HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-10-2, Page 5October srid W 9 Clinton News -Record Of Interest to,Xou and Me f compensations. t•o1 N n lo fol o at 'Vest when one is beginning to Reel 'hive and forlorn because of the de- parture of Sweet Summer, Autumn Pits on Iter prettiest frock andfai .•ly dazzles one with her beauty, e r M Don't write anything on your ballot, not even "No." • It will spoil it: Put a neat X in each of spaces in the "No" column on itiie Referendum ballot, being careful not to touch the lines on any, side, Putun X opposite the name, of the •candidate you wish to vote for. in •(tile same way and no other mark Whatsoever. • r to lady speaking beforb`a gathering • of women a short time ago made the ,+Following -remark, which we pass along to our women readers, many •:of whom will east their first vote on 'October 20th "14Ien have been vot- aing for many years and have been spoiling ballots every, election. But remember, that in the coining elee- ,ition every spoiled ballot will be credited to the women.. Mark your ballots carefully." ✓ r e Our charming American cousins . of- ten give us a laugh and one really, needs to have a sense of humour if one would live on amicable terms :with them. For instance, - a lady visiting in Clinton a short time ago told of a visit she made recently to a ,city across the border. She made a small purchase and in order to pay for to Canadian - bank o it had a 'note. The girl behind the counter gave her her change, deducting the exchange rate, and the Canadian lady made some remark about the size or the exchange. The salesgirl said': "Yes ,It is too bad. I real- ly hate to discount your money like this and I don't think we ought to do it because you Canadians helped us so much in the war." Marriages GRAHAM—REID—In Stanley Tp., ' on Oct. 1st; by Rev, Mr. Wilson of Varna, Margaret Ruth, daugh- ter of Mr. James Reid, to Harold Stanley Graham, Goderich Tp. WFIITIIIORE-WH1TMORE—In Tuck- crsmfth, on Oct. 1st, by the Rev. S. Anderson, Elsie, daughter of Mr. Michael Whitmore; to Edgar William Whitmore of Toronto. Births • SMITH—At Eippen, on Sept. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Smith, a daughter. ' Deaths :IRIDOUT—Ih Clinton, on Sept. 28th, Elizabeth Jane Ridout, aged 80 years. .MeNAUGI-ITON—In loving memory of L. -Corp. William. id McNaugh- ton, who was killed in action at Bourbon Wooci, on Sept. 27th, 1918, Greatly missed by father, mother, sister and brother. Fred .Ellerington fox South Huron Mr, ;'red Ellerin to f Exeter, ox- reeve of Usbornc, was the hoiceon the third ballot, of the Liberal-Coar servativo convention to represeirt Southuro i the coming Provin- cial n g cial election, Wi R,' Elliott of Stephen,ex-WA den,o1 IIIroi , W. I4 , Lobb, ex -reeve of Goderich township, and George Petty, reeve of Ilensali, were the 'other names before the eon- vention. On motion of Messrs, 051- liott and Lobb the nomination was made tmaninious, Mr. I-ienry Eiiber .01 Crediton ' has represented .the, riding since 1897, sitting in the house for twenty-two sessions. With the exception oftwo others he is the oldest menthes of the Ontario Legislature. Although urged to all0w•ltis name to go be- fore the convention once more Mr, Eilber declined to stand and alter the nominations were over he spoke for nearly an hour in support of the work and the policy of the Hearst Government. - Nino names were placed in nomina- tion, among them being that of one woman, Mrs. Fitters of Exeter. ANNOUNCEMENT • We desire to announce that we have opened up,h salesroom at Sea - forth under the management of. Jon- athan Hugill for the sale of our in- struments and anyone intending to purchase a piano should mance -it their business to see our goods, and as the. name "Bell" enters only on out goods made in our own factory, You have a guarantee of ,a firth which Inas been in business for over fifty years, We also guarantee our prices lower than concerns doing large newspaper advertising. Write for prices, if unable to visit our show- rooms, to JONATHAN HUGILL Box 229 SEAFORTH SHOWER FOR . SOLDIERS. -13E ready for the- fruit and pickle shower to be held Oct. 22nd for the Byron Sanitarium, London, Ontario.—The Secretary. • 13-3 LOST—A MAN'S SHORT JACKET, had, some small parts Of coal heat- er in the pockets. Finder kindly leave at Dr. Gandier's. _ 13-1 FOR SALE. — A VERY FINE young York Brood Sow carrying second litter, will be due Oct, 15. —Ed. Johnston, Phone 8-636, Route 4, Clinton. 13-1 FARM FOR SALE—LOT 25, 2nd Con. in the .Township , of Stanley., property of the late Victor Dale. This farm, is well fenced and seed- ed to grass ; on the premises are a good well and windmill and 'twen- ty acres of mostly hardwood bush. The property must be sold to wind up the estate. For further par-' titulars apply to John F. Dale, Lot 12, Con, 3, Mullett, R.R. No. 4, Clinton. 13—ti 1Vxis5. GLENN OP GLENR-01.1AR6 los, Toronto, Canada's 'Hair lash- ion store, will be in Cifliton( Wed - 8t tie o el nesday, Oet, h, Ra nbury hotel, , with a full lisle of La`dles) pull C4eon_ tlomen's Hair Goods. if you are not satisfied with the appoaranoo of your hair consult Miss Glean, who is an authority IIs ,e •ut r y en it Goods and individual hair styles. Free demonstration;. 18-4 ADMINISTRATO'R'S SALE -.•E 5 - tate of William MalUns, deceased,—, The farm known as Lot • 20, : Con, 4, ' Stanley Tp., containing 100 acres more or less will • be ; offered for sale at the premises by public auction on Wednesday, 15th day of October, •1919, at 1 o'clock pm. On this farm are frame house and , bank barn with stone stabling. There are about 5 acres sown in fall wheat and 85 acres, fall p'l'owed and thbalance is partly under cultivation and Partly wooded, At the same time and place will be offered the following chattels, viz : ].torsos—Mare in foal rising 1)2 yrs. • old, aged mare in foal, gelding 5 yrs• old, filly 2 yrs old, suckling colt, driving horse 3 yrs old, driv- in6 horse 4 yrs old. Cattle—Cow 8 yrs old duo Dec, lst, cow 5 yrs old due May 1st, cow 4 yrs old? cow 4 yrs old 'due Feb. 15th, steer 2 yrs old,.heifer 2 yrs old, steer 1 yr old, 3 heifers 1 yr old, 3 spring calces, Sheep -2 ewes, 1. yearling. lamb. ` Poultry—About, 35 hens, Rocks and Leghorns, 10 geese,. good Collie dog, 7 toes bay, about 15 cords oic0 od12 in. long. Imple- ments—Massey-Harris binder 6 -ft. 'cut, horse rake 8 -ft., Massey-IIarris mower, 112 -hoe Massey -Harris seed drill, land roller, set of harrows 4 sections, hay loader, disc, stutter, cultivator, ridm6 1)low walking n g plow, harrowing cart, clover seed- er, fanning mill, set scales 2000 lbs., bag herder, about 00 grain bags, grindstone, ladder, wagon box, gravel box, wagon, truck wag- on, 2 top buggies, 3 open buggies, buggy pole, 2 cutters, democrat, sot bobsleighs with bunks, cutting box, root pulper, 2 sugar kettles, hay rack, litter carrier, about 100 ft. rope, car, slings, chain and rop- es, 12 lbs. timothy seed, 20 lbs, clover and tniliet seed, 2 crosscut saws, "buck saw, 2' scythes, forks, chains and shovel, 2 sets single harness, set double harness nearly new, plow set with collars, 2 horse blankets, 2 robes and rug, a quantity of potatoes and apples, lawn mower, churn, Eaton cream separator nearly new, 1700 Gravity washing machine, Happy Thought stove, heater, bedsteads, tables, Chairs and other household furnf- -rture. Terms of Sale : Of Land - 10 per cent at the time of sale, balance in 80 clays. Of Chattels— Purchases of $1'0 and under, cash ; over $10 three months credit on notes negotiable at ,Bank without recourse or 2 ,per cent discount for cash. For particulars and condi- tions apply to John' E. S'parrow, A dministrator'; i7. Brydone, Soli- citor ,; T. Gundry, Auctioneer. 13-3 ..- welfeidreev lQi't•4i!114,i ,'1 g o saj Ma -At: Your Ballot with an X after Each Question under the w'rlyd "N& .g ti'ecdAfRh o1. r in faVe ,r rf a repeal of the Ontario TemPorsi 'Q Aot yfis'"':o i® ,! K 06 16. Are you in favour of the ogle of light beer containing not more than tem and Offy- e r•Kunood per cont. alcohol weight measurethrough Government genaloe and amend - orients to The Ontario Temperance Act tar permit such male? NO Are you in favour of the Dale *flight beer containing not More than tem And fifty -ono one-hunuredtho per cont. alcohol weight measure 10 standard hotels In iloea1 munjelpalltlos *00 The O Ontario TemperavoMneo Act tr such permle and it atlmh male? Tanta VEs NO q 1'! Am you in r of 1114 ealo of nplrltuoua and • malt Ilt,uore though Government agencies, andsmcndmcnts to Tho Ontor o Temperance Act to permit such sale? 1.0 No Above is an exact reproduction -of: the Referendum ballot, showing the correct way to Vote in order to sustain the Ontario Tem. perance Act as it stands. 0— :tea•... Everybody should study the four question's and ,realize exactly what they mean. Do not, be misled by e, isuous dem• tad for"light" beer. The beer of tie idiot is 118% stronger than the Ontario Temperance Act now allows, and over five -itimes as strong as the limit allowed for beer defined as '116n -intoxicating in Creat Britain and the United States. 'Answer Each Question i1 1. Unless you vote on every question your ballot is spoiled.' ,. 2. You must mark your answer to each quest tion with an !IC!! only.. Anything else would spoil your ballot. t t' 3. Unless a majority vote "No" on question 1 the bars will be restored and the sale of all hinds of intoxicants permitted.' ., Unless a majority vote "No", on questions 2; 3 and 4 the Ontario Temp. • perance Act will become almost worthless. ` . The only SATE course is to mark yourballot as shown above. da par No!-F�ur „. 1.ol v. repeal; No government beer shops h10 beer saloons; No gover raenC whiskcy shops. -Four X's. each under the word ,'No, Ontario elerendu otnirnittee JOHN MACDONALIS, P. A, t)UNLAP1 ' ANbRrW S. CRANE'; Cha%rmot o 2'reestarcr Mice -Chairman, and Secretary (100 Excelsior Lifer T31tlg.; Toronto) 0' t sri ,I t, WHEN YOU arc In town or down town, get the habit of calling' and making your , purchases at Jghnson &Coib grocor.y, Our aim is to please andg lve satisfaction.. Por those who Were u gable to get in to the 'Se11oo1 Fair we offer this week ; 12 Bars Sunny Monday . 1 Soap for $,o 0, 8 bars r a s for 25e, l5 Bars Johnson's pure Laundry Soap 21,00, 3 bars for 800, pilchards per tin 220 Chaco Ding and Cholo- latta to clear -per tin FREE Tea :a Brown Pettya tt Y 1 Pot given free simply by Tea, Aroma bile. or mixed. It's good, Pumpkin that was dis- played in our window Dollar pay weighed- 521 lbs, Nearest guessed 10e. weight was 47 lbs, JOHNSON & COMP -ANY .Special Blend black or mixed Per c, rpx 1 b. 50 k Royal Blend blas or mixed per lb, 000, Quality Blend, black or mixedper lb. 700. Special prices in 5 or 10 lb. lots„ Phone i 11 Retail Grocer License No. 8--7241) Phone orders promptly oared Lox. HOUSE; FOR SALT:., -6 -ROOMED house on tate corner of Joseph,'and Orange streets, ?r acre lot, house in firstolass condition ; -electric light, light, hard and soft water,—Apply to John R. Noble, 10.11. No, '4, Clinton, phone 7-017. 13—tf 50 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE— East if. Lot 18, Goa. 7, Hiuilett township. Tills property is nicely situated and the land is In good state of cultivation. and is suitable for either orop or grass. It is nearly all fenced with woven wire fencing and is pretty well tile un- derdrained. This would make an excellent grazing farm as an abun- dant supply of water can he ob- tained from the river which almost touches one corner of the farm at —, the rear,—For further Particulars apply to A. V. Quigley, Clinton, or J. p. Quigley, on, the premises. THE WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION 015 :Willislis Church purpose holdingleanb a rummage sale in council chamber on Saturday, Oct. lltb, from 1 o'clock to G. WANTED—A RELIABLE WOMAN for ironing and sweeping, two half days a week.—Apply to News -Rec- ord,. 12-2 FOR SALE,—MATCHED TEAM OF grey fillies, 3 years old in spring, white •,stripe on face, well matched., Selling on account of shortage of feed.—Apply Valentine Wild, Bay- field. Phone 16 on 78, (llensall. 12-3—p FARM FOR • SALE. -38 ACRES, part lot 30, Goderich township, to good, cultivation, seeded down, good barn, comfortable house, acre of orchard, spring creek and well at barn, 14 miles front school, 3 miles train town.—Apply to David Deevps R,R. No. 3, Clinton. 12-3 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements.—The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 21, Con. 1, Mullett, Huron. Road, half a mile east of Clinton, on Wednes- day, Oct, 8th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, tite following : 2 horses 7 years old, general purpose, 1 mare 6 years old, general pur- pose, 1 spring colt, 1 cow 8 years old, due 1st of May, 1 cow 0 years old, due ire -March, 2 fresh cows 3 years old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 5. spring calves, 1 sow with litter, 1 sow 4 months old, 1. Mel- otte cream separator, 1 Daisy churn, 1 Massey-IIarris binder 6 ft. cut, 1 Frost & Wood mower 5 - ft, cut, 1 steel 10 -ft. rake, 1 spring tooth cultivator, 1 disc harrow, 1 hay rack, 1 wagon, 1 walking plow, 1 set harrows, 1 riding plow, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 fanning mill, hay fork, car, ropes and pulleys, 2 set slings, 1 set sleighs, a quantity hay, 50 hens, forks,- chains and other articles too numerous to mention.: Terms :—All sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 percent. allowed for cash on credit amounts,—Henry Cook, Proprietor ; G. H, Elliott, Auctioneer. 12-2 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—TEN- room, two-storey 'residence on On- tario street, furnace, electric lights town water, good garden and barn.—Apply to—Josh Cook, 390 Davis St., Sarnia. 12-48. PRIVATE' SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effects,—Altornoons and evenings until Oct. 16th—Imperial Oxford range, 0 holes, warming closet, reservoir, thermometer, wood or coal grates, in firstclass condition, new iliilton runner, 28 in. wide 4 yds. long, 1 sittee, white iron beddtead,' springs, mattress and white enamel wash -stand, light oak wash -stand, camp stretcher, screen, clothes horse, centro tabae, chamber set, hall hanging lamp, lamp globe, old. fashioned flat ir- ons, flower pots, crokenole board and nunerous other articles.—Mrs. J, W. Moore, Rattenbury St. 12-11 APPLES WANTED.—TIM EVAP- orator will open about Sept. 15th. Wiil take all classes and all sizes of apples. Highest market price paid.—Town & Case. 09-11 FOR SALE.—THE SIX -ROOMED house and lot, No. 083, on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr, George Taylor ; pleasantly situat- ed; good garden, 08 sold at once, $350,00—Apply to Miss 'Washing- ton, Rafrtenbury St, 00—tf PROPER'T'Y FOR ,SALE.—ON RAT- Lenbury street, west, just oft main street, a good 0 -roomed 2 -story tramp house, Electric lights, avat- etworlie, furnace and soft watet. Harden and small bath in good re - Pair. Will be sold' cho4p._ APltly ;to J. P. Sheppard. -08-01 r PI,111E13RED CLYDESDALES FOR Sale. -1 brood mare 9 years old, registered, sound and, right in ev- ery ,particular' and in foal ;I, 1 f111y • 1 year ,, old registered; 1 filly 4 months old, registered ; 1 stallion 2 years and 3,months, weighs 1500 •lbs, and a proper individual, regist- ered and enrolled.Henry, Snyder, R,R. No. 2, Clinton "11-tf, L FOR MOUSE' OR 'AL1✓ 8 ROOMLD 1 house on Ontario street. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, fruit trees and small' fruits. acre of land. Apply on premises to Mrs. Moggridge or to W. Brydotie, Clinton. , 09-11 IIOUSE FOR SALE.—CORNER OF 141111 and Maple streets, story and aeons a half, 6 rooms, town. water, / ow . acre lot, in good state of repair.— Apply, to Thos. Churchill, Clinton. 11-4 STOVES FOR SALE—An Art Souv- enir, with .oven, a Laurel coal heater;. All in good condition.— Apply ondition.Apply to Miss Rudd. 09—tf. FARM FOR SALE.—LOT NO. 31 and the north part of Lot 32 in the second concession of , Goderich township containing 110 acres on which there is a frame house and- a large barn with stabling under- neath. 'these are two orchards and two wells and about 15 acres of bush. Most of the farm is in pas- ture and hay. This farm is well situated being ' 4 miles from Bay- field and 8 miles from Goderich. On one of the best roads in the county.—Apply to" Geo. E. Greens- lade, Bayfield, Ont. 07 tf FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 35 AND half of lot 36, concession 3, Tuok- ersmith, six miles distant from towns of Seaforth and Clinton ; convenient to school ; fifty acres choice pasture land, ten acres tim- ber, beech and maple ; large apple orchard also orchard of small fruit, remainder under cultivation.,, Ideal stock farm, well fertilized, fenced and drained. Largo bank barn, silo, implement shed, hog pen and other . outbuildings. Never -falling water supply. One and a half story brick.house, large cellar, cis- tern, telephone and rural mail. Im- mediate possession given. • For fur- ther particulars apply on premises or address—A. Elcoat, Seaforth R. R. No. 3. 09-4—p. PLUMS AND PEARS WANTED, - 5000 baskets of plums and 5000 baskets of pears for which wo will pay the highest market; price. Baskets supplied.—Cantelon Bros, 05—tf HOUSE FOR SALE ON PRINCESS • St., west.—Six rooms, summer kit- chen, wood and coal shed, , good cement cellar, lien house and run, fruit trees and good garden.—AP- ply Geo. Burnett. 10—tf. PROPERTY FOR SALE -8 acres of garden and orchard on the London Road. 6 roomed house, bank barn 20x40, driving shed, hen house. Possession given in autumn. Apply on premises to Airs, Phillip Row- clilfe. • —00 FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house ou Princess St., east, half acre of land with fruit trees and berry bushes;- town wat- er.—Apply. on premises, Mrs. Akam.--98—tf HOUSE FOR, SALE -2 STORY; brick house on William street, all modern conveniences.—Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. —98 FARM FOR SALE,—ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school • sad church ; 41- miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms.— Apply A. E, Matheson; 11. R. No. 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar„ 14 acres garden, with fruit trees,—Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith, —84 AUTOMOBILE .FOR and -hand Chevrolet, or, one man top, in order.—Address P.O. ton. SALE—SEC- electric start - good running Box 100, Olin- -91 HOUSE FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME house oh Rattenbury street, west, 8 Mins, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good col- lar,, furnace, eleetrfc lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a ehinken house,• -Apply. 011 premises to Miss Southcombe. —62 ANY I4,I RSON 010 PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late 1Viliiai>Y It, Weeds will be prosecuted according to litiv,- 0.4l,: Woods, Bayfield,, 41.44 FARM FOR SALE -94 ACRES .QM, splendid farm land in, good state of cu 1tivatlou, Oa42 ore ao mf r ab e storey and ahaf brisk hoe with now steel roof, a good Alar, a barn 40x60 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to hie up28 head o1 (Attiett1 a and d horses besides 3 boxstalls, root room, teed room, separator room and harness room, Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house; A. stone pig pen 2444, a hen house 24x70 and a drive shed 20x30.' There is a never failing. spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1* acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2i miles from Clinton, good ,gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes It necessary for me Ito give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop it so desired, -Apply, Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hallett, .Clinton P. 0. —49 NEW COAL We are expecting both at Bruce - field and Clinton, some of the new kind of coal in stove size Briquettes. TO load I this,as Y a oft we can assure you entire satisfaction, besides com- ing a little cheaper. We also stock the following at Clinton :. EBONY CUBE—The Cannel de Luxe SOFT COAL -3 in. up Belmont Lump. ^ PEA COAL—$L00 cheaperthan other sizes.. CANADA CEMENT—The standard article. Accounts may be paid,; and orders left at Wiltse's grocery, store, AT BRUCEFIELD :-- ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER iu both hard and soft woods. B. C. SHINGLES selling at less than today's cost price. 1 FI13RE,BOARD cheaper and better than lath and plaster. SMITHING COAL'; our famous kieanweld. Also Cannel, Soft Coal, and Can- ada Cement. We do not want all the business, but we •would like to, have yours, J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD, Phone for Clinton 74, 'Phone for Brucefeld 11 on 6.1.8. POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES' PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept., 201h, every day 'after that.. W. MARQUIS X80 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Cleaning Day Ilouse-cleaning time is here again. Here are a few suggestions to make work easy ; Powdered Ammonia,: Sweeping Powder, Chloride. of Lime, Liquid Ammonia, 01d Dutch Cleanser, Lye, Furniture Polish, Silver Polish, Dustless Mops, Brushes and Brooms, Soap, IVlops, Wash -boards, Clothes Pins. —SPECIALS ----- Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Grapes, Sweet Potatoes, Spanish Onions,, and Ce10ryx '1 E. E. IIUNNIFORD !!1 P. h o n :q 19 THo PRESENT 'DAY. MOTHER MAKES PIES that the older generation couldn't begin to equal. For in addition to improved methods and utensils she has the advantage of being able to obtain Purity flour, the finest baking (lour known. Mance your next batch with Parity. Good as your former pies were These will be infinitely better.; W. Jenkins & SOH* FLGIIR :AND SPEED, "Phones : 'Elevator. 190, Reesitienee .14 Retail License No, 9-2868 ;Wlioiesalo License Ne,, 12-82 Bil.. �AINS For Saturday We have alfew Dollar Spec= tats loft from Fair Day,: While they ,last : 17 lbs, Rolled Oats,,,...., ... .91,00 12 tins Pork and Beans...$1,00 5 lbs. Ginger Snaps $1.00 4 lbs. ,Vanilla Bars ,;,,.,.,$1.00, 'Also fresh 'Sausage, Head Cheese and Must- Melons., W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery BIHLS ANTED for knitters and learners ALSO WOMEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORM OF ALL KINDS GO TO t,� i1 THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 53, Shop over Rowland's Hardwares NOTICE ! The partnership heretofore ex- isting xisting between J. A, Ford and Angus McLeod has been dis- solved by mutual consent. Ar- rangements for the settlement of a11' accounts owing the firm must be made by calling at the shop before Oat. 1st.; Fid & McLeod Live Poultry Wanted ! 4000 C11,ICICENS , 2000 HENS 1000 DUCK'S each week from now, until the end of December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis delivered mirk empty) crops. We pay special prices fon properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strongly advise all producers to finish their ,poultry, as it will pay, you well to do so. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N, IW, Tre7vartha,, Phone I1 Manager or Holmesvilre 4 of 14g Canada Food Board -License` No, 1,-001 CREAM WANTED I Farmers having crease to sell write us for can and tun parties" lars, Our markets are 'the best.; Service the most prompt., Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consistent with an honest test which we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery, Co: Is n thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of the largest In Canada. You cannot make any, mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans ate re, quested not to make use of In sending cream to other creameries or cream buyers. Write today for cana: Tma Seaforth Creamery Co. 0. Al: BARBER, MANAGED BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big Type YORKSHIRE AND CHESTER - WHITE BOARS, i0 4 Ar C. LEVEV, 5--089 CLINTON, 01184 Athome every, forenoon,