HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-9-25, Page 7.w s steroft 9 Tale MORA1.E (Ma -ran n. • (R See Moral, al the moral condition, or the condition fn ofhar respect , o, far as ft Is eared 6V,ordependent upon, morel con: sidereal', such as zea/ splrlb hope and confidence; mania orate, as ofabedg ofinen, an arm$ and llkr. ., HAT is Dr. Webster's definition. Many of us know the word only in its war -time application: - Webster dwells firstly upon the -usage of the word "morale" as applied to the common -place ritutN,1 happenings of every -day life. His allusion to its reference to en army comes later. And Webater is correct—meticulously so. It was their private.life morale that made such splendid soldiers of our boys when the time came for them to don the khaki. It was that, and that alone, that made them take the first step, and it was that which carried them ,through to victory. If; their every -day morale had been neglected, the Army could have done little with them and success would not have crowned their efforts. It is the many little incidents of your daily routine that make up your morale—the morning shave, your clean linen, -polished shoes, brushed clothes. Webster speaks of zeal,'spirit, hope and confi- dence. It is by attention to the small details of your personal. appearance that tleao may be attained. The Gillette Safety Razor enters as much into the morale of every. day life as it did into that of the trenches. It helped our soldiers to maintain their confidence and bearing. It will do the same for.you. The Gillette Safety Razor makes the daily shave come easy—there is no pulling or scraping—no honing, or shopping—just five minutes of perfect shaving comfort. And, afterwards, a chin that tells of morale and selfaespect. Solda2 most stores catering to men's iseeds. 7.1ACE 1N 'CAN,.0A, ---- . 540 'ktrt0WN THE WORLD OVrR) The Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal, Que. s Gives Stovepipes and Radiators a Silver -like finish. For Sale by AU Dealers Your Mysterious Powers The normal senses of mankind are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. But there are other senses which have not been classified, and they are enig- mas for the scientist and the psychic investigator. There are men and wo- men who can predict a thunderstorm through observing sensations in the brain and the nervous system. This abnormal sense is often acutely de- veloped in women of an Impression- able, nervous nature. Although the discovery of water be- neath the ground by means of the divining -rod has been proved to be trickery in some cases, there is scien- tific evidence that some persons do 'possess a strange sense which enables them to find water in a dry land. The proximity of water, which cannot be Seen, is revealed to these sensitive p_ersoa by a curious shivering sensa- tion, and it 1s probable that the suc- cessful water -diviners possess a speci- fic sense. There are many baffling marvels as- sociated with the sub -conscious mind of mankind. There are somniloquent people who can carry on a conversa- tion with another person during deep sleep. They answer questions ration- ally, and appear to be 'vide awake in the conscious mind. But insthe morn- ing,they have no recellecti'An what- ever of having talked in their sleep, and they are apt to deny the testi- mony of those who talked with them. Sleep -walkers never remember their nightly adventures. They find It dif- ficult to believe that they have left their beds, dressed themselves, and taken a walk. All that they note in the morning is drowsiness, and some- times a slight headache. Sudden changes of personality are fairly common, and many interesting cases have been recorded. A mall will suddenly tail himself by a new name, wander to a distant town, and begin a new life. All his past is forgotten, and his "double" is a being totally un- like his real self. This state is described as "fugue," and there have been many strange in- stances among soldiers suffering from war -shock. When the patients re- cover they have no recollegtion of the life led by their self, They say that they have had a loug'dream, but1can- not recall the incidents. Promising Ontario Linen Industry. • With the installation of modern web - 'spinning machinery completed, a firm at Guelph, Ontario, is now turning out web -spun linen yarns from flax grown in the province. A flax epin- ning mill, operating in conjunction with the linen mill, makes this indus- try a self-contained one, able to turn out linen fabrics, including the finer grades, from raw flax to finished goods. During the war the plant was running on cotton and union goods, because of the difficulty of getting linen yarn; but with a steady supply of Canadian spun -linen yarns now as- sured, It is turning out a. full line of all the finer 'linen goods, as well as the coarse towelling', butchers' linen, etc: The development of flax spinning will have a Stimulating effect on the growing of flax by Ontario farmers. Ontario flax has in the past been forms acceptable by Irish linen menu- facturers in the production of the famous Irish ]inane,' A newly invent - TAIiFiili RHEU 1ATiS11 • May he Driven Out of the Sys - $m by Enriching the Blood, In tie days of our fathers and grand- fathers rheumatism wily thought to be the unavoidable penalty of middle life end old age. Almost every elaerlY Donor\ ha<i rheum'atlem, as wall as many young people. Medical science did not Understand the trouble—dict not know that it was rooted ' lit the blood. It ,was thought that rheuma- tism *fie the mere effect of exposure to cold and damp, and it was treated with liniments and hot' applications, which sometimes gave temporary re-, ilei, but did not euro the trouble, In those days there .were thousands of rheumatic cripples. Now, medical science understands that rheumatism is a disease of the blood, and that with good, rich, red blood any man or woman of any age can defy rheumy item, can be cured, by killing the Poison which' causes it. There are many elderly people who have never telt a• twinge of rheunl,atism, and many wise have conquered it by simp- ly keening their blood rich and pure. The blood making, blood enriching qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is becoming every year more widely known, and it is the more general use of these pills that has robbed rheu- matism of Its terrors. At the first sign of poor blood, which is shown by lops of appetite,palpitations, dell akin and dila eyes, protect. yourself ,ugalnst-the further ravages of disease by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They have cured thousands of people -if you give them a fair trial they will not disappoint you. You can get these pills through. any dealer In medicine or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes Por- $2.50 from The 11r. Willlams'.Medlcine Co., Brock- ville Ont. ed Canadian machine to harvest the Rax, which, for purposes of .spinning, must be pulled, not cut, is expected to reduce labor costs greatly. The elimination of the tithe crop in Russia, which formerly placed Rus- sian flax on the world market almost as cheaply as cotton, gives Canada an added advantage. There seems little reason why flax production and spin- ning, with the complementary indus- try 01 linen weaving, should not be- come one of Canada's important in- dustries. In view ,of this, Ontario's leadership in the enterprise of a self- contained linen industry. is especially interesting, Naughty Nations. A novelinquiry.ilas lately been held in the' Republic to the south. Which 'is the "naughtiest" of all the foreign nations represented in the United States? The method adopted to debide this question has been to take a census of all the people who have been impris- oned fo"r breaking laws, and the fairest record is held by Switzerland, Only 0.31 per cent. of the Swiss in the United States have been to prison, Mexico is the bad boy of the family, with 2.3 per cent., or just over one In fifty. Ireland is only a fraction better, 2 per cent„ and Scotland 1p third from bottom with 1.2 per cent. Following these, each country "being better than the last, come Austria, England and Wales, Canada, Franco, Italy, Russia, and Denmark. What about Germany? Prepare for a nasty blow. Omitting •Switzerland, Germany comes top! What is perhaps the only aerial band in the world belongs to the Brit- ish dirigible R-33, sister to the R=24, whose . flight from ,Scotland to Am- erica and return to England made her famous. The R-33 will soon try a flight from England to India and re- turn, and the musicians will enliven the trip. A dis y. d 11 G al relish At breakfast or lunch with either milk or, cream fills ecurdirementL for nourishment no -t met 'by many cer~eai}waste COnl-c in0, No erste M Qrracers I✓-erelifl ere, N'ildpl%ra7s il' l(*' 70.sti46i ritefa &into YyY> ktt.'1 • Surer High Heels e Cause Corns But Who Cares Nov e. P e 0 Bruin Power. Beak of the ell are the well414110. tides }ound Steadily, steadily, leto the ground, Back of the lighting, the Power plant's force --- Wondrous its working and 'gem!: AO source, Hack of the fabric, the loom that must ' weave it; Beek of .the loom aro the hands that ael'hlave it; But back of the dream and the per - footed plan; The invention et Nature—the brain of , a maul Back of the message, the wireless spark, Outracing the sunbeams and cleaving the dark; Back 0f the airplanes, the motors that dare Contend with and conquer the Poroos of. air; Back of the bullet, the rifle that whirls it; Back of the missile, the cannon that hurls it; Back of the fortress, the engineer's plan, But back of the blueprint—the brain of a man! Yea, we may soar as the winged eagles soar, And the uttermost caverns of ocean explore; Laugh at the barriers of desert and sea, And be free as the winds of the world are free, Ours. is the earth; we shall .wield it and mould The scroll of the ages shall seize and unfold it; This only shall baffle direction and plan: None can fashion or fathom the brain of a man! yTEETHING TROUBLES f e r. o 0 o e o o e e---0 0 Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer.from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the corn gr w hard. This suicidal habit may cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop it. • A few drops of a drug called freez- ane applied directly upon a sora corn gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs very little but Is sufficient to re. move every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. This drug is an ether compound and dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding --tissue or skin. Clip this out and pin on your wife's dresser., -----'- 4 Mistakes That Paid. It is- surprising how many useful things come into general use simply by 'some slip or inadvel+tency. Blotting paper, for in'stanee, was the result of a workman's spoiling of a batch into which he had forgot- ten to put any sizing material. Nobel discovered dynamite by a •slip, and the first. bayonet was the result of a soldier's suggestion that, as the pow- der was done, -they should fix their long hives into the barrels of their rifles and charge. This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for years, and consider it the beet lini- ment on the market, . I have found it excellent for horse flesh. • (Signed) W. S. PINED. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. Effective Remedy. The doctor turned reluctantly out of b2,d to answer his night bell, and was glad to hear that all that was wrbng was that Mrs. MVItilcalhey's new baby wouldn't go to sleep. He handed the excited father a powder and went back to bed. Next mortising he met Mr. Mulcahey and asked how the baby was. "FoiOe, sir!" beamed the' happy elan. "That powder of yours did the trick." "I'm glad of that, And did the baby get a good night's rest?" "Stine, an' we don't know,' was the reply. "We gave her a dose an' it didn't realm a bit of difference; she just went on howlhr'. So the wife and 0101111 tools the rest ,betwane us and wint straight off to slope are ;liver Marti the swath pet at all," Kr ..-.......-v. Agents Wanited Agents wanted In towns through• out:Onterlo and Quebec to handle high'olnso socurlties. Perticillare on afiplloatlon, Good commis, skin, Room 40p, 10 King at, !~„ Toronto,. A heavy horse from 16 to 17 •halide high to what the present market de. mends, 1'5inord'a Zlniment C sree lsmma, eta. 1Cxood geldings arebringing from $700 to $1,200. in 'bile Old Coun'tr'y at present, MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars costs three cents. Baby's teething ,cline is a time of worry for most mothers. Baby's little gums become swollen and tender; his bowels get out of order and constipa- tion, colic or even diarrhoea sats in. To make the teething period easy Baby's Own Tablets should be given the little one, They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels and keep baby good natured. Concerning them Mrs. Marcel D. LeBlanc, Menr ramcock, West, N.B., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past six years and have found them indis- pensable. To my mind nothing can equal them in allaying the fever ac- companying teething. I would not be without them and can strongly recom- mend them to other mothers," The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by rail at 25 Dents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. The Last Straw. Joggles is a good sort, but at tines he gats worried. You see, he has a large number of little things to worry him. In other words, Joggles is the father of thirteen children. As a good father should, Joggles took the whole newspaper dozen with him on his summer holiday. Was he annoyed at any of the humorous re- marks 0t would-be wags which fell on his -ears? No. He simply puffed with paternal pride. It was a railway porter who "broke the camel's back"—a common or gar- den railway porter, It happened thus: Joggles and his little lot came up to the barrier, -Joggles leading. "What have you been doing?" de- manded the porter, with a Sherlock Holmes -like air, "No -nothing," stammered Joggles. "Then," thundered the porter, "wot's all this crowd folleriu' yer for?" LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKiN. Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful lemon beauti- fier,skin byftensqueezing the Juicers of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, (then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles. sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. , Suet try it! Gat three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red halide. Olifnbing the ladder of life may be difficult, but it 15 only when you are sliding down that you get caught on the splilltrs, 11.Siliatfl'u t,inliuont tor Yale everewllaro, Parker's The smallest bone in the human body is situated in the ear. rdinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "Pipkwiclf Papers" contains some 360 characters. Invest Ydin r Money 5%2% DEBENTURES Interest; payable half- yearly. The Great West Permanent Loan Company Toronto Office 20 King St. West Hate Were Heirlooms, Tr, the olden days in tiro United states, soon after the revolutionary war, a good beaver hat becafne a kind of family heirloom, and was handed down from 211111e0 to soli. For some 'strange reason it was considered to be rather frivolous and extravagant to be Peen wearing a now beaver hat, and it was the 0usteihh" when a men bought one to leave it 'out lib stormy weather 'before wearing it, to "take the newlleee off," reinazd'a Liniment Believes Neuralgia. Store your seed cern where cannot freeze before becoming thoit-' ougllly dry, All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF - - TORONTO 11101621,111.11.111 AttpNmm 'WANTJsn, IANDY---J3ATIN See TO 200 WRlaBle a LY, A4vortlee '-„ Mon --- Women, Start sine 01 our speeleltyy Gently Ipae- teh•1es in, your home, annul room --any- where. Grand•oppoi,4untty 1V' telt how and' furniali everything. Gan4ymake,'a House,1110 lianotoad St, Philadelphia, a?a.. BxT V AR%o17f1 • 'VAC 11515 YOU AMBITIOUS? Zit' YQTY • dasirg advanoo'nant I'f�ny witupt en ef' lira, mental erflelenoy 1a what syirll* ln•ing you sueeees. The Peiman Syste:in 02 Mind and lvremary Training deVelops latent powers with Wonderful results Yet It reeulres but spore srlomeete of study and mental exet•olse. It matters net Where you live for the oeuree 1S eon- dttoted by mall—.by confidential OOrree. pondenoe, Your request fez• free book- let "Med and Memory," will bring tide and all particulars by return mall, 'Write toeday. Peiman Institute, 706 Temple Bldg., 'Parente, FOR BAT.E. IATPWSPAP)OR, W5171KLY, IN 13, .i.li County. Splendid opportunity, Write Box T, Wilson Publishing Co., Limited, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. W151LL. EQUIPPED NEIWSPAPZP, grid job- printing plant In Beaten* Ontario, Insurance oarrlad $1,600, Will gRo for 11,200 on quick sale. Box 02, Wilson Publishing go„ Ltd., Toronto. AZISOELLsi7$owe.. COVBRYP-Nap til aRVD bO Y5S. wa h olothes-spotlessly clean without rubbing; enormous demand; selling experience unneoesliary; bundrod per cent. profit; send ton cents for samples, Garretson, Brantford, Ontario. d'-IANC/PR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. N./internal and external, cured without ,wain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. .Dr, Bellntan Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont, Patience is often an excuse to wait for something when energy to go and fetch it would be more appropriate. 'IORM WINDOWS &DOORS QIZF3 to cwt your t..7 openings. Fitted withglass, Safe de- livery guaranteed: Write for price Li,t (L Cut down fuel r bills. tenure winter comfort. The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited 11ANIt1ON FACTORY 0,5ramUTCRa CANA OA 30 sT8R. 8COUGHS WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any pian will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically every man has used it who has suffered from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex- posure. AVomen, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relievingneur- itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly effective, Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist. brad in. Canada.. Get it today. 35c, 70c, $1.40, ECLEA IN RASN CTCURA EAS Very Itchy and Burned. Troubled Six Weeks. • "Our daughter's face came out in a rash that we were told was eczema. Her cheeks got sore and she rubbed caus- ing loss of sleep. The breaking out was very . itchy and burned so that I had to tie gloves on her hands to keep her from scratching. "Thisotrouble lasted about six weeks before I used Cuticura, I used One large box of Cuticura Ointment with two' cakes of CutIcura Soap when sheens healed."(Signed) Mrs. H. Steres, Blenheim Rd„ Galt, Ont. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are ideal for daily toilet uses. rent and crimple wishes Cadmic 80s Oint- nape. e, H0000, 0, 9, 6," 80111 avorywha S A' 111 Do .. By cleaning' or dyeing—restore any articles to their former appearance and return them to you, good as new. Send anything from household draper- ies down to the finest of delicate fabrics. We pay postageor express changes one way. lea When you think of o,ng �, r y a Think of Parker's: Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay Carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon Cleaning or Dyeing any ar- ticle will be promptly g7iven upon request. Parkes By Works9Limited Cleaner's and Dyers, 791 Yonge St. Toronto 198u g 11 ®N'S Mouth Wash The ,universal mouth Antiseptic for Pyorrhoea and sore gums. Ideals and hardens bleeding gums at once and tightens the teeth. McCRIMMON'S Mouth Wash -deodorizes all decomposed mat- ter and makes the mouth fresh and sweet. A BOON'TO SMOKERS Mc CRIMMoN'' CHEMICALS ITEM Manufacturing Chemists , stasie.y„ • 29 RICHMOND ST. E :x? } r.I4, 4 .-,rrTOROIil7i ; rsi t,., '" • ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, headache, Neural- package which contains complete di-' gia, Toothache, Earache, and for motions. Then you are getting real' Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pros, ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nines. name "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. Now made in Canadat. Aspirin at all. „ Handy tin boxoa containing 12 tab,' I Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cants. Druggiatg'f Aspirin" in an . unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only ono Aspirin -.'"Bayer" --Yon mast say "Boyer" Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono -1 aaatloaeldeatcr of Rnlleylleaold, While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations. the Tablets of Bayer Company, will be stamlrpd with their general trade merit, the "Bayer Cross." • C` „w yam. For PTe erva Half Lily White and Half Sugar You will have wonderful success with your preserves if you follow the example of the Technical Schools and replace half the sugar with LILY WHITE Corn Syrup. The initial saving in money may be small, but your jams and jellies will keep better, will have finer flavor, will be just the right consistency arid will not crystallize. LILY WHITE makes Dandy Candy Endorsed by good housewives -every- where. LILY WHITE Corn Syrup in sold by all grocers in 2, 5, 10 and 20 Ib, tins. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. 241 ly Wee for Cook Beck, i+' l