14 points, Junior Champion -F, Mutch, 11 points. Girls Events -Open to School Egg and Spoon Race -1 A, McFar- lane, 2 M. Sparkes, 3, L. Aikeuhead, Walking For Style -1 Alice Mustard, 2, M, Sparkes, Inter -Form Events Relay Race -1 Form 11, 2 Form 1, Arch Ball Forint Defeated Form I1 Basket Ball Form 11 Defeated Form 1 10-8 Senior Championship Events 75 Yards Dash -1, C. Jervis, 2, B. Morrish, 3 E. McTaggart. Throwing Basketball Into Basket I.. A. Hellyar Junior Championship Events 75 Yards Dash -1 F. Sterling, 2, A. McFariane,3 L. Garrett, Three Legged Race 1.-F. Sterling and A. McFarlane. 2-L. Nediger and F. Johnston. 3.-A. Combe and A. Hill. Throwing Basketball for Distance - 1 -E, McCowan, 2, M. Mair. Throwing Basket ball into basket - H. Grigg, .2 M. Cree. Senior Champion -Miss McTaggart and Miss Hellyar, tie. Junior Champion -Miss Sterling, Inter Form Results Form 1I-57 points Form I-49 points Form 111-35 points Form 1V-31 points. Basketball-Seaforth vs. Clinton, Score 19-4 in favor of Clinton. Baseball-Seaforth v. s. Clinton - Game was called in 3rd innings. Score at the end of 2nd was 5-3 in favor of 'Clinton. I 8 415 x SUN. MON. TUE. D 4) �.'. ac4- 'h emr' p ; 'la om�t� \. :;. .,;mill ..,tea; 0 7� anco (Both Ways) Commencing SUNDAY, OCT OBt It 5th, leaving TORONTO (UNION 0TR.T16N) 9. 15 P. M. DAILY MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars. First.olass bay Coaches. Parlor Car through the Realties. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Canadian National :Oa the way. Tuesday, Thursda:y,Saturday, Via fl, R., North )lay, Cochrane and Canadian National. *urtlisrinfontaition train' bauadtarl National T1ck6tAgrrnts, or las GENt:RIIf. PASSEti(daia Dt;PARtIN NT, TORONTO SAT. o,r al TORONTO, Toronto - Winnipeg egmpartment-a6servation 4l6rary Cars The Girls' Guilt of St, Paul's Church is having a NI<11LONE'EN RDI;j� �SOCiA� in Owen Memorial Hall Wed. Evening, Oct.29. Admission I5c Come and Enjoy the Furry Chatauqua Coneei°ts Under auspices of the Girls' Auxiliary. First Concert Nov. It BERTHA FARNER Dramatic Soprano ETIHEL MURRAY Cellist And Assisting Artists. Season tickets $2 53' separate tickets 75 Clinton Junk Ir ealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RANIRAS Phone 137 Albert St. ai,ib'v4 �. NOW IS THE TIME to have your furnace overhauled on a naw one installed. Stoves tnovcd and pipes put up in. good shape. Call and see ottr lines of electtio- ilxtures antl lamps. Ahuntuum, tinware and granite, Home-made pipes our speoialty„ Oa ON J. A. SUTTER Phone 147 w .Pbeao .140 Estimates given. A. E WOOD WALL, ?AP1111S, M0 ULDINGs .. SIGNS, ETO. iINTEttlt)Lt AND nrrn1%iOIt DECORATING we protect your floors, furnitut o,,. eta., by plenty of drop sheets, ontarie street