HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-9, Page 7"Here's my idea o
a razor
one Mat sharpens its own 61adea"
"Why, 1 remember
+when I Used • to have to
throw away ' a blade
after a couple of shaves.
Now, L simply take it
and give a few turns on
the strop and it's as
good as eV'er.
"I can shave in three minutes;
and my face is as smooth and
slick and comfortable as when
the head barber used to go
over it. To clean, I simply
put the blade under the tap
and wipe it off. There's no
taking the razor to pieces and
messing around with parts.
In fact, the whole thing is so
simple and easy, I wish I had
_had one long ago."
Razor Strop — 12 blades —
AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Cenoda
"Chin -Chin!"
Square chins, with little flesh, denote
firmness and executive ability.
Broad chins signify dignity, unless
vertically thin, when, if 'with it there
be thin lips of the bloodless kind, you
find cruelty.
Protruding chins characterize men
and women of the forceful type. Suc-
cessful people usually carry their
chins thrust forward, with compressed
lips. /I
Retreatiifg chins show lack of force
"-mentally, morally, and physically, and
denote 'that the possessor yields, Is
soon discouraged, and desires protec-
tion. The development of other facul-
ties often makes up for this defect.
Long chins are poetical, unstable, and
delicate in constitution. People hav-
Ing them are said, to be subjeet to in-
tepial derangements.
Medium chins, with small mounds
of flesh on either side, characterize
generosity and ebeery'natuies.
A small, well-rounded chin indicates
pleasure -loving. If dimpled, all the
more so, for dimpled chins belong to
Short chins show a great love of or-
der aiu detail—"a place for every-
thing aniaerything in its place" type
of person.
There is a great advantage in plow-
ing in the fall where possible. The
period for plowing preparation and
sowing in the sparing is short, and
plowing is the operation that requires
most time.
Medical Men Believe it Will
Again Visit Canada This
t tlttlil'lu
alial Winter.
There is a Widespread belief along
i medical men that the opidelnie of la
grippe, or Influenza, whleh Swept over
the world Last year, will again appear
in Candia during this autumn and
owning whiter.. This dangerous thou
Ula spares neithei' ago nor sex, but it
naturally lends Its .easiest viotinls
among those who ere run down in
health, or those whose blood is weak
and watery, and it is among the latter.
class in thick .the gr'eitteet number of',
fatalities occur•. The surest way to
prevent an attack of this dreaded
trouble is to keep the blood rich anti
Pure, and the safest and best way to
do this is through the use of Dr. Wil,
name' Pi k Pills.
No reainabJe precaution) to aysa't
on attack -of influenza or la grippe
should be spared. The disease itself
is deadly,, but Its after-effects, among
those who are spared, make the life
of the victim one of constant. misery.
Ask almost any of those who have
been attacked by influenza what their
present condition of health is and
most of them will answer; "Since I
had the influenza I have never been
fully. well." This trouble leaves be-
hind it a persistent weakness of the
limbs, shortness of breath, bad diges-
tion, palpitation of the heart, and a
tired feeling after even slight exer-
tion. This is dile to the thin -blooded
condition in which la grippe almost
always leaves its victims after the
'fever and influenza have subsided.
They are at the mercy of relapses and
complications, often very serious.
This condition will continue until the
blood is built up again, and for the
purpose of building up the 'blood and
strengthening the nerves nothing can
equal a fair°treatment with Dr,. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, From first to last
dose these pills make new, rich blood,
which reaches every drgan and nerve
in the body. Thus the lingering
germs are driven out, and the weak,
despondent victims of influenza aro
transformedinto cheerful, healthy,
happy men and woman.
But better still, you can put your-
self in a condition to resist an attack
of influenza by enriching the blood
through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and this, it seems, is the sensible
thing to do at once.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all dealers in medicine or will be sent
by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes
for $2.50, by The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Finally Accepted by "Punch" and
"Went Through the Land
Like Wildfire,"
Few poet -lovers but are -- familiar
with Thonrae Hood's song, to the toil-
er, "The Song of the Shirt," which has
been translated • into more .for'eign
1a11guages than any other poem writ-
ten by Hood, This poem was first
printed in the Loiulon Punch on De-
cember 16, 134;i, and created a omen, -
tion' in London, and It was 5000 re-
printed throughout the British Empire,„
and shortly thereafter it was repro-
duced practically throughout tate
Good Living,"
`iThere is quite a, story connected
with Hood's composition' of the "Song
of 'the Shirt:" On October - 25 it was
brought to the attention of the poet
that 's wretched woman named Bld;
dell _was charged at the Lambeth
police 'station with having pawned
articles belonging to her employer. It
was shown that she made trousers
for seven pence a pair, and the utmost
she could make was seven shillings a
week, which her employer looked up-
on as "a good, living for a woman who
had herself and two infant children to
This case' attracted a great deal of
attention at the time, and two days
later the London Times had a power-
ful editorial on the incident. Punch
Quoted from this "leader" with sting-
ing .additions—probably by Douglas
Jerrold—the following week(. Hood,
whose sympathies were stirred by suf-
foring,penned his "Song of the Shirt"
and sent it to Punch, his wife saying
as the package was done up: "Now
mind, Hood, mark my words, this will`
tell wonderfully! It is one of the best
things you ever did!"
• Wife's Faith Justified,
Mark Lemon, who was at the time
the editor of Punch, recalling the re-
ceipt of the manuscript in later years,
said that the author accompanied it
with a note, saying that the lines had
already been rejected by three papers;
that he feared it was not suited to
Punch, and leaying it to Lemon's dis-
cretion whether to put it in the paper
or in the waste basket.
The confidence of Hood's wife In
"The Song of the Shirt" was justified.
The poem in Punch created a sensa-
tion. It was copied in The Times and
other journals, and as M. II. Spiel -
mann has put it, in sympathetic ap-
preciation of Hooci as a contributor to
Punch, it "went through the land like
The historian of Punch claims that
the publication of "The Song of the.
Shirt" trebled the circulation of that
journal. It may be said also to have
trebled Hood's fame and popularity at
the time,
Very Slow to Grow.
After growing for 10 years, the
Japanese cypress, one of the smallest
specimens of the horticultural world,
reaches the size of a golf ball, As 1f
exhausted with this tremendous ef-
fort, the next 10 years see it increase
only by a fraction, when it practically
stops growing altogther,
The George Who Did It
"I watched Lloyd George fill prac-
tically every post of high distinction
within the bestowal of the British gov-
ernment during the war," says Mr.
Isaac F. Monosson in an interesting
account of his interviews and ex-
periences with the wond4iful little
Welshman who is England's premier.
"Often when 'figuratively -I saw the
flag of -distress hung out, heard' the
alarm bells ring and felt the heart of
Britain turn to him for leadership do
her hour of peril and crisis, I realized
that the American phrase, '.Let George
ilo it,' fitted him and his astonishing
service better than anything else. I
once told him about this expression,
and he was amused and pleased,"
No doubt. And if Mr. Marcosson had
chanced to gnoto the phrase, with a
similar complimentary application—
as he might almost as aptly and tip-
proprietely have done—to M. Ciemen-
eeau, the George who has served
France so long and so remarkably,
that wise and gallant old statesman
would also have been amused, Pel•-
haps—since ho knows America bet-
ter than Mr. Lloyd George does—he
may have heard the phrase; but
quite certainly, in any case, lie would
know that it originated in his own
country, and that the George who
originally "did It" bad lain at rest be.
neath his magnificent tomb in Rouen
Cathedral a full century before Ameri-
ca was settled. He was the famous
Cardinal Archbishop Georges d'Am-
boise, prime minister of, Icing LOU
A courtier from childhood, a bishop
at fourteen, a conspirator with princes,
a prisoner for two years; a reformer
of legal procedure, army discipline and
taxes, a counselor of generals and
kings and an aspirant for the papacy,
the fifty years of his life were crowd-
ed with. wide and various achieve-
ments. The beneficence of the re-
forms he promoted caused Louis to be
called "the Father of his People," al-
though the -credit for them belonged
chiefly toJhis minister, who was called.
"the tongue and soul of the king,"
Sometimes, when troublesome af-
fairs were presented for decision, the
king would say neither yes nor no, but
..Lot George do it. He is a man of
experience," and "George," the invalu-
able churchman, statesman and friend,
would do it.
Georges d'Amboise, Cardinal of
Rouen, was, in his prime 011d _pride, a
man of high ambition; but as he lay
dying, attended often by his sovereign,
and oftener by a humble' brother, of.
the monastery, it was not to Icing
Louis that he addressed the words so
often quoted:
"Ah, Brother John! If only I could
have remained Brother Johne"
That was in 1510. So it is a long
four centuries', back that slangy
Americans of an inquiring turn of mind
must go to find out who was George
and what lie diel.
3=8 E7 8 8! la 9 81 A
When Your Nerves
Cry ut
,It maybe from tea or coffee. , as
f . Then think of the' heti th ul,
iiatisfyln quaililes_ 1'
rezioid tx,6 ,> 'ree;fmoin rrerve,,distuii I 1
:IXI l.fl redient,s, . . i"eoz?o m'.kca/
Try- 6,Mil-rbfrorriyour Grocer 1
Anti-aircraft gun defences employ-
ed 717 officers and 11,948 men at the
signing of the armistice,
Shirts cost $175 in Petrograd, while
as much as $1,000 will be given for a
re -mane pair of trousers.
French Authorities estimate that 1
in every -30 of the Allied soldiers who
entered that country married a French
Germany's population has been es-
timated , atas low as 57,000,000, as
compared with nearly 65,000,000 be-
fore the war.
London roads are being repaired,
after years of neglect, and old wood
blocks, in great demand as firewood,
fetch $15 a cartload,
The Military Intelligence Depart-
ment of the British Army in July, 1914,
was 103 strong of all ranks; In
November, 191S, it had grown to
"Tin hats,' which are being sold
off by the Government, are being con-
verted into wash -basins, flower -pots,
cake -stands, ash -trays, and fishbowls.
Films taken on the battlefields have
already brought. the British Govern-
ment over $355,000, a large portion of
which has been given to war charities.
German trains will not be heated or
lighted in the coming winter, it is
stated, owing to coal shortage, while
all express trains will be abolished.
.Mothers, if your baby or growing
dhild is sickly; if he does not sleep
well at night; if he cries a great deal;
is constipated and his little bowels
anti stomach are not working right,
give him Baby's Own Tablets—they
have proved of great help to thousands
of mothers, Colicerning the Tablets
Mrs, W. IL Decater, Corson's Siding;
Ont„ says:—"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets and have found them excel-
lent for the little'onos and would not
be without them." The Tablets are a
mild hint thorough laxative and' are
guaranteed to contain no harmful
drug -that is why they always do
good and never harm, They are sold]
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
13 Chicks Out of 12 Eggs,
The hatching of a double -yolked egg
is not by any means a rarity, But it
IS a very rare occurrence indeed for
such an egg to produce two perfect
chickens. Oases, of this kind have,
however, occurred from time to time.
The stuffed figures of a couple of
perfect chickens which emerged"'fren
one and the same egg a1':e.to be found
in the British, Museum,
A few cases have been without'.
cated of the appearance from a single
egg of two chickens jellied ,together
i1 Win
y a soraleg, but asthe general
rule, when a double -yoked egg le
Batched, the result ie a monstrosity
in the shape of a cilield with two heads
or two pairs 01 lege.
Malty people Think that the produc-
tion of two perfect clhiekens from a
do:able•yoked egg is by no means un -
coalmen, bemuse sittings which they
have placed under fowls have yielded -
one more chicken than the number of
eggs, it is, however, far more prob-
aido that CJses dj` Me kind result
fere.' tine font'l havil g laid another egg
h t1' she had centime/wed her task of
I.. tjirl.
The Newest Blouses
gob '
No. 9086—Ladies' Russian Blouse.
Price, 20 cents.
With or without bands, two styles
01 sleeve. Cut in 8 Sizes, 34 to 48 ins.
bust. Size 36, with bands, 2% yds.
36 ins, wide, or 2i4'yds. 40 ins. wide;
without bands, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide,
or 11/• ycle. 45 Tins. wide.
9087—Waist. Sizes 34 to 48. Price, 20
No. 9082—Ladies' Cossack Blouse.
Price, 20 cents.
Body and `sleeve in one. Cut in 7
sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36, with
gathered sleeves, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide,
or 2% yds. 40 ins. wide; with hell
sleeves, 21 yds. 36 ins. wide, or 2%
yds. 40 ins. wide; ribbon for sash, 9
yds. •
These patterns may 'be obtained
from your 'local McCa11 dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Department W.
No More Gentle Than
"Cascarets" forthe
Liver, Bowels
It is JAL as needless as it is don-,
gerous to take violent or nasty cathar-
tics. Nature provides no shock -ab-
sorbers for your liver and bowels
against calomel, harsh pills, sickening
oil and salts. Cascarots give quick re-
lief without injury from Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Gases and
Sick Headache, .Cascarets work while
you sleep, removing. the toxins, poisons
and sour, indigestible waste without
griping or inconvenience. Casearets
regulate by strengthening the bowel
muscles. Tfey cost so little too.
The titalax honors conferred upon
naval and military leaders in the war
by the British Parliament are Moro
lavish than least people expected, Con-
sisting of nine peerages, eight Baron-
eteies and one Grand Commandership
of the Bath. The generous money gifts
are in keeping wrath custom since the
eighteenth century.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gents, -A customer of ours cured a
very bin case of distemper In 'a valu-
able horse by the use of MINARD'S
Yours frilly,
Mournful Outlook.
"I engaged the rooms rot• Illy holi-
day," he said, "because the landlady
wrote me that they overlooked a
supenb garden of 200 acres, richly
adorned with statuary, where I'was at
liberty to promenade."
"Well?" his friend inquired.
"It was a cemetery," he said, bit-
O—e 0
I • d
Let folke step on your feet hereafter;
wear shoes a size smaller if you like,
for corns will never again send electric
sparlce of pain through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority,
He bays that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re.
Heves soreness, and soon the entre
corn, root and all, lifts right ant,.
This drug is It sticky ether cora,
so' nd but ries at once u b d c and simply
hrivels up the corn without iniiaminy
nor even irritating the eurroundin
It le claimed that a quarter of an
ounce of h0850no obtained at any dr4ng
store will cost very little but Is such•
tient to remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet, Cut this out,
especially if you are a woman reader
Who wears high heels.
Tn Ohina when a pupil is reciting
his lesson he turns his hack to nils
intrierzt'fl I,ihlthtent puree /dune, eta,
Goole at tongue! Remov0 poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the nanhe„California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child:
ren love its delielous» fruity taste.
Full directions for child's dose on each
bottle. Give it -Without fear.
Mother! You must say "California.”
The Vanishing Lake.
Near Valdosta, in Georgia, there is
a lake three miles long and three-
quarters of a mile wide, with an aver-
age depth of .twelve feet of water,
which disappears every three or four
Years and then congas back again. It
disappears into natural subterranean
passages, taking two''or three weeks
it the process and leaving a beautiful
sanely basin. After a month or so the
water begins to come back, and in a
couple of weeks it is the same old
lake. —
siinaraw Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Less than 1 per cent. of the total
number of women in India are educat-
ed, 'but these few are making big
strides to form pleas to educate all
the women.
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office. 20 King St. West.
4% allowed on Savings.
Interest computed quarterly.
Withdrawable by Cheque.
13%20 on Debentures,
Interest payable half yearly.
Paid up Capital $2,412,578,
America's Pioneer
aec_ Dog 8emediea
Book on
and How to Peed
Mailed 1••reo to -any Ad-
dress by the Author,
EL Clay Glover. Co., Inc.
118,1,Vest 81st -Street
New York, U.S.A.
'Work le the boot s'olere for sorrow;
'work to the beet soother for (lietraoted
nerves woi'lc 118 the vele corrective for
011e dips Of anankind,m•-Sir Robert
Afin5Yd!d Liniment n,eliopoe I're'grallrla,
'filo science of hell casting has been
prod/earl in ono English foundry for
11001)ly 850 years.
When ordering goods by mail send
a Dousinlon Express Money Order,
Yeast, diiuted.wibh lukewarmwater,
according to a P•' t'ie plhy'eiiei0n•, is en
effective remedy for burns.
Minaret's Liniment You gals overywhose,
It is esti/noted that there are 120,-
000 more caV1ldi hi the United, King-
dom libw than in 1914; 'sheep, however,
show a decline in numbers of upwards
of 900,000. •
UEzP iy,&74q'041 ,
iiw ht sewing at ltaani whole or
olare timer 'good pay: work tient NW
disienee' ahat•ges /alp Send sttirnp Tor
Par Melees. Nut anal Manufeetnring
company, Montr'oe.
POTAwoxia VOR 9A3eE. .
A i 2201012 Milli( ONTARIOf oT A 1 OIO(i,
tier iota 0310 bushel, lgasa Wire
lropgpr 13(04„ 13150100, Now Ontario,
FOE 941131.
' wsPApx3t, WE1ICL,y, 1N BRUCE
county,Splendid opportunity, Write
ex T, Wither! „Publishing Cd„ llimites.
78 Adelaide St, W., Toronto,
�1and ,,{tob printing 411a{{1t in Eastern
KOKntario, 2nsaranoe carried $1,600, Will
ii'l itton 3'ultf Shing quick,owe, Todo toad, •
A 11111 YOU AM11Lir O7JS7 IF YOU
211 desire advancement In any situation
of life, mental efficiency is what will
bring. you Sueeoss, Tie Delman System
of Mind and Memory Training' develops
Intent powers with wonderful rosulte,
yet It millil'cs but snore moments eb
study and mental exercise, It (natters
••—�._�,_ I not where You live for the Course 1s cion,
cleated by roan—by confidential corral/.
you, request for free book -
4 let, "Mind and Memory,' will bring this
and 13.11 particulars by return mall.
write to -day, Peiman Institute, 705
Temple Bldg., Toronto,
PIM se*
r>= °tmis, ,
:r�;i'•�•99 a,jl
)ts Pure
Cleanse slnks,closets
Kills roaches,latsa,mice
Dissolves dirt that nothing
else will move
rltrrnland cucured witthout
pain by our home treatment. Write us
befer8 too late, Dr. Hellman Modloal
Co,; Limited, Oniiingrroot Ont.
Owing to increasing the nursing staff
of the Jeffery Hale's Hospital, Quebec,
there are some vacancies 101' Probation -
ors. Young ladles possessing a gond
general education and wishing to enter
a first-class registered training school
please apply to the Lady Superintendent,
FaceWas Badly Disfigured:
Cuticura Soap and
Ointment Healed.
"Small red pimples and black-
heads began on my face, and my
•aface was badly disfigured.
,, Some of the pimples fes-
tered while others scaled
over nd there were thepimplespw
in blotches. They used
to itch and burn terribly.
"I saw an advertise-
ment for Cuticura and I tried them.
They stopped the itching and burn-
ing\and I used four cakes of Soap
and three boxes of Ointment which
healed me." (Signed) Miss V. A.
Hayne,Stormont, N. S., Dec.26,'18.
The Cuticura Toilet
Trio, rometeog of
Soap, Ointment and Thpromotesdfor
purity, comfort and health when used for
toilet purposes. For Sample
Each F,Bo to Mail, address: Cuticura.
Dopt.A,Bontan,U.B.A." Soldevcrywhere.
t iZPS to cult your
A•1 openings. Fitted
with slau. Sete
h,ory guerenteed,
rite for phos Lid
14 Cut down fuel
«e -.--u — bills. flame winter
• comfort.
HAMILTON FAcroar uisTalourons CANADA
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort-
ing relief
Once you've tried it on that stiff
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu-
matic twinge, lame back, you'll find
a wenn, soothing relief you never
thought a liniment could produce.
bVon't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying, sure
to give quick, results. A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist has it. Made in' Can-
ada. Get it to -day. 35c., 70c., $1.40.
All grades. Write for pricee.
Use Cane Mole, 100% Pure Sugar
Cane Molasses. Guaranteed the Ideal
teed for Live Steck. Sold every-
Write for prices and particulars. giv-
ing number of head of live stook, to
Cane Modla Company of Canada, Ltd.
Montreal - Que.
For Pyorrhoea,.
Inflamed an d.
Tender. Cums.
4se Every
Night and
nleedlnit, some e,e
ono of iho Drat nymp-
tomo or PYOnn+
Ho5A. 11 this eon.
didort 1e allowed to
remain ft Causes the
moth to teems 10010.
thereby resulting lh
Serious injury to the
=e: ; cCRlMMO. N'S
is a valuable antiseptic. for
PYORRHOEA. It heals and
hardens the gums and aids
in restoring them
to a natural, healthy
Compounded soi-
entificslly a iter
years of experi-
menting and re-
R so ohm ended
and used by
leading ;is q In -
bore of the den-
tal profession.
olufs Mete p (Compound
1s the Ono indispensable remedy for contagious and infec-
tious diseases among,. horses and mules. its success as a
preventive and cure for Distemper, Influenza, Pink Eye,
Coughs and Colds for more than twenty-five years is the
highest tribute to its merit as a medicine. It is indorsed
by -the best horseman and live -stock men in America,
Buy it of your 'druggist.
SPOKN MEDICAL CO„ Goshen, Ind.,- U. S. A.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
Igor Colds, Pain, Headaoile, Neural- packege which contains complete di-
gia, Toothache, Earache, and for rections. Then you are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Nen- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre-
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nine -
name "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. Now made in Canada.
Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab -
Accept. only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sail larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only ono Aspirin—";Bayo("—Yon must say "Hayek
Aspirin le the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mane-
aootloeeldester of Sallcyllcaeld. while It is well known that Aspirin moans Bayer
manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of $agar Company,
will be stamped with their general trade mark, aro 'Bayer Crean."
Tey cleaning or dy'eiing—restore any articles
to their former appearance and return
them to you, good as new.
Send anything from household draper"
les down to the finest of delicate fabrics.
We pay postage .or express charges one
When you think of
• or Dye
Think of Parker's.
Parcels may 19e gent Wet ox lklx frees.
We pay Caatiag'e dyne Way on still orders.
Advuec upon Cleaning or Dyeing any ar-
{ndle Will be promptly given upon request.
Parkor93 11110r1AS13Lii3vitoil
Cle'iners and Dyers,
791. Yongc St. Toronto
..,rr.:.H,,....:.e.5.r.>..•w,..........,,,.ir'k+art.u,r'"er`z;` ,g mui.4