HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-9, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERX STORE Come here for Watches, C7loolzs, Brooches, Rings,. Phonographs, Bacords, ilr fact everything found in an up•to-date jewelry store Your Bepair Work will receive prompt and careful attention Re 1■s JOIINSON Jewel-er an'd Optioi•an NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE 1 Men's Clothing Speeiai Order The new clothes are now here and are a beautiful assortment of Suitings and Overcoatings It will pay you well to look them ovar., and get our prices Some very special values in Men's and Boys Work Shoes Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 40 NEW IDEA PATTERNS. CLOTHING v i Shoe caution Make your shoe purchase these days with special care ! If you are not an Expert at Shoe Buying"you will do well to make your purchases where you know you are safe and taking ro risks We offer you protection against Inflated Prices for Inferior Shoes and Uncertain Shoe Values We Are At Your. Service Our name behind your Shoes will be your best Insurance! It means what it always has meant --the utmost in Quality at the price and this means the utmost in Shoe Economy. Shoe Economy must be judged by the cost per pair—not by the price per pair. FRED. JACKSON i JUST A LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty people. To know how attractive are these beets, dressing tables, tied other bedroom accessories, --r-Ai you must see them. Descrip- tion would not do justice to (tea their beauty, ' Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral' Director. 28 Phone 'tea 28 1 wui • e Ass"-,11/� Sri-, {!':If ; 4. "OUR WEEKLY -LIMERICK ( 111il•liol,I,1', d t '1 There Was a great hunter named Munn u Who wanted a more modern gun, So he wisely went where they. have guns to Vero, That's here, and the deed was soon done. ilk ei I "I . Load your rifle with cartridges the best, ; Aim true, hold steady, and they'll do the resit. See the latest thing in MO ov en ranges. We have them. Also good supply of coat and wood heat ors. WATCH OUR. LITTLE SOUTH W'f NDOW FOR CONTINUOUS PAR GA INS. HARDWARE, ;STOVES ANIS NOVELTIES, MAR—LAND' BROS a Stoves Hardware and Novelties • r, In Clinton It's The W. D. Fair 00. For School Books and Supplies t'Citen the Cheapest Always the Bed.' Miss Archibald has returned from an extended trip. Miss Edna Miller bas gone to De- troit to take a position. Miss Mae Fiuker left on Friday to take a Position in Detroit. Miss Emina Southcombe was up from .Stratford over, the week -end. Mr, Ernest E. Hall left this morn- ing Mr a visit with relatives in Windsor.' Rev, S. E. and Mrs. Mei{ogney and Miss Mellie have returned from a visit in Toronto. •' Messrs. Erskine Evans and Alvin J.donard,went to Toronto last week to enter, the University., • Dr. J. S. and Mrs. Evans took a motor trip to Dundalk and other points in that vicinity last week. Rev. Canon Hill of Goderich con- ducted harvest thanksgiviug ser- vices in St. Paul's church on Sun- day. 1 Mr, Cecil Peckitt of Hamilton is spending a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peckitt. Mr. and Mrs. , Webster and little daughter of Londesboro visited Mrs. G. E. Saville for a few days last week. Rev. E. 0. Forde is assisting Rev. Mr. McCauley of the Baptist church, Goderich, in special ser- vices this week. Mr. and• Mrs. Dean Courtice of Chat- ham were week -end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice. Mr. and hlrs. Donaldson of Goderich, formerly of Baylleld, -visited for a few days during the past week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Per- due of town. Mrs. Attridge of Brown City, Mich., who has been visiting her • aunt, Mrs. Wm. Cantelon, for the past few weeks, left yesterday morning for her home. Mr., Hugh Miller, traffic manager of the Robt. Gair Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., has been visiting his daughter; Mrs.. T. W. Hawkins of town, dur- ing rho past week. Mr. Robertson of Colborne was in town Tuesday. He came in to hear Mr. N. Proudfoot speak and was disappointed when he found the convention had been called off. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pennebaker left last Saturday to visit their daugh- ter, Mrs. Thos. Watts, Oshawa. Mr. Pennebaker returned home Tuesday but Mrs.. Pennebaker is remaining a couple weeks longer. Mrs. D. G. Wheeler and Miss Gracie of London returned home on Mon- day after a fortnight's visit with the lady's parents, Mr. and • Mrs. A. D. Stephenson. Mr. Wheeler came up for. the week -end and his wife and little daughter returned. with flim. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Whitmore .of Hamilton spent last week with fillends in town and in Goderich township, They came to visit the former's father, who. is not en- joying the best of health, and also the latter'e mother, Ilirs, Hearn of town, who has. neves: folly recover- ed' from injuries received from a fall last paring. CENTRE HURON ENDOii,SES CANDIDr1TURE OP W. PROU1)- FOOT. Centre Huron Contorvatives met, hi convention in Seatorth yesterday, af- ternoon, a good representation being present from all parts of the riding. The speakers were D. Cantolon and Dr, Thompson, Clinton ; H1 Eilbor, former member, and le. idllerington, present Conservative candidate, foci South Huron, and W. Catnpbeil of Goderich. No candidate was brought out but the convention strongly endorsed the candidature of W. Proudfoot, • former Liberal leader in the Legislature, who is running as an,Iniiependent. Mr. Cantelon spoke of Mr. Proud- foot's war record and of his putting aside of selfish interests in order to serve his country, Dr. Thompson said Mr., i rondfoot had sacrificed the aspirations of a Mahn tot the sake of his Country and b thought he deserved the support of all class- es, irrespective of party.Mr. Eilber spoke highly of Mr,.Proudfeot's work In the Legislature during the past two years and Mr. Campbell also a1Proved of the course taken and a hearty endorstiion of Mr. Proutlloot's candidature was given by the convention, Clinton Newa-Rceord QGtobor,9th, 1919 NE AU UMN [ RE and SUIT MATERIALS Lovely New Fabrics and Plenty of them That You will, Like to See and that we are Anxious to Show You. COME. IN AND SEE OUR New Dress Goods Silks Coatings Suitirigs winter- Coats ' WOMEN'S STORE Drs Geode„ House Furnishings phone 64'. Next Royal Bank alammanomfammamr MEN'S STOREi Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings OPPosite Public Library, Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Middleton re- turned on Monday evening front a very pleasant trip to the west. They were absent about three weeks and visited in Winnipeg, Alexandra and Colonsay, Man., and Macklin, Sask. Mr. Middleton has property at Col- onsay, which is worked on shares and the threshing was done while he was there. Ole reports the yield fair in that section and also in the Macklin neighborhood, where he saw the Thompson brothers, John, Wil- frid, Ernie and Robert and their mother and sisters, who went west from Goderich township several years ago. They have prospered and each have fine farms and improved buildings. They go in 'for the rear- ing of registered stoic and control valuable property. John 'Sheppard and IIauckle Johnston, also old Goderich township • boys, live in this vicinity, `too. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton also '.visited. the • latter's aunt, Mrs. W. J. Hoover of Cam - rose, Alta, At Alexandra Mr. Mid- dleton saw Mr. A, Skinner, formerly of Clinton, who was much interested in hearing about old friends and in Winnipeg he saw Mr. R. .J. Ander- son, another old Goderich township boy, who wished to be remembered to old friends here. 'Friends and neighbors to the num- ber of about seventy-five met to- gether at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Guy flicks, Nth Con., on Monday evening of last week and presented them with a beautiful chair, jardin- ere and stand as ti tangible token of regret at their approaching removal to Clinton. After all had assembled Rev. W. 13, Moulton •read the •follow- ing address, to which Mr. Hicks made a very fitting reply, thanking the many friends for the gifts and expressing regret at having to re- inove from their midst : "Mr. Guy • Hicks : Dear Sir, —We are gathered hero -this evening animated with one desire to express to you and Mrs. I-Ifeks our sincerest regret at your departure from our midst, We fully recognize the sterling qualities of heart and mind which have endeared you and your estim- able wife ;to those who have been se intimately associated with you, not only as neighbors but as co-workers in the Church. For many years you have been a faithful officer of St. James'. church, and not only have you and your good wife ever had the interest and wollfare of the Church at heart, but you have had in mind and thought the best interests of the towitship, and, therefore, we feel that the cannot allow you to depart without expressing to you and Mrs. Hicks our hearty appreciation of 5.11 that you have done, And while we Shall greatly miss , your Presence amongst its, resti assured your mem- ories will live, • In nslcing your acceptance of this testimonial and accompanying gilts the feel it to be but a very small 1 token of our united personal esteem and regard and trust that it may serve to gladden your hearts when in your new house, and may the future contain for yott only the richest of blessing. Signed on behalf of the congrega- tion of St. James' church, tite friends and neighbors.—Frederick Middleton, 1'I. H. 11'ise, Adam Can- telon," 1 Nippen. Rev. R. E. McDermid of Crodertcii, who is !directing the work of organ- ization for the "Forward Movement" in the Presbyteries of Huron, Mait- laud and Bruce, preached in, St. An. drew's, Rippon, last Sunday. His address was most inspiring.` ile pressed bottle the fact that as recon- struction is going of in .the couctry it trust also go on in the Chiach. Mrs. John Anderson has so far . re- covered as to be able to take short drives, Londesboro. Capt. Wm. Fingland has gone to New York, where he intends spending the winter in the Theological Smith. ary. Mr. Norman Ilunking has purchas, ed Mr. Scott's farm and the tfamily are moving in this week. Mrs. Edith Ball of Clinton is spending a fortnight at the home of iter brother, Mr. Thos. Sampson. Miss Anne Abrey and Miss Gladys Grainger spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Harvey of Summerhill. Mr. and, Mrs. Harvey of Summer- hill spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Geddes. Mr. Jas. Watt and fancily of IIar- lock visited at the manse Sunday. The anniversary, of the Presbyter- ian church was held on Sunday last. servile and the choir rendered music. Rev, Dir. Foote, Toronto, conducted There was no service in the Method- ist church that evening, Mr. Thos. Fairserviee and family returned Saturday night after visit - Make Every Hour Count FOR the salesman, collector, con- tractor—the man who "must get there"—the Ford Runabout. Through the traffic of the city, over rough country roads to the outlying town, the Ford Runabout travels rapidly and economically. Ford Runabout $660. Touring $690. On open module the Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment is $100 extra. Coupe, 5070, Sedan, 10,170. (Closed model prices include Electric Starting and Lighting equipment). Demountable rims, tiro carrier and non-skid tires on rear no optional equip- ment an closed care only nt 525,00 extra. These orlon area. o. b. Ford Ontario and do not include War Tax. Bug onty Genuine Ford Pada 700 Casadtan dealers and etor 2,000 Servia Gare supply them. 501 Calton Motor Truck and Machine Oh • Dealers Clinton ing with relatives in Manitoba, Sas- katchewan and Alberta for a couple- of months. Auburn The Baptist church is holding a, special thanksgiving service next. Sunday at 3 p.m. 'Thanksgiving ser- mon and special music by Ontario. street Methodist quartette, Clinton. You are invited. WEEKLY DANCES I3AYFIELD Jowett's Pavilfion DANCING EVERY TUESDAY ancb • THURSDA-Y EVENING LENTIL FURTHER NOTICE BLACI{STONE-•BUCIiLEY OR- CHESTRAI , Also • MENESETUNG IIOP1;L Every Wednesday. FOLLOW THE CROWD 1 Clinton Junk i'%eaters Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. NOW IS THE TIME to have your furnace overhauled on•, a new one installed. i Stoves moved and pipes put up in, good shape. Call and see our lines of eiectria• fixtures and lamps. Aluminum, thltvare and granite.. Rome -made pipes our specialty; eeeo J. A. SITTT Phone 147 w 2.4 Phone 146 Estimates given. Ar• E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS,. SIGNS, ETC. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your doors, fttrntture, ole., by plenty of drop sheets„ Ontario Street