HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-9-18, Page 31141.-10
Weekly Market Report
Toronto, Sept. 5U,. Man, wheat—
No, 1 A erthern, 32,30; No.. 2 Northern,
32,27; No, 3 Northern, 32,28, in story
Fort William, '
Manitoba oats—No, 2 OW, 89Tee;
No. 8 OW, 88%0; No, 1 feed, 87%1c;
No, 2 feed, 84%c, in store Fort
Manitoba barley—No, 8 OW,
$1.27%; No, 4 CW, $1,23%; rejected,
$1.18%; feed; 31.181%, in store Fort
Alneriean corn—No,. 3 yellow, nom-
inal; No. 4 yellow, nominal.
Ontario oats—No. 3 White, 87 to
90e, according to freights outsider
Ontario wheat—No, 1 Winter, per
car lot, 32. to 32.06; No. 2 do, 31.97 to
32.03; No. 3 do, 31.93 to $1,99, f,o,b.
shipping points, according to freights.
Ontario wheat—No, 1 Spring, $2,02
to 32,08; No. 2 Spring, 31.99 to 32.05;
No. 3 Spying, 31.95 to 32.01, f,o.b,
shipping points, according to freights,
Barley—Malting, 31.29 to 31.38, ac-
cording to freights outside..
Manitoba flour—Government stand-
ard, 311., Toronto.
Ontario flour—Government stand-
ard, Montreal and Toronto, 39.40 to
39.60 in jute bags, prompt shipment..
Millfeed—Car lots, delivered Mont-
- real freights,bags included: Bran, per
ton, 345; shorts, per ton, 365; good
feed flour,. per ,bag, 33.50.
Hay—No. 1, per ton, $24 to $26;
mixed, per ton, $18 to $20, track, To-
Straw—Car lots, per ton, $10 to 311,
trackToronto. bag, car lots, • $1.80 to •$1.90.
Live Stock.Markets.
• Toronto, Sept. 16.—Choice heavy
steers, 318.76 to 314.50; good, do, 313
to 313.25; butchers' cattle, choice,
312,50 to 313; do, good, 311.50 to $12;
do, med., 310.75 to 311; do, com„ $7
to $7.60; bulls, choice, 310 to 310.50;
do, med., 39.50 to 39.75; do, rough,
$7.50 to 38; 'butcher cows, choice,
310.do, med., $8.50 to to do,9 com., 37
c9 to 25;
$7.50• stockers, 37.50 to 310; feeders,
310 to 311.25; canners and cutters,
34.50 to 36.25; milkers, good to choice,
311,0 to $140; do, com. and med., 365
to 375; springers, $90 to $150; light
ewes, 37.50 to $9; yearlings, 310 to
311.50; spring lambs, per cwt., 313.75
to 315; calves, good to choice, $1,6 to
$20.50; hogs, fed and watered, 319.26;
do, weighed off cars, $19.50; do, f.o.b.,
$18.25; do, do, to farmers, 318.
Montreal, Sept. 16.—Choice steers,
$8 to 312.50; butchers' cattle, 36 to
310. lambs $10 to $14.50; calves, milk
Live poultry-'Sprinchickens, 22 fed stocks, 315 per 100 pounds.
to 20e; fowl, 28 to 26c; ducks, 22 to
Beene—Canadian, hand -nicked, bus,,
35,25 to 35,76; princes, 34,25 to 34.70;
lmperterl, hand -pinked, Burma, 34;
Limas, 15 to 16c,
Honey—Extracted clover, 5.1b, tins„
24 to 250; 10-14. tins, 2831 to 24e;
00 -Ib, tip, 23 to 24e; buckwheat, 60 -Ib,
tins, 18 to 19c, Comb:: 10 oz., $4.50 to
35 doz.; 10 -oz., 33,50 to 34 dozen,
Maple produets—Syrup, per imper
hal gallon, 32.45 to 32.50; per 5 im-
perial gallons, 32.85 to $2,40; sugar,
Ib„ 27o.
Smoked meats—Hams, 'med., 47 to
48c; do, heavy, 40 to 42c; cooked, 63
to 650; rolls, 36 to. 88c; breekfest
bacon, 49 to 65c; backs, plain, 63 to.
65c• hopeless, 56 to 58c; clear' bellies,
38 to 350.
Cured meats—bong clear bacon, 34
to 85e; clear bellies,33' to 34c.
Lard—Pure tierees,�'85% to 86%c;
tubs, 86 to 36%c; pails, 86144 to 86%e;
prints, 37% to 881e; Compound
tierces, 30 to 80%c; tubs,, 80% to -.31e;
pails, 30% to 31%4; prints, 31% to
Montreal Markets.
Montredl, Sept. 16.—Oats—Extra
No. 1 feed, 991/ac, Elour—New stand-
ard grade, 311 to 311.10. Rolled oats
—bags, 90 lbs., $4.80 to $5.26. Bran -
345. Shorts -355. Hay—No. 2, per
ton, car lots, 320 to 322. Cheese—Fin-
est' easterns, 25c. Butter -Choicest
creamery, 54%4 to 542c. Eggs—Fresh,
66e; selected, 62c; No, 1 stock, 53c;
No. 2 stock, 50 to 52c. Potatoes—Per
Country Produce—Wholesale..
Butter—Dairy, tubs and rolls, 38 to
40c; prints, 40 to 42c; Creamery, fresh
macre solids, 52% to 53c; prints, 58
to- 5314 0.
Eggs -51 to 539.
Dressed poultry—Spring chickens,
32 to 84c; roosters, 23c; fowl, 30 to
CO... ducklings °5c• turkeys, 35 to
40c• squabs, doz. $d.
Live poultry Spring chickens 22
.to 25c; roosters, 18c; fowl, 25 to '27c•
ducklings, 220; turkeys, 30c:
Cheese -New, large, 28 to 29r;
,t*ins, 28% to 291 0; triplets, 29 to
80c; Stilton, 29 to 30c.
Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 47 to
49c; creamery prints, 57 to 58c.
Margarine -36 to 380.
Eggs—No. l's, 56' to 57c; selects,
60 to 61c..
Dressed poultry—Spring chickens,
c• fell
25 to 28 v
'., '38 to 40c; roosters,, ,
34 to 36c; turkeys, 40 to 45c;
ings, 34 to 35c; squabs,dol 37. '
e --
1 Society Fanned in Germany to
Help Teutons Settle in
A despatch from London says:—
Germany, having had little success
against the Canadians on the western
front, is going in for peaceful pene-
_. tration of the Dominion itself after
the. war. A society for the encourage-
ment of Teutonic emigration to Can-
ada has been formed in Berlin, and its
secretary' has naively written to the
Canadian •immigration authorities in
London to ask when operations may
begin. Until the peace treaty was
ratified by the Canadian' Parliament,
German immigration was forbidden
as was all other Continentalimmigra-
tion, in fact.
That a large influx of German emi-
gration to Canada may be looked for
is to be' inferred from a statement
made by Sir 'George McL. Brown, of
the Canadian Pacific Raihvay. As a
result of a visit to the Continent, he
predicts that Canada may have as
large an influx of -selected German
immigrants as she desires if she
wants them. The same is also true
�J of France, and more still, of Belgium.
Holland and Scandinavia also offer
many prospective settlers. Such im-
migration would no doubt be encour-
aged, but a delicate question that
Canada will have to consider -will be
.that of the recruitment of her Citizen-
ship from Southern Europe, which
also, says Sir George Brown, promis-
es to be very large.
Nov. 11 League of Nations Day
In Britain and the Dominions
A despatch from London says:—
David Lloyd George, the British
Prime Minister, .in a speed. to be de-
livered in the Guildhall, October 1st,
on behalf of the League of Nations
Union will ina.ngurate a campaign
which is to be carried on throughout
the country during the Autumn, end-
ing November llth, with demonstra-
tions in every town and city in the
United Kingdom,- It is expected by
the promoters that the movement will
extend to other countries, and that
November filth will be made League
of Nations Day, which also is "Arinis-
Cep Day."
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
The Canadian Government will extend
an official invitation to the Icing and
Queen of Belgium to visit Canada incl.
dent to their forthcoming vigi0 to the
British Government Gives Capie
talists a Trip in R-33.-_
A despatch from London -says:—
The airship R-38, sister ship of the
R-34, returned on Thursday night./
from a tour to•Amsterdam and Paris
and over the French and Belgian
battlefields. l
The ten passengers on the 11-83
when she left Parham included Gen.
Maitland, representative ,of the Air
Ministry; a French attache, • Holt
Thomas, Benjamin Guinness, James
Dunn, and other capitalists, whom the
British Government hope to interest
in the commercial side of aviation as
possible purchasers of airships.
Tho menu aloft consisted of a
breakfast of eggs and bacon, hot
coffee and tea with toast. For
luncheon, cold lobster, roast part-
ridge, potatoes and French beans
with iced pudding, For dinner hot
soup, salmon trout, 'roast lamb,
beans, potatoes, jam, omelet and
coffee. The meals were served from
a small electric stove. For the capi-
talists making the voyage, extra
blankets apd coats were. provided.
H.R.H. Took a Flyer in Oats;
Lost $375 on Grain Exchange
A despatch from Winnipeg says:—
While watching the large blackboards
With their hundreds of ever-changing
figures, and listening to the bedlam of
the many traders endeavoring to sell
on the Grain Exchange, H.R.H. the
Prince of Wales purchased 50,000
bushels of October oats at 88% cents.
Immediately the deal was closed, the
market fell off 1/s cent to 83%, Ob-
tober delivery eventually closing at
82%, making a drop of % cent after
the Prince had made his speculation,
which proved a temporary loss to him-
self of 3375. The broker who sold to
His Royal Highness promised him a
profit of at least 32,000 on his return
from the West.
And so On.
The fond parents had striven valiant-
ly for some considerable time to teach
Tittle Effie to say the letter "A," At
last the father, giving up in disgust,
left the MOM.
"Now, why don't you say 'A'?" in-
quired the mother, as she took the
child upon her koos.
14 ., ,,, \ .,%:,.N,, , ,,.. 4 ,,,, , ,,, , ,. ,,, ; ?r 4? „,,A1 1, I
The hour is striking. The day if the "Home Community" is here. The same hour that strikes the door
of the congested metropolis strikes also the nation-wide slogan of "Back to the Home Town." The hour is strik-
ing, And the people of ten thousand communities know it. YOU cannot fail to hear it. And you will do YOUR
share in helping to usher in the greatest era of prosperity this continent has seen. YOUR co-operation is needed
to make this prosperity complete—to make it go ALL the way round.
From Erin's tureen Isle
A war memorial costing $15,000 is
to be erected in the Mall, Lurgan.
This season's Irish Wool crop pro-
mises to be the best for many years,
The Irish Governor nt has decided
to retain the office of Dress censor for
some time yet,
In some /of the districts of the
county of Wexford the shortage of
fodder for cattle 1s very acute,
Branches of the Ulster Bank have
been opened at Ferban and Moate
and of the Hibernian Bank at Clare.
A fire causeg by an explosion in a
Grattan Street house, Cork, resulted
in serious injury to five of the occu-
A jumble sale organized by Mrs.
Murphy, of. Coolgreany, county of
Wexford, in aid of the Dublin Hospi-
tal, realized 3330.
The police of Ballaghathareeen and
Frenchpark recently discovered sev-
eval working stills and seized 800
gallons of illicit spirit,
Alterations in charges for the con-
stabulary of Belfast sanctioned by
the Lord Lieutenant will save that
city $150,000 annually.
The Gorey Guardians have em-
powered the master to give margar-
ine to the infirm inmates until butter
becomes more plentiful,
A deputation waited on the Chief
Secretary for Ireland at Dublin Castle
urging that the grant for technical
education in Ireland be increased,
Epsom's war memorial willbea
cross, erected in the wide portion of
High Street.
Loipsic Hall, Cumberwell, has been
named Comber Hall, after one of the
founders. \Gladys Bullock, n Haven Street, Isle
of Wight, girl, has never been absent
from or late at the village school in
fourteen year's,
"IIecause altar I say`A' father and l Tho cornerstone of the central
you will expect me to say 'B,' "was building of a Barnacle nautical school
the unexpected reply, at Poole was laid by Prince Albert,
` 'Tenants wore the chief buyers o4
the Sunclorne estate, Shrewsbury,
Every cent we pay out for feed for owned by Hugh Corbot,
creatures that do not give it bade in The number of people wbo pay in -
good, honest service, is 00 much to- conte tax in Great Britain and Troland
ward the fare on the road to the poor is stated to be oboat 3,400,000.
The Ulster farmers aro agitating
for a channel between Antrim and
Scotland, a distance of 20 miles. '
The London University Senate have
decided to institute a chair of aero-
nautics at East London College.
The Xing has appointed Col. Wil-
liam Tinder Lister, C.M.G., M.B„ FM.C S., to be surgeon oculist to_ the
Royal household. ,
Make Cheap Woods Durable.
Danish eciontists have .perfected a
process for treating cheaper woods
producing the effect of several years
that makes ,them more durable,
chemical action in twenty-four hours
of drying,
The wise use of cover crops will
conserve the fertility of the -soil and
better its -physical condition in many
cases. 'Every farmer should consider
their possible advantageous use at
this season of the year.
Cheered to the Echo by the Cow,
boys and Cowgirls , of
A despatch from Saskatoon says:--
T+'.or the first time in the history of
Saskatoon, the Heir to the Thronevisited here on Thursday and was ac-
corded a welcome which has never he -
fore been witnessed in the district,
fully 50,000 people, farmers from the
districts for miles around, journeying
in to pay honor to their future King.
After being publicly received by
Mayor. F,' R. McMillan, his Royal
Highness (iocorated a number of re-
turned soldiers with medals for gal-
lantry. A yieit was then paid to tho
University, where an address was de-
livered by Sir Frederick 1-Laultain.
Again, passing through cheering.
Crowds, his Royal Highness was
driven out to the Exhibition grounds,
where he witnessed a stanipsde,some-
thing which the Prince had never seen
before. A tremendous cheer from
fully 20,000 people greeted the Royal
party, who witnessed the performance
from an espcially erected Royal box,
Riding bucking broncho, steer throw-
ing, wild horse riding, lassooing wild
horses, all kept the Prince greatly in-
terested, When the performance was
over and his Royal •Highness was
about to leave, he asked permission
to ride one of the bucking broncos,
and, amid the wildest cheers, the
Prince rode down the track, surround-
ed by cowboys and cowgirls. He then
had his photograph taken . on the
horse, surrounded by his bodyguard.
A despatch from Sandy, Bedford-
shire, says:—Mrs. Mary Kemp, the
oldest woman church organist in Eng-
land, and probably in the world, cele-
brated her eightieth birthday by giv-
ing a recital in the parish church.
Her fingers are flexible, her eye-
sight marvellous, and she played the
great masters with the vim of a wo-
man half her age.
Her grandfather, Sam Taylor, the
village saddler and harnessmaker,
taught singing to the, countryside, also
the clarionet and 'cello. She was a
favorite pupil ofr, James Turle, late'
organist and choirmaster of West-
minster Abbey.
There are '782 varieties of Arctic
flowers that have but two colors,
white and yellow.
Mirth is a paying investment—be-
cause its stock ,is never watered with
tears of regret. r
Tid1ngs Prom Scotland
Strathaven has already misted 412,
000 towards the oreotion Of a 'wa1
The llolyrood constables have .re,
mimed their anoiol1t euetom of Walk-
ing the marshes.
The city of Glasgow is expecting a
visit from Field Menthol Foch in the
near future,
'Warren T. Clements has been re-
appointed chorus master of the Glas-
gow Choral Union,
The late Mrs, Cannel Mary Methle
son, of Park Gardens, Glasgow, left
an estate valued at 32,260,780.
Service men and women have been
given the preference in the study of
medicine at Edinburgh University,
Cambuslang font have decided to
erect a memorial to the local soldiers
who have fallen h1 the war,
The death is announced of James
Aytoun, a well-known Edinburgh so-
licitor and an enthusiastic angler.
The Council of the Royal Society
Of Edinburgh llas awarded the Mac-
dougall -Brisbane prize to Professor A.
A. Lawson:
The total sale of War Saving Cer-
tifidates and National War Bonds in
Edinburgh,has been approximately
41 46,000000,
The staff of Messrs. William Bard -
more & Co., Glasgow, celebrated the
victory of the allies at a dinner given
by the firm.
,Captain James S. Gibson, of Dun- •
oon. has been appointed deputy ship-
ping master at Aclen by the Govern-
ment of India,
The death took place at Dodding-
ton, Kent, recently, of Dowager Lady
Croftt, sister of Sir John Graham,
Bart., Lerbert,
John Nible, of Ardinglass, has pre- -
stinted a portion of Hudha Moor as a
recreation ground for the people of
Sir J. Lorne MacLeod, the present
Lord Provost of Edinburgh, is to be
invited to undertake the duties of the
office for another year,
From London comes news of the
death of Charles Baxter, a familiar
figure in Edinburgh, and a life-long
friend of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Jabez Wolffe, the Glasgow swim-
mer, who has made twenty-one at-
tempts to swimthe Channel unsuc-
cessfully, is going to try again.
The death is announced at The
Avenue, Oraigondoran, of Leslie
Vaughan Shairp, secretary to the
Council of Glasgow Charity Organi-
Institution Similar to One in
London, England, Being
A despatch from Toronto says:—
Farmers, live stock men and those
connected with . allied industries are
to have a club in Toronto. It is to
be located in the centre of the city,
and is to be known as the Yeoman's
Club. It is to be- conducted along
the lines which have made a suc-
cess of the Farmers' Club, in London,
England, which is the centre that
farmers and breeders in England, as
well as from all parts of the world,
when in the cad country, gravitate to.
Plans are et present under way to
form the company, which will be
capitalized at $50,000. There is to
be 310,600 of paid-up stock, and up-
wards of $4,000.worth of stock has
already been sold. Shares are to be
$25 each, and no member will be per
mitted to purchase more than five
Leaders in the agricultural life
of the: Province have felt for some
time the need of such a club in the
capital of Ontario, which will be a
social as well as a business centro. It
is intended that it shall have a.com-
plete agricultural library, including
herd and crop books, a committee
room for the use of its members, and
a lounge room.
As far as is known the only club
of the :chid aiywbere in the world
is the ono in London, England. It
has proven a real boon, not only as
a social centre, but it is the meeting
place for live stock buyers and sellers
from all parts of the world. -
A despatch 'from Ottawa says:—
The House of Commons has formally
approved the terms of the treaty of
peace between the Allied and asso-
ciated powers and Germany and of
the League of Nations covenant. The
approval of both Houses of Parlia-
ment has thus now been given and
the Government`is in a position to
advise the King to ratify the pact in
the Yianse of the Dominion.
Origin of Odd Names.
"If a party had a voice," to quote an
unkind rhyme, "what mortal would be
)3ugg by choice?" And yet the pion-
eer Bugg was a man of substance,
who dwelt in a manse house from
which he derived his name.
The first Coward was no poltroon;
but a cowherd, who tended his cattle;
just as the first Rascal was no knave,
but a Man who probably bore some
resemblance to a lean stag or rascal;
and the original Snooks hailed from
Sevenoaks, whose corrupted name he
Robson, a name at which- some af-
fect to scoff, is as venerable as it is
respectable, for we read of a Lowrie
R ohbesune, a Sundt land owner, in
the days of Edward the Confessor;
and the Huggins and Boggs, if they
did net come over with the Conqueror,
at least came over with seine of his
Gotobed to no name to smile at, for
it is a variant of Cuthbert, which
means "war bright,,' and the first
Gotobed was probably a warrior of
• Miggs is a synonym for "strength;'
and \Vlldgooso signifies a "resolute
hostage•" Devil is Merely De Ville of
honorable French ancestry, and bears
no relationship to Hellman, whose an-
cestor was n. Helier, or roof -maker,
anti probably a good Christian.
United States.
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Events 111 England
Flintshire nurses are to receive
special training in the work of nurs-
ing tuberculous patients at their
Lieut: Commander A. Cooper Raw-
son has been elected Mayor of Wands-
worth to succeed the late Sir Archi-
bald Dawney,
An effort will be made to locate tho
wreck of the Invincible, which was
sunk in the battle of Jutland.
The Southwark Borough Council
has appointed a lady as assistant
medical officer.
The Hendon council proposes to
buy a portion of the"Holmbush estate
for park purposes.
The health of Mrs. Ella Wheeler,
the American poetess, now in a Bath
nursing home, Is causing much anxiety
among her friends,
Mrs. E. Allison, of Selby, who re-
cently celebrated her 94th birthday,
has been active principal of a young
ladies' school for seventy-two years.
Frank Hedges Butler flew back
from Germany to England in 204
hours. '
Hammersmith's war piggery which
was•a•un during the war, made a pro-
fit of 76 per cent.
The Admiralty purpose selling 150
obsolete vessels belonging to the navy
at an early date.
A fire which broke out in Pirbright
Camp Surrey, destroyed thousands of,
fir trees and hundreds of acres of
The San Fernando, 18,000 tons, the
largest oil tank steamer, was launch-
ed recently at Newcastle.
The site solected for the Westoning
war memorial is over the grave of
two soldiers who are buried side by
side in the graveyard.
Four women reporters took the of-
ficial shorthand notes of the Perlin-
msntary Committee which threatened
to go non strike recently,
G, Id. Brawn, who has retired from
the headmastership of the Waltham-
stow School, was presented with an
Illuminated address and :2100.
Sir Victor Buxton, of Waltham Ab-
bey, was thrown out of his motor car
and one of the wheels passed over one
of his legs, badly fracturing it.
The death is announced at Middlo-
therpo Lodge, York, of Sir John Grant
Lawson, formerly Conservative MP.
Status' of Alsace and Lorraine.
The newly re-established provinces
of Alsace and Lorraine will participate
in the corning Prone') elections under
French laws, but will retain the same
political divisions that existed tinder
the German regime, time being too
short to complete the new administra-
tion machinery.
Eventually the political divisions of
the provinces will bethe same as bo -
ford 1870, Alsace being divided be-
tween the department of Haut -Rhine
(Upper Rhine) and Bas -Rhino (Lower
Rhine), while Lorraine will again be-
come the department of the Moselle,
Pitt self behind; turn tender eyes,
Beep bank the words that hurt dtld
We learii, wheel spirem makes lis wise,
1 otboaranco Is the grandest thin
•--,reap lll±W4$