The Clinton News Record, 1919-9-18, Page 4Tuesday
Watch for announce-
ment next week.
A. T. ooper
C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph
Clinton, Ontario
Hallett Township
Mr, Wesley Marquis won 1st prize
for his heavy (trait brood inare and
also 1st for heavy draft foal at the
Goderich Pair,
Clinton News -Record
Bolyrield 7
M. Orval Weston of Detroit Is the
Pest of hie' parents, Mr. and , Mrs,
Re Weston, this week.
Mr. Malcolm Toles, wee has h4e
engaged fh1 fishing at Pore Stanley
the past !eolith, retµrned home ,this
Quito a number from the village
took In the .Nair at Goderielt on.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Baker, Me.
and Mrs, John Ic'ootitt, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Wm. Pootltt oft London spent Sun-
day in the village, •
Mr. itrepherson of Parkhill is the
guest of Mr. Robert Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs, .James Carney and
family anti Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Carney
and family of Stanley spent Sunday
with their sister, Mrs. Tough, in the
Rev. A, Macfarlane motored • to
Sarnia onFriday' last, where he
spent the. week -end, 'IIe was accom-
panied by Mrs, Campbell and (laugh-
ter, Miss Maggio Campbell, as far as
Petrolea whore they expect to visit
Miss Davey, assistant teacher of
the Public school spent the week-
end at her hone in Kincardine,
Mr, A. T. Cooper of Clinton oc-
cupied the pulpit of St, Andrew's
church on Sunday mornings last in
the interests of 'Temperance.
Lieut. Alex. Aitken, who has just
returned frau overseas, is spending a
weerle. the village.
Mr.. and Mrs. Woolridge of. Toron-
to and Mrs. Fair, Clinton, are guests
at Miss Ferguson's.
S•h., P. A. Edwards is spending a
few weeks with friends at Lobo and
Mr. G. Gilles of the.;Rterling Bank
lett on Monday for his Ilomo. at Pet-
erboro where he will spend a few
weeks' holidays.
The New dde���
Full line of fresh meat now on
hand. Also Sausage Bologna,Home-
made Headcheese and Smoked meat.
The buying Public is invited.
to give us a call, and inspect our
The Veterans' store on Huron Street
Scruton's old Stand.
Dry Goods
Coe . & Co.
P11ONle 78,
Ready to,
Our aw all
t s
Of Women's Suits. (.oast,
Skirts anti Dresses reveal
the most stunning styles
we have ever shown,
Pall has brought to us
a host of pleasing new
effects in women's and
misses Suits and Coats,
We have assembled a
stock in .which all the
newest fashions of the
hour have been included.
It is the most attaactive
line we have displayed.
New fall models .are un-
usually interesting. You
will like them for their
beautifulcolorings, their
novel tailorings and their
rich fabrics.
We urge you to inspect
our display of Ladies
Coats while they are at
the height of completion
The customer has everything to gain and nothing
to lose by making their choice of good furs now.
Select while the stock are at their best i Select in
time to have furs ready for the first day of the cold
After one bas compared all other furs
is the best time to see ours, We stand
1>'y the result,
G.lfoderlcb Township
Mr. Lavern Cluituhill returned to
his 110010 Wednesday from Prom and
other eastern points, visiting fribiele
la Toronto and London on way, Mit,.
Churchill, in • eonnoctfon with the
great reeenstrnetion lnovetnent, has
bad ohargo'of the education of over
five hundred foreign employe% of the
C. N. 'Railway on , the 'Toronto and
Trenten division.Pr. Cody,
ter of editaation and W, le, Hanna,
president of the C.N,R., are visiting
sir. Churohiil'e amps and inspecting
iris work, Whish is considered repre-
soatative of the great work -ander -
takers by the Seemttier Upllege
throughout Amerika, Mr. Churchill
Intends resuming ifs sttfdics at the
Western University, where ho . holds
the Board of Governors' Scholarship
in honor political science,
Mr. T. A. Trick showed some of
his purebred Holstein cattle at Tor-
onto and London this year and. Wo'n
1st at 'Toronto for ' 1 -year-old sow
which was since sold to the: Mani
toba Experimental Farm et Bran-
don, and 7tli fey yearling bull calf
aid <itlt for junior bull calf. In Lon-
don he got let in nnotber class of
3 -year-olds and up, 4th for, junior
hull calf and 5th for yearling, Mr,
Trick also won 1st prize in the jun-
ior farmer's, dairy contest in the
judging of dairy cows in a class —of
87, open to farmers under twenty-
seven years of; age. The judging'
consisted 'of placing the anlipals, 5O
points, and 50 points for reasons.
Kippe i
Sirs. Archie illc(iregor, who fell
down cellar and broke her arm near
the shoulder and was taken to Lou -
dot to have the bone set, has re-
turned and is improving. It is the
wish •of her friends that she may hot
be long before she has quite recover-
Mr, John Mellis and daughter Es-
ter have been recent visitors with
Mr. Mellis and family, •
Mr. W. C. Pearce and CeciL.John-
ston motored to Stratford on Mon-
Mrs. McDonald of Loudon is to the
village visiting with her mother,
Mrs. John Anderson, who is in rath-
er poor health at •present.
Miss Carrie McKenzie, who has
been having some holidays and vis-
itiug with her parents, has returned
to Toronto. ,
Olr. J. 13. Spurr and wife of
Aurora are guests of their niece at
the manse.
Mrs. W. H. Johnston, who _ has
been a patient in the General 1 -[os-
, pital. at, Toronto, has so far recover-
ed• as to leave that institution on
Monday and will visit with friends
for some weeks before returning house
and her friends hope to see her en-
joying the best of health and will
Mrs. ,John Iianna 01 W'inghaui, with
be pleased to welcome hero home
her son and two daughters, Maud
and Pre, iuotored to Kippen. on Wed-
nesday of last week and spent the
day with Mr, azul Mrs. Alex. McKen-
zie and family.
Quite a number of our village peo-
ple attended Exeter Pair on Tues-
Sirs. Henry Ivison, who has spent
the past Ove. weeks with her .sister,
Mrs. Gaulit,.returned to her home on
Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Cole, SFr. and
Sirs. D. Cole and ltfiss Bernice Cole
of lethel spent Thursday with their
mother, Mrs. Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. llerbert, Glazier and
RozeJl Bros.
Our reputation for fair dealing
and reliable goods, eaupled with
the De Laval record of service
anti durability, has made the
De Laval Cream Separator the
leader in this community.
You can't Afford to do tats
NO farmer is rich enough to
feed high-priced butter to
his hogs or his calves in par -
dally skimmed milk.
It's a waste of money and
food that your pocketbook, your
neighbors, your country, all
(9 But it's a waste that is going
on today wherever an inferior
or halkworn,out cream sepa-
rator is being used, or the
wasteful "gravity" method.
Why not put a stop to this
needless waste with a De Laval
Cream Separator?
There is no other separator
that can 'compare with the
De Laval in dean skimming,
capacity, ease of operation,
freedom from repairs, and dura-
bility. It's the world's greatest
cream saver.
Come in some day and
talk it over
son of Stratford spent ;Sueday the
b s Sfr, Mrs, .Tilos, 1?ha,
riftt,. anofd Mrs,and Jaci; CUge and tnsmi'irdyl
of 13rueeels eeenir Sunday with their
grandmother, Mrs. Coles
Mr, and Mrs, Lew Tegbutt and
Miss Maudie speet.rSi nday with M ,
and bl's, Rogerson.
Sirs, Cole is at present under the
(looter's care,
Me. George Riley, Jr., has talcen,a
o (ti 1
sit on n a flax mill. t Bru
p a 1 . a ssels:
Mr, end Mrs, Jas. Finch of Clinton
spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs,
R. Rogerson,
Miss Marg(rct Love 1s aponditlg a
wills itl t t
wt t her paten s a. Walton.
Miss Vera and Clifford Clolclough'
spent a few.days with friends int
Port Albert
Mr. Jas, Hayden is visiting his
sou at Winnipeg at present and will
also visit his two sister at .York -
Mrs. Nelson and daughter Edna and
son, Dr, Fred., and Miss M. Wilken-
son of St. Thomas are the guests or
Mr, end Mrs, Harry Hayden the
past fete days. +, '
Mr. Otway Hayden, London, is
home for a few days. .
Messrs, ,William Grey, Harry Haw-
kins, Jas. McWhinney and Will Haw-
kins attended the Conservative con-
vention at Wingham on the llth inst.
inc. Reid of New Ontario is visit-
ing in the burg. `
-Hits, Harry Hawkins is in Toronto
this week.
Mr. 'Tilos, Nixon has purchased
Mr, John Wiles' farm of eighty-six
acres. Tom ]mows a good thing
when he sees it.
Silo filling is in full blast in this
The cement plant is working to its
full limit to keep up with the rush
for tile.
A load of boys . including Danny
Glidden, Will Miller and Wilfrid Jer-
vis motored to London on Thursday
last to take in the sights at the Ex-
Mrs. O. R. 'Forster spent the week-
end as a visitor in London.
Miss llohues was a visitor in God-
erich on Sunday last.
Rev,` Ntr. Johnson delivered splen-
did addresses at both. services on
Sunday. The evening service is
steadily 'increasing: in attendance as
a result of the contest by the League
The 11. League suet Monday even-
ing and the missionary committee
put on a splendid program. A read-
ing was given by Mrs, .7. Burnes, in-
strumental by E. Trowartha, bible
reading by W. Jervis, 'the topic "Our
West China Mission" ' by Rev. J..
Johnson, and a solo by Mr. Schwann.
The meeting closed in the usual way.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended Goderich Fair on Tuesday.
London Road
'l'hc I1.F.W.0. meeting will be held
at the home of Sir. G. W. Layton on
Wednesday afternoon, Sept, 24th, at
2.30, Mrs. Hyslop of Toronto will
speak on the Referendum, In. the
evening 'she will speak in Turner's
church. All the ladies cordially in-
vited. A silver collection will he
taken to defray expenses.
The League meeting was held aii
the hone of inc. G. B. Iianley. Rev.
Mr. Anderson spoke. The next
meeting will be held at Mr. .R. Ilun-
'Airs, Davidson and bliss Ethel Lane
returned last week from a visit to
Miss Myrtle Crich left on Monday
to attend the Stratford Normal.
Countg News
Mr. John Joynt of Lucknow was
selected at a convcntiou held in Wing -r
bane last week as the Conservative
candidate in. North Huron.
Wingham complains that a lot of
old topers manage to get a good deal
of booze In that town by doctors'
On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
service was held„for the Indian camp-
ers at the new flax mill at Blyth.
Several, from the different churches of
the town gathered to assist in the
singingi the Indians all heartily, ap-
preciating it. Rev., R. J. McCor-
nlick was 111 Charge,
Mr, John Clegg has sold .his fifty
acres farm, lot 42, concession 7, Last
Wawanosh, to James Ilan Camp for
tho sum of $3,500. Ile will get pos-
505510t 00 October 150. 51r. Van
Camp will also *aim ,a good share of
Mr. Clegg's crop. Mr. and, Mrs.
Clegg will purchase a home in one
of the 'neighboring villages sand take
a rest lion active farm life,
The Presbytery of Ilurol and the
Wonteri's Presbyterial stet in Blyth
on Tuesday with a very large atten-
dance from each body. The ladies
occupied the auditorium of the Meth-
odist church which was kindly placed
at the disposal of the Presbytery.
Both sessions were favored with ad-
dresses from Rev, Dr. Armstrong of
the Pol:oign Mission Offices, and very
gratifying improvement was shown in
the work of the ladies' organization.
A very interesting feature was the
launching of it, lnotnorial in recogni-
i;ibn of the ilio and earnest work of
the late Mrs. (the) Fletcher, the wife
of the venerable ex -moderator, A. re-
port':of the Pt:aabyter.y showed that
every eongregatIon hi theProsby-
tory but tee) eharges have come tip
to the Assembly's requirements of
the ininimntn stipend of $1500. The
ladles of ]Myth congregation enter-
tained the dnnbin gathering With a
boltoteotis luncheon and tea.
It Is announced that large liay-
Monnts, amounting to $00,500 have
been maeo this week upoa the pure
chase of the lands on;; wilioh options
wore taken lu epeneotien with ' the
stool plant+ project at,Goderioh, Ito
total cost of e ar
ua of 1,100 tc
is figured at 1242,000, A petition
to tl}e Qatarfo llaitway and Muniei-
pei Board for the nnnexatiop of this
property to the town is being pre-
pared and w 11 go before the Board
at once. Steps are also being taken
for the approval by the tpwn of i the
proposed annexation and the exemp-
tion of the property, of the Steel
Cprporatfon from municipal taxes
(except school.taxes), A. bylaw is
cin pmpared being p par d dud will be submitted
to the town council' at an early date
and lad!? have to go to the ratepay-
ers for their approval, Surveyors
already are here go rig over the new
town site, add on Monday' next a
town -planning expert will be here to
lay put the property, of which the
central feature will be a park of fir
teen acres much on the plan of God-
erich's famous ,Square. This will be
on what is known as the Naftel
farm, and will he connected with tate
present Squareby way of South
street, This 'thoroughfare will he
extended rfgltt through to the south
end el the new tgwn property,
through the Doak, McMahon and
Naftel properties, and to the G.T.R.
tracks which are to be extended
along by the Isaac Salkeld farm, It
isexpected, of course, that the por-
tion of South street within the pres-
ent limitsi of the town south of
Britannia road will be widened to
correspond. This weelc a staff of five
representatives of the firm of Brook,
Smith & French, a national adver-
tising agency of Detroit, will be here
to make sketches of the harbor and
panoramic views of the harbor and
river, fronts and of the industrial.
site. These are for the use of the
financial houses in the United States.
Much confusion has been caused by
clauses 2 and 3 on the ballots to he
presented to the vote of the public
next month when the referendum will
be taken on the Ontario temperance
act. The purpose of these -clauses is
to ascertain if the public is in favor
of light wines and beers containing
��a R.W:itY
-:R°kN rtRsr tm=
The DoubleTrack Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor oars on principal day trains,
Fell information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 57. Uptown Agents.
September 18th, 1919
111001101.21 percent. 'weight tneasinre,
] e tem rna 2tr perc+fnt, weight, Itleas-
uro is the„cause of the confusion, and
Tho Advertiser Inas, been asked to ex -
Colnpared to the present' standard
of naeasurenaent, In the beers noel'
soul, which 10 2'a• percent, proof spir,.
its, beer containing 2* percent,,,
weight measure would he a .little ov-
er twiStrong
elf as PF over G ppreottta
proof spirits,
Via the Scenic Route
Leave e T ON
QR TO(Uniont
tn .9.15
Monday—Wednesday J'riday
Cpmparttnent-Observation, Standard and Tourist Sleeping And
Dining flare, Comfortable Coaches.
MON„ WED., NRI,—Vie, Con. National Rya, AU the Was.
TUE., THIU., SAT, Via G.T„T.&N.O, and Can. National R>n.
For Tickets and Information, enquire nearest G.N. Rya. Agent;
or write General Passenger Department, Toronto.
"A Joan of Arc Machine”
"SHE withstood everything in the field and
' above ail was, and still is, the last and
only car to survive until the cessation of
' hostilities"—Extract from Letter received by
Ford Motor Cempany from a British Soldier,
in Africa.
Over shell -torn roads, through water soaked fields, second
only to the tanks in its power to climb debris and crater holes,
the Ford ear made a world famous record in the fighting area
of the great war. In press despatches, in field reports in
letters, in rhyme and song the praises of the Ford were sounded.
In France - 700 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Italy- - 850 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Egypt 996 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Mesopotamia 999 ears out of 1,000 were Fords
The Ford power plant that established this world-wide record
in every theatre of the war remainsethe same. It will be in
the Ford you buy.
Hard Runabout $860. Touring 8880. On Open models;the Ele01,1, Starting nal
r1ghtmg Equipment 1n 5180 extra.
Ooapo 1976. Haden 81178(cloned model prion Include Eleotrto Sterting and Lighting
Equipmoat). oowOOnlablo rims, tiro carrier, and non•eldd tires on rear ea optional
equipment n 01000r �CAre only at 8S extra. These prieen are 1, 0. b. Ford, Oat., mad do
Buy only Genuine Ford Parts. 1100 Caswdidn Dentate 125
and over 5,000 Service Garaged seppty time.
Clinton Motor Truck and Machine Co,
Dealers Clinton
rs Say It 1`
j 'r nd Ail
IVE ounces of alcohol will kill a full•
grown healthyman within ten hours.
aken in smaller but repeated doses
alcohol Iets him live longer but gets him in
the end. All alcoholic beverages are poison,
slow or swift.
Medical science has established that
alcohol is a poison and a narcotic chemically
related to ether and chloroform, and not a
stimulant. A man was once brought out of
ether who had taken eight ounces, and a man
was once brought out of chloroform who had
taken 223A ounces, but no man ever reviv.
ed who swallowed five ounces of alcohol .at
a single dose. The unconsciousness or
coma produced by alcohol if not broken
within ten or twelve hours is followed by
practically certain death.
Alcohol as medicine has, ibeen expelled from the American Pharma=
copoeia by the American Medical Association.
e 1. ace
2a51 leo Mil 1
s itc m ;S%El
HE beer of the ballot contains 2.51 oro alcohol by weihtover twiceas, strong as the beer of the Ontario Temperance Act (2.50 Proof ,
Spirits). The Beer of the Ballot is intoxicating. Three glasses of the J
Beer of the Ballot contains as much alcohol as a glass of whiskey.
When you are asked are you in favor of beer containing 2.51 % alto.
hol by weight—in shops, bars, or anywhere else. vote
Save yourself, save your family, save your country for the destiny
God intended tuthandicapped by "booze.”
Becareful--mark your ballot after each question with an X under the
column headed "No," or your vote will be lost to Temperance.
,,,leferielid an Cmmlitee,
Me -Chairman dud 5•rrrt:r7y,
(1001 F.greloiorLifeBldg.,Torento.)