The Clinton News Record, 1919-9-11, Page 1No. 2 11 -0 -40th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1919 THE How :PAPER to The News -Record ? It vvill be sent to Are You a Subscriber any Address in Canada to the end of 1919 for Forty Cents Watch licur 9ccicet 11 We Lave a watch for every pocket, watches you can depend on to give you the time Pitted in $01d, $old 5illed, silver and 'fickle %laded We ,have the new up-to.date goods suitable for all ,A. large stock to select from. Yiellgar iferveler and Optician - - - Clinton ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1 The Royal Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL LONDON, Eng., NEW YORK, ia BARCELONA, Spain Princess St. 13.0 88 William St, raPlaza de Cataluna 6 .sema With our chain of 555 Branches throughout Canada, New- foundland, the West Indies, Central and South America, we offer a complete Walking service to exporters, importers, man- ufacturers and others wishing to extend their business in -.these countries. Trade enquiries are solicited. Consult our local Manager or writedirect to our Foreign Depertmena Montreal, Canada. Capital paid up and Reserves Total Assets over 30.000,000 $420,000,000 $ 11 immaomemdirm. MINImimmonnser.••••••••• IMMIS111•1.0.11116=7.2116.6 .1.11301111.1•11101111• READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 2 he glorrish Clothing Co. ORDERED CLOTHING The Very Suit You Want is Here That's one big advantage of corning here for a suit Our stock is so com- plete in assortment of styles and range of value that no matter what style of a suit you have' in mind or what price you want to pay, you are al- most certain to find it here. Menbs Suits $18.00 to $50.00 Bogs' Suits $3.00 to $22.50 THE MOORISH CLOTHING CO• . Motto : "A Square Deal for Every Mau." WILL , RECEIVE, , Mrs. S, ,E, aHeltegney.avill be at home the first and third Thursdays Of eaob month during the Season. THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat $1.08. Oats 760. l3ar1ey $1.10. Butter 50e, • Eggs 49e to 50c. Dried Apples 10c. Live Hogs DRIED APPLES HIGH. Messrs. Cantelon /3ros, have been paying 10 (lents per pound for dried apples, during the past 'week, This is the bighest price ever paid in . the memory of this firm, but Mr, P: Cayf: telon assures The News -Record that the price will in all probability be maintained. LATE STRAWBERRIES. Mr. _Albert Seeley, who gets in a bit of gardening along with his.many other acaivities, hadl ripe strawber- ries for tea on Sunday picked from his own viaes. The berries are the over -bearing variety and if they go on bearing such samples as were picked the other day a few such vin- es in the garden should prove. ex- ceedingly useful and profitable. LITTLE LOCALS. October 20th has been set as the date of the Referendum vote, Mr. A. Morris has had his house shingled with asphalt roofing and it seems to be a particularly good job. The council met in committee on Monday night and diteussed side- walks and other matters. A special meeting will be called to settle the matter of building cement walks, etc. Miss Belle Draper's name has been entered as a candidate in the London Fee Press European Battlefields Tour contest. 141iss Draper . a popular young lady who ought to be successful. Mr, McMurtie of IIensall is with the Maisons Bank for the time being. He is taking charge of the new bran- ch, at Londesboro during three days of the week. • A SEPTEMBER WEDDING-. The marriage of Annie E., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mennel, to Mr. Harold T. Zeats, son of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Zeds of Grata enhurst, took )place quietly in St, Paul's church yesterday afternoon at two caclook. The young couple were unattended and, the ceretnoey was performed by the Rev. 8. E. McKegney, rector of St. Paul's. The bride wore her travelling suit ot .blue serge,. with large Royal blue hat, and wore a corsage,bouquet of cream roses. The bride received many handsome gifts, the groom's gift being a set of Siberian fox furs. Mr. and Mrs. Zeats left the same afternoon for a short honeymoon at the lakeside at Goderich, before go- ing to their home. in Toronto, Micro the groom holds a responsible posi- tion. Tbe bride has many friends, in her home town, who extend;good -wishes that her married life may be happy and prosperous. AMONG THE CI-ILIRCHES. St. 'Paul's Church Holy Communion at eleven on Sun- day moaning; Evenaang at seven. The preacher will be the Rev. J. Edmonds. Baptist Church Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will speak at both services, Evening subject "The Wonder of the, Ttaentietli Century," Willis Church • Rev. J. E. I3ogg returned from his vacation last week and occupied his own. pulpit on Sunday, Ile will ais.o preach next Sunday. The Sunday school and Bible class have gone f•tak to, their old hour of meeting, two - thirty in the alternoot, beginning last Sunday. ,Ont. St. Church The pastor, Rev. S. Anderson, preened last Sunday. and will preach at both services on Sunday next, In the morning his subject aill be "Prohibition," and in the evening : "The Citizen's Liberty League." Tho League meeting on Monday night was in charge of the Mission- ary committee, Readings were given by Misses MaUd Wiltse and Emma Plumsteel. Miss Melina Cornish played an instrumental. The topic was taken by Miss Pearl Shipley, "A West Cigna Mission Field.' Wesley Church The Sacrament; of the Lord's Sup- per was administered at the morn- ing service on Sunday, the pastor being assisted by the Rev. T. J. ShoWdom 'Ile pastor preached both morning and evening. On Monday evening the 'League re - Slimed its meetings after the sum- mer vacation. The pastor presided anti an interesting program was giv- eit, four papers ,being read on the eubject "A Christian and Ills Holiday." Miss Annie Stewart sang a Selo Very Meetly during the. even - Mg. Next Monday evening the ',ae- gis) will entertain the stiidents, from the Model selipol, collegiate and School of Cornirteree, MEET TOMORROW EVENING. The Girls' Auxiliary will ineetat seven o'clock 'Fraley • evening. Int - Portant business is to bo transacted and curtains for the hospital hem- med. TI -IE LO.O.F. DECORATION. The members of the will meet in their lodge room on Sunday afternoon and march out in a body to the cemetery where they will bold their annual decoratiort service, This year a memorial service will also be held at the close of the decoration service. This bas become a feature with the Oddfellows and the service is always attended by; a number of others outside the ‚organization. THE DOHERTYS • On Friday evening last the Doher- ty baseball team went to Goderich and won from the county than by the score of 8-2. The Dohertys were helped out by 141. MeEwan and le. Rumball of the town team, This was the first game the Dohertys played out of town but they played a good game and proved that they have got over any tendency to stage fight. The decisions of, the umpire were con- sidered very erratic at times. The The following was the local lineup : J. Carter lb., W. Fulford 2b, 0, Draper ea., W. Welsh 3b., E. dooper p., F. Rumball c., N. Anderson c.f., M. IticEwan LI., R. Schrenk r.f. BUSINESS CHANdE. Mr. J. A. Ford and Mr. A. Mc- Leod, who have carried on a flour and feed business on, the "Midway" far some years, have dissolved part- nership, the business to be continued by the former. .'Or it might be Ford .li Son, as a new cotnbination. The -firm of Ford and McLeod has been successful and we predict for its suc- cessor or successors, as the case may be, a continued success. We are glad to announcethat Mr. aleLecel has no intention of leaving Clinton, where he has a most com- fortable and cosy home, but he will go into the hay 'pressing business. We bespeak for him also a generous measure. of success. REAL ESTATE CHANGES. Mr. Harry Cook, who has been re- siding -on the- Huron Road; east, fOr some years, has bought a house on. North street and will shortly, come into town. Mr. Donald McDonald has sold his property on Raglan street to Mr, Edward Smith of Isaac street and has . taken Mr, Smith's cottage in exchange, Mr. W. J. Biggart has bought of J. TaylOr the house on Victoria, street, north at the Hospital, for some time occupied by Mrs. 13randield, and is getting settled therein. Mr. Biggert's father formerly resided there so that he will feel quite at home. Mrs.- 13ramfield has moved, to a cottage on the south side of Ontario street, Mr. Guy Hicks, who recently sold his farm on the eleventh concession of Goderich township, has purchased' the residence of the late Mrs. Geo, Hanley on Ontario street and will move into town in November. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks will be ',very wel- come in Clinton and we ttust they will enjoy their residence here. Mrs. HcCorvie has sold her resi- dence on Huron street to Mr. G. B. Harris, superintendent of the Knit- ting factory. This is a substantial and 'rpoiny house of brick, with a nice garden attached, and • will maim a pleasant home for Mr, Harris and family. It is at present occupied by Mr. Higgins. DEATH OF MRS. J. NOBLE., Death came very suddenly to Mrs. J. Noble of Joseph street on Mon- day. The deceased was not in the best of health but was going about her daily duties as usual ou Monday, her son-in-law, Mr. Jackson of lord, having had dinner with iter at noon. About the middle of the af- ternoon neighbors found her lying in her garden, where she loved to be, but life was extinct when she was discovered. Heart failure was the caus4 of death. Mrs. Noble was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, seventy-seven years ago. She mina to Canada with her hasband, the 'late ,Ierratt Noble of HUllett, ili 1804, They set- tled in Kellett, on the Huron Road, the farm how occupied by their son. Twenty-six years ago Mr. Noble died and eight years,ago Mrs. Noble came to Clinton, where sbe lived in her owe comfortable home during the Mimeo months. But for the past few years she had spent her winters with her datighter in Stratford. Mrs. Noble was a Mealy, neighbor- ly, woman, one Who had many friends and who was fond of her friends and devoted to her family. She was an Anglican, being a member of $t. Paid's church. Seven sons and one daughter survive W. T. and James E. Noble of East Wawaimsh, George F. and Samuel of Volootivor, Jeremiah of Adanite, Sask., John of the Heron Road and Mrs. H. M. Jackson, Stratford, The funeral 'will ;gab plate from her late haze at WI ost We this afternoon, ENG A ClEMENT ANNOUNCED., Mr. John Id, Wylie announces the engagement of his youngest .datigh- ter, Ethel Maude, to Mr, R, Ray, Lounsbury of North Bay, son of the late E. Townsend Lounsbury and Mrs, Lounsbury., The wedding will tcallicnotQpnli,teeon quietly at The Manse, Sept, 24th. HAVE YOU ANY GOOD ONES 1 The Horticultural Society will hold their annual Flower Show on Friday and Saturday of this week in the of- hee of Mr. Stothers, Agricultural Representative. Prizes wilt be given for all classes of flowers. The citi- zens are requested to enter exhibits and'ato have them at Mr. Stothers' office on Friday before three p.m. MORE SUCI-6ES8FUL STUDENTS: The following Clinton Collegiate students were successful in Passing their matriculation examination : Group I—W. 0. Cooper, J. Meldur- chie, G. R. MacKay, L, M. Potter, H. D. Rattenbury, H. I, Ross, F. M. Smallacombe, J. R. Townshend, C. L. Tyndall. Group 2--H. K. Dowzer, ,(Phys., liaGaibero.oni0up.: .3—Marion 11: Gibbings, DEATH OF MRS. A. SMALL. The death occurred on Saturday last of Mrs. Alice Small, daughter of the late James Smith and Mrs. Smith of Clinton. The 'late Mks, Small' had been ailing for a couple of years or so and her deniise was not unexpected. The funeral took place on, Monday afternoon, the services being con- ducted by the Rev. E. 0. Porde. In- terment was made in Clinton cem- etery, SCHOOL FAIR, SEPT. 300. 1dr. 8, B. Stothers has been ab- sent attending School Fairs in var- ious parts ofthe county this week, He reports them as very successful. Clinton School Pair will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 30th and preparations for it are as complete as possible to date, A very successful event is an- ticipated. As this- is the first fair ever held in connection with this school it is hoped that everyone will take an interest and do, what is poss- ible to make it a success. HAS SOLD FINE FARM. Mr. George Holland, who recently bought a farm near Kippen and who has been residing on it since spring, has sold the farm non' to Mr. Geo. Glenn of Henson. Mr, Glenn does not get possession Until January of 1021. Mr. Holland, speaking of the deal, said : "It is one of the best farms in the district and has every improvement you could wish for.'' The farm is situated on the London Road and was formerly known as the MeMordie farm. It is hoped that Mr. Holland, when be again settles down, will find a place nearer Clin- ton. For the family has hosts of friends alt about here, having lived so long in Goderich township. MET IN BLYTH TUESDAY. The September meeting of Inc Huron Presbytery was held in Blyth oil Tuesday, routine business being transacted. At the same time and place the setni-annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial, the Women's Mission- ary Society, was held. The follow- ing ladies attended from Clinton : Mrs. Gunn, Mrs. O'Neil, Mrs. Tor - mace, Mrs. Saville, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. Hogg, Mrs, Chambers, Mrs, Cree, Mrs. Greig, airs. Grigg, 'Mrs. Grant, Mrs, Fair, Mrs. CurtisaMrs. MeEwan, bliss Taylor and Miss COW - i118. Mrs. Fair of Clinton gave .a re- port of the Provincial meeting held in Guelph ; Rev. A. E. Armstrong, General Secretary of Inc Foreign Mission Board, addressed the meet - 1118 and also Miss' Rennie, Provincial Secretary ot Mission Bands. 11' WAS GOOD 13.ASEBALL. In commenting on the baseball gam- es played on Labor Day in the %m- in Tournament The Herald last week, said, describing the game be- tween Goderich and Clinton : "Dick" Tasker occupied the pitcher's box for Inc latter and pitched a wonderful game., He held the Goderlch team down to a few scattered hits and by alatight support from his team mates the Clinton team won out by the score of 10-3. Earl Cooper Pit- ched for Goderich and gave a good account of himself but the heavy hitters of Inc Clinton team wete too -emelt for hI,n, . . The third game was played between Clinton and Zur- ith, This game was very exciting and kept, the crowd on edge until the last man was out. The Clinton pit- cher, (Butler), played a good game and several times pitched himself out of a bad hole, The Melt seemed to be against the homo team a$ in a number of innings they had men on secend and third bases but could not get the hit to ariag them bome, 111 thd first innings i tho Clinton team Made three tons but alter this our lads tightened up and heal the Ors dove to "'two ttIIII, The SOW stood 5-3 at the end and thus Clin- ton carried all drat 'money and the championship honeuts,lt • , , COUNTYEXECUTIVE MEWS, A meeting of the executive of 'Inc Huron Temperance Association was new, in Wesley church yesterday. Each municipalltY was pretty well represented and the rePresentatives repOrted Inc work in. the• Referendum campaign to be well on the way. HAS TAKEN OVER BUSINESS, Mn. Murray ,McNell has taken over the Candy Kitchen, for the past year or two conducted by 111, Georgas, and is already in possession. Murray's many friends wish him abUnda,n1 sue - cess in his new venture. Mr. Georgas leaves ,next week. for Owen Seurat, where a brother conducts a like business. People You Know Miss Viola Cool$ of Toronto is holi- daying at her home in town, Mr, and lars, E. W. Morrison attend- ed Inc London Ex. yesterday. Miss Mary Walls has -returned , from a vasit with friends at Tottenham. Mrs. W. S. Downs is visiting this week in Stratford, Listowel and Clifford. • • alias Nina Morgan of Port Stanley visited bliss Lilian Potter for a few' days during the past:week. Mr., and Mn. Samuel Hewitt of Mita chell were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Holland and Miss Mary and Mr. and Mrs, Percy Cole of Kippen motored to London Exhibition, Mrs. 3. Ouninghame and Miss Flor- ence, Mrs. Treleaven and Miss Lucile Grant were among the vis- itors at London on Tuesday. Mrs. J. L, Kyle, who has been vis- iting her sister in Toronto, has re- turned to the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13.. Lindsay. Rev, S. E. McKegney has been holi- daying but,came home to officiate at the ,marriage of Miss Mennel yesterday. Be left again this morning. Rev. J. E. Hogg. returned on. Friday from Hot Springs, Verginia, where he spent a vacation. We are pleas- ed to know that he is much im- proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. George Finch and two sons, Russel and James, have re- turned to their home in Flint, Mich., after a week's visit with the former's parents in town. Rev. W. .13, Moulton has resigned as incumbent of the alfddleton-Holmes- ville-Summerhill parish, his resig- nation to take effect in December. Ile has not yet been appointed to another parish. Mrs. W. J. Merrill and blaster Char- lie of the Base Line came over on Inc Greyhound last week after hav- ing spent a couple of weeks as the guests of Inc lady's sister, Mrs. Harry Hays of Detroit. Mrs, Worthington, who has been in CRIIMOIS, Alta., with her son, Dr, Worthington, for a year or more, is in town for a month. She is ac- companied by her daughter, Mrs. Bower, better known to her old Clinton. friends as "Pop.1' The friends of both ladies are glad to weleoine them back, Mr. P. J. Cantelon, who has been in the west for thirty-seven years', twenty-seven in Manitoba, Inc past ten in British Columbia, has sold out at Sardts, and is home to Ontario on a, visit. air, Can- telon has been visiting his brother in Wingham and is at present Inc guest of his cousin, Miss L. Rich- ardson of town.. Mrs. John Junor and Mrs. Richard Holland and two children of Sault Ste. Marie, were guests on Friday of Miss Annie Ross 'of town, leav- ing Saturday morning for Port Mc- Nichol, where they took boat for their home. They came down to attend the Toronto Exhibition and came up to visit friends in Stanley and Clinton. Mrs, Junor formerly resided in Stanley' township and has many friends there +and in God- erich towaship, as well as in town, LondesborO. Master James Roberton spent a couple of days in London this week. Miss Anne Abney is spending a week with her friend, Miss Langford of London. Mrs, Gm Moon and family re- turned after visiting -Toronto friends, Dennie Roberton is spending a fortnight at iis home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moon have re- turned after spending a week with relatives in g'oronta, Rev. 3. Abrey and family have re- turned to their home after spending a cotiple,of months camping at Ilay- fioht. Mr, and Mrs. Moor of Mount For- est called at the home of Mr. W. Brunsdan on Simday. Mr. Savage of Seaforth conducted the service in the Methodist church SUinlay. Mr, Jas. Raddell and Dennis, 'Rob - extort are taking 0, trip, to Niagara and Budalo, also taking in the ex- hibition hi London Vida Week, Popular Goderich Township Couple Married on Tuesday. • A. very pretty wedding took place. at The allaples„the home of Mrs. W. H. Elliott, Inc Bayfield Road, yes terday forenoon, when her onlyg daughter, Alma Catherine, was un- ited in marriage to. mr, Frederick Wiltiiam Lobb, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. P1. Lobb of Atherton -on -the -Mali, - land, Goderich township, The bride looked very charining in her pretty frock! of White georgette, with veil and orange blossoms anit carrying a lovely bouquet of Ophelia roses showered with sweet peas• She was given in marriage 'by her mother, the ceremony being per- formed by her uncle', Inc Rev. J. F.- Parke. The bridal couple stood dur- ing the ceremony between pedestals of flowers and evergreen. Goldenrod, astors nnd sweetpeas formed the fler. al decorations in the living room. Miss Joy .Lobb, sister of. the bride.' groom, played the Wedding music and during Inc signing pf the. register, Mr. Frank Lobb sang, "The Sunshine. of Your Smile." After the ceremony and when 'the newly -wedded pair had received Vas congratulations of those present,, they led the way to the dining room, where the wedding breakfast was served. Astors were' used in decora- tion here and proved very affective.; About forty guests were present, After breakfast the bride slipped, away and donned her travelling cos- tume, a suit of nigger brown, with corsage of georgette, and French hat, and they took the afternoon traia farlootn Clinton for a honeymoon tole. to Toronto, Niagara Falls and But - 1 Mr., and Mrs. Lobb, o11 their re- turn, will reside at Atherton-on-the4 Maitland. They are both popular ng the township and haVe the good wish.. es,of a host of friends for future prosperity and happiness. Baufield Mr. Samuel Turner, wife and son, Lawrence Turner, Mr, and Mrs.: Bruce Menery, Detroit, and Mrs. Robert Turner of 'Vale, Mich., were Inc guests of Mrs. John Reid the -past week. Miss Little, of the Goshen Line, Stanley, spent the' week -end as the guest of Mrs. Will Robinsoa of Lake- side Park. Miss Grace Weir of New York was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F.. Keegan, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingerich and family and Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch and child of Blalee wore the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. S. Kipfer on Sunday last. Mr. Ernest Wallis and wife of Sar- nia are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. William Sturgeen. A large number from the village are taking in the Fair this week at Leedom Mr. John Tippet spent a few days Inc past week at London. Mn. Robt, Bailey of the Sterling Bank, Dungannon, spent the week -end at his home in Inc village. Rev. R. 13. Steveilson, M.A., of Stratford occupied Inc pulpit of the Methodist Mitch ou Sunday morn- ing last in Inc, interests . of , the Lord's Day Alliance. Mrs. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. George Chesney of Seaforth and son, air. Milton Chesney of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and airs. Fmk Keegan on Labor Day. Miss Clara Moore, who has spent the past two months .under the pat - ental roof, xeturned to her. home at Detroit on Sunday last. Miss Hilda King took in the ex- cersion on Inc Greyhound to Detroit/ last week, blaster Roland Reid returned home to Owen Sound after spending the past two months with his grand- mother, Mrs, Richard McDool of Bay field Constance Mr, and Mrs. John Riley and fam- ily of Seaforth spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ben Riley_ bit, and Mrs. Trott or Seaforth spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.: Ben Riley, While Alvin Dale,, son of 'Mr. Geo. Dale, was ethabing a tree on Sundays morning, be slipped and tell breaking a bone in his hand.. On Tuesday the wife of Ernest Attains presented her husband with a bouncing baby boy. Both are doing Airs. Ross and Inc Mimes Munroe of Brucelleld and Mrs. Sandy McIn- tosh of Dakota visited at Mt. and. ans. 141eIntosIt's on Sunday. Quite a number from around here are attending the London Fair this week. Master Clarence nark hits taken a position with a firm In Stratford, learn engineeriag. Quito a number tvota around hero attended Inc funeral of the 'late Sack Rands, formerly of Hulett, on Sun- day at Inc Constance cemetery, Ile leaves three sons T.evi Joe and Jack and two daughters, Annie at hoine and Mrs, Jones ot 'London. Mr. George Clark left lIdIPridityi to resume his studies in music Toronto,- t 4 1 INCORPORATED 1855 ••••••.•-••••••••• [HE , : ; , • .7. , • : ' • : • • I . a iJ • ------ MOLSONS BANii Capital and Reserve $8 800,000 Over 100 Branches The Molsons Bank eflers you a safe and convenient depositary for your Money, and allows you interest on same. The rise of cheques obviates carrying sums of money when paying accounts, Moreover such payments cannot be disputed. Over 100 Branches throughout Canada give the best possible attention to the banking requirements of any Molsons Bank ells- to niers. • H. R. Shaip, Manager, Clinton Branch i i : a s a 2 1 ..11.. .... ..... •4110.011 IMMIS111•1.0.11116=7.2116.6 .1.11301111.1•11101111• READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 2 he glorrish Clothing Co. ORDERED CLOTHING The Very Suit You Want is Here That's one big advantage of corning here for a suit Our stock is so com- plete in assortment of styles and range of value that no matter what style of a suit you have' in mind or what price you want to pay, you are al- most certain to find it here. Menbs Suits $18.00 to $50.00 Bogs' Suits $3.00 to $22.50 THE MOORISH CLOTHING CO• . Motto : "A Square Deal for Every Mau." WILL , RECEIVE, , Mrs. S, ,E, aHeltegney.avill be at home the first and third Thursdays Of eaob month during the Season. THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat $1.08. Oats 760. l3ar1ey $1.10. Butter 50e, • Eggs 49e to 50c. Dried Apples 10c. Live Hogs DRIED APPLES HIGH. Messrs. Cantelon /3ros, have been paying 10 (lents per pound for dried apples, during the past 'week, This is the bighest price ever paid in . the memory of this firm, but Mr, P: Cayf: telon assures The News -Record that the price will in all probability be maintained. LATE STRAWBERRIES. Mr. _Albert Seeley, who gets in a bit of gardening along with his.many other acaivities, hadl ripe strawber- ries for tea on Sunday picked from his own viaes. The berries are the over -bearing variety and if they go on bearing such samples as were picked the other day a few such vin- es in the garden should prove. ex- ceedingly useful and profitable. LITTLE LOCALS. October 20th has been set as the date of the Referendum vote, Mr. A. Morris has had his house shingled with asphalt roofing and it seems to be a particularly good job. The council met in committee on Monday night and diteussed side- walks and other matters. A special meeting will be called to settle the matter of building cement walks, etc. Miss Belle Draper's name has been entered as a candidate in the London Fee Press European Battlefields Tour contest. 141iss Draper . a popular young lady who ought to be successful. Mr, McMurtie of IIensall is with the Maisons Bank for the time being. He is taking charge of the new bran- ch, at Londesboro during three days of the week. • A SEPTEMBER WEDDING-. The marriage of Annie E., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mennel, to Mr. Harold T. Zeats, son of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Zeds of Grata enhurst, took )place quietly in St, Paul's church yesterday afternoon at two caclook. The young couple were unattended and, the ceretnoey was performed by the Rev. 8. E. McKegney, rector of St. Paul's. The bride wore her travelling suit ot .blue serge,. with large Royal blue hat, and wore a corsage,bouquet of cream roses. The bride received many handsome gifts, the groom's gift being a set of Siberian fox furs. Mr. and Mrs. Zeats left the same afternoon for a short honeymoon at the lakeside at Goderich, before go- ing to their home. in Toronto, Micro the groom holds a responsible posi- tion. Tbe bride has many friends, in her home town, who extend;good -wishes that her married life may be happy and prosperous. AMONG THE CI-ILIRCHES. St. 'Paul's Church Holy Communion at eleven on Sun- day moaning; Evenaang at seven. The preacher will be the Rev. J. Edmonds. Baptist Church Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will speak at both services, Evening subject "The Wonder of the, Ttaentietli Century," Willis Church • Rev. J. E. I3ogg returned from his vacation last week and occupied his own. pulpit on Sunday, Ile will ais.o preach next Sunday. The Sunday school and Bible class have gone f•tak to, their old hour of meeting, two - thirty in the alternoot, beginning last Sunday. ,Ont. St. Church The pastor, Rev. S. Anderson, preened last Sunday. and will preach at both services on Sunday next, In the morning his subject aill be "Prohibition," and in the evening : "The Citizen's Liberty League." Tho League meeting on Monday night was in charge of the Mission- ary committee, Readings were given by Misses MaUd Wiltse and Emma Plumsteel. Miss Melina Cornish played an instrumental. The topic was taken by Miss Pearl Shipley, "A West Cigna Mission Field.' Wesley Church The Sacrament; of the Lord's Sup- per was administered at the morn- ing service on Sunday, the pastor being assisted by the Rev. T. J. ShoWdom 'Ile pastor preached both morning and evening. On Monday evening the 'League re - Slimed its meetings after the sum- mer vacation. The pastor presided anti an interesting program was giv- eit, four papers ,being read on the eubject "A Christian and Ills Holiday." Miss Annie Stewart sang a Selo Very Meetly during the. even - Mg. Next Monday evening the ',ae- gis) will entertain the stiidents, from the Model selipol, collegiate and School of Cornirteree, MEET TOMORROW EVENING. The Girls' Auxiliary will ineetat seven o'clock 'Fraley • evening. Int - Portant business is to bo transacted and curtains for the hospital hem- med. TI -IE LO.O.F. DECORATION. The members of the will meet in their lodge room on Sunday afternoon and march out in a body to the cemetery where they will bold their annual decoratiort service, This year a memorial service will also be held at the close of the decoration service. This bas become a feature with the Oddfellows and the service is always attended by; a number of others outside the ‚organization. THE DOHERTYS • On Friday evening last the Doher- ty baseball team went to Goderich and won from the county than by the score of 8-2. The Dohertys were helped out by 141. MeEwan and le. Rumball of the town team, This was the first game the Dohertys played out of town but they played a good game and proved that they have got over any tendency to stage fight. The decisions of, the umpire were con- sidered very erratic at times. The The following was the local lineup : J. Carter lb., W. Fulford 2b, 0, Draper ea., W. Welsh 3b., E. dooper p., F. Rumball c., N. Anderson c.f., M. IticEwan LI., R. Schrenk r.f. BUSINESS CHANdE. Mr. J. A. Ford and Mr. A. Mc- Leod, who have carried on a flour and feed business on, the "Midway" far some years, have dissolved part- nership, the business to be continued by the former. .'Or it might be Ford .li Son, as a new cotnbination. The -firm of Ford and McLeod has been successful and we predict for its suc- cessor or successors, as the case may be, a continued success. We are glad to announcethat Mr. aleLecel has no intention of leaving Clinton, where he has a most com- fortable and cosy home, but he will go into the hay 'pressing business. We bespeak for him also a generous measure. of success. REAL ESTATE CHANGES. Mr. Harry Cook, who has been re- siding -on the- Huron Road; east, fOr some years, has bought a house on. North street and will shortly, come into town. Mr. Donald McDonald has sold his property on Raglan street to Mr, Edward Smith of Isaac street and has . taken Mr, Smith's cottage in exchange, Mr. W. J. Biggart has bought of J. TaylOr the house on Victoria, street, north at the Hospital, for some time occupied by Mrs. 13randield, and is getting settled therein. Mr. Biggert's father formerly resided there so that he will feel quite at home. Mrs.- 13ramfield has moved, to a cottage on the south side of Ontario street, Mr. Guy Hicks, who recently sold his farm on the eleventh concession of Goderich township, has purchased' the residence of the late Mrs. Geo, Hanley on Ontario street and will move into town in November. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks will be ',very wel- come in Clinton and we ttust they will enjoy their residence here. Mrs. HcCorvie has sold her resi- dence on Huron street to Mr. G. B. Harris, superintendent of the Knit- ting factory. This is a substantial and 'rpoiny house of brick, with a nice garden attached, and • will maim a pleasant home for Mr, Harris and family. It is at present occupied by Mr. Higgins. DEATH OF MRS. J. NOBLE., Death came very suddenly to Mrs. J. Noble of Joseph street on Mon- day. The deceased was not in the best of health but was going about her daily duties as usual ou Monday, her son-in-law, Mr. Jackson of lord, having had dinner with iter at noon. About the middle of the af- ternoon neighbors found her lying in her garden, where she loved to be, but life was extinct when she was discovered. Heart failure was the caus4 of death. Mrs. Noble was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, seventy-seven years ago. She mina to Canada with her hasband, the 'late ,Ierratt Noble of HUllett, ili 1804, They set- tled in Kellett, on the Huron Road, the farm how occupied by their son. Twenty-six years ago Mr. Noble died and eight years,ago Mrs. Noble came to Clinton, where sbe lived in her owe comfortable home during the Mimeo months. But for the past few years she had spent her winters with her datighter in Stratford. Mrs. Noble was a Mealy, neighbor- ly, woman, one Who had many friends and who was fond of her friends and devoted to her family. She was an Anglican, being a member of $t. Paid's church. Seven sons and one daughter survive W. T. and James E. Noble of East Wawaimsh, George F. and Samuel of Volootivor, Jeremiah of Adanite, Sask., John of the Heron Road and Mrs. H. M. Jackson, Stratford, The funeral 'will ;gab plate from her late haze at WI ost We this afternoon, ENG A ClEMENT ANNOUNCED., Mr. John Id, Wylie announces the engagement of his youngest .datigh- ter, Ethel Maude, to Mr, R, Ray, Lounsbury of North Bay, son of the late E. Townsend Lounsbury and Mrs, Lounsbury., The wedding will tcallicnotQpnli,teeon quietly at The Manse, Sept, 24th. HAVE YOU ANY GOOD ONES 1 The Horticultural Society will hold their annual Flower Show on Friday and Saturday of this week in the of- hee of Mr. Stothers, Agricultural Representative. Prizes wilt be given for all classes of flowers. The citi- zens are requested to enter exhibits and'ato have them at Mr. Stothers' office on Friday before three p.m. MORE SUCI-6ES8FUL STUDENTS: The following Clinton Collegiate students were successful in Passing their matriculation examination : Group I—W. 0. Cooper, J. Meldur- chie, G. R. MacKay, L, M. Potter, H. D. Rattenbury, H. I, Ross, F. M. Smallacombe, J. R. Townshend, C. L. Tyndall. Group 2--H. K. Dowzer, ,(Phys., liaGaibero.oni0up.: .3—Marion 11: Gibbings, DEATH OF MRS. A. SMALL. The death occurred on Saturday last of Mrs. Alice Small, daughter of the late James Smith and Mrs. Smith of Clinton. The 'late Mks, Small' had been ailing for a couple of years or so and her deniise was not unexpected. The funeral took place on, Monday afternoon, the services being con- ducted by the Rev. E. 0. Porde. In- terment was made in Clinton cem- etery, SCHOOL FAIR, SEPT. 300. 1dr. 8, B. Stothers has been ab- sent attending School Fairs in var- ious parts ofthe county this week, He reports them as very successful. Clinton School Pair will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 30th and preparations for it are as complete as possible to date, A very successful event is an- ticipated. As this- is the first fair ever held in connection with this school it is hoped that everyone will take an interest and do, what is poss- ible to make it a success. HAS SOLD FINE FARM. Mr. George Holland, who recently bought a farm near Kippen and who has been residing on it since spring, has sold the farm non' to Mr. Geo. Glenn of Henson. Mr, Glenn does not get possession Until January of 1021. Mr. Holland, speaking of the deal, said : "It is one of the best farms in the district and has every improvement you could wish for.'' The farm is situated on the London Road and was formerly known as the MeMordie farm. It is hoped that Mr. Holland, when be again settles down, will find a place nearer Clin- ton. For the family has hosts of friends alt about here, having lived so long in Goderich township. MET IN BLYTH TUESDAY. The September meeting of Inc Huron Presbytery was held in Blyth oil Tuesday, routine business being transacted. At the same time and place the setni-annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial, the Women's Mission- ary Society, was held. The follow- ing ladies attended from Clinton : Mrs. Gunn, Mrs. O'Neil, Mrs. Tor - mace, Mrs. Saville, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. Hogg, Mrs, Chambers, Mrs, Cree, Mrs. Greig, airs. Grigg, 'Mrs. Grant, Mrs, Fair, Mrs. CurtisaMrs. MeEwan, bliss Taylor and Miss COW - i118. Mrs. Fair of Clinton gave .a re- port of the Provincial meeting held in Guelph ; Rev. A. E. Armstrong, General Secretary of Inc Foreign Mission Board, addressed the meet - 1118 and also Miss' Rennie, Provincial Secretary ot Mission Bands. 11' WAS GOOD 13.ASEBALL. In commenting on the baseball gam- es played on Labor Day in the %m- in Tournament The Herald last week, said, describing the game be- tween Goderich and Clinton : "Dick" Tasker occupied the pitcher's box for Inc latter and pitched a wonderful game., He held the Goderlch team down to a few scattered hits and by alatight support from his team mates the Clinton team won out by the score of 10-3. Earl Cooper Pit- ched for Goderich and gave a good account of himself but the heavy hitters of Inc Clinton team wete too -emelt for hI,n, . . The third game was played between Clinton and Zur- ith, This game was very exciting and kept, the crowd on edge until the last man was out. The Clinton pit- cher, (Butler), played a good game and several times pitched himself out of a bad hole, The Melt seemed to be against the homo team a$ in a number of innings they had men on secend and third bases but could not get the hit to ariag them bome, 111 thd first innings i tho Clinton team Made three tons but alter this our lads tightened up and heal the Ors dove to "'two ttIIII, The SOW stood 5-3 at the end and thus Clin- ton carried all drat 'money and the championship honeuts,lt • , , COUNTYEXECUTIVE MEWS, A meeting of the executive of 'Inc Huron Temperance Association was new, in Wesley church yesterday. Each municipalltY was pretty well represented and the rePresentatives repOrted Inc work in. the• Referendum campaign to be well on the way. HAS TAKEN OVER BUSINESS, Mn. Murray ,McNell has taken over the Candy Kitchen, for the past year or two conducted by 111, Georgas, and is already in possession. Murray's many friends wish him abUnda,n1 sue - cess in his new venture. Mr. Georgas leaves ,next week. for Owen Seurat, where a brother conducts a like business. People You Know Miss Viola Cool$ of Toronto is holi- daying at her home in town, Mr, and lars, E. W. Morrison attend- ed Inc London Ex. yesterday. Miss Mary Walls has -returned , from a vasit with friends at Tottenham. Mrs. W. S. Downs is visiting this week in Stratford, Listowel and Clifford. • • alias Nina Morgan of Port Stanley visited bliss Lilian Potter for a few' days during the past:week. Mr., and Mn. Samuel Hewitt of Mita chell were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Holland and Miss Mary and Mr. and Mrs, Percy Cole of Kippen motored to London Exhibition, Mrs. 3. Ouninghame and Miss Flor- ence, Mrs. Treleaven and Miss Lucile Grant were among the vis- itors at London on Tuesday. Mrs. J. L, Kyle, who has been vis- iting her sister in Toronto, has re- turned to the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13.. Lindsay. Rev, S. E. McKegney has been holi- daying but,came home to officiate at the ,marriage of Miss Mennel yesterday. Be left again this morning. Rev. J. E. Hogg. returned on. Friday from Hot Springs, Verginia, where he spent a vacation. We are pleas- ed to know that he is much im- proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. George Finch and two sons, Russel and James, have re- turned to their home in Flint, Mich., after a week's visit with the former's parents in town. Rev. W. .13, Moulton has resigned as incumbent of the alfddleton-Holmes- ville-Summerhill parish, his resig- nation to take effect in December. Ile has not yet been appointed to another parish. Mrs. W. J. Merrill and blaster Char- lie of the Base Line came over on Inc Greyhound last week after hav- ing spent a couple of weeks as the guests of Inc lady's sister, Mrs. Harry Hays of Detroit. Mrs, Worthington, who has been in CRIIMOIS, Alta., with her son, Dr, Worthington, for a year or more, is in town for a month. She is ac- companied by her daughter, Mrs. Bower, better known to her old Clinton. friends as "Pop.1' The friends of both ladies are glad to weleoine them back, Mr. P. J. Cantelon, who has been in the west for thirty-seven years', twenty-seven in Manitoba, Inc past ten in British Columbia, has sold out at Sardts, and is home to Ontario on a, visit. air, Can- telon has been visiting his brother in Wingham and is at present Inc guest of his cousin, Miss L. Rich- ardson of town.. Mrs. John Junor and Mrs. Richard Holland and two children of Sault Ste. Marie, were guests on Friday of Miss Annie Ross 'of town, leav- ing Saturday morning for Port Mc- Nichol, where they took boat for their home. They came down to attend the Toronto Exhibition and came up to visit friends in Stanley and Clinton. Mrs, Junor formerly resided in Stanley' township and has many friends there +and in God- erich towaship, as well as in town, LondesborO. Master James Roberton spent a couple of days in London this week. Miss Anne Abney is spending a week with her friend, Miss Langford of London. Mrs, Gm Moon and family re- turned after visiting -Toronto friends, Dennie Roberton is spending a fortnight at iis home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moon have re- turned after spending a week with relatives in g'oronta, Rev. 3. Abrey and family have re- turned to their home after spending a cotiple,of months camping at Ilay- fioht. Mr, and Mrs. Moor of Mount For- est called at the home of Mr. W. Brunsdan on Simday. Mr. Savage of Seaforth conducted the service in the Methodist church SUinlay. Mr, Jas. Raddell and Dennis, 'Rob - extort are taking 0, trip, to Niagara and Budalo, also taking in the ex- hibition hi London Vida Week, Popular Goderich Township Couple Married on Tuesday. • A. very pretty wedding took place. at The allaples„the home of Mrs. W. H. Elliott, Inc Bayfield Road, yes terday forenoon, when her onlyg daughter, Alma Catherine, was un- ited in marriage to. mr, Frederick Wiltiiam Lobb, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. P1. Lobb of Atherton -on -the -Mali, - land, Goderich township, The bride looked very charining in her pretty frock! of White georgette, with veil and orange blossoms anit carrying a lovely bouquet of Ophelia roses showered with sweet peas• She was given in marriage 'by her mother, the ceremony being per- formed by her uncle', Inc Rev. J. F.- Parke. The bridal couple stood dur- ing the ceremony between pedestals of flowers and evergreen. Goldenrod, astors nnd sweetpeas formed the fler. al decorations in the living room. Miss Joy .Lobb, sister of. the bride.' groom, played the Wedding music and during Inc signing pf the. register, Mr. Frank Lobb sang, "The Sunshine. of Your Smile." After the ceremony and when 'the newly -wedded pair had received Vas congratulations of those present,, they led the way to the dining room, where the wedding breakfast was served. Astors were' used in decora- tion here and proved very affective.; About forty guests were present, After breakfast the bride slipped, away and donned her travelling cos- tume, a suit of nigger brown, with corsage of georgette, and French hat, and they took the afternoon traia farlootn Clinton for a honeymoon tole. to Toronto, Niagara Falls and But - 1 Mr., and Mrs. Lobb, o11 their re- turn, will reside at Atherton-on-the4 Maitland. They are both popular ng the township and haVe the good wish.. es,of a host of friends for future prosperity and happiness. Baufield Mr. Samuel Turner, wife and son, Lawrence Turner, Mr, and Mrs.: Bruce Menery, Detroit, and Mrs. Robert Turner of 'Vale, Mich., were Inc guests of Mrs. John Reid the -past week. Miss Little, of the Goshen Line, Stanley, spent the' week -end as the guest of Mrs. Will Robinsoa of Lake- side Park. Miss Grace Weir of New York was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F.. Keegan, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingerich and family and Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch and child of Blalee wore the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. S. Kipfer on Sunday last. Mr. Ernest Wallis and wife of Sar- nia are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. William Sturgeen. A large number from the village are taking in the Fair this week at Leedom Mr. John Tippet spent a few days Inc past week at London. Mn. Robt, Bailey of the Sterling Bank, Dungannon, spent the week -end at his home in Inc village. Rev. R. 13. Steveilson, M.A., of Stratford occupied Inc pulpit of the Methodist Mitch ou Sunday morn- ing last in Inc, interests . of , the Lord's Day Alliance. Mrs. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. George Chesney of Seaforth and son, air. Milton Chesney of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and airs. Fmk Keegan on Labor Day. Miss Clara Moore, who has spent the past two months .under the pat - ental roof, xeturned to her. home at Detroit on Sunday last. Miss Hilda King took in the ex- cersion on Inc Greyhound to Detroit/ last week, blaster Roland Reid returned home to Owen Sound after spending the past two months with his grand- mother, Mrs, Richard McDool of Bay field Constance Mr, and Mrs. John Riley and fam- ily of Seaforth spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ben Riley_ bit, and Mrs. Trott or Seaforth spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.: Ben Riley, While Alvin Dale,, son of 'Mr. Geo. Dale, was ethabing a tree on Sundays morning, be slipped and tell breaking a bone in his hand.. On Tuesday the wife of Ernest Attains presented her husband with a bouncing baby boy. Both are doing Airs. Ross and Inc Mimes Munroe of Brucelleld and Mrs. Sandy McIn- tosh of Dakota visited at Mt. and. ans. 141eIntosIt's on Sunday. Quite a number from around here are attending the London Fair this week. Master Clarence nark hits taken a position with a firm In Stratford, learn engineeriag. Quito a number tvota around hero attended Inc funeral of the 'late Sack Rands, formerly of Hulett, on Sun- day at Inc Constance cemetery, Ile leaves three sons T.evi Joe and Jack and two daughters, Annie at hoine and Mrs, Jones ot 'London. Mr. George Clark left lIdIPridityi to resume his studies in music Toronto,- t 4 1