The Clinton News Record, 1919-10-16, Page 7Contort Gyp is n y PIMOritil
tilnnlISer. • It Used for oleaningup
the oldest fled hardest dirt, grease, ate-
aetfert Ma 14 fine for making sinkak
rahu and 010000 sweet and eleen,
Contort Lya Kills rats, Woo, reaohes'
and hetet fleets.
Comfort lys. will do the herdest
spring oenIng you've got-
Cottlfdrt Lys is good for making soap.
It•spowdered,perfutnea and 100% pure.
Owing tO inCreasing tho nursing staff TWO USEFUL
lizEtt P.Q. '
of the JefDH
fery ate's ospital, Quebec,
there are some vacancies for Probation- 1VIODELS
ere. Young ladies possessing a good
' general OdUCatiOn and WiSnli; to enter ,, .1
a first.eless registered training school -
please apply to the Lady Superintendent.
"Mimes Consumption."
Only within the last few years has
it conte to be known that the so-called
"miner's coasumption,P ' a cause—of
greatmortality among workers un-
derground, is not tuberculosis at all.
Of course, miners are liable to.
tubercular disease like other folks, but
the malady here, referred to is caused
by breathing air that is laden with
rock dust.
This dust, taken into the lungs,
lodges in the cellular structuye of
those organs, which after a while may
become literally mineralized to a
Mile extent. They are no longer able
lo" do their work properly; the suf-
ferer, coughs constantly and painfully,
and he may die
The cause of the trouble having
been ascertained, means are now
— taken in all well-managed mines to
clear the rock dust out at the air with
sprays of water.
With the Fingers! °
Says Corns Lift Out a
Without Any Pain:
Sore corns, hard corns soft corns or
any kind of a corn can shortly be,
lifted right out with the fingers if you
will apply directly upon the corn a few
drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati
It is clainied that at small cost ono
can get a quarter of an ounce of -free-
' zone at any drug store, which is sutli-
cient to rid one'e feet of every corn
or callus -without pain or soreness or
the danger of infection.
_• Thi d nth/ drug is an ether, compound,
and while sticky, dries the moment it
Isapplied and does not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding tissue.
- • This announcement will interest
many women here, for it is said that
the present high -heel footwear is put.
ting corns on practically every
woman's feet.
• Poor -Adolphus,
"Oh, Adolphus, your birthday pre-
sent was so lovely!" gualked the young
man's fiancee, as they snuggled on the
sofa. "And you left the price -ticket
on. You skouldn't have spent so
much as $35, you extravagant boy!"
"How careless of me!" exclaimed
Adolphus, glad that the faint light
hid his beaming face.
"And I see you bought it at Smith-
er's" went on the charmer. "I—I
wonder if you'd mind thaking it back
and changing it for one of those $25
bracelets they have there?"
And half an hour later the young
man was still kicking himself for his
snfartness in baying a $10 brooch and
putting a 585 label on it.
gelid • 8728
No. 9036—Boy's Suit. Price, 20
cents. Knee trousers. In $ sizes, 2
to 6 years, Size 4, blouse, 1% yds.
27 ins. wide; collar, trousers, 1% yds.
27 ins. wide; one material, long or
short sleeves,. 214 yds. 27 ins. wide.
No. 8728—Girl's Dress. Price, 20
cents. To be slipped on over the
head; straight pleated skirt buttoned
to blouse, or with bloomer, suitable
for gymnasium. Cut in 6 sizes, 4, 8,
8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8, blouse
with or without yoke, 1% yds. 32 in.a
wide, or 1% yds. 36 ins, wide; skirt,
'TA yd. 50 ins. wide; bloomers, 114 yds.
36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 50 ins, wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from yetis? local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Go,, 70 13ond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
RHEUMATIt PEOPLE • Tipperraoherra..
At Oehool we are tatIght that King'
, George 10 ruler over 'the whole iThfl
vire of o indfts. There 10, however, a
Can Oiily Find Relief by gulch, strip of land situated in Asoam, about
log the Blood,
twenty miles from $knith Bylbet, over
whiell Great Britain has no. derainion,
Rheumatism la disorder of the
Mood' 1"ta°3c( 14001" when 't11111018.ulat3tilvlis)1T111'cirstlittivils1
blood ie, -overebarged with acid foul
an,y of them in Die earrounding
impurities, Mao oettIng 01) inflarnnia-
Wets got Into trouble with their ea.
thin in the muscles and Joints, Wet
weather or cold wrmiliqn autumn ,Itiba 01' InninSallibS, they Straight
may start the tortures of rheumatism, !for t1115 tract Rf land' until the trouble
but is not the eause. The cause is ill 'WO" over.
the blood and tho 1)lood 001$7, Victims pittteneenu.ligitone;IlutIltaunIptillieelilr.ostelitauw.0
of this malady have every reason to
fear the first deli ache in the limbs cleaner, ancl have a better idea of eon
and Joints, followed by sharp pains fort, They build their huts In the
through the flesh and .mitoeles; these 1);11,80tet(tnhfiet.ilivietrolcirlIllic.igaensi,)pon piles, to
are the symptoms 01 poison in the
Rather silent arid sturdily built, they
blood • whieh May abortly leave the
think nothing of walking forty miles
Esau Wood and His
Wood Saw.
You can do queer things with the
English language-. Care is a puzzler;
It is easy enough to read it, but have
it read aloud to you and see what you
make of it.
Esau Wood sawed wood.
Esau Wood would saw wood.
All the wood Esau Wood saw Esau
Wood would saw. In other words, all
the wood . Esau saw to saw- Esau
sought to saw.
Oh, the wood Wood would saw! And
o11, the wood saw with which Wood
veld saw wood!
But one day Wood's wood saw would
saw no wood, and.thus the wood Wood
sawed was not the wood Wood would
saw if Wood's wood saw would saw
Nov, .Wood would saw wood with a
wood saw that would saw wood, so
Esau stought a saw that would. saw
One day Esau saw a saw saw wood
as no other wood saw Wood saw would
saw wood.
In fact, of all the wood saws Wood
ever saw savi wood Wood never saw
2,500,060 .Childien Lost to Germany.
a wood saw that would saw wood as
Professor Emil Abderhalden, the
noted psychologist, says tlmt Ger-
• maty's deficit in children since 1914
was 2,500,000, and children 'Mortality
has continued to increase. During the
war Professor Abderhalden devoted
much of his time to sending aubercular
children to neutral countries, chiefrY
Switzerland, but the drop in the -value
of the German mark precluded the
carrying out of the enterprise on the
scale required by the state of juvenile
health in Germany.
What is Rank, Anyhow?
Rebecca, age eight, was very lifted
of her father's rank as a first lieuten
ant, and grew quite indignant when a
neighbor boy called him "Captain,"
according to an exchange.
"I'll have you understand that my
'daddy is not a captain," she said.
"Hd's a-lieutemint."
• "Oh, it doesn't matter," replied the
boy; "he is an officer."
"Indeed he is not an officer," she pro-
"Yes, clear, a lieutenant' is an offi-
cer," interrupted Rebec'ea's,„mother.
"Well," persisted Rebecca, still de-
termined to maintain her daddy's
didnity at all cost, "he's not much of
an officer." •
victim painracked and helPless,
There is,eahr em,..way-10 01100 rhea. to the neareot bazaar and beck to do
their marketing, carrying fish. strtUlg
matism, and that is 'through the blood.
a elicit over their shotthler, and
Liniments, hot applicatioes, and rab-
0t11lieir other Purchases ln a basket on
bing may give temporary ease, bat
eannot possibly root tile' trouble out othe head:g
They dress in a short drapery, lea),
tile system, That can only lie cloim by
pthienirtiephi,LeclacbiluotoadiywhillicalliceDr. TWilltisliarlialwe'
[111.110gpt0111°SethwgitIT4CtiliteltsrlliTill..o, aTnhde ynnall; Ye
/lighter in color. than the ordinary
blood drives out the POISOnonS FLOM
native, and UM men wear their black,
and impurities, and the rheumatism
• hair hanglag to the shoulders
disappears. If you are 11 sufferer from
with colored quills Stnelt Orel' one ear,
this painful malady begin uring, your -
somewhat after the manner of the
self to-daY by the use of Dr. Williams'
PinlePills,...and see how soon the pains Redskin,
White people all) a source Or great
and stiffness of the joints fade away,
Interest to them, and the Women and
leaving behind new energy and new.
, hutches (children) form a ring rotind
health. • "
You can got Dr. Williams! Pink Pills thein, exbIniagiag many glances and
from any medicine dealer or by, mail words of curiosity.
at 50 cents a ]ox or six boxes for 4. 1
$2.50, from The Dr. 'Williams' .Medi- . ......
eine Co., Brockville, Ont,
"Preserved Salmon, Esq."
In one of the LI S.A.'s busiest
thoroughfares there is said to be a
sign which reads, "Coal and Wood,
Dealers in Wood and Coal!" ,And in
America generally there is a kind of
realessness in the matter of narnes
which outshines any sort of record in
this country.
For instance, a Philadelphia lawyer
is named Shellam, and another famous
barrister of that city is named Honest -
The mayor of an Ontario town a few
years back was honored by a visit
from tho Canadian Premier in his
capacity of Minister of Trade and
Commerce, He curiously enough
signalized the occasion by naming
twins, with which Ms wife had just
presented hiM, "Trade" and "Com-
merce" respectively!
A lady in Massachusetts, who re-
joiced in the cognomen of Bullock, had
the Christian name, "Pregerved."
Likewise, a well-to-do Jersey mer-
chant bore the name, "Preserved
, Moreover, it is said that baptismal
registers show the following peculiar
Christmas Carroll, Mineral Waters,
Orange Lemon, Wild Rose,' Jubilee
Gosling, Laughing', Waters, Boadicea
Basher, and Maggie Going! •
In Lancashire there are reported to
be many quaint Hames on the regis-
ters, and a few are worthy of repeti-
Bill Teacack, Rhubarb Jack, Toffee
Tongue, Harry Mechanic, and Squint-
ing Tommy,
the wood saw Wood saw wood would
saw wood, and I never saw a wood
saw that would saw as the wood oaw
Wood saw would saw until I saw Esau
Wood saw wood with the wood saw
Wood saw saw wood.
Now Wood saws wood with the
wood saw Wood saw saw wood,
Oh, the wood the wood saw Wood
saw would saw!
` Oh, the wood Wood's woodshed
would shod when Wood would saw
wood .with the wood saw Wood mei
saw wood!
Finally, no Man knows how much
•wood the wood saw Wood saw would
saw, if the wood saw Wocid saw would
saw all the wood the wood SSAV Wood
saw 'would saw.
The teacher had explained to the
class that all bodies through which
we can see are pellucid or transpar-
"Now, be said to 'tonuny Todd;
"can you mention any transparent ob-
Tommy, beaming with delight, • re-
plied: "Yes, sir. A keyhole and a
(train -pipe,"
.-Taataiiiiaamo a
Certainly A Fine Flvor
But More Than That
A. Building Food for Body and 3rain
r.rii'" "ere
s R " eaSOZ2
1.11111LJ JI
Look at tongue!t. Remove poi-
sons from little—stomach,
liver and bowels
S. O. S.
- If Constipated, Bilious
or Headachy,otake
• • "Cascarets"
..... e•••10"11.111.......••• ......
ck -headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, or sour, galsy.stoinach—a -
ways trace this to torpid liver; de-
layed, fermenting food in the bowels.
Poisonous matter clogged in the in-
testines, instead of being cast out of
the system is re -absorbed into the
blood. When this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it causes con-
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick-
ening headache.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, remove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess
bile from the liver and carry out all
the constipated waste matter and
poisons in the bowels.
A Cascaret to.uight will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep.
Woman's,Chance of Marriage.
A' woman's chance of- marriage is
greatest between the ages of 20 and
25 years, when 52 Per cont. of the mar-
riages take place.
"A weak man's points are usually
parts of his strong ones, if he is lucky
enough to have any. Sensitiveness
is an element or counterpart of sym-
pathy, either in a public man Or any-
body else; iealower of strength. Re-
serve, again, is an element of Pride,
and pride of the right ,sort is -a tower
Strength."—John Morley.
"Accept "California" Syrup of Pigs
only—look for the mune California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels, Child-
ren love its delicious, fruity taste.
P1111 directions for child's dose on each
bottle. Give it without fear.
• Mother! You must say "California,"
New British Field Marshals.
With the award of batons to Gener-
als Plumer and Allenby there are noW
a round dozen. 01. British Field -Mar-
shals, of whom seven—Haig, Egertop,
the Bimperor of Japan, Wilson, Foch,
Plumer and Allenby—have been made
during the war. Lord French, ot
course, received his baton the year be-
fore the war broke out. The senior
Field -Marshal le the Duke of Con-
naught, promoted in 1902, and the.EM-
peror of Japan 0.118 Marshal Foch are
the only foreigners on the roll. It is
believed that the King of the Belgians
-wili shortly be added to the rim:. Tho
King of Spain inay also 111 due course
receive the honor. At present he is
the senior General of the British
Army, The latest appointments have
been received with general approval.
General Plumer, the veteran Of the
British Generals cannmands the affec-
tion and admiration of the Whole
Army, and General Allenby's wonder-
ful work in the Bast merits every re-
cognition it can receive,
Born on the 13th,
The unlucky Tommy in Russia was
tallhtg ills troubles to a sympathetic,
"No leave, no letters, no blinking
Blighty, tio hick at all!"
"Never mind; you'll soon be dead."
"Yes," said. tho unlucky one, "end
if I was (load now, and on my way to
IleaVen, I'11 bet I'd be brought down
by anti-aircraft:"
Minarafo tiatintOat 011080 baadbnit
Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1903.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—Your traveler is here
to -day and we are getting a large
quantity of your MINARD'S
'We find it the best Liniment
on the market, making no exception.
We haye been in business 13 years
and have handled all kinds, but have
dropped them all but yours; that
sells itself; the others have to be
pushed to get rid of.
1,1410).11IDE.i.001LDREN, . .
The Fall is the moot seitere 8e138011
of Um year tor colde—one day is Warn),
the next 13 -wet and' cold and unless
the mother 18 on her guard the little
ones are seised with colds that may
hang on. all 'whiter, Baby's Own Tab.
lets are mothers' best friend in pro.
venting or benifthing colds, They aet
as a gentle laxo.tive, ikeeplog the
bowels and stomach free and sweet.
An occasional dose will prevent colds
or if it does come on suddenly the
prompt use of the Tablets will quickly
relieve it. • The Tablets, are sold by
medicine dealers or by 011811 at 26
e box from The Do, Williams'
Medicine Co. Brockville, Oat,
A eurious butterfly exists in India,
The male has the left wing yellow
and the right wing red; the female
has these eolors„reversed.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, ate,
Do not put 100 11111117 stacks in the
same yard, The more stacks in a yard
the bigger your wager that they will
not be destroyed by fire.
Allowed on money left' with us" for
- from three to 'ten years,
Write for Booklet,
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 20 King St. Weat,
STORM n.ptDo..,,c411,. ..a
openitik Fitted
with elm. Safe de.
livery guaranteed.
Write far Price Lig
(LI Cut fuel
bill. lame
00at2nlatiOnS and Prize List of
Pont upon request
4 H.osnital St. - - Montreal
Distributors of Durpee's Seeds •
Dept. W-1,
A woman came up to. the paying
teller's window at a bank the other
day with a cheque for forty dollars
which she wished to cash. The teller
glanced at the cheque, and, fingering
his bills, asked in his pleasantest
tones: "What denomination, madam?"
"Lutheran," replied the woman;
"what are you?"
Dominion Express Money Orders are
en sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada,
A Ten usually requires considerable
food for the first two or three weeks
before she begins to lay.
Minaret's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Microbes are never found on gold
coins, while paper money is en ideal
home for theni. The reason is that
gold acts as a bactericide,
All grades. 7/rite for prices:
A' limited sweaty' of
High -Grade Mill Ende tor',
selectmen. &moles Free'
America's Pioneer Dog Denteclioil
Book on
and I6000 to read
Mailed Feet to any Ad -
0.0506 ny the Authar,
It. Way Clover
118 Wast„Sist Street
New y,prk,
SINCEtii870 f
30 gc81;1COUG:616
ISSUL, No, 42—'10.
You'll find Sloan's Liniment
softens the severe
rheumatic ache
Put it on freely. Don't rub it in.
Just let it penetrate naturally. What a
sense of soothing relief soon follows!
External aches, stiffness, soreness,
cramped muscles, strained sinews,
back "cricks"—those ailments can't
fight off the relieving qualities of
Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient,
economical, Made ,in „Canada,
35c, 70c, 81.40-
Cutieura Helps Clear Away
Dandruff and Irritation .
On retiring, comb Mahan out straight,
then make a parting, gently rubbing in
Cutioura Ointment with the end of the
finger. Anoint additional partings until
the whole scalp has been treated. Place
a light covering over the hair to protect
the pillow from possible stain,. The next
morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap
and hot water, using plenty of soap, best
applied with the hands. Rinse in tepid
water, Repeat in two weeks if needed.
CuticUra Soap, Ointment and Talcum
25c. each plus Canadian duties.
11)116 88111111 auttte4good Is 'better than
Ike matt .rnagniitivent promises of ha:.
MineVel'S ZdsUsuQnb nelievos Denralgis.
A single ihouglIt Q1 thankfulaess to
ITeaven its the most perfoot prayer,—
Assessment System
Whole Family him:moot.
The onus, furnishes jnifurancie to Its
Irialnbal'a (Mall 0 CIOVEatilnant Stand-
10 tel,'
Sick11 Funeral Benefits are also
given if desired.
The Juvenile Department furnishes
the best,possible insurance benelits 10
the children 01! 0i' adult members.
The 0011er has already paid 0051, MO.^
000.00 III Stele and Funeral Benelite, and
nearly Seven Millions of Dollars In In-
00ouncils In Canada. If there Is
not ono in your locality there should he,
F82 full Information write to any of
the following Officers:
E. Is Davidson. W..F, Montague,
Grand Councillor
W. 15'. Gampbell, 3, Dilgn.
Grand Med, EX.
''''.udAWFL11101/' ONTARIO
rou „
'PTlowf.m.A.Pna, WaNKIAX, Ailtutas
OpPOrtUnity, Writs
MO; T, WiIpo,t Puelisiklag
70 lidelahle St W Toronto,
0 0 15,141job Tatham, plant in leastern
Lontarlo• Insurance carried 41401 W111
go for 51,000' on quick sale, Box 03.
Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto.
• 09Sire advuneement in any sittlatien
01 life, Mental errielenoy Is What will
bring you sueoess. The Petition System
of Mind and ;Memory Training develops
latent powers with wontierfUl results.
Yet it requires but spore liniments 00
study and mental exercise. It matters
not where you live for the 000118 is oon-
quete,,,i by man—hy comidential corres-
poridence. Your request for free book-
let. "Mind and Memory," will bring Ibis
and all particulars by return mail.
Write today, Putman Institute. 706
!remote J31dg., Toronto.
4ClURAI3LEN, in affiliation With
Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Now 'York,
offers a (mum or training to young wo-
Men desiring to become nurses; this hes-
Wel has now adopted the eight hour
system, For salary and other infortna-
Lion apply 1.0 Superintendent, 110 Dann
Avenue, Toronto.
Internal and 8:eternal, cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write ttil
before too late, Dr. Beaman Medical
Co., Limited. Collingwood. Ont.
Spohn's Distempertompon ,
R c
Wherever there 1 contagious disease among horses
8F01117,8 is the solution of all trouble. EIPOIRES Is
valuable 'in all eases of Distompez Pink Eye, rtifinonza
Coughs and Colds. A few drops a day will protect yol
horse exposed to disease, Regular doses throe times a de
will net marvelously on your 110108 actually siok.
Buy of your druggist.
50, Amwm-
If four horse line a cough or cold,
or is feverish, give It
Dr. Pi. Oloniers
Distemper Remedy
lgi7vIet,01 11 81055017
derful remedy
iv I I I overcome
(Mills in from 00
(0 50 minutes in 8
horse or any other
stock at a cost of
1050.15111,11 10 cents.
It thug prevents
' i'nrOlnbliels1,
etd, 51 works
(Wield and list-
tr t a it taiY^
t ing 0 se in the
World, leaving 110
at torrhath of
wealcnoss, Swollen Willis or blindtiesS.
This remedy is vitOrtli itis weight 111
gold to /Thinners bodause ft has no
actual fOr neellinating horses. It is
limo a perfect cure for 1411111 Fever in
cows and Beg Cholera in swine,
PRICE 60c.
Sig Animal Medical book Free.
'<Nowt:1-mq - QUEDEO
The clothes you were so proud of when
new—can be made to appear new again.
Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted
will be restord to their former beauty by
sending them to Parker's.
rad DRI
is properly done et PARKER'S
Parcels may be sent Post •or Express.
We 'say carriage one way' on all orders.
Advice upon cleping or dyeing any
article will be promptly given upon request.
• Cleaners and Dyers,
791 Yonge St. Toronto
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer cross",
The name "Bayer" on Aspirin is of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which
like Sterling on silver. It positively contains proper directions for Colds,
identifies the only genuine Aspirin,— Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu -
the Aspirin prescribed by physicians ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri-
f or over nineteen years and now tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
made in Canada. Tin boxes of 12 tablets coat but
Always buy au unbroken package a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only one Aspirin—"Bayer"—You must say "Bayer"
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono.
aeotleaoldostor of Salicylleacid, White it is well known that Aspirin means Boyer
manufacture, to aesist tho public, agatnet imitations, the Tablets of Mayor CoMPlallf
will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "13ayer Cross."
The Syr p for
A golden stream of
Crown Brand Corn
Syrup is the most
delicious touch you
can give to Pancakes!
In the Kitchen, there
is a constant call for
Crown Brand Corn Syrup
for making puddings,
candies, cakes, etc.
Sad the day whom ypz.,, are
too big to cnioy svze of
bread spread thick with
Crown Brand!
Could that day ever come?
Ward it off! Grace your
table daily with a generous
jug of Crown Brand Corn
Syrup, ready for the dozen
desserts and dishes
it will truly "crown".
106 •
Sold by Grocers
2, 5, 10, and
20 pound tins:
The Canada