HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-9, Page 5Qctober:9th 1$19 ;Clinton Newa►+i¢n�+rd Of Interest to Yon end Me If the big steel plant doesn't 0 ileo Goderich ,and mustlocate some 'where why net conic to Clinton 7 ,We've a nice 'town and could offer spm° induoemonts. The Prince .of Wales is expected to Ivlsit London on Oot. 22nd and 23rd. The veterans in thismilitary div- vision are planning to be present in largenumbars to greet him, Monday is Thanksgiving Day. Tait - :dug all in all Canada never before lead somuch tobe thankful for, We ,=should be able, as the.men of long .ago, to "Thank God,;aud' take cour- age' • • ,,:,. There. are only two pupils atteud- .ing; the Model school' at Clintou,. A Model school in a model town,' and •only two,pupiis, What is the 'mat - :iter 7—Orillia Packet. Probably Orillia gobbled then] all up. Clinton has not escaped a visit `from the "strike bug" a number „of lithe operatives of the Knitting , fac- tory, being, now "out." We -trust !the differences will be met and that ,this important industry will con 'tdnue to ,operate at full capacity. • . • Fourteen amendments to the Peace ;Treaty were: -retained to be consider- ed by .the United States senate af- ter a whole raft of 'em were voted •down. 'The whole trouble would have been avoided itthe framing of -the Peace Treaty had been left to the U.S, Senate in the first place. 'Why wasn't somebody clever enough to think of that ? ' • • Editor Williams of the Coiling - wood Bulletin must be a man of singular' courage. We arrived at this opinion because of the fact that "Ile inaugurated and brought to a •successful conclusion a baby show in connection, with the Great Northern Exhibition : held id that town a short time ago. It takes a roan of 'courage to do that sort of thing. • . • The Nlail & Empire says that iti is '"impossible to judge of the effect of a beer and . wine license system by, Montreal's experience. The theory 'is -that only beer and light wines are 'sold there ; the fact is than whiskey -and gin and other 'hard' liquors are still to be had," That is just the 'trouble we should have in Ontario if we had beer and wine licenses. '4 '1e -would need a constable on duty in all Premises where such yitenses were 'held to prevent the sale of "hard '+- Capt. 'Wm. Finglaud, who recently 'returned from overseas, spending a short vacationWithhis parents„ at 'Londesboro, has gone to New York 'to attend the Theological Seminary. Mr. Cr. A. Murray, architect, Lon- -don, has been given the work of pre- paring plans for .the, Memorial Hall .cat Blyth,. 1 M. Govenloeb, Liberal Candidate in entre Huron Centre' Huron Liberals ,net in eon- ventioit .iu .Sealorth on Mionday,. of-. ternoon.anti 1Vlr, J: Mi:, Goveulock; reeve dt MoIC£llop, was selected as oandidato'ifor the legislature, ',Besides Mr. Govenlook the . naines of Capt, I. Hetherington, Colborne M. G. Cameron, and l4rs, A. O. Hunter, „Goderich; . Majpr' R. S.. Hays, Sealorth ; ,,Dr. J. W;Shaw, Clinton, and Miss Mabel Bailie of Nilo were put, forward, . All declined in favor of Mr,' Crovenloek and his nomination was unanimous. Births • CORNISH—In Mullett 'township, on Oct, 3rd, to Mr; and Mrs. Glen W. Cornish, a daughter -Jean Phyllis. WtSTON—At Bayfield, on Oct. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Weston, 'a stn GItASIlY—In Morris township, on Sept. 260, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, D. Grasby, a daughter. WIGGTNS—In Goderich,n Sept.S 30th to Mr. and Mrs John h n Wig- gins, a sob. Deaths DAVIDSON—In Wroxeter, on Sept. 29th, Bessie Tow, wife of John Davidson. FOUND.—AT CO'URTTCE'S STORE,.. Holmesvilie, some weeks ago, • a lady's • rain . coat. Owner can se- cure same by 'Paying for this ad- vertisement.—A. J. Courtice, 14-1 SALE REGISTER On Friday, Oct. 10th, at 1' p.m„ on Lot 15, Con. 2, H.R.S. Tuokerstnith, clearing sale of Farm Stock and Im- plements.—S. Carnochan, Prop,; T. Brown, Auctioneer, An Saturday, Oct, 11th, at 1 p.m., on Lot 25, Con, 9, H.R.S. • Tooker- smith, extensive sale of Horses;" Cattle and Pigs. -John F. •McKay, Proprietor ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Tuesday, Oct. 14th, at 1 p.m., on Lot 11, A• mile north of Sea - forth, clearing 'sale of Farm Stock and Implements:—C. Echart, Prop. ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, Oct. 15th, at 1 p.tn, on Lot 3, Con, 9, Hullett, clearing sale of Farm. Stock and Implements., —Hugh Campbell, Prop.; T. Brown. Auctioneer. On Thursday, Oct. 10th at 1.p.m., on Lot 6, Con. 3, Hay Tp., clearing safe of Farni Stock and Implements, —D. Kyle, Prop,; T. Brown, Amt. On Saturday,' Oct; llth, at. 1 pm., at Dick's Hotel; Sealorth, choice 100 acre Farm in IIullett, near Con- stance.—Albert Coates, Prop.; 'I'. Brown, Auctioneer. On Saturday, Oct. 18th, at 4 p.m., at Queen's Hotel, Seafortlt, choice Dwelling containing 0 rooms, situat- ed on Goderich St., W., Soaforth.— Alex.'Stobie, Prop.; T. Brown, Auct, anaiatteter GUARDING YOUR HYDRO SUPPLY AT midnight the same as at noon; in January the same as in July, Nature's tireless force generates Hydro Power and places it at your command. The Hydro - Electric Power Commission of Ontario . has made ' possible its transmission. Regular inspections are made of transmission and feeder lines to prevent interruptions in service from avoidable causes. At the -generat- ng plants, and in this community itself the most modern appliances have been installed to prevent breaks id the circuit. $ut should some unavoid- - able occurrence impair the service, provisions have been made to restore it in the quickest possible time, The Commission, in its endeavor to aid the users of Hydro Power to secure the most satisfactory service, recommends the use of HYDRO Quality Lamps for home illumination. HYDRO Quality Lamps arerested in the laboratories of the Cammrssren f or brilliancy, current consumption and durabrliiy, These cited features are assured to users of HYDRO Quality Lamps. HYDRO . ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSICN OF ONTARIO FOR MLR 11V Phil icUtilities Conianlosioln I�IYDHO STOP ASK TH.e FIYDRO 111Ai1/ •2. $ rii'r .allowe'en. Bazaar The ladies of -Clinton and vieluity intend holding a Hallowe'en Bazaar and 6 o'clock dinner in the town hall Ott Friday, Oct, 31st. Proceeds in, aid of Clinton Hospital, DOG LOST, -IN CLINTON, SUN- day night,. a Thoroughbred'Scotch Collie, tan with white .collar, Pars sore on ends, leeward.—A. G. At- kinson, Bayfield,. ,14-1 LOST—IN CLINTON, oN SCITOQX Fair Day, a gold extension brace- let, Valued as keepsake. Pinder kindly communicate frith:11TM 1). Steep, Stapleton, 14—td HOUSE FOR SALE.—NEW HOUSE with all eonvenionced, .corner. of Joseph and 'Orange streotsj`; nine rooms'; garden attaehod.—Apply on premises to Mrs. Wm. Glen. 14—tf. FOR SALE—13 WE'LL -BRED LEI - °ester ewes and G laubs. Also a 3 -year-old Leicester ram.—Chas. Williams, Sr., R. R. No. 2, Olin. - ton. Phone 4 on 802. 14-4 FOR SALE.—AN 'IMPERIAL OX - ford Range, burns wood or coal., Excellent stove for farmer. Good cooker. Will be sold cheap.—Apply Johnson cC' Co., Grocery. 14-2 COTTAGE FOR SALE—COSY COT- tage on Princess street, warm, el- ectric light, , good .cellar, tour water, acre ground, well drain- ed. Centrally located,—Apply Mrs. I. Dodd, Clinton. 14-4 STRAYED FROM PREMISES OF the undersigned early in. Sept. 3 yearling hgifers and 3 yearling steers. Any information regarding sante will be gladly received by Robert Blake, R.R. No. 2, Clinton, Phone'114 Colborne. 14-3 500. SALE -12 CHOICE PURE - bred Oxford Down ram lambs, 3 shearling rams, 20 yearling and 2 -shear ewes and 12, well bred Leicester ewes and 12 ewe lambs. Prices reasonable.—.I-I, J. Tre- wartha, R.R: No. 2, Clinton, Phone 14 on 601, 14-3—p AUCTION 1 SALE.—ON FRIDAY, Oct. 24th, at one o'clock p.m,, on Lot 31, Con., 1, in the Township of Goderielr, Farm Stock, Implements and Household furniture, the pro- perty of the estate.of A, le. Naftel, deceased:—Geo, E,. Greenslade, Ad- ministrator ;• Thos. Gundry, Auc- tioneer.. 14-3 CLEAItIN AUCTION SALE OF Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Etc.—Mr. Theo. N. 'Willson will sell by public auc- tion at Lot 25, Maitland Conces- sion (Huron, Road), Goderich town- ship, on Friday, Oct. 17th, com- mencing at 1 o'clock pan. sharp : Horses—Team,' mare and gelding, aged, General Purpose horse, aged, good third horse good driver 10 yrs, Cattle—Cow calf' at side 4 yrs. old, cow • due Apr. 1st 4 yrs. old, cow dice May 3rd,, 7 yrs. old, mincing, 2 heifers rising 2 yrs, . 4 steers rising 2 yrs, Implements - 6 -ft. binder, sheaf -carrier and truoks M'lassey-lIarris, 6 -ft. Massey -Harris mower good as new,. 1 13 -]toe seed drill, grass -seeder attached, Mas- sey -Harris, 13 -tooth Massey -Harris cultivator good as new, 14 -plate disc harrow, 10 -ft. Mfassey-I-Iarris hayrake, Massey -Harris. corn cul- tivator with bean pulling . attachment, land roller, - s e t 5 -section spike -tootle harrows, 2 single Tudhope Andersdn. plows; tu4n ]Massey -Harris plow, rolling coulters, new, Deering binder 7 -ft. eat complete, heavy -Chatham wag- on, set bobsleighs, top buggy, steel tire,, new good open bug- gy, cutter nearly new, 4• h.p. Gib- son gasoline engine on trucks good as new, combined hay and stocit rack, wagon box, spring, seata cut - ling box, Bell's, No, 50 with oar- riers, gravel box, Clinton Fanning mill, pulper, garden;drill, !bean and seed sorting machine, toot tread, grindstone,.: 2- steel pig troughs 6 and 8 ft. long, .about 30 good grain bags, 2 sets double harness, set single harness, single collar and • homes, robe, buggy cover 'cotton, 2 . woollen horse blankets, string bells, buggy duster, bag holder, steel feed basket, wood feed basket, toed cooker, sprinkling can, bay knife, 2 crosscut saws, Bucksaw, 2 axes, 16-1t. water trough, 30 -gal. milk can, Melotte cream separator, wat- er barrel, Wheelbarrow, roll barb wire, number cedar. posts, shovels, forks, chains, crowbars.: hoes, tools and numerous o t her articles: Household ' Furniture— 'Kitchen range, coal or wood, cab- inet and reservoir, Modern Mail- able, Royal Oak heater, coal or wood, extension -;table, walnut, cup- board, desk, numbur or. chairs, 2 iron beds, bedroom set walnut, coal oil heater, 8 -clay clock, 5 lamps, wood bedstead and dresser, piece of linoletint, 0 window screens Daisy cllnrn, Ideal 'washing mach- ine, rug, set smoothing irons, piece oil cloth, toilet sot, flour chest, dishes, ether kitclten utensils too numerous to mention. 'felons-sAn stuns of 710 and under, Cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be aicen on furnishing approved joint notes, A discount of 5 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. Everything mast be disposed of as the farm Is Sold. -- Thee, N. Willson, prop.; 'Tiros. (lutOi'y, Auctioneer, 14.1 LOOK HEtH -'or thre9 days---PRIDAY, SA`1`U RDAY and MONDAY—we oiler spoon jar prieee, '-lead every itcn, They're int re t tlb. Theysay i t pays to advertise. Well let's see you at our store on .days advertised, pure, Laundry Soap 3 bars 200 7 for Kellog's pari Flakes 2 pkgs,,,,,„ ,25 5Oc. •Speeiat .Bend Teg per 1b. 00b, 2 lbs. Sunny Monday . Soap 3 bars Por 230, • for 950, ' ' 13 for $1.,00. Royal Blend Toa per Ib, 060, 2 lbs, 2 pkgs, Ammonia ,25 for $1.15, 8 Dans Bonny Bright ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,25 Quality Blend 'Pee per Ib. 70o, 2-1bs, Brooms at „,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75, 1.00, k,15 •, for $1.55, , Brushes at ,13, ,18, .2$ Coffee, Rideau Hall,per It .55 Ladies' Delight* Baking„ Powder:,, ..25 1Vlatchcs, ,3 boxes , ,S „i., Cora' 'arch, 2 pkgs .25 Jelly Powder, any !favor ,;, „,,, .12 Pilchards, per' can .22 Pork and Beans per Gan ,,,,,,,,... 20 Wellington Pink Saluron .25 Jutland Sardines, 2 cans for .25 GET TII13 HABIT OF DEALING AT JOHNSON & COMPANY • Phone ill Retail Grocer License No, ':8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared for. Vote HICKS on Oct. 20 Your vote and influence earnestly solicited for Andrew Hicks, the U. F. 0. candidate to. represent,, the com- mon people, , • Our platform is sternly moral and fair to all classes. The Farmers of Canada ask only a fair deal, and will extend the same to all. Vote for the U. P. 0. ,candidate and help restore confidence and equality to all Canadian.citizens. VOTE HICKS 14-2 FOR SALL:,—MATCIIED TEAM 010 grey, fillies, 3 years old is spring, white'stripe 00 face, well matched.. Selling on account of shortage of feed.—Apply Valentine Wild, Bay- field. Phone 10 on 78, 'Hensall. 12-3—p FARM FOR SALE—LOT 25, 2nd Con, in the .Township , of Stanley, Property ofthe late Victor Dale. This farm is well fenced and seed- ed to grass ; on the premises are. a good well and windmill and twen- ty twenty acres- of mostly hardwood bush. The property must be sold to wind up the estate. For further par- ticulars apply to John F. Dale, Lot 12, Con, 3; Mullett, R.R. No, 4, Minton. 13—tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE—E S - tate of William Makins, deceased.— The eceased—The farm known as Lot 20, Con. 4, Stanley Tp., containing 100 acres more or less will be oliered for sale at the premises by public auction on Wednesday, 15th day of October, 1919, at 1 o'clock pan, On this farm are a frame house and bank bprn with stone stabling. 'There -are about 5 acres south in "fall wheat and 35 acres fall plowed and the balance ,,is partly under cultivation and partly wooded. At the same tine and place will be offered the following chattels, viz : Horses—Mare in foal rising 22 yrs. old, aged mare in foal, gelding 5 yrs. old, filly 2 yrs old, suckling colt, driving horse 3 yrs old, driv- ing horse 4 yrs 0111. Cattle—Cow 8 yrs pfd due Dec, '1st, cow 5 yrs old due May .1st, cow 4 yrs old, Cow 4 yrs 'old due Feb. 15th, steer 2 yrs old, heifer 2 yrs old, steer. 1 yr old, 3 ,heifers 1 yr old, 8 spring calves. Sheep -2 ewes, 1 yearling lamb. ' Poultry—Afrout 85 hens, ' Rocks and Leghorns, 10 geese, good Collie dog, 7 tons hay, about 15 cords of wood 12 in. long. Implc- ments—Mnssey-Harris binder" .6 -ft. cut, horse rake 8 -ft., Massey -Harris mower, 112 -hoe Massey -Harris seed drill, land roller, set of harrows 4 sections, hay loader, disc, scu0fer, cultivator, riding plow, walking • plow, harrowing cart, clover seed- er, fanning; mill, set scales .2000 lbs., bag holder, about 60 grain hags, grindstone, ladder, wagon box; gravel box, wagon, truck wag- on, 2 top buggies, 3 open buggies, buggy pole, 2 cutters, detnocrat, set bobsleighs with bunks, cutting box, root, putper, 2 sugar kettles, hay rack, litter carrier, about 100 ft- rope, car, slings,' chain and rop- es, 12 lbs. timothy seed, 20 lbs. clover and millet seed, 2 Crosscut saws, buck saw, 3 scythes, forks, chains and shover, 2 sets single harness, set doubleharness nearly neW, plow sot with collars, 2 horse blankets, 2 robes and rug, a • quantity of potatoes and apples, lawn mower, churn, Eaton cream separator nearly new, 1700 Gravity washing machine, Happy, Thought stove, heater, bedsteads, tables, chairs and other . household tura- _ tura. Terms of 'Sale : Of. Land— 10 per cent at the time of sale, balance in 30 days. Of Chattels --- Purchases of $P0 and under, cash ; over $10 three months credit on notes negotiable at Bank without recourse or 2 ,pei: cent discount for cash. For particulars and condi- tions apply to'John P. Sparrow, Administrator ; W, Brydone, Soli- citor ; T. Comity, Auctioneer. 18-3 ANNOUNCEMENT We desire to announce that we have opened up a salesroom at Sea" forth under the management of Jon- athan Hugill for the sale of our in struments and anyone intending to purchase a piano should mak° it their business to see our goods, and as the name "'Ian" enters only on our goods made in our own factory, you have a guarantee of .a firth which has been in business for over fifty years. We also guarantee our prices lower than mamma doing largo newspaper advertising, Write for pri.ecs, if unable to visit our shoW- roolns, to JONATHAN 1-IUfILL 1303 220 , SL',AL'ORTII SIIOWISR FOR SOLDIERS.—BE ready Por the fruit and pickle. shower to bo hold Oct. 22nd far the Byron Sanitarium, London, Ontario.—The Secretary. 13-3 HOUSE! FOR SALE -5 -ROOMED house on the corner of Joseph and Orange streets, ; acro lot, house in firstclass condition; electric light, hard and soft water.—Apply Y to Jolla R, Noble, R.R. No. 4, Clinton, Phone 7-617. 13—tf THE WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF Willis Church purpose holding a rummage sale in council chamber on Saturday, Oct. 11th, from 1 o'clock to 8. FARM FOR SALE. -38 ACRES, part lot 38, Goderich township, in good, cultivation, seeded` down, good barn, comfortable house, acre of orchard, spring creek and well at barn, 1.1 miles from school, 3 miles from town.—Apply to David Deeves R.R. No. 3, Clinton. 12-3 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—TEN- room, two-storey residence on On- tario street, £Ornate, electric lights town water, good garden and barn, Apply to—Josh Cook, 390 Davis St., Sarnia. 12—t.1. APPLES WANTED.—THE EVAP- orator will open about Sept. 15th, Will take all classes and all sizes of apples. Highest market price paid.—Town do Case, 09—tf FOR' SALE.—THD- SIX -ROOMED house and lot, No. 633, on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr. George Taylor ; pleasantly. situat- ed ; good garden. If sold at once, $350,00—Apply to Miss Washing- ton, Rattenbury St, • 06—tf PROPERTY FOR SALE.—ON RAT- tenbury street, west, 'just -off main street, a good 9 -roomed 2 -story frame house. Electric lights, .wat- erworks, furnace and soft water. Garden,and'small barn in good re- pair. Will be sold cheap.—Apply to J. P. Sheppard. —03—t1 HOUSE FOR SALE -8 -ROOMED house on Ontario. street. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, fruit trees and small fruits. I. acre of land. Apply on premises to Mrs. Moggridge or to W. Brydone; Clinton. " 09—tf HOUSE FOR SALE.—CORNER OF Mill and Maple streets, story and a half, 6 rooms, town water, :k acre lot, in good state of repair:— Apply epair:Apply to Thos, Churchill, Clinton. 11--4 STOVES FOR SALE—An Art Souv- enir, with oven, a Laurel coal heater. All in good condition.— Apply to Miss Rudd. ' 00—tf. FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 35 AND half of lot 86, concession 3, Truck- ersmith, six miles distant from towns of Seafortlt and Clinton ; convenient to school; fifty acres choice pasture land, ten acres tim- ber, beech and maple; large apple orchard also orchard of small fruit, remainder mtger cultivation. Ideal stock farm, well fertilized, fenced and drained. Large bank barn, silo, implement • shed, hog pen and other outbuildings. Never -failing water supply. Ono and a half story brick house, large cellar, cis- tern, telephone and rural mail. Im- mediate possession given, For fur- ther particulars apply, on • premised or address—A'. Eicoat, Seafortli Iva 111. No, 8, _ T 09-8—p PROPERTY FOR SALE -3 aeras of garden and orchard on the Loudon Road. 6 roomed house, bank barn 20x40, driving shed, hen house, Possession given in autumn. Apply on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- eliffe, —00 FOR SALE—A 'DIOSIRABLE 7 - roomed house on Princess 51,„ east, half acre of land with fruit trees and berry bushes, town wat- er.—Apply . on premises, Mrs, Akan. —98—tf FARM -' FOR SALE.—ONE HUN - cited acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 4.7 mhos from Clinton, Will be sold on reasonable tents.— Apply erms—Apply A. E. Matheson, R.R. No, 3, Seafortlt, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. —61 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED Il0051 on Rattenbury street, west, Good cellar, 1.1 acres garden, with fruit trees,—Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. —84 ANY PERSON Oft PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the promises of the estate of the late 'William H. Woods will be proscetttod aceordltig to law,- I,iVI, Weeds, l3ayleld• 01-'44 FARM ICOR SAI.R--92* ACRES OF, splendid farm landeia good state pf cultivation. On it are e, comfort•' ante store and a halt brick house With new steel root, a good cellar, a barn 1000 and straw shed 22328 with foundatioa under all, room to Lie up 28 head el cattle and '5 horses besides 3 box stailo, root room, feed room, separator xoom and harness room. Cement aeons throughout except 2' box stalls and root house. A•stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive plied 20330. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and Me - tern, about 77 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 27 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I" Want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to 'give up farthing for the present. Would sell stook, implements and crop if so desired.—Apply Leonard D. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. —49 0 NEW COAL We are expecting both at Bruce - field and Clinton, some of the new hind of coal in stove size Briquettes. Tryloathe! a oa tof this, as we can assure you entire s t sf i a i actioty besides tom - lug a little cheaper. We also stock the tollewing at Clinton.: EBONY CUBE—The Cannel de Luxe S011'T COAL -3 in. up Belmont Lump. PEA COAL—$1,00 cheaper than other sizes. ; CANADA CEMENT—The standard article. Accounts may be paid,! and orders left at Wiltse's grocery, store. AT BRUCEFIELD :— ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER in both hard and soft woods. 13. C. SHINGLES selling at less than today's cost price., FIBRE ,BOARD cheaper and better than lath and plaster. SMITHING COAL r our, famous kleanweld. Also Cannel, Soft Coai, and Can- ada Cement. We do not want all the business, but we'would like to have yours. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL K1NDS OF POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept.. 20th, every day after that. W. MARQUIS —86 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. THE CHMEH STOKE Live and Let Live Cleaning Daly House-cleaning time is here again. Here 'are a few suggestions to make work, easy : Powdered Ammonia, Sweeping Powder, Chloride of Lime, Liquid Ammonia, 01d Dutch Cleanser, Lye, Furniture Polish, Silver Polish, Dustless Mops,, . Brushes and Brooms, Soap, Stops, Wash -boards, Clothes Pins. SPECIALS Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Giirpes, Sweet Potatoes, • Spanish Onions., and Celery. E. E. I-IUNN I FORD !;i PFoel ;4'R TIM PRESENT DAY MOTHER MAKES PIES that, tite older generation couldn't begin to equal. For in addition to improved methods and utensils she has the advantage of being able .to obtain Purity flour, the finest baking flour, known, Make your next batch with Purity. Good as your former pies were theso will bo infinitely bettor. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR ANO .FEED. Phones : Elevator 109, Residohee 141 Retail License No. 9-2308 Wholesale License No.• 12-83 • MINAMERNINwlialifiliflOWOMANINOSt :Specials 1 lS FOR Tt-IANKSGiIV'[NG DAX CRANBERRIES; SWEET POTATOES, MINCE MI+IA T, GRAPE Il'RUIT, SPANLSI.•I ONIONS,. PU+MPICINS, GRAPES, DUCKS, and FOWL, ■ ■0 7 The i1ub Grocery Veil NOTICE ! KNITTERS AND LOOP•Ii,RS are hereby notified that applications fel work to commence on Tuesday, Oct, 14th will be received up to Saturday,; Oct. llth, 12 o'clock noon. LEARN- ERS may apply for positions, also. If not sufficient number apply .to make it advisable to start machines, plass have been made to move the machines to another town at once., We trust that the townspeople will not force us to take such 'stringent action. THE CLINTON ILNITTING CO'.,! Oct. 8, 1919. Ltd, FOR PLUMBING, 1,1 EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORST OF ALL KINDS G0 TO THOS. 1AWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 03. Shop over Rowland's Hardware. • CyLINTON FEED STORE WE HAVE ALWAYS ON .HAND A FULL STOCK OF FLOUR AND FLED, - JUST ARRIVED iC CAR 051 HOG AND CATTLE F'EI10,, •HIGHEST PRICES -PAID FOR GRAIN, , J. A. • FORD & SON Live Poultry Wanted l 4000 CHICKENS , 2000 HENS . v 1000 DUCKS - each week from how until the end of December. We pay for all poultry on: a quality basis delivered wish empty crops. We pay special prices fon properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strongly advise all producers to finish their poultry as it will pays you well to do so. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. Trcwartlea, Phobia, IN Manager or 'Holmesville 4 or 140 Canada Food Board—License • ' No. 9-001' CREAM WANTED! Farmers having Dream to sell write us for cans and lull pardon, lars. Our markets are the best.; Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. And prices` the highest consistent with an honest, test Which we guar, antee. Remember our Creamery, Co. is to thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of the largest in Canada. You cannot make anyl mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans are re. quested not to make use of In sending cream to other creamertee or cream buyers. Write today tor dans, T'e'a Sealorth Creamery Co. 0. A. BARBER, MANAGER BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Dred Big Type YORKSIHIRTC AND CHESTER-, WHITE BOARS. A. C. LEVEV", Phone 5-839 CLINTON, Onil, At home every, forenoon, ,