The Clinton News Record, 1919-10-2, Page 7For Table Use awl y. Purposes,. es i OQ. �T` &9 Cooking All l8M 4 a" Everybody s happy when there is Corn Syrup on the table, Do you know that there is a White Syrup as well as the delicious, golden CROWN t. C RN SYRU Crown Brand is unequalled as a Syrup for Pan- cakes, Muffins, as a spread for bread, fmalting candy, sauces, and in cooking, generally. C .N SYRUP Best for Preserving and Marmalade making. - It is a clear color and "jells" excellently! Sold in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound floe �`'•. The Canada Starch Co., Limited �� •,. Montreal 209 "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of FIgs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." Training a boy to say "No" at the right time is more dmportant than teaching him to read Latin. v 0 Little Folk. O`Little Folk, the summer sun is wan- ing; On bush and tree the leaves axe turning fast. O Little Folk, the winds Will be com- plaining Of winter soon and sighing for the past. TRAPPING IN8SCT8, Suctlen Apimratlee Peed sueoee3fuile In Vlneyerde,' Some of tate worst enemlos of the oaslps are moths, As motile, they. are harmless, but the eaeerpill11t0 hatched from...tllsir eggs sa'e wholesale dee• trivet% • Every ltoefiewife is lamentably fit- nliliai^ with, the disgusting worm 50 commonly' found in the 0(%18 of sweet corn that slie buys for Iter table, Pew oars seem to escape its itttack, While many are half devoured . This filthy creature is the of sprieg of aknoth that files only in the night time, Often present in oounfless num- bers it fli i 0 ut ' ' o }. inthocornfields, fete a7 r another one 1 and laying its s• s a sora eggs, there, on the since of the corn, The etiterpillars, as soon as batched, And their way to the growing ears, creep Into them, arta begin to devour 1119 grain, 'Various schemes bays been tried tor trapping the moths. Pans of sweeten- ed water poisoned with cyanide of potash have boon scattered about in the field, to .attract them. Lamps, to (]raw then,, have been lung over re- ceptacles eontainkng_lceroseIe, so that the flumes might suffocate them. These and other contrivances have captured many moths; but, for some unexplained reason, nearly all of them were males. So what was the use? - The worst enemy ot grape -owners in California is a minute insect called the "thunder fly," because it appears in greatest numbers in hot and Sultry weather, when thunderstorms are fre- quent. A loan out there has invented a ruction apparatus, with a ten horse - .power blower, that is placed on wheels and driven through the vineyards, har- vesting the pests from the vines as it goes along. It is said to work very successfully, An even more remarkable contriv- ance is used in Germany to capture wholesale the "nun moths" that devas- tate the forests. It is provided 'with two powerful searchlights that draw the moths from miles away (the ap- paratus being placed on top of a build- ing), and they are further attracted by a pair of arolamps on either side of a suction ventilator. An electric motor causes the fans of the ventila- tor to revolve rapidly, thereby pro- ducing an intake of air that swallows every moth approaching within a few feet. Through the ventilator they pass into a. wire -net cage. A single machine of this kind has been ]mown to catch 100 pounds of moths in a night. Then copse and dell and every hazel hollow Will see no more your little twink- Iing'feet In mazy dance, and, lonely, I shall follow The olden trail and find it bitter- sweet. 0 Little Folk, no more the lilt o1' laughter Will shake the dew from the ane- nlone, And moons shall come and *moons shall follow after Ere life and love shall kiss each waiting tree. —Ernest If. A. Home, Seeing on the Water. At a height Of one foot from the water an object can be seen at 1.32 miles; at six feet elevation the range of vision is increased to 3.23 miles, while at 10 feet the horizon is in= creased to 4.16 miles. This in clear weather put great limitations upon the sight of -a submarine periscope, as all merchant vessels were keenly on the lookout for such. Three Fashionable Models 1 Tkle `Ncrkinpe of Cpnsolenco, 'Pito A.morioan wile was touring l6rlg• land had been boasting again In the yifage 111]1; "Taping ot seinresrowa " he MOO, "why, my father once put ono no, and It frigllteenod the prows so leuoh teat net one entered the geldagain Ormore than's, year," He looped triumphantly round his audieuc0; Surlily that had eettled these country bumpkins! Bat 11.e was to meet his match. "That's notbblg!" retol'ted a farmer. "A neighbor of urine once put a scare. crow into ]tie .potato patch, and it ter - rifled tile birds so 111uc11 that one ras- cal of .a crow Chat had stolen some po- tatoes came next day and put them 1 bac t, • A MOTHER'S TRIAL Save Some Seeds. Every grower of vegetables should make an effort to select some speci- men vegetable plant from the crop and mark it especially for seed pur- poses. In England and France it is a general practice among growers and small Infidels to save some seed. Seed taken from the best specimens will generally give a good percentage of yield the following year Some species of vegetable will not pro- duce seed in Canada as tine seasons are too short and inuturity cannot come to perfection, but carrot, pars- nip, lettuce, peas, beans, 'reddish, squash, corn, marrow, pumpkin, onions, can be relied upon if the seed is selected from the first crown and not the latest seed vessels. CHIllH00D CONSTIPATION Care of home and Children Of- ten Causes a Breakdown.. The woman at hone, deep in house- hold duties and the cares of mother- hood, needs occasional help to keep her in good 110a1111. The d81000ds 0p0n a inother's health, are many and severe. Her own health trials and her children's welfare exact heavy tolls, while hurried meals, broken Test and touch indoor living tend to weak- en earen her constitution. ND wonder that the woman at home is often indisposed through weakness, headaches, back- aches and nervousness. Too many women have grown to accept these visitations as a part of .the lot of motherhood. But many and varied as her health troubles are, the cause is simple and the cure at hand, When well, it is the woman's good blood tbat keeps her well; when ill site must make het blood rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of it. There is one always unfailing way to get this good blood so necessary to perfect health, and,tliat is through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills make new blood abundantly, ono through their use thousands of weak, ailing -wives and mothers have been made bright, cheerful and strong. If you are ailing/easily tired, or depress- ed, it is a duty you owe yourself and your family to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. What this medicine has done for others it will surely do for you. Constipated children can find prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own 'Tablets. The Tablets are mild but a thorough laxative which never fail to regulate the bowels and stomach, thus driving out constipation and in- digestion; colds and simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Gaspard Daigle, Domain, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have been of great benefit to my little ]toy, who was suffering from constipation and indigestion. They quickly relieved him and now he is in the best of health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by nail at 26 cents a bix from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 8582 8886 8SE3 Transfer Denten Mo. gas No. 8868—Mieees' Smock Dross. Price, 25 cents. Suitable for small women; smocked or shirred, with or without vest; two-piece skirt en two lengths, high waistline, plain or with turned -up cuff, In 4 sizes; 14 to 20 ,years. No. 8886 --Missed' Empire Dress. Price, -25 cents. Suitable for small women; gudmpe with side section, body and sleeve in one, straight gathered skirt in two 'lengths. Cut in 4 sizes, 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. No. 8882—Misses' Dress. Price, 25 cents. Suitable for small women; one-piece jacket, straight lower edge; two ' mtyles of sleeve, attached to jacket or waist; straight skirt attached to underbody at tow waistline; in two lengths, In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16, jacket, 1% yds, 86 ins. wide;"underbody, skirt longer'iengtb, 23/4 yds. 86 ins. wide. Width, i% yds. 'These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. n 4 . a ver to pocket 1, t book .thap.d.,he ; ppol ,a. deligistt to the 13ktate. 09, ,ama�y ��'qq ��++ •e -e p7 aiCtA lx1l JI A. h va�Xs,.s`k'y'ety.. "ya�Ae'�(v�,,l�ppJ+�� �'�'".a .......,r..'t h .,w trk.gi c , a • i ; .. tste d.o ;.' ea,, I,nd :Coffe0., 1 9.Y4T.+N,•°mMM1?SPNlfO77PibM1IR4A�*iw:ld,1pmM.wn.eF,:mWq.A4WgIM•(mr,z,es(. i In pig-breedingthe first animals purchased should be selected with great care, as the breeder is laying the foundation of a herd that may be either a tip-top one, and famous all the country round, or a compar- atively ordinary one of but little im- portance. . This is to certify that I have used MINAItD'S LINIMENT in my family for years, and consider it the best lini- ment on the market. I have found it excellent for horse flesh. • (Signed) W. S. PINED. "Woodlands;" Middleton, N.S. { "CARRY ON"! If 'Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets'' Peel gram]! pe efficient! Don t stay sick, hillatts, .headachy, const pated, ilomove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and your stomach sour. Wily not• get 'a stall box of Casoarets and on- laxative -cath- artic xativ e- ati - 1 least gentlest ac 1 on - 30Y the nicest, Ca carets antic you ever experienced?s never gripe, sicken or inconvenience One like Salts, Oil, Calomel dr harsh pills. Qasaarate being sunshine to cloudy minds and hair -sick bodies. They work while you sleep, Grasshoppers in Saskatchewan. The first serious outbreak of grass- hoppers or locusts in Saskatchewan occurred this year, threshing returns showing that the damage to the crop affected was much more serious than first anticipated. Reports received from the field representatives of the Weeds and Seed Branch of the Sas- katchewan Department of Agriculture, which is directing the campaign against the grasshopper pest, give abundant evidence that grasshoppers have already spread over a wide area of the province outside of the dis•' triots where most damage was re- ported this year. p• o - 1 -..--c— - - c - It Has Come True. As Jerusalem, previous to being cap, tura by the British in Decembor, 1017, had been under Turkish misrule for tour hundred years, it was thought by ,the natives of Palestine it would forever retrain in the hands of the Turks, Hence the old saying common amongst the inhabitaOts of the Holy Land, which runs: "When the waters of the Nile flow into Palestine the Turk wi11 be ousted from Jerusalem As geography tells us this is tin irupos- 3s Interesting sibie, it s g to kno w it act - nay did happen, What seemed im- possible was effected by the Engineers of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Alter 'overcoming great di0ieultiet, they succeeded in laying a largo water Mee aeroee the bed of the Suez Canal neat haat rte. hrou h thea pipe stows water from the River Nilo. Tiro water eventually finds rte way through the Slime Desert and into Palestine. Thus it M110 to pass Jerusalem was taken two months after "trio waters of the Nilo flowed into Palestine," atetevadee Week:lett fOsiieves ireunalgia, LISTEN TO THIS I SAYS CORNS LIFT RiCHT OUT NOW Pillar and rambler roses should have liquid manure to .eneour'age new growth. Mtnsrd'• Liniment for Hale averyWh0re. One cultivation a week is generally sufficient to keep the weeds down. ! • 0 • • • 0 —c— —c—o—� You reckless men and Kemal] who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corm, root and all, lifts out with the fingers. It is a sticky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn without in. naming or even irritating the surround- ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that a quarter of an oMice of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft 0011 or callus. You are further warned that cutting at a corn is a suicidal habit. The harvest for the Peace River District is estimated -at eight minion bushels. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money 'drder for five dollars costs three cents. That the temperature of the centre of the sun is 30,082 degrees is the estimate of a French scientist. Minard'H Liniment Cures Burns, etc, er For polishing leather -upholstered furniture, use turpentine ancl beeswax melted together to the consistency of a thin cream. 30 Tag COUGHS WHEN NEHMALC!A ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain r A little, applied ivilhoui ]ti1b11irtg, will /Penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves, Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus- cles, lumbago, needles, selaticn, Ace- uratic twinged. leeep a big bottle always on hand for fancily use Matte in Canada. Druggists everywhere, title, 74c, $1.40. Owl Can't Turn ayes. The owl imp no motion in the eyes,, the globe or which is lmrnovablY fixed in its socket by a strong, plastic, hard, c010110gglnous case, but in order to compensate for ibo abeenc0 of inn - tion in the eye, the owl Is ]able to turn its head round in almost a complete ktreie without moving Ile body, 3 lum:6.s }',iatiasnt Cares Dandruff, When 'singing "What Is 'hone With- out ithout at mother," it would be 4n place to give mother a lift in the kitchen, IN TEN YEARS 500 Dollars 0 76 amount 7 o n u 0 at a 11 ma to Dated will $ if invested o n llf invested at 4%, interest com- pounded quer terly, will amount t0 5744.24 But if invested in otir 6!/2% Debentures will amount to, . 5860.20 Write for Booklet The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King at West All grades, Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF TORONTO Por Pyorrhoea. Inflamed and., Tender C a rn s Use Every Night and Morning • ^oiia aAx,si, 1TiWSPAPPl1(, Weilleteee, 1;Iy 332W039 county. eplondid opportunity. Write. liox 2', vl'llson Puhlle)llug Co„ Limited; ee Adelaide St. W., Toronto. 38Lj, 16t31.1I1'DDD I4111WF.eMee?! and Job pl'lntln( plant 1n Baoto' Ontario, n811rn108 carried $1,550. Will go for $1,200 on euiek Hale. Pox 90, '8(111eo11 laublisltlne Co., Ltd., '7orento, C/ klIITlvOOn lLI 1\ v.i.T,C�, DOGS AND I,Puppies of ail lu'eer]H. Cori wood - once a -pleasure, 100 Bathurst Street, d'oronto, ezwui s xow3V4CA18 51 ART1 YOU AM"'t1TIOIJ10? no X017 desire advancement In any situation of 112e, mental effielonev 10 what will bring you Hucoe0u The 15tllnan System of Mind and Memory Training develops latent powers with wonderful results, yet It requires but spare moments or exercise, t matters H 1 where d onto] a 1 t k }s tlJv n m 1 o t l ill s SH U - you v for the t o con- ducted edl a c Colla f1 i S U3' tl+ punted e. mail Uy d nt 8 a rq lei, "Hind in. Your l news"eciuest Wil free book - lei, ' al) particulars Alemw Y ' lure bring 4ai , and all parituulat'H by worn,,] matt, Write to -day, Milton Ilistitute. 700 Temple Bldg„ Toronto. IIEOSOEZMA.1W 0us. C�^t AN019r2, T1100180, LUMPS, lino, Vintorno and external, cured without Dain by aur llama treatment, Write lie before too late. 15r. Hellman Medical Co,. Llmlird, C011ingwOOd; Ont. S''Ol WINDOWS &DOORS �izEs to reit year openings, Fitted with pipe,. Sok de. 18001) gnoroul,,,. W'iir for Price Li,t IL'J. Cut down fuel •-.�.+..o I lI.. Immo Kinn, comfort. The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Wrs,ltarl 11AMMILTOs =r000T0l> 0,STRI'ATOnp CANADA COLTits°T`EM rwER You can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stable and euro all the colts suffering with 11 when you begin the treatment. No matter how young, SPO8N'S DISTBMPErt COMMONS) is safe to 8100 on any cult. It is wonderful how It prevents all distempers, no mutter how colts of horses at/, any age are 'exposed." A.11 sells good P08 Y'Ssts, turf goods houses and the manufaOturer'H SPOB:1r MEDICAL CO., Mfrs., Gmlben, Ind., n'. 0. a. 10501 r No, 40-90, l - 'Bleeding tams ars ono of the first mg - toms of PYOHH. HDEA. If tbla con- dition is allowed to roman it caused the Kett, to become Immo, tbcrsby resulting in carious term, to the bdsnb, MCCRIMMON'S MOUTH WASH is a valuable antiseptic for PYORRHOEA. It heals and hardens the gums and aids in restoring them to a natural, healthy condition. Compounded sci- entifically after years of experi- menting and re- search. R e c ommended and used by leading m e tu- bers of the den- tal profession. FOR SALE BY LEADING DRUGGISTS -inzosizimr.rmtl 1/ The right PAINT to PAINT right„ F;. r Sale by All De: ° [1ers ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" X16 The frame "Bayer" is the thumb- of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which Fitt of genuine Aspirin. It poli- contains proper directions for Colds, tively identifies the only genuine Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu - Aspirin, -'the Aspirin prescribed by ralgia, Lumbago, Rll.eumatism, Need - physicians for over nineteen years and tis, Joint Paiesne, 08 Pain generally, Tin ut now made in Canada, Always buy an unbroken package slew cents. Larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one 1l spirin•]"Bayer"-Tan must say "Bayer" Aaplrin is (no trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- nimnntaaq r of i to assist thlcacid. 'While it e pub1l0 against Imitations, ationswell lown that the Tab letAspirin f rLnBayer COmllany, 18111 ]n, ntelnpod with Weir general trade marl1, the .Bayer Cross," IN ONE DAY a sick horse will be on the road to recovery after treatment with DR. A. C. DANIELS RENOVATOR POWDERS Phis Da Ole 111008 0110014/0 Blood Purl- fier and tllennsal' for horses, eattlo, sheep and swine. Cures.coughs, 00100. inal gestion, heaves, stocked logs, greaser] heels, etc. .No matter who has been treating your horse without success, try Or. A. C. .Daniel's Reno- vator Yewdt`r9, which will nearly el - ways succeed when all other remedies fail Add those powders to the feed and 1t ]rakes the finest stook food on earth, Tl will show its effect on the kidneys in one clay and 111 two clays a big improvement In the animal's con- dition will be noticeable. Many times It will add 25 to 6e pounds to an animal's weight Inside Otto month. PRICE 60c. aICe .ANIMAL MEDICAL BOOB I'ZOBB DR. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY or CANADA. LIMITED KNOWLTON QUEBEC Ladies Have a Clear Sweet Healthy Shinn By Using C itict ra Promote skin purity, skin com- fort, and skin health by making Cuticura Soap, Oint- ment and Talcum your every -day toilet p rope rations. Just touch any I'edneCS Or roughness with Cuticura Oint- ment. Wash off In five mieutes with Cu- ticura Soap and hot water, bet applied with the hands Which it softenS lvon' derfully, and continue bathing a new moments, Rinse with tepid water, Dry gently a nd dust on a few grains of Cuticura Talcum ?owder, a as' dilating fragrance �t�f powdering and perfuming he s'sm, Contrast this atropic, wholesome treatment with tiresome massaging and manipulating, 0s8100rs Soapi, Ode„ Di rami 260, plus lOanadiml d( Dennlplsd ol' geti fr01018 no8tdu, A, �a tatont 21 and G90, Tot* Hd0, ebt(I aadrytvh0r . •era; " antlonra,pdri. The clothes you were so proud of when new—can be made 'bo: appear new again. Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted vvi11 be resto];d to their former beauty by sending thea] to Parker's. Weaning ad 1y& Is properly done at PARKER'S Parcels may be sent Post or Express, to pay carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article will be promptly given upon request. PARKER'S DYEORKS9 Molted Cleaners and Dyers, 791 Yonge St. Toronto au •x,en,co,mrme„s -w-+M r erwrF •mror r temeWerxs*» t; ,rr' y"; ji 04 a