HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-9-25, Page 8Constance Mr, and l\lrs. W. Lindsay aro vis - Ring friends and relatirves around here. Don't forget that Sunday is Rally Ply and Rev, Mr. Johnfltnn of Balm esville is to preach to the children in the afternoon, MOM Cainllbell of ligenia Falls Spent a week witli their cousins, Mrs. Jas. Mann and Mr, P, 'Tudor, anamininammanivaminsinammommem CLINTON'S' LEADING J.B+ WJ3 LERY STORE SPECIRLS FOR OULLAR DAY ALSO ONE DOILAN OFF ON WITCHES AND CLOCKS R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE Dollar Day Specials White Flannelette --About 200 yards, 36 inch, White Flannelette, nice soft cloth, worth 43c per yard Special 4 yards for $ Men's Blue and White Overalls, special for one day only at $ per leg Caps --A special clearing line of men's and boys' caps at 2 caps for $ Also dozens of Special Lines which time and space will not permit us to mention Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE CLOTHING THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE ,21! NEW, IDEAS PATTERNS. JUST II LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty, people. To know how attractive are these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them. Descrip- tion would not do justice to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their. quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone -. 28 merew1110m ®ms•we_s 1 `OUR aWEEKLY. LIlVIERICK: There. once was a man by name '1 tr. Grove, Who for heating, felt the need of a small oil stove, So he came to our store, Where we have them galore, And he phoned thus— "It was just what we needed, by Jove." There are days in the early Fall before the fires are started, when a small oil stove fits in ,just right. Not the kind that smokes and gives off disagreeable fumes, but the 'PERFEC TION AND HOT BLAST. —OUR SPECIALS 'I'IIIS WEIK.— Seven or eight hundred pounds coil spring wire. slightly damaged, at half price, only four cents per pound._ Now is a good time to put your roof in goad order for the coming Tall and whiter. We have a good stock of the Brantford Roofing and the celebrated .Elastic Carbon Roofin g paint. It pays to use cha best when the price is all the same. See our line of stoves and ranges ttith all the latest and up to date amprovements. HARLAND BROS • Hardware, Stoves and Novelties To VANCOUVER Via the Scenic Route Leave TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 p.m. Monday—Wednesday--Friday Gotnpertment-Observation, Standard and Tourist Steeping and Dining Cars. Comfortable Coaches. SIX DAYS A WEEK SERVICE TO -.WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON MON., WED., Nltl,—VIe Can. National Rye. All rho Way. T[ILr., TnU., SAT.—VIa G.T., T. & N,O. and Can. National an. For Tickets and Information; enquire nearest C.N. Rya. Agents or write General Passenger Department, Toronto. 18 Clinton News -Record September 'ASth, 1919 In Clinton It's The W. D. Fair Co. For School Books and ,Supplies r'Ofton the Cheapest Always tlie Best.' Miss Ruth McMath spent Sunday with her aster Miss Marjorie, in Ethel.' Miss, Myrtle Pearson spent the week -endrin town with Miss Anna Walker. Mrs. Johnson and two children of Drayton have been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. E. W., Morrison. Mr, Peter .Cantelon was seen taking the train on Wednesday `afternoon Mr a short visit in, Hensel]. Mrs. Henderson sof Lansing, Mich., who has been visiting friends in town, returns to her home on Fri- day. Miss Viola Cook_ has returned to Toronto alter spending her holi- days with her patents on Queen street. Mrs. Boggs and her twin sons of . Oklahoma City, . spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Miss Margaret .McLaughlin of Welles- ley hospital/ Toronto, has been visiting Mrs, John Scarlett of town, this week.., Mrs, Wm. Cantelon and Mrs. At- tridge of Brown City, Mich., vis- ited Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Brooks of MIitchell last week./ Mrs. Matheson of St. Marys, Penn., left for home on Wednesday, after visiting for a few clays at the home of Mr. James Dunlord. Miss Lottie Sloman has returned from her trip out' west and is spending a few days at her Home in town tbefore returning to Toronto. Mr. Dean Courtice of Chatham spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Airs. E. G. C'ourtice. He left for Kitchener on Monday morning. Mr. William Taylor of Chicago is visiting friends in town. He • also visited friends in Cohourg, Toron- to and London. _ Mrs. Attridge, who has been spend- ing e few weeks at the homer of kir. and Mrs. Wm. Uantelon, re. turns to her home in Brown City, Mich., this week. Rev. and Mrs. Charles of London were guests of Mrs. S. E. McKeg- ney at the rectory over Sunday. 114r. Charles took the services in St. Paul's on Sunday. Miss Florence Cuninghame left for Fullerton Tuesday evening, from; where she will take a day off with her friend, Miss Baker, attending a convention at St, Marys. Misses Harriet Cantelon, Ruth Mc- Math o-Math and Eleanor Kemp leave shortly for Toronto where they in- tend ntend fitting themselves for the teaching profession by attending the Faculty of Education.. Mr. R. 5, Manning, manager of the Royal Bank, is enjoying 'a well earned holiday, the -first of any length for a number of years:' 1Ie and Mrs. Manning are. in Toronto this week. Mr. Henrick of Strat- ford is in charge at the bank. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Watts of Strat- ford spent .the week -end at their home in town, the former coming up to see his brother (Sapper) Syd Watts,„who has just returned from overseas, and also to attend the family gathering at' their home on Sunday. Miss Ruby Irwin, who is in charge of her father's dry goods business,. while he is visiting his daughter 'Marion and his son, Rev. Wm. Ir- win, at Edmonton, took a business trip to London one day last week, for the, purpose of picking up latest ideas in fall styles of dress goods. Stall -Sergeant T. 11'. Sheppard, bet- ter known as "Chun,” arrived from overseas at his home' in town on Monday night. His many friends welcome him home. He leavers on Fi:iday for Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, but will `return for a more extended visit Iater. Mr. Milton Lake of Belgrave was in town Tuesday and Wednesday vis- iting Mr.. J. L. heard, barber, and Mr, ,1. Smith, , implement agent. All three were close chums over- seas,. having lie.en members of the 161st Batt, so there is a very close bond of comradeship holding these men which tune and distance could not easily break, Mr., Lake is a pephew of Mr.. John Stephen - ,son and has bought a beautiful farm sear I3elgrave, from Mr. Robt. McGuire, on which he intends to settle and keep hatch, (so he says.) 050 boys are quickly re -adjusting. tli.cinselves into civil life again but It will be long Before the memory of what they endured when in mil- itary service, fades front their minds. TUESDAY, S 'PT. 30 DOLLAR DAY When You are Attending The School Come In And See in Town Fair THE VALUES WE ARE. OFFERING for DOLLAR DAY WOMEN'S STORE BIEN'S STORE DiG floods House Furnishings , Custom Tailoring and phone 67'. (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Next Royal Bank Opposite Public Library, Dollar day at Jackson's Shoe Store TUESDAY, SEPT. 30th A One Day .Big Sale Yes ! Just one Dollar ---that's all we are going to ask you for a pair of good shoes ! The strangest feature of this Dollar Shoe Sale will be that there are no Dollar Shoes going into it ! The Shoes are. Worth More Money We'll explain the situation by saying we have a number of broken lines of sores -=-shoes with sizes missing --Shoes that were our best sellers. Some of these shoes we cannot get again, so we have gone through our stock and taken out these short lines and irrespective of cost or value, we have placed them by themselves and now offer the 3hoice of THREE LOTS Lot No. 1 Just One Dollar a Pair Lot No. 2 Just One Dollar a Shoe Lot No. 3 Just Two Dollars a Soh °s Some of these shoes are'worth three and four times what we ask for them A One Day Sale - Strictly Spot Cash No goods on approbation No exchanges made No goods taken back Come Early while the picking is goud Be Sure Your Purchase Satisfies and Stay Satisfied FRED JACKSON Good Shoes for Everybody axasereasomemmas C CI.jx Pandora Mrrtenve. � _. L° IT is every woman's right to have the best kitchen equipment that can be had. The Pandora saves trouble, saves work, and gives a woman the joy of baking things just as she wants them. It is a woman's choice. Let us show you the smoothly working grates, the clear oven door, the fine ther- mometer. Let us explain why the oven is so evenly heated. You want the best L for your kitchen, Then see the Pandora. Sold by 1IARi,AND EROS. fi Holmesville Mrs. (Dr.) 1'. H. Atkinson, who,. with her. brother, Mr. Chas. E. Lav - is, has been spending the summer. - with their father, Mr. E. Levis, leaves for their home in Vancouver on Friday of•this week. Miss Lottie E. Lavis accompanies them as lar- ds Toronto. WEEKLY DANCES BAY FIELD Jowett's Pavillion DANCINC4 EVERY TUESDAY such THURSDAY EVENING 11NTIL FURTIIER, NOTICE BLACKSTONE-BUCKLEY OR- CHESTRA 1 Also MENESETUNG fJOrl?L Every Wednesday. FOLLOW THE CROWD ! Clinton Junk Dealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. Look at Our D6llar Dag Bargains WE ARE OFFERING .A SPEC- IAL LINE OF GRANITE, ALUM- INUM AND TINWARE. 73 WATT LAMPS, REG. $1.26,, FOR $.1.00. SPECIAL PRICES ON ELEC- 'T'RIC SHADES HOME-MADE STOVE PIPES. AND ELBOWS. J. A, SUTTE Phone 147 w Phone 140 Estimates given, A. E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS,. SIGNS, ETO. INTERIOR AND EX'T'ERIOR DECORATING tVe protect your floors, turnitiire,. ote,, by plenty of drop sheets. Ontario Street r,,