HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-23, Page 7aldiveredim
le really natural. This is duo to the allkwood tomo-ehanh-
bor, oval moulded entirely from choice woods, I No Metall
whatever, This superior .construction complies with the
approved law of acouetie5. Like the sotlndboai'd of a fine
piano or violin it gives the resiliency that unfolds -
amplifies -and projects true tone. With this feature the
Brunswick gives you also the
Ultona - that wonderful inven-
tion which plays every make of
record exactly as it should be
played. By a mere twist of the
wrist the "Intone" provides the
exact weight the correct dia-
phragm and the precleo needle for
any make of record. -
Feet. out far yourself! Hen tbo
Druuewick et your nearest deel-
e1's. But first mail the coupon
below, and, let ue show you the
simple yet. 100% offieicnt
Brunawlek now method of re -
The Musical Merchandise Sales Co., 1
ale Tonga, Street, Toronto.
Without any obligation on my part. i
plots, amid me, free of charge•, your
booklet "All Phonographs in Ono." 1
w L
as q
ii •
•'<I ct
1�IBM Stns„,
( la¢�
ird That 'fates Darknesi
For many years the annual migra-
tion of the birds, although a perfectly
familiar fact, was shrouded in mys-
tery. Except irI° the case of n few
birds like the robin, which winters not
tar south of its summer home, no one.
knew where the song birds or the
-shore birds went in the fall, or when
• they began their northward flight in
the spring.
But the subject has been carefully
and patiently studied by so many ob-
servers and naturalists that it is no
longer impossible to answer these
questions. The cliff swallows and
blaclrpoll warblers spend their winters
in tropical South America; the golden
plover, which nests on the Arctic Sea,
winters 8,000 miles away in the Ar-
gentine; the scarlet tanager is to be
found in December and January in
Ecuador and Peru, and the bobolink
in southern Brazil.
For a long time It was thought that
the golden plover bore off the palm
• for length of flight between summer
and winter homes, but now that dis-
tinction is awarded to the Arctic hen.
This bird breeds as far north as it can
find anything stable on which to con-
struct Its 'heat; it has been found
within seven and a half degrees of
the pole. And that nest was found
surrounded by a wall of newly fallen
snow which the mother bird had care-
fully scooped out from round her
The tern arrives in the Far North
about June 15, and leaves again for
the south toward the end of August,
when the young birds are able to fly
strongly., Two or three months later
the birds are found skirting the edge
of the Antarctic continent, 11,000
miles away. 'What their track is over
that vast space no one yet knows.
A few individuals are occasionally
seen along the New England coast in
the fall, but the flocks of thousands
and thousands of these gregarious
birds which alternate from pole to pole
have never been met by any trained
observer competent to learn their pre-
ferred path and their time schedule.
They must travel at least 150 miles a
day -apart from their flights in search
or pursuit of food. -to carry them with-
in ten or 'twelve weeks from one end
of the world to the other.
The Arctic tern enjoy more hours
of sunlight than any other creature
on the globe. The sun never sets dur-
ing its stay at the northern nesting
grounds; and during the stay • in the
south. it has two months of continuous
sunlight and practical daylight for be-
tween six and eight mouths of the
- Keep Implements Under
If one travels through the country
at the present time, the haying and
harvesting machinery on many farms
may be seen standing in the field
where last used. It may have been
drawn out into the lane somewhere
or may even be at t4e barn, but not
inside it. In the Pratrrib Provinces
there seems tobo a sort of reckless
abandon regarding the use of machin-
ery. When a binder breaks down it is
often drawn oft to one side of the
field aid forsaken when it could be
easily repaired and made to serve for
a season or two longer.
The prices of all kinds of farm im-
plements have gone up and it is poor
business to neglect the machinery by
leaving it exposed to the weather. The
wooden parts soon rot away and the
metal parts rust out. It takes longer
Is Caused by Thin, Watery Blood
No. 8748 -Ladies' Tie -On Basque:
Price, 20 cents. Body and sleeve in
one, or 'dropped Shoulder; vest to the
slipped on over the head, and gathered
vest. Cut in 6 sizes, 34 to 44' ins. bust.
Size 86 requires, with bell sleeves,
1%\yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds, 64
ins. wide; collar, vest, undersleeves,
1 yd. 86 ins. wide; body and slee
es in
one, 244vds. 86 ins. wide, or 1% yds.
54_,inc. wide; gathered vest; i yd. 36
ins. wide.
No. 9044 -Two -Piece Skirt with
caught -under panels. Price, 20 cents.
',These patterns may be ,o'btained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond street,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Mrs. Aa Bernard, La Presentation,
Que., writes: -"I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for my baby and am well
satisfied with then, I have recom•
, mended them to several of my friends
Iwho have .also used them with bene-
ficial results." The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus
prove of benefit in cases of indiges-
tion, constipation, colic, colds, etc.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at .25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
also to get a rusty implement into
working order again.
It is frequently stated that the far-
mer is and must be to -day more of a
business man than formerly. Men in
other line of business where ma-
chinery is employed see that it is
oiled and properly cared for in order
to keep down production posts. The,
farmer should do the same. When
lie pays the price that he has to pay
to -day for machinery he should take
good care of it. Cost of production
can be reduced in this way, which
means increased profits. Try'it.
Spread leaves three or four inches
deep on the floor of the hen house.
T1lie material helps, absorb the drop-
pings and provides a means of feed-
ing the grafin in such a way that the
!hens are obliged to exercise by
scratching for it.
New Game Foods From the North
Of course it will• come as a ehock
to the Englishman; in touring Canada,
to take his favorite chair at the table
In his favorite hotel or restaurant,
scan the card and find that roast beef,
lust plain roast beef,. is -missing, But
in its place he may find roast rein•
deer, broiled Arctic mush ox or cut
of caribou. And the Englishman, lov-
ing to take a chalice, because he likes
game foods, nholt likely will order _the"
reindeer, the mush~ ox or the earthen,
In 1917 when the aiiortage of•foode
'throughout the world became serious
and the Allies, wherever they might
live, were urged to speed up produc-
tion if the war was to be won, the De-
partment of the Interior had passed
the Northwest game act placing the
fur trapping and trading industry tin-
der control. Closely following a com-
mission was appointed to consider the
advisability and possibility of develop-
ingreindeer and musk ox herds as .a
means of supplying. food and clothing,
The results are beginning to be real-
ized now, and the commission reports
that Canada has available for this new
industry more than 1,000,000 square
miles in the North, and that all of this
is suitable for the propagation of the
reindeer and the musk ox, and that
the caribou -the barren land caribou
-already thrives there.
, This territory is unsuited for the
cultivation of fruits andcereals, but
for grazing purposes it is excellent, In
other parts of the world the increased
cultivation of fruits and grains has de-
creased the areas suited for grazing
purposee, but on these wild square
miles in the north of Canada there has
been no encroachmentdue to the war
and its call for increased food sup-
Already It has 'been found that the
Arotie musk ox, a rather untractable
animal, can be domesticated, and that
he will yield a large meat supply with
a game taste, to be sure, and that at
the same time be will assist in in-
creasing the supply of wool.
Build Up
af' ith Grd e Nuts
'Popular, for lth delightful
flavor ARtd lac • $s8 It f u'r d16®S
cerffeiir feed values % eces:-.
,oaryy `•fox' lary� Igditl ;•tho_best
IJft . od j 61444 K71°j$AFl t. a.i ,
The Tight Little Isle.
O little island, set in sea
Of silver, sung by hint
Who wrote on many a glowing page
Thy deeds of valor grim.
Rise up and be the pioneer
08 that heroic dream
Thy poets knew -when to them came
The bright, authentic gleam.
Which gave them vision in the night -
A wise, prophetic band,
Who saw the New Jerusalem
In thy green, pleasant land, `
Who saw the Parliament of Man,
The blood-stained banners furled,
And looked from thee to emanate
The new law of the world.
0 England, where the great waves beat
'Upon thy time -wore shore,
Up, blaze the trail, and lead thy sons,
As in the days of yore.
Until, at last, by man is won
The prize to manhood due,
And all thy poets' dream of love -
And more, shall be made true.
Keep Lives and Bowels t
Clean and Active
• with "Cascarets"
aini Cured by Enriching the
• Blood,
Most people 11111115 of nelu'algia as a
palm in the head or in the face, .but
neuralgia 1naY•ai'feet any nerve In the
body. Different names are given to
it when it affects coi'ttiht nerves. Tlius
neuralgia of tine sciatic nerve ie called
salatica, but the character of the pain
and the nature of the disease are the
sauce, The cause being the same, the
cure to be effective must he the same,
The pale in neuralgia be mead by
star\'ed'nerves.. The,,blood which, cur-
ries noui'lshhnent to the nerves has be -
tome thin and Impure and no longer
does so, and the pain you feel is the
cry of the nerves for their natural
food. You may ease the pain of neur-
algia with hot applications, but you
can only cure the trouble by enriching'
and purifying the blood. For this per -
pose we know of no medicine that can
equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s. These
pills- actually make new, rich blood
and thus act as the most efficient of
nerve tonins. If you are suffering
from this moat dreaded of troubles,
or any form of nerve trouble, give
these pills a fairtrial, and see how
speedily you will be restored to good
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any medicine dealer, or by nail
at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60
from -Tile Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, sour, gassy stomach -always
trace this to torpid liver; delayed?
fermenting food in the bowels.
Poisonous matter clogged in the in-
testines, instead of being cast out of
the system is re -absorbed into the
blood. When this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it causes conges-
tion, and that dull, throbbing, sicken-
ing headache. t',
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, remove the emit', undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess
biie from the liver and carry out all
the constipated waste mutter and pot-
sons In the bowels.
A "Cascaret to -night will have you
feeling clear, rosy and as fit as a fid-
dle by morning, They work while you
Listening Under Water.
The art of listening under water
was brought to perfection during the
great submarine hunt of the Iasi, year
or two, and it is interesting to know
front Professor Bragg, recently lea -
Wring at the Royal Institution, that
the first experiments in this direction
were begun less than a hundred years
ago, says a. London Magazine,
In 1826 a bell was inlmersod and
rung under water, and was heard
across the Lake of Geneva, Electric
bell signals can noib be detected
8ev011 miles away uncial' wafer, and
oW11 in the hold of it 5hip mein can
Aar the eounul of a Oval dropped
Heide another passing ship.
'.bile Wag production of sugar in
the P1111414.11 04. le flp900110ebil1S 1,000,-
00 11011114, 411111 IP men may' 9c01110
(,ho letltlljilg oxlhp'" 9f 9110 'j91110t 1,
leavant q4.1, --.,,,,t100, se. owiiunlY
0leupy in dm Morning doctor," "A11.1
13'0'70 you, el 'v'ce.tbeetrrt May X 8$1 ?n
ftb2'W1ilt Old(1,ll110111l�1i1yj-"Ye,,S,"r
"W o ie hot laity j ds4c?" (tile's 1114
ry t p'O1,iaeil701l,'f AD, ti'ldal, .gtya
Up, and fall 'jn 0-V4 With the
A Giant Sun./
Canopus, the giant of the sgiar sys-
tem, 1s, according to a recent calcula-
tion, 49,000 times as bright as the Bun.
Its diameter is 134 trines that of the
sun; it is 18,000 times larger In sur-
face, and 2,420,000 times larger in.
volume. The distance of it from us,
according to this calculation, is 489
light year's. '
"Suppose," says another authority,
"that instead .of being at this enor-
mous distance it were placed in the
centreofthe solar system, inlieuof
the sun? .It would then occupy .85 of
the space lying within the orbit of
Venus, and as seen from the earth
would subtend an angle of about 70
degrees of arc. Thus, when its lower
limb was on our horizon, its upper
would be within 20 degrees of the
zenith. Needless to eay, no life could
exist on earth with such a neighbor.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
What's In Man?
What's a man?" mama David. A
ollamist Ills been answering tl)1 01lle5.
A man Weighing about eleven stone
Would produce, if his body were 0011-
vetted into hydrogen and other 59080,
About 85,000 cubic feet of gas, Worth
about 115, 251, for illuminating mar -
,lie would also contain sufficient fat
to make a fifteen -pound candle, enough
0011Ton to make 9,900 pencils, enough
phosphorus -about fifty ounces -to
make 800,000,piateheti.: Zile' body" con-
tains sugar equivalent to sixty lumps
and twenty op'oonsful of salt,
Thecontentsof a thousand eggs
Would provide ail tile. ne00Saery 111-
gredients for making his body anew.
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
,only -look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
RUM stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. full
directions for child's dose on -each bot-
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."
The Conquest.
Numbly he, stumbled to the untaken
While death smote fast with quak-
ing blows, and smoke
Clung skulking to the shuddering
ground, when epoke
The chattering guns in ambuscade,
Then all
Whirled round bio like a dizzy sea,
and pain.
Glowed redly on it like a burning
ship -
A distant inugle plead with tremb-
ling lip.
And, grappling with his We, he strove
Ile climbed the ivy at the well, and set
His foot upon the deadly parapet,
And fell beneath a foeman's frantic
A bubble of blood upon his last, tierce
Tben strove his Spirit, and, a eon -
(purer, lo,
He stood upon the battlements of
&Iinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Strs,-1 can recommend M7:-
NAI1*D'S LINIMI8NT for Rheumatism.
and Sprains; as 3have need it for both
with excellent results,
Yours truly,
St. John,
X very school• where thep1111dreir are
obliged to eat 41.111011 sitotild be egtli--
tlh,e d'OV propocrink 111811" 85V1119 into
k,€t19fl tli.919 Nihil the ah8 (Il en's Meal,
4f 1u 11Pgv9lltiyo 111085gl'9s of con -
09 eo W0isllnl0l9 8930 ilk crop
80131105, lien) p1owj il4 1i fljlitaI P111 }
organic 1113 0r 111 111 eons etc 119v
flock ftdvom1 44, but there is natlllfl'
hal; 0111911,1,0 I,prpacln„ or "couleur
31arming," p'i it is sometimes bailed,
' Mt seed -sowing is 01, mysterietl's
thin ifr Whether the seed fall Mt* the
cart er Atte souls,"w-Amie1,
,7 i
klfjlltin4[411wn S 4714 i .
1�t11si.'jV'M. ir+..613tllikllt 41tt�cp �and1[ttd',
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
1 Try this yourself then !pass
T It along to others.
It workel
e -o. -o -o -o -o- 0
Ouch ! ? 1 ? 1 l This kind of rough.
talk will be heard loss here in town If
people troubled with earns will "follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn stops soreness
at once, and soon the corn dries up
and lifts right out 'without pain,
He says freezone is an ether cora.
pdund which dries immediately and
never inflames or even irritates the
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezone will --cost very
little at any drug store, but is shill•
tient to remove every hard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet. Millions
of American women will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration
of the high heels.
"The reason why so few marriages
are happy is because young ladies
spend their time in maldn'g nets, not
in making cages." -Swift.
Minarene Liniment for solo everywhere.
In normal years the spice islands
of Zanzibar produce 90 per tent- of the
world's supply of cloves, an average
crop approximatitlg 16,000,000 pounds.
Invest Your Money
Interest payable half yearly.
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company
Toronto Office 20,KIng St. West
The touting cul', whicill is the most
felnlihu' type of car, takes its name
from the feet that it 15 used by motor -
181e on lengthy tours, It he ail open
oar also, With a tonneau and four
doors, seating eoy011 '1)1188Ong088,
minnra'a ZInimont Curve Borns, etc.
For the use of the blind a geograph-
ic and industrial atlas of Great Britain
has been prepared, consisting of
twenty maps in relief and 202 pages of
embossed descriptive text,
Remit by Dominion 1'17xprese Motley
Order. If lost or stolen you got your.
money bade.
Did you ever rub brown sugar over
the slice of ham before broiling' it?
Try it. You 'will find it gives a de-
licious flavor.
I Lined', Liniment Iseltev80 Nous) la.
Very fovv, itf any other, p'lshittte--glee
such a yield sof flowers for s o many
years as peony and iris and wblih so
little trouble.
America's Pioneer Dog &ssao loa
Book on
and stow to 80011
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Clay Glover Co., Inc.
118 West 31st Street
New York, U.S,A.
•w. y-! ' lZGS to elft your
openings. Fined•
ith glass. Safe do-
livny guaranteed,
\Vette for Pries Lig
[7'I Cut down fuel
bills. Insure winter
A limited quantity of
High -Gordo 84111 Ends for
sclecheap• Samples Free
siNCE 'tj l870
116 ig
HELI'' W,(t17T01D.
pp1; API! S 1,1''ANTED T1) AQ PX,A1N
.41151,1 sawing at home; .1111010 02
((P1tl'e time; 500(1 pay; Wgrlr 55nt uny
elet noel charges paid Sand stamp ear
far ttJpalars. Nalfoml lnfanufaetwrine
Connally, Montreal.
won mem.%
opportunit Write
HexI', Svllson Publishint( Co„ Limited,
78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
V7 and jab printing plant in Eastern
Ontario, lnsueance carried $1,000. Will
fee n
881,200 on quick vale. 3309' 09,
Publishing Co., Ltd. Toronto.
,e 1117 7010 AMBITIOUS? IPi.� YOU
.C� desire advancement in any eltuatien
ht. titer mental tlrlclsney is whin will
bring you sueces . The Pennon SYstoln
of Mind and Memory Trainingg, develops
latent powers with wonderful results•
yet itrerlulres but spare nlomente of
study and mental exercise. It mutton;
'hot where you live for the amuse 12 con-
ducted bar mail --by confidential eort'es-
l,andonco, Your request fur free bo44lt-
et. "Mind anti M'emort," will bring lith
and all particulars by return mail.
Write to -(lay, k'olman Institute, 765
Temple Bldg., Toronto,
1'9 OURA13LD5, in affiliation with
Bellevue and Allied Hospitals,New,York,
offersa course oil training to young wo-
men desiring to become nurses; this hos-
pital has now adopted the eight hour
System. Icor salary and other informa-
tion apply to Superintendent, 180 Dunn
Avenue, Toronto.
' dI000rfial and external. cured_without
Dein by odr home treatment. Write us
before - toe late. Dr. 13o11m1n Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont.
Calutcla, -a bright, energetic youth
to tape orders for Reynolds' New War
Atlas; no collections to make; you simp-
ly tape the order; we ship the volume
and collect cash; commissions paid
Wmroptly every Friday; Reynolds' New
al' Atlas 1s the greatest and easiest
selling publication ever offered; contain-
ing 251 maps, including all new bound-
aries of all countries and important
cities; also every Important•ovent In the
great war drama from July. 1814, to the
signing of peace; 120,000 words of text;
40 automobile naps, motor laws, 82 rail-
way maps, "Encyclopaedia of World In-
for•nmatloh"; a complete geography of the
world; price only $5.60 t,o,b. Toronto;
agents easily make $50.00 per week.
Marls inquiries War Atlas, Sales Limited,
60 13ond street, Toronto, Ontario.
-f'4. 1NCL to prove your ability? Or, are
you 1u1 drifting along on the principle
. that everything mimes to film who
fumes" -without much thought of your
efficiency? If you are in the latter
class, be up and doing -train your mind
and memory so as to be ready for 00-
, portunity when it comes your way. in
other words. Pelmanise! If you -know
you have ability, why not use the wait-
ing moments to improve your efficiency
and incidentally aequh'e that Personality
which ;imams so. much in seeking Suc-
cess? Small tori or big city, or on the
township side line, it matters not -the
Penno1, System is conducted by . mall.
"Mint! and Memory" tolls you all about
it. It Is a book that's free and lays no
obligation upon you to enroll, though
3,ou'11 be surprised to find how moderate
is the fee required. Write for the book
and particulars to -day to the Pelman
Institute, 765 Temple Building, Toronto,
•'Instructions and Price List of
Dont upon request
4 Hospital St.- - • Montreal
Distributors of Burpee's Seeds
' Dept. W-1.
ane std
Use Cane Nola 10070 Pure Sugar
Cane Molasses. Guaranteed the ideal
Eaed for- Live Stock. Sold every-
Write for prices and particulars, giv-
ing number of head of live stook, to
Gane Mole Company of Canada, Ltd.
• Montreal - Que.
Give way before the pene-
trating effects of Sloan's
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve-
inflahunaticn of neuritis, the wry neck,
the joint wrench, the ligament sprain,
the muscle strain, and the • throbbing
The ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the
cleanliness, and the economy of
Sloan's Liniment make it universally
preferred. Made in Canada.
85e, 70c, 01.40.
411 grades. Write for prices.
or Strangles in stallions, brood marcs, colts end all others
is most dangerous. The germ causing dioease must he
removed from the body of the animal. To prevent the
trouble the same mustbe done. 2,
will do both -cure the filch and prevent those "exposed"
from having the disease. Sold by your druggist or,tho
8PC1 511 r111DIC.a2, CO.. Mfrs., Goshen, Ind., V. S. A.
Not Aspirin at Ail without the "Bayer Cross"
For Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Tooth- package whirls contains complete di -
ache, headache, Earache, and for rection,. Then you aro getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin --the genuine Aspirin pre -
fit's, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by phvsieians for over nmo-
name "Bayer" or you aro not taking teen years. Now made in Canada.
Asppirin at all. Bandy the boxes containing 12 tab-
Aceept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin" in an unbroken. "Bayer" also sell larger `'Bayer" packages.
There is only one Aspiria 'rBayor"-Yoe must say "Bayer"
Aspirin iD tiro trado mirk (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
neeticacldeeter of Salleylloaold, while It le well known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to emelt the public against tmitatlono, the Tablete et Bayer Company
will be e(ampod with their general trndo mark, the Bayer Crass,"
Parker's WI 1 �
on Body and Face. Red and Rol y.
Cried I -or Hours. Lasted aYear,
'A rash otarted all over my little
lei's body, and she had some on her
face. It Ltartcd In a pimple
that lme full•,pf water, and
11I et,Ied ap$,,itgq1y. She
o. k 4 v 1p s, A hietroubte
la¢ d
an i t�tl"•}A •wj1h'vfree
Oi pufra cap.
ed • uilll S'1o9. ;o, i0 t 1?1Ar ,151)4
It ag1)0011(011 i rt7ce� rtss� pa{f o dill ir!
roirxg:,:e°i• (' tmonlwiite lifses q,( bo' .
Mrd .' p ahil;1gi, 132
035;1 `Vorsu+tl . ut,,,iln itet
belie'binifo8C0,f1aSo4pi, 49$01136'114
1 1e'in
Tcum ani indlepentie1tlJtt i
othe dolly toilet 10nklnllg
s a3ppttt1tyhhxicl91t111.t1palllh.
I'er 1r a Aa rbl o nL of 1XUtlrlol bon , 1 UT
innn6 n 2ag,: d dee fi 40t porde i l -4u p,
mops %�nafftbg�. � A. �loid avocy�N�b1v�,�
�a..wAWA• V-�IM'rW, 41114
jBtilJ N .e4 101
fy+a ti' ;'
By cleaning oT dyeing -restore any articles
to -their former appearance and return
them to y'otl, good as new.
Send anything from household draper-
ies down to, the finest of delicate fabrics.
We pay postage or express charges one
' way.
When you think of
V � ,remsIrt
Think of :Parker's.
,Parcels IIvaY be wilt Not tax l'+7iylaesa-
W e tofu-C14a'riale• ane Way on t 004W::
.A.dvtco upon Cletaniiing Or Dy'•a x'<'mia .o>.
take Will tie promptly gam tipos>, x'eegueet.
Porches Op; tfOrk8 hnit"1
Cleaner's 114 17y'el.'Sf
'toitge $t.