The Clinton News Record, 1919-9-18, Page 7a ,
� t
1. .
w '
5i f 7
and every traoo %f Carbon
CIPAT4e4 Owners' nocovuotp y removed by
in Matt WWII or '011040) RIVen ex- MIRACLE MOTbR GAS
elusive sale. So wrt,te at once ter
rule Partial-IWO and satisfy your- Tho aclentine gasoline lntenelner,
dolt that Miracle Motor Gee lo VW/1'SM' and de-ea'bonizor now
Proving 0. veritable gold mine for, oecuaale
retsn1rt- itas0UOaa'agl2 nof
oxaluslve agents. • gg•a�solhne at. market pride plea. 100
-' - NuMotor otor Lias Tablets at
0.20 r hundred equals 133 gallons of`gasolin0n Money batik if not satin -
fled, per
01,20 for 100 Tablets, Use 00, and it not. absolutely as repre-
sented return the remaining 00 ,and We will aend yeti 01.26 by first mall..
Fred Literature Mailed on Request.
Exclusive Distributors
The clothes you were so proud of • when
new—can be made to appear new again.
Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted
will be restord to their former beauty by
sending them to Parker's.
Cleaning and yeing
is properly one at PARKER'S
Parcels may be sent Post or Express.
We pay carriage one way on all orders.
Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any
.article will be promptly given upon request.
Cleaners and Dyers,
791 Yonge St. Toronto
"The Kindly Fruits of the Earth."
-For this, the welcome birds returned,
And mist of fruit -bloom veiled the
And, while the noonday Summer
A11 pollen -laden hummed the bees.
For this, the clouds and thunders
Through blazing days and sultry
For this, we watched each bud unfold,
Nor mourned the close of Spring's
Towprd this, the farmer deftly toiled,
And spent his seed with lavish hand;
Though scornful crows his fields des-.
In laughing bounty now they stand.
.They dance, those "fields of waving
To mock the miser's mental throes,
Whose soul by bitter want is torn-
The lust for gold; a lust that grows.
I3y what it feeds on. Lo, the earth
Is lapped in plenty—need not yearn
Unsatisfied. There is no dearth
Save that by man created. Learn,
While not too late, from Nature's
Or learn too late her Maker's rage!
fleeert ..ea Blges Europe.
Tile great Sahara desert covers the
major part o1..lnartlhern Africa, 0011--
011silting 0f 8,500,000 square miles—an
and region as large as the whole of
Ifurcpe, 11'l`o0l 100 feet below 000
levet it files in one install%) to 8,000
feet above, and loins elevations
aro covered with snow for three
menthe of the yea'', Most of It, how.
ever, is a dry, sandy waste, (lotted
here and there with an oasis where
drink may bo secured, The winds are
all very hot and dry, while r'ai'l is al-
most unknown.
The ostrich, cannel, jacical, Horned
viaei' and 0dmer0i5 lizards are the
Principal animals of the region, Sever-
al varieties of hardy bird's a, a also
found, Arabs; Moors, Jews and no-
groes jostle each other oil the caravan
routes and tllo fierce -looking ,Arabs
who bring their produce to the Egyp
tion markets are probably the volition
and cutthroats in their desert home.
It is impossible for travelers to get
off the road, as the caravan routes are
bordered with the bones of countless
camels which have fallen by the way'
side during the thousands of years
these trails have been traveled.
circle by the breaking of the circle at
four points and the subsequent con-
version of•the curved limbs into rec-
tilinear verticals.
The Swastika is, as we have seen, a
very early device or symbol in use
among very ancient races in Europe,
Asia and America, Though found on
an ingot of metal in Ashanti, it was
of late foreign introduction there, Cid
is not known in Africa nor in Poly.
nesia and Australia, nor among the
Every mother knows how fatal the
hot summer months are to small
children. Cholera infantum, diarr-
hoea, dysentry, colic and stomach
troubles are rife at this time and
often a precious little life is lost after
only a few hours illness. The mother
who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the
house feels safe. The occasional use
of the Tablets prevent stomach and
bowel troubles, or if trouble comes
s)tddenly—as it generally does—the
Tablets will bring the baby safely
through. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by nail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Good -Luck Symbol of Primitive People
Still a Mystery.
There is an almost worldwide oc-
currence of the Swastika as a deoora-
tivo,and,Sanctifying device. It occurs
in China, Korea, Japan and India,
both in modern and ancient times.
It was used by the ancient Myeen-
cans, and abundantly In ancient Troy,
and by the people of the Bronze Age
in Europe, but not by the ancient
Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians or
Persians, nor by the Greeks of the
' great classical period. It Is abundant.
on Etruscan work[ but disappeared
from general use in historic times in
Italy and the rest of Europe, though
used as decoration on the walls of a
liouse in Pdlnpeii and on an Anglo-
Saxon vase from Norfolk.
A most remarkable fact is that it is
in use among the Indians of Colorado
and Mexico, and has been found in
America 111 ancient work dating from
1000 years before Columbus.
Tho name Swastika, given to this
"device," •in Indian 10eaila ."good
luck!" The word svasti in ancient
Sanskrit Means "hail or "be well,"
like the similar Greek word cuesto. It
is also : called the "ganunadion; be-
cattle it is like four individuals of the
Greek letter gamma—united. In old
English it was .called "Flyfot," mean-
ing "coaly footed;' and it is some..
timer described es a "tetraskelion,"
referring to its four branches or limbs.
It is often scratched on clay or drawn
with a paint brueb, and when its
limbs are curled spirally itis called an
"ogee." Tt is sometimes supposed
(though it seems erroneously) to be
tieriyed from a cross incribed in a
Thimble Made For Thumb.
The thimble was originally called as
thumb bell by the English, because
worm on the thumb, then a thumblo,
and finally its present name: It was
a Dutch invention and was first
brouglit to England in 1095. Thimbles
were formerly made of iron and brass,
but in 'comparatively late years they
have been made of gold, silver, brass,
iron, horn, ivory and even glass and
pearl. In China beautifully carved
pearl thimbles are seen, bound with
gold_and with the dud of gold. The
first thimble introduced into Slam was
a bridal gift • from the king to the
queen. It is shaped like a lotusbud
made of gold and thickly studded with
diamonds arranged to spell the queen's
-Of course, thimbles are used by the
women to std them in pushing the
needle through the material. It saves
their fingers from being cent by the
needle and there is hardly a house-
hold in the whole wide .world . that
doesn't own at least one thimble.
By the margin of the woodland
Where the fields come sloping down,
Crimson stains like gory blotches,
On the forepiece of a crown,
Glint and glimmer on the foliage
Of the maple and the pine,
Marking where the gum and 'sumach
Intermingle ail4 entwine.
A wall of leafy verdure
All the summer they have stood
To guard the sylvan pathway,
Brave sentinels of wood,
Their robes of green untarnished
BY the sunshine or by rain,
Till Autumnit, subtle' artist,
Lays ou the crimson stain.
Where lately grew the violet, '
And eglantine was seen,
Where black-eyed Sue coquetted,
The aster naw is queen.
The iron weeds along the marsh
In slumber seen.. to nod,
Tho pasture flelris grow yellow
With royal golden rod.
A drean1y silepce in the grove
,Soft whisper) in the pine;
The Bob -white's love notes echo
From his covert in the vine.
The yellow sunshine on the groes,
Tho sky line bending clear,
A thousand tokens, plain as words,
Proclaim that Autumn's here.
If You Don't See the "Bayer .Cross"
on the Tablets, Refuse Them—They
Are Not Aspirin At Ali.
How Feet Can You Sly Them?
Here are a 00lniler of allanoiltg
"0)11011e -twister'!"
A glowing Merlin growing green.
The. black breeze ',blighted the
bright blossoms. -
lrlesil of freshly flying flab.
Six thick thistles sticks,
Two toads tried to trot to Tedbury:
Give Grimes JIM's great • gilt gin;
Blick, strong Stopnen Stringer
snared six'slickly sickly silky intakes.
She stood at the door of Mrs,
Smith's fish sauce shop welcoming"
11110 in,
A Sure Sign That the Blood is
Watery and Impure.
People with thin blood are poor
more subject to headaches than full-
blooded persons, and the form of anae-
mia that afflicts growing girls is al-
most always accompanied by head-
aches, together with disturbance of
the digestive organs.
Whenever you have constant or re-
curring headaches and pallor of the
fate; they show that the blood is. thin
and your efforts should be directed to.
ward building tip your blood. A fair
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills will do this effectively, and the
rich, red blood made by these pills
will remove the headache.
More disturbances to the health are
caused by their blood than most pee-
ple have any idea of. When your blood
is impoverished, the nerves, suffer
from lack of nourishment, and you
may be troubled with insomnia, Neur-
itis, neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles
subject to strain are under -nourished
and you may have muscular rhen-
matism or lumbago. If your blood is
thin and you begin to show symptoms
of' any of these disorders, try building
up the blood with Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills, and a$ the blood is restored to
its normal condition every symptom of
the trouble will disappear.- There are
more people who owe their present
state of good health to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills than to any other medicine,
and most of them do not hesitate to
say so.
You can get Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine or by
mail at 50 cents, a box or sixboxes for
32.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville,, Ont.
Your druggist gladly will give you
the genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
because genuine Aspirin now is made
by Canadians and owned by a Cana-
dian Company.
There is not a cent's Worth of Ger-
man interest in Aspirin, all rights be•
ing purchased from the U.S. Govern-
During the war, acid imitations
were sold as Aspirin 1n p111 boxes and
various other containers. But now you
can get genuine Aspirin, plainly
stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross"
—Aspirin -proved safe by millions for
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Rheu•
matism, Lumbago, Colds, Neuritis, and
Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets, also
larger "Bayer" packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark, registered
in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetic-acidester of Salicylicacid.
The last of August is a good time
to seed new lawns. The autumn rains
and favorable temperature quickly
start the grass, and if the ground has
been well prepared a good lawn will
be obtained by next summer.
Tea and Coffee
are nod, considered Oood, for
lyounc ' people, but nothin¢ is
missed when. you have
- i.s rich flavor'''pleases, and f,
consaims,,a,b�solgtey nr uin
harmful, w,7Tw./;yay� s,' 6,2s67? .
'tL 3 ",'e
IFernalfe He!p"!Want:ed
Mat and Women coming to Toronto
MI be pieced immediately at welt in
lraetorles, Hotels, llesteurents, Insti=
talons and Private Domes. High
. Wages. Experienced Cooke, Waitress-
es,' Kitchen ilolp, Housemaids', elm,
will find good openings et all times,
Write THOMAS & 00„ Central Em-
pleyment Bureau, G. 0. Burnham,
Proprietor, 64 Church St., Toronto,
Stumping the Premier.
They say that a man is never (Thorp
in his own family, and apparently
even Premiers are not exempt from
this role. A good story is going the
rounds just now concerning the Bri-
tish Premier, Mr. Lloyd George. It is
sometimes easier to answer questions
put by 1VLP:s than those put by very
small children, and when Miss Megan
Lloyd George was particularly young
and curious, she gave her father many
very tough nuts indeed. One night
she was more than usually persistent,
and Mr. Lloyd George bad patiently to
confess his ignorance on many occa-
sions. Presently Megan looped at her
father anxiously, and observed:
"What an awful lot you don't know,
Every Man to ;His Trade.
With intense jay Curson, the great
advocate, prepared to indulge in his
favorite pastime ---the bullying of a
nervous witness.
"Now, sir!" he commenced, "A
straight answer to a straight question,
The witness shuffled uneasily.
"At what time did this robbery take
!'Welt, I think—''
"I don't want to know what you
think!" instantly shouted -the great
Curzon, "i want you to say what you
know." '
"Then,''reto;ted the witness quietly.
"if you don't want to know what I
think, 1'11 step down. I can't talk with-
out thinking—I'nl no lawyer!"
St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1503.
Millard's, Liniment Co„ Limited.
Gsntlenlen—1 was badly kicked by
my horse last May, and atter using
several preparations on my leg noth-
ing would do.. 100y leg was black as
jet. I w,as laid up iu bed for a fort-
night and could not walk, After tiling
three bottles of ,,,,your MINARD'S
LINIMENT I was perfectly cured, so
that I could start on the road.
305. DUBES.
,Commercial Traveller.
Hurrah! How's This
The voice of days .of long ago,
Of days that are, and are to be,
Speaks in my heart, and well I know
• Life flows from God to God through
Ina • 3
I feel the pulse of everything
Boat in my veins; in me is born
The soft, cool .energy of spring,
The quiet force of dawn.
Above me bends the tender sky,
The wind's cool fingers rose my hair,"
I know how shall a thing am 0,
Yet all life's mystery I share.
I share the sudden joy that thrills
The hating bird on yonder hough,
And the gray glory of old hills
Lifts up my heart and cools my
I Hear a murmur in the grass—
The voice of a forgotten friend,
-Who stirs to tell me as T pass
• That life is never at an end.
I hear the voice, and well I know
Life howl from God to God through
I am a part of long ago,
Of all that is and is to be.
The Friend Who Jusy_,Stands By.
When trouble comes your soul totry,
You love thefriend who just "stand)
Perhaps thes'e's nothing he can do—
The thing is strictly up to you,
For there are troubles all your c�wn,
And paths the soul must tread alone,
Tines when love 'cannot smooth the
Nor friendship lift the heavy load.
But just to feel you have a friend
Who will "stand by" until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm hand -clasp is always
It helps, some Way to pall you through,
Although there's nothing he can do,
And so with fervent heart you cry
God bless the friend who just "stands
The practice of leaving the shoes
on the feet of horses for- too long
a time often gives rise to corns in
the fore feet, owing to the "seat of
corn" being bruised by the heel of
the shoe pinching it, when the proper
fit of the shoe has been lost by the
horn at the wall becoming overgrown.
TT Cincinnati authority says corns
dry up and lift put
with fingers.
0.-0 0, C 8.
Hospital records show that every
time you cut a corn you invite -lock.
jaw or blood poison, which is needless,
says a Cincinnati authority, who tells
you that a quarter ounce of a drug
called freezone can be obtained at lit.
tle cost fromthe drug store but is suf•
ftcient to rid one's feet of every hard
or soft corn or callus.
You simply apply a few drops of
freezole on a tender, aching corn and
soreness 1s instantly relieved. Short.
ly the entire corn can be lifted out,
root and all, without pain.
This drug is sticky but dries at once
and is claimed to just shrivel up any
corn without inflaming or even irri'
tating the -surrounding tissue or skin.
I your wife wears thigh heels she
will be glad to know of this.
Searchlight Telephone.
Minard's Liniment Curds Burns, etc.
Draw up the eart}i carefully about
the celery plants zls they grow, being
careful not to let the soil get down
into the hearts of the plants.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order,
The largest yield of bone from a
single whale was taken in 1888, and
amounted to 8,110 pounds.
Minarcl's Liniment for sale everywhere.
One of the latest inventions for
talking through the air without the use
of wires is the searchlight telephone,
developed by Dr. A. 0. Rankine of
Loudon. By it conversation is trans-
mitted by 5,1)001140f light,
The inventor said the apparatus had
been tested over a distance of 11/a
miles with much success'. In an illus-
tration he received clear and distinct
messages in a building a considerable
distance from the transmitter.
Only by the interception of the beam
of light can the conversation be tap-
ped, the new plan diff0rteg in this
feature from wireless messages, which
are scattered broadcast. Either a•ti-
Belal or natural light can be used,
Palace of Versailles,
Voltaire estimated that Versailles
cost Louis about 20,000,000 pounds;
Mirabeau put the cost at more than
40,000,000 pounds, and Volney at..near-
1y 60,0,00,000. The exact cost never
has been known, and there is a popu-
lar story that the grand monarch was
so scared When he saw the bills that
he tore them up, so that no one should
Itpow liow mach he had expended on
The Work was begun in 1001, whoa
20,000 workmen and 6,000 horses
wore sot to work to create the great
park and build the ehateail TliirtY-
four years later a courier Wrote in his
diary: "'i.'liere are more thain 36,000
peasants now at work for the .king in
and about Versailles, Those half-clad
and half-starved wretches die by the
dozens under the strain of the cru01,
task 'impose'd upon them." The
family of each workman who died In
the thing's s rVide received rtb0at
tWOlvii Shillings as compensation,
How to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few cents.
Thejuice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing throe
ounces of orc!ard white .makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re•
makable lemon shin beautifier at
about the cost one must pay for a
jar of
the ordinary
oold be token tostrain atho
lemon juice through a fine cloth so no
lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion
Will keep fresh for months. Wary
woman knows that lemon juice - is
used to bleach and remove such
blemishes 02 fregklee, sallowness and
1t and ls• tko idgal ,skhn softener,
w tenet and 136auttiier.
ust try til Get tlireo 000000 01
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and illalte
up a quarter pint of this sweetly frsig•
dant f ito tlleOn oface, n. and
Tighten up these loose nuts. Prices
on nuts, bolts and allied products have
advanced 5 per cent., according to
trade reports, and further advances
be expected.
Mixaortl'd Linhumtt 110nioyes YtOitrallKin,-,.
ISSUE No, 52—i9r
Do You Wish to Learn
Wo have a large audit practice and
are working in. offices every day.
If there are any new ideas or
methods in booklceeping we know
about them. Wo at installing
new bookkeeping systems all the
time. Our bookke.eping oouras is
planned from books in aetual use
In large cities. We also have
home -study courses in shorthand
and typewriting. Write for book-
lets to Dept. 0,
and Commercial School
Leggett Chambers - Hamilton
Famous Old Hospital, '
l3odlaln is a famous old hospital for
the treatment of 'tile•'lusano, now
situated In the Lambeth road, in Lon-
don, 01 has been Used ever since
the year 1547, when the Molaetei'y
of St. Mary of Bethlehem was granter'
t0 the citizens of London for the pur-
pose, Bedlam is a miller corruption
of "Bethlehem," and the word is Used
for any madhouse or seen() o1 ilprear,
Minarcl'e Linhnent 0ures Dandruff.
''&V. % INTER F S T
Allowed on money left with 'us for
from three to ton years.
Write for Booklet,
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
rroronto Office 20 King St. Well,
The pore -cleansing, purifying and
sterilizing properties of this wonder-
ful skin soap, using plenty of hot
water, and soap, best applied with
the hands, will prove helpful to those
who use it for the first time. Touch
eruptions, roughness or irritation,
if any, with Cuticura Ointment be-
fore bathing. Dry and dust lightly
with Cuticura Talcum, a fascinating
fragrance for powdering and par -
fuming the skin. Nothing bettor
than these ideal skin purifiers and
their cost is but little,
Cuticura Soap25c., Ointment 25 and 500.
Talcum 21c, pos Canadian duties. Sold
everywhere. Por sample each free. ad-
dress: "Cuticure,Dopt. N, Booton,U,S,A."
.4 baht sewing at borne: whole or
spars dine; good pay; work sant anY
distance; chergee'1paid, Send stamp ter•
Particulars. Neallouul Mantlraotu01415
('onPony Montreal,
'-r00wS . AP:15R, 1510'LY, 1N ne.I1os
111 CountW15
County, 514001114 opportunity, Writs
Box T, Wilson l•ebllsliing Co:, Limited,
9 Adelaide Cit. 'W., `.!'eroltto, .,
Y vv and job printing plant In Eastern
Ontario, 'neurones carried 61,900. Will
110 for 51,200 on quick sole, 13ox 00,
\STllsgn Pblishing Co,, Ltd., Toronto.
MT60ntousa oUS,
Internal and external, cured without
pain by our Thome treatment, Write us
before too late. Dr, lheilman Medical
Go„ Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
5 inches, °ordaining alrikhlg
pporti'alts of King George, the Prince of
Wales, Premier Lloyd George, lrieid
Marshall Iiaig, Admiral Beatty, General
ulucli TC1,tgaAlbeiltl aomagnifcee President
. o�' � 'D 11
souvenir 1 the inies' victory, y nut
ready for framing, 25 cents, coin or
stamps. Sorgt,. George Moore (late 159th
Batt), 51 Yonge Street.
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness,stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers from, enjoys its great sales
because it practically never fails to
bringspeedy, comforting relief.
Aways ready for use, it takes little
to penetrate without rubbing and pro-
duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made
in Canada.. At all drug stores. A.
large bottle means economy.
Comfort Lye is '1 very powerful
cleanser. It is used for cleaning up
the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, etc.
Comfort Lye is find for making sinks,
drains and closets sweet and clean.
Comfort Lye/, Kills rats, mice. roeobes
and insect pests.
Comfort Lye will do the hardest
spring cleaning you've got.
Comfort Lye is good for making soap.
It's powdered ,perfumed and 100% pure.
m ,lam
I'� tern • � 6# °tr : - dints,
They stand the t b—and the Scrub
a Q1� Vera
F o S .r:, le ie3 yFl W P,� d'! xr al
All grades: Write for prions.
:S ' '1t CIZGS to mit your
i# foes22a n3
opening.. Fitted
ivith glass: Safe de•
livery guoraotecd.
45'•v-:+ Write for Price Lig[LI Cut down fuel
hills, Insure winter
SINCE 1070 -`r> a l�tf•
i v sloesCOVG °!S
GCR1s ry o 's
m th Was
The universal maul Antiseptic
for Pyorrhoea and sore guns.
Heads and hardcnk bleeding
gulps at once and tightens the
McCRIMMON'S Mouth. Wash
deedloriaes all decomposed mat-
ter and naked the mouth fresh
and sweet.
Monufac1uring Chemists
+alcrmci moria
,lam 114
� in
Real home-made preserves, and the woman who puts them up—
how they're both appreciated.
Preserving is not difficult to -day.. The LILY WHITE way has
removed the uncertainty. -
Most of your preserving troubles have come from using sugar
orcin . vett e beginner can otlnt on success if she will
rise �jla LIL - WHITE and haIf sugar. LILY WHITE
blends the. stir With the fruit and make preserves that will
rteve4i crystallite.' t.
LILY WH1T4 and CROWN BRAND aro both Dandy for Candy.
Yourg.oeer sate Croton brand and Ltly Wlnk Com Sore, In 2, d, 10 and 20 pound not,
Willa for Booklet ofRadpit.